General Science Tuesday
General Science Tuesday
General Science Tuesday
De Peralta Monina
Soaring to the TOP
Santiago City
41. The recent cause of teachers illness is traced to
a. tuberculosis c. anemia
b. tonsillitis d. urinary tract infection
42. The thinning of the ozone layer is believed to cause
a. heat stroke c. ulcer
b. baldness d. skin cancer
43. Which is one disadvantage of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)?
a. potential human health impact like allergens
b. reduced maturation rate
c. fast food production
d. high cost of GMO food items
The town of Pulang Bato is experiencing a surge in population growth. Epidemiologic study has revealed
that the rate of teenage pregnancies in their locality is increasing at an alarming rate. City health officials have
expressed concern over this matter. They intend to launch a safe sex campaign advocating the use of artificial
methods of contraception like condoms and pills. The local Church is vehemently opposing this move by the city
government, advocating only the use of natural contraception like the rhythm method.
44. Which among the following methods of contraception has the least success rate?
a. birth control pills c. rhythm method
b. condoms d. intrauterine device
45. Based on the cost benefit-analysis, which of the following methods of population control would be most
appropriate if the town only had limited funds?
a. oral contraceptive pills c. intrauterine device
b. barrier contraception d. injectable contraceptives
46. Which intervention should be advocated to address the problem among teenagers?
a. Forums on safe sex and population education in school
b. Conducting a population education seminar for the parents
c. Offering abortion to interested parties
d. Accepting that there is now way to control teenage pregnancies
47. Which among the following is an expected long term complication on woman’s health in the town if safe sex
practices are not initiated?
a. increased incidence of ectopic pregnancies
b. increased incidence of suicide among females
c. increased incidence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension
d. increased incidence of cervical cancer
48. Which characterizes psychologically healthy people?
a. Pre-occupied only with their interest
b. Concerned with goals beyond themselves
c. Feels superior over others
d. Can’t accept others as they are
49. Lately kidney disease has been counted among the first three causes of mortality. The latest death of Bordi,
shows that despite a kidney transplant, death happens when:
a. Kidney transplant last only for weeks
b. Kidney transplant comes from a relative
c. Kidney transplant is rejected by the body
d. Kidney transplant can be replaced daily
50. In the desire of governments to control population growth, which one is highly promoted?
a. The use of natural birth control methods.
b. The use of artificial birth control methods.
c. Early marriage
d. Balik probinsya program
51. Which of the following is the best method of preventing occurrence of H-fever and dengue fever during rainy
a. Ask children to wear pants and jacket in going to school
b. Clean the possible breeding places of mosquitoes
c. Vaccinate the children
d. Fumigate the place
52. What stage of development of man does the skull increase rapidly?
a. Puberty
b. Adolescence
c. Embryonic stage
d. Babyhood
53. Which of the following factors contribute to an increase in human population?
I. Immigration
II. Emigration
III. Natality
IV. Mortality
a. III and IV c. I and III
b. I only d. II and III
54. In each cardiac cycle, the heart goes through a system contraction. What is this phase called?
a. Systole c. diastole arc
b. Diastole d. systole arc
55. What is the largest blood vessel in the body?
a. alveoli c. aorta
b. artery d. vein
56. At present, a patient fights cancer either by surgery or by drug treatment called:
a. chemotherapy c. viral treatment
b. irradiation d. immune therapy
57. Several cases of social problems have been traced to abuse or misuse of drugs. Commonly, drug abuse starts
out with smoking. The next step is in:
a. injecting self with heroine c. smoking marijuana
b. using shabu d. taking hard drinks
58. At the outset of the rainy season the epidemic of Dengue is feared. Which practice is the best approach to
prevent its occurrence in homes?
a. submit children to vaccination
b. avoid mosquito bites in the afternoon
c. fumigate the house with smoke and chemicals
d. clean the yards of breeding places for mosquitoes like old trees, cans, etc
59. A patient collapsed due to her low sugar level in the blood. What first aid must be applied at once?
a. Give a hot glass of milk without sugar
b. Give a cold glass of coffee with sugar
c. Allow the patient to take hot porridge
d. Give a glass of coca cola or sprite
60. Which of the following is a misconception on pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB)?
a. Children of parents with pulmonary tuberculosis will inherit the disease.
b. Pulmonary tuberculosis can be transmitted through blood extraction.
c. PTB is caused by a bad spirit in the environment.
d. PTB is transmitted through kissing.
61. Not all microorganisms are harmful. Which of these are done by yeasts?
a. Promotes the rising of bread for baking.
b. Cause mile to become cheese
c. Cause Yakult to be milky
d. Encourage disease food
62. Child caring requires mind growth through proper intake of food. What elements is needed and why?
a. Protein builds cells of the brain.
b. Carbohydrates be present always
c. Fat produces strength of the body
d. Minerals should be present in all food
63. Children are fond of pets. One time a pet dog growled and bit a child. How will the owner handle the situation?
a. Kill the dog.
b. Tie the dog & feed it regularly
c. Use the dog’s brain to treat the wound.
d. Allow the dog be observed for 10-18 days before giving anti-rabies injection.
64. There are several advertisements that encourage people to take this supplement so that they can grow three to
five inches more even after the age of twenty.
a. This is true because of the protein content.
b. This is true because of the ad would not have been allowed.
c. This is not true because there are no specific individuals mentioned.
d. This is not possible: there is definite pattern of growth of bones and muscles.
65. Why do nurses and doctors use gloves when injecting patients with AIDS?
a. AIDS is transmitted by touch.
b. AIDS can be cured by injection.
c. AIDS virus easily enters open wounds and pores.
d. A prick of a needle form an AIDS patient is dangerous
66. In one drug rehabilitation center, most inmates who were found deep in prohibited drugs were
a. children wanting of parental love and care
b. children who had no identity to speak of
c. children who have so much to spend
d. children who were lazy and vicious
67. A patient underwent a surgery. The anesthesia hardly had an immediate effect on him. Where was the case
traced? To his:
a. being allergic c. being an alcoholic
b. physical weakness d. heredity
68. A society is healthy if the citizens are healthy physically and mentally. One approach to solve mental illness
a. the maintenance of mental health centers
b. isolation in asylum cases of mentally disturbed persons
c. allowing mental cases to return at home environment and care
d. conducting periodic visits of mental and physical therapist in homes of patients
69. In countries where medical skill and public understanding about health and disease are widespread, which of
the following changes are evident?
I. Infant mortality rate has decreased.
II. More people live a full life.
III. Accidental deaths have decreased.
IV. The communicable disease death rate has decreased.
V. People live long enough to succumb to degenerative diseases.
a. I, II, III c. I, II, III, IV, V
b. II, III, IV, V d. I, II, III, IV
70. Prohibited drugs have caused misery to families. Quite a number of the drug dependents were saved by
a. hospitalization and surgical treatment
b. hospitalizing some in mental clinics
c. subjecting the dependents to drug rehabilitation centers
d. allowing the dependents to take more of the drugs and stop eventually
71. Health authorities get frustrated with their health campaigns when people are influenced by superstition.
Which of the following is not a superstition?
a. While traveling, a black cat crosses your path.
b. Seven years of bad luck accompany incidents of broken mirrors.
c. A visitor is expected when a fork or spoon dropped.
d. The moon gets directly in the path of the sun’s light causing its eclipse
72. Children in upland places are found affected by enlarged goiter. Which of this situation may help this group
of children?
a. add iron to diet c. add iodized salt to diet
b. expose the children to UV rays d. add iondine drops to diet
73. The campaign against dengue is most effective if
a. biodegradable waste are kept in plastic bags
b. surroundings are free from stagnant water
c. water container are open to gather rains
d. old tires are thrown in empty backyard
74. Proper diet is a nutrition rule. What food is encouraged?
a. Water melon gives more vitamins
b. Junk food and beverage are complete food
c. Milk is a complete food
d. Rice and fish is balanced
75. Dengue or H-fever attacks young and old. What are the observed habits of mosquitoes?
a. Mosquitoes in banana plantations are carriers of the disease
b. Mosquitoes that cause malaria cause dengue fever as well
c. Mosquitoes bred in flower vases bites during the day
d. Mosquitoes that bite at night transmit the disease
76. The older the bones, the brittle are its parts. When are fractures easily cured?
a. Skating is good for retirees.
b. Bone transplant are encouraged for men beyond 60 years.
c. Fractures due to fall are easily cured at age 1-18
d. Bending exercise is a preferred relaxation exercise
77. What may occur when there is a severe damage to some parts of the brain due to lack of blood supply?
a. stroke c. heart attack
b. rheumatic heart d. hypertension
78. One good rule to avoid intestinal diseases is
a. sleep under a mosquito net
b. wash your feet before going to bed
c. wash your hands before eating
d. avoid insect bites
79. Everyday there are reports of vehicular accidents. What preventive measure is done to identify drivers who
take drugs?
a. Drivers are given road test.
b. Drivers are exempted from psychological tests.
c. Drivers’ licenses are released after a drug test clearance.
d. Drivers’ licenses are released after clearance from barangay chairman.
80. The Filipino Family believed that tuberculosis is inherited. In fact, the cause is traced to
a. spitting everywhere by active TB patients
b. lack of vitamin C
c. lack of vitamin A
d. poor hygiene in coughing and spitting
81. Which disease affects the air sacs of the lungs and is common among cigarette smokers?
a. asthma c. emphysema
b. tuberculosis d. tracheal disorder
82. A British physician and bacteriologist, Sir Ronald Ross was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his
researches in the __________.
a. liquid rocket fuel c. transmission of malaria
b. prevention of hepatitis d. control of cholera
83. If a doctor describes a patient as dehydrated, he means that the patient
a. has a contagious disease c. needs insulin
b. needs oxygen d. has lost a great deal of water
84. What is the function of DIFFUSION in the human body?
a. regulates blood flow
b. plays an important role in the body’s functioning
c. allows even distribution of substances throughout all cells of the body
d. comes into play in times of extreme illness
85. What is the most common cause of cardiovascular disease?
a. fatty deposits in the arteries c. inadequate supply of red blood cells
b. lack of sodium in the diet d. increased heartbeat
86. Why are our lips redder than our palm?
a. there is increased blood flow in the lips c. lips are heavily keratinized
b. lip epidermis is thinner d. many blood vessels are located in the lips
87. Where does ectopic pregnancy occur?
a. Uterus c. Cervix
b. Ovary d. Fallopian tube
88. What are the components of a fungal cell wall?
a. chitin, proteins, sugar c. lipids, proteins and sugars
b. nucleic acids, proteins and sugar d. cellular proteins
89. What is the molecule that allows plants to capture energy from the sunlight?
a. carbohydrates c. ATP
b. chlorophyll d. Oxygen
90. The appendix, thought part of the large intestine, has no digestive function. It is therefore called
a. a heterogenous organ c. vestigial structure
b. an addendum organ d. an analogous structure
91. What theory of evolution accounts for the snake’s disappearance of legs and development of giraffe’s long
a. theory of use and disuse c. theory of natural selection
b. theory of chromosomal change d. theory of action and interaction
92. Which of the following is not considered as a reproductive cell?
a. gamete c. egg cell
b. somatic cell d. sperm cell
93. Which of the following is an example of a useful function for bacteria?
a. Can clean up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbons
b. May be used as vectors to introduce proteins
c. Can synthesize new forms of heavy metals
d. May be pathogenic and cause human disease
94. What is the flap-like structure that prevents the food from going the wrong way during swallowing?
a. epiglottis c. larynx
b. esophagus d. pharynx
95. _______________ is an aquatic blood-sucking annelid worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation
a. earthworm c. flatworm
b. leech d. remora
96. What is a young horse called?
a. colt c. foal
b. billy d. hack
97. Which of the following is an example of non-pathogenic microorganisms?
a. probiotics such as lactobacilli c. yersenia pestis
b. plasmodium vivax d. influenza spp
98. Which chemical substance produced by the body regulates and coordinates the functions and activities of
bodily organs:
a. gene c. hormone
b. DNA d. enzyme
99. What term is used to describe the ability to maintain a constant internal environment?
a. metabolism c. growth and development
b. homeostasis d. thermoregulation
100. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?
a. The plant cell will develop a thickened cell wall.
b. The plant cell will shrivel.
c. No effect on plant cell.
d. The plant cell will swell.
101. Which kingdom should streptococcus be classified?
a. Protista c. Fungi
b. Plantae d. Monera
102. What are the hormones responsible for plant growth, promoting auxiliary bud growth and apical dominance?
a. auxins and gibberlins c. auxins and abscisate
b. cytokinins and gibberellins d. cytokinins and auxins
103. The first Filipino who was declared as a natural scientist and who has contributed much in discovering local
plants that can be used as medicine.
a. Dr. Pacifico Marcos c. Dr. Eliseo Kintanar
b. Dr. Henry Moseley d. Dr. Alfredo Santos
104. Which of the following is a heterotroph?
a. algae c. grasshopper
b. fern d. moss
105. Which of the following is the BEST example of self-preservation?
a. a mouse runs when it sees a cat
b. a dog barks when it sees its owner
c. a young man decides to quit smoking
d. a salmon swims back to the place of its birth to lay eggs
106. Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides and nucleic acids are classified as
a. carbohydrates c. phospholipids
b. acids and bases d. macromolecules
107. Kingdom Plantae includes which organisms?
a. prokaryotes c. magnolidae
b. fungi d. protozoa
108. Damage to the DNA that is not repaired and then replicated can result in genetic disorder.
a. mutation c. embryology
b. pathology d. speciation
109. What organism would most likely be in an arctic environment?
a. crocodile c. turtle
b. walrus d. maya bird
110. What term is used to refer to structures that have similar origin or ancestry even though they may be different
in appearance?
a. analogous c. comparable
b. homologous d. convergent
111. Why are green plants considered autotrophs?
a. They have many pigments that capture light.
b. They can build simple inorganic substances into complex organic substance
c. They can build any kind of substances
d. They depend on other sources for their food.
112. Which method of reproduction provides for the most variety of offspring?
a. cloning c. sexual reproduction
b. asexual reproduction d. cellular reproduction
113. Wild plants and animals that stay deposited for thousand of years are known for the source of
a. gas c. kidney
b. pancreas d. pearls
114. Where do producers obtain their energy?
a. from other producers c. from the consumers
b. from the decomposers d. from the sun
115. A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane and
mitochondria. Which of the following could it be a cell of?
a. a bacteria c. a plant or an animal
b. a plant but not an animal d. an animal but not a plant
116. What is the movement of a substance across a biological membrane against its concentration gradient with
the help of energy input?
a. diffusion c. active transport
b. osmosis d. exocytosis
117. Of the following anatomical structures, which is homologous to the wing of a bat?
a. tail of a fish c. arm of a human
b. wings of a butterfly d. dorsal fin of a shark
118. Which of the following includes all the others?
a. lipids c. phospholipids
b. steroids d. triglycerides
119. Which of the following is not involved in the magnification of an object under a microscope?
a. eyepiece c. objective lens
b. stage d. fine adjustment knob
120. At which level in the hierarchal organization of life is the gumamela life?
a. organ c. Organism
b. tissue d. organelle
121. One of the key distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the presence of __________ cells,
which is lacking in __________ cells.
a. DNA in eukaryotic – prokaryotic c. DNA in prokaryotic – eukaryotic
b. a nucleus in eukaryotic – prokaryotic d. a nucleus in prokaryotic – eukaryotic.
122. Which of the following processes does not take material into cells?
a. exocytosis c. endocytosis
b. pinocytosis d. phagocytosis
123. Which is true of a virus?
a. not all virus are pathogenic c. the contain both RNA and DNA
b. they are obligate extracellular parasite d. protected by a protein called capsid
124. Which organelle is the site of protein synthesis?
a. nucleus c. golgi apparatus
b. ribosomes d. endoplasmic reticulum
125. it is the energy source of the cell which it uses for growing, reproducing and other activities.
a. Adenosine Triphosphate c. Chloroplast
b. Amino acids d. Sunlight
126. The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that saves the Earth form comets and asteroids.
a. Mars c. Uranus
b. Saturn d. Jupiter
127. Which of the following order is given to the planets of the solar system on the basis of their sizes?
a. Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mercury c. Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn
b. Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Earth d. Earth, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter
128. Which of the following planets rotates clockwise?
a. Jupiter c. Saturn
b. Mars d. Venus
129. Which layer of the sun has the coolest temperature?
a. core c. photosphere
b. corona d. chromosphere
130. Who was the first woman in space?
a. Valentina Perishchova c. Neil Armstrong
b. Yurie Gagarin d. Marie Curie
131. What is cosmology?
a. study of galaxies c. study of stars
b. study of universe d. study of constellations
132. Who proposed the Big Bag Theory?
a. Edwin Hubble c. Thomas Edison
b. Galileo Galilei d. Neil Armstrong
133. Study of life in outer space is known as
a. endobiology c. exobiology
b. enterbiology d. neobiology
134. Exactly how long does it take for the Earth to complete one trip around the sun?
a. 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds
b. 362 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 45 seconds
c. 365 and ¼ days
d. 364 and ¼ days
135. How far is the sun away from the earth?
a. 149. 6 million km c. 129.6 million km
b. 139. 6 million km d. 119. 6 million km
136. Who made the geocentric model of the solar system?
a. Copernicus c. Galileo Galilei
b. Fred Hoyle d. Ptolemy
137. Who formulated a heliocentric model of the solar system?
a. Copernicus c. Galileo Galilei
b. Fred Hoyle d. Ptolemy
138. How long does it take for the earth to complete one rotation?
a. 24 hours c. 365 days
b. 12 hours d. 30 days
139. The earth rotates on its axis from west to east. This cause the sun to __________?
a. Appear with a fiery orange color
b. Cause the appearance of solar eclipse
c. Rise from the east and sets in the west
d. Emit solar radiation
140. It occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon, with the earth’s shadow cast over the moon.
a. Total eclipse c. Solar eclipse
b. Lunar eclipse d. partial eclipse