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BIP: Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Prima

Vol. 4, No. 1, 2022, Maret 2022, PP.


Mauritz Anggadewa1, Sri Ninta Tarigan2

Universitas Prima Indonesia
Corresponding Author: srinintatarigan@unprimdn.ac.id

Abstrak- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan masalah siswa dalam membaca teks
naratif. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa kelas VIII SMK Telkom 2 Medan. Subjek penelitian
berjumlah 14 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk
mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Setelah data dikumpulkan
dan dianalisis, penelitian menemukan bahwa beberapa siswa masih memiliki masalah dalam
membaca teks naratif. Permasalahan tersebut adalah kurangnya kosakata, kata-kata asing
yang mereka hadapi, ketidaktahuan teks, kurangnya motivasi dalam membaca, tingkat
kesulitan teks dan kurangnya strategi membaca yang efektif.
Kata Kunci :membaca, penguasaan, teks, narasi, masalah

ABSTRACT-This research was aimed to find the students’ problem in reading narrative text. The
research was conducted to the eight grade students of SMK Telkom 2 Medan. There were 14 students
as the subject of the research. The research used descriptive qualitative research design. In order to
collect the data, the researcher used test and interview. After the data collected and analysed, the
research found that some students still have problem in reading narrative text. The problems arelack
of vocabulary, unfamiliar words they faced, text’s unfamiliarity, lack of motivation in reading, level of
difficulty of the text and lack of effective reading strategies.
Key words: reading, comprehension, text, narrative, problem

A. Introduction correspondence utilizing composed

As indicated by Hidayat and language or images (text). It is a two-ways
Nurinayah (2019), there are four abilities correspondence between a researcher and a
in English to be specific tuning reader. In this way, reading is a type of
in,composing, talking and reading. In correspondence utilizing images and the
accordance with this, Nurdianti et al ways of imparting among scholars and
(2019) states that reading is a type of readers through getting process. Likewise,

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BIP: Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Prima
Vol. 4, No. 1, 2022, Maret 2022, PP.

Aritonang et al states that reading is vital fathom the text well and the people who
to get data on the planet. It holds in our can't comprehend the substance of the text
dayto day existence to look through data or all things considered.
information from course books, article or As a result of the students’ problem in
magazines and numerous others which reading comprehension, the teachers must
written in English. find or design a reading strategy suitable to
Students will get data fromdifferent that problem. Accordingly, the teachers
sources that are vital toincrement their need the fitting and straightforward
insight andget something. In reading technique and materials to help
cognizance, students ought to knowabout theinstructing and learning process to
theme, fundamental thought, and make learning "more straightforward,
supportingsubtleties in reading that can quicker, more charming, moreindependent,
cause students to get the text. Students more successful, and more adaptable to
need to distinguish the theme, primary new circumstances. One of the
thoughtfurthermore, supporting subtleties. pleasantmaterials is story text that is
It can helpthem effectively to get the data involved by the researchers in their review.
inthe text. By designing or finding a suitable reading
According to Yusuf &Enesi, (2011) strategy, the teachers hope that it can solve
reading is a vital ability forunderstudies. the problem. But before that, the teachers
Without reading the text,understudies can't must know what is the cause or the
get work effectivelyalso, effectively in the students’ problem in reading
world. From reading, the understudies comprehension.
learn anythingabout what they ought to One of the reading text to be
know. Furthermore (Handayani et al., comprehended in narrartive text. Narartive
2018) reading is a functioning and text according to Rachmawati(2018) is a
complex cycle that includes getting piece of text which tells a story and, in
composed text, creating also, deciphering doing so, it entertains or informs the
importance, and utilizing significance as readers or listeners. The purpose of
fitting to the sort of text, reason, and narrative text is to amuse the readers with
circumstance. certain or various experience in different
Patel (2008 as refered to in Anjuni and ways. It has generic structure which
Cahyadi 2019) states that reading has been consists of orientation, complication,
separated into some parts to be specific a). resolution and re-orientation. In line with
Reading out loud b). Silent readingt c). this, Hyland (2008 as cited in Sumatra,
Broad and Intensive reading. Further 2017) states that narrative should includes
developing the students' reading 1) an orientation (where the setting are
perception needs the reasonable procedure introduced and a time set for the event, 2)
or strategy to make it more dependable and a complication (where the problem arises),
significant for there are as yet numerous and 3) A resolution (where the problem are
issues in learning English language resolved). While the language features of
particularly in reading cognizance narrative text are 1) use of words that link
expertise. The issues might happen for stages in time, 2) use of adjectives and
students the people who are absence of adverbs, 3) use of action verbs, and 4)
vocabularies, the students who can't written in the first or third person. In

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Vol. 4, No. 1, 2022, Maret 2022, PP.

conclusion, narrative text is a text that tells was 59.54%, the percentage of difficulty in
a story to entertain the readers or listeners. indicator find moral value of the text was
It is usually written in past forms. The 64.23%, the percentage of difficulty in
examples of narrative text include indicator find the deducing meaning was
folktales, fairy tales, myths, fables, 55.27%, the percentage of difficulty in
legends, fantasies, science fiction, and so indicator find the specific information was
on. 56.35%, the percentage of difficulty in
In order to support this research, the indicator find the detailed information was
researcher then takes some previous 67.05%, and the percentage of difficulty in
research. The first is Rizqon et al (2021) indicator find the main idea was 54.81%.
who conducted a research entitled he The third researcher is Sari et al
Problems Faced by Senior High School (2020). The researcher conducted a
Students in Reading Narrative Text. The research entitled students’s perception on
research aimed to identify what problems reading comprehension problems in
the senior high school students faced in narrative text. This survey study aimed to
reading English texts and how many know the students’ perception on reading
percent of them faced reading comprehension problems of narrative text.
comprehension problems. The design of The sample participants were randomly
the study was a survey. The findings of selected from the tenth grade students of
this research reveal that 52% of the SMAN 2 Jember in academic year of
students had problems in vocabulary and 2019/2020. Questionnaire adopted from
43.2% of the students had problems in Xiubo& Zhang (2006) was used to collect
background knowledge when reading the students’ perception and it was
English texts. Therefore, the students need translated into Indonesian. The result
to exercise more on their vocabulary and showed that the students still experienced
background knowledge skills by reading some problems in reading narrative text.
more narrative text. Based on the result of the questionnaire,
The second researcher is Sapitri et al the most problematic aspect that hinder the
(2020). The research entitled An analysis students’ reading comprehension was
of students’ difficulties in comprehending Motivation (65.6%), followed by
narrative text. The objective of this study Strategies (63.7%), Background
was to find out students’ difficulties faced Knowledge (63.3%), Reading Process
by the Eight Grade Students at SMP N3 (60%) and Language Knowledge (55.4%).
Tanjung Raja in Comprehending English The result implied that the teacher should
reading text. The method was used focus on fostering students’ motivation by
descriptive qualitative research. The giving intensive course and reading
participants of this study was all of the assignment based on the students’
eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 interests. In order to see further into the
Tanjung Raja. The technique for collecting problem faced by the students, future
the data was multiple choice. Based on the researcher could use direct assessment by
result, it was found that the percentage of using diagnostic test or other
difficulty in indicator not clearly stated measurement.
information was 55.90%, the percentage of From the explanation above, it is clear
difficulty in indicator reference of the text that the students’ comprehension in

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Vol. 4, No. 1, 2022, Maret 2022, PP.

reading text is very important. Reading vocabulary.The researcher took the data
skill must be possessed by students in from interviewing the students in order to
order to get the idea from the text they know their problems in vocabulary
have read. But in order to have those skills, achievement
students find some problems. Based on The data for this study were collected
this reason the researcher then decided to by the following procedure. First the
conduct research entitled Students’ researcher gave a test to the students
Problems in Reading Narrative Text. theninterviewed thestudents. The last the
B. Research Method researcher collected the data and analysed
This research was conducted by using the data. The data are analysed based on
descriptive research. Descriptive research the research questions.
is designed to obtained information C. Result and Discussion
concerning the current status of The research was conducted to the
phenomena. It is directed toward eight grade students of SMK Telkom 2
determining the nature of a situation as it Medan. The research was conducted for
exists at the time of study. There is no two meetings as shown below:
administration or control of a treatment as 1. In the first meeting the researcher
it found in experimental research. The aim conducted a test to the students. The
is to describe what exists with respect to test was in the form of reading
variables or conditions in a situation ( comprehension test. Below is the
Dawson:2002). students’ score in doing the reading
There are several types of studies that comprehension test.
maybe classified as descriptive research. Table 1 students’ score in doing the
They are case study, surveys, and test
developmental studies, follow up studies, No Respondents Score
documentary analyses, trend analysis, and 1 Student 1 40
correlation studies. This study later was 2 Student 2 65
conducted by using a case study. Case 3 Student 3 80
study is sometimes conducted for the 4 Student 4 55
purpose of hypothesis by not by using 5 Student 5 75
statistic data ( Ary et all:2010) 6 Student 6 80
7 Student 7 55
The research was done in SMK
8 Student 8 65
Telkom 2 Medan. The researcher chose
9 Student 9 70
this school because there had been never
10 Student 10 40
the same research conducted in this
11 Student 11 50
school. The subjects of this research were 12 Student 12 90
taken from the tenth-grade students of 13 Student 13 45
SMK Telkom 2 Medan. The duration of 14 Student 14 75
the research was adjusted with the 15 Student 15 60
schedule of the teaching learning process 16 Student 16 70
in that school.There are some instruments 17 Student 17 85
that the researcher used in collecting the 18 Student 18 55
data. Test was given to the students in 19 Student 19 40
order to know the students’ achievement in 20 Student 20 80

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21 Student 21 55 the contents

22 Student 22 60 of the text
23 Student 23 80 7 Student 11 unfamiliar
24 Student 24 70 vocabulary
25 Student 25 35 difficult to
translate and
In the second meeting, the researcher understand
handed the result of the test to the students. the meaning
Interview was conducted those who got of the word
score below 70. The interview consisted 8 Student 13 lack of
questions who measure their difficulties in
reading test. From the data above, there
were 12 students to be interviewed.
9 Student 15 did not know
Table 2. The Students’ Difficulties in
the meaning
Reading Comprehension Test
of the words
No Respondents Students’
Lack of
1 Student 1 Not motivated
motivation in
Boring learning
learning reading
2 Student 2 Do not 10 Student 18 confused or
understand do not know
the materials or
Do not understanding
understand the material
the text
vocabularies Poor
3 Student 4 little vocabulary
vocabulary 11 Student 19 The text is too
knowledge difficult
less interested Cannot relate
to read the the meaning
narrative 12 Student 21 Do not know
4 Student 7 The sentences the grammar
are too long The subject is
The words are boring
not familiar 13 Student 22 Cannot relate
5 Student 8 lazy to open the idea
the dictionary Unfamiliar
The words are words
too difficult 14 Student 25 Cannot
6 Student 10 did not process the
understand information

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Cannot get the lack of the suitable reading

the meaning strategies the teachers applied when
Discussion teaching this subject.
In this discussion, researcher discusses Conclusion
about the difficulties in understanding From the data found during
andcomprehending narrative text and research and followed by the analysis of
factors contributing difficulties in the research, the researcher drew a
comprehending narrative text at the eight conclusion that the eight grade students of
grade students of SMK Telkom 2 Medan. SMK Telkom 2 Medan still have problems
In this research, researcher found that there in reading narrative text. The problems are
were 14 students have difficulties in lack of vocabulary, unfamiliar words they
reading comprehension. Those 14 students faced, text’s unfamiliarity, lack of
the interviewed by the researcher in order motivation in reading, level of difficulty of
to know their problems in reading the text and lack of effective reading
comprehension text. strategies.
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