O Level Maths Notes

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Written By: Lai Zhi Yin

Mobile: 9232 2940|Email: me@bishantuition.com|Website: bishantuition.com
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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Notes to All Students

This book is written according to the syllabus of GCE O Level Elementary Mathematics (Subject
code: 4016 and 4048) for Year 2016 taken from SEAB website. The purpose in writing this
book is to help students break down Mathematics into simpler parts and to achieve a better
understanding of the individual concepts. By studying this book solely, you are not guaranteed
to get A1 in the O levels. Intensive practise is advised.
Notes written in red emphasises the common mistakes committed by students in the exams.
Do make sure that you understand everything that is written. Students are advised to write
their units clearly in all workings and final answer. Failure to do so can lead to a loss of marks.
Students are also advised to write their workings and statements clearly. Writing the
statements alone does not earn you marks but by showing clear statements and workings, it
reflects your understanding towards the question. In the event that you did not get the final
answer correct, it will be easier for the examiner to allocate marks through the workings.
Even though some of the examples used are adapted from ‘N’ level ten year series, students
taking ‘O’ levels are still advised to read through them thoroughly and make sure that every
concept is understood clearly as similar questions may appear in the O levels paper. Being
complacent will lead to nothing but failure. If possible, cover the examples with a paper and
attempt it first before looking at the answers.
Students are recommended to contact me at 9232 2940 as soon as possible should they spot
any errors during the process of revisions.
Good luck to all of you taking the O and N levels 
Lai Zhi Yin

Written by: Lai Zhi Yin (2016)| Mobile: 9232 2940| Website: bishantuition.com
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Elementary Mathematics Notes


N1. Numbers and Four Operations
N1.1 Basic Definitions of Mathematical Terms
N1.2 Number Line
N1.3 Basic Mathematical Symbols
N1.4 Expressing Recurring Decimals as Fraction
N1.5 Basic Calculator Skills (CASIO fx-96SG PLUS)
N1.6 Approximation and Estimation
N1.7 Finding Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Lowest Common Factor (LCM)
N1.8 Determining Square Root of Number by Prime Factorisation
N1.9 Determining Cube Root of Number by Prime Factorisation
N1.10 Word Problems Involving HCF and LCM
N1.11 Standard Form
N1.12 Law of Indices
N2. Ratio and Proportion
N2.1 Word Problems Involving Ratio and Proportion
N2.3 Maps Scales (Distance and Area)
N2.4 Direct Proportion
N2.5 Inverse Proportion
N3. Percentage
N3.1 Conversion between Percentage, Decimal and Fraction
N3.2 Expressing One Quantity as a Percentage of Another
N3.3 Comparing Two Quantities by Percentage
N3.4 Calculating % Profit or Loss
N3.5 Increasing or Decreasing a Quantity by a Given Percentage
N4. Rate and Speed
N4.1 Conversion of Units
N4.2 Word Problems Involving Speed
N4.3 Word Problems Involving Rate
N5. Algebraic Expressions and Formulae
N5.1 Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions and Formulae
N5.2 Changing the Subject of the Formula
N5.3 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
N5.4 Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Expressions
N5.5 Word Problems involving Algebraic Expressions
N5.6 Basic Quadratic Formulas
N5.7 Expansion of the Product of Quadratic Expressions

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N5.8 Completing the Square not involving an Equation

N5.9 Factorisation of Linear Algebraic and Quadratic Expression
N5.10 Number Patterns
N6. Functions and Graphs
N6.1 Graphs of Common Equations
N6.2 Sketching of Curve (Quadratic Equation – Factorisation)
N6.3 Sketching of Curve (Completing the Square Method)
N6.4 Plotting of Curve on Graph Paper
N7. Equations and Inequalities
N7.1 Solving Linear Equations in One Unknown
N7.2 Simultaneous Equation
N7.3 Solving Quadratic Equation
N7.4 Solving Fractional Equations that can be reduced to Quadratic Equation
N7.5 Solving Quadratic Equations Related Problems
N7.6 Solving Linear Inequalities
N8. Set Language and Notation (Not Tested in N Levels)
N8.1 Definitions of Set Language and Notation
N8.2 Venn Diagram
N8.3 Word Problems Involving Set Language and Notation
N9. Matrices (Not Tested in N Level)
N9.1 Order of Matrices
N9.2 Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
N9.3 Multiplication of Matrices
N9.4 Problems Involving Matrices
N10. Problems in Real World Context
N10.1 Simple Interest
N10.2 Compound Interest
N10.3 Money Exchange
N10.4 Hire Purchase
N10.5 Taxation
N10.6 Utilities Bills
N10.7 Kinematics (Not Tested in N Levels)

Written by: Lai Zhi Yin (2016)| Mobile: 9232 2940| Website: bishantuition.com
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Elementary Mathematics Notes


G1. Angles, Triangles and Polygons
G1.1 Common Characteristics of Angles, Triangles and Polygons
G1.2 Properties of Triangles and Quadrilaterals
G1.3 Polygons
G1.4. Construction of Perpendicular Bisector
G1.5 Construction of Angle Bisector
G2. Congruency and Similarity
G2.1 Enlargement and Reduction of Plane Figure by Scale Factor
G2.2 Determining if Two Triangles are Congruent
G2.3 Determining if Two Triangles are Similar
G2.4 Questions on Congruency and Similarity
G2.5 Ratio of Area and Volumes of Similar Plane Figures
G3. Properties of Circles
G3.1 Symmetrical Properties of Circles
G3.2 Symmetrical Properties of Circles
G3.3 Angle Properties of Circles
G3.4 Problems Involving Properties of Circle
G4. Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry
G4.1 Pythagoras Theorem
G4.3 Trigonometric Ratios
G4.4 Sine Rule and Cosine Rule
G4.5 Flow Chart to Determine Formula to be used
G4.6 Bearings
G5. Mensuration
G5.1 Formulas of Common Figures and Solids
G5.2 Questions on Mensuration
G5.3 Basic Conversion between Length, Area and Volume
G5.4 Arc Length and Sector Area
G5.5 Radian Measure of Angle
G6. Coordinate Geometry
G6.1 General Equation
G6.2 Gradient (m) of a Linear Graph
G6.3 Length of Line Segment
G6.4 Questions on Coordinate Geometry
G7. Vectors in Two Dimensions

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

G7.1 Converting Coordinates into Column Vector

G7.2 Addition of Vectors
G7.3 Parallel Vectors
G7.4 Collinear Vectors
G7.5 Determining the Ratios of the Area of the Triangles in Vectors
G7.6 Question on Vectors
G8. Problems in Real World Context (To be Updated in 2017)
G8.1 Solving and Interpretation

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Elementary Mathematics Notes


S1. Data Analysis
S1.1 Tables
S1.2 Pie Chart
S1.3 Pictogram
S1.4 Bar Graph
S1.5 Histogram
S1.6 Line Graph
S1.7 Mean, Mode and Median
S1.8 Dot Diagram
S1.9 Stem and Leaf Diagram
S1.10 Box and Whiskers
S1.12 Cumulative Frequency Curve
S1.13 Calculations for Grouped Data
S2. Probability
S2.1 Introduction to Probability

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1. Numbers and Four Operations

N1.1 Basic Definitions of Mathematical Terms
☺ Prime number: Number that can only be divided by itself and 1. One is not a prime
number. Two is the only even prime number. Example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 …
☺ Composite Number: Number that have more than one factor (opposite of prime
number). Example: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14…
☺ Integer: Number that is a whole number. An integer can be either positive or negative.
Example: -2, -1, 1, 2, 3…
☺ Rational number: Number that can be expressed as a fraction with the denominator
not equal to zero. Recurring decimals are rational numbers. Example: √4, , 3.56
☺ Irrational number: Number that cannot be expressed as a fraction. Example: , √3
☺ Real number: Includes all rational number, irrational number, whole number and
☺ Natural Number: Positive integer not including 0. Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…
☺ Perfect square: A number that can be square rooted to give a whole number. Example:
1, 4, 9, 16, 25 …
☺ Perfect cube: A number that can be cube rooted to give a whole number. Example: 1,
8, 27, 64, 125…
☺ Consecutive number: Numbers that follow each other in order. Example: 3, 4, 5…
Therefore, if the smallest consecutive number is , the next integer will be + 1
☺ Consecutive odd number: Odd numbers that follow each other in order Example: 1, 3,
5... Therefore, if the smallest consecutive odd number is , the next integer will be
+ 2, + 4…
☺ Consecutive even numbers: Even numbers that follow each other in order Example: 2,
4, 6… Therefore, if the smallest consecutive odd number is , the next integer will be
+ 2, + 4…
☺ Negative number: Real number that is less than 0. The bigger the negative number,
the smaller the value i.e. -3 is smaller than -2. Example: -1, -2, -3, -4 …

Note: Students usually refer to , thereby inferring that is a rational number.

However, 7
is just a estimate of used in primary schools. It is important to note that
is an irrational number. The accurate form of is found in the calculator.

Written by: Lai Zhi Yin (2016)| Mobile: 9232 2940| Website: bishantuition.com
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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.2 Number Line

Number becomes bigger when moving from left to right of the number line. Number
becomes smaller when moving from right to left of the number line.
Example: N Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 5

0 p q 1 r s 2
The values of p, q, r and s are , 0.6, , . Find p, q, r and s.

= 1.6
Note: Always convert fractions
= 0.625
to decimals first and answer in
= 1.571 (4 s.f.) its original form

Therefore, p = 0.6, q = , r = and s =

N1.3 Basic Mathematical Symbols

<: Less than; does not include the number stated
Example: < 6 means 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 …
>: More than; does not include the number stated
Example: > 6 means 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 …
≤: Less than or equal to; include the number stated
Example: ≤ 6 means 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 …
≥: More than or equal to; include the number stated
Example: ≥ 6 means 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 …
Example: N Level Paper 2 Question 6 (a)
List all the solutions to -4 ≤ 2 < 8
-4 ≤ 2 < 8
-2 ≤ < 4
Therefore, the solutions are -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3.
N1.4 Expressing Recurring Decimals as Fraction
Recurring decimals are rational numbers where it can be converted into fractions.

Example: Express 3.42 as fraction.

3.42= 3.424242424
= 3.424242424
100 = 342.42424
99 = 342.42424 – 3.42424
99 = 339
= 99

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.5 Basic Calculator Skills (CASIO f -96SG PLUS)

Solving Quadratic Equation:
Example: Solve 2 2 + 5 – 3
Step 1: Press: Mode > 3 > 3
Step 2: Press: a = 2, b = 5, c = -3
Step 3: Calculator will show 1 = , 2 = -3
Step 4: Answer for the above example will be = or = -3
Note: You have to show your working i.e. completing the square, factorisation or general
formula if the question is worth more than 2 marks.
Factorising Quadratic Equation:
Example: Factorise 3 2 + 10 – 8
Step 1: Press: Mode > 3 > 3
Step 2: Press: a = 3, b = 10, c = -8
Step 3: Calculator will show 1 = , 2 = -4
Step 4: Answer for the above example will be (3 – 2)( + 4)
Solving Simultaneous Equations Involving 2 Variables:
Example: 3 + 5y = 165
2 – 5y = 10
Step 1: Press: Mode > 3 > 1
Step 2: Key in the following order:
a b c
1 3 5 165
2 2 -5 10
Step 3: Calculator will show = 35, y = 12
Step 4: Answer for the example will be = 35, y = 12
Note: When using this method, always make sure that and y are aligned in the same
Solving Time Related Problems:
Example: The time is 08 45. Find the time after 4 hours and 36 minutes.
Step 1: Press: 8 ◦’’’ 45 ◦’’’ + 4 ◦’’’ 36 ◦’’’
Step 2: Calculator will show: 13 ◦’’’ 21 ◦’’’
Answer for the above question is 13 21 (24 hours format) or 1.21 pm (12 hours format)

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Solving Simultaneous Equation Involving 3 Variables:

Example: a + b + c = 6
4a + 2b + c = 15
9a + 3b + c = 28
Step 1: Press: Mode > 3 > 2
Step 2: Key in the following order:
a b c d
1 1 1 1 6
2 4 2 1 15
3 9 3 1 28
Step 3: Calculator will show = 2, y = 3, z = 1
Step 4: Answer for the example will be a = 2, b = 3, c = 1
Calculating Mean and Standard Deviation
Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 10 (a)
Calculate the estimated mean and standard deviation of the times taken by 100 males to
complete a 10 km race.

Time (t min) 30 ≤ t <40 40 ≤ t <50 50 ≤ t <60 60 ≤ t <70 70 ≤ t <80

Frequency 15 32 30 16 7

To calculate mean, the estimated mean has to be derived first before the data can be input
into the calculator.

Estimated Time (t min) 35 45 55 65 75

Frequency 15 32 30 16 7

Step 1: Before continuing, ensure that your calculator allows you to key in frequency by
following the subsequent steps. DO NOT CONTINUE if this step is not done: Shift > Mode >
Arrow Down > 4 (STAT) > 1 (ON)
Step 2: Press Mode > 2 (STAT) > 1 (1-VAR)
Step 3: Key in the following order: Y
35 15
45 32
55 30
65 16
75 7
Step 4: Press (ON)
Step 5: To calculate mean, press Shift > 1 (STAT)> 4 (VAR)> 2 ( ̅ ) > =
Step 6: Calculator will show 51.8, which is the answer for mean.
Step 7: For standard deviation, press Shift > 1 (STAT) > 4 (VAR) > 3 (σ ) > =
Step 8: Calculator will show 11.21427662 which is the answer for standard deviation. Round
off the answer to 3 s.f.

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Revision Check    11
Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.6 Approximation and Estimation

When rounding off, do note that the zeros in front is not significant. However, the zeros in
the middle or at the end is significant.
Example: Round off 0.0948039 to:
☺ 1 significant figure: 0.09 (1 s.f.)
☺ 1 decimal place: 0.1 (1 d.p.)
☺ 2 significant figures: 0.095 (2 s.f.)
☺ 2 decimal places: 0.09 (2 d.p.)
☺ 3 significant figures: 0.0948 (3 s.f.)
☺ 3 decimal places: 0.095 (3 d.p.)
☺ 4 significant figures: 0.09480 (4 s.f.) Note: there must be a 0 at the end
☺ 4 decimal places: 0.0948 (4 d.p.)
Format required in the exams:
☺ Workings: At least 4 significant figures. Preferably 5 significant figures and above.
☺ Final Answer (except angles): 3 significant figures (3 s.f.)
☺ Angles/ Bearings: 1 decimal place (1 d.p.)
☺ Money: round off to the nearest cents (2 d.p.)
Note: Many students tend to round off to the nearest 10 cents (1 decimal place) instead
of nearest cents (2 decimal places) when question ask to round off answer to the nearest
☺ Other format: Nearest kg, nearest dollar, nearest cubic centimetres etc. means correct to
the nearest whole number
Example: N Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 3
28.19 x 623.1
By writing each number correct to 1 significant figure, estimate the value of 0.3285
. You
must show your working.
28.19 x 623.1 30 x 600
≈ 0.3
= 60 000 (1 s.f)

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.7 Finding Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Lowest Common Factor (LCM)
Example: Determine the HCF and LCM of 150 and 126
Step 1: Do prime factorisation of 150 and 126 and express them in the product of prime
2 150 2 126
3 75 3 63
5 25 3 21
5 5 7 7
1 1
150 = 2 x 3 x 52 126 = 2 x 32 x 7
Step 2: For HCF, take lower power of common factors; do not include uncommon factors
150 = 2 x 3 x 52 Note: If question did not state leave in
126 = 2 x 32 x 7 index notation or product of prime
HCF = 2 x 3 factors, evaluate your answer!
For LCM, take higher power of common factors; include uncommon factors
150 = 2 x 3 x 52
126 = 2 x 32 x 7
LCM = 2 x 32 x 52 x 7
= 3150
Finding smallest integer, k, that makes 150k the square of a number
150 = 2 x 3 x 52 Note: Ensure that powers of the
k=2x3 factors are to the multiples of 2

Finding smallest integer, m, that makes 126 the cube of a number

126 = 2 x 32 x 7 Note: Ensure that powers of the
m = 2 2 x 3 x 72 factors are to the multiples of 3

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.8 Determining Square Root of Number by Prime Factorisation

Example: Determine √324 by prime factorisation

Step 1: Do prime factorisation and leave the answer in index notation.
2 324
2 162
3 81
3 27
3 9
3 3
324 = 22 x 34
Step 2: Divide powers of the factors by 2.

√324 = 2 x 32
= 18
N1.9 Determining Cube Root of Number by Prime Factorisation

Example: Determine √216 by prime factorisation

Step 1: Do prime factorisation and leave the answer in index notation.
2 216
2 108
2 54
3 27
3 9
3 3
216 = 23 x 33
Step 2: Divide powers of the factors by 3.

√216 = 2 x 3

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.10 Word Problems Involving HCF and LCM

If the word ‘greatest number’ appear in the question, it is most likely to be a HCF question. If
the word ‘together’ or ‘least number’ appear in the question, it is most likely to be a LCM
Example: O level 2008 Paper 1 Question 17 (b)
The lights of three lightships flash at regular intervals. The first light flashes every 12 seconds,
the second every 27 seconds and the third every 90 seconds. The three lights flash together
at 0900. At what time do they next flash together?
Step 1: Express all numbers in index notation.
12 = 22 x 3
27 = 33
90 = 2 x 32 x 5
LCM = 22 x 33 x 5
= 540
Step 2: Since question ask for the time that the lights will flash together, LCM is determined.
Time taken = 540 seconds
= 9 min
Time taken for the three lights to flash together = 0900 + 9 min
= 09 09
Example: There are 300 blue beads, 156 yellow beads and 126 red beads. Given that the beads
are distributed equally among the girls with no left over. What is the greatest possible number
of girls in the group?
Step 1: Express all numbers in index notation.
300 = 22 x 3 x 52
156 = 22 x 3 x 13
126 = 2 x 32 x 7
Step 2: Since question ask for the greatest possible number of girls, HCF is determined.
HCF = 2 x 3

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.11 Standard Form

To express a number in standard form, always ensure that the number is more than 1 and
less than 10 i.e. 1 < < 10. When changing numbers to standard form, if the number becomes
bigger, the power will become smaller. When the number becomes smaller, the power will
become bigger.
Prefix for Standard Form

Factor Prefix Symbol

10-1 deci d
10-2 centi c
10-3 milli m
10-6 micro µ
10-9 nano n
10-12 pico p
103 kilo k
106 mega M
109 giga G
1012 tetra T
106 million
109 billion
1012 trillion

Example: N Level 2012 Paper 2 Question 1

The time-keeper in a race sees a starting gun fire 334 nanoseconds after it has been fired.
(a) Write 334 nanoseconds in seconds in standard form.
334 nanoseconds = 334 x 10-9 s Note: -7 is bigger than -9
= 3.34 x 10-7 s
(b) The time-keeper hears the gun fire 0.294 seconds after it has been fired. Given that 0.294
seconds = k x 334 nanoseconds, find the value of k. Give your answer in standard form.
0.294 = k x 3.34 x 10-7
k= .
= 8.80 x 105 (3 s.f.)

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Example: N level 2014 Paper 1 Question 11

The table shows the population of some countries in 2011.

Country Population
China 1.34 billion = 1.34 x 109
USA 3.14 x 108
Philippines 1.04 x 108
Germany 8.13 x 107
Ghana 2.52 x 107

(a) The population of China in 2011 was 1.34 billion. Complete the table by writing the
population of China in standard form. Shown in purple.
(b) How many more people lived in Germany than in Ghana? Give your answer in millions.
Difference in the number of people = (8.13 x 107) – (2.52 x 107)
= 5.61 x 107
= 56.1 x 106
= 56.1 million
(c) The population of Finland was approximately one twentieth of the population of the
Philippines. Estimate the population of Finland, in millions, correct to one significant

Population of Finland = x 1.04 x 108

= 0.052 x 108
= 5.2 x 106
= 5.2 million

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N1.12 Law of Indices

☺ am x an = am + n Note: Add powers when base number is the same
Example: a5 x a2 = a5 + 2
= a7

☺ am ÷ an = am - n Note: Minus powers when base number is the same

Example: a5 ÷ a2 = a5 – 2
= a3

☺ (am)n = amn Note: Multiply powers

Example: (a5)3 = a5 x 3
= a15

☺ am x bm = (a x b)m Note: Multiply bases when power is the same

Example: 52 x 32 = (5 x 3)2

☺ am ÷ bm = (a ÷ b)m Note: Divide bases when power is the same

Example: 62 ÷ 32 = (6 ÷ 3)2

☺ a0 = 1 Note: Any number to the power of 0 is 1

Example: 50 = 1

☺ a-n = an Note: Take reciprocal of fraction to remove negative power
Example: 7-2 = 72

a b
☺ (b)-n = (a)n Note: Take reciprocal of fraction to remove negative power
3 2
Example: (2)-5 = (3)5

☺ a n = √ am Note: Numerator of fraction at the top position of roots,

Example: 5 = 53 denominator of fractions at bottom position

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Example: N Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 15

(a) Evaluate 3-2.
3-2 =
(b) Given that 16 = 2 , find .
16 = 2
(2 ) = 2
2 = 26
Example: O Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 5

(a) Given that 8 x 16 = 2n, find n.

23 x (2 ) = 2n
23 x 21 = 2 n
23+1 = 2n
(b) Given that = 3k, find k.
9-1 = 3k
3-2 = 3k
k = -2
Example: O Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 9
Some bacteria were introduced into a culture. The number of bacteria, B, t hours after being
introduced is given by B = 1000 x 3t
(a) How many bacteria were introduced into the culture?
When t = 0,
Note: when bacteria is introduced
Number of bacteria = 1000 x 30
initially, t = 0.
= 1000
(b) Find the percentage increase in the number of bacteria at the end of the first hour.
When t = 1,
Number of bacteria = 1000 x 31
= 3000
% increase = x 100%
= 200%

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Example: O level 2012 Paper 1 Question 5

The sketch shows the graph of y = ka . The points (0, 5) and (6, 320) lie on the graph.

(6, 320)

(0, 5)

Find the values of k and a.

y = ka
When = 0, y = 5,
5 = ka0
When = 6, y = 320, k = 5
320 = 5a6
64 = a6
2 6 = a6
Therefore, a = 2 and k = 5.

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N2. Ratio and Proportion

N2.1 Word Problems Involving Ratio and Proportion
Example: N Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 1 (b)
Ruth mixes 250 ml of mango juice with 2 litres of apple juice. Write the ratio of mango juice:
apple juice in its simplest form.
2 litres = 2000 ml Note: Ensure that the units are the same before comparing
Mango juice: Apple juice
= 250: 2000
Example: N Level 2012 Paper 2 Question 5
(a) Which of these ratios are equivalent to the ratio a : b?
a2 : b 2 3a : 3b : a + 1: b + 1

3a : 3b
=a:b Note: Divide both sides by 3

= :1 Note: Multiply by a
=a: b Note: Multiply by b

Therefore, 3a : 3b and : are equivalent to the ratio a : b.

(b) Ahmed and Bijan share the costs of running their car in the ratio 5 : 4 respectively. How
much should they each pay when the total costs are $3690?
Amount that Ahmed paid = x 3690
= $2050
Amount that Bijan paid = x 3690
= $1640

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

N2.2 Basic Conversion between Length, Area and Volume

Conversion Between cm2 and m2
1 m = 100 cm
(1 m)2 = (100 cm)2
1 m2 = 10 000 cm2
10 000 cm2 = 1 m2
1 cm2 = 10 000 m2

Note: Common mistake student makes is by assuming 1 m2 = 100 cm2. Please note the above
proper method for conversion.
Conversion Between cm3 and m3
1 m = 100 cm
(1 m)3 = (100 cm)3
1 m3 = 1 0000 000 cm3
1 000 000 cm3 = 1 m3
1 cm3 = 1 000 000 m3

Note: Common mistake student makes is by assuming 1 m3 = 1000 cm3. Please note the above
proper method for conversion.

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N2.3 Maps and Scales

The representative fraction (R.F.) expresses the linear scale of a map 1: n in the form n, noting
that the numerator is always 1.
Example: O level 2011 Paper 1 Question 9
A map is drawn to a scale of 1: 25 000
(a) This scale can be expressed as 1 cm represents n km. Find n.

1: 25 000
1 cm: 25 000 cm
1 cm: 250 m
1 cm: 0.25 km

Therefore, n = 0.25

(b) The distance between two towns on the map is 30 cm. Find the actual distance, in
kilometres, between the two towns.

1 cm: 0.25 km
30 cm: (0.25 x 30) km
30 cm: 7.5 km

Therefore, the distance between the two towns is 7.5 km.

(c) A lake has an actual area of 2.5 km2. Find the area, in square centimetres, of the lake on
the map.
1 cm : 0.25 km
(1 cm)2 : (0.25 km)2
1 cm2 : 0.0625 km2

0.0625 km2 : 1 cm2

1 km2 : 0.0625 cm2
2.5 km2 : (0.0625 x 2.5) cm2
2.5 km2 : 40 cm2
Therefore, the area of the lake on the map is 40 cm2.
Note: When doing area, always make sure the actual area is changed to whatever unit
that is required before squaring both sides for easier conversion.

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N2.4 Direct Proportion

When y is directly proportional to , when increases, y increases i.e. y = k
If and y are in direct proportion, the graph is a straight line which passes through the origin.

Example: O level 2014 Paper 1 Question 19

An object starts from rest and travels in a straight line. The distance travelled, s metres, is
directly proportional to the square of the travelling time, t seconds.
(a) Sketch a distance-time graph for the object
Note: Since it is the square of
the travelling time, it will be a
curve instead of a straight line

In the first 4 seconds the object travels 36 m.

(b) Find the equation for s in terms of t
S α t2
s = kt2 Note: Always find constant, k
when t = 4 and s = 36, first
36 = k(4)2
k = 2.25
Therefore, s = 2.25t2
(c) Calculate the time taken to travel 20 m.
When s = 20,
20 = 2.25t2
t2 = 9
80 80
t= 9
or t = - 9
= 2.98s (3 s.f.) (Rejected since t > 0)

Therefore, time taken to travel 20 m is 2.98 seconds.

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Example: O level 2008 Paper 1 Question 13

The braking distance of a car is directly proportional to the square of its speed. When the
speed is p metres per second, the braking distance is 6 m. When the speed is increased by
300%, find
(a) An expression for the speed of the car
Speed of the car = p + 3p
= 4p m/s
Note: The new speed of the car is not 3p as the speed is INCREASED by 300%; the speed
is not 300%.

(b) The braking distance

Let the speed of the car be s; the braking distance of the car be d.
Note: Make constant the subject of the formula if the actual constant cannot be
d α s2
d = ks2

When s = p and d = 6,
6 = kp2
k = p2

When s = 4p,
d = ks2
d = p2 x (4p)2
d = p2 x 16p2
d= 6 x 16
= 96 m

Therefore, the braking distance is 96 m.

(c) The percentage increase in the braking distance

distance increased
% increase = original distance
x 100%
96 – 6
= 6
x 100%
= 1500%

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N2.5 Inverse Proportion

When y is indirectly proportional to , when increase, y decreases.

If and y are in inverse proportion, the graph against is part of a curve which is also called
the hyperbola.

If and y are in inverse proportion, the graph against x is a straight line passing through the

Example: N Level 2008 Paper 1 Question 18 (a)

The time taken to fill a fish tank is inversely proportional to the rate at which the water is
flowing through the tap. It takes 4 minutes to fill the fish tank when the water is flowing at a
certain rate. How long will it take if the rate is halved?
Let the time taken for to fill the fish tank be t and the rate of the water be r.
Note: Make constant the subject of the formula if the actual constant cannot be determined.

when t = 4,
k = 4r

When r = r,
t = 8 minutes

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N3. Percentage
N3.1 Conversion between Percentage, Decimal and Fraction
To convert percentage into fraction or decimal, divide the value by 100.
Example: Express 0.88% as a fraction
0.88% = 100
= 1250

Example: Express 1.64% in decimal

1.64% = 100
= 0.0164
To convert fraction or decimal in percentage, multiply the value by 100.
Example: Express 100 in percentage
x 100% = 35%

Example: Express 0.76 in percentage

0.76 x 100% = 76%

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N3.2 Expressing One Quantity as a Percentage of Another

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 8
Two bottles are geometrically similar. The smaller bottle has a capacity of 1 litre and the larger
bottle has a capacity of 2 litres. Calculate the height of the smaller bottle as a percentage of
the height of the larger bottle.
Let the height of the smaller bottle be h1 and the larger bottle be h2.

Ratio of the height of the 2 bottles =

Since ( )3 =

Therefore, percentage of = x 100%

= 79.37
= 79.4% (3 s.f.)
N3.3 Comparing Two Quantities by Percentage
Example: Jug A is sold for $8 at Supermarket A while Jug B is sold for $6.50. During an
economic recession, the prices of both jugs were marked up by $0.50 and $0.80 respectively.
Determine which jug has a higher percentage increase in price.
Percentage increase in price of Jug A = x 100%
= 6.25%
Percentage increase in price of Jug B = .
x 100%
= 12.3% (3 s.f.)
Therefore, the percentage increase in price of Jug B is higher.

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N3.4 Calculating % Profit or Loss

Basic Formula:

% Profit or Loss = x 100%

Example: N Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 16

Daniel owns an electrical shop
(a) The cost of a washing machine was $420. Daniel made a profit of 30% on the cost price
when he sold it. Find the selling price

Selling price = x 420

= $546
100%  $420
1% 
130%  x 130
= $546
(b) Daniel paid $180 for a vacuum cleaner. He sold it in a sale for $153. Find the loss as a
percentage of the cost price.

% Loss = x 100%
= 15%

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N3.5 Increasing or Decreasing a Quantity by a Given Percentage

Example: N Level 2011 Paper 2 Question 7
In July 2007, Goods and Services Tax (GST) was raised from 5% to 7%.
(a) Before the increase, the price of the television without GST was $850. Calculate the
increase in the price of the television due to the increase in GST.
To calculate the price of the television with 5% GST:
100%  850
1% 
105%  x 105
= $892.50
To calculate the price of the television with 7% GST:

107%  x 107
= $909.50
Increase in price = $909.50 – $892.50
= $17

(b) Before the increase, the price of a washing machine including GST was $630. What was
the price of the washing machine after the increase to 7% GST?

To calculate selling price excluding 5% GST:

105%  630
1% 
100%  x 100
= $600

To calculate price of the washing machine after the increase to 7% GST

100%  600
1% 
107%  x 107
= $642
Therefore, the price of the washing machine was $642.

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N4. Rate and Speed

Average speed =

Note: When calculating average speed, total time includes time stopped at a certain location
N4.1 Conversion of Units
Example: Convert 30 km/h into m/s
30 km 30 000m
= 3600s
= 8 3 m/s

Example: Convert 7 m/s into km/h

7m 0.007 km
= 1
= 25.2 km/h

N4.2 Word Problems Involving Speed

Example: N Level 2011 Paper 1 Question 24
A car is travelling at a constant speed of 72 km/h.
(a) Find the distance the car takes to travel in 40 minutes
1h = 60 min
40 minutes = h

Distance = 72 x
= 48 km
(b) Find how many minutes the car takes to travel 126 km.

60 min  72 km
1 min  km
Time taken to travel 126 km = 126 ÷
= 105 min

(c) Another car travels 196 km in 2 hours 27 min.

2 hours 27 min = 2 h

Average speed =
= 80 km/h

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N4.3 Word Problems Involving Rate

Example: If it takes 3 days for 10 workers to finish building one house, how many days will it
take 15 workers to finish building 4 houses?
10 workers  3 days  1 house
1 worker  30 days  1 house Note: 1 worker will take more
15 workers  2 days  1 house days to complete the job as
compared to 10 workers.
1 house  2 days
4 houses  8 days
Example: Tap A can fill up a tank in 5h. Tap B can fill up a tank in 4h. If both the taps are turned
on simultaneously, how long would it take to fill the tank?
Tap A
5h  1 tank
1h  tank

Tap B
4h  1 tank
1h  tank

Tap A + B

1h  + tank
= tank

tank  1 h
tank  h
tank  h
=2 h

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N5. Algebraic Representation and Formulae

N5.1 Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions and Formulae
Basic algebraic expression
☺ ab = a x b
☺ =a÷b
☺ a2 = a x a
☺ =5
☺ - = 3 = -3 Note: Negative sign can be on the numerator or
☺ ab2 = a x b x b denominator, but not both.
☺ (ab)2 = a2b2 = a x a x b x b
To solve linear equations, there are a few rules to take note of:
1. Always open the brackets first in the order of (, [ and {. When expanding brackets, do
take note of the possible existence of the negative sign. The number in front of the
bracket will only affect the numbers inside the bracket.
2. Do multiplication and division next, depending on the order that comes first. Always
move from left to right of the equation
3. Lastly, do addition and subtraction. Always move from left to right of the equation
Example: Simplify -2 {a + 2b x 4 – [3(5a – b) – 5(b – 3) + 8] – 5}:
-2 {a + 2b x 4 – [3(5a – b) – 5(b – 3) + 8] – 5}
= -2 {a + 2b x 4 – [15a – 3b – 5(b – 3) + 8] – 5} Note: Change in sign when bracket is opened
= -2 {a + 2b x 4 – [15a – 3b – 5b + 15 + 8] – 5} Note: Simplify expression in bracket first
= -2 [a + 2b x 4 – (15a – 8b + 23) – 5] Note: Order of the brackets can be changed
= -2 [a + 2b x 4 – 15a + 8b – 23 – 5]
= -2 [a + 8b – 15a + 8b – 23 – 5]
= -2 [– 14a + 16b – 28]
= 28a – 32b + 56

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N5.2 Changing the Subject of the Formula

Put whatever you need on the left hand side, the rest on the right hand side. Cross multiply
to obtain a linear equation whereas required. When a square root is involved do no forget to
insert your ± sign. Failing to do so will cause you to lose a mark from the question.
Example: O level 2014 Paper 2 Question 1 (bii)

It is given that W = m (v2 - u2). E press u in terms of W, m and v.

W = m (v2 – u2)
2W = m (v2 – u2)
= v2 – u2
u2 = v2 –

u= −

N5.3 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions

Ensure that the denominators are the same before you combine the fractions. When
combining the fractions, do take note of the negative sign before you open the brackets. Note:
Denominator need not be expanded when expressing algebraic expressions as single fraction.
Example: Modified from O Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 11 (b)

Write as a single fraction in its simplest form ( )

+ .

( )
=( )
– Note: How the signs are changed
( )
=( )
–( )( )
Note: Negative sign when combining fractions
( )
= ( )

= ( )
=( )

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Example: O Level 2013 Paper 2 Question 1 (c)

Express as a single fraction in its simplest form –

( ) ( )
=( )(

) ( )( )
( ) ( )
= ( )( )

= ( )( )

=( )( )

N5.4 Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Expressions

Always change the division sign to a multiplication sign before proceeding on. Upon changing
the division sign to a multiplication sign, take the reciprocal of the fraction (flip the fraction
Example: O Level 2012 Paper 2 Question 1 (c)
3x2 y
Simplify 2y ÷ 4

3x2 y
÷ 4
= 2y x 3x2y
= 3xy2

Example: O Level 2011 Paper 1 Question 8 (a)

5c 20c2
Simplify 2
÷ d

5c 20c2
÷ d
5c d
= 2
x 2
= 8c
3a 27a
Example: Simplify (4ab)2 ÷ 2b
3a 27a
(4ab)2 ÷ 2b
9a2 2b
= 2 2
816a b 327a
= 24ab

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N5.5 Word Problems involving Algebraic Expressions

Example: N level 2011 Paper 1 Question 23 (b)
A 40 cm length of ribbon costs dollars. Find an expression for the cost, in dollars, of y metres
of ribbon. Give your answer in its simplest form.
40 cm = 0.4 m
0.4 m  $ Note: There are 4 different types of
1 m  $0.40 units used in this question
y m  0.40 . y
= $0.40

N5.6 Basic Quadratic Formulas and Methods to Solve Quadratic Equations

Basic Formulas:
☺ (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
☺ (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
☺ a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)
Methods to Factorise Quadratic Equations
☺ Cross Factorisation (Refer to page 33)
☺ Completing the Square (Refer to page 34)
N5.7 Expansion of the Product of Quadratic Expressions
To expand quadratic equations, use ‘rainbow’ method.
Example: Expand 3(2 – 1)( + 5)
Expand the numbers within the brackets by rainbow method first. DO NOT multiply in the
number outside the bracket, in this case, 3.
3(2 – 1)( + 5)

= 3(2 2 + 10 – – 5)
= 3(2 2 + 9 – 5)
= 6 2 + 27 – 15

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N5.8 Completing the Square not involving an Equation

Example: 2 2 – 3 – 5 Note: Do not put = 0 if the question does that

2 2–3 –5 state so!
=2( 2 – – ) 1. Ensure that 2 is by itself.
=2[ 2 – + (– ÷ 2)2 – – (– ÷ 2)2] 2. Divide the consonant in front of by 2
= 2 [( – )2 – ] and square it. Shown in green.
3. Since it is on the same side of the
= 2( – )2 – equation, one of them must be a plus,
the other a minus.
4. Multiply the factor in accordingly.

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N5.9 Factorisation of Linear Algebraic and Quadratic Expression

Example: O Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 18 (b)
Factorise fully 6 2 – 15 – 9
Step 1: Factorise out common factors. If the string of numbers is keyed into the calculator, it
will not give an equivalent answer as calculator can only give answers in the simplest form.
6 2 – 15 – 9
= 3(2 2 – 5 – 3)
Step 2: Either key the numbers into the calculator (Refer to Page 7) or draw up format for
cross factorisation. For cross factorisation, fill up the boxes according to the format

2 2 -3 -5

Step 3: Trial and error is required. Fill up the boxes with possible numbers that may fit the
numbers. Note: DO NOT INCLUDE any NEGATIVE SIGNS at this stage.

2 1
3 6
2 2 -3 -5

Step 3: Determine how the number on the right can be obtained. In this case, 6 will have to
be negative in order to obtain -5 i.e. – 6 = -5 . The negative number will be carried to
the number directly on its left.

2 1
-3 -6
2 2 -3 -5

Step 4: Write the answer in its factorised form.

6 2 – 15 – 9
= 3(2 2 – 5 – 3)
= 3(2 + 1)( – 3)

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Example: O Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 18 (a)

Factorise completely 3 y – 6ay – 4 + 8a
3 y – 6ay – 4 + 8a
= 3y ( – 2a) – 4( – 2a) Note: Sign change in red!
= ( – 2a)(3y – 4)
Other possible workings:
3 y – 6ay – 4 + 8a
= 3 y – 4 + 8a – 6ay
= (3y – 4) + 2a (4 – 3y) Note: How (3y – 4) is changed into (4 – 3y)
= (3y – 4) – 2a (3y – 4)
= ( – 2a)(3y – 4)

Example: O Level 2013 Paper 2 Question 1 (b)

a) Factorise completely 18p2 – 8
18p2 – 8
= 2(9p2 – 4) Note: Check for common factors first
= 2(3p – 2) (3p + 2)

b) Simplify
Note: Do not key the denominator
into the calculator if the common
( )( ) factor has not been factorised
2 2p
( )
( )( )
p -3 -9p
( )( )
3p2 -6 -7p
( )
= ( )

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N5.10 Number Patterns

Linear Number Pattern
The difference between the terms will always be constant. Assuming that term 0 exists,
determine term 0.
Example 1: -2, 5, 12, 19 …
Since the pattern keeps increasing by 7 therefore +7n will be part of the pattern.
Term 0 = -2 – 7
= -9
Therefore, nth term = -9 + 7n
Example 2: 21, 18, 15, 12 …
Note that the pattern keeps decreasing by 3, therefore -3n will be part of the pattern.
Term 0 = 21 + 3
= 24
Therefore, nth term = 24 – 3n
Special Number Patterns
Example 1: 1, 4, 9, 16 …
nth term: n2
Reason: 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4…
Example 2: 1, 8, 27, 64 …
nth term = n3
Reason: 1 x 1 x 1, 2 x 2 x 2, 3 x 3 x 3, 4 x 4 x 4 …
Number Pattern Involving 2

Example: 6, 15, 28, 45 …

Note that the difference between each terms is not the same. In this case, quadratic formula
an2 + bn + c has to be used. The first number that appears in the number pattern is known as
term 1.
When n=1, a+b+c=6
when n= 2, 4a + 2b + c = 15
when n=3, 9a + 3b + c = 28
Solve the above equations using calculator, calculator will show answer as = 2, y = 3, z = 1.
Refer to page 8 for elaborate steps on calculator skills. Note: The numbers in red will remain
the same if the first 3 terms of the number pattern is used. The last column varies according
to the numbers given in the question.
Therefore, the nth term is 2n2 + 3n + 1

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N6. Functions and Graphs

N6.1 Graphs of Common Equations

 (1,1)
 (1,1)

y y

y= 2

 (1,1)  (1,1)


y y

 (1,1)  (1,1)


y y

 (1,1)  (1,1)


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y y

 (1,1)  (1,1)

y = -a

N6.2 Sketching of Curve (Quadratic Equation – Factorisation)

Example: Sketch the graph y = 2 + 6 – 16 and show the intercepts and turning point clearly.
1. Find intercept i.e. when y = 0
When y = 0,
2 + 6 – 16 = 0

( + 8)( – 2) = 0
Either + 8 = 0 or –2=0
= -8 =2

2. Find y intercept i.e. when =0 = -3 y

When = 0,
y = 02 + 6(0) – 16
= -16

3. Find line of symmetry (-8,0) (2,0)

(–8) + 2
= 2
-8 2
= -3
y= 2 + 6 -16
4. Find turning point
When = –3, (0, -16)
y = (-3)2 + 6(-3) – 16 -16
= -25
(-3, -25)

Note: To label all co-ordinates of the -intercepts, y-intercept, turning point, line of symmetry
and equation of the curve for the factorisation method clearly.

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N6.3 Sketching of Curve (Completing the Square Method)

Example: Sketch the graph y = 2 + 6 – 16 and show the intercepts and turning point clearly.
Step 1: Complete the square (Refer to page 34 for detailed workings)
y= 2 + 6 – 16
6 2 6 2
y= 2 +6 + 2
– 16 – 2
y = ( + 3)2 – 25

If this is positive, turning point of – co-ordinate will be negative (Opposite power). If

it is negative, turning point of the – co-ordinate will be positive

If this is negative, turning point of y-coordinate will be negative (Same power). If it is

positive, turning of the y – co-ordinate will be negative.

Therefore, the turning point of curve is at (-3, 25)

Step 2: Find y – intercept i.e. when =0

When = 0,
y = (0 + 3)2 – 25
= -16
Step 3: Determine the shape of the curve.
x2 –> U shaped. This question is a U shaped curve.
-x2 –> ∩ shaped
= -3

y= 2 + 6 –16


(-3, -25)

Note: To label all co-ordinates of the y-intercept, turning point, line of symmetry and equation
of the curve for completing the square method clearly. If you cannot visualise the shape of
the curve, determine the x – intercepts.
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N6.4 Plotting of Curve on Graph Paper

Possible Questions:
1. Determine the value of when provided with y
2. Determine the value of y when provided with
3. Determine the coordinates of the point where the line intersects the curve
4. The maximum point of the curve (y-axis)
5. When given the equation of a similar graph, a linear version of the graph needs to be
drawn to determine the solution.
6. Draw a tangent to the graph and determine the gradient of the tangent
7. Plotting of linear graph and determining the intersection points.
8. Simultaneous equation: by combining the equations of the curve and the linear graph
into one equation. Simplify the equation (usually in fractions) to a linear equation
Example: O Level 2011 Paper 2 Question 9

The variables and y are connected by the equation y = 2 ( – 4). Some corresponding
values of and y are given in the following table.

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
y p -1 0 -0.6 -1.6 -1.8 0 5

(a) Find the value of p.

p = -4.8

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit, draw a horizontal -a is for -2 ≤ ≤ 5. Using a scale of

1 cm to 1 unit, draw a vertical y – a is for -6 ≤ ≤ 6. On your axes, plot the points in
the table and join them with a smooth curve.
6 y

4 y=4–2
y= 2 ( – 4)

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y = -1 6




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(c) Use your graph to find three solutions of 2 ( – 4) = -1. Shown in purple.
Since y = 2 ( – 4), plot equation y = -1
= -1, 1.4 or 3.6

(d) By drawing a tangent, find the gradient of the cure at the point (4, 0). Shown in green.
. ( )
Gradient = . .
= 3.1 (1 d.p.)

(e) On the same axes, draw the line y = 4 – 2 for 0 ≤ ≤ 5. Shown in orange.
0 1 2
y 4 2 0
(f) Write down the -coordinate of the point where this line intersects the curve.
= 2.9
(g) This value of is a solution of the equation 3 – 4 2 + A + B = 0

y= 2 ( – 4) ---------------------(1)
y=4–2 ---------------------(2)
Substitute (1) into (2)
2 ( – 4) = 4 – 2
2 ( – 4) = 20 – 10
3 – 4 2 + 10 – 20 = 0
By comparing coefficients,
A = 10, B = -20

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N7. Solutions of Equations and Inequalities

N7.1 Solving Linear Equations in One Unknown
Example: O Level Paper 1 Question 8

Solve the equation + =

+ =
( )
+ = Note: Denominator has to be the same
+ =
2 – 3 + 2 + 4 = 15
4 = 14
= 3.5
Example: O Level 2012 Paper 2 Question 1 (e)

Solve the equation =4

Note: Cross multiply to obtain linear
1(2 – 7) = 4(3 + 2) equation. Always put any whole number
2 – 7 = 12 + 8 over one if you cannot visualise.
2 – 12 = 8 + 7
-10 = 15
= -1.5

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N7.2 Simultaneous Equation

Simultaneous equation can be solved by either elimination, substitution or graphical method.
Elimination method aims to remove one of the variables, substitution methods works by
making one of the variables the subject of the formula while the solutions can be determined
by graphical methods by the intersections of the coordinates on the graph.
Example: O Level 2007 Paper 2 Question 2 (b)
2 =y+6 -----------------(1)
6 – 2y = 13 -----------------(2)

By Elimination Method,
(1) x 3

6 – 3y = 18 -----------------(3)
6 – 2y = 13 -----------------(2)

(3) – (2),
(6 – 3y) – (6 – 2y) = 18 – 13
6 – 3y – 6 + 2y = 5
-y = 5
y = -5

Sub y = –5 into (1)

2 = -5 + 6
2 =1
= 0.5

Therefore, = 0.5, y = -5

By Substitution Method,
= -----------------(3)

Sub (3) into (2),

6( ) – 2y = 13
3y + 18 – 2y = 13
y = -5

Sub y = -5 into (3)

= -0.5
Therefore, = 0.5, y = -5

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By Graphical Method

Plot the equations 2 = y + 6 and 6 – 2y = 13 on a piece of graph paper. The solutions will
be at the point of intersection.

0 y x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5










Therefore, = 0.5, y = -5

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N7.3 Solving Quadratic Equation

The three ways to solve quadratic equations not by graphical methods are factorisation,
general formula and completing the square.
Cross Factorisation
When using this method, note that the right hand side must always be zero. If not, bring all
variables to the left hand side before proceeding.
Example: N Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 14 (bii)
Solve 2 – 2 – 24 = 0
2– 2 – 24 = 0 -6 -6
( – 6)( + 4) = 0 4 4
( – 6) = 0 or ( + 4) = 0 2 -24 -2
=6 or = -4
General Formula

–b ± b2 – 4ac
Note: Consonant in front of 2 is a, consonant in front of is b and the constant term alone
is c. Do include negative signs whereas applicable. The right hand side must always be equals
to 0.
Example: 2 2 –3 –5=0
a = 2, b = -3, c = -5

–(-3) ± (-3)2 – 4(2)(–5)


3 ± √9 + 40

3 ± √49
= or =

= 2.5 or = -1

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Completing the Square

When doing completing the square in an equation, bring the constant term to the right hand
side of the equation. Ensure that 2 is doesn’t have any constant term.

2 –3 –5=0
2 1. Bring the constant term over to the
2 2–3 =5 right hand side.
2 – 1.5 = 2.5 2. Ensure that 2 is by itself.
–1.5 2 –1.5 2 3. Divide the consonant in front of by 2
2 – 1.5 + ( 2
) = 2.5 + ( 2
) and square it. Shown in green.
4. Since it is on the different side of the
( - 0.75)2 = 16
equation, both of them will be a plus
– 0.75 = ± 16 5. Square root the equation on both side.
– 0.75 = 4
– 0.75 = 4 If ± of the number square rooted is not
determined, marks will be lost.
= 2.5 or = -1
6. Solve for .

N7.4 Solving Fractional Equations that can be reduced to Quadratic Equation

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 1 (d)

Solve the equation + =1

+ =1
( ) ( )
( )(
) ( )( )
( ) ( )
( )( )

4( – 2) + 3( + 3) = ( + 3)( – 2)
4 –8+3 +9= 2 –2 +3 –6
7 +1= 2 + –6
2 –6 –7=0
( – 7)( + 1) = 0
( – 7) = 0 or ( + 1) = 0
=7 or = -1

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N7.5 Solving Quadratic Equations Related Problems

Example: O level 2010 Paper 2 Question 6

John and Peter took part in a marathon race. They each ran 42 km.

(a) John ran at a constant speed of kilometres per hour. Write down an expression in terms
of , for the number of hours he took.
Number of hours John took = hours

(b) Peter ran a constant speed which was km/h less than John’s speed. Write down an
expression, in terms of , for the number of hours he took.
Speed of Peter = –
= km/h Note: Units used in this question
Number of hours Peter took = 42 ÷
= 42 x
= hours

(c) The difference between their times was 10 minutes. Write down an expression in to
represent this information, and show that it reduces to 2 2 – – 252 = 0
– =
Note: When doing speed related
quadratic equations, determine who is
( ) ( )
( )( )
= faster and who is slower. The object
that is faster will take a longer time.
Thus, to find the difference between
the times taken, always take the object
take is slower to minus the object that
= is faster.
(42)(60) = 10 (2 2 – )
Take note of your units. The question
2520 = 20 2 -10
can mix dollars and cents together;
20 2 – 10 – 2520 = 0
same goes for hours and minutes.
2 2 – – 252 = 0 (Shown)

(d) Solve the equation 2 2– – 252 = 0, giving the answers correct to three decimal places.
a = 2, b = 1, c = –252
( )± ( ) ( )( )
= ( )
= 11.478 or = -10.978 (3 d.p)

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(e) Calculate the time that John took to complete the race, giving your answer in hours,
minutes and seconds.
Since speed cannot be negative, = 11.478
Time taken for John to complete the race
= .
= 3.65925 h
= 3 h 39 min 33s

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 8

Daniel went on a journey of 90 km.
(a) Daniel took minutes to drive the first 40 km at a constant speed. Write down an
expression, in terms of , for his speed in km/h for the first 40 km.

Speed =

= 40 ÷

= 40 x

= km/h

(b) It took Daniel ( + 15) minutes to drive the rest of the distance at a different constant
speed. Write down an expression, in terms of , for his speed in km/h for this part of the
Remaining distance = 90 – 40
= 50 km

Speed =

= ( )

= 50 ÷

= 50 x

= km/h

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(c) Daniel’s speed for the first part of the journey was 9 km/h faster than the second part.
Write down an equation in to represent this information and show that it reduces to
3 2 + 245 – 12000 = 0.

– =9
( )
( )

2400 + 36000 – 3000 = 9( 2 + 15 )

-600 + 36000 = 9 2 +135
9 2 + 735 – 36000 = 0
3 2 + 245 – 12000 = 0 (shown)

(d) Solve the equation 3 2 + 245 – 12000 = 0, giving your solutions correct to 2 decimal
a = 3, b = 245, c = -12000
± ( )( )
= ( )

= ( )

= 34.449 or = -116.115
= 34.45 (2 d.p) or = -116.12 (2 d.p)

(e) Calculate Daniel’s average speed, in km/h, for the whole journey.
Since > 0, = 34.449 min,
Average speed for the whole journey

= 90 ÷

= 90 x

When = 34.449,
Average speed = ( . )

= 64.3647 km/h
= 64.4 km/h (3 s.f.)

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N7.6 Solving Linear Inequalities

When drawing number lines for inequalities,
Note: The inequality sign should be flipped when is on the right hand side instead of the left
or when is negative
Example: Modified from O Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 9 (b)
Solve the inequalities -5 < 2 – 3 ≤ 7. Represent the solutions on a number line.
-5 < 2 – 3 or 2 –3≤7
-5 + 3 < 2 or 2 ≤7+3
-2 < 2 or 2 ≤ 10
> -1 or ≤5
Therefore, -1 < ≤ 5.

-1 5
Note: The format in O Level E Maths is 99%: ___< ≤ ____ of the time. If your inequality signs
do not match, please check your answer again. The number on the left MUST BE smaller than
the number on the right while fulfilling the inequality signs.
Example: Modified from O Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 13 (b)
Solve the inequalities -9 ≤ 4 – 3 < 9. Represent the solutions on a number line.
-9 ≤ 4 – 3 or 4 –3<9
-9 + 3 ≤ 4 or 4 <9+3
-6 ≤ 4 or 4 < 12
≥ –1.5 or <3
Therefore, -1.5 ≤ < 3.

-1.5 3

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N8. Set Language and Notation (Not Tested in N Levels)

N8.1 Definitions of Set Language and Notation

ℰ Universal set

∈ is an element of

∉ Is not an element of

A’ Complement of set A

n(A) Number of elements in set A

Ø or { } Empty or null set

⊆ Is a subset of

⊈ Is not a subset of

⊂ Is a proper subset of

Is not a proper subset of

∪ Union of A and B

∩ Intersection of A and B

A set is a collection of objects. A set can be set to defined specific items required. Example: A
= { : is a prime number from 1 < < 20}

The universal set, denoted by ℰ is the set that contains all elements being considered in a
given discussion

ℰ = { : is a prime number from 1 < < 20}

ℰ = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}

An element of a set denoted by the symbol ∈ means that it is an object that belongs to the
set. For the example above, 2 is an element of A or 2 ∈ A. If the object does not belong to the
set, we say that it is not the element of the set, which is denoted by the symbol ∉. In the
above example, 6 is not an element of A or 6 ∉ A.

A’ is the complement of the A. It is the numbers in the universal set that is not in A. In the
above example, A’ = {4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18}

An empty set or a null set is a set containing no elements. It is denoted by Ø or { }. Example A

= { : is an even prime number from 5 < < 20}. Since none of the numbers are able to fulfil
the requirements, A = Ø. Note: It is WRONG to write {Ø}.

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If every element of a set A is also an element of a set B, then A is the subset of B, which is
denoted by A ⊆ B. In short, it is A has some or all of the elements that can be found in B.
Example: If we have the set B = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}. Possible subsets (A) will be {2, 3, 5,
7, 11, 13, 17, 19} (equal set), {2, 3, 5}, {13, 17}, {11}, Ø etc. An equal set can also be a subset
of B. If A is not the subset of B denoted by A ⊈ B, it contains elements that cannot be found
in B. Examples of A ⊈ B is A = {1, 2, 3}. Since 1 is not part of B, A ⊈ B.

Set A is a proper subset of B if every element of set A is also an element of set B and set B has
more elements than set A (they are not equal). In short, A has only some of the elements that
can be found in B. We write A ⊂ B to denote A is a proper subset of B. Example: A = {1, 2, 3}
and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Since all the elements of A are present in B, it is said that A ⊂ B.

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N8.2 Venn Diagram

Example: Shade (A∩B)’

Step 1: Draw A∩B

Note: Workings need not be shown if you

can visualise
Step 2: Draw (A∩B)’

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Example: Shade A’ ∩ B

Step 1: Draw A’

Step 2: Draw B

Step 3: Draw A’ ∩ B

Note: When doing Venn diagram on exam scripts, lines are used to depict the shaded parts
instead. Draw number 1 with a colour pencil using diagonal lines. Draw number 2 with
another colour pencil using diagonal lines not the same as number 1. The answer will be the
region with both colours.

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Example: Shade A’ ∪ B

Step 1: Shade A’

Step 2: Shade B

Step 3: Shade A’ ∪ B

Note: When doing Venn diagram on exam scripts, lines are used to depict the shaded parts
instead. Draw number 1 with a colour pencil using diagonal lines. Draw number 2 with
another colour pencil using diagonal lines not the same as number 1. As long as any region is
coloured, that will be the answer.

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N8.3 Word Problems Involving Set Language and Notation

Example: CASCO O Level Mathematics Companion Book 2 Page 185 Question 24
ℰ={ : is an integer and 3 ≤ ≤ 14}
A={ : is a multiple of 3}
B={ : is a factor of 12}
C={ : is a prime number}
(a) List the elements of the set
ℰ = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}
A = {3, 6, 9, 12} Note: Some numbers are excluded
B = {3, 4, 6, 12} as you are required to follow the
C = {3, 5, 7, 11, 13} range of the universal set.
(i) B∩C
B∩C = {3}

(ii) A’∩B
A’ = {4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14}
A’∩B= {4}

(iii) (A∪C)’
A∪C = {3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13}
(A∪C)’ = {4, 8, 10, 14}

(b) Find the value of

(i) n(A∪B∪C)
A∪B∪C = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13}
n(A∪B∪C) = 9

(ii) n(A∩B∩C)
A∩B∩C = {3}
n(A∩B∩C) = 1

(iii) n(A∩B)’
A∩B = {3, 6, 12}
(A∩B)’ = {4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14}
n(A∩B)’ = 9

(iv) n(B’∩C)
B’ = {5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14}
B’∩C = {5, 7, 11, 13}
n(B’∩C) = 4

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N9. Matrices (Not Tested in N Level)

N9.1 Order of Matrices
The order of the Matrices is written as a x b, where a denotes the number of rows while b
denotes the number of columns.
a b Row
c d In this example, the order is 3 x 2
e f

N9.2 Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
a b e f a+e b+f
+ =
c d g h c+g d+h
a b e f a–e b–f
– =
c d g h c–g d–h
N9.3 Multiplication of Matrices
b ab
a c = ac
d ad
When multiplying matrices together, the order of the matrices plays an important role. For
example, when multiplying two matrices of order 2 x 3 and 3 x 1 together,
2 x 3 and 3 x 1
The numbers in purple must be the same before can multiply the matrices together. The
numbers in blue will determine the order of the final matrix. In this case the order of the final
matrix is 2 x 1. The multiplying of the matrices always goes from left to right , then up to
down ↓.
a b e f ae + bg af + bh
Example: =
c d g h ce + dg cf + dh
(2 x 2) (2 x 2) (2 x 2)

a c e g h ag + ci + ek ah + cj + el
Example: =
b d f i j bg + di + fk bh + dj + fl
k l
(2 x 3) (3 x 2) (2 x 2)

a b g h i ag + bj ah + bk ai + bl
Example: c d = cg + dj ch + dk ci + dl
j k l
e f eg + fj eh + fk ei + fl
(3 x 2) (2 x 3) (3 x 3)
Example: d e f b = da + eb + fc
(1 x 3) (3 x 1) (1 x 1)

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N9.4 Problems Involving Matrices

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 21
Lin and Hadi save 10 cent, 20 cent and $1 coins. The number of coins they saved last month
is given by the matrix C.
10c 20c $1
29 10 5 Lin
30 6 8 Hadi
(a) A 10c coin has a mass of 2.6 grams
A 20c coin has a mass of 4.5 grams
A $1 coin has a mass of 6.3 grams
Represent these masses in a 3 x 1 column matrix D.
D= 4.5
(b) Evaluate the matrix E = CD
E = CD
29 10 5
= 4.5
30 6 8
(29 2.6) + (10 4.5) + (5 6.3)
(30 2.6) + (6 4.5) + (8 6.3)
(c) State what the elements of E represent.
The elements of E represents the total mass, in grams, of the coins saved last month
by Lin and Hadi respectively.
(d) The elements of the matrix V, where V = CF, represents the values, in cents of the coins
saved last month by Lin and Hadi. Write down the matrix F.
F = 20
(e) At the next month, the girls saved more coins. The total mass of the coins increased
by 20%. Calculate the new mass of the coins saved by the two girls respectively [not
in O level TYS].
1.2 0 151.9
0 1.2 155.4
(1.2 151.9) + (0 155.4)
(0 151.9) + (1.2 155.4)

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N10. Problems in Real World Context

N10.1 Simple Interest
I = 100

Where P = principal ($)

R = rate of interest (%)
T = time (years)
Example: Ahmad invested $8000 in a savings plan that promises a return of 7% simple interest
per annum. Given that Ahmad invested his money in this saving plans for 9 years 9 months,
what is the total amount he can get from the saving plans?
Interest = 100
8000 x 7 x 9
= 100
= $5460
Total amount = 8000 + 5460
= $13460
Note: Question involving simple interest usually requires you to calculate total amount, so
please read the question properly. If years and months are involved in a question, you are
required to convert it to years only.
N10.2 Compound Interest
Amount = P (1 + 100)n
Where P = principal ($)
R = rate of interest (%)
T = time (years, unless otherwise stated)
Example: Mary invested her savings of $5000 in Money to Riches Bank which provides an
interest that is compounded quarterly at a rate of 1% per annum. She invested her savings
for 3 years. What is the total amount of interest Mary can obtain?
Total amount = P (1 + 100)n
= 5000 (1 + 100)3 x 4
= $5152.08 (corrected to the nearest cents)
Interest obtained = $5152.08 - $5000
= $152.08
Note: When question state that interest is 1% per annum, compounded quarterly. Interest
rate must divide by 4 as it is compounded quarterly. Time (period) will have to multiply by 4
since there are 4 accounting cycles in a year given that it is compounded quarterly. Question
involving compound interest usually requires you to calculate interest so please read the
question carefully.

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N10.3 Money Exchange

Example: O level 2014 Paper 1 Question 2
Hasim is travelling from Singapore to Switzerland.
In Singapore, the exchange rate is 1 Singapore dollar = 0.765 Swiss Franc.
In Switzerland, the exchange rate is 1 Swiss Franc = 1.294 Singapore Dollars
Hasim wants to change 500 Singapore Dollars into Swiss Francs. How many more Swiss
Francs will he get by changing his money in Switzerland?
SGD $1 = 0.765 Swiss Francs
SGD $500 = 382.50 Swiss Francs
1 Swiss Franc = $1.294 SGD
$1.294 SGD = 1 Swiss Franc
1 SGD = .
Swiss Franc
$500 SGD = .
x 500 Swiss Franc
= 386.40 Swiss Franc (2 d.p.)
Amount of money he will get more = 386.40 – 382.50
= 3.90 Swiss Francs
Example: O Level 2012 Paper 2 Question 4 (a)
One day the exchange rate between pounds (₤) and Singapore dollars ($) was ₤1 = $2.10. On
the same day, the exchange rate between euros (€) and pounds was €1 = ₤0.93.
a) Ann changed ₤200 into Singapore dollars. Calculate how many dollars she received.
₤1 = $2.10
₤200 = $420
b) Bill converted $500 into euros. Calculate how many euros he received, correct to the
nearest euro.
₤1 = $2.10
$2.10 = ₤1
$1 = ₤ .
$500 = ₤ .
x 500
= ₤238.095 (5 s.f.)
€1 = ₤0.93
₤0.93 = €1
₤1 = € .
₤238.095 = € .
x 238.095
= €256 (nearest euros)

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N10.4 Hire Purchase

Example: O level 2014 Paper 1 Question 11
The cash price of a washing machine is $980. The hire purchase price of the washing machine
is $1089. The hire purchase price is a deposit of 15% of the cash price plus 12 equal monthly
Calculate one monthly payment.

Deposit = x $980
= $147
Remaining amount = $1089 – $147
= $942

Monthly payment =
= $78.50
Example: Xiao Ming borrowed a sum of money from the bank. He is due to repay the bank
with interest of an amount totalling to $15079.23 within a year. Given that his LAST
instalment is $1255.75, how much was his monthly instalments?
. .
Monthly instalment =
= $1256.68
Note: When dealing with money, it can only involves 2 decimal places. That is why for this
question, it cannot be 15079.23 ÷ 12 as it will give an answer of 4 decimal places.

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N10.5 Taxation
When doing questions on tax, always determine the chargeable income first.
Chargeable income = Total income – Total relief
Example: CASCO 3B Revised Edition (2010) Page 259 Question 32
Mr Ng earns $3250 a month. He has two children and a wife to support. He donates 2% of his
monthly salary to charitable organisations. He contributes $7800 towards CPF, pay $600
personal life insurance. Calculate the amount of tax Mr Ng has to pay if he is entitled to the
following reliefs: Personal $3000; wife $2000; children, $2000 each

Chargeable Income ($) Tax Rate (%) Tax Payable ($)

On the first 20 000 0 0
On the next 10 000 3.50 350
On the first 30 000 350
On the next 10 000 5.50 550

Annual income = 3250 x 12

= $39 000

Total reliefs = ( x 39000) + 7800 + 600 + 3000 + 2(2000) + 2000

= $18 180
Annual chargeable income = 39000 – 18180
= $20 820
Since first $20000 is tax free,
Tax = x (20820 – 20000)
= $28.70

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N10.6 Utilities Bills

Calculating Water and Electricity Consumption
Example: O level 2014 Paper 2 Question 2
The table shows the electricity consumption, in gigawatts hours (GWh), in Singapore in 2010.

Domestic Manufacturing Other industries Total

7304.5 16693.0 17202.3 41199.8

(a) Convert the total amount of electricity consumed into kilowatts hours (kWh). Give
your answer in standard form correct to 3 significant figures.
41 199.8 GWh = 41199.8 x 109 Wh
= 4.11998 x 1013 Wh
= 4.11998 x 1010 x 103 Wh
= 4.12 x 1010 KWh (3 s.f.)
(b) Calculate the percentage of the total that was consumed by manufacturing.
Percentage that was consumed by manufacturing = x 100%
= 40.5% (3 s.f.)

(c) The population of Singapore in 2010 was 5.077 million. Calculate the average amount
of domestic electricity consumed per person. Give your answer to the nearest kWh.
Average amount of domestic electricity consumed per person
= .
= .
= .
= 1438.74 kWh
= 1439 kWh

(d) The amount of electricity consumed by other industries in 2009 was 13628.0 GWh.
Calculate the percentage increase in electricity consumption by other industries from
2008 to 2010.
. .
% increase = .
x 100%
= 26.2% (3 s.f.)

(e) From 2000 to 2010, the amount of domestic electricity consumption increased by
27.6%. Calculate the domestic electricity consumption in 2000. Give your answer to
the nearest GWh.
Let the amount of domestic electricity consumption in 2000 be GWh.

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x 100% = 27.6%
= 0.276
7304.5 – = 0.276
1.276 = 7304.5
= 5725 GWh (nearest GWh)

127.6%  7304.5 GWh
1%  .
100%  .
GWh x 100%
= 5725 GWh (nearest GWh)

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N10.7 Kinematics (Not Tested in N Levels)

Distance-Time Graph Involving Constant Speed
In a distance-time graph, the speed of the graph can be determined by finding the gradient
of the straight line (constant speed).


Object is stationary

speed Uniform

t1 t2 t3

Conversion of Distance-Time Graph to Speed-Time Graph

For part A and C of the graph, since the object is travelling at a uniform speed, it will appear
as a straight line. For part B of the graph, since the object is stationary, no speed is involved.





t1 t2 t3

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Distance-Time Graph Involving Constant Acceleration

In a distance-time graph, the speed of the graph can be determined by drawing a tangent line
since it involves a curve (constant acceleration).


Constant deceleration/


acceleration B C

A Time
t1 t2 t3

Conversion of Distance-Time Graph to Speed-Time Graph

For part A of the graph, since the object is travelling at a constant acceleration, the straight
line will have a positive gradient. For part B of the graph, since the object is travelling at
constant speed, it will be a horizontal line. For part C of the graph, since the object is retarding
constantly, a negative gradient is formed.



t1 t2 t3

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Word Problems Involving Distance-Time Graphs

Example: O Level 2010 Paper 1 Question 17
The graph shows Alison’s journey from home to school. She left home at 0800, walked to the
bus stop and travelled the rest of the way on the bus.


0800 0805 0810 0815 0820

(a) How long did she wait at the bus stop?

Time waited at the bus stop = 08 10 – 0804
= 6 min
(b) How far was she from school at 08 15? Shown in orange.
Distance from school = 5.4 – 2.9
= 2.5 km
(c) Find the speed of the bus.
( . . )
Speed of the bus =
= 30 km/h
(d) Alison’s brother, Sam, also left home at 0800. He cycled to school at a constant
speed of 20 km/h. Show his journey on the above graph.
Time taken = /
= 0.27 h
= 16.2 min

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Speed-Time Graph
In a speed-time graph, the acceleration of the graph can be determined by finding the
gradient of the curve. The distance can be determined by finding the area under the curve.


Constant speed

Constant Constant
acceleration deceleration/

t1 t2 t3

Conversion of Speed-Time Graph to Distance-Time Graph

Since part A of the speed-time graph shows constant acceleration, it will be a slow to fast
curve on the distance-time graph. Since part B of the speed-time graph shows constant speed,
it will be a linear line on the distance-time graph. Since part C of the speed-time graph shows
constant retardation, it will be a fast to slow curve on the distance-time graph.

Distance (m)

A + B +C


Time (seconds)
t1 t2 t3

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Conversion of Speed-Time Graph to Acceleration-Time Graph

Acceleration (m/s2)



Time (s)
t1 t2 t3

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Word Problem Involving Speed-Time Graph

Example: Modified from O Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 24
The diagram shows the speed-time graph for a car journey between two road junctions.

Speed (m/s)

(10, 16) (20, 16)


(35, 0)
(0, 0) Time (seconds)
10 20 35

(a) Calculate the acceleration of the car after 5 seconds. Shown in purple.
Acceleration =
= 1.6 m/s2

(b) Calculate the acceleration of the car from t = 10 and t = 20

Note: Since it is a horizontal line, it means that the car is travelling at constant speed,
hence there is no acceleration.
Acceleration = 0 m/s2

(c) Calculate the retardation when t = 30. Shown in grey.

Gradient =
= -1.07 m/s2 (3 s.f.)
∴ Retardation = 1.07 m/s2
Note: If retardation is written as −1.07 m/s2, the answer will be wrong as retardation
means negative gradient.

(d) Calculate the total distance travelled between the two road junctions.
Total distance = x [(20 - 10) + 35] x 16
= 360 m

(e) Calculate the average speed for the whole journey.

Average speed =
= 10.3 m/s

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(f) Sketch the distance-time graph for the journey.

Distance of A = x 10 x 16
= 80 m
Distance of B = (20 – 10) x 16
= 160 m

Distance of C = x (35 – 20) x 16

= 120 m

Distance (m)




Time (seconds)
10 20 35

Since part A of the speed-time graph shows constant acceleration, it will be a slow to fast
curve on the distance-time graph. Since part B of the speed-time graph shows constant speed,
it will be a linear line on the distance-time graph. Since part C of the speed-time graph shows
constant retardation, it will be a fast to slow curve on the distance-time graph.
Note: Distance is a cumulative curve. A distance-time graph never have a negative gradient!

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G1. Angles, Triangles and Polygons

G1.1 Common Characteristics of Angles, Triangles and Polygons

Right angle (90o) Acute angle (< 90o) Obtuse angle (90o < < 180o)


Reflex angle Vertically opposite angles ∠ = 180o – yo

(180o< < 360o) ∠ = ∠y (angle on a straight line)



C D y
Corresponding angles Alternate angles Interior angles
∠ = ∠y ∠ = ∠y ∠ + ∠y = 180o
(Corr ∠, AB // CD) (alt ∠, AB//CD) (int ∠, AB//CD)

int ∠ ext ∠


Complementary angle Supplementary angle Interior and exterior

∠ + ∠y = 90o ∠ + ∠y = 180o angles of a polygon
int ∠ + ext ∠ = 180o

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G1.2 Properties of Triangles and Quadrilaterals

a b z

Isosceles triangle Equilateral triangle

∠ = ∠y ∠ = ∠y = ∠z = 60o
(base angle of isosceles triangle)
length of a = length of b

a b

c d

Kite Trapezium
Quadrilateral with no parallel sides. It Quadrilateral with one pair of parallel
has two pairs of equal adjacent sides opposite sides
and one pair of equal opposite angles.

Parallelogram Rhombus (slanted square)

Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel Quadrilateral with two pairs of
opposite sides. Opposite sides are equal parallel opposite sides. It has four
in length. Opposite angles are equal. equal sides. Opposite angles are
equal. The diagonals bisect each
other at right angles. Diagonals bisect
the interior angles.

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G1.3 Polygons

Number of Sides Name of Polygon

3 Triangle
4 Quadrilateral
5 Pentagon
6 Hexagon
7 Heptagon
8 Octagon (Remember: octopus)
9 Nonagon
10 Decagon (Remember: decade)

☺ Total sum of interior angles = (n – 2)(180)

(n - 2)(180)
☺ Sum of one interior angle = n
☺ Sum of one exterior angle = n
, where n = number of sides
☺ Number of sides = exterior angle
☺ Exterior angle = 180o – interior angle (angle on a straight line)
☺ For n – sided regular polygons, always look out for isosceles triangle.

Interior ∠

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Example: N Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 21

(a) The interior angle of a regular polygon is 156o. How many sides has the polygon?
Exterior angle = 180o – interior angle
= 180o – 156o
= 24o (∠ on a str line)

Number of sides =
= 15
(b) ABCDE is a regular pentagon, centre O. The distance from the centre of the pentagon to
each vertex is 8 cm. Calculate the area of the pentagon



∠AOB = 360 ÷ 5
= 72o
Note: Pentagon can be divided into 5 triangles

Area of the pentagon

= 5 x Area of ∆AOB
= 5 x x 8 x 8 x sin72
= 152 cm2 (3 s.f.)

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Example: O Level 2013 Paper 2 Question 7 (a)

(a) Find the interior angle of a regular 20-sided polygon.
( )
Interior angle =
( )
= 162o
(b) An n-sided polygon has 4 interior angles measuring 120o each. The remaining interior
angles all measure po each. Find an expression for p in terms of n.
(n – 2) x 180 = 4 (120) + (n – 4)(p)
180n – 360 = 480 + (n – 4)(p)
180n – 360 – 480 = (n-4)p
(n – 4)p = 180n – 840

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Example: N Level 2010 Paper 1 Question 24

The diagram shows part of a regular decagon ABCDEFGHUIJ. O is the centre of the circle that
passes through A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J.



Note: Since it is a regular decagon, JA = AB = BC = CD

(a) Find angle ABC.
( )
∠ABC =
( )
= 144o

(b) Find angle AOJ.

∠AOJ =
= 36o (∠ at a point)
Note: Decagon can be split into 10 triangles.

(c) Find angle CAJ.

∠ABC = 144o
∠BAC =
= 18o (base ∠ of isos ∆)
∠CAJ = 144o – 18o
= 126o

(d) Give the name of the special quadrilateral ABCJ.

Note: AB is parallel to CJ

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G1.4. Construction of Perpendicular Bisector

Note: To know if the

construction is correct, use a
ruler to check that the length of
AB and BC is the same.

1. Needle 2. Needle
here. Mark here. Mark
an arc on top an arc on top
and below and below
(green) (purple)

1.5 Construction of Angle Bisector

Note: To check that construction

2. Needle is correct, use a protractor to
here. Mark check that the angle of ABC and
an arc on top CBD is the same.
and below A

1. Needle C
here. Mark
an as shown

2. Needle
here. Mark
an arc as

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G2. Congruency and Similarity

G2.1 Enlargement and Reduction of Plane Figure by Scale Factor
Enlargement and reduction of plane figure by scale factor always involve multiplication and
division of an integer or fraction. When multiplied by an integer, figure will become bigger.
When multiplied by a fraction whereby the numerator is smaller than the denominator, the
figure will become smaller. When multiplied by a fraction whereby the denominator is smaller
than the numerator, the figure will become bigger. Scale factor is never negative.
Example: N Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 14

6.3 4.2

200 S R

(a) Determine the scale factor

Scale factor =
= .

(b) Find length of KL

KL x = 2.6
KL = 2.6 ÷
= 3.9 cm

(c) Determine the reflex angle QRS

= 20o
Reflex ∠QRS = 360o – 20o
= 340o (∠ at a point)
Note: Angle does not change even when the size of the figure is changed

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Example: N Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 6

Enlarge the shaded figure in the grid below by scale factor 3 and draw the enlarged figure
within the grid. Answer is shown in pink.

Note: All sides will be multiplied by 3

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G2.2 Determining if Two Triangles are Congruent

For two triangles to be congruent, they need to be of the same size and shape. It also means
that their corresponding angles are equal and their corresponding sides are equal. The order
on how the triangles are written is very important. For example when ∆ABC is congruent to
∆XYZ, ∠A must correspond to ∠X, ∠B must correspond to ∠Y and ∠C must correspond to ∠Z.
Test for Congruency Between Two Triangles
☺ SSS: Two triangles are congruent if the three sides of one triangle are equal to each
☺ SAS: Two triangles are congruent if two sides and the included angle of one triangle
are equal to each other
☺ AAS: Two triangles are congruent if two angles and a side of one triangle are equal to
each other
☺ ASA: Two triangles are congruent if two angles and the included side of one triangle
are equal to one another
☺ RHS: Two triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse and one side of one right angled
triangle are equal to one another.
Note: AAA cannot be used to prove for congruent triangles as it is possible for similar triangles
to be proven by AAA similarity.
G2.3 Determining if Two Triangles are Similar
For two triangles to be similar, they need to be of the same shape, but they do not need to
be of the same size. If the two triangles are similar, their corresponding angles are equal and
their corresponding sides are in the same ratio. The order on how the triangles are written is
very important. For example when ∆ABC is similar to ∆XYZ, ∠A must correspond to ∠X, ∠B
must correspond to ∠Y and ∠C must correspond to ∠Z.
Test for Similarity Between Two Triangles
☺ AA: Two triangles are similar if two of the angles are equal
☺ SSS: Two triangle are similar if all three corresponding sides has the same ratio
☺ SAS: Two triangles are similar if two of their sides are proportional and the included
angle is equal.
Note: Two reasons are usually sufficient to prove that both triangles are similar. However, if
three reasons can be derived, it is better to state all 3 reasons.

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Example: N level 2011 Paper 2 Question 2


9 cm N 4 cm

(a) Explain why angle BAN = angle CAN

∠BAC = ∠ANB = 90o (Given)
∠BAN + ∠CAN = 90o
∠ACN + ∠CAN = 90o
Therefore, ∠BAN is equal to ∠CAN.
(b) Triangles BAN and CAN are similar. BN = 9 cm and NC = 4 cm. Calculate the length of AN.
Show your working.
By similar triangles,

AN2 = 36
AN = 6 cm or AN = - 6 (rejected since length cannot be negative)
Note: It is possible to have the same naming even when two different triangles are
involved. Check order if not convinced.

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G2.4 Questions on Congruency and Similarity

Example: O Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 23
In the diagram, triangle ABX is similar to triangle CDX. Angle ABX = angle CDX. All
measurements are in centimetres.

X 6

(a) Calculate CD.

By similar triangles,
8 CD = 144
CD = 18 cm

(b) Calculate AD.

By similar triangles,
72 = 8 XD
XD = 9 cm

AD = 8 + 9
= 17 cm

(c) The area of triangle ABX is 21.3 cm2. Calculate the area of triangle CDX.
By similar triangles,

= ( )2
. =

4 x Area of ∆CDX = 21.3 x 9
Area of ∆CDX =
= 47.9 cm2 (3 s.f.)

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Example: O Level 2010 Paper 1 Question 23

ABCD is a parallelogram and L is a point on DB. The line AL produced meets BC at M and DC
produced at N.


(a) Show that triangles ALB and NLD are similar
∠ALB = ∠NLD (vertically opposite angles)
∠LAB = ∠LND (alternate angles, AB// ND)
∠LBA = ∠LDN (alternate angles, AB// ND)
Therefore, ∆ALB is similar to ∆NLD (AAA similarity)
Note: Since it is a parallelogram, AD // BC and DC // AB

(b) Name a triangle similar to triangle NCM.

∆ABM is similar to ∆NCM.

(c) Name two triangles that are congruent.

∆BDC is congruent to ∆DBA.

(d) Given that DL = 3LB, find

Since ∆ALB is similar to ∆NLD,
Therefore, ND = 3AB
Since ND = CN + DC
and DC = AB (opposite sides of parallelogram)
CN + AB = 3AB
CN = 2AB

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(e) ∆

Note: The triangles are related to each other by common height

(f) ∆
Since ∆MLB is similar to ∆ALD

= ( )2
= ( )2
Note: The triangles are related to each other by similar triangles

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G2.5 Ratio of Area and Volumes of Similar Plane Figures

Take the ratio of masses to be the same as the ratio of volumes since the mass of the solid is
proportional to its volume unless otherwise stated.
Ratio of area of similar solids = (l1 )2

Ratio of volume of similar solids = (l1 )3

Density = Volume

Example: O level 2008 Paper 1 Question 19

Two similar jugs have base areas of 45 cm2 and 125 cm2.
(a) Find, in its simplest integer form, the ratio of the height of the smaller jug to the height of
the larger jug.
By similar solids,

= ( )2
= ( )2

Therefore, the ratio of the height of smaller jug to that of larger jug is 3:5.
(b) The surface area of the top of the smaller jug is 63 cm2. Find the surface area of the top
of the larger jug.
By similar solids,
AL = x 63
= 175 cm2
Therefore, the surface area of the top of the larger jug is 175 cm2.
(c) The capacity of the larger jug is 2.5 litres. Find the capacity of the smaller jug. Give your
answer in cubic centimetres.
By similar solids,
= ( )3

= ( )3
Vs = x 2.5
= 0.54 l
= 540 cm3
Therefore, the capacity of the smaller jug is 540 cm3.

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G3. Properties of Circles

G3.1 Common Terminologies Related to Circles

 Diameter: Longest chord. Passes through the centre

 Radius: Half of a diameter
 Chord: Lies within the circle and touches 2 points of the circle
 Tangent: Lies outside the circle and touches the circle at one point only
G3.2 Symmetrical Properties of Circle



AX = XB Equal chords are

(⊥ from centre bisects equidistant from the centre

y B

Tangent is perpendicular to radius
(tan ⊥ rad) AB = BC
(Tangent from exterior point)
When the two tangents meet, 2
congruent triangles are formed.

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G3.3 Angle Properties of Circle


Right angle in semicircle ∠a + ∠d = 180o; ∠b + ∠c = 180o

(Right ∠ in semicircle) Opposite angles in cyclic
quadrilateral are supplementary
(Opp ∠ in cyclic quad are supp)

Angle in the same segment Angle at centre is twice the angle at the
(∠ in the same seg) circumference
(∠ at centre is twice ∠ at circumference)

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G3.4 Problems Involving Properties of Circle

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 7 (a)



The diagram shows a circle ABCD, centre O. E is the midpoint of the chord AB. ED passes
through O. F is the point of intersection of BD and diameter AC. Angle BDC = 48o. Find, giving
reasons for each answer. B
i) Angle BAC
= 48 (angle in the same segment)
o O
ii) Angle BCA
∠ABC = 90o (right angle in semicircle) E C
∠BCA = 180o – 90o – 48o 48o O 48o
= 42o (∠ sum of ∆)

iii) Angle AOD B

∠AEO = 90o (⊥ from centre bisect chord)
∠EOA = 180o – 90o – 48o C
E F 42

= 42o (∠ sum of ∆) O
48o 48o
∠AOD = 180o – 42o
= 138o (∠ on str line) D

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iv) Angle AFB B

∠OAD = (180o – 138o) ÷ 2
= 21o (base ∠ of isos ∆) C
E F 42
∠FBC = 21o (∠ in the same seg)
48o O 48o
∠BFC = 180o – 21o – 42o 138o
= 117o (sum of ∆) A
∠AFB = 180o – 117o
= 63o (∠ on str line)

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G4. Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry

G4.1 Pythagoras Theorem
Pythagoras theorem is used to determine the length of one side of the triangle when given 2
other sides. It is used for right angled triangle only. The hypotenuse of the triangle is the
longest side of the triangle. It is also the side of the triangle that is opposite the right angle.

a2 + b2 = c2, where c2 is the
hypotenuse of the triangle

Note: Should the question ask you to prove that the triangle is right angled, start off with: by
the CONVERSE of Pythagoras theorem. You cannot start off with by Pythagoras Theorem as
the triangle has not been proven to be right angled.
This method is used for right angled triangle only. The hypotenuse of the triangle will always
be the one opposite the right angle of the triangle and thus it will never change. The adjacent
and opposite sides of the triangle must always be done with reference to the angle of interest.
TOA CAH SOH is always required for questions on angles of elevation and depression.

Hypotenuse Adjacent Hypotenuse


Adjacent Opposite

G4.3 Trigonometric Ratios

Acute angle Obtuse Angle

Sin Positive Positive
Cos Positive Negative
Tan Positive Negative
Note: If question state to find sin ∠ABC, do not find the actual angle. Leave the answer in
fraction form.

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G4.4 Sine Rule and Cosine Rule

Sine Rule

The small letters represents the length and the capital letters represent the angles.
The length of the non-right angled triangle must always be opposite to the angle. For sine rule,
it is used to determine the side if given 2 sides and 1 angle or if you are given 2 sides and
tasked to find an angle. Total minimum number of sides and angles including unknown
required to use this rule is 2 sides and 2 angles.

c b


Cosine Rule
a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A
The length of the non-right angled triangle must always be opposite to the angle. For cosine
rule, it is used to determine the side when given 3 angles or it is used when you are tasked to
find one angle, given 2 sides. Total minimum number of sides and angles including unknown
required to use this rule is 3 sides and 1 angle.

c b


When doing trigonometric questions, note that the shortest distance is the perpendicular
distance. Other common rules to note is that the angle of elevation is equal to the angle of
depression. If a triangle is isosceles or equilateral, the perpendicular from the centre bisects
the chord and angle. If the triangle is neither isosceles nor equilateral, do not assume.

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Example: O level 2014 Paper 1 Question 4

The sine of an angle is 0.720. Give two possible values for the angle
sin = 0.720
= sin-1 0.720
= 46.05o (4 s.f.) or = 180o – 46.05o
= 46.1o (1 d.p) = 133.9o (1 d.p.)
Example: N Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 24


100 28


(a) Show that BCD is a right angled triangle.

By the converse of Pythagoras theorem,
CD2 + BC2
= 962 + 282
= 10 000
= 1002
= BD2
Therefore, BCD is a right angled triangle.

(b) Find ∠CDB.

sin ∠CDB =
∠CDB = sin-1
= 16.3o (1 d.p)

(c) The area of the trapezium is 2394 m2. Find AB.

Area of trapezium = x sum of parallel sides x height
Area of trapezium = x (AB + 96) x 28
2394 = 14 (AB + 96)
171 = AB + 96
AB = 75 m

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Example: O Level 2013 Paper 2 Question 3

The diagram shows a company logo, ABCD, in the shape of a trapezium with AB parallel to DC.
AB = 62 mm, CD = 55 mm, angle BAD = 34o and angle BDC = 41o.

A 62 B

55 C

(a) Calculate angle ADB

∠ABD = 41o (alt ∠, AB //DC)
∠ADB = 180o – 34o – 41o
= 105o (∠ sum of ∆)

(b) Calculate length BD

By sine rule,

= ∠
62sin34 = BD sin105
BD =
= 35.89 mm (4 s.f.)
= 35.9 mm (3 s.f.)

(c) Calculate the area of trapezium ABCD

Area of trapezium = ( x 62 x 35.89 x sin 41) + ( x 55 x 35.89 x sin 41)
= 1377.44 mm2 (6 s.f.)
= 1380 mm2 (6 s.f.)
Note: Since height of the trapezium cannot be determined in this question, the area of
the trapezium can be found by finding the area of the two triangles and totalling them

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(d) An enlarged copy of the logo is made. In the enlargement, CD = 88 mm. Find the area of
the enlarged logo.
Let the area of the enlarged logo be mm2.
By similar triangles,
= ( )2
=( )2

1377.82 x 64 = 25
25 =
= 3530 mm2 (3 s.f.)
Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 9
The diagram shows a triangular flower bed ABC on horizontal ground. AB = 4.6m, AC = 3.8m
and angle ACB = 78o.

A 3.8



(a) Calculate angle ABC

By sine rule,

= ∠
. .

sin ∠ABC = .
= 53.90o (4 s.f.)
= 53.9o (1 d.p.)

(b) Calculate the area of the flower bed.

∠CAB = 180o – 78o – 53.90o
= 48.10o (∠ sum of ∆)
Area of flower bed = x 4.6 x 3.8 x sin 48.10o
= 6.5048 m2 (5 s.f.)
= 6.50 m2 (3 s.f.)

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The base of a vertical flagpole, CM is at vertex C of the flower bed. The flagpole is held in place
by two cables, AM and BM. CM = 6.0 m.


A 3.8

(c) Show that AM = 7.10 m, correct to 2 decimal places.

By Pythagoras theorem,
AM = 62 + 3.82
= 7.102 m (4 s.f.)
= 7.10 m (2 d.p.) [Shown]
(d) Given that BM = 6.95 m, find the angle of elevation of M from B.
sin ∠MBC = .
∠MBC = sin-1 .
6.95 6.0
= 59.69o (4 s.f.)
= 59.7o (1 d.p.)
(e) Find angle AMB, the angle between the two angles.
By cosine rule,
AB2 = AM2 + BM2 – 2(AM)(BM)cos ∠AMB
4.62 = 7.1022 + 6.952 – 2(7.102)(6.95) cos ∠AMB
21.16 = 50.44 + 48.3025 – 98.72 cos ∠AMB
-77.5825 = – 98.69 cos ∠AMB
cos ∠AMB = .
∠AMB = cos-1 .
= 38.2o (1 d.p.)

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Example: N Level 2008 Paper 1 Question 16

In the diagram, BC = 5 cm, CD = 12 cm, BD = 13 cm and ABC is a straight line.



(a) Explain why angle BCD is a right angle. D

By the converse of Pythagoras theorem,

BC2 + CD2
= 52 + 122
= 25 + 144
= 169
= 132
= BD2
Therefore, angle BCD is a right angle.
(b) Express tan ∠BDC as a fraction
tan ∠BDC =
Note: Differentiate between tan ∠BDC and
= ∠BDC. If the question requires tan ∠BDC,
the answer is usually in fraction. If the
(c) Express cos ∠ABD as a fraction question requires ∠BDC, the actual angle
cos ∠ABD = - cos ∠CBD corrected to 1 decimal place is required

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G4.5 Flow chart to determine formula to be used

Pythagoras Theorem Trigonometry

To determine length To determine length
not involving angle involving angle
Right angled
a2 + b 2 = c 2 sin =
where c is the
hypotenuse of the tan =
cos =

Cosine rule Sine Rule

Used to determine Used to determine
angle when given 3 angle when give 2
Non- Right
sides sides and 1 angle
angled triangle
Used to determine Used to determine
side when given 2 side when given 2
sides and one angle angles and one side

Non-right angled Right angled triangle

Area =
Area = ab sin C x base x height
Area of 2

Given that angle C triangle

must be found
between two lengths

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G4.6 Bearings
Example: O Level 2011 Paper 2 Question 6
The base, L, of a lighthouse is at sea level. Yatch A is 250 m from L. Yatch B is 400 m due west
of Yatch A. Angle LAB = 65o.
Note: If Yatch B is due west of Yatch A, it means that A and B lies on a straight line.


250 m
371.45 m

37.588o 65o
B 400 m A

(a) Calculate the length of LB

By cosine rule,
LB2 = AB2 + AL2 – 2(AB)(AL) cos ∠BAL
LB2 = 4002 + 2502 – 2(400)(250)(cos65)
LB = 371.45 m (5 s.f.)
LB = 371 m (3 s.f.)
(b) Calculate the area of triangle LAB
Area of ∆LAB = x 400 x 250 x sin65
= 45315.39 m2 (7 s.f.)
= 45300 m2 (3 s.f.)

(c) Calculate the angle LBA.

By sine rule,

= ∠

250 sin 65 = 371.45 x sin ∠LBA
sin ∠LBA = .
sin ∠LBA = 0.60998
∠LBA = sin-1 0.60998
= 37.588 (5 s.f.)
= 37.6o (1 d.p.)

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(d) Calculate the bearing of B from L. Shown in purple.

∠BLX = 180o – 90o – 37.588o
= 52.412o (∠ sum of ∆)
Bearing of B from L = 52.412o + 180o
= 232.4o (1 d.p.)
(e) The angle of elevation of the top of the lighthouse seen from A is 7o. Calculate the angle
of elevation of the top of the lighthouse from B.
Let h be the height of the lighthouse. T
tan 7 =
h = 250 tan7 h
= 30.696 m (5 s.f.) 7o
250 m
Let θ be the angle of elevation of the top of the lighthouse from B.
tan = T
30.696 m
= 4.728o (4 s.f.)
= 4.7o (1 d.p.) B
L 371.45 m
Note: Angle of elevation and angle of depression questions always involve right angle

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G5. Mensuration
G5.1 Formulas of Common Figures and Solids


Perimeter of square = 4 x length

= 4l
Area of square = length x length
= l2



Perimeter of rectangle = (2 x length) + (2 x breadth)

= 2l + 2b
Area of rectangle = length x breadth


Circumference of circle = 2 r
Area of circle = r 2

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Area of parallelogram = base x height
Note: Base must be perpendicular to height
Area of trapezium = x sum of parallel sides x height
= x (a + b) x h

Right-angled Triangle

Height Height


Area of right angled triangle = x base x height

= xbxh
Note: Base must be perpendicular to height

Non-right angled Triangle

c b

a Base

Area of non-right angled triangle = x a x b x sin C

Note: Angle used must be between the two lengths

Area of non – right angled triangle = x base x height

Note: Base must be perpendicular to height

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Volume of Solids
General formula for volume of solid figures = base area x height
General formula for volume of solid figures with pointed end = 3 x base area x height



Volume of cube = l x l x l
Surface area of cube = 6 x l x l



Volume of cuboid = length x breadth x height

Surface area of cuboid = 2(length x base) + 2(length x height) + 2(height x base)
= 2 lb + 2 lh + 2 hb



Volume of pyramid = 3 x base area x height
Surface area of pyramid with square base
= Area of square + 4 (Area of triangle)
= l2 + 4 (2 x b x h)
Surface area of pyramid with rectangle base
= Area of rectangle + 2 (Area of triangle) + 2 (Area of triangle)
1 1
= (l x b) + 2 (2 x b x h) + 2 (2 x b x h)
Note: The triangles have different dimensions due to the shape of the base used

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(Slant height)

Volume of cone = 3 r2h
Total surface area of cone = rl + r2
Curved surface area = rl
Note: The length, radius and slant height of the cone are linked by Pythagoras theorem.



Volume of cylinder = r2h

Total surface area of cylinder = 2 rh + 2 r2
Curved surface area of cylinder =2 rh

Volume of sphere = 3
Surface area of sphere = 4 r2


Volume of hemisphere = 3
Curved surface area of hemisphere = 2 r2
Total surface area of hemisphere = 3 r2

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Prism is any solid that have a uniform cross section throughout the whole figure. Example:


Base area (pink)

Volume of prism Base area (pink)

= Base area (varies according to shape) x height
Surface area of prism
= Perimeter of cross section x length + 2 x area of cross section
Conversion Involving Degree and Radian
180 degrees = radians
1 degree =

radians = 180 degrees

1 radian =

Arc Sector


Arc length (radian) = r

Perimeter of sector (radian) = r + 2r
Arc length (degrees) = x2 r
Perimeter of sector (degrees) = x 2 r + 2r

Area of sector (radian) = r2

Area of sector (degrees) = x r2

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G5.2 Questions on Mensuration

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 7 (b)

The diagram shows a mirror ABCD. AB and DC are arcs of circles centre O with radii 20 cm and
50 cm respectively. The perimeter of the mirror is 235 cm.
(a) Calculate the angle AOB in radians.
Let the angle AOB be
Perimeter = 50 + 20 + 30 + 30
235 = 70 + 60
70 = 135
= 2.5 rad

(b) Calculate the area of the mirror.

Area of big sector DAOBC = r2
= x 502 x 2.5
= 3125
Area of small sector AOB = r2
= x 202 x 2.5
= 500
Area of mirror = 3125 – 500
= 2625 cm2

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Example: O Level 2013 Paper 2 Question 8



1.20 m

The diagram shows a symmetrical window frame. OBC is a sector of the circle, centre O. AD
= 1.20m, angle ABO = 20o and AB is perpendicular to AD.
(a) Calculate the radius of the sector OBC
Note: Since it is symmetrical, AO = OD
AO = 1.20 ÷ 2
= 0.6 m
sin 20o =
BO =
= 1.754 m (4 s.f.)
= 1.75 m (3 s.f.)

(b) Calculate the angle BOC in radians

∠BOA = 180o – 20o – 90o
= 70o (sum of ∆)
∠BOC = 180o – 70o – 70o
= 40o (∠ on str line)

180o = rad
1o =
40o = x 40
= π radian

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(c) Calculate the total perimeter of the window frame.

tan20 =
AB = 0.6 tan20 20o
= 1.648 m (4 s.f.)

Arc length = 1.75 ( π)

A 0.6 m O
= 1.2217 m (5 s.f.)
Total perimeter = 1.648 + 1.20 + 1.648 + 1.2217
= 5.72 m (3 s.f.)
(d) A company manufactures windows. The cost of manufacture is $78.50 per square metre
of window. Work out the cost of manufacturing this window.

Area of triangle = 2 x x 0.6 x 1.648

= 0.9888 m2

Area of sector = r2
= x 1.752 x π
= 1.069 m2 (4 s.f.)
Area of the window
= 0.9888 + 1.069
= 2.0578 m2
Cost of manufacturing the window
= 2.0578 x $78.50
= $162 (3 s.f.)

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Example: O Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 21


OPAQ is a sector of a circle, centre O of radius 16 cm. The angle at the centre is 2.5 radians.
(a) Calculate the length of the arc PAQ.
Length of arc PAQ = r
= 16 x 2.5
= 40 cm
(b) The sector is formed into a cone by joining the two radii, OP and OQ together. Calculate
the radius of the base of the cone.
Perimeter = 2πr
40 = 2 r
= 6.37 cm (3 s.f.)
(c) Change 2.5 radians to degrees.
π radians = 180o
1 radian = ( )o
2.5 radians = x 2.5
= 143.2o (1 d.p.)

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Example: O level 2011 Paper 1 Question 15



A, B and C lie on a circle with centre O and radius 4 cm. ∠AOB = 2.5 radians.
(a) Find the area of the minor sector AOB

Area of the minor sector AOB = x 42 x 2.5

= 20 cm2
(b) Write down an expression, in terms of , for the reflex angle AOB.
Reflex ∠AOB = (2 – 2.5) radians (∠ at a point)
Note: 360o is 2 radians
(c) Find an expression, in terms of , for the length of the arc ACB.
Length of arc ACB = 4 (2 - 2.5)
= (8 – 10) cm

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Calculation of Frustum
Example: O Level 2011 Paper 2 Q7 (b)
The diagram shows a pot which is part of a circular cone of height 120 cm. The open end of
the pot is a circle of radius 36 cm. The base of the pot is a circle of radius 24 cm. The height
of the pot is 40 cm. The slant height of the pot is cm. [You may ignore any holes in the base
of the pot.]





(a) Show that = 41.8, correct to 3 significant figures.

By Pythagoras theorem, 36

y2 = 242 + 802 40
= 242 + 802
= 83.52 cm (4 s.f.)
z = 362 + (40 + 80)2
80 y
z2 = 15696
z = √15969
z = 125.28 cm (5 s.f.)
= 125.28 – 83.52
= 41.8 cm (3 s.f.) (Shown)
(b) Calculate the total surface area of the outside of the pot.
Curved surface area = π(36)(125.28) – π(24)(83.52)
= 7871.6 cm2 (5 s.f.)
Area of circle = π(24)2
= 1809.6 cm2 (5 s.f.)
Total surface area = 7871.6 + 1809.6
= 9680 cm2 (3 s.f.)
Note: In order to determine the curve surface area of frustum, take curved surface area
of big cone – curve surface area of small cone. There is no formula for direct
determination of frustum.

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(c) Determine the volume of pot

Volume of big cone = πr3
= π (36)3
= 15552π cm3
Volume of small cone = πr3
= π (24)3
= 4608π cm3
Volume of pot = 15552π – 4608π
= 34400 cm3

(d) Another pot is to be made with a volume twice the volume of this pot. Given that the
two pots are geometrically similar, find the height of the larger pot.
By similar solids,
( ) = ( )3
( ) = ( )3

hL =

= 50.4 cm (3 s.f.)
Therefore, the height of the larger pot is 50.4 cm.

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Example: O level 2014 Paper 1 Question 22.

The cross section of a gold pendant is a quadrilateral with two right angles and a circular hole,
as shown. All measurements are in centimetres.

2.1 2.1

1 1

The diameter of the circular hole is 0.8 cm. The uniform thickness of the pendant is 0.3 cm.
The mass of 1 cubic centimetre of gold is 19.3 grams. The price of 1 gram of the gold is $69.65.
Calculate the value of the gold in the pendant. Give your answer to the nearest cent.
Note: Cut the diagram in half to get 2 congruent triangles
Area of the pendant = (2 x x base x height) – r2
= (2 x x 2.1 x 1) – ( )2
= (2.1 – 0.16 )
= 1.597 cm2 (4 s.f.)
Volume of the pendant = base area x height
= 1.597 x 0.3
= 0.4792 cm3
1 cm3 = 19.3 g
0.4792 cm3 = 19.3 x 0.4792
= 9.249 g (4 s.f)
Value of the gold = 9.249 x $69.65
= $644.17 (correct to the nearest cents)

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Example: O Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 24

Expressions for the lengths of three sides of a trapezium are shown on the diagram below.
All lengths are in centimetres.

A 4 +3 B

2 +6 5 –3


(a) The perimeter of this trapezium is given by the expression (20 – 3) cm. Find an expression,
in terms of , for the length of DC. Give your expression in its simplest form.

Length of DC
= (20 – 3) – [(2 + 6) + (4 + 3) + (5 – 3)]
= 20 – 3 – (11 + 6)
= 20 – 3 – 11 – 6
=9 –9
= 9( – 1) cm

(b) Given that AD = BC, calculate the perimeter of the trapezium.

Since AD = BC,
2 +6=5 –3
Perimeter of the trapezium = 20 – 3
= 20(3) – 3
= 57 cm

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(c) The perpendicular from A to DC meets DC at . The perpendicular from B to DC at Y. DX =

CY. Calculate the area of the trapezium.

A 4 +3 B
(15 cm)

2 +6
(12 cm) 5 –3

D X (15 cm) Y C
(18 cm)

Length of AB = 4 + 3
= 4(3) + 3
= 15 cm
Length of DC = 9( – 1)
= 9(3 – 1)
= 18cm
Length of AD = 2 + 6
= 12 cm
( )
= 1.5 cm (sides of an isosceles trapezium)
By Pythagoras theorem,
= 122 – 1.52
= 11.906 cm (5 s.f.)
Area of trapezium = x (15 + 18) x 11.906
= 196 cm2 (3 s.f.)

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Example: O Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 6



This solid is made from a cylinder and a hemisphere. The cylinder has radius r and height 2r.
The hemisphere has radius 3r. Find an expression, in terms of and r, for the total surface
area of the solid.
Curved surface area of hemisphere = 2 r2
= 2 (3r)2
= 18 r2 units2
Curved surface area of cylinder = 2 rh
= 2 r(2r)
= 4 r2 units2
Area of circle = r2
= (3r)2
= 9 r2
Total surface area = 18 r2 + 4 r2 + 9 r2
= 31 r2 units2

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Example: O Level 2012 Paper 2 Question 9




A regular hexagon, ABCDEF, has sides of length 4 cm. M is the midpoint of AB and O is the
centre of the hexagon.
(a) Show that the area of the hexagon is 41.6 cm2, correct to 3 significant figures.
∠AOB = 360o ÷ 6
= 60o (∠ at a point)
∠AOB =
= 60o (base ∠ of isos. ∆) 60o
MB = 4 ÷ 2
= 2 cm 3.4641 cm

tan 60o = 60o

OM = 2 tan60o 4 cm
= 3.4641 cm (5 s.f.)
Area of the hexagon ABCDEF
= 6 x ( x 4 x 3.4641)
= 41.5692 cm
= 41.6 cm2 (3 s.f.)

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MB 4

(b) Hexagon ABCDEF forms the base of a pyramid. The vertex, X, is directly above O. The slant
height, MX, of the pyramid is 10 cm. Calculate the total surface area of the pyramid.
Total surface area = base area + 6 x area of ∆
= 41.5692 + 6 ( x 4 x 10)
= 162 cm2
(c) Calculate the height, OX, of the pyramid.
10 cm
By Pythagoras theorem,
OX2 + 3.46412 = 102
OX2 + 12.00 = 100 O 3.4641 cm M
OX2 = 88
OX = 9.3808 (5 s.f.)
OX = 9.38 cm (3 s.f.)
(d) Calculate the volume of the pyramid.
Volume of the pyramid = x base area x height
= x 41.5692 x 9.3808
= 129.98 cm3 (5 s.f.)
= 130 cm3

(e) Another similar pyramid is made, with a hexagonal base of side 9 cm. Find the volume of
the pyramid.
Let the volume of the new pyramid be .
By similar solids,
= ( )3
=( )
64 = 94755.42
= 1480 cm3 (3 s.f.)

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

G6. Coordinate Geometry

G6.1 General Equation:

y = m + c,
where, m = gradient of the linear equation
c = y – intercept

G6.2 Gradient (m) of a Linear Graph:

y -y
Gradient = x2 - x1
2 1

y y Gradient = undefined
Gradient = 0
2 y=2

G6.3 Length of Line Segment

Length = (x2 -x1 )2 +(y2 -y1 )2

Example: Determine the equation of the line given the co-ordinates A (-2, 1) and B (3, -7).
y -y
m = x 2 - x1 Note: Determine gradient first
2 1
-7 - 1
= 3 - (-2)
= -1.6

y = -1.6 + c
when = -2, y =1, Note: Take from either A or B NOT one each.
1 = -1.6 (-2) + c
1 = 3.2 + c
c = -2.2
Therefore, y = -1.6 – 2.2

Example: Find the length of AB given the coordinates A (-2, 1) and B (3, -7).

Length of AB = ((-2) – 3)2 + (1 –(-7))


= 9.43 units (3 s.f.)

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G6.4 Questions on Coordinate Geometry

Example: O Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 20
The diagram shows a sketch of the graph y = 10 – 2 . The line crosses the axes at P and Q.

(a) Find the coordinates of P and Q.
When = 0,
y = 10 – 2(0)
y = 10 Note:

P (0, 10) When line cuts the y axis, x = 0

When y = 0, When line cuts the x axis, y = 0

0 = 10 - 2
2 = 10
Q (5, 0)

(b) Calculate the length of the line joining P to Q.

Length of PQ
= (0-5)2 + (10-0)2
= √25 + 100
= 11.2 units (3 s.f.)

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Example: O level 2012 Paper 2 Question 3 (b)

The line with equation 4y – 3 + 8 =0
(a) Find the gradient of line l.
4y = 3 – 8
y= –2

Note: Make y the subject of the formula and take the term in front of .
(b) Find the y – intercept of line l.
y – intercept = -2.
(c) The line with equation 3 + 2y = 5 intersects the line l at point C. Find the coordinates of
y= –2 --------(1)

3 + 2y = 5
2y = -3 + 5
y= ---------(2)

Sub (2) into (1),

1.5 – 4 = -3 + 5
4.5 = 9

When = 2,
( )
= -0.5
C (2, - )

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Example: O Level 2011 Paper 1 Question 19

2y = 3 + 2




The diagram, which is not drawn accurately, shows the three lines = 8, y = 6 – and 2y =
3 + 2. Note: You need to be able to identify the equations of the curve. It is not provided in
the question. The gradient of the lines will be the clue.
(a) Find the coordinates of A and B
Substitute = 8 into y = 6 – ,
= -2
∴ A (8, -2)
Substitute = 8 into 2y = 3 + 2,
2y = 3(8) + 2
2y = 26
y = 13
∴ B (8, 13)

(b) Find the gradient of the line y = 6 – .

y=m +c
y=- +c
Therefore, gradient of the line is -1.

(c) The point (0, k) is the same distance from A as it is from B. Find the value of k.
Length of A from point = Length of B from point
(0 − 8) + ( – (−2)) = (0 - 8)2 + (k - 13)2
64 + (k + 2)2 = 64 + (k – 13)2
(k + 2)2 = (k – 13)2
k2 + 4k + 4 = k2 – 26k + 169
30k = 165
k = 5.5
Note: (k + 2)2 to follow the expansion rules of (a + b)2

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G7. Vectors in Two Dimensions

G7.1 Converting Coordinates into Column Vector
When the question gives the coordinates of A as (1, -2), it is written in column vector as .
G7.2 Addition of Vectors
= +

The alphabets circled in orange must follow the desired vector and that the alphabet in the
middle must be the same in order to apply the triangle law for addition of vectors.
G7.3 Parallel Vectors
Two vectors are the same when they are in the same direction.
Proving of Parallel Vectors
= 2a + 3b and = 6a + 9b
= 3 (2a + 3b)

Since = 3 , therefore, CD is parallel to AB.

Determining one of the coordinates when given that AB is parallel to CD.

2 5
Example: Given that = and = . Determine the value of b.
-2 b
2 5
-2 b
2 = 5k
k = 0.4
When k = 0.4,
-2 = 0.4b
b = -5

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G7.4 Collinear Vectors

Example: Given that = 2a + 3b and = 6a + 9b. Determine the value of b.

= 2a + 3b and = 6a + 9b
= 3 (2a + 3b)

Since =3 and B is the common point, therefore, A, B and D lies on at straight line/ are
G7.5 Determining the Ratios of the Area of the Triangles in Vectors
Similar triangles

= ( )2
B C ∆

=( )2


Triangles with Common Height



B x C y D

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G7.6 Question on Vectors

Example: O Level 2011 Paper 2 Question 8 (a)
a) P is the point (3, 4). Q is the point (-1, 2). Write down the column vector
= +
-3 -1
=( )+( )
-4 2
=( )
Note: When given coordinates of P, it means OP.

b) Find | |

| | = (-4)2 + (-2)2
= 4.47 units (3 s.f.)

c) Given that = | |, find

| |= | |
= ( )
=( )

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Example: O Level 2011 Paper 2 Question 8 (b)

a A
In the diagram, = a,
=2 .

Express, as simply as possible, in terms of a and b. Note: Label as much information on the
diagram as possible especially the ratios!
= +
= -a + b

= (-a + b)
= +
= a + (-a + b)
=a– a + b
= a+ b
= (a + b)

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= b
= 3a
= +
= - b + 3a
= 3a – b

(d) Y is the point on CD such that CY: YD = 1:2. Express in terms of a and b.
= (3a – b)
= +
= b+a–½b

(e) Hence, write down two facts about O, and Y.

= (a + b)

Since = and O is the common point, therefore, O, X and Y are collinear.

G8. Problems in Real World Context

To be updated in year 2017.

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S1. Data Analysis
S1.1 Construction and Interpretation of Tables
Example: O Level 2009 Paper 2 Question 10 (a)
The thirty pupils in a class each took a Mathematics test. Their scores are shown in the table

6 7 4 8 5 6 6 7 5 6 7 6 8 6 7
7 10 6 7 6 5 8 6 6 7 5 6 7 4 5

(a) Construct a frequency table from this information.

Score ( ) Tally Frequency

4 // 2
5 //// 5
6 //// //// 11
7 //// /// 8
8 /// 3
9 0
10 / 1

(b) Calculate the mean score.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Mean score =
= 6.3
(c) Calculate the standard deviation.
f 2 = (2 x 42) + (5 x 52) + (11 x 62) + (8 x 72) + (3 x 82) + (0 x 92) + (1 x 102)
= 1237
Standard deviation = 30
– 6.32
= 1.24 (3 s.f.)

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 5

Alyssa wants to find out how much time students spend on the Internet. She uses this
question as a questionnaire.

How many hours do you spend on the Internet? Tick one box

1–2 3–4 5–7 Over 7

List two things wrong with this question.

1. Time limit such as per day, per week or per month is not set
2. The intervals for the number of hours spent are not continuous.
3. Duration of each option is not constant.

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S1.2 Pie Chart

Formula to determine angle representing sector = x 360o

Formula to calculate number of subjects given angle = x total number of subjects

Example: N Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 15

Cycling Swimming


The pie chart represents the time Brian spent swimming, cycling and playing badminton one
week. The total time he spent on these three sports that week was 15 hours. The angle
representing the time spent swimming is 140o.
(a) That week Brian spent 7 hours cycling. Calculate the angle of the sector representing
Angle of the sector = x 360o
= 168o

(b) On each of the seven days of the week, Brian spent the same amount of time swimming.
How many minutes did he spend swimming each day?
Amount of time spent swimming = x 15
= 5 hours
= 5 hours 50 min
= 350 min
Amount of time spent swimming each day = 350 ÷ 7
= 50 min

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S1.3 Pictogram
When doing question on pictogram, take note how many objects does each shape represents
Example: N Level 2013 Paper 1 Question 4
The pictogram represents the survey of the colour of each of the cars in a carpark

Red    
Blue     
Silver      
White    
Black    
Others     
 represents 2 cars
(a) How many cars are there in the car park?
Total number of cars = (3.5 x 2) + (5 x 2) + (6 x 2) + (3.5 x 2) + (4 x 2) + (4.5 x 2)
= 52

(b) How many more silver cars are there than white cars?
Number of silver cars = 6 x 2
= 12
Number of white cars = 3.5 x2
Difference = 12 – 7

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S1.4 Bar Graph

Example: O Level 2008 Paper 1 Question 2



Number of Children




Car Walk Cycle

In a survey, 48 children were asked how they travelled to school. The results of the survey are
shown in the bar chart.
(a) Express the total number of children who walked or cycled as a fraction of the total
number of children. Give your answer in its lowest terms.
Fraction =

(b) The same information is to be shown in a pie chart. Find the angle which represents the
children who travelled by car.
Angle representing the children who travelled by car = x 360o
= 45o

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S1.5 Histogram
Example: N Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 20
The table shows the distribution of the times taken by 48 mathematicians to solve a
mathematical puzzle.

Time (t seconds) Frequency

0 < t ≤ 10 1
10 < t ≤ 20 5
20 < t ≤ 30 11
30 < t ≤ 40 16
40 < t ≤ 50 12
50 < t ≤ 60 3

Note: There are no

(a) On the grid, draw a histogram to represent this information. gaps in a histogram
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(b) Find the probability that one of these mathematicians, chosen at random, took more than
40 seconds to solve the puzzle. Give your answer as a fraction in its simplest form.
P (more than 40 seconds to solve the puzzle) =

(c) A mathematician solve the puzzle in 20 seconds. In which time interval from the
frequency table would this time be placed?
10 < t ≤ 20

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S1.6 Line Graph

Example: N Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 9
Two companies, A and B carry out household plumbing repairs. The graph below is used by
company A to work out the cost of a job.

Company A


150 Company B
COST ($)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

(a) Find the cost for a job by company A that takes 4 hours. Shown in blue.
Cost for the job = $185

(b) Company B charges a basic cost of $75 for the first two hours plus a fixed rate of $20 per
hour thereafter. On the grid, draw a graph to show the charges made by company B for
jobs of up to 5 hours. Shown in purple on the graph.

Note: Basic cost is read from the y-intercept. Fixed rate per hour is determined by the
gradient of the line.

(c) Which company is cheaper for a job taking 3 hours and by how much? Company A is
shown in green while Company B is shown in orange on the graph.
Difference = $145 - $95
= $50
∴ Company B is cheaper for a job taking 3 hours by $50.

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S1.7 Mean, Mode and Median

Mean/ median
Mean is the average of a set of data. It can be determined by taking the total divided by the
number of subjects/ objects in the question.

Median is an estimate of mean. Median lies at the ( )th position and is the middle number
of the series. It is found on the 50th percentile in a cumulative frequency curve.
Examples of cases where a higher mean or median is equal to a better performance are
number of students passing a test, number of goals etc. Example of cases where a lower mean
or median does not equate to a better performance is number of failures for a class test,
waiting time of a restaurant, number of fine tickets issued etc.
Mode is the value that occur the most. Note: students often write the frequency as the
answer but it is the value that is correct.
Standard deviation/ Interquartile range/ Range
Both standard deviation and interquartile range measures the consistency of the group of
data. When the standard deviation or the interquartile range of A is higher than B, it means
that A is less consistent than B. The interquartile range can be determined by determining the
value of the lower quartile (25th percentile) and the value of the upper quartile (75th
percentile). The difference of both values is found.

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S1.8 Dot Diagram

Example: N level 2014 Paper 1 Question 18


40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70

Note: When counting the dots for the position of the median, be careful of the direction.
(a) Find the median mass for the males.

Position of the median =

= 10.5th position

Median mass for the males =

= 58 kg
(b) Find the median mass for the females.
Position of the median =
= 10.5th position

Median mass for the females =

= 51.5 kg
(c) Write down two comments comparing the masses of the male students and the female
1. Majority of the male students are heavier than the female students.
2. The median mass of 59.3 kg for the male students is heavier than the median
mass for the females of 52.5 kg.

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S1.9 Stem and Leaf Diagram

Example: O Level 2010 Paper 1 Question 18

Boys Girls
9 3 8
5 4 2 4
8 4 2 0 5 8 9 9
9 9 5 1 1 6 4 7 8 9
7 7 5 5 5 2 7 1 3 5 6 8 9
0 8 0
Key (Boys) Key (Girls)
9|3 means 39 3|8 means 38

(a) Write down the mode of the boy’s marks

Mode = 75 marks
(b) Write down the median of the girl’s marks.
Median position of the girl’s mark =
= 8th position
Median = 69

(c) Explain briefly whether the boys or the girls performed better in the test.
Median position of the boy’s mark =
= 10.5th position
Median of the boy’s mark =
= 63
Since the median of the girls’ marks is higher than the boys, the girls performed better in
the test.

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S1.10 Box and Whiskers

Interpretation of Box and Whiskers

Lowest range Median Highest range

Lower quartile Upper quartile

Example: O level 2014 Paper 1 Question 10

A group of students were asked to estimate a time interval of 30 seconds. The results are
represented in the box-and-whisker plot.

20 25 30 35 40 45

(a) Find the median of the estimates.

Median = 32 seconds
(b) Find the interquartile range of the estimates.
Interquartile range = 35 – 27.5
= 7.5 seconds

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Example: N Level 2008 Paper 2 Question 11

Two classes, 11A and 11B, took a Mathematics test marked out of 80. The distribution of
results is shown in the box and whisker plots below.



20 30 40 50 60 70 80

(a) Which class scored the better marks? Give a reason for your answer.
Class 11A scored better marks as the median mark of class 11A is higher than the
median mark of class 11B.

(b) Find the interquartile range for 11A.

Interquartile range = 65 – 39
= 26 marks

(c) Which class had the wider spread? Give a reason for your answer.
Interquartile range for Class 11B = 55 – 35
= 20
Since the interquartile range for Class 11A is greater than Class 11B, Class 11A is said to
be more widely spread/ less consistent in their results.

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S1.11 Cumulative Frequency Curve

Interpretation of the Cumulative Frequency Curve



90th percentile

Upper quartile (75 percentile)



Median (5oth percentile)



Lower quartile (25 percentile)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

The values of the respective percentile are dependent on the total frequency of the set of the
data. For example, if the total number of students is 240, to find the position of the median,
the working will be x 240 = 120th position.

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Example: N level 2013 Paper 2 Question 12 (a)

The speeds in km/h, of 160 cars travelling along a road were measured. The cumulative
frequency graph summaries the results.










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

(a) Find the median speed. Shown in orange on the graph.

Position of median = x 160
= 80th position
Median speed = 48 km/h

(b) Find the interquartile range.

Position of lower quartile = x 160
= 40th position
Lower quartile = 38 km/h (Shown in dark blue on the graph)
Position of upper quartile = x 160
= 120th position
Upper quartile = 58 km/h (Shown in purple on the graph)
Interquartile range = 58 – 38
= 20 km/h

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(c) Find the percentage of the cars that were travelling faster than 60 km/h. Shown in green
on the graph.
Number of cars that were travelling at less than 60 km/h = 126
Number of cars that were travelling at more than 60 km/h = 160 – 126
= 34
Percentage of cars that were travelling faster than 60 km/h = x 100%
= 21.25%
Note: Any numbers that is read off the graph is ‘less than’. To find ‘more than’, take the
total number from the cumulative frequency to minus off what was found.

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Example: O Level 2008 Paper 2 Question 10

The total mass of the tomatoes produced by each of 40 tomato plants was measured. The
cumulative frequency curve below shows the distribution of the masses.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30

(a) Copy and complete the grouped frequency table of the mass of the tomatoes on each
plant. Answer is shown in purple.
Mass (kg) 4≤ <8 8 ≤ < 12 12 ≤ < 16 16 ≤ < 20 20 ≤ < 24
Frequency 3–0=3 10 – 3 = 7 24 – 10 = 14 35 – 24 = 11 40 – 35 = 5
Note: To determine the frequency, example, 4 ≤ < 8, determine the frequency at x = 4
and x = 8. Find the difference in both the values.

(b) Using your grouped frequency table, calculate an estimate of the mean mass of tomatoes
produced by each plant

Estimated mass (kg) 6 10 14 18 22

Frequency 3 7 14 11 5

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Estimated mean mass =
= 14.8 kg
(c) Calculate the standard deviation
Σfx2 = 3(6)2 + 7(10)2 + 14(14)2 + 11(18)2 + 5(22)2
= 9536
Standard deviation = 40
- 14.82
= 4.4 kg
Note: Standard deviation requires units too

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(d) The tomatoes produced by another group of 40 plants have the same median but a larger
standard deviation. Describe how the cumulative frequency curve will differ from the
given curve.
The cumulative frequency curve of the second group of plants will have a wider spread
since it has a larger standard deviation. As a result, the gradient of the curve around the
gradient will be less steep than the original curve.
S1.12 Calculations for Grouped Data
Example: N Level 2010 Paper 1 Question 25

Height (cm) 135 < h ≤ 145 145 < h ≤ 155 155 < h ≤ 165
Frequency 9 18 3

(a) Calculate an estimate of the mean height of the 30 children.

Estimated height (cm) 140 150 160

Frequency 9 18 3

(140 x 9)+(150 x 18) + (160 x 3)

Estimated mean = 30
= 148 cm
(b) Explain why this is only an estimate of the mean.
Since the frequency table does not show the heights of the individual children, this is
only an estimate of the mean.

(c) Calculate the greatest possible mean height of the 30 children.

Σfx2 = 9(140)2 + 18(150)2 + 3(160)2
= 658200
Standard deviation = 30
= 6 cm
Greatest possible mean height = mean + standard deviation
= 148 + 6
= 154 cm

(d) Explain if the range of the data is 30 cm.

No. the table does not show if the minimum height is 135 cm and the maximum height is
165 cm. therefore, it cannot be concluded that the range of the data is 30 cm.

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 10 (a)

The table below summarises the times taken by 100 males to complete a 10km race.

Time (t minutes) 30 ≤ t < 40 40 ≤ t < 50 50 ≤ t < 60 60 ≤ t < 70 70 ≤ t < 80

Frequency 15 32 30 16 7

(a) What percentage of the males ran faster than 10 km/h?

For males to be faster than 10 km/h, they must take less than 60 min to finish the
race since speed = = 10km/h and 1 h = 60 minutes.

Percentage of the males that ran faster than 10 km/h

= x 100%
= 77%

(b) Calculate an estimate of the mean time

Estimated Time (t minutes) 35 45 55 65 75

Frequency 15 32 30 16 7

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Mean =
= 51.8 min
(c) Calculate the standard deviation
fx2 = 352 x 15 + 452 x 32 + 552 x 30 + 652 x 16 + 752 x 7
= 280900

Standard deviation = 100
- 51.82
= 11.2 min (3 s.f.)

(d) The mean time for females to complete the race was 58.3 minutes and the standard
deviation was 9.6 minutes. Make two comparisons between the times for males and
the times for females.
Since the mean time for females to complete the race is higher than the mean time
taken for the males to complete the race, the females is said to be slower since they
take a longer time to finish the race.
Since the standard deviation of the times taken by females is more than the times
taken by males, the females are said to be less consistent in their timings than the

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S2. Probability
S2.1 Introduction of Probability
Probability is the chance that an event will occur. A probability of 0 means that the event will
never occur while the probability of 1 means that the event will definitively occur, therefore
the ranges of P is 0 ≤ P ≤1.
Tree diagram and possibility diagrams are visual aids that helps to list out the possibilities of
the events that may occur.
When the word ‘or’ is used in the question, the probabilities are added together. When the
word ‘and’ is used in the question, the probabilities are multiplied together.
S2.2 Problems Involving Probability
Example: O Level 2012 Paper 1 Question 3
A bag contains 10 red marbles, 5 blue marbles and 3 yellow marbles.
(a) A marble is chosen at random and then replaced. What is the probability that it is a red

P(red marble) =

(b) How many more blue marbles must be placed in the bag on that the probability of
choosing a blue marble would be ?
Let be the number of blue marbles
2(5 + ) = 18 +
10 + 2 = 18 +
2 – = 18 – 10
Note: When blue marbles are added to the bag, the total number of marbles will increase
as well.

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Example: O Level 2014 Paper 2 Question 10 (b)

In a class of 25 children, there are 13 boys and 12 girls. Two of the children are selected at
random to represent the class at a conference. Draw a tree diagram to show the probabilities
of the possible outcomes.



(a) Find as a fraction in its simplest form, the probability that two girls are selected
P (two girls are selected) = x

(b) Find the probability that one boy and one girl are selected
P (one girl and one boy are selected) = ( x )+( x )

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Elementary Mathematics Notes

Example: N Level 2008 Paper 2 Question 11 (b)

Kim catches a bus to school. On any given day the probability that the bus is late is 0.2.
(a) Copy and complete the tree diagram showing the probabilities that the bus is late or not
on the first two days of the week. Shown in purple.
Monday Tuesday
0.2 Late

0.8 Not late

0.2 Late
0.8 Not late
0.8 Not late

(b) Calculate the probability that the bus is late on both Monday and Tuesday.
P (late on Monday and Tuesday) = 0.2 x 0.2
= 0.04

(c) Calculate the probability that the bus is late on one of these two days but not the other.
P (late on one of the days) = (0.2 x 0.8) + (0.8 x 0.2)
= 0.32
Example: N Level 2014 Paper 1 Question 2
A bag contains only green, blue and yellow counters. The probability of taking a green counter
from the bag is 0.45. The probability of taking a blue counter from the bag is 0.3. A counter is
taken from the bag at random.
(a) Find the probability that the counter is blue or green.
P (counter is blue or green) = 0.3 + 0.45
= 0.75

(b) Find the probability that the counter is yellow.

P (counter is yellow) = 1 – 0.3 – 0.45
= 0.25

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Example: O Level 2013 Paper 2 Question 10 (a)

A bag contains five counters, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Two counters are taken from the bag at
random, one after the other, without replacement.
(a) Draw a possibility diagram to represent the outcomes.

1 2 3 4 5
1 (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5)
2 (2, 1) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5)
3 (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 4) (3, 5)
4 (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 5)
5 (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4)
Note: Since the counters are removed without replacement, no two counters of the
same number can be removed from the bag. Do not count the grey squares as part of
the total.
(b) Find in its simplest form, the probability that both counters have numbers less than 3
P (both counters with numbers less than 3) =

(c) Find the probability that neither counter has an even number
P (neither counter has an even number) =

(d) Find the probability that the sum of the numbers is 10.
P (sum of the number is 10) = 0

(e) Find the probability that the product of the numbers is less than 6.
P (product of the numbers is less than 6) =

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