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TestNg QnA

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Importance of the TestNG Framework

TestNG (Test Next Generation) is a testing framework inspired by JUnit and NUnit but
introduces some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use. The
importance of TestNG includes:

• Annotations for better control over test cases.

• Ability to run tests in parallel.
• Flexible test configuration.
• Support for parameterized and data-driven testing.
• Detailed and customizable test reports.

Why We Use TestNG in Your Framework

We use TestNG in our framework because it:

• Provides annotations that simplify the structure and readability of test cases.
• Allows for configuration through XML files, which helps manage test suites and test
cases efficiently.
• Supports parallel test execution, which reduces test execution time.
• Generates detailed HTML reports by default, which can be further customized.
• Handles dependencies between test methods, making the test suite more robust.

Purpose of TestNG XML

The testng.xml file is used to configure and control the execution of tests. It allows us to:

• Define test suites and test cases.

• Specify the classes and methods to be executed.
• Manage the order of test execution.
• Include or exclude specific tests.
• Configure parameters for tests.

Purpose of Listeners in TestNG

Listeners in TestNG are used to modify the default behavior of TestNG. They allow you to:

• Perform actions before and after test methods, test classes, and test suites.
• Capture events like test start, test success, test failure, etc.
• Generate custom reports. Listeners are a concept specific to TestNG and not directly
related to Selenium.

Running the Same Method 100 Times in TestNG with the Same Data

You can achieve this by using the invocationCount attribute in the @Test annotation:
@Test(invocationCount = 100)
public void testMethod() {
// test code

Reporting Tool in Your Framework

A common reporting tool used in TestNG frameworks is the ExtentReports. It provides:

• Detailed and interactive HTML reports.

• Logs of test steps and results.
• Screenshots of failed test cases.
• Integration with CI/CD tools.

Questions in TestNG XML

TestNG XML is used to:

• Define test suites and test cases.

• Set parameters.
• Include/exclude tests.
• Configure listeners and reporters.

Different TestNG Annotations

• @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite
• @BeforeTest, @AfterTest
• @BeforeClass, @AfterClass
• @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod
• @Test
• @DataProvider
• @Factory

Configuring Tests in TestNG

Tests can be configured in TestNG using the testng.xml file and annotations within test classes.

What is @DataProvider?

@DataProvider is used to pass multiple sets of data to a test method:

@DataProvider(name = "dataProviderName")
public Object[][] dataProviderMethod() {
return new Object[][] { {"data1"}, {"data2"} };

@Test(dataProvider = "dataProviderName")
public void testMethod(String data) {
// test code

Difference Between @Factory and @DataProvider

• @DataProvider supplies multiple sets of data to a single test method.

• @Factory creates instances of test classes, allowing multiple test instances to run with
different parameters.

@Factory Real-Time Example

public class TestClass {
private String data;

public TestClass(String data) {

this.data = data;

public void testMethod() {
System.out.println("Data: " + data);

public class TestFactory {

public Object[] createInstances() {
return new Object[] { new TestClass("data1"), new TestClass("data2")

Test Order in TestNG

The order of test execution in TestNG can be controlled using the priority attribute in the
@Test annotation:

@Test(priority = 1)
public void testOne() {
// test code

@Test(priority = 2)
public void testTwo() {
// test code

Adding/Removing Test Cases in Testng.xml

To add/remove test cases in testng.xml, you can include or exclude methods, classes, or
<test name="TestName">
<class name="com.example.TestClass">
<include name="testMethod"/>
<exclude name="anotherTestMethod"/>

Difference Between BeforeMethod, BeforeTest, and BeforeClass

• @BeforeMethod: Runs before each test method.

• @BeforeTest: Runs before any test method in a <test> tag.
• @BeforeClass: Runs before the first method in the current class.

TestNG Annotation Hierarchy Order

1. @BeforeSuite
2. @BeforeTest
3. @BeforeClass
4. @BeforeMethod
5. @Test
6. @AfterMethod
7. @AfterClass
8. @AfterTest
9. @AfterSuite

Achieving Parallel Execution Using TestNG

Parallel execution can be configured in testng.xml:

<suite name="Suite" parallel="methods" thread-count="5">

<test name="Test">
<class name="com.example.TestClass"/>

Running Only Failed Test Cases

Failed test cases can be rerun using the testng-failed.xml file, which is generated after the
first run.

Taking Screenshot for Failed Test Cases

You can use a listener (e.g., ITestListener) to capture screenshots on test failure:

public class ScreenshotListener implements ITestListener {

public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {
// code to take a screenshot

Running the Same Tests for 10 Times

Using the invocationCount attribute:

@Test(invocationCount = 10)
public void testMethod() {
// test code

Types of Listeners
• ITestListener
• ISuiteListener
• IReporter
• IAnnotationTransformer
• IInvokedMethodListener

TestNG: Parallel Executions, Grouping

• Parallel Executions: Configured in testng.xml.

• Grouping: Use the groups attribute in the @Test annotation.

Difference Between AfterSuite and BeforeSuite

• @BeforeSuite: Runs before all tests in the suite.

• @AfterSuite: Runs after all tests in the suite.

Use of testng.xml

Used to define and configure test suites, tests, classes, methods, listeners, parameters, and
parallel execution settings.

Number of Suites in TestNG

You can have multiple suites in TestNG. Running all suites can be managed in the testng.xml

Syntax for Parallel Testing in TestNG

<suite name="Suite" parallel="methods" thread-count="5">
<test name="Test">
<class name="com.example.TestClass"/>

In parallel="methods", you can specify methods, classes, or tests.

Multiple Suites in One XML File

Yes, you can have multiple suites in one XML file. To run all suites, configure them within the
suite tags.

InvocationCount in TestNG

invocationCount is used to run a test method multiple times:

@Test(invocationCount = 5)
public void testMethod() {
// test code

Cucumber Tags and Annotations

• Tags: Used to filter and run specific scenarios or features.

• Annotations: Define steps (@Given, @When, @Then, @And, @But).

Background in Cucumber

Background is used to define a common set of steps that should be run before each scenario in a
feature file.

Difference Between Scenario and Scenario Outline

• Scenario: Runs a single set of steps with fixed data.

• Scenario Outline: Runs the same steps multiple times with different sets of data.

Skeleton of Test Runner

features = "src/test/resources/features",
glue = {"stepDefinitions"},
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports"}
public class TestRunner {
Retry Analyzer

Retry Analyzer allows re-execution of failed tests:

public class RetryAnalyzer implements IRetryAnalyzer {

private int retryCount = 0;
private static final int maxRetryCount = 3;

public boolean retry(ITestResult result) {

if (retryCount < maxRetryCount) {
return true;
return false;

Cucumber Tags and Running Combinations

Tags are used to run specific sets of scenarios. Use @CucumberOptions to specify tags:

features = "src/test/resources/features",
glue = {"stepDefinitions"},
tags = "@tag1 and @tag2"

Difference Between Hooks and Tags

• Hooks: Special blocks of code that run before or after each scenario (@Before, @After).
• Tags: Used to filter which scenarios to run.

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