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Institute of Economical Cybernetics, Departmentof Math., Academy of Economics,
MarchlewsMego 146/150, Poznati, Poland
In this note the well-known fixed point theorems of Banach and Edelstein are extended to
fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of Kramcsil and Michalek.
The Banach fixed point theorem stated that each self-mapping T of a complete
metric space (X,d) such that d(Tx, Ty)<k.d(x,y) (x~y,O<k<l) has a
unique fixed point. The assumption k < 1 is nonsuperfiuous. With k = 1 the
mapping of this sort need not have a fixed point. However, if X is compact, then
T has a unique fixed point (Edelstein [2]).
In this note we extend two fixed point theorems of Banach and Ede|stein to
contractive mappings of complete and compact fuzzy metric spaces, respectively.
We shall with deal with fuzzy metric spaces introduced by Kramosil and Michalek
[5]. Note there are at least four different concepts of a fuzzy metric space (cf.
W e begin with some definitions.
I, D e f ~ d n [8]. A binary operation * :[0,1] × [0, I]--*[0, 1] is a (continuous)
c-norm if ([0,I], .) is an Abelian (topological)monoid with unit I such that
a * b ~<c * d whenever a ~<c and b ~<d (a, b, c, d ¢ [0, 1]).
2. DegBlfion [5]. The 3-tuple (X, M, . ) is fuzzy metric space if X is an arbitrary
set, * is a continuous t-norm, and M is a fuzzy set X 2 × [0, oo) satisfying the
following conditions:
M(x, y, O) = 0 , (2.1)
M(x, y, t) = 1 for all t > 0 iff x = y, (2.2)
M(x, y, t) = M(y, x, t), (2.3)
M(x, y, t), M(y, z, s)-< ~(x, z, t + s), (2.4)
M(x, y, .):[o, ~ ) ~ [o, 11
is left-continuous for all x, y, z ~ X and t, s > 0. (2.5)
In what follows, (X, M, *) will always denote a fuzzy metric space.
0165-0114/88/53.50 ~) 1988, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
386 M. Grabiec
Proof. Suppose M(x, y, t) > M(x, y, s) for some 0 < t < s. Then M(x, y, t) •
M(y, y, s - t) <<.M(x, y, s) < M(x, y, t). By (2.2), M(y, y, s - t) - 1, and thus
M(x, y, t ) < M(x, y, t)< M(x, y, t), a contradiction.
t...~oo y, t)ffiI for all x, y in X. (5.1)
L a T :X ~ X be a mapping satisfying
~(Tx, Ty, kt) >. M(x, y, t) for all x, y in X, O < k < l . (5.2)
Then T has a unique fixed point.
Plee|. Let x ¢ X and x,, ffi T"x (n ¢ N). By a simple induction we get
~l~(Xn,Xn+p,t)~U ') *
,Xn+1,~ :,: *~/~ n+p_1,Xn+p,~')
>~M , x , , - ~ '):::
• .M ,x~,~ ')
by (5.3). According to (5.1) we now have
i.e., {x~} is Cauchy, hence convergent. Call the limit y. Thus we have
>~M z, y, ( b) (
>~. . . >~M z, y, 1
as n ~ oo. B y ( 2 . 2 ) , z = y.
M(x, y, t + e)>-lira sup M(x~, y~, t)
lht~f, By (2.4),
M(x., y., t) >~M(x., x, ½e) . M(x, y, ~- e) , At(y, y., ~e).
lira inf M(x~, y~, t)>~ 1 • M(x, y, t - e ) . 1 = M(x, y, t - e).
lira sup M(xn, yn, t)<~M(x, y, t+) for all t >0. (7.2)
388 M. Grabiec
8. T h e e m n (fuzzy Edelstein contraction theorem). Let (X, M, , ) be a compact
space. Let T :X--> X be a mapping satisfying
M(Tx, Ty, .) > M(x, y, ") for all x ~ y (8.1)
(i.e. M(Tx, Ty, .) ~>M(x, y, .) and M(Tx, Ty, .) ~ M(x, y, .)) .for a U x ~ y.
Then T has a unique fixed point.
l h ~ f . Let x ¢ X and x,, = Tnx (n ¢ N). Assume x. @xn+l for each n (if not,
Tx~ ffi x~). Consequently, x. ~ Xm (n 4: m). For otherwise we get
M(xn, .,~n+l, ") = M(Xm' Xm+l' ") > M(xm-1, Xm, ") > ' ' " > M(xn, Xn+l, ")
where m > n, a contradiction. Since X is compact, {xn} has a convergent
subsequence {x.,}. Let y ffi limi x,,,. We also assume that y, Ty qt {x,,, :i ¢ N} (if
not, choose a subsequence with such a property). According to the above
assumptions we may now write
M(rx,,,, ry, .)> M(x.,, y, .)
The author gratefully acknowledges the thoroughness and perceptiveness with
which the referees read the first draft of this paper.
Fixed points in fuzzy meuic spaces 389
[1] Deng Zi-ke, Fuzzy pseudo metric spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 86 (1982) 74--95.
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