Busqueda de Fallas en Bombas Centrifugas 5

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1. It is important to correct for the specific gravity of the liquid and to convert all
terms to units of "feet absolute" in using the formula.
2. Any discussion of NPSH or cavitation is only concerned about the suction side of
the pump. There is almost always plenty of pressure on the discharge side of the
pump to prevent the fluid from vaporizing.

NPSHa in a nutshell

In a nutshell, NPSH available is defined as:

NPSHa = Pressure head + Static head - Vapor pressure head of your product – Friction
head loss in the piping, valves and fittings.

“All terms in feet absolute”

In an existing system, the NPSHa can also be approximated by a gauge on the
pump suction using the formula:

NPSHa = hpS - hvpS hgS + hvS

 hpS = Barometric pressure in feet absolute.

 hvpS = Vapor pressure of the liquid at maximum pumping temperature, in feet

 hgS = Gauge reading at the pump suction expressed in feet (plus if above
atmospheric, minus if below atmospheric) corrected to the pump centerline.

 hvS = Velocity head in the suction pipe at the gauge connection, expressed in feet.
Significance of NPSHr and NPSHa

The NPSH available must always be greater than the NPSH required for the pump to
operate properly. It is normal practice to have at least 2 to 3 feet of extra NPSH
available at the suction flange to avoid any problems at the duty point.

Power and Efficiency

Brake Horse Power (BHP)

The work performed by a pump is a function of the total head and the weight of the
liquid pumped in a given time period.

Pump input or brake horsepower (BHP) is the actual horsepower delivered to the pump

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I

By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com
Pump output or hydraulic or water horsepower (WHP) is the liquid horsepower delivered
by the pump. These two terms are defined by the following formulas.

The constant 3960 is obtained by dividing the number or foot-pounds for one horsepower
(33,000) by the weight of one gallon of water (8.33 pounds).

BHP can also be read from the pump curves at any flow rate. Pump curves are based on
a specific gravity of 1.0. Other liquids’ specific gravity must be considered.
The brake horsepower or input to a pump is greater than the hydraulic horsepower or
output due to the mechanical and hydraulic losses incurred in the pump.

Therefore the pump efficiency is the ratio of these two values.

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I

By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com
Best Efficiency Point (BEP)

The H, NPSHr, efficiency, and BHP all vary with flow rate, Q. Best Efficiency
Point (BEP) is the capacity at maximum impeller diameter at which the efficiency is
highest. All points to the right or left of BEP have a lower efficiency.

Significance of BEP
BEP as a measure of optimum energy conversion

When sizing and selecting centrifugal pumps for a given application the pump
efficiency at design should be taken into consideration. The efficiency of centrifugal
pumps is stated as a percentage and represents a unit of measure describing the change of
centrifugal force (expressed as the velocity of the fluid) into pressure energy. The B.E.P.
(best efficiency point) is the area on the curve where the change of velocity energy into
pressure energy at a given gallon per minute is optimum; in essence, the point where the
pump is most efficient.
BEP as a measure of mechanically stable operation

The impeller is subject to non-symmetrical forces when operating to the right or left
of the BEP. These forces manifest themselves in many mechanically unstable conditions
like vibration, excessive hydraulic thrust, temperature rise, and erosion and separation
cavitation. Thus the operation of a centrifugal pump should not be outside the furthest
left or right effic iency curves published by the manufacturer. Performance in these areas
induces premature bearing and mechanical seal failures due to shaft deflection, and an
increase in temperature of the process fluid in the pump casing causing seizure of close
tolerance parts and cavitation.
BEP as an important parameter in calculations
BEP is an important parameter in that many parametric calculations such as specific
speed, suction specific speed, hydrodynamic size, viscosity correction, head rise to shut-
off, etc. are based on capacity at BEP. Many users prefer that pumps operate within 80%
to 110% of BEP for optimum performance.

Specific Speed
Specific speed as a measure of the geometric similarity of pumps

Specific speed (Ns) is a non-dimensional design index that identifies the geometric
similarity of pumps. It is used to classify pump impellers as to their type and proportions.
Pumps of the same Ns but of different size are considered to be geometrically similar,
one pump being a size-factor of the other.
Specific speed Calculation

The following formula is used to determine specific speed:

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I
By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com
As per the above formula, it is defined as the speed in revolutions per minute at which a
geometrically similar impeller would operate if it were of such a size as to deliver one
gallon per minute flow against one-foot head.
The understanding of this definition is of design engineering significance only, however,
and specific speed should be thought of only as an index used to predict certain pump

Specific speed as a measure of the shape or class of the impellers

The specific speed determines the general shape or class of the impellers. As the specific
speed increases, the ratio of the impeller outlet diameter, D2, to the inlet or eye diameter,
D1, decreases. This ratio becomes 1.0 for a true axial flow impeller. Radial flow
impellers develop head principally through centrifugal force. Radial impellers are
generally low flow high head designs. Pumps of higher specific speeds develop head
partly by centrifugal force and partly by axial force. A higher specific speed indicates a
pump design with head generation more by axial forces and less by centrifugal forces.
An axial flow or propeller pump with a specific speed of 10,000 or greater generates its
head exclusively through axial forces. Axial flow impellers are high flow low head

 Specific speed identifies the approximate acceptable ratio of the impeller eye
diameter (D1) to the impeller maximum diameter (D2) in designing a good

Ns: 500 to 5000; D1/D2 > 1.5 - radial flow pump

Ns: 5000 to 10000; D1/D2 < 1.5 - mixed flow pump
Ns: 10000 to 15000; D1/D2 = 1 - axial flow pump

Specific speed is also used in designing a new pump by size-factoring a smaller

pump of the same specific speed. The performance and construction of the
smaller pump are used to predict the performance and model the construction of
the new pump.

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I

By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com
Suction specific speed (Nss)
Suction specific speed (Nss) is a dimensionless number or index that defines the
suction characteristics of a pump. It is calculated from the same formula as Ns by
substituting H by NPSHr.

In multi-stage pump the NPSHr is based on the first stage impeller NPSHR.

Specific speed as a measure of the safe operating range

Nss is commonly used as a basis for estimating the safe operating range of
capacity for a pump. The higher the Nss is, the narrower is its safe operating
range from its BEP. The numbers range between 3,000 and 20,000. Most users
prefer that their pumps have Nss in the range of 8000 to 11000 for optimum and
trouble-free operation.
The Affinity Laws

The Affinity Laws are mathematical expressions that define changes in pump capacity,
head, and BHP when a change is made to pump speed, impeller diameter, or both.
According to Affinity Laws:

 Capacity, Q changes in direct proportion to impeller diameter D ratio, or to

speed N ratio:

Q2 = Q1 x [D2/D1]
Q2 = Q1 x [N2/N1]
 Head, H changes in direct proportion to the square of impeller diameter D
ratio, or the square of speed N ratio:
H2 = H1 x [D2/D1]2
H2 = H1 x [N2/N1]2

 BHP changes in direct proportion to the cube of impeller diameter ratio, or the
cube of speed ratio:

BHP2 = BHP1 x [D2/D1]3

BHP2 = BHP1 x [N2/N1]3

Where the subscript: 1 refers to initial condition, 2 refer to new condition

If changes are made to both impeller diameter and pump speed the equations can be
combined to:

Q2 = Q1 x [(D2xN2)/(D1xN1)]
H2 = H1 x [(D2xN2)/(D1xN1)] 2

BHP2 = BHP1 x [(D2xN2)/(D1xN1)]3

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I
By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com
This equation is used to hand-calculate the impeller trim diameter from a given pump
performance curve at a bigger diameter.
The Affinity Laws are valid only under conditions of constant efficiency.

Understanding Centrifugal Pump Performance Curves

The capacity and pressure needs of any system can be defined with the help of a
graph called a system curve. Similarly the capacity vs. pressure variation graph for a
particular pump defines its characteristic pump performance curve.

The pump suppliers try to match the system curve supplied by the user with a
pump curve that satisfies these needs as closely as possible. A pumping system operates
where the pump curve and the system resistance curve intersect. The intersection of the
two curves defines the operating point of both pump and process. However, it is
impossible for one operating point to meet all desired operating conditions. For example,
when the discharge valve is throttled, the system resistance curve shift left and so does
the operating point.

Figure D.01: Typical system and pump performance curves

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I

By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com

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