Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically V

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Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically

Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated

Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and
Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study
Young Mi Lee, MD 1, Daniel Broudy, PhD 2
1 Practicingphysician with a specialty in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hanna Women’s Clinic, Doryeong-ro 7, KumSung
Building, 2nd Floor, Jeju, Jejudo, 63098, Republic of Korea, Tel: +82-64-711-7717, email:
(ORCID: 0000-0002-1210-4726)
2 Professor
of Applied Linguistics, Okinawa Christian University, Nishihara-cho, Okinawa 903-0207, Japan, email: (ORCID: 0000-0003-2725-6914)

Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are
documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed
phenomena. The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of
independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer
and Moderna. Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory “bench science” aiming to understand why serious
debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect from
the aggressively, marketed products. The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at
up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe
immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully
controlled conditions. From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that
have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings
reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities
ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs,
chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are
exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation
studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation,
simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing
into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes,
some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some
of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of
nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.

Keywords: mRNA, modified RNA, COVID-19 vaccine incubation, stereomicroscopic examination, nanotechnology

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1180
In the early days of the push to herd earth’s population into the COVID-19 global “vaccine”
experiment, a small number of medical doctors and independent researchers began raising concerns
about the observed ineffectiveness, even negative impact, of the modified-RNA injectables (Beattie,
2021; Hughes, 2022; Santiago, 2022; Nyström and Hammarström, 2022). In addition to questions
raised about their ingredients, their reported mode of defending the body focused on inducing
serum-neutralizing antibody IgG production instead of generating more effective secretory
antibodies (IgA). The latter in the respiratory mucosa have always served as the principal line of
natural defense against viral respiratory infections. Given the possibility that new variants of SARS-
CoV-2 could be rapidly induced by billions of injections being promoted by authorities worldwide,
increasing numbers of deaths were attributed to strains of SARS-CoV-2 and severe sequelae (Lyons-
Weiler, 2020; Vojdani & Kharrazian, 2020; Vojdani et al., 2021) leading to many deaths in population
centers around the world (Beattie, 2021).
Official Korean Government reports as of December 2022, for example, showed approximately
2,600 deaths and more than 18,000 other acute sequelae from the COVID-19 injectables. The
contradiction between claims of efficacy and material evidence of harm is inescapable: South Korea
could claim one of the highest vaccination rates in the world (88% jabbed at least 3 times) while
effectively, thereafter, also exhibiting the highest infection rate (89%) in April 2022 when flu season
and respiratory colds are at a minimum. These facts alone are signs that the injectables provided no
protection and were not preventing COVID-19. The reverse was the case. The injectables were
neither safe nor effective. These figures alone should motivate physicians and medical researchers to
reconsider the maxim that “correlation does not equal causation”. In some instances, it does
(Beattie, 2021, 2024). Here, we show observable real-time correlations between causes and effects in
the living cells of human beings as they react to the toxicity of COVID-19 injectables. We also show
microscopic evidence of self-assembling structures appearing in various media in which the fluid
from COVID-19 injectables, particularly, Pfizer and Moderna products, were incubated for up to 12
months or more.
In the wake of the mass vaccination program, by as early as March 2021 and over the following
months, significant increases in excess deaths of “unknown” causes and severe sequelae — blood
clots, inexplicable haemorrhaging, multiple organ damage (and failure), sudden spikes (cardiotoxins)
in heart disease, blood cancers including leukemia and lymphoma, a range of other “turbo” cancers,
miscarriages, neurological and autoimmune disorders, to name a few, have appeared in patients
(Nyström and Hammarström, 2022; Santiago & Oller, 2023; Perez et al., 2023; Mead et al., 2024a1).
These observations spurred our interest in examining the larger picture both in society and in the
laboratory where clearer images of the injectable contents themselves could be subjected to careful
analysis under the microscope. This report of our results was aided by the independent research of
a cohort known as Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDoc) with whom we shared injectables
manufactured by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Novavax. All of these were widely used
throughout South Korea. These products appeared to cause a range of negative health effects in
patients: advanced stages of aggressive breast cancer, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, spontaneous
abortion, sudden increases in heart disease (dyspnea and palpitations), pneumothorax disease,
multiple skin diseases, and rapid onset of aggravated autoimmune conditions.

1 Editor’s note: The paper by Mead et al. (2024a) was retracted soon after the journal Cureus published it. Part 1 (Mead et
al., 2024b) of the two part response to that unwarranted retraction has already appeared in IJVTPR, and Part 2 will soon
follow (2024c).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1181
Observational studies commenced on December 10, 2021. Preliminary analysis of the contents
showed that the Pfizer and Moderna products were substantially different from the other COVID-
19 injectables — AstraZeneca and Novavax. The differences, to be discussed throughout this report,
motivated the initial work with the Pfizer and Moderna products, as the contents were prepared for
analyses, and for later incubation in various culture media, we had in mind seeking out chemicals,
protocols, and solutions that might prove to be suitable detoxifying agents in treating patients.
Twelve months seemed, at the time, to be an adequate duration to begin to understand more clearly
the longer-term effects of the products when they were injected into the human body and exposed
to various ambient conditions, including electromagnetic fields and ultraviolet radiation.
Since drying the injectable COVID-19 fluids, as will be seen in our Results section, also produces
more numerous and varied kinds of crystals, the apparent process of self-assembling entities can be
camouflaged by certain naturally forming crystals, mainly salts, for instance. As we discuss below,
drying out the incubated materials can easily introduce a bias which, we presently surmise, may have
led certain other researchers to hastily claim that all of the observed self-assembling entities
emerging from the nanotechnology (imperceptible with many ordinary microscopes), does exist in
the COVID-19 injectables. The fact that such nanotechnology is in the COVID-19 injectables was
first discussed, we believe, by Campra and colleagues (2021a, 2021b; Spectroscopy & Campra,
2021) . They used much more powerful spectroscopic methods and equipment revealing what
appeared to be programmable entities at the nano-level. More recently, Diblasi and Sangorrin (2024)
have confirmed and extended the results of Campra and colleagues. In view of their findings, and
our own, which are presented in detail below, we can reject the hypothesis that the self-assembling
entities you will see in our Results section consist of nothing more than naturally forming crystals,
mostly salt or cholesterol as was suggested by Bigtree and Cole (2022).

Materials and Methods

Fifty-four samples were used in the study: 50 residual injectable vials (43 Pfizer, 7 Moderna) acquired
immediately after their use in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, and 4 unopened new injectable
vials (2 Pfizer, 1 AstraZeneca, 1 Novavax). Initial observations were made on Pfizer and Moderna
products under an Olympus stereomicroscope on the same day the vials were first used. Residual
fluids in the vials were preserved at −20° Celsius in a laboratory freezer for subsequent study. Later,
after thawing, the residual samples were placed in various culture media for long-term observation.
The objective was to observe any changes that might occur over time and that might be observable
under the microscope.
Injectable fluid samples as well as blood and semen specimens were examined under a
stereomicroscope augmented with by a Makler Counting Chamber. Laboratory conditions were
maintained with a stereomicroscope, a laminar air flow clean bench, a heat template, and an ultra-
violet light as shown in Error! Reference source not found..
The stereomicroscope is a highly specialized tool for examining 3-dimensional and dynamic
specimens and it is also useful in observing the results of micro-procedures commonly applied in
the context of assistive reproduction protocols — intracytoplasmic sperm injection, assisted
hatching, blastomere biopsy, etc. The Makler Counting Chamber is also specialized for counting
sperm cells in limited space for the evaluation of male fertility. All procedures were carried out

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1182
Figure 1. Lab equipment: (a) at right, a stereomicroscope, a laminar air flow clean bench with UV and heat template; (b) a stereomicroscope connected to an LCD
monitor for viewing; (c) Moderna culture dish on the stereomicroscopic plate with video monitoring; (d) 5 well culture dishes on the plate; (e) a Makler Counting

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1183
aseptically on a clean bench in the Hanna IVF [In Vitro Fertility] laboratory — registered No. 138 by
the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare as a specialized sterile space. Due to concern during the
study period about possible cross-contamination of specimens, all procedures in fertility treatment
were suspended. Due, also, to the additional concern about the unpredictable nature and potential
behavior of exposed nanomaterials, the laboratory was permanently closed to any public access.


Fifty-four COVID-19 injectables (both residual and new) as well as 1 flu vaccine and a separate
sample of normal saline (both serving as controls) were examined with the stereomicroscope.
Analysis included 45 vials of Pfizer (43 residuals, 2 new ones, 11 lot numbers) and 7 vials of
Moderna (all residuals with 5 lot numbers), 1 new AstraZeneca, and 1 new Novavax.
The Makler chamber aided in an accurate method of counting unidentified floating materials in the
various products.
All vials were preserved by refrigeration at −20° Celsius and were examined under the microscope
after thawing at room temperature (RT) to approximate more closely the environment at sites where
the injectables were administered — hospitals, clinics, and other health institutions. Because the
study involved numerous data points, it was exceedingly difficult to control all the samples and
associated lot numbers, so we offer Table 1 containing only the ones that were tracked and could be

Table 1
Lot Numbers for the COVID 19 Injectables That Were Studied

0.9 Percent
Pfizer Sodium
COVID-19 Pfizer (P2) Moderna AstraZeneca Novavax Prefilled
(P1) Chloride in
Injectable for Children (M) (AZ) (NV) Syringe for
for Adults Solution
(Normal Saline)
Lot FT1940 FP8290 2100653 CTMAV578 ND022200 V3H13 Jeil †
Number 2 LOT 01619098
FL4209 2100654 Huons BA1096
FM3092 2100681 Huons BA1065
FN5430 2100683 Daehan †
FT7280 for booster (P4)
† Normal saline (Jeil & Daehan) was used a dilutant for Pfizer at 1:6. Dilutions were not needed for other injectables listed here.


Blood and semen samples were also examined for their exposure and potential reactions to all four
COVID-19 injectables with the flu vaccine and normal saline (0.9% Sodium Chloride) being used as

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1184
To rule out bias and possible confusion with blood potentially contaminated from injectable
contents, a whole blood specimen was collected from a non-vaccinated participant and plasma was
prepared from a supernatant layer via natural sedimentation for approximately 3 hours at room
temperature to avoid any kind of mechanical damage from the centrifugation. In the interest of
preserving natural coagulation mechanisms and avoiding unexpected biochemical intervention, for
the purity of the samples (blood or plasma), this procedure did not use any EDTA-coated
Eight separate glass slides were prepared for observation of how injectables interacted with blood
samples. Each of the first four slides held one drop of whole blood and a micro drop of each
injectable. The drops were positioned in a way that interaction could be easily achieved and observed
with the use of cover slips which allowed for the progressive mixing of samples. Four plasma
samples were, subsequently, treated for observation in the same way. In the interest of
understanding interactions of the injectable materials in various media — blood plasma of non-
injected persons, whole blood of such persons, semen samples from injected and non-injected
males, and various other liquid media over time. Digital documentation of the changes in bodily
fluids and living cells was accomplished by repeated video recordings over regular intervals from
5~10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or more, and for studies involving just the injectable
materials incubated in various fluids, the recordings varied from intervals of days to weeks and
months as are reported in our Results section.
As ideal and easily interpretable representatives of living cells, via their recognizable motility even
during short-term culture studies, semen samples provide an excellent basis for examining the
progressive impact of cytotoxicity over time. With respect to the four semen specimens that we
examined in detail, three samples were from vaccinated participants who had received 2 or 3
COVID-19 injections, and who later reported fertility problems and gave consent for using their
earlier collected semen specimens for our experimental purposes, and one was from a person who
had not received any COVID-19 injection. At the time when the semen samples were initially
collected, none of the “vaccinated” donors had reported any negative “side effects” of the COVID-
19 injections each of them had received. Before the experimental study, all semen specimens were
categorized as normal, according to the World Health Organization with respect to sperm count,
morphology, and motility (WHO, 2021). Significantly, the control sample from the “unvaccinated”
individual was of excellent quality. The donor was relatively young, still in his twenties, and had not
been exposed to whatever toxic effects the other three donors may have experienced because of
being injected with a COVID-19 “vaccine”. Supplementary fluids and other known or potentially
toxic materials that we studied with respect to the motility of sperm samples included soju (Korean
distilled spirits, 20 proof), red wine, beer, and silica water. Also, adding them to the normal saline
solution (as a control) we examined the impact of Vitamin C, mica, and the incubation media of
skin extracts taken from an injected recipient. We expected that the degree of cytotoxicity of any of
the milieux examined would show up in the motility of the sperm cells from the various donors.

In addition to the foregoing, multiple approaches to incubating the components of the various
injectables were applied. This incubation aspect of the study was motivated by an effort to observe
and draw reasonable inferences concerning the long-term effects of the COVID-19 products
injected in 13.4 billion doses into 5.13 billion distinct human bodies as of April 8, 2024

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1185
(Pharmaceutical Technology, 2024). A minute sample (0.03ml) of each injectable product (Pfizer 1,
2, and 4, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Novavax), was added to normal saline, sterile distilled water,
and Hartmann’s solution each contained in a separate culture dish (either a 1.2 ml for embryo culture
dish, 5-welled culture dish, or an 8 ml for Petri dish) at room temperature (15~25 degrees Celsius,
adjusted for seasonal changes) without any special added materials. Three kinds of culture dishes
and a schematic of each culture dish can be seen in Figure . Because of the way each dish was
covered and maintained in relatively sterile conditions, the possibility of outside contamination was
minimal. Over the course of all the incubation studies run in parallel, there is strong evidence that
none of the culture dishes were ever contaminated by any outside bacteria or fungal spores.
However, foreign entities could be seen over the course of time as suggested in the side view of the
hand-drawn illustration of a culture dish in Figure . One (1D) to three (3D)-dimensional entities
could be seen developing on the flat bottom of the dish that would transform themselves over time
into complex three-dimensional forms that seemed animate or at least able to float up through the
fluid medium as suggested at the far right of the hand-drawn illustration in Figure .

Figure 2. Various culture dishes with a hand-drawn schematics and notations in Korean and English to illustrate the
setup and covering of cultures incubated over time: at the left are culture dishes seen from above; then reading left
to right the top down view is contrasted with a side view showing the fluid inside covered with a transparent lid; and
at the extreme right, an expanded side view depicts 1 to 3 dimensional geometric objects and floating filamentous
structures as well as 3-dimensional geometric entities on the flat bottom of the dish whereas ribbons, spirals, and
filamentous objects appear higher up swimming or floating in the fluid medium.

Three Pfizer products — designated here as P1 for adults, P2 for children, and P4 as a booster — as
well as the Moderna COVID-19 injectable, were incubated in various solutions with certain
chemicals and crystals added in order to observe their potentially therapeutic or detrimental effects.
The chemical solutions that were used consisted of highly toxic chlorine dioxide (ClO2), calcium
hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which were carefully examined under
controlled dose-dependent conditions, in other words, closely accounting for the proportions of the
potentially therapeutic or detrimental components added into each solution.

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The solutions containing added crystals included (1) various brands of colloidal silver and gold, mica
(a Korean mineral complex), (2) EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, a chelator that readily
attaches to iron and calcium, which is an aminopolycarboxylic acid with the formula [CH₂N₂]₂), (3)
silica water, and (4) baking soda.
Blood plasma reactions were also studied with separate specimens taken from two non-vaccinees.
Each consisted of the supernatant of the person’s whole blood separated via natural sedimentation.
The sample of blood was merely left standing for about 3 hours in a container to obtain the plasma
after most of the blood cells accumulated in the lower part of the container. Subsequently, the two
plasma samples were each incubated with small amounts of the Pfizer and Moderna injectables.
Because there was a limited supply of each person’s blood after one or two samples of plasma had
been prepared, distilled water or normal saline was added to maintain their liquidity.
All the media were replenished weekly, or whenever necessary, to maintain sufficient consistency of
liquid and to avoid total evaporation, which produces increased crystallization. We inferred from
prior experience with natural crystals in various living media that drying out the fluids would
camouflage any actual structures emerging from invisible nanomaterials contained in the fluids. With
that idea in mind our approach was designed to enable us to tease out any self-assembling
nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables by more intensive microscopy, and more rigorous
laboratory bench science than had been applied previously. We suppose now, based on many hours
of observation of samples from the injectables, that increasing salt crystallization in any medium by
drying, would also tend to hamper the self-assembly of whatever invisible nanostructures may be
contained in the injectables. There are, it seems clear now from our results (see below), self-
assembling structures that begin as invisible nanomaterials in the fluid products that were incubated
in various solutions. We will have more to say about those structures becoming visible through
observable self-assembly as the incubated COVID-19 injectable fluids — especially the Pfizer and
Moderna products — were observed over time for up to one year. Periodic examination under the
stereomicroscope and recordings of observations were undertaken and saved in a digital format for
later, more detailed, intensive, and recurrent examination.


a) Heat
Pfizer and Moderna samples were added to separate normal saline culture dishes and placed on a
heat template set at normal body temperature, 36.5° Celsius, for 48 hours. Microscopic examination
was carried out before and after exposure to heat.

b) Wireless Recharger with Mobile Phone

Pfizer and Moderna samples were used for this study in separate solutions of normal saline or
distilled water, at about 101 incubation days for Pfizer and 36 days for Moderna. The culture dishes
were situated atop a cellular phone in a wireless recharger, and they were set on 5G streaming mode
for 1~2 hours. Electromagnetic field (EMF) measurements were taken through a Tri-phase
measuring device (Figure ) and were found to be 300v/m, 0 in H-field on the wireless
recharger. The temperature was about 15~20 degrees Celsius.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1187
c) External Hard Drive Exposure
Same incubation-staged dishes of Pfizer (day 101) and Moderna (day 36) samples in normal saline or
distilled water were used and placed on an external hard drive for 2 hours to evaluate potential EMF
effects. The external hard drive was connected to a PC and was activated when given various tasks in
file management. Measurements taken on the surface were about 30v/m and 4μT in the hard-drive-
field. The temperature was about 23°~25° Celsius.

d) UV Light Study
Samples were placed in separate dishes and exposed to ultraviolet light overnight. Before and after
each experiment, microscopic examinations were undertaken, and video images were recorded and
saved in a storage unit for later retrieval and detailed analysis.

Figure 3. Electromagnetic field (EMF) equipment used: (a) a wireless recharger; (b) multiple culture dishes placed on
the cellular phone; (c) the Triphase measuring device; and (d) the external hard drive for additional exposure.


To isolate and understand the injectable components indirectly, biochemical screening tests were
done with a urine stick (Abbot, UroCro4, U040H012A). To avoid possible contamination from
culture media, each U-stick was exposed to 1 micro-drop of each injectable medium. The color
change of each specimen was interpreted by the standard colorimeter.

During the initial period of incubation, skin extracts (a variety of Morgellons) from an injected
subject were placed in normal saline. The donor of the extracts was a patient suffering from the side
effects of a paralytic seizure sustained just days after injection of the mRNA experimental product.
Her specimens from the Moderna injectable were anonymized and coded as Extract 1 (E1). During
the initial examination of the skin extract, surrounding particles appeared and seemed to exhibit a
symbiotic relationship through direct observation under the stereomicroscope. After one month
incubation of E1, enough seed-shaped particles, less than 1 μm in their largest dimension,
sufficiently developed in size were observed floating and moving around the main portion of the
skin extract in the saline solution of the culture dish. The particles were carefully collected and

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1188
incubated in different normal saline dishes for about 1 year or a little longer. Regular examination
under the microscope of the changes in these particles over time was at first neglected because the
researcher simply forgot to make the recordings. However, the incubation of the skin extracts was
maintained in normal saline. After day 366, however, the researcher remembered this aspect of the
ongoing studies and from then onward high-resolution images were examined, recorded, and
preserved for subsequent detailed analysis.

Regarding normal saline as a control reference, at a magnification of 400X, no abnormal floating
materials were ever observed (Figure a), but in 4 vials of Flu vaccine 2~3 floating particles were seen
at the same high-powered magnification (Figure b), and 1 new vial of AstraZeneca and 1 new vial of
Novavax showed 1~ 2 floating particles in the 1~3µm range under the same level of magnification
(Figure c).

Figure 4. (a) Normal saline control compared against (b) flu vaccine and (c) AstraZeneca injectable at 400X
Contrastingly, all residual and new vials of the Pfizer injectables (including 2 new ones, with 11
different lot numbers) revealed many unidentified variously shaped floating entities, about 2~100μm
in their largest dimension. These freely moving particles were algorithmically counted and estimated
to contain about at 3~4 x 106 such entities per millilitre. Of those entities, about 30% had a worm-
like shape, in addition, there were also rods, discs, and crystal-like mixtures, but the various samples
showed vial-to-vial differences in both the predominant shapes seen in them and in the density of
those shapes (Figure 5a-left side portion). When the Pfizer samples were incubated at body
temperature for up to 2 days, they showed more development, seemed to become active as if
responding to a command to change into various other forms — additional worm-like mating pairs
appeared, also hovering layered discs, spheres, and elongated tube-like objects (Figure 5a, see the
right-hand side, D1 and D2). Compared to the Pfizer sample, all 7 vials of Moderna had a greater
number of particles and, also, more artificial moving structures — discs, coils, beaded chains, and
bunches of chandelier-like coils (Figure 5b, left half).
When the thawing and freezing process was repeated, there appeared an increase in unidentified
floating materials and entities that seemed to have been notably activated (see Figure 5b, top frame
showing changes with a repeated cycle of freezing and thawing). When the new original vial of
Pfizer concentrate was examined under the stereomicroscope, it showed only a few moving worm-
like entities or a few small particles, but contrastingly when it was diluted in a 1:6 ratio (0.3 ml : 1.8
ml) with normal saline following the recommended practice for injection into a human recipient, the
contents appeared to wake up, come to life and get activate, revealing a profusion of various shapes

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1189
of rods, key-shaped structures, and other formations within a few minutes. These new entities did
not resemble any known, natural, or identifiable organic entities (Figure 5b — new Pfizer).
All dried specimens of COVID-19 vaccines were studied under the stereomicroscope. The contents
appeared as various geometric forms in the Pfizer and Moderna samples while Moderna exhibited
more enlarged irregular geometric patterns. In contrast, AstraZeneca showed a few small discs in
various sizes while Novavax showed notably fewer dark material entities, and not so much crystal
formation (Figure 5b, see the right-hand side). The fact that thawing, refreezing, and thawing again
would produce such changes might show at least one of the reasons the manufacturers would urge
users to maintain the injectables at extreme freezing temperatures (− 70° Celsius with Pfizer).


Experiments were carried out to assess reactions of blood and semen under precisely controlled and
observed conditions. We used normal saline and flu vaccine — VaxigripTetra in particular — for
comparison to the injectables, in a double-control multiple-treatment design. The injectables (Pfizer,
Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Novavax) were the distinct treatments. One of our main goals was to
assess the cytotoxicity of the COVID-19 fluids when coming in direct contact with living cells.
To achieve this aim the COVID-19 micro-drop was carefully positioned on the glass slide where it
could come into contact with a drop of plasma or whole blood so we could record the interactions
across time. A single drop of whole blood, or plasma, was placed on the left portion of the slide
while a single micro-drop of the injectable was placed on the right side. By pressure from the cover
slip, the fluids would meet at the center of the slide where any interactions between them could be
observed and recorded. The stereomicroscope offered an excellent view of the movement and
mixture over regular intervals from 5~10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and thereafter. All
responses to the interactions were recorded in a dated and time-stamped series.
As previously noted, whole blood was collected from a vein in a non-vaccinated participant, and
plasma was prepared by natural sedimentation. The COVID-19 injectables, Novavax, in particular,
showed the most significant interaction: rapid and toxic effects on blood cells. Other injectables
showed relatively less rapid toxicity, but similar detrimental effects also appeared in red blood cells,
white blood cells, and platelets (Figure and Figure ). The varied negative effects are compared for
severity over time and across interacting samples in Tables 2 and 3.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1190
Figure 5. Direct microscopic findings observed in two dimensions magnified 400X: (a) Remnants and new Pfizer
injectables, directly observed as well as after incubation for 1 -2 days. (b) Moderna and 4 dried COVID-19
injectables (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Novavax).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1191
Figure 6. Interactions observed for whole blood(a)/plasma(b) with Novavax at 400X magnification: (a) Within 1
hour, blood cells formed a prominent barrier against “vaccine” contents. (b) After 30 minutes, severe aggregates of
red blood cells in rouleaux appeared in the plasma specimen.

Figure 7. Plasma reactions after two hours with four COVID-19 injectables — Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, and
AstraZeneca: (a) Pfizer showing cellular collapse (pyknosis) of white blood cells and damaged platelets; (b) Moderna
with stacks of red blood cells (rouleaux); (c) Novavax with the nucleus of white blood cells disintegrating
(karyorrhexis), abnormal platelet aggregations, and some rouleaux of red blood cells; and (d) AstraZeneca with
prominent Rouleau of red blood cells.

Noteworthy was the behavior of each kind of blood cell, mobilizing as though in a battle on a
frontline moving against each of the injectables — red blood cells against Pfizer and AstraZeneca,
white blood cells against Moderna, and platelets against Novavax. Despite their observed behavior,
these injectable-specific phenomena could be related to their characteristic direct blood
pathophysiology — blood flow stasis and following hypoxemia (fatigue) from the Rouleaux pattern,
immune suppression from white blood cell damage, and blood clot formations (thrombosis) or
bleeding tendencies from platelet damage or aggregation.
Semen studies were conducted with the same controlled methods applied in the studies of blood.
Samples from three COVID-19 “vaccinated” donors and one “non-vaccinated” donor were
examined as in the studies of blood. Results are summarized in Table 4.

Table 2
Whole Blood Reaction to the Various COVID-19 Injectables Listed

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1192
Initially After 1 hour

Red blood cells on the frontline against the Red blood cells — still on the frontline
Pfizer vaccine White blood cells damaged to a mild degree
White blood cells, some damaged, some not Platelets damaged to a moderate degree
Red blood cells on the frontline
Moderna White blood cells on the frontline White blood cells collapsed in cytoplasm
Platelets aggregating to a mild degree
Red blood cells on the frontline
AstraZeneca Spreading to the blood Mixed well and beginning to form fibrin
(intermingled with each other well)
but, very few smaller layered more Established the clear border between
Novavax condensed
Platelets onred
theblood cells appeared
frontline “vaccine” and blood
RBC withdrawal backward

Table 3
Plasma reaction to the various COVID-19 vaccines.
Initially After 30 min After 2 hours
White blood cells with pyknosis,
Red blood cells on the Red blood cells still on the Platelets damaged
frontline frontline
Red blood cells forming rouleaux to
a mild degree
Platelets aggregating Red blood cells forming rouleaux to
White blood cells damaged
Moderna a moderate degree
Red blood cells forming
Platelets aggregating
rouleaux to a mild degree Platelets aggregating
Red blood cells forming
Red blood cells forming
rouleaux to a moderate Red blood cells forming rouleaux to
AstraZeneca rouleaux to a severe degree
degree a moderate degree
Fibrin like formation
Platelets aggregating
Platelets and white blood Platelets on the frontline White blood cells with notable
cells on the frontline karyorrhexis occurring and
Novavax Red blood cells forming
Red blood cells forming rouleaux to a very severe Red blood cells damaged and
rouleaux to a severe degree degree forming rouleaux to a severe degree

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1193
Table 4
Semen Response to COVID-19 Injectables Measured by Percent (%) of Motility

Pfizer (P1, 2, & 4) Moderna AstraZeneca Novavax Flu Vaccine Normal Saline
Control Control
10m 30m 1h 2~3h< 10m 30m 1h< 10m 30m 1h< 10m 30m 1h 10m 30m 1h< 10m 30m 1h<
Semen 1
from a
10% 5% 1% 0% 10% 1% 0.1% 20% 1% 0% 5% 1% 0% 70% 60% 50% 70% 70% 70%

Semen 2 2h 30%
from a P2 3h 20% 2h 70% 2h
P2 2h
44-year- 20% 30% 0% 5.5h 10% 1~ 60% 70%
40% 60%
old P2 30% 5%
Semen 3 P4
from a 2h;
40% 30%
38-year- 50% 30%
old 41h †

Semen 4 3h P1
28-year- 80%
old, very
non- active 3h 3h 3h 3h
90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 80% 70% 80% 70% 50%
vaccinee 60% 70% 50% 60%
P2 P2
(control) 70% 50%

† = maximum lifespan; m = min; h = hour

Semen 4 exhibited the best quality at 12 x 106 sperm cells per millilitre with 80% motility.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1194
Progressive death to sperm cells occurred within a few hours after exposure, even in low
concentrations, to the various injectables. This rapid destruction of sperm cells did not align with
our initial expectations, but the process was consistent with reactions observed in the blood
specimens where we also saw less rapid but also progressive damage. As with the blood studies,
Novavax showed the most significant toxicity in contact with sperm cells. They were rapidly
immobilized and soon dead. While AstraZeneca showed mixed results in its impact on sperm
specimens, Pfizer and Moderna were consistent in causing progressive lethal effects on each sample
of semen. Normal saline or flu vaccine led to the expected natural degradation that would occur
over time without any notable addition of toxicity. Motility was usually maintained for only a few
hours. While 24 hours was the longest duration of survival for the sperm cells from a young and
healthy donor who had not received any COVID-19 injectable, an exceptional and rare finding
Sperm cells from two recipients jabbed with Pfizer and incubated with Pfizer, survived for 41 hours.
Could it be that the sperm cells from these two men who had received the Pfizer injectable, had
been screened for susceptibility to injury by its contents? Perhaps the sperm cells vulnerable to
destruction by the Pfizer injectable had already died off. However, our thought is that the longevity
of the cells is related to their innate health starting out. That is, the response and vitality of sperm
cells to the injectables depend more upon their quality than on any particular exposure.
Nevertheless, all the COVID-19 injectables showed consistently lethal impact on some sperm cells
within a few minutes or hours. Moreover, while AstraZeneca and Novavax are not mRNA-based,
they also exhibited very serious and direct lethal effects on sperm and blood cells. Although the
methods by which spike protein production differs in AstraZeneca and Novavax contrasted with
Pfizer and Moderna, the recombinant spike protein contained already in Novavax seemed especially
toxic to living cells. Summaries of the results we saw under the microscope are provided in Figure .

Figure 8. Reaction of semen to COVID-19 injectables at 200X magnification: (a) semen with normal saline as a
control added after two hours; (b) with flu vaccine added as a control after 1.5 hours showed sperm cells with
intact morphology and with typical progressive natural reduction in sperm motility; (c) 30 minutes after Pfizer-1
injectable was added, sperm motility showed rapid reduction; (d) Pfizer-1 after one hour, all sperm motility ceased;
(e) 30 minutes after Moderna. injectable added; (f) one hour after Moderna was added sperm cells were completely
immotile; (g) 30 minutes after Novavax was added; (h) one hour after Novavax, all motility ceased.

In sum, COVID-19 injectables have direct cytotoxic effects on living cells, especially on blood cells
— red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets — and on sperm cells. In addition to these
observed interactions, additional harmful effects to living cells and the systems of the body are

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1195
almost certain to be occurring as well. The normal balances and homeostasis of pH, osmolarity,
temperature, electrolytes in various concentrations, are all apt to be impacted by damage occurring at
the cellular level. While there was variability across the samples, specimens from the vaccinated
participants consistently showed immediate and/or progressive detrimental effects directly
attributable to — observable while they were occurring because of — contact with the injectable
materials. There were differences across the brands studied, but all of them caused observable
damage attributable to toxicity. Perhaps the most interesting contrast observed was the fact that the
sperm cells of the unvaccinated participant seemed to be damaged less than in semen from
individuals who had received one or more of the COVID-19 injectables. The possible reasons for
this observed resistance in control S4 (details in Table 4) could be linked to the participant’s youth
and health.
Results of comparative studies of semen and blood media from the incubated injectables are
presented in Table 5 (see Appendix A). In tables (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11), plus (+) signifies the
presence of unspecified foreign structures while minus (-) signifies the clear absence. The degree to
which these structures are observable is signified by two (++), three (+++), or four plus (++++)
signs. The observation of questionable (or ambiguous) structures is signified by a plus and minus
(+/-). The degree to which foreign structures are scarcely discernible is signified by a plus and two
to four minus signs (+/--) (+/---) (+/----) with the latter being the most ambiguous in morphology.

While semen (S3) was taken from two jabbed recipients and while Plasma 1 and 2 are from
individuals who were not vaccinated, the incubation study shows a more apparent trend in the
development of filaments, ribbons, and chip-like structures in the semen than in the plasmas. We are
not aware, however, of the precise cause of the difference between the semen sample and the
plasma media. Despite this, in both samples, it appeared that the COVID-19 injectables could
produce pre-programmed, self-assembling structures though in lesser quantity in the sperm from
the unvaccinated individual.
Cytotoxic effects on semen from exposure to various popular supplementary materials or liquors
(such as red wine, beer, and Korean spirits — 20 proof), vitamin C, mica, silica water, colloidal gold
(GNP1), 0.001% (consumable standard concentration for the disinfection of the drinkable water)
Calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) were examined. We also incubated skin extracts from E1 (the
anonymous participant mentioned earlier) in normal saline solution over several months. The results
were as follows:
Most solutions seemed to be directly toxic to sperm cells. They lost motility and almost all died
within a few minutes up to 1.5 hours for the youngest and healthiest unvaccinated donor. Mica
showed the lowest level of toxicity. Some sperm cells retained motility and were still alive (about
10% of them) up to 1.5 hours after exposure. In the most extreme case observed, some sperm cells,
about 0.1%, for the young healthy donor, were still moving after a 3-hour time lapse. Korean spirits,
more than other potentially toxic chemical observed over time, registered the most immediate direct
and lethal toxic effect as seen in Table 6 (see Appendix A).
There is an important limitation on the foregoing results with live cells. Our design involves a kind
of in vitro laboratory exposure, or incubation. Such exposures are only remotely comparable to fluids
introduced in vivo to living human beings by injecting them into muscle tissue. Blood cells and sperm
cells may be impacted by progressive fluid transport over minutes and hours depending on the
relative efficiency of the cardiovascular and lymphoid systems of the individual. Transport can be

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1196
expected to be superior in younger and healthier persons — potentially making them more, not less,
susceptible than older persons with less efficient fluid transport systems — to the sort of cellular
damage our results demonstrate to be occurring in vitro. In some cases, nanoparticles, or other
unidentified materials, could enter the bloodstream, cross the blood-brain barrier in both sexes, the
testicular blood barrier in males, and the ovarian and placental barriers in females, directly impacting
fertility and fetal health, but such contact presumably not could not occur in such a concentrated
form as we studied experimentally.
Bearing these facts in mind, our experimental findings are certainly indicative of some of the
consequences to be expected as the COVID-19 injectable fluids are carried throughout the body by
natural cardiovascular and lymphoidal transport. To better understand the real effects in the human
body, every attempt was made to recreate stable long-term incubation rather than short-term
examinations. Our objective was to examine diluted and scattered impacts in ways that would be
more comparable, presumably, to those occurring in living persons impacted by the injectables.


1) General Summary of the Incubation of the Injectables
Throughout the entire incubation period, which exceeded one year, no signs of bacterial or fungal
contamination were observed in any of the mRNA vaccine specimens (Pfizer and Moderna). This is
noteworthy because we did not rely on periodic exposure to any of the typical antibiotics or
antifungal agents that are common to basic incubation studies. Because we were persuaded from
direct microscopic observations in an earlier short-term incubation study (not presented here) that
these foreign materials are not organic, but rather at least synthetic hybrid organisms or possibly
animate robotic structures, we adopted an atypical approach to incubation. Our approach differs
from usual culture methods, which periodically supply laboratory agents such as antibiotics and
antifungal agents, or other antibacterial or antifungal disinfectants, that can dramatically alter the
purity of the materials under observation. Growth, in our studies, was also maintained in small
containers, but without any added O2, or CO2 supply.
Normal saline and distilled water were chosen as basic incubation media. These were ideal for the
development of microscopically discernible foreign structures. For purposes of comparison, other
specific electrolyte solutions (i.e. Hartmann’s solution, 0.001% (1X) calcium hypochlorite (Ca (OCl2),
3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and 1ppm (1/100 X) chlorine dioxide (ClO2) were also used as
incubation media. The latter media were less accommodating, according to our results, in triggering
and enabling the self-assembly of foreign materials than were normal saline and distilled water. They
possibly acted to suppress the development of self-assembling synthetic entities.
AstraZeneca and Novavax did not develop any self-assembled structures at the bottom of the dish,
by contrast with the mRNA injectables from Pfizer and Moderna. While filaments in the upper layer
seemed to occur very rarely, the source of their development remained questionable. Over long-
term incubation, AstraZeneca and Novavax became contaminated with fungus and bacteria. That
never happened with the mRNA cultures studies of Pfizer and Moderna. Pfizer and Moderna
vaccines exhibited unique and consistent growth patterns. Figure 9 shows the peak stage of
geometric patterns of self-assembly over two to six months in the COVID-19 mRNA injectable in
various media whereas Figure 10 reports the various forms that developed progressively and
maintained their structural integrity right up to the time of this writing.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1197
Pfizer and Moderna injectables exhibited unique and consistent growth patterns. Figure 9 shows the
peak stage of the artefactual (completely unnatural) sharp-edged geometric patterns that self-
assembled over two to six months from the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA injectables in
the various media at the bottom of the culture dishes. Figure 10 reports the various floating forms
that developed progressively in the middle or upper layer of the culture dishes and maintained their
structural integrity up to the time of this writing.
Over the first few weeks, various geometric structures self-assembled at the bottom of the dish.
Week 1: 1 dimensional, rod-like entities or 2 dimensional simple flat rectangular shaped
structures appeared.
Weeks 2 ~ 3: 2 to 3-dimensional structures seemed to be added to the existing entities at the
From day 14, well-made 3-dimensional structures were dislodged from the original frame at
the bottom and rose into the upper layer (fluid layer depth about 6 ~ 8 mm). See Figure 2.
In Figures 11-19, we report the results of the incubation studies of the mRNA injectables for the
whole period of observation. Of special interest are the self-assembling structures, presumably
made from nanomaterials that were not visible under our power of magnification. We were limited
to a maximum of 400X magnification. However, amazing self-assembling structures of great
diversity became visible by about the fifth week of incubation. They consisted ultimately of ribbons,
coils, and filament-like structures. They formed up and moved into the mid- and upper layers of the
culture media containing fluids with Pfizer and Moderna from day 37 forward.
Regarding the self-assembled structures in the bottom layer (as shown in Figure 9), the peak stage of
full assembly was presumed to be around 2~6 months of incubation. After this period, a
progressive disintegration of the structures was observed, and the structures finally disappeared,
except for a remnant trace. In their encapsulated circular form, perhaps the shape of these remnants
signified some sort of dormant stage of development, as one might expect to observe in the pupa
stage of a developing parasite (Figure 11 — k, l, m, and Figure 19 — j, k, l).
Interestingly, in the sterile distilled water, Pfizer samples exhibited more developed spirals (coils),
tapes, filaments, membranes, beaded chains, which appeared to float in the middle layer just above
the bottom or uppermost layer. This seemed to happen after their peak growth stage over the last
few months of observation (Figures 12, 13, and 14).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1198
Figure 9. A visual summary of the emergence and development of various geometric entities appearing over a ten-month period of incubation of Pfizer and
Moderna COVID-19 injectables: The developmental trend illustrated in the graph shows that 2 ~ 6 months of the incubation period is the peak stage for
geometric self-assembly at the bottom of the culture dish irrespective of the kinds of mRNA vaccine and their culture media. After the peak stage of
development, the assembled chip-like structures progressively disappeared.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1199
Figure 10. Growth pattern of floating structures — ribbons, spirals, filaments in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in the various media and electromagnetic field exposure
throughout long-term incubation study: The graph shows that ribbons or spirals, and other various filaments, progressively appear and develop until the late stage of
incubation, especially in distilled water and normal saline. Various spirals appeared transiently during 2 ~ 6 months of incubation, especially in distilled water. A magnetic
nanobot-like structure appeared at about 180 days incubation and disappeared later in distilled water. An electromagnetic field from a wireless recharger appeared
especially to stimulate the Pfizer sample to develop filaments both profuse in number and with lasting structural integrity in distilled water and normal saline. Pfizer 2 for
children, not exposed to an electromagnetic field, is originally more diluted than Pfizer 1 for adults, so the developmental trend appeared to mimic that of Moderna. While
Moderna did not produce profuse filamentous structures compared to Pfizer, Moderna did show relatively more filamentous structures and ones that were more
sustainable in calcium hypochlorite. This phenomenon seemed to be mildly stimulated by Ca++ electrolyte.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1200
Figure 11. Findings for Pfizer incubation study for 372 days; (a) Day 22, this is what we describe as a beaded chain (at 400X magnification); (b) Day 24, 2-
dimensional geometric self-assembly at the bottom (at 200X magnification) in normal saline; (c) Day 60, floating 3-dimensional detailed chip-like structures (at
400X magnification) in distilled water; (d) and (e) day 60, accumulated 3-dimensional chip-like structures within an oval shaped boundary (200X/400X) in
distilled water; (f), (g), (h), (i) Floating filaments shedding bubbles inside and outside in normal solution at day 95 (100x/100x/200x/200x); (j), (k), (l), (m)
Progressive degenerative changes in distilled water 200X (day 82/day 256/day 306/day 372).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1201
Figure 12. Various coils, ribbons, and spirals in Pfizer, distilled water: (a) Day 60 (at 200Xmagnification); (b) ~ (e) Day 74 (at 200X magnification); (f) Day 176 (at
100X magnification).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1202
Figure 13. Beaded Chains and Assorted Structures in Pfizer Distilled Water (Day 176, 400x): (a) Various artificial satellite-like structures, (b) Long beaded
chains gathered on the central surface of the medium.

Figure 14. Typical Algae-typed Magnetic Nanobot-like Spirals in Pfizer in distilled water: (a) Day 176 (400x); (b) Day 337 (200x).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1203
In what seemed to be the peak stage of developmental activity, the injectable samples had to be
resupplied more frequently with water to keep them from dying out. This was especially so during
the summer season when the formations described above seemed most active. Nearing the latter
part of what we are describing as the stage of peak activity — after approximately 150 ~ 180
incubation days — specific algae-type magnetic bio-nano-robot like coils, dark irregular spirals,
appeared near the bottom of the medium (Figure 14).
After this period, these kinds of structures continued to maintain their shape until about day 366
(and have continued as of this writing) in the Pfizer incubation studies, showing slightly denatured
filaments sprouting out. Some of these filaments take the appearance of hollow bundles of tubes
branching outward (Figures 15 and 16).
Floating filaments, especially in the Pfizer sample in distilled water, transformed into a few
branching figures and, then, morphed again into hollow transparent elongated ribbons or thin tubes
just as in images of participant E2 developing from her skin extracts. (Skin extracts from a Moderna
vaccinee will be presented in a forthcoming paper) at day 337 during incubation.
In the final stage, at about day 337, familiar-looking filaments appeared in the middle layer of the
Pfizer sample in distilled water. Depending on the materials, some floated near the bottom of the
medium, others in the middle. Transparent wire-like bundles of hollow tubes appeared floating on
the surface of the medium just as skin extract 2 (E2) appeared and changed to a tripod-like tipped
filament (like the form of an anchor for connection to a neuron) or curled striated ribbons shedding
bubbles. See Figures 15, 16, 17, and 18 for details.
The structures in the Moderna sample appeared to develop more rapidly than those in the Pfizer
sample, (perhaps because Moderna included a higher concentration of particles). In the same way,
the Moderna structures also disappeared more rapidly. In normal saline with Moderna, self-
assembling structures appeared at the bottom layer with more artificial and chip-like figures
emerging more rapidly and profusely, but with less developed filaments and coils (Figure 19).
During the peak stage of 3-dimensional geometric growth (2 ~ 6 months), we noticed that the
incubation media, consistent with previous observations, became progressively turbid, exhibiting an
emulsion-like appearance. After achieving this state, the media across all culture dishes began
returning to their initial transparent state even as the presence of floating filamentous structures
remained obvious.
In the late stage of Moderna incubation (day 630) in distilled water, nanoparticles reappeared
floating again as previously seen during initial microscopic observations before culturing had
commenced. This reappearance suggests a recycling pattern we describe later in a proposed model at
Figure 27. While Moderna showed just a few filamentous structures with unique split ends and a few
bundles of loose thin transparent nanowires, Pfizer, in contrast, showed very few nanoparticles
floating in close proximity to the filaments or ribbons, but in a background largely cleared of
surrounding nano-debris.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1204
Figure 15. Various filaments — striated ribbons, sprouting in the late stage (day 316) of incubation of pfizer in distilled water: (a) and (b) curing striated ribbons
(100x); (c) sprouting filaments in Pfizer (200x).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1205
Figure 16. Bundle of transparent thin wire-like tubes with shedding bubbles in Pfizer incubation in distilled water (Day 331); floating in the uppermost layer (a-

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1206
Figure 17. Tripod-like, striated filaments in Pfizer incubation in normal saline (D346, 200x): (a) More developed tripod-like structures or (b) Striated patterns on

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1207
Figure18. Curled Striated Ribbons and Bubbles in Pfizer Incubation in Distilled Water (Day 406 and 499); (a), (b), and (c) uniquely striated curled Ribbons in Pfizer in
DW at 406 days of incubation (40X/100X/200X); (d), and (e); Bubbles (arrows) appeared on the surface of the curled ribbons at 499 days incubation (200X).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1208
Figure 19. Geometric chip-like assembly, filaments, spirals, ribbons, and encapsulated wire bundles in the Moderna incubation study throughout Day 630 (100~400X): (a)
Day 16; (b) Day 40; (c) Day 42; (d) Day 125; and (e) Day 126 (all 400x) in normal saline. (f) Day 126, chips and filament (100x) in normal saline; (g) Day 36, rarely
observed small spring in distilled water; (h) and (i) Day 42, small circular ribbons in normal saline, (400x/200x); (j) Day 295, lobulated bubbles floating at the uppermost
layer(100x) in distilled water; (k) Day 313, split-ended tape (200x) in distilled water; (l) Day 313, capsuled, well-packed wire bundles (400x) in distilled water; (m) Day
630, split-ended filament in normal saline (100x); (n) Day 630, magnified split-ended filament (400x).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1209
Figure 20. Pfizer and Moderna incubation study in plasma 1 and 2 (100x): (a) Pfizer in plasma 2 for 133 days (100x) — shorter filaments developed; (b) Pfizer in plasma 1
for 146 days (100x) — nothing found except blood cells; (c) Moderna in the plasma1 for 146 days (100x) — shorter thin trace of the filaments only.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1210
During the late stage of Pfizer incubation (day 630), irrespective of the kind of media (either
normal saline or distilled water), the injectable showed a greater proliferation of filamentous
structures than did Moderna, including distinctly curled ribbons also in a clearer background.
In summary, the incubation study yielded tangible results. Various geometric chip-like structures self-
assembled over the first two weeks of incubation, and more complex 3-dimensional structures
emerged and dislodged from their templates at the bottom of the culture dish and migrated into the
upper layer. Obvious signs of distinct sharp-edged geometric shapes as well as curvilinear shapes
were evident. After approximately a month, floating structures then appeared and continued
developing in the form of filaments, spirals, beaded chains, satellite structures, and ribbons. This
study, beyond confirming the presence of undeclared unnatural foreign ingredients in the
injectables, may encourage researchers to test whether a direct cause-and-effect relationship can be
confirmed in the appearance of self-assembly at the bottom of the dish and the patterns of
development of these diverse floating structures. We tentatively suspect from our observations that
such a relationship is self-evident.


Normal saline (N/S) and distilled water (D/W) were chosen as basic incubation media. These two
media formed ideal conditions for the development of microscopically discernible foreign structures
as described earlier in the ‘Results’ section.
In the distilled water, both injectables showed the widest variation of figures and materials —
transparent spirals, ribbons, spiraled tapes, elongated bubbly filaments, etc.
For purposes of comparison, other specific electrolyte solutions (i.e. Hartmann’s solution,
0.001%(1X) calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl2), 0.03%(1/100 X) hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), and
1ppm(1/100 X) chlorine dioxide (ClO2) also served as incubation media to investigate their possible
detoxifying or aggravating effects. While these were less triggering to the self-assembly process of
foreign materials in the early incubation stage, these solutions possibly acted to suppress the
development of structures. However, in 0.001%(1X) calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl2) and
1ppm(1/100 X) chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in the middle stage ( day 111) of their incubation with
Pfizer and Moderna, chip-like self-assembly were progressed similarly to other basic incubation
media solutions and finally produced a few and shorter filaments, too.
At the bottom of the Hartmann solution medium (as a plasma volume preservative medically),
interestingly, in contrast to our expectations of increased development in an electrolyte-profuse
solution, both Pfizer and Moderna showed less distinctly developed self-assembled structures, which
appeared blunt-edged and irregular in shape. Except for a remnant of filaments that remained, these
irregular structures finally disappeared in a process of progressive disassembly. Replication of this
study would benefit from the addition of Hartmann’s solution rather than normal saline or distilled
water as a basic medical infusion fluid as we described earlier. A results summary appears in Table 7.
In the Calcium hypochlorite, Ca(OCl)2 dose-dependent study, starting from the standard
concentration (1X, 0.001%) for drinkable water, in a lower concentration, more developed filaments
emerged. During the initial stage of observation, self-assembled structures did appear but
progressively disintegrated more rapidly than in normal saline, perhaps due to disturbance from the
electrolytes (disturbed by EMF within the dish environment) (Table 8 in Appendix A).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1211
Interestingly, in the initial incubation stage of the Chlorine hydroxide (ClO2) dose-dependent study
starting from the toxic concentrate, 100ppm (1X) used for disinfection of medical instruments,
similar, but less assembled structures formed but more appeared to float rather than set up at the
bottom, as was typical in the other electrolyte media. This difference might be explained by the
crystalline components of ClO2 which could hamper the process of structural self-assembly.
Generally, in the lower concentration (lower than 1/16~1/32 x), self-assembled structures
developed progressively, but more floating filaments developed in the higher concentration (higher
than 1/16 ~ 1/32 x). Finally, in the stronger and more toxic concentration of 1~1/2 x, self-
assembly was not observed nor were floating structures present in the initial stage.
However, during the late stage of incubation in a low concentration (1/400 ~ 1/200x), chips were
still rarely found at the bottom by day 230, but in a higher concentration, non-self-assembled
structures were found at the bottom except crystals peculiar to ClO2. A greater number of chips
were found in the Moderna than in the Pfizer sample in the lower concentration (lower than
1/200x). Filaments were found at the later stage of incubation in the lower concentration, but no
structures were found in a higher concentration (higher than 1/16x). Pfizer showed more filaments
than Moderna in the lower concentration (lower than 1/16x) (Table 9 in Appendix A).
In 3% Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 solution, some significant effects on the injectable via peroxidase in
its contents were expected. The results, however, did not meet our expectations. In the initial stage
of incubation, there were no observable dose-dependent differences as chips appeared well-
developed, but less than in normal saline. The Moderna sample developed more structures with
more discernible features than those in Pfizer in the various concentrations of H2O2 solution. Even
in day 203 incubation with Moderna, 3-dimensional structures, such as chips, were rarely present at
the bottom in 1/200x while 1~2 dimensional structures were found in 1/200x concentration.
Filaments were found, but rare and relatively shorter in the Pfizer sample with 1/500x of H2O2
solution for 203 days incubation. There were still 1~2 dimensional traces of chip-like structures at
the bottom, but nothing in 1/200x, weak remnants of 1-dimensional structures only contrasting
from in the Moderna (Table 10 in Appendix A).
As we report above, through each dose-dependent study, these three solutions, when used in lower
concentrations, did not show any definitive potential for recovery to stasis from nano-
contaminations since, in higher concentrations, they are toxic.


Pfizer and Moderna injectable were incubated with Si water, 3 kinds of colloidal gold (GNP2
unknown, GNP3 at 5nm in 10ppm, and GNP4 at 5nm in 240ppm) 1 kind of colloidal silver (SNP,
of unknown size and concentration), EDTA (chelating agent), Mica (Korean traditional mineral
complex), and Myrrh for about 300 days. The results are summarized in Table 11 (Appendix A).
Significantly, Pfizer in the silica solution, showed less development of self-assembled chips than it
did in other solutions. Moderna also showed progressively less development of chips in the silica
solution. As regards the development of filaments, neither sample showed any prominent
differences in reactions to Si solution. Therefore, doses of silica water appear to have the potential
to disturb, to some degree, the initial self-assembly process of nanomaterials.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1212
Interestingly, even in the late incubation stage, day 258, self-assembled 2-dimensional structures were
sustained at the bottom of some culture dishes, especially in Pfizer and Moderna with colloidal gold
2 (GNP2) and Pfizer incubated in silica water.
In the colloidal silver and mica, bacterial or fungal contamination developed progressively. This
development suggested that the intended engineered effect (artificial antifungal antibacterial effect)
was diminished progressively by these kinds of minerals, not aseptic ones for oral route only. In the
EDTA solution, the self-assembly process in the bottom layer was not significantly disturbed as
filaments finally began to appear prominently and profusely in the Moderna sample during the 253
days incubation. While any direct detoxifying effects of EDTA on the injectable-induced artificial
polymers in vitro remain unclear, the indirect benefits of EDTA in vivo, however, could be realized
through the chelating effect.
As regards the potential for myrrh to detoxify, the material proved inadequate as a medium for
observational study because of its turbidity and rapid solidification. The only observable action
during the early stage of incubation was the formation of bubbles during the process of desiccation.
It remains unclear whether myrrh contains potential detoxifying effects.
In the high alkaline solution of baking soda (pH 9), Pfizer could not develop any kind of assembly
and filaments until 5-months incubation (not shown here in the above table).

This study involved observation of reactions to two kinds of plasma taken from non-vaccinees,
collected from the supernatant of the whole blood via natural sedimentation (the standing process
for about 3 hours in a container), and incubating them with small amounts of the injectables, Pfizer
and Moderna.
Early on, the injectables began developing self-assembled structures (1 ~ 2 dimensions) among the
profuse blood cells at the bottom of the dish over the initial 7 days, but only traces of self-assembly
remained until 27 days incubation. It is plausible that a profuse quantity of blood cells — red blood
cells (RBC)s, white blood cells (WBC), and platelets — already at the bottom of the culture could
have disturbed the injectable assembly process, and finally negated their construction in a way that
caused the materials to vanish. However, quite significantly, floating filaments or hose- or pipe-like
structures began progressively emerging during the late stage of observational studies at 131 ~ 146
days incubation. Especially evident were dark pipe-like and lasso-like structures in the Moderna
sample incubated in plasma samples 1 and 2. These structures appeared together with ordinary
filaments, but not in the Pfizer culture dishes. Neither at the bottom nor in the upper layer of the
incubated Pfizer sample in plasma 1 for 131 days did structures appear, except for only a remnant of
blood cells. Since no structures had developed in the plasma 1 sample, the tentative explanation
might be that some sort of plasma may possess positive attributes in mounting a natural
immunological defense against self-assembly processes. Further tests would likely draw out a more
definitive conclusion. See details in Figures 20 and 21.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1213
Figure 21. Findings of Moderna incubation study in plasma 2: (a) Day 133- dark pipe-like structure developed (100x); (b) with shedding bubbles (200x);
(c) disappeared bubbles at Day 282(100x); (d) and (e) Day 133, snare-like lasso tubes (100x); (f), (g), and (h) Day 133, broken, disconnected points in the lasso-
like tube (200x); (i.) Day 282, still the same figure maintained (100x).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1214
Figure 22. Heat (Warming) Study of Pfizer - after 48 hours of warming at BT in normal saline: (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e): Floating well-
assembled 3-dimensional geometric structures on the surface of the media after 48 hours of warming (36.5°C) on the heat template.
Accelerated development was similarly matched to the findings in the 2nd~ 3rd week of the unexposed incubation study (400x).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1215
Culture dishes were placed directly on a heat template set at 36.5 degrees Celsius overnight. The next
morning assembled nanostructures were observed floating over the surface of the medium in more
discernible and developed shapes than before the heat (warming) exposure. Two to three weeks were
needed for the growth of structures at room temperature (15~20 ℃) whereas one evening was
needed for the same growth at body temperature (Figure 22). The rapid development of
nanostructures in vivo is probably significant to the impact of COVID-19 injectables in living human
beings. It seems plausible that these kinds of assembled structures reacted to the direct heat
emanating from the bottom of the dishes, dislodging from their place, and moving into the upper
layer of the medium. When the newly thawed residual vials were incubated in the normal saline over
the heat template for 48 hours, they showed more detailed and developed 3-dimensional structures
floating in the media surface with no remnant material at the bottom — (accelerated developmental
speed) overpassed 2~3 weeks upgraded as in the ordinary culture specimens.

2) EMF

The culture dishes were placed on the cellular phone, set in the 5G streaming mode, over the
wireless recharger for about 1~2 hours. Electric and magnetic measurements were taken through
Triphase (see Figure 3-c). The field was measured as 300v/m, 0 in H-filed on the wireless recharger.
The temperature was about 15~20°C. Reactions seemed to be the same in normal saline and in
distilled water. Even after 1 hour of exposure to the wireless recharger with a cellular phone in
operational mode, Moderna showed noticeable immediate changes. The floating materials abruptly
became larger and more numerous with sharper and more rectangular edges (Figure 23).

Figure 23. Study of wireless recharger for moderna in distilled water (Day 36, 200X): Moderna showed
immediate multiplying and expansion response just after 1hour of exposure to the wireless recharger. (a)
before exposure; (b) after 1 hour exposure.

In contrast, Pfizer showed no immediate response but, instead, after one month of exposure
exhibited a delayed effect, a moderate proliferation of floating filaments (Figure 24).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1216
In both Pfizer (Day 101) and Moderna (Day 36) culture dishes, after exposure to the wireless
recharger, unidentifiable debris, likely micro-materials, seemed to disappear and leave in its wake a
clean background.


EMF radiation on the surface of an external hard drive was measured at about 30v/m and 4μT in
H-filed. The temperature was about 23~25°C.
After two hours of exposure to the external hard drive connected to a PC in operation mode,
Moderna showed no noticeable effects, but Pfizer showed modest disruptive changes — slightly
blurred boundary lines across structures with softer edges sitting at the bottom of the culture dishes.
Basically, through the previous preliminary incubation study, at around 101 days incubation, the
assembled structures in Pfizer
in distilled water were
progressively changed into a
cloudy haze of more
disrupted figures and finally
disappeared, leaving only the
floating filaments and ribbons
attached to various bubbles.
However, after 2 hours of
exposure, the degradation
appeared progressively more
noticeable as most bubbles
Significantly, replacing the
same Pfizer culture dish (Day
101) over the wireless
recharger for only two hours Figure 24. Wireless Recharger study for Pfizer: (a), (b), and (c) bubbly
of exposure returned the filaments before the exposure, Pfizer in distilled water, Day 95 (100x); (d)
structures, partially, to their and (e) 1 month after the exposure, Pfizer in distilled water, Day 126 (40x) –
disappeared bubbles and more multiplication.
original sharper-edged and
clearer forms (shown in the culture from Day 101). In other words, the diverse structures
reassembled yet again in similar shapes to those before exposure to the external hard drive. See
Figure 25 for details.
With the results of this preliminary study, it could be postulated that some kind of conditioned
electric current can stimulate the nanostructure’s activity, while some conditioned magnetic current
can hamper their activity. According to our hypothesis, some detoxifying modalities could be
effective in treating damaged organs from these complex forms of EMF exposure.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1217
Figure 25. EMF (external hard drive/wireless recharger) study of Pfizer in distilled water (200X), 101 days of incubation: Pfizer study of exposure to external hard drive
for 2 hours at Day 101 incubation in distilled water, and then followed by exposure to a wireless recharger for 2 hours. (a) after 2 hours of exposure to an external hard
drive – more blunt edges and blurry alignment, more degraded than natural degeneration change; (b) after 2 hours of exposure to the wireless recharger immediately
following exposure to the external hard drive- mild recovery (rescuing effect) appeared.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1218
3)UV Study
There were no immediate differences observed in the short-term in the characteristics of both
Moderna and Pfizer before and after exposure. However, through prolonged incubation, both
samples did show more sustained self-assembled structures rather than ordinary developmental
patterns as observed in other media absent UV exposure. This contrasts with the self-assembly
observed at peak stage over six months to nine months in an ongoing observational study.


A screening test for biochemical analysis of glucose, protein, pH, and occult blood via U-stick
(Abbot, UroCor4, U040H012A 0) for the various injectable culture media was conducted to evaluate
any changes to chemical components during long-term incubation. The U-stick, dipped in the
culture media, revealed colorimetric changes which are summarized in Tables 12 and 13 (Appendix
A). Of further interest are the unaided observable changes in the appearance of the culture media:
Throughout the observational period, most translucent culture media appeared to morph from
transparent to turbid, which was most prominent by day 150. This progression reversed back to its
original state of translucence in the late stage of incubation (day 250).
Normal saline (NS) was used as a control for the study and showed all expected negative reactions in
the glucose, protein, and 6.0 pH. During the first day, most media of diluted Pfizer (P1, P2, and P4)
and Moderna with distilled water appeared as follows: a positive but weak reading in Glucose; a
negative reading in Protein; 6.0 in pH; and a positive but weak reading in occult blood. The Pfizer
booster (P4) showed two positives in the occult blood — perhaps as a false-positive from its
interactions with peroxide. Noticeably, important results were negative in the protein on the 1st day
of incubation of all studied specimens. Most of the culture media maintained an acidic state, pH 6
while glucose showed a weakly positive reading, except during the early incubation stage of Pfizer in
distilled water (day 23). Of course, glucose should have been detectable since the FDA had reported
that sucrose was a component of the “COVID-19 injectables,” — especially Pfizer and Moderna.
Furthermore, according to the FDA’s description, no protein should be present. Details are
presented in the following pages in Figures 28 and 29. While proteins were not detected in the
Moderna culture media throughout the entire incubation period, they were, however, present in the
Pfizer media, a clear contradiction of the FDA’s description. These included two positive
(100mg/dl) readings in the early stage (day 23) which appeared progressively stronger as 300mg/dl
incubated in the distilled water at day 79 stage, but finally became negative by the late incubation
stage (day 288). The emergence of proteins appeared to be determined by diverging forms of
culture media. In normal saline, a trace amount (10 mg/dl) was found during the late stage of
incubation (day 266), but none were found in distilled water during the same period of incubation.
Some media revealed a positive reading (10 ~ 50 RBC/μl) on occult blood, but this reading could be
interpreted as a false-positive because of potential exposure to hypochlorite or peroxidase. In the
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), however, Pfizer showed no signs of self-assembly at the bottom,
perhaps having been disturbed by the Sodium Bicarbonate crystals. No floating materials, pH of 9
even after 1-month incubation appeared. Perhaps this is due not to the different pH effect, but to a
disturbance caused by crystal formation at the bottom of the culture from exposure to baking soda

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1219
When the dark seed-like particles, floating around the main body of skin extract (E1), were collected
and incubated in normal saline, after 366 days, they showed a remnant or trace of the geometric self-
assembled structures and a few pieces of the filaments similar to the findings from the original
mRNA incubation studies. We can postulate that the recycling patterns appeared in between the
incubation studies of the injectables and the formation of seed-like materials from the recipient’s
abnormal skin extracts (Figure 26).
Given the observed long-term behavior of the structures, we offer the following model that
suggests the sort of recycling patterns that appear to be present in the pre-programmed
nanoparticles themselves. The patterns appear to coincide with an interval period when the activity
of self-assembly is dormant. When adequate ambient and internal conditions are met, we postulate
that these conditions trigger the materials to activate and reconstitute nano-circuits/structures as
outlined here.

Since the WHO’s declaration of a global
pandemic on March 11, 2020,
government-funded violations of civil
and human rights — disguised as
medical remediation of the pandemic —
was actually leading to injurious and
even lethal oppression in nations around
the world. Since scientific pursuits
necessarily presuppose open dialogue,
critical thinking, and the rigorous testing Figure 29. Moderna ingredients.
of truth claims, we suspected, like many
other researchers, that the
program to address a global
medical emergency was
significantly more complicated
than had been signaled. An
additional motivation for this
study, therefore, was the
development of a comprehensive
view of the WHO declaration
that triggered the relentless push
for total global compliance with
“health” authorities.
As with so many endeavors we Figure 28. Pfizer ingredients.
undertake, certain periods of gestation, incubation or nurturing are needed to see emerge various
forms of life, understanding, or purpose. Our purpose in this article has been to explain perplexing

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1220
Figure 26. Recycling Pattern Study - Presumptive recycling pattern from the Moderna vaccinee’s skin extract (E1) in normal saline: (a) seed-like tiny dark particles
(arrows) floating around the skin extract 1(E1) in the normal saline media (400x); (b) tiny particles scattered around the vaccinee’s skin extract, dark large material-
crocodile skin-like structure (100x); (c) E1 seeds culture in normal saline - trace of the self-assembly at the bottom and floating filaments together after Day 366
incubation (100x); (d) and (e) Trace of the self-assembled geometric structures at Day 366 incubation (400x).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1221
Figure 27: Proposed recycling pattern model.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1222
phenomena appearing under the microscope and, thus, develop from incubation studies a greater
understanding of the Covid-19 story. We begin discussion with reference to the FDA’s public
declaration of the injectable mRNA products marketed by Pfizer and Moderna containing
ingredients reported in Figures 28 and 29. In this very journal, Segalla (2023a, 2023b, 2023c) has
shown that many of the named ingredients, in Figures 28 and 29, are extremely toxic.
In summary, these products include the modified coding for the mRNA-inducing spike protein
suspected of causing the harm inducing white clots discussed by Santiago and Oller (2023) along
with others (e.g., Mead et al., 2024a, 2024b, 2024c); the lipid nanoparticle as a carrier (concerning the
harm of which see the Segalla references); various adjuvants including the lipid nanoparticles
themselves for immune stimulation; and built-in baffles consisting of the N1-methylpseudouridines
substituted for uracil in the spike coding to slow down the degradation of the mRNA in the human
body. Furthermore, AstraZeneca and Janssen report that spike-protein-encoded DNA encapsulated
by Adenovirus is contained in these formulations. In contrast, Novavax is known to be a
recombinant spike protein-based injectable. The bio-engineered spike proteins are harvested and
assembled onto a synthetic lipid nanoparticle about 50 nanometers across, each displaying up to 14
spike proteins.
In our study of reactions to the foregoing four kinds of COVID-19 injectables by whole blood,
plasma, and sperm, Novavax showed the most rapid cytotoxic effects. However, Pfizer and Moderna
mRNA products showed more progressively injurious and ultimately lethal effects on living blood
and sperm cells. They, furthermore, resulted in unprecedented self-assembling geometric chip-like
structures, ribbons, filamentous structures, and encapsulated structures within structures.
Whereas we suppose that the announced ingredients and components of Figures 28 and 29 actually
are present in the heavily marketed government-backed products, closer examinations and our own
experimental studies show that there must also be unannounced nanomaterials that are invisible to
standard microscopic examination. Also, despite reports offered for public review outlining
ingredients, several additional studies would rule out the presence of ordinary DNA or RNA based
on the absence of phosphorous and nitrogen which are abundant in those macromolecules
(Hagimă, 2023a).
Experts in genomics recently discovered that the cancer-promoting SV40 gene is present in the
COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna injectables (Murakami, 2023; McKernan et al., 2023). The
connection to cancer has been well established (Shah, 2006). If the spike protein is produced by the
injected programmed mRNA, as hypothesized, the result could trigger a variety of toxic effects to
multiple organs including vessels which could, finally, induce multiple organ failures — endothelial
inflammation, immune imprinting, and the cytokine storm (Blaylock, 2021, 2022a, 2022b). The
injection contents could damage the intracellular mitochondria and p53 genes, sabotage the body’s
ability to repair damaged DNA, induce immune system depletion, trigger frequent gene mutations
and cancers, various autoimmune diseases, as well as reproductive failures (Alavi & Kheradvar, 2012;
Xie et al., 2021; Idrees & Kumar, 2021; Classen, 2021; Seneff et al., 2022; Gat et al., 2022; Mead et
al., 2024a, 2024b, 2024c).
Through biochemical analysis of the injectable culture media, the most significant finding was the
presence of protein. If the media are alkaline, or if they contain chlorhexidine (0.25%), the media
could reveal a false-positive. However, most culture media were maintained as acidic throughout the
entire incubation period, which left no possibility for chlorhexidine to be introduced to the

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1223
experiment. If there were no exposures to chlorhexidine as our study has ensured, how and from
where could protein have emerged?
During the initial incubation period, the presence of protein was not detected. Without any bacterial
contamination, protein could only be produced by the injectable itself in the distilled water or
normal saline media. According to Cell-Free Protein Synthesis, described by Endo (2021), the
bubbles observed in our study could be the result of self-synthesized proteins, which could be toxic.
Most interesting was the initially undetected, then detectable (day 23~day 82), and ultimately once
again undetectable progression of protein synthesis. We discovered what, initially, appeared to be a
coincidental relationship between (a) the developmental patterns of self-assembled nanostructures
(peak stage of development, 2 to 6 months), (b) the behavior of hydrogel (initially transparent for 2
to 3 weeks, later gel-like emulsion in nature until day 150, and finally returning to its transparent
consistency) and (c) protein production to some degree. Further studies are needed to clarify the
central issues regarding all three of these apparent dynamic relationships. Turning to Burkhardt’s
analysis (2022), we remind readers of the effects of the spike protein and the synthesis of many
kinds of proteinaceous materials discovered in blood clots (approximately 323 kinds of proteins) —
especially 4 kinds from endothelial tissue damage.
Given the analyses we offer here, we speculate that the materials in the injectable products produce
not only the publicly reported spike-protein induced presumably by the modified mRNA, but also
there appear to be various abnormal toxic protein secretions, likely from either the presence of the
nanostructures themselves or from cross-domain bacteria via hybrid synthetic biology (Maervoet et
al., 2017). Further analysis is welcomed.
In reporting that mistranslations of modified mRNA could produce abnormal protein synthesis and
stimulate the human immune system to recognizing the abnormalities as foreign proteins, Paul Marik
and his colleagues (Front line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, 2023) proved the risk of ribosomal
frameshifting caused by replacing uridine with N1-methylpseudouridine to avoid its natural
destruction and to ensure long-lasting antigen development, because of spike protein synthesis
(Mulroney et al., 2024). Some researchers have reported that COVID-19 injectables may be causally
related to pathophysiology of amyloidosis and prion disease (Perez et al., 2022; Classen, 2023; Leung
et al., 2023).
According to Dhuli et al. (2023), using mass spectrometry methods to analyze serum in the blood of
“long COVID” patients, both viral spike protein and injectable spike protein were found together
during analysis. This discovery means that “long COVID” could be correlated with both the long-
lasting viral spike as well as injectable-induced spike protein.
Significantly, the two spikes differed markedly. Their work appears to confirm that ribosomal frame
shifting occurs post-jab, which only deepens earlier speculation that abnormal protein production
may also be occurring. If these observations are valid, the abnormal protein synthesis earlier
discussed could trigger a range of unprecedented varieties of disease of the sort being described,
for instance by Mead et al., (2024b, 2024c).
Through our observational studies of blood and semen samples (composed largely of living cells),
the COVID-19 injectables showed definite and consistent cytotoxicity but in varying degrees.
Novavax and AstraZeneca, especially, showed even more rapid toxic effects than did Pfizer and
Moderna, even though the former are not mRNA products. This variability could prove meaningful
to the mounting evidence of the cytotoxicity of the spike protein itself.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1224
Beyond the above-mentioned sequalae of infections or injections, many kinds of medical evidence
were reported about the toxic spike protein characteristics — loss of elastic fiber could induce rapid
skin aging and vascular rupture. Moreover, postmortem reports written by both medical
professionals and embalmers have noted significant increased signs of bizarre thrombosis — likely
due to the presence of unique, never-before-observed extremely elongated fibrous clots,
categorically distinct from ordinary common blood clots, extracted from essentially every conduit
system carrying fluids in the body.
As we reported here, we have isolated numerous and various unidentified materials — a few μm in
size — beyond the nanoparticles described in FDA reports for the mRNA injectables, in the Pfizer
and even more so in the Moderna products.
Having concluded various experiments and careful observational studies, we infer that the materials
and their observed stages of development are not natural. They are synthetic, and elemental seeming
to govern a well-programmed process of structural self-assembly. That their provisional final
production could be described as artificial has already been suggested in the numerous articles
referenced so far.
The results of experiments with exposure to heat and electromagnetic energy were significant:
short-term exposures showed remarkable changes in the self-assembled structures. Ultraviolet
radiation, visible light, temperature, nitrogen, sources of carbon in the air, electromagnetic fields,
various wave frequencies, and other factors can evidently trigger nanoparticles to react — whether
to assemble or disassemble what appear to be pre-programmed structures.
Suberi et al. (2023) report on recent developments with a new mRNA delivery vehicle that utilizes
optimized biocompatible poly(amine-co-ester) polyplexes. They note that the new system is a highly
customizable polymer for inhalable vaccine delivery to the lung. If these previous injectables as
programmed nanoparticles, which later produce polymers, are introduced into the deltoids of
recipients — as they were through experimental random samples — the next generation of
“vaccines” could be delivered through nasal inhalation or skin patches using similar polymer-based
materials via programmed nanoparticles.
Sasha Latypova, an executive and researcher for the pharmaceutical industry, discovered an extreme
deviation in side effects among the batch-to-batch vials of mRNA COVID-19 injectables. In a
normal world, this sort of wildly uneven deviation would be intolerable in ordinary pharmaceutical
products receiving routine oversight by regulatory bodies adhering strictly to established protocols
and safety guidelines. Nevertheless, as the public has been reminded continually, we are living in a
“new normal”. How, therefore, might we understand more generally this obvious deviation from the
old normal? One way is to consider intentionality. These products were meant to serve foremost as
experimental injections for the whole of humanity — including all ethnicities, sexes, and age groups.
This depiction squares with the FDA approval letter of the Comirnaty (Pfizer product; FDA, 2021),
the post-marketing requirement, in infants under 6 months of age, the study completion of July 31,
2024, and the final report which is to be submitted by October 31, 2024. Worth nothing is that in
the accompanying documents for the injectable products all details referring to the factories where
they were manufactured were conspicuously redacted, which begs larger questions about secrecy
undermining informed consent.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1225
As regards “vaccine” exposure to electromagnetic energy, preliminary observations show that the
materials in the injectables react positively to wireless cell phone rechargers while they react
negatively to external hard drives. As electromagnetic frequency-sensitive materials, it is plausible
that the injectable contents are designed to act as a kind of semi-conductor. Many researchers have
called attention to the biohazardous effects of electromagnetic energy fields to the human body,
especially causing carcinogenesis, neurodegeneration, damage to reproductive cells, and rapid-
developing fetal cell damage (Ilori et al., 2019; Kashini et al., 2023; Noor-A-Rahim et al., 2022;
Dasdag et al., 2015; Russell, 2018; Moon, 2020).
Wireless rechargers or external hard drives are useful and very common personal electronic devices.
If recipients of the experimental injectables (“vaccines”) have these materials circulating in their
body and if they use these personal electronic devices, the devices themselves may, beyond routine
electromagnetic field exposure, increase harm to their health, particularly to cellular regeneration, as
the contents react synergistically with ambient radiation.
If the injectable contents are designed, in part, to serve as both software and hardware for the
clandestine construction of intracorporeal networks as Kyrie and Broudy (2022) suggest, the
contents likely interact with electromagnetic energy fields outside the body. In the present
developmental stage of mobile communications networks globally, we urge researchers to reproduce
our efforts or setup alternative studies to better understand what remote effects there may be on
human/animal/plant biology in the face of forthcoming 6G and 7G iterations of WiFi and LiFi.
Despite rampant speculation in the literature regarding the use of COVID-19 injectable products
and the development of wireless body area networks, abbreviated to WBAN (Jornet & Akyildiz,
2013; Jing et al., 2023), more interdisciplinary work is needed. Such studies would aid in the
development of possible electromagnetic treatment modalities for recipients seeking alternatives to
either standard chelation protocols or escaping entirely from an electromagnetic energy-polluted
Incubation studies, furthermore, showed that distilled water served as an ideal medium to reveal
unique changes in the growth of injectable contents. Since distilled water is unadulterated and
undisturbed by its own electrochemical properties, we postulate that it has latent potential to
manifest the specifically engineered developmental pathways, the intended characteristics of the
injectable contents, and to respond, as programmed, in easily observed ways to electromagnetic
In the plasma reaction, we speculate that the self-assembly process of nanomaterials was hampered
by the profusion of blood cells at the bottom of the dish where space for self-assembly was already
occupied. However, very few small chips were found at the bottom of the plasma dish by one
month incubation and then disappeared. Later, filaments and pipe-like structures, even relatively
small and few, appeared and maintained their morphology until the late stage of incubation. This
finding indicates that initial assembly at the bottom is not a prerequisite to the later development of
the filamentous structures. So, in vivo, it could be possible to produce various nanofilaments or
carbon nanotubes without any prerequisites whatsoever.
In analysis of blood clots from vaccinated persons, a few filament-like structures were found
attached to brownish homogeneous cloudy white clots extracted from the middle layer of whole
blood sediment. When in close proximity to an electromagnetic field, the filaments could possibly
trigger the formation of a clot and, thus, disturb free blood or lymph flow. Given their microscopic

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1226
size and wide distribution throughout the body, if these foreign materials interact with either inside
or outside sources of energy, as the literature states, they could well become elongated, enlarged, and
serve as mysterious modes of morbidity and eventual mortality.
Beyond the pathophysiology described above, the theoretical work of nanotechnology described in
the decades of literature appears to be present in the practical application of the mRNA “vaccines”,
especially in Pfizer and Moderna. Anecdotal observations of patients suffering from a range of
sudden extraordinary injuries in the wake of the initial rollout of the “vaccines” triggered our
inquires both in the laboratory incubation studies and in the published literature across biology,
nanotechnology, electromagnetic field science, and materials engineering. Taken from the original
“vaccine” contents, the incubation studies were fruitful in helping to identify various foreign
materials and to better understand their possible pathophysiology in vivo. Other researchers,
however, have offered alternate opinions that the materials could simply be sodium chloride (NaCl),
and other contaminants, and their observed behaviors simply the result of natural crystallization.
That whole class of objections can be addressed with an appeal to physics.
Fractals have long been known to form in linear dimensions through regular predictable patterns,
and when environmental factors are optimal, such as oscillation in the material universe, fractals
develop higher structural dimensions (Dubuc et al., 1989). Moreover, it has been widely observed
that the residue of most evaporated solutions features similar crystals — especially NaCl and various
kinds of electrolytes and even in water itself via the hydro-glyph mechanism (Wakeling cited in
Bailey, 2022). It was, therefore, necessary that the injectables be cultured in media that maintained an
uninterrupted liquid state which would serve to verify that these sorts of self-assembled structures
are not the same natural crystals induced by normal evaporation processes.
Significantly, mRNA technology is often marketed in terms of software as a kind of operating
system or technology platform (per Moderna’s Website). Although Moderna’s original
characterization of mRNA technology as a computer program has been deleted from their website,
we offer it to readers as a reminder of their prototypical concept:
Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA
technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is
designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case,
the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug — the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a
protein (Moderna quoted in many articles, e.g., see Reuters, 2021; Martin, 2024).
The geometric patterns of most of the self-assembled structures, as in electronic circuits or 3-
dimensional chip-like structures, progressively degraded after about day 80 during incubation of the
Pfizer booster (injection number 4, P4), which has a different timeline from the other injectables
(P1, P2 & Moderna), while similar degradation patterns were also manifested. This means that the
injected nanomaterials appear to be programmed to behave in the manner observed and to carry out
regular intervals of self-assembly and disassembly. The entire process, we theorize, must be
periodically re-enforced, likely through the prescribed regimen of new “booster shots” per CDC
Occasionally, other researchers have reported microscopic findings of filamentous structures in
commercially branded normal saline. Despite apparent similarities in morphology with injectable
filaments, the structures found in saline are slightly different in their behavior and growth patterns.
Noteworthy were the various unusual structures that appeared: unique striated curled ribbons and

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1227
various filaments, scaled like snakeskin, that seemed to contain hollow compartments as in bamboo
shedding bubbles. These structures proliferated throughout the medium and were elongated,
twisted, knotted, discolored, and varied in texture.
During our observational studies, the filaments that appeared to shed bubbles were consistently
active. We urge that further studies are needed to differentiate whether these filaments derive from
the basic media or from the injectable product itself. Regardless, isolating their origin could
represent a significant discovery for the question of whether many, or even, most other
pharmaceutical products and/or manufacturing processes are already contaminated by
nanotechnology. It is sobering to think that the covert technology may not be limited to the
COVID-19 injectables. Highly detailed geometric self-assembled structures featuring right angles
were observed at the bottom of the culture dishes (in a well-maintained liquid state) while dislodged
floating structures in the upper layer appeared during the 1st few weeks as noted.
Research in nanomaterials engineering shows that Biohybrid Magnetic Robots (Microalgae-based
Magnobots) could be produced and propelled throughout the body by a variety of triggering factors:
electromagnetic energy, change in pH range, manipulation of glucose levels, and by varying light
spectra with the aim of targeting certain tissues (Li et al., 2023). Observations during our incubation
studies suggest the presence of magnobots, especially in the Pfizer sample.
Our culture studies revealed that the Pfizer products in simple distilled water produced a variety of
transparent ribbons, thin film-like membranes, coils, and spirals even without exposure to special
supplements or ambient energy sources. These patterns of growth and appearance in the culture
media could not be explained apart from mechanisms of action peculiar to nanotechnology (Cao,
2019; Truong et al., 2016). During the initial stage of incubation with various electrolyte solutions,
the self-assembly process was possibly interrupted to some degree by the crystallization taking place
in the various media and solutions and their concurrent spread across the bottom of the dish.
Various kinds of transparent ribbons, films, coils, and spirals appeared in the Pfizer sample
incubated in distilled water. These were very similar in structure to the micro- and magnetic-
nanorobots already presented in numerous scholarly papers (Zhou et al., 2021). These structures,
according to numerous researchers, could serve as signal conductors, biosensors, switches, and/or
electronics devices needed for the transhumanist movement toward a post-human society (Kyrie &
Broudy, 2022; Mousavi et al., 2021; Bailey, 2022; King Abdullah University, 2021; Alamoudi et al.,
2021; Marsudi et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2019; El-Husseiny et al., 2022; Shiu et al., 2022; Zhou et al,
2021; Johnson, Broudy & Hughes, 2024a, 2024b, 2024c, 2024d). These structures could also serve as
nanodevices such as plasmonic antennae or as transceivers for terahertz band communications
(Jornet & Akyildiz, 2014). Nanostructures are known to be stimulated to grow and carry out
functions from various triggers: visible light, temperature (heat), electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet
radiation, water, carbon and oxygen via air, special electrolyte-Ca++. These phenomena we have been
able to confirm through longitudinal observations.
Noteworthy, also, is observed phenomena in the uppermost layer and the middle layer of the culture
media likely due to the mass and weight of the structures. During the late stage of incubation of
Pfizer in distilled water at about day 337, transparent bundles of wire-like hollow tubes emerged
and, in the uppermost layer, appeared similar in structure to skin extract 2 (another anonymized
patient designated simply as E2). These filaments were different in character, however, from

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1228
ordinary filaments. As of this writing, the tubes have since developed into unique striated curled
This process of dynamic and changing morphology represents a key signifier of another kind of
recycling pattern likely related to injection and the production of skin extracts observable from long-
term incubation studies. Furthermore, the bundles and ribbons could be more durable and long-
lasting silica, or they may be synthetic graphene-coated polymer nanotubes, or similar nanowires
serving as conductors or semiconductors survivable to temperatures from 1000°C to 4,000°C
according to the relevant research literature (Hagimă, 2023b). While the presence of foreign
materials in the human body triggers various natural detoxifying processes, some materials
nevertheless persist despite all attempts to chelate or dismantle them. Aluminium, for example, has
long been known to lodge in the brain for long periods and the outcomes are often neurological
disorders and disease (Shaw, 2017). We infer from our observations, therefore, that critical discussion
of possible treatments or regimes of detoxification are necessary.
Especially with regards to test subjects who have been jabbed within one to two weeks, silica water
may be helpful because it could potentially disturb the early stage of assembly of the chip-like
structures. In the later stage, say, three weeks after injection, colloidal gold or silver (3-5 nm in
diameter and 10-20 ppm) has been observed to attach to, disrupt, actively degrade, and ultimately
dissolve various nanostructures. The longer-term results of such treatment protocols are being
examined in ongoing experiments. Mica also has been shown to exhibit similar positive effects.
Routine exposure to heat saunas may also trigger nanomaterials to dislodge from tissues and escape
through sweat gland pores. We postulate that recovery of damaged organs and normal blood flow
can return with the use of gold or silver, or other specialized crystals with their own unique healing
frequencies. Since electromagnetic energy stimulates the formation of the observed nanostructures,
regular (re)grounding (earthing) the body can help discharge over-accumulated electromagnetic
energy in tissues. Avoiding unnecessary excess exposure to electromagnetic energy can also be
beneficial. Personal electronics, such as smart watches, smartphones, wireless earphones, Wi-Fi
routers, and all other forms of electromagnetic energy pollution, should be significantly reduced if
not eliminated. The various remedies we describe here could be applicable as regimes for “vaccine”
detoxification while subjects bear in mind the unique personal variance of each response.

A review of government white papers and scholarly literature in biotechnology, nanotechnology,
materials science, and electronics engineering combined with longitudinal incubation studies reveal
compelling evidence of various fundamental corruptions. Injectable modified mRNA platforms —
widely known as “vaccines” — inject in the deltoids of billions of human beings are evidently
adulterating what is already there.
Observational studies and comparative analysis suggest that intentional contaminations appear in the
“vaccine” vials, in blood samples extracted from test subjects exposed to the “vaccines,” and in the
subsequent shedding of synthetic biologicals (Woodruff & Maerkl, 2016). Both the morphology and
behavioral characteristics of these observed phenomena suggest that far from being pure (Finn,
2011 p. 138), these injectables are composed of, hitherto, undisclosed additional engineered
components responsive to a range of internal and ambient forms of energy, all of which are
traceable to and described throughout the scholarly literature.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1229
Profound deviations from the generally understood meaning of the “vaccine” marketing slogan and
its claim of “safe and effective” appear in observations of the “biologicals” under the microscope.
Excess deaths, incidences of “turbo” cancer and various autoimmune diseases reported globally
since the rollout of the “injectables” show a suspiciously high correlation. The perversions we have
described suggest a clear correspondence to the communications infrastructure now appearing
under construction in the long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies, the IoB (Celik et al., 2022),
a kind of synthetic global central nervous system — the details of which are also widely discussed
and illustrated in the scholarly corpus. Biohybrid Magnetic Robots, in particular, represent a
significant concern for researchers attempting to make sense of the responsiveness of these
“biologicals” to energy sources. We echo the calls of other researchers engaged in similar studies:
until the components can be verified and their long-term effects understood, a necessity flouted by
calls for Emergency Use Authorization, an immediate global ban is needed.

Responsibilities of the Authors

Youngmi Lee: conceptualization, research design, imagery analysis, data curation, writing original draft.
Daniel Broudy: Imagery analysis, data curation, editing, drafting, revising.

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International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1230
Appendix A
In this Appendix tables referred to above beginning on page 1196 in the text are presented.

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International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 3(2) July 18, 2024 | Page 1244

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