Liquid Crystal Display Separator Machine For Cell Phone and Tablet Screen
Liquid Crystal Display Separator Machine For Cell Phone and Tablet Screen
Liquid Crystal Display Separator Machine For Cell Phone and Tablet Screen
Abstract—The work is based on the development of preservation of food materials, and the temperature
an LCD separator machine for cell phone and tablet range under control is up to 850oC and 130oC,
screens. There is a good chance that the phone respectively. The ICL7106 digital circuit and the Intel
screen has only the surface lens broken and not the 8051 series microcontroller are used. Other studies
LCD or LED screen inside. The cost of changing make use of the Arduino and its free software, which
screens is greatly reduced with this screen separator. is very effective, inexpensive, and simple to be used
This machine includes a PTC heater and a quick- for control a device. Many temperature sensors,
heating aluminum heating plate, a temperature including thermocouple, DS18B20, LM35, and others,
sensor, a rotary switch encoder, a graphic display are compatible with the Arduino microcontroller.
liquid crystal display (GLCD), a relay driver circuit,
30 A switch mode power, and an Arduino Uno R3 Widhiada et al., (2017) proposed temperature
microcontroller. The LCD separator machine can be distribution control development and design for baby
set to a maximum temperature of 150oC. It works well incubator applications. It is critical in this system to
and has a high level of control in that the maintain a specific temperature inside the incubator in
temperature is banded between upper and lower 2 oC order to maintain the proper health of the baby. The
of the setting temperature. The power required is 150 experiment included humidity as well as temperature
W, and it heats up to 85 oC in 3 minutes when the air measurement and control using a microcontroller-
flow is between 0.8 and 1.2 m/s, but it takes less than based system. This proved to be an extremely useful
2 minutes in an airtight environment. application for baby’s care and health. Tan et al.,
(2010) provided a case study of hunidity and light
Indexed Terms—temperature sensor, arduino control, including temperature control. The work was
microcontroller, rotary switch switching circuit. completed using a light sensor, temperature sensor,
and Arduino hardware were interfaced with the
I. INTRODUCTION computer. Essentially, the work was proposed for
applications in environmental monitoring in a hospital
With the increased use of Android phones and related setting. Eltrubaly et al., (2017) proposed a remote-
screen torch devices, more technicians and tools are controlled temperature monitoring system design and
required to provide appropriate services at a lower cost development. The work was based on Arduino and it
and more effectively. The current technological trend aims to provide a viable solution to environmental
is highly disadvantageous in developing countries, monitoring and care.
with a high rate of mismanagement of national funds,
and the cost of tools for repair is excessively high. The Main goal of this project is to create a low-cost LCD
vast majority of repair imports into the country were separator machine for mobile phones and tablets with
of poor quality and costly. The available torch screen temperature control using Arduino that is reliable,
heat removal device is as effective as it is, but it has long - lasting, easy to maintain when faulty, and
drawbacks such as reliability, high cost, durability, rugged.
and highly customized, which means that if there is a
fault, it cannot be repaired. • Materials and Method
Figure 1 depicts the basic block diagram of a low-cost
Also, Babalola et al., 2015 and Builaminu et al., 2010 LCD separator machine for mobile phones and tablets
worked on temperature control to control oven and
with temperature control. The temperature sensor III. RELAY SWITCHING CIRCUIT AND DC
(DS18B20), dc heating element (automotive inner HEATER
heater), relay control circuit, temperature setting
rotary switch, Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, To engage or disengage the positive temperature
graphical liquid crystal display (GLCD), and 20 A coefficient (PTC) heater, the transistor switching
switch mode power supply comprise the LCD device was used to activate a relay. When 5 V is
separator machine. applied to the base of the transistor via an Arduino
digital pin, the base emitter junction conducts and
allows current to flow from the collector to the emitter
via a load (relay) and is then energized (Buliaminu et
al., 2010). It will remain active until the Arduino's
digital pin attains zero volts (LOW). As shown in
Figure 3, the protective diode across the relay is used
to remove the back emf of the relay coil. The heater
Figure 1: Basic Block Diagram of LCD Separator used was obtained from a car, the PTC heater.
Machine for Mobile Phones and Tablet
of DT and CLK's initial positions. This process assists (DS18B20) has been calibrated standard from
in developing an algorithm for determining rotational manufacture. When compared with the Hg-in-glass
direction. thermometer.
Because the rotating encoder has a switch, it was used Procedure for the Operation of the Temperature
for press and releases switch selection of either i. Temperature must be initially set to between 80oC
increase or decrease temperature value when pressing to 100oC, using the rotary switch encoder
the rotating spindle. ii. Switch on the machine and wait for the metal
plate to attain 80oC - 100oC.
V. MICROCONTROLLER UNIT AND iii. Phone’s screen must be placed directly on the
DISPLAY UNIT silicon mat for about 5 minutes or more.
iv. Start to separate the LCD off from the glass with
A microcontroller is a small computer on a single the cutting wire, moving it right and left with the
integrated circuit that includes a processor core, wire between the LCD and the glass. This process
memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. must be done gently and slowly while the wire
Microcontrollers, as opposed to microprocessors, are stays on the LCD surface, to avoid damaging the
purposely designed for use in embedded applications, touch screen.
whereas microprocessors are used in personal v. Finally separating the LCD from the main screen.
computers and other general-purpose applications.
The Atmega 2560 is a CMOS 8-bit microcontroller CONCLUSION
with low power and high performance based on the
AVR enhanced RISC architecture. The Atmega 2560 The LCD separator machine can be set to a maximum
has 256 Kbytes of RAM, 8 Kbytes of in-system self- temperature of 150oC. It works well and has a high
programmable memory with write/read capability, and level of control in that the temperature is banded
a 2 Kbyte EPROM. The microcontroller coordinates between the upper and lower 2oC of the setting
all of the instrument's activities, monitoring temperature. The power required is 150 W, and it heats
temperature from heat generated and displaying up to 85oC in 3 minutes when the air flow is between
information. 0.8 and 1.2 m/s, but it takes less than 2 minutes in an
airtight environment. The machine is very effective,
The ST7920 display platform enables the ST7920 to rugged, and simple to maintain. The total cost of
be used with Arduino. The 3-wire SPI bus connects the building the machine was 38 dollars, compared to 75
information display components. A monochrome dollars with VAT and other international and local
LCD graphic display is used. Any Arduino data port logistic costs.
can be used to connect the E, R/W, and RS pins. It is
critical to connect the PSB on the LCD to GND during REFERENCES
SPI communication.
[1] Babalola, M. T., Oluborode, G. B. and Ewetumo,
VI. TESTING AND EXAMINATION OF T. (2015): Development of Furnace with
PERFORMANCE OF LCD SEPARATOR Microcontroller Based Temperature Control
MACHINE System, General Scientific Researches IT
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The temperature sensor was tested and response [2] Buliaminu K., Olatunji O. and Ewetumo, T
obtained is that display on the screen is equal to (2010): Development of a Digital Temperature
temperature read on Hg-in-glass thermometer. When Control Device for a Preservation system,
the soldering iron is brought closer to the DS18B20 Proceedings of 2010 3rd International
reading increases in value and when it withdraw the Conference on Computational Intelligence and
temperature falls in value. Also, when the temperature Industrial Application (PACIIA), China. 445-
value is set to 40oC immediately the value approach 448.
and above the relay is trigger. The temperature sensor