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Fuzzy Sets and Systems 27 (1988) 385-389 385




Institute of Economical Cybernetics, Departmentof Math., Academy of Economics,
MarchlewsMego 146/150, Poznati, Poland

Received October 1986

Revised July 1987

In this note the well-known fixed point theorems of Banach and Edelstein are extended to
fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of Kramcsil and Michalek.

Keywords: Fuzzy metric space, Complete, Compact, Contraction, Fixed point.

The Banach fixed point theorem stated that each self-mapping T of a complete
metric space (X,d) such that d(Tx, Ty)<k.d(x,y) (x~y,O<k<l) has a
unique fixed point. The assumption k < 1 is nonsuperfiuous. With k = 1 the
mapping of this sort need not have a fixed point. However, if X is compact, then
T has a unique fixed point (Edelstein [2]).
In this note we extend two fixed point theorems of Banach and Ede|stein to
contractive mappings of complete and compact fuzzy metric spaces, respectively.
We shall with deal with fuzzy metric spaces introduced by Kramosil and Michalek
[5]. Note there are at least four different concepts of a fuzzy metric space (cf.
W e begin with some definitions.
I, D e f ~ d n [8]. A binary operation * :[0,1] × [0, I]--*[0, 1] is a (continuous)
c-norm if ([0,I], .) is an Abelian (topological)monoid with unit I such that
a * b ~<c * d whenever a ~<c and b ~<d (a, b, c, d ¢ [0, 1]).
2. DegBlfion [5]. The 3-tuple (X, M, . ) is fuzzy metric space if X is an arbitrary
set, * is a continuous t-norm, and M is a fuzzy set X 2 × [0, oo) satisfying the
following conditions:
M(x, y, O) = 0 , (2.1)
M(x, y, t) = 1 for all t > 0 iff x = y, (2.2)
M(x, y, t) = M(y, x, t), (2.3)
M(x, y, t), M(y, z, s)-< ~(x, z, t + s), (2.4)
M(x, y, .):[o, ~ ) ~ [o, 11
is left-continuous for all x, y, z ~ X and t, s > 0. (2.5)
In what follows, (X, M, *) will always denote a fuzzy metric space.
0165-0114/88/53.50 ~) 1988, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
386 M. Grabiec

3. Definiden. A sequence {x.} in a fuzzy metric space (X, M, *) is Cauchy ff

f i m . M ( x . + p , x . , t ) - I for each t > 0 and p > 0 . A s e q u e ~ {x,,} in X is
convergent to x ¢ X ff lira M(xn, x, t) = 1 for each t > 0. Notation: lira,, x,, = x.
(Since * is continuous, it follows from (2.4) that the limit is uniquely

A fuzzy metric space in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent is called

complete. It is called compact if every sequence contains a convergent

4. Lennnao M(x, y, .) is non-decreasing for all x, y in X.

Proof. Suppose M(x, y, t) > M(x, y, s) for some 0 < t < s. Then M(x, y, t) •
M(y, y, s - t) <<.M(x, y, s) < M(x, y, t). By (2.2), M(y, y, s - t) - 1, and thus
M(x, y, t ) < M(x, y, t)< M(x, y, t), a contradiction.

Note. Kramosil and Michalek [5] actually assumed • to be measurable only,

and, consequently, they assumed M(x, y, .) to be non-decreasing. Note also that
the condition (5.1) below is included in their definition of a fuzzy metric space.

$. Theerem (fuzzy Banach contraction theorem). Let (X, M, *) be a complete

fuzzy metric space such that

t...~oo y, t)ffiI for all x, y in X. (5.1)

L a T :X ~ X be a mapping satisfying
~(Tx, Ty, kt) >. M(x, y, t) for all x, y in X, O < k < l . (5.2)
Then T has a unique fixed point.

Plee|. Let x ¢ X and x,, ffi T"x (n ¢ N). By a simple induction we get

M(x,,, x,,+~, t) ~ M , x~, for all n and t > O. (5.3)

Thus for any ~:~sitive integer p we have

~l~(Xn,Xn+p,t)~U ') *
,Xn+1,~ :,: *~/~ n+p_1,Xn+p,~')

>~M , x , , - ~ '):::
• .M ,x~,~ ')
by (5.3). According to (5.1) we now have

r~mM(x,,+,,, x,,, t) >~1 • .t:). • 1 --- 1,

Fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces 387

i.e., {x~} is Cauchy, hence convergent. Call the limit y. Thus we have

M(Ty, y, t) >- M ( T y , Txn, ~) * M ( x . + , , y, ~)

M (, ,Xn, *M +l,Y, "->1"1=1

by (2.4). By (2.2) we get Ty = y, a fixed point. To show uniqueness, assume

Tz = z for some z ¢ X. Then

l >~M(z, y, t ) = M(Tz, Ty, t ) ~ M z, y, = M Tz, Ty,

>~M z, y, ( b) (
>~. . . >~M z, y, 1

as n ~ oo. B y ( 2 . 2 ) , z = y.

6. Lemma. I f lira,, x, = x and lira,, y~ = y, then

M(x, y, t - e) <~lira inf M ( x . , y., t)

M(x, y, t + e)>-lira sup M(x~, y~, t)

for aH t > 0 and 0 < e < t.

lht~f, By (2.4),
M(x., y., t) >~M(x., x, ½e) . M(x, y, ~- e) , At(y, y., ~e).
lira inf M(x~, y~, t)>~ 1 • M(x, y, t - e ) . 1 = M(x, y, t - e).

On the other hand,

M(x, y, t + e) >. M(x, x., ½e) , M(x~, y., t) , M(y., y, ½e),
M(x, y, t + r) ~>lira sup M(xn, y., t).

So, the assertion follows.

7. Eorollmy. Let limn x~ = x and limn yn = y. Then"

lira inf M(x~, y~, t) >--M(x, y, t) for all t > O, (7.1)

lira sup M(xn, yn, t)<~M(x, y, t+) for all t >0. (7.2)
388 M. Grabiec
8. T h e e m n (fuzzy Edelstein contraction theorem). Let (X, M, , ) be a compact
space. Let T :X--> X be a mapping satisfying
M(Tx, Ty, .) > M(x, y, ") for all x ~ y (8.1)
(i.e. M(Tx, Ty, .) ~>M(x, y, .) and M(Tx, Ty, .) ~ M(x, y, .)) .for a U x ~ y.
Then T has a unique fixed point.
l h ~ f . Let x ¢ X and x,, = Tnx (n ¢ N). Assume x. @xn+l for each n (if not,
Tx~ ffi x~). Consequently, x. ~ Xm (n 4: m). For otherwise we get
M(xn, .,~n+l, ") = M(Xm' Xm+l' ") > M(xm-1, Xm, ") > ' ' " > M(xn, Xn+l, ")
where m > n, a contradiction. Since X is compact, {xn} has a convergent
subsequence {x.,}. Let y ffi limi x,,,. We also assume that y, Ty qt {x,,, :i ¢ N} (if
not, choose a subsequence with such a property). According to the above
assumptions we may now write
M(rx,,,, ry, .)> M(x.,, y, .)

for all i ¢ N. Then by (7.1) we obtain

lira M(rx,,, Ty, t) >--lira M(x,,, y, t) - M(y, y, t) - 1
for each t > 0. Hence
lira Tx., = Ty. (8.2)
Similarly, we obtain
lira y2xn,-~ Y2y (8.3)
(recall that Ty = Tx,, for all i e N). Now, observe that
M(x.,, rx.,, t) ~ M(rx.,, r~x.,, t) <~ . . . <~ M(x.,, Tx.,, t)
<<-M(Tx.,, T2x.,, t) <~. . " <~M(Tx.,+,, Tx.,+,, t)
<<-M(Tx.,+,, r2xn,.~, t) <-''" <~ 1
for all t > 0 . Thus {M(x.,, Tx.~, t)} and {(Tx.,, T2Xa,, t)} (t > 0 ) are convergent to
a common limit (cf. [6, 7]). So, by (7.2), (8.3) and (7.1) we get
M(y, Ty, t+) >>-lira sup M(x.,, Tx.,, t)= lira sup M(Tx.,, T2x.,, t)
>~ l i r a ~ - ~ .~ " ' " ~" "- M ( ry, r~y, 0
for all t >0. Suppose y ~ Ty. By (8.1), M(y, Ty, .)< M(Ty, T2y, .), a contradic-
tion because both functions are left continuous and non-decreasing. Hence
y ffi Ty, a fixed point. Uniqueness follows at once from (8.1).

The author gratefully acknowledges the thoroughness and perceptiveness with
which the referees read the first draft of this paper.
Fixed points in fuzzy meuic spaces 389


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[5] J. Kramosil and J. Michalek, Fuzzy metric and statistical metric spaces, Kybernetika 11 (1975)
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[7] B.K. Ray and H. Chatterjee, Some results on fixe¢!i~points in metric and Banach spaces, Bull.
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