10 1109@mmm 2021 3102201
10 1109@mmm 2021 3102201
10 1109@mmm 2021 3102201
■ James C. Lin
very few months, if not weeks,
another mysterious attack on U.S.
diplomatic and intelligence per-
sonnel is reported. Some of the attacks
occurred years ago, while others were
recounted as recently as July 2021 [1]–[3].
Over the past four or five years, nearly
200 U.S. personnel have reported simi-
lar attacks while working in places like
Havana, Guangzhou, London, Moscow,
Vienna, and Washington, D.C. The acute
symptoms include headache and nausea
immediately following the sounds of
loud buzzing or bursts. The illness and
November 2021 13
wave) that travels inside the head to battlefield. It also suggests that the de- meet some specific requirements in co-
the inner ear cochlea [7], [14]. The short terminants of microwave weapon’s an- vert or finely targeted operations.
high-power microwave pulses do not tipersonnel effects are multifactorial and
generate noticeable amounts of heat in RF injuries may be situation-dependent. References
the brain tissues. It envisions that in addition to being [1] K. B. Williams and J. Herb. “US investigating
possible mysterious directed energy attack
Indeed, many researchers and gov- generally useful for a wide variety of
near White House.” CNN. https://edition.cnn
ernment people have come to believe military operations, commercial applica- .com/2021/04/29/politics/us-investigating
that the microwave auditory effect— tions include industrial, manufacturing, -mysterious-directed-energy-attack-white
induced by a targeted beam of high and medical facilities in which personnel -house/index.html (accessed Apr. 29, 2021).
[2] “Havana syndrome,” PBS. https://www.pbs
peak-power pulsed microwave radia- may be inadvertently exposed to high- .org/newshour/tag/havana-syndrome (ac-
tion—may be the most likely scientific power microwave sources. cessed July 30, 2021).
explanation for the Havana Syndrome. Indeed, research in high-power mi- [3] D. Hruby and J. Hansler. “Austria probes
The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, crowaves continues worldwide, includ- reports of Havana syndrome among US dip-
lomats in Vienna.” CNN. https://www.cnn
Engineering, and Medicine released its ing the major military powers [12], [14]. .com/2021/07/18/europe/austria-us-havana
report [8] examining the plausible causes It appears that the U.S. military -syndrome-intl/index.html (accessed July 18,
of the described illnesses and makes the has maintained some interest on the 2021).
[4] J. C. Lin, “The mystery of ‘sonic health attacks’
point that “among the mechanisms the topic of microwave auditory effect
on Havana-based diplomats,” URSI Radio Sci.
study committee considered, the most and has awarded a research contract Bull., no. 362, pp. 102–103, Sept. 2017.
plausible mechanism to explain these titled “Remote Personnel Incapacitation [5] J. C. Lin, “Strange reports of weaponized sound
cases, especially in individuals with dis- System” through the navy’s small busi- in Cuba [health matters],” IEEE Microw. Mag.,
vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 18–19, Jan. 2018. doi: 10.1109/
tinct early symptoms, appears to be di- ness innovative research program [12],
rected, pulsed RF (microwave) energy.” [13]. The initial goal of the project was [6] J. C. Lin and Z. W. Wang, “Hearing of micro-
Of course, until the truth is revealed, this to design and build a prototype nonle- wave pulses by humans and animals: Effects,
specific matter will remain somewhat thal weapon based on the microwave mechanism, and thresholds,” Health Phys., vol.
92, no. 6, pp. 621–628, June 2007. doi: 10.1097/01.
of a mystery. Nevertheless, the admin- auditory effect. The transient person-
istration of President Joseph Biden says nel incapacitation system is known [7] J. C. Lin, “The microwave auditory effect,”
it is vigorously investigating the latest as Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent IEEE J. Electromagn., RF, Microw. Med. Biol., ear-
reports of the mysterious illness affect- Audio (MEDUSA). The weapon relies ly access, Mar. 1, 2021. doi: 10.1109/JERM.2021.
ing American diplomats and intelligence on a combination of pulse parameters [8] National Academies of Sciences, Engineer-
personnel [9]. and pulse power to raise the auditory ing, and Medicine. An Assessment of Illness in
A growing number of researchers sensation to the “discomfort” level to de- U.S. Government Employees and Their Families
and government members think that ter personnel from entering a protected at Overseas Embassies. Washington, D.C.: The
National Academies Press, Dec. 2020.
some form of directed-energy mi- perimeter. While the status or outcome [9] W. P. Strobel, “Havana syndrome task force
crowave weapon may be involved in of this project may be privileged, there to be led by veteran of hunt for Bin Laden,”
Havana Syndrome. are indications that hardware was The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj
If the microwave auditory effect is built and power measurements were
weaponized at sufficiently high powers, taken to confirm the required pulse -11626885816 (accessed July 21, 2021).
in addition for the microwave pulses parameters enabling observation of [10] J. C. Lin, “Sonic health attacks by pulsed mi-
causing nonlethal primary auditory path- the microwave auditory effect, which crowaves in Havana revisited,” IEEE Microw.
Mag., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 71–73, Mar. 2021. doi:
way injury, it is likely to produce lethal is an expected situation that was never
and/or nonlethal damages to brain tis- in doubt. [11] “Wearable radio frequency weapon exposure
sues by the reverberating sonic shock The required microwave technology detector,” SBIR STTR America’s Seed Fund,
waves. It would not be by microwave is mature and in general commercially Alexandria, VA, DoD 2021.1 SBIR Solicitation,
DHA211-005. [Online]. Available: https://
pulse-induced hyperthermia through available in many developed countries.
www.sbir.gov/node/1841633 (accessed Jan.
excessive temperature elevation in the Longer distances and higher power sce- 15, 2021).
brain, nor by dielectric breakdown of narios would require more bulky equip- [12] J. Borger, “Microwave weapons that could cause
brain, muscle, or skin tissues [10]. ment and sophisticated aiming devices, Havana syndrome exist, experts say,” The Guard-
ian. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/
It is noteworthy that the U.S. gov- but packable equipment is possible for jun/02/microwave-weapons-havana-syndrome
ernment has announced a research pro- closer range nonlethal applications [14]. -experts (accessed June 3, 2021).
gram to develop a low-cost, low-weight, This would not preclude the use of a [13] “Remote person nel i ncapacitat ion sys-
much higher power microwave weapon tem,” Navy SBIR. http://www.navysbirprogram
small-size wearable microwave weapon
.com/Nav y S e a rc h/Su m m a r y/su m m a r y
exposure detector [11]. The announce- located at farther distance from the in- . a s p x ? p k = F 5 B 0 7 D 6 8 -1 B 1 9 - 4 2 3 5 - B 14 0
ment acknowledged that directed-en- tended targets to raise the auditory sen- -950CE2E19D08 (accessed Aug. 2020).
ergy weapons, including microwave sation to the “discomfort” levels. Also, [14] J. C. Lin, Auditory Effects of Microwave Radia-
tion. Cham: Springer, 2021.
weapons, are a growing threat on the existing hardware could be optimized to
14 November 2021