STCUpdate Ashwin 2079

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Summary of Standard Tariff of Charges, 2079

1. Statement of Charges – Operations

I. Customer Services
S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks
1 Issuance of Balance Certificate Free
Waived for
2 Standing Instruction NPR 250/- per instruction
3 Stop Payment of Cheques Free
i. Requisition Slips for Cheque Book
cancellation of
issuance against lost Cheque and NPR 250/-
lost Cheques.
Payment Slip*.
4 Payment Slip
charges are for
ii. Requisition Slip for One Leaf NPR 100/-
Inclusive Banking
Issuance of "Good for Payment"
5 Free
Cheque/Manager's Cheque
Cancellation of "Good for Payment"
6 NPR 250/-
In case the
balance in
account is less
Cheque returned for insufficient balance
7 NPR 200/-for each presentation than NPR 200/-
(both clearing and presented for payment)
entire amount
shall be
In case the
Cheques or
Cheques and Payment Slip Disposal payment slip is
8 NPR 250/-
Charges not collected
within 6 months
of its request.
1st Page NPR 100/-, NPR 50/-
Issue of Statement(2nd Copy of the same
9 for each additional page and
Maximum NPR 500/- in total
(Not applicable
for illiterate and
10 Duplicate Customer Dr./Cr. Advice NPR 100/-
visually impaired
Record Retrieval Charges# NPR 500/- In other cases.
12 In case of records
NPR 750/- older than 6
#In case of closure of account within 6
months of opening.
13 Cross Branch Cheque Issue Free
14 Interest Earned Certificate NPR 500/-
If any Fixed Deposit is to be pre-matured, the pre-
matured Fixed Deposit will be entitled to get only the
lowest interest rate provided in the Saving Deposits
15 Fixed Deposit Pre-mature
of the bank minus 2.00% instead of paying all the
interest and already paid interest shall be recovered
from concern account holder accordingly.
16 Fixed Deposit Certificate (Duplicate) NPR 100/-
17 Kramik Bachat Khata Pre-mature 50.00% of Interest Earned.
Issuance of other banks cheque against
home cheque up to 2 Million NPR 250/-
Issuance of other banks cheque against
home cheque above 2 Million NPR 500/-

*Payment Slip Charges are for Inclusive Banking Depositors.

ll. Any Branch Banking Services (ABBS)
S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks

1 Self-Deposit/Deposit by Others (Any Limit) Free

III. Cheque Processing

S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks
As per Nepal Clearing House
1 Electronic Cheque Clearing Charges
To be added to
7 Bills Collection NPR 500/- cost of another
8 RTGS As per NRB
Transaction Fee in NPR Based on Slab

B. IPS Price Scheme Remarks

Up to 500 >500-50K >50K

1 NPR Transaction - Others As per Nepal Clearing House Limited

2 NPR Transaction - RTPS As per Nepal Clearing House Limited

3 FCY Transaction (Fee in NPR) As per Nepal Clearing House Limited

4 Dividend Payment As per Nepal Clearing House Limited No Charges for

Dividend below
NPR 100.00

Transaction Fee in NPR Based on Slab

C. Connect IPS Fee Up to 500 >500-5K >5K-50K >50K

1 Fund Transfers As per Nepal Clearing House Limited

2 Government Payments As per Nepal Clearing House Limited

3 Credit Card Payments As per Nepal Clearing House Limited

4 Stock Broker Payment As per Nepal Clearing House Limited

5 Wallet Top Up No Charge

IV. Digital Banking Services

S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks
A. VISA/E-com Card Related
1 Charges for issuance of VISA ATM cards NPR 250/-
NPR 1,000/- in case the
2 Annual ATM Charges NPR 250/- customer wishes to pay the
charges for 5 year upfront.
3 Re -Issue after Expiry of VISA ATM cards NPR 250/-

4 ATM Card re-print due to loss of VISA ATM cards NPR 250/-

5 Pin Regeneration of VISA ATM cards NPR 100/-

6 Card Blocked/ Unblocked of VISA ATM cards NPR 100/-

ATM Card not received within 6 month (Disposal

7 NPR 250/-
8 Supplementary Card NPR 250/-

9 Card Blocked charge at the time of A/C closed NPR 100/-

Charges for Issuance of International e-

10 NPR 500/-
commerce Card
Re -Issue Charges of International e-commerce
11 NPR 500/-

12 Annual International e-commerce Card Charges NPR 500/-

Amount Load Charge of International e- Free for first time Load

13 NPR 100/-
commerce Card
ATM Card Account Linkage Charge
14 NPR 100/-

QR Teller withdrawal Charge (Payment Limit per

15 day NPR 200,000.00) Free

B. Mobile Banking
1 First time subscription NPR 200/-
2 Annual Renewal NPR 200 /-
3 Mobile Banking Password Reset NPR 50/-
4 Mobile Banking Account Linkage Charge No charge for same client
NPR 100/-
5 Interbank Fund Transfer (IBFT) Charge As per Fonepay
C. E- Banking
1 First time subscription NPR 200/-
2 Annual Renewal NPR 200 /-
3 Internet Banking Password Reset NPR 50/-
V. Transaction Fees
S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks

1 ATM Cash withdrawal from MNBBL ATMs Free

ATM Cash withdrawal from the ATM other than

2 Free
that of MNBBL
NPR 250/- per
3 ATM Cash withdrawal in India
4 Balance inquiry at MNBBL ATMs Free
Balance inquiry from the ATM other than that of
5 NPR 20/- per enquiry
6. Balance inquiry in India NPR 50/- per enquiry
Mini Statement Request from the ATM other than NPR 20/- per request
that of MNBBL

VI. Locker Charges

S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks
1 Annual Fees NPR 2,000/-
2 Security Deposit NPR 10,000/-
NPR 1,500 + Actual
Breaking of Lockers (in case, the key is lost)
3 Charges for the breakage

VII. Remittances
S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks
1 Up to 15,000 NPR 100/-
2 15,001-25,000 NPR 150/-
Other Remit
1. As per the charges of remittance companies.

VIII. Others
S.N. Description of Services Amount Remarks
1 CC TV Footage Retrieval (Below 1 Week) Free
2 CC TV Footage Retrieval (Above 1 Week) NPR 100/-
3 No Objection Letter/ Letter for Permit NPR 250/-
4 No due Certificate (for borrower) NPR 500/-
5 CIC Charges As per CIB
6 C-ASBA/ASBA Charges NPR 5/-

2. Statement of Charges – Credit Facilities

I. Administrative (General Banking/Inclusive Banking)
Administrative Charges
S.N Description of services Remarks

A. General Banking

1 Business Loan (New) 1.00%

2 Muktinath Sulav Bewasaya Karja (New) 1.00%

3 Real Estate Loan (Overdraft or Term) 1.00%


4 Personal Loan (Overdraft or Term) (New) 1.00%

5 Loan against Shares (New) 1.00%

6 Agriculture Loan (New) 1.00%

7 Housing Loan 1.00%

(New/ Enhancement) including CBHL

8 Hire Purchase/Auto Loan (New Vehicle) 1.00%

9 Hire Purchase/Auto Loan (Old Vehicle) 1.00%

10 Other Loan 1.00%

11 Gold and Silver Loan Not Applicable (refer

section 3, subsection XI)

12 Loan Against Fixed Deposit, Loan Against N/A

Government/ NRB Saving Bond etc.

13 Consortium Loan As per the consortium

decision and as approved
by concerned credit
approving authority

14 Professional Loan 1.00%

15 Social Loan 1.00%

16 Education Loan 1.00%

B Inclusive Banking

1 General Loan 1.00%

2 Goodwill Member Loan 1.00%

3 Energy Loan 1.00%

4 Emergency Loan 1.00%

5 Improving Agriculture Loan -

6 Foreign Employment Loan 1.00%

7 Micro Enterprise Loan -

8 Homestead Loan 1.00%

9 Small Enterprise Loan 1.00%

10 Small Housing Loan 1.00%

11 Personal Loan 1.00%

12 Wholesale Loan "D" Class Bank 0.50%

13 Wholesale Loan Others 1.00%

i. Administrative charge shall be charged on approved loan limit.
ii. No administrative charges shall be levied on subsidized loan.

II. Renewal Charges (General Banking)

Renewal charge shall be:
SN Particulars Renewal Charge Remarks

1 Business Loan 20.00% of initial Administrative Fee

2 Muktinath Sulav Bewasaya Karja (New) 20.00% of initial Administrative Fee

3 Personal Overdraft 20.00% of initial Administrative Fee

4 Loan against shares 20.00% of initial Administrative Fee

5 Real Estate Overdraft 20.00% of initial Administrative Fee

6 Other Loans 20.00% of initial Administrative Fee

7 Gold and Silver Loan Not Applicable (refer section 3,

subsection XI)

8 Loan Against Fixed Deposit, Loan Against Not Applicable

Government/NRB Saving Bond etc.

9 Consortium Loan As per the consortium decision and

as approved by concerned credit
approving authority.

Note: Renewal charges for existing loan shall be 20% of initial administrative charges. However, such
charges shall not be more than 20% of aforementioned administrative charges.

III. Loan Commitment Charge (For General Banking Only)

i. For Revolving/Demand Nature Loan:
Loan commitment charge shall be 20% of administrative charge for unutilized portion of loan if
average utilization falls below 60%, which shall be charged at the time of renewal/settlement of loan.
For Example: If average utilization is 35% then, commitment charge shall be levied at 25% of loan
limit (60%-35%=25%).

ii. For Term Nature Loan:

Loan commitment charge shall be 20% of administrative charge for unutilized portion of loan if loan
utilization less than approved loan limit.
i. In case of account which is settled prior to expiry date of limit, commitment charge shall be
obtained till expiry date proportionately.

IV. Loan Prepayment Charge:

i. Prepayment charge shall applicable on term nature loan only.
ii. 1.00% if the Loan is prepaid within 2 Years.
iii. 0.50% if the Loan is prepaid within 2 to 5 Years.
iv. 0.20% if the Loan is prepaid after 5 Years.

V. SWAP Charge (For Modern Banking Only)

i. 1.00% if the Loan is swapped within 2 Years.
ii. 0.50% if the Loan is swapped within 2 to 5 Years.
iii. 0.20% if the Loan is swapped after 5 Years.

Note: The loan prepayment/swap charge on Term Nature Loan with fixed interest rates shall be levied
1.00% of the loan with the consent of borrower.

VI. Credit Information Center (CIC) Report Charge

i. CIC Report Charge shall be actual & incidental cost as charged by Credit Information Center.

VII. Inter Bank Credit Information Charge

i. The charge for entertainment of inter bank credit information request shall be NPR. 500 per
issuance of credit information.
ii. The charge for issuance of Loan Clearance Certificate NPR 1000/-

VIII. Penal Interest and Interest on Interest

i. Penal Interest and Interest on Interest on delayed payment shall be 2% (Two percent) p.a. of
overdue amount (i.e. Overdue Principal and Overdue Interest).

IX. Re-issuance of Correspondence

i. For every correspondence once issued if re-issued at the request of the customer shall be charged
NPR 250 per correspondence.

X. Commission on Non Funded Facilities

Basic charge for issuance of non-funded facilities/BG shall be NPR 1,000 or as per table below, whichever
is higher.
S.N Non-Funded Facilities A Class B Class C&D Others
Contractor Contractor Class

1 Bid Bond Guarantee (BBG) 0.20% p.q. 0.20% p.q. 0.25% p.q. 0.25% p.q.

2 Performance Bond Guarantee/ 0.30% p.q. 0.30% p.q. 0.35% p.q. 0.35% p.q.
Supply Guarantee (PBG)

3 Advance Payment Guarantee (APG) 0.30% p.q. 0.35% p.q. 0.35% p.q. 0.45% p.q.
4 Credit Supply Guarantee (CSG) 0.30% p.q. 0.35% p.q. 0.35% p.q. 0.45% p.q.

5 Issuance/ Line of Credit NPR 500 NPR 500 NPR 1,000 NPR

6 Other Guarantees Fee 0.30% p.q. 0.35% p.q. 0.35% p.q. 0.45% p.q.

Notes: An Additional Amendment charges on Bank Guarantees (BG) shall be levied as follows, if any
amendments are to be done.
a. Amendment Charges with increase of Values and Tenure of BG NPR 1,000/- plus applicable BG
b. Amendment Charges without increase of Values and Tenure of BG NPR 1,000/-

XI. Insurance Charge (Gold and Silver Loan)

Insurance charges of 1% on Gold and silver Loan amount shall charge every year until the settlement
of loan.

XII. Letter of Credit & Allied Charges

Charges related to Letter of Credit & Allied charges, shall be as per the agreement with the concerned
commercial banks.

XIII. Non Submission of Documents - Charges

i. Non Submission of the either Audited Financial Statements/Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) of
extension approval form IRD within Ashwin End: NPR 1,000/-
ii. Non Submission of the Audited Financial Statements and TCC after Poush End: NPR 2,000/-

XIV. Other Incidental Charges

i. Temporary handover of land ownership certificate NPR 500/- after 7 working days.
ii. All charges that are incidental to processing of loan, disbursement of loan or recovery of loan
shall be charged to client at actual cost incurred for such loan.

i. The charges mentioned above is governed by bank's internal policy, "Standard Tariff of Charges".
ii. The decision of the bank shall be final in case any dispute regarding the amount of charges/fees.
iii. All the charges/fees shall be consistent with NRB directives, circulars and other regulatory authority's


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