4ms Seq 1 Lesson 13 I Learn To Integrate
4ms Seq 1 Lesson 13 I Learn To Integrate
4ms Seq 1 Lesson 13 I Learn To Integrate
Sequence: 03 Me and my health I LEARN TO INTEGRATE
Tim Focu
FW Procedure Rationale Aids vakt
e s
T greets the Lrs & welcomes them.
T/L V+
T asks his Lrs about :
Brainstorm & A
What do they eat usually? L/T
Warm up
review prior
Do they eat healthy food?
Do they exercise regularly?
T splits Lrs into small groups, she sets the roles
T asks the Lrs to open their books on page 100 and invites the
Lrs to read the situation:
T/L Present the
Nacer, my Tunisian friend, is overweight. He wants to know
what kind of diet my Algerian dietitian recommends because situation V
he knows I have the same problem. I'm going to send him a
detailed email in which I explain my doctor's dietary advice
recommendations about food and exercise. I am also going to
send him a weekly diet plan and a typical daily menu as
attached documents. L/T
T asks the Lrs to read the situation and he underlines the key
T asks the learners to complete the missing information in the Collect relevant
table on (page 100). data.
the board
T presents the layout of the target text
Lexis related to
healthy food: (fruit, L/L
vegetables, meat, fish, V
poultry, dairy products,
bread, drinks, etc.).
Lexis related to
physical exercise (indoor
and outdoor activities):
(gym: stretching, riding L/T
the stationary bike,
weight training, brisk
walking, treadmill,
jogging, etc.).
Lexis related to
different meals of the day:
(breakfast, lunch,
Lexis related to
different courses of a
meal: (starter, main
course, side dishes,
Lrs start working on the resources gathered. Lrs need to
sheets of papers
T helps the Lrs to engage in the tasks by controlling, team up and K
Lexis related to days collaborate to
monitoring and offering his help whenever needed. L/L
of the week (weekdays gather the data
T asks and helps(Sunday,
weekends): the Lrs to check and correct the mistakes
before presenting
Monday, Tuesday,their final production.
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Sunday).
Structural lexis related
to obligation and advice:
(must, mustn't, should,
Imperative mode:
(eat…, drink …, don't
Lrs are invited to correct their mistakes then each speaker is
invited to present her/his group’s work. T/L
Lrs choose one work; they write it on the board then all the Lrs
correct the mistakes. L/T
Text sample :
Dear Nacer;
P ost writing
I'm sending you a detailed and typical daily menu that should
be balanced. The typical daily menu for lunch is a salad (lettuce,
tomatoes, olive oil and a lemon) as a starter, and for the main course
and side dishes, a grilled poultry (turkey escalope) on Saturday, Share info with
the board
Monday and Wednesday. And (chicken leg) on Sunday, Tuesday and the whole class MI
Thursday or two boiled eggs instead of meat. And a veg (peas, carrots, and involve LLs
green beans, cabbage or spinach). For dinner, a vegetable soup as a in peer and grp
starter, a veg as a main course and grilled fish at weekends. For dessert,
one fruit (an apple, an orange or one strawberry). Concerning drinks,
you should drink only water or herbal tea.
At breakfast, you should have tea, cereals, skimmed milk, orange or
lemon juice.
You should exercise (stretching/riding the stationary bike/
weight training/brisk walking/treadmill/ etc.) during weekdays and
jogging in the morning during weekends.
Keep in touch,
My best wishes,
Bye for now
PS: Please find attached a weekly diet plan and a typical daily menu.
Finally, the Lrs are invited to copy the report on their