Environmental Pollution Mcqs 143

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1. What is pollution
a. An undesirable change in the physical, chemical orbiological characteristics
of air, water and land
b. Harmful to human lifeand other animals, living conditions, industrial
processes and cultural assets
c. Pollution can be natural or manmade
d. All of these

Ans - D

2. Which one is not a pollutant

a. Nitrogen oxides
b. Sulphur oxides
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Halogens

Ans – C

3. What is non Bio-degradable pollutants

a. Pollutants, which degrade at a very slow pace by the natural biological
b. These are organic compounds
c. These include domestic sewage that easily decomposes under natural
d. All of these

Ans – A

4. Which one is not included in primary pollutant

a. Sulphur compounds
b. Carbon compounds
c. Nitrogen compounds
d. None

Ans – D
5. Which one is an cause of air pollution
a. Unleaded petrol
b. Fuels with low sulphur and ash content
c. Agricultural activities
d. Encouraging people to use public transport
Ans – C

6. Which is not an Control measure of air pollution in industrial centers

a. Emission rates should be restricted to permissible levels by each and
every industry
b. Incorporation of air pollution control equipment in design of plant layout
must be made mandatory
c. Emission rates should not be restricted to permissible levels by each
andevery industry
d. Continuous monitoring of the atmosphere for pollutants should be
carried out to know the emission levels.

Ans – C
7. Define water pollution
a. The alteration in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water
b. This may cause harmful effects on humans and aquatic life
c. A physical, biological or chemical alterationin the air in the atmosphere
d. Both A & B

Ans - D
8. Which is an example for point source of water pollution
a. Livestock feedlots
b. Sewage treatment plants
c. Golf courses and parkinglots
d. Acid deposition

Ans - B
9. Which is an control measures of water pollution
a. Administration of water pollution control not in the hands of state or central
b. Public awareness should not initiate regarding adverse effects of water
pollution using the media.
c. Scientific techniques should be adopted for environmental control of
catchmentareas of rivers, ponds or streams
d. None qualified and inexperienced people must be consulted from time to
time for effective control of water pollution.

Ans – C

10. What is Thermal pollution

a. The addition of excess of undesirable heat to water
b. It is harmful to man, animal or aquatic life
c. Only A
d. Both A & B

Ans – D
11. Which is an effect of thermal pollution?
a. Artificial lakes
b. Direct mortality
c. Cooling towers transfer
d. Dry cooling tower

Ans – B
12. Which one from the following, is source for agriculture practices leads to
soil pollution
a. Weedicides
b. Nuclear radioactive
c. Atomic reactor
d. Street sweepings

Ans - A

13. Which is not an control measure of soil pollution

a. Recycling and Reuse of wastes
b. Production of unnatural fertilizers
c. Soil erosion can be controlled
d. Proper dumping of unwanted materials

Ans - B
14. Which is not an types of noise
a. Black Noise
b. Transport Noise
c. Domestic Noise
d. Industrial Noise
Ans - A

15. Which is an preventive measure for noise pollution from the following
a. Blaring sounds are known to cause mental distress
b. Impulsive noise may cause psychological and pathological disorders
c. Giving preference to mass public transport system
d. Impairment of night vision and decrease in rate of color perception
Ans - C
16. What is Marine pollution
a. Discharge of waste substances in to the sea resulting in harm to the living
b. Discharge of waste substances in to the air resulting in harm to the living
c. Discharge of good substances in to the sea resulting in harm to the living
d. All of these
Ans - A
17. Which one is not an control measure for marine pollution from the
a. Urban growth near the coast should be regulated
b. Oil films are able to retard the rate of oxygen uptake by water.
c. Skimming the oil off the surface with suction device
d. Chemical methods like dispersion, emulsification and using chemical
additives are used to coagulated the oil
Ans - B
18. Which one is not an control measure of nuclear pollution from the following
a. Appropriate protection against occupational exposure
b. Monitoring of the presence of radioactive substance in high risk area
c. Safety measure against accidental release of radioactive elements
d. None

Ans – D

19. Which one is not a type of solid waste from the following
a. Urban or municipal wastes
b. Hazardous wastes
c. Sewage sludge waste
d. Industrial waste

Ans – C
20. Which one of the following methods are adopted for discarding wastes
a. Landfill, Incineration and Regenerate
b. Reduce, Reuse and Relevance
c. Landfill, Incineration and Composting
d. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Ans – C

21. Effects of flood from the following

a. Deepening, widening and straightening of streams
b. Lining of streams
c. Silting of reservoirs and dams
d. Banning of construction of buildings in floodplains

Ans - C

22. When landslides will occur

a. When reducing slope of hilly side
b. When mass of earth material move downward
c. When stabilizing the slope portion
d. When consolidated sediments of a hillside are saturatedby rainfall

Ans – B

23. Which is not an effect of earthquake

a. Liquefaction of ground
b. Minimizing development activity
c. Ground displacement
d. Landslides

Ans - B

24. Which one is the advantage of incineration from the following?

a) Operation needs skilled personnel.
b) Its capital and operating cost is high.
c) Safest from hygienic point of view
d) Formation of smoke, dust and ashes
Ans – C
25. What is meant by flood
a) Increased rainfall or rapid snow melting causes more flow of water in the
b) Excess water flow in a stream covering the adjacent land
c) Both A and B
d) None
Ans – C
26. What are the causes of the flood from the following ?
A. Construction of buildings in flood plain and Removing vegetation
B. Deforestation, Heavy rainfall, Urbanization
C. Paving roads and parking areas
D. Banning of construction of buildings in floodplains
E. Converting flood-plains into wildlife habitat, parks, and recreation areas.

a) Both A, C and E
b) Both A, B, D and E
c) Both A and B
d) Both A, B and C

Ans - D

27. what is process of Recycle from 3R’s solid waste management

a) The reprocessing of discarded materials into new usefulproduct
b) If usage of raw materials is reduced, the generation of waste also gets
c) Rubber rings can be made from discarded cycle tubes and this reduces waste
d) Refillable containers that are discarded after use can be reused

Ans – A

28. Which one is the Effect of improper solid waste management from the
a) Burning of industrial wastes will not produce furans, dioxins and
polychlorinated biphenyls
b) Toxic substances may percolate into the ground and contaminate the
c) Domestic wastes will not produce furans, dioxins and polychlorinated
d) Both A & B

Ans – B

29. Example for an non- biodegradable waste from the following

a) Dry leaves
b) Vegetables
c) Polythene bags
d) Tea leaves

Ans – C

30. What is meant by Earthquake

a) Occurs when rocks break and slip along a fault in the earth
b) Occurs due to deformation of crust and upper mantle of the earth
c) Will not occur when rocks break and slip along a fault in the earth
d) Both A and B

Ans - D

31. Which one is a not an advantage of Landfill from the following

a) Segregation of wastes is not required
b) Land availability is away from the town, transportation costs are high
c) Natural resources are returned to soil and recycled.
d) Converts low-lying, marshy waste-land into useful areas
Ans – B

32. Natural source for Nuclear pollution from the following

a) Cosmic rays from outer space
b) Mining and processing of radioactive ores
c) Use of radioactive material in power plants
d) None

Ans – A
33. Somatic effects, effects the function
a) Affects the function of cells
b) Affects the function of cells and organs
c) Affects the function of organs
d) None of the above

Ans – B

34. What is meant by Noise pollution

a) Unwanted, unpleasant disagreeable sound that causes discomfort to all
living beings
b) Disagreeable sound that causes discomfort to all living beings
c) Only A
d) Both A & B

Ans - D

35. What are pollutants?

a) Pollutants are by-products of natural environment action
b) Pollutants are by-products of man’s action
c) Pollutants are by-products of both man’s and natural action
d) Both A and B

Ans- B

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