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Improving Students Reading Comprehension Through

Siti Jubaidah Sustained Silent Reading At SMP Pancabudi Medan
Nurmahyuni Asrul2
Dwi Suci Amaniarsih3

The purpose of this study is to improve students' reading understanding through the Sustained
silent reading technique on the eighth grade of SMP Panca Budi who has problems in reading
comprehension in narrative text in the 2023/2024 academic year. The subjects of this study
amounted to 30 students. This study uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) that contains of
four stages, they are: Planning, Implementation of Action, Observation, and Reflection. This
study is consist in 3 meetings. The first meeting is for the pretest, and cycle one and two
meetings for cycle two. According the score of the research in chapter IV, the researcher
concludes that the student's reading comprehension skills in the narrative text had increased.
it might be see in the score of cycle one and cycle two. The average value in cycle one is
66,1 out of 30 students with a class percentage of 21%. There are some students who do not
reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). In cycle two, in first meeting the average
score is 69,8 and the class percentage is 39 % and then the second meeting the average score
is 76,1 with the class percentage is 72% . This condition can be concluded that most students
pass the criteria. It means that students achieve the minimum completeness criteria and scores
in cycle two have increased.
Keyword : Sustained silent reading, Classroom Action Research (CAR), Students'
reading comprehension, Narrative text

Siti Jubaidah, English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Prima
Indonesia University, sitiaidaj18@gmail.com
Nurmahyuni Asrul, English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Prima
Indonesia University, nurmahyuniasrul@unprimdn.ac.id
Dwi Suci Amaniarsih, English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Potensi Utama University, amaniarsih86@gmail.com
Reading is one of the abilities in language. The act of reading is a behavior that allows
us to gain knowledge from the text we read by understanding it. While reading, it usually
comprises the suggested message ( concealed definitions) and communicating (which means
that is conveyed) at the moment of reading. According to Anderson 1985 : 230 (reported in
Nuha.A, 2019) states Reading as the process of making meaning from written texts. It needed
the harmony of a lot of related sources of information.
Reading involves remembering, comprehending, interpreting, and analyzing written
content. In accordance with Sillahi's assertion, reading is crucial for expanding one's
knowledge and obtaining information about a variety of topics ( Khairunnisa. I. P ,2023).
Many junior high school students are discovered to have trouble reading an english material.
During a pre-interview with the English teacher. In such a situation, there were various things
that can cause an issue and impair Students' comprehension of reading in junior high school.
The first aspect is students’ motivations and their approach to the reading process in English
classes. Another factor is the teacher who is unable to employ the right reading approach
(Reza A. et al, 2018).
According to a different study, reading is just as important for students or those
learning a second language for academic purposes as any other ability. Learners got access to
a wealth of knowledge through reading. Additionally, it is thought that reading proficiency
might increase vocabulary and facilitate knowledge retrieval for students because there is a
greater abundance of material available on the internet and in books (Is’adatul.J 2022).
Besides, reading skill is believed can boost the number of vocabulary and make learners
easier to find information since the number of information on internet and books are much
more written in English (Sofyan, F. M, et al, 2019).
According to Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, and Wilkinson, reading is a basic life skill. It
is cornerstone for a child’s success in school and, indeed, throught life. Without the capacity
to read properly, prospects for personal fulfillment and job success will undoubtedly be
missed. Meanwhile, according to Snow, Burns, and Griffin, reading is one of the challenging
areas in the education system. The everincreasing demand for high levels of literacy in our
technological society makes this problem even more pressing ( Khairunnisa. I. P ,2023).
Roger Farr (reported in Anjas Ismail,2019) states that “Reading is the heart of
education. A reader's ability to comprehend a book depends on the number of words they
have mastered; the more words they can comprehend, the easier it will be for them to
comprehend the text they are reading. The lack of reading abilities among secondary school
children is a major problem for educators and decision-makers. It take place as a result of the
students' lack of interest in reading, which may have been brought on by their ignorance
about the value of reading. One of the factors can also be the teaching aspect, such as
teachers that implement the reading learning paradigm in a boring manner.
Drawing from the first chapter researcher's opinion on reading as well as the two
other researchers' opinions, it can be said that reading proficiency had a significant impact on
language acquisition because it is linked to other skills and affects an individual's knowledge
base. Reading proficiency is the ability to comprehend written material and gather
information that can expand one's vocabulary. The Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading
(USSR) is first proposed by Lyman Hunt at the University of Vermont in the 1960’s, and by
the 1970’s it is being implemented in the public school system. Four decades later, it is
known by a variety of names: High Intensity Practice (HIP) and Motivation in Middle School
(MIMS), Free Voluntary Reading (FVR), Positive Outcomes While Enjoying Reading
(POWER), Drop Everything and Read (DEAR), but perhaphs the most commonly used name
is Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) (Terry L.J,et al, 2022).
Silent reading is one of techniques of reading activity. Understanding what the writer
is trying to convey through his work or obtaining knowledge is what reading itself entails.
Whether in a classroom setting or not, a reading exercise that helped students retain
knowledge can be completed anywhere. In order to obtain additional information, silent
reading is the practice of reading a text silently and solely with the reader's heart (Febi
D.Y. ,2023).
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) has some porpose that give advantages students.
Hopkins mentions that there were some purposes. There are: 1. This strategy to provide the
students to read their own choocing material, second, they also will get new vocabulary
during reading activity 2. Students will also be confident in their reading abilities, which will
encourage their desire to read a lot in their own time. 3. The students could know the value of
reading and make them to be the lifelong readers and learners (Bunya. S, 2020).
As the explanation above, the data from observations made, researchers find that the
students of SMP Panca Budi also face the same struggle. The majority of the students having
struggle for fully understand content written in English. Many students have flawless reading
comprehension of the passage, yet they were unable to respond to the questions. They are
able to speak the words, but they are unable to understand their meaning. Reading materials
are challenging for them to understand. The author also noted that the teacher just instructed
the students to read, and then they are required to respond to a question without first
providing an elaboration of the material. Consequently, the students which could not
comprehend what’s exactly they stated. The students are unable to properly respond to all of
the questions as a result. The teacher must choose the best method or approach to teach the
kids how to read critically in this situation.
A teacher must think of as a primary duty how to create the reading course that
offered methods and approaches for helped students comprehend the idea that the creator has
when writing the text. Many professionals dealing with reading comprehension have
addressed numerous ways and solutions. Sustained Silent Reading is one of the methods
thattwill be presented here. According to Gardiner ( reported in rachman, 2019) explaines
that Sustained Silent Reading was time to read together in class in silence or quietly and
during class the students were allowed to read their own reading and read independently. The
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) method is one component of whole language developed by
Routman and Frooze which was a time-limited silent reading activity which is a continuation
of initial reading (Natalia,2021).
By applying the SSR technique, For a set amount of time, students read silently.
However, this did not imply that they read silently. The students could make a sound out
words in response. SSR technique was not required to say every phrase out. When a student
apply silent reading, he or she merely said the word in mind, with no regarding intonation,
emphasis, or pronunciation. The students could also chose books, text, and other reading
materials that interest them, and they would read more if they were shown how to make time
for reading ( Erviyanti, E.,et al, 2024).
Good readers interact with what they are reading by use considering their knowledge
of language and words. This assisted them in deriving meanings derived by the written
words. For this reason, text comprehension is significant, the writer suggested using SSR in
reading instruction because it encourages reading and let students engaged with the text.
Considering The explanation that follows above, the writer is enthusiastic in carrying out a
study entitled “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Sustained Silent
Reading at Smp Pancabudi Medan”.
According to the context of this research, identification of the problems is formulated
following the students' reading comprehension abilities prior to implementing the Sustained
Silent Reading Strategy. The students' abilities in reading comprehension after employing the
sustained silent reading strategy, the difference between the students’ ability in reading
comprehension before and afterrusing the Sustained Silent Reading Strategy in understanding
narrative text. The researcher aims to improve students' reading comprehension using the
Sustained Silent Reading Method, with a concentrate on literal understanding.
Based on the elaboration above, the researcher formulated the research problem
following How were the students' abilities in reading comprehension before and after
adopting the Sustained Silent Reading strategy, How great was the disparity between the
students' abilities in reading understanding Previously and thereafter, employ the Sustained
Silent Reading technique who had problems in reading comprehension in narrative text.
From the research background provided above, the study's goal is to determine
students' reading comprehension abilities prior to implementing the Sustained Silent Reading
(SSR) approach. To assess students' reading comprehension abilities before and after
implementing the Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) approach on narrative text, as well as to
find any noteworthy differences.
This study had various implications. Basically, this study informs teachers that the
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) approach can be employed as an alternate method of reading
in the teaching strategy on understanding narrative text and It is hoped that this research
would be developed by the next researcher in different skill and participants. In theory, this
study could help with the teaching-learning process by examining the impact of the Sustained
Silent Reading (SSR) technique in understanding narrative text.

The study complied with the main workings of Classroom ActionnResearch (CAR)
thattcontainnof fourrstages, they are: Planning, Implementation Action, Observation, and
Reflection ( Arikunto,2020).
In this classroom action research was administered during cycle I to assess the
students' proficiency with the Sustained Silent Reading Method for reading comprehension.
Following the discovery of cycle I results, the researcher proceeded with cycle II in an effort
to enhance students' reading comprehension skills by utilizing the Sustained Silent Reading
(SSR) Method.
This classroom action research conducted at SMP Panca Budi that located in medan
and consist of 30 students. The focus of this study is the second grade students in 2023-2024
academic years. the subject selected by the researcher to analyse reading comprehension
skills after applying the SSR method.
Technique of Collecting Data done by some steps, The first was a pretest. Before
beginning the program, students were given a pre-test to determine their reading proficiency.
The instructor informed students to read text before administering the Sustained Silent
Reading. The second is treatment. The teacher opened class during the first teach session.
The instructor presented the text for the students. The instructor explained to the students
about sustained silent reading. The instructor assigned reading material based on the standard
of students' abilities. The children read silently for the entire fifteen untill twenty minutes. In
the following twenty untill twenty five minutes, the teacher designed the exercises as
response: The instructor went over sharing reading materials with students. The instructor
then informed and posed questions about the reading text. After that, the instructor instructed
students must draw conclusions regarding the reading materials that they have red.
The third was post-test After the treatment, a post-test was administered to determine
the students' reading understanding. It was used to evaluate therapy outcomes; it was also
beneficial to determine whether the Sustained Silent Reading approach was efficient at
enhancing students' reading understanding. The test ran with the same actions as the pre-test.
Technique of analyzing data. The researcher analyze data using both quantitative and
qualitative techniques. Quantitative techniques were data analysis techniques that use
numbers. Quantitative data analysis technique was used for determine Each activity had an
impact on improving student learning outcomes. In research, this quantitative data analysis
technique was utilized to measure the increase of students' reading comprehension skills after
using the Sustained Silent Reading method. Whereas the qualitative data analysis was used to
determine enhancement of the educational process based on prior acts taken do. Qualitative
data analysis technique was employed to examine information gathered from nontesting
devices. This method was applied to the analysis of observational data from both students and
teachers during the process of learning. At the conclusion of each cycle through the
subsequent phases, reading comprehension test results were used to determine these numbers
or values :

S = Score
R = The correct answer
Cited form (Arikunto, 2020)
1. Utilizing this calculation, the writer scores the students at the conclusion of cycles 1
and 2. uses this formula :
Number of correct answer
Final Score x 100 %
Maximum Score

2. Mean Score
The researcher applies this formula to determine the students' comprehension mean
score :

X : Mean score
ΣF(X) : Amount of the student’s score
ΣN : The Number of Students
Cited from (Gay, 2006)
3. The researcher computed the frequency and the rate percentage of the students’ score
uses this formula :
P= x 100 %

P : Percentage
F : Frequency (score of the student’s who get score 70 or more)
N : Total number of students
Cited from (Sudjiono, 2014)

Table 1 Categorization of Student’s Performance

No Score Criteria
1 90 – 100 A
2 80 – 89 B+
3 70 – 79 B
4 60 – 69 B-
5 50 – 59 C+
6 40 – 49 C
To determine if a study was effective or not, it was necessary to establish effective
action parameters. In this study, the investigator employed The product's success in
understanding text was determined by raising the average reading understanding score for
students and increasing the proportion of students meet the required indications. In
accordance with BNSP (2006), this study is considered No Score Criteria 1. 90-100 A 2. 80 -
89 B+ 3. 70 -79 B 4. 60 - 69 B5. 50 - 59 C+ 6. 40 - 49 C effective if students' average reading
comprehension scores rise and 75% of the students who adhere to the process of learning
receive scores that are higher than or equal to the given indicator.

The aspect of Scoring

The score is determined from each correct question of the students work on. Each
question has a score. One question is worth ten. (This is for questions totaling 10) If there are
15 questions, the score per question is seven . If the students answer correctly, the students
get ten points. However, if the student answer is correct but there are words written
incorrectly. then the value is reduced by 1. Then if the answer is almost correct, the score will
give in 7 or 8, and so on.


I.1 Cycle One
The researcher planned to start the lesson as usual. At this stage the researcher
had not explained everything about the sustained silent method to the students in class.
The researcher carried out the process of teaching and learning as outlined in the
lesson plan. Cycle one's activity lasted two hours and 35 minutes on Friday, January12th,
2024. The researcher begin the lesson by greeting everyone, then led a prayer and
inquired about the student's condition. After the lesson begins, the researcher introduces
narrative text to the students and discusses its definition, purpose, generic structure, and
qualities. Following that, the researcher has not implemented the sustained quiet reading
strategy in the classroom. The researcher next handed the students a text on a
descriptiveetext. The researchersnext invited the students to read the text without
applying the silent method, giving them the opportunity to identify certain difficult
words in the text they are reading.
Next, the researcher instructed each student to read the text in order to
comprehend it. After finishing reading the researcher and the students discussed together
the material, described and asks questions regarding the reading text and then asked the
students to draw inferences from the reading texts they had recently read.
In this section, the researcher gave one type of test, namely an essay test where
the researcher gave one hour to do the test. After completing the test, the researcher and
students discussed and provided conclusions about the reading material.
The percentage improvement in students' reading comprehension during the first
cycle of class tenth at SMP Panca Budi is 21%. The researcher concluded that it can
happen because there are some problem that affect before applying the sustained silent
reading strategy improve students' reading comprehension skills. However, majority of
students scored below the criterion.
The observation stage was carried out throughout the process of learning and
instruction in the first cycle. Researcher observed student activities while in class. This
was related to observing student readines in participating in learning, student responses
to the material provided and student activity throughout the process of learning and
Based to the writer's observations, students responded well to inquiries, paid
attention when researchers explained, and were engaged in studying narrative texts using
the sustained silent reading method that has not been applied.
Base on the findings of evaluations and testing in cycle one , the writer
discovered some progress in numerous students. In the observation, 7 students scored 75-
90, placing them in the category of students who met the minimum criteria, whereas 23
students scored 56-70, remaining below the criteria. Based on the data shown above, the
actions in cycle one were ineffective, so the researcher intended to enhance students'
reading comprehension skills by repeating and revising lesson plans and resources. As a
result, the researcher must resume the problem-solving cycle using the strategy.
I.2 Cycle Two
In this section, the researcher tried to solve problems in the process of learning
and instruction found in cycle one. The main problem is that students have difficulty
understanding the contents of the reading and some of them are not active in class.
Following the pre-test, the results indicate The students' capacity for understanding texts
in narrative text remains low. The majority of students did not meet the minimum
achievement standards, so the researcher speak with the English teacher about preparing
to perform classroom action research utilising the sustained silent reading method. After
analysing the concerns listed above, the writer created many instruments for this study,
including observation sheets of student activities in class and student worksheets to
assess students' reading comprehension abilities. It took two meeting in this cycle two
First Meeting
On Friday, January 19, 2024, the second cycle of action was conducted for two
hours (2x35) minutes. The researcher greeted the class, lead them in prayer, inquire
about their news, and verified their attendance before beginning the session. Following
that, the researcher began the session by linking the information from cycle 1 and
recapitulating for the students the definition, text structure, and text characteristics of the
narrative text material. After that, the researcher implemented the sustained silent
reading technique within the classroom. The researcher explained the meaning, purpose
of sustained silent reading and the steps for implementing the method.
Students then, given a text from the researcher about narrative texts. After that,
the researcher instructed students to read the material silently for a duration of 15 to 20
minutes. The researcher instructed students to look at the title before reading the text in
the pre-reading tasks. Then, the writer asked a question to the students regarding
information found in the reading, and they responded according to their individual
comprehensions. The researcher next instructed the students to identify a few difficult
word in the material they had read throughout reading exercise. Next, the researcher
instructed every student to carefully read the content aloud while concentrating more on
comprehending it. After finishing reading the researcher asked questions to each student
and answered according to their own understanding based on the text provided by the
researcher to increase their knowledge of the material provided.
The percentage improvement in students' reading comprehension during the first
cycle of class tenth at SMP Panca Budi is 39%. The researcher concludes that the
sustained silent reading strategy improve students' reading understanding skills.
However, the majority of students scored below the criterion.

The observation stage was carried out throughout the process of learning and
instruction in the second cycle in post test 1. Researcher observed student activities while
in class. This was related to observing student readiness in participating in learning,
student responses to the material provided and student activity throughout the process of
learning and instruction.
Based to the writer's observations, students responded well to inquiries, paid
attention when researchers explained, and were engaged in studying narrative texts using
the sustained silent reading method that has been applied.
Base on the findings of observations and tests in cycle one utilising the sustained
silent reading method, the writer discovered some progress in numerous students. In the
observation, 13 students scored 75-90, placing them in the category of students who met
the minimum criteria, whereas 17 students scored 56-70, remaining below the criteria.
There are several problems that contribute to some students' low scores, including the
fact that most students do not understand the text they read, that their vocabulary is still
lacking, which causes them to be confused about the contents of the reading text, and
that they are afraid of making mistakes. As a result, the researcher must pay more
attention to and train students so that they are brave and confident in understanding
reading. Based on the data shown above, the actions in cycle one were ineffective, so the
researcher intended to enhance students' reading comprehension skills by repeating and
revising lesson plans and resources. As a result, the researcher must resume the problem-
solving cycle using the same strategy. Second meeting
Secong Meeting
On Friday, January 26, 2024, cycle two was run for two hours (2x35 minutes).
The researcher provided one kind of test in this section, which was an essay test with an
hour to complete. Following the test, the students and the researcher had a discussion and
the researcher gave conclusions regarding the readings.
The class percentage was 72% and the mean score was 76,1 according to post-test
findings from the second cycle of the 30 students in the class. According to the mean
score, it can be concluded that when the researcher used the sustained silent reading
method for cycle two, the students' reading understanding skills increased. Students'
reading comprehension abilities had increased beyond the school's minimal
accomplishment criteria (KKM), according to the statistics in the above table.
There were 24 students who had passes exceeding the KKM criteria at school,
namely 75, although there are 6 students who did not pass. This also made the
researchers and teacher collaborators very satisfied because students' reading
comprehension skills, their scores on tests, and also students' activeness in class were
very good compared to before.
The Data on the results of student activities were taken during the second cycle.
researchers observe activities in class such as; when researchers provide explanations
about the material, respond when asked questions, and also their understanding of
sustained silent reading instructions.
Based on the writer observations it can be concluded that students responded well
to questions, paid attention when researchers explained and students were interested in
studying narrative texts using the sustained silent reading method that had been applied.
The application of the sustained silent reading method to the narrative text
showed satisfactory results compared to cycle 1, which led the researchers to be satisfied
with the action research's outcomes based on observational data and post-test results. As
per the KKM at school, 24 students are found to have passed the second post-test. It
indicates that the second cycle's implementation was effective. Furthermore, the
observational data indicated that students had increased self-assurance and found it
simpler to comprehend the assigned reading. They also easier to understand the text,
especially the main idea, the information contained in the text, and the structure of the
text. From these results, the researcher is satisfied with the improvement that has been
obtained, so the researcher decides to stop the action research.

I.3 Discussion
In the first meeting of cycle two phase, after applying the sustained silent reading
method, the post-test mean score increased untill 69,8 and The proportion of students who
met the requirements is 39% or is categorized as quite successful. In this cycle, it was found
that 13 students pass the minimum of standard, while 17 students did not fulfill the minimum
criteria. Most students begin to participated or be active in the teaching and learning process
and are enthusiastic about independent test work.
The sustained silent reading method was re-applied in second meeting of cycle two
phase, the average post-test increased to 76,1 and the proportion of students that passed the
minimum criteria was 72%. In this cycle, there are 24 students who passed the minimum
criteria, while 6 students do not reach the standard. Therefore, researcher concludes that the
sustained silent reading method is an effective technique that can be used in the process of
learning and instruction because it might be developed students' reading understanding in
narrative text.
The difference between cycle one and cycle two. In the implementation of cycle one,
the researcher didn’t apply the sustained silent method optimally. The text given is not too
difficult only some students has difficulty understanding the contents of the text. Besides that,
during the process of teaching and learning. students were less Interested in seeking questions
they did not understand so, in cycle 1 most student scores has not reached the KKM. In cycle
one the teaching used by the researcher is different from the cycle one In this specific
instance, the writer designes the ability in learning to increase students' reading
understanding. the text given in cycle two was easier and shorter so that it was quickly
understood by students. the researcher focused more on vocabulary, grammar, and
information contained in the test. So, the researcher can conclude that using the sustained
silent reading method can increase students' reading comprehension. here this is researcher
draws a diagram of student results and class percentages.
The score of the pre test,post-test 1 and post test 2 displayed a development in
students' reading comprehension abilities besides that there is an increase in the teaching and
learning process of students' reading comprehension. 69,8 76,1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Pre test post test 1 post test 2 66,1 By using the sustained silent reading method, students
might be increase their reading comprehension skills in English. We can see this from the
diagram that showed after applying the method. After the researcher applied the sustained
silent reading method, the outcomes of the students' scores increased in the posttest one with
mean score of 69,8, and for the post-test two, it increased to 76,1.


The purpose of this study was to improve students'reading comprehension through the
Sustained silent reading method at the eighth grade of SMP Panca Budi who had problems in
reading comprehension in narrative text in the 2023/2024 academic year. The subjects of this
study amounted to 30 students.This research was conducted in 3 meetings. The first meeting
was for the pretest, and cycle one and two meetings for cycle two. According the results of
the study in chapter IV, the writer concluded that the student's reading understanding skills in
the narrative text had increased. it might be seen in the score of cycle one and cycle two. The
average value in cycle one is 66,1 out of 30 students with a class percentage of 21%. There
are some students who did not reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). In cycle
two, for the first meeting the average score is 69,8 and the class percentage was 39 % and for
the second meeting the average score is 76,1 with the class percentage was 72% . This
condition can be concluded that most students pass the criteria. It means that students achieve
the minimum completeness criteria and scores in cycle two had increased. In addition, the
researcher found from observations Throughout the process of learning and instruction that
students were more interested and enthusiastic about participating in class. In addition, the
sustained silent reading method could also make learning more interesting. This can also help
them become more enthusiastic and focused on reading. finally, the results of this study
succeeded in answering the questions written in chapter one, that using the sustained silent
reading method could improve students' reading comprehension in class VIII SMP Panca
Budi Medan . the results of each cycle showed an increase in student grades and activity.

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