Fisher 1978

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Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Tomus 32 (3---4), (1978), 283--285.


B. F I S H E R (Leicester)

A contraction mapping of a metric space (X, O) into itself is a mapping T

such that
Q(Tx, Ty) <- cQ(x, y),
for all x, y in X, where 0-<_c<l.
In a paper by R. KAN~AN [1], he considers a mapping T of a metric space
(X, Q) into itself such that

Q(Tx, Ty) <=k {Q(x, Tx) + Q(y, ry)},

-< 1
for all x, y in X, where O=k<-~. We will call such a mappinga Kannan mapping.
We now prove the following theorem:
THEOREM 1. Let T be a contraction mapping o f the metric space (X, Q) into itself.
Then T n is a Kannan mapping for some positive integer n.
PROOF. Suppose
Q{Tx, Ty) <- c~ (x, y)
for all x , y in X, where 0-<_c<l. Then

e(Tnx, T~y) ~= c~e(x, y) <- c~{o(x, T~x) + e(Tnx, Tny) + e(Tny, y)}
and so
o(T"x, T"y) < ~ {O(x, T " x ) + 0(y, T"y)}
- 1-c"
for all x, y in X.
Since c < l , we can find an n such that c"<1/3 and then
1 - c " < 1/2.

It follows that for such an n, T" is a Kannan mapping. This completes the proof
of the theorem.
One may now ask the following question. If T is a Kannan mapping of the
metric space (X, Q) into itself, must T" be a contraction mapping for some positive
integer n?
The answer to this question is in the negative, as can be seen from the following

Acta Mathcrnagtca Academ~ae Scientiarum Hungaricae 32, 1978

284 t3. VISHER

Let X be the set of real numbers x, with - 2 < x < 2 . Define a metric e on X by
o~(x, y) = [ x - yl.
Define a mapping T of X into itself by
= ~-x/4, Ix] <= 1,
Tx [ x/4, 1 < txl < 2.

e(Tx, Ty) ~ l(txl+ lYl), e(x, Tx)+ e(y, Ty) >=3(Ixl+lyl).

e(Tx, Ty) <=y {Q(x, rx)+ e(y, Ty)},

for all x, y in X and so T is a Kannan mapping.

, However it is obvious that T" is discontinuous at the point x = l for
n = l , 2 . . . . and so cannot be a contraction mapping, which is always continuous.
We can however prove the following theorem.
TheOReM 2. Let T be a Kannan mapping of the metric space (X, Q) into itself
and suppose that
(1) ~(x, Tx)+ e(y, Ty) <-- he(x, y)
for all x, y in X, where h > O . Then T n is a contraction mapping for some positive
integer n.
PROOF. Suppose first of all that X is complete and that

e (Tx, Ty) <= k {~ (x, Tx) + ~ (y, Ty)}

for all x , y in X, where 0 N k < l / 2 . Then

e(T"x, T"+lx) < k{o(T"-lx, T"x)+ o(T"x, r " + l x ) }

and so
o ( r n x , T"§ < k k "

e(T"x, T"§ <=e(T"x, T"+ix)+ ... + e(T"+'-~x, T"+'x) <- k,e(x, Tx)

k,= ~ 1-2k:

It follows that {T"x} is a Cauchy sequence and in fact converges to a unique point
z, see [1], with the property that Tz=z. On letting r tend to infinity we see t h a t

o(Tnx, z) <= k,o(x, Tx).

Q(T'y, z) ~ k, Q(y, Ty)
A c t a M a t h e m a t i c a A c a d e m i a e Scientiaru~n Hungari'cae 32, 1978

and so
e (T"x, r'y) <= e (T"x, z) + e (z, T"y) <= k. {e (x, rx) + e (Y, Ty)} ~ hk. e(x, y)
for all x , y in X, on using inequality (1). Since k ( 1 - k ) - l < l , we can choose an
n such that hk,< 1. For this n, T" is a contraction mapping, completing the proof
of the theorem when X is complete.
If X is not complete we note that
e(Tx, Ty) <: e(x, Tx)+ e(x, y)+ e(Y, Ty) <=(h + 1)e{x, y),
on using inequality (1). This implies that T is uniformly continuous and so T, the
completion of T, is a Kannan mapping on )~, the completion of X and
e(x, ~x)+ e(y, ~y) ~ he(x, y),
for all x, y in )~. It follows from what we have just proved that T" is a contraction
mapping on )~ for some n and so for this n, T" is a contraction mapping on X,
completing the p r o o f of the theorem.


[1] R. KANNAN, Some results on fixed points, Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc., 60 (1968), 71--76.

(Received August 22, 1976)


Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 32, 1978

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