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International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

A Literature Survey on Handwritten Character Recognition

using Convolutional Neural Network
Karishma Verma
Department of Information and Technology
YMCA University of science and Technology, Faridabad, India
Email: karishmaverma555@gmail.com

Dr. Manjeet Singh

Department of IT & CA
YMCA University of science and Technology, Faridabad, India

Abstract: Automatic handwritten character recognition has many academic and commercial interests.
Nowadays, deep learning techniques already excel in learning to recognize handwritten characters. In
computer vision handwriting recognition is the core problem and the main challenge in this field is to
deal with enormous variety of handwriting style by different writers in different language. The
similarities of the neighboring characters make further complicate the character recognition problem.
The large variety of writing style of different writers and the complex features of the handwritten
characters are very challenging for accurately classifying the handwritten characters. This paper
presents a detailed review in the field of handwriting recognition using convolutional neural network.

Keywords: Handwriting recognition, Deep learning, Convolutional neural network, Optical character

Image classification is one of the core problems of computer vision, image classification refers to the
task of extracting information classes from a multiband raster image. One of the important applications
of image classification is the optical character recognition (OCR). OCR is the electronic conversion of
scanned images of handwritten text into machine encoded text. In Optical character recognition, an
algorithm will be trained on a dataset of known character in order to learn how to classify characters
included in test set accurately. A variety of algorithm has been developed for classifying letter and digits
from last decades. In the field of optical character recognition there are three methods: template
matching, feature extraction and classification, third one is the deep learning method. Template
matching is the very first method used in the field of recognition through it is relatively simple than
other method but the problem of some illegally written text such as difference of diameters,
discontinuity of text or rotation, the recognition accuracy is not satisfactory. In feature extraction and
classification, the key point is feature extraction algorithm, it determine the recognition rate and
furthermore, this part need researchers to try different kind of feature manually, so a large number of
experiment needed in this method. In the early stage of OCR, template matching and structural analysis
are used popularly [1].
The late 80s in order to take advantage of massive samples, classification methods such as artificial
neural network had been utilized popularly for recognition problems [2]. In the last decade, machine
learning methods such as support vector machines (SVMs) have been applied for pattern recognition
problems [3]. Neural networks (NNs) are another solution to resolve recognition problems. In this a
large number of handwritten letters/digits known as training set are fed into the algorithm in order to
infer rules automatically for handwritten character recognition [4].

The coming deep learning led to using the convolutional neural network (CNN) in machine vision
problem [5]. Based on Hubel and Wiesel’s early work on cat’s visual cortex, CNN is a biological
inspiration of multilayer perceptron (MLP) [6].

Volume 8, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:257

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

In this paper, section IV describe the method of deep learning to recognize characters, which is like the
feature extraction and classification method, this method also first extract the image feature and then
does the classification work but like in feature extraction and classification method researchers need
not design the feature manually. In deep learning method what we have to do is to define the structure
of network and then tune its parameters.

Many machine learning techniques able to learn and recognize hand written character to a greater extent.
Handwritten character recognition (HCR) is a challenging task because of its variety of handwriting
style by different type of writers in different type of language, this is the main challenge which is face
by many researchers now a day in this field. Since all the information has shifted from handwritten
documents to digital file format because of its reliability and durability. However a large amount of old
documents are still in hand written forms so the attempt to convert them into digital form using manual
typing to copy an existing file takes a lot of time and also require manpower to accurately manage each
document and its copy as well to fulfill the task, this method of conversion is necessary for future
handwritten documents also to make them digital documents. The main problem arises here is the hand
writing styles since every different people has its own approach to handwriting in different language.
Furthermore, many languages characters encompass a high range of characters that are morphologically
complex. There is some other character also that made up of more than one character known as
compound characters which make the task even more challenging. The above stated problem motivated
us to build a system that will recognize characters in a way that reduces its manpower cost and also
reduce the time to translate them.


A. Biological connection

Convolutional neural network (ConvNet/ CNN) do take a biological inspiration from visual cortex. The
visual cortex has a small area of cells which are sensitive to a specified region of the visual field. Two
researchers D.H. Hubel and T.N. Wiesel in 1962 showed that some individual’s neuron cells in the
brain get fired only in the presence of certain orientation. For example, some neurons fired when
exposed to vertical edges and some are fired when exposed to horizontal or diagonal edges. They found
out that all these neurons were organized in a columnar architecture and together they produced a visual
perception. The idea of having specialized component inside a system having specific task is used by
machines as well, and this is the basis behind successful CNNs.

B. Convolutional neural network

Human brain is a very powerful machine. We see multiple images every second and process them
without realizing how the processing is done. But this is not the case with machines. The first step in
image processing or character recognition is to understand, how to represent an image so that a machine
can read it. In simple term, image is a collection of dots (pixels) arranged in a order. If you change the
order or colour of a pixel, the image would change as well. All CNN models follow a similar
architecture, as shown below. There is an input image that we are working with and then perform a
series of convolution, pooling operations followed by a number of fully connected layers.

Volume 8, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:258

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Figure 1: Convolutional neural network

The LeNet Architecture (1990s)

LeNet was one of the very first CNN. This pioneering work by Yan LeCun was named LeNet5 after
much previous successful iteration since the year 1988. At that time this architecture used mainly for
character recognition task such as reading zip codes, digits etc. However several new architecture
proposed in the recent years which are improvements over the LeNet, but all uses the main concept
from the LeNet and are relatively easier to understand. There are mainly four operation needed to built
a simple ConvNet: Convolution, Non linearity, Pooling or Subsampling and classification (fully
connected layer). These operations are the basic building block of every convolutional neural network
channel is a term which used to refer a certain component of an image. A standard image will have
three channels Red, Green, Blue. Each having pixel value in the range of 0 to 255. A gray scale image
on the other hand has just one channel.

The convolution step: Convolution neural network derive their name from the operator “convolution”.
The primary purpose of this operator in case of CNNs is to extract features from the input image. This
is the first layer in CNN, the input to this layer is a 3D array (32*32*3) of pixel value. Convolution is
a mathematical operation to merge two set of information in other our case, first is input image and
the second set is the filter.

Figure2: Convolution process

In figure 2, on the left side we have input image, convolution filter is located in the centre which is also
called kernel, detector or feature whereas on the right side of figure 2 we have the output of the
convolution process called activation map also called feature map, convolved feature. We perform
convolution operation by sliding this filter over the input image. At every location we do an element
wise matrix multiplication and sum the result, this resultant matrix is called Convolved feature. CNN
learn the value of these filters on its own during training process.

Non linearity (ReLu): This is the addition operation called ReLu has been used after every convolution
operation. ReLu is called rectified linear unit and is a non linear operation. It is given by: Output =
Max(zero, input) as indicated in figure 3. ReLu is an element wise operation and replaces all negative
pixel values in the feature map by zero.

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International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Figure 3: ReLu operation

Pooling Step: Pooling (also called subsampling or downsampling) it reduces the dimensionality of each
feature map but retain the most important information. This layer makes the input representation smaller
and more manageable. It also reduces the number of parameters and computations in the network and
controlling from over fitting. The output of pooling layer acts as an input to the fully connected layer
which is the next layer in the CNN after this. Figure 4 shows the pooling operation in CNN architecture.

Figure 4: Pooling process

Fully connected layer: The fully connected layer is a traditional multilayer perceptron, it uses softmax
activation function in the output layer. This term implies that every neuron in the previous layer is
connected to every neuron in the next layer. The output from convolution layer and pooling layer
represent high level features of image. The function of fully connected layer is to classifying these
features of input image into various classes based on the training dataset. The sum of output probabilities
from fully connected layer is 1. This is ensured by using softmax as the activation function in the output
layer of fully connected layer.

Figure 5: Fully connected layer

Training using back propagation: the overall process of training of CNN is summarized as below:
1. We initialize all filters weight with random value.
2. The network takes a training image as input, goes through forward propagation step (convolution,
ReLu and Pooling operations) and finds the output probabilities of class.
3. Calculate total error at the output layer.
4. Use back propagation to calculate gradient of error and use gradient descent optimizer to update all
filter values.
5. Repeat step 2 and 4 with the training set of all images.


Volume 8, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:260

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Advent of deep learning encourages us to use convolutional neural network in machine learning
problem. Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a multi layer perceptron model proposed by
D.H.Hubel and T.N.Weisel [1] that is inspired by biological neuron and animal vision. The basic design
of CNN is inspired from the scientist Yann le Cunn who conducted certain experiments regarding
mammal’s perception and vision. Since the day of propose of CNN different researchers have created
different version of the CNN and developed different type of applications like character recognition,
object detection, face recognition and sound detection. Some of the works are presented here:

Bishwajit purkaystha, Tapos Datta,Md Saiful Islam [7] Et al , this paper proposes a convolutional neural
network model for recognizing handwritten Bengali characters. They proposed a convolutional neural
network using two convolution layers and then using three densely connected layers, on the final dense
layer Softmax Function is used. The first layer scans for 5*5 receptive field throughout the image. After
scanning it is then passed through ReLu activation function. The ouput from this layer is then passed to
max pooling layer having size 2*2. This output then again passed to second convolutional layer having
64 kernels of size 3*3. As in first layer same function ReLu and pooling of size 2*2 is applied. The
output through this layer is actually used for classification process. They achieved 98.66% accuracy on
numerals, accuracy of 94.99% on vowels, accuracy of 91.23% on alphabets and 89.93% accuracy on
all Bengali characters. Some of the error in their prediction was due to misleading of the dataset.

Samad Roohi, Behnam Alizadehashrafi [8] Et al, the study behind this paper is to investigate the
performance of deep convolutional neural network on the Persian handwritten character dataset. To
determine the outperformance of conventional method in PHCR problem, in this paper two type of
CNN have been implemented. First network is single convolutional neural network which is based on
the simple structure of CNN for example (LeNet-5). To extend it into ensemble CNN the bagging
paradigm applied on CNN with a variety of network parameters. This paper concluded that the
performance is 97.1% when ensemble CNN model was implemented and 96.3% accuracy when single
CNN was implemented.

Mahesh jangid and sumit srivastava[9] Et al, this paper proposes the implementation of devanagari
character using deep neural convolutional network (DCNN). They used the database provided by ISI
(information sharing index) Kolkata, ISIDCHAR database and V2DMDCHAR database. They built
six different architectures of DCNN to determine the performance of the network and also uses six
different adaptive gradient method they use Adagrad optimizer, RMSProp optimizer, Adaptive
Momentum estimation optimizer (Adam) etc. they concluded that AdaDelta, AdaMax and RMSProp
optimizer outperformed the accuracy of Adam optimizer and got 97.30% accuracy on ISIDCHAR
dataset by using DCNN. Similarly on V2DMDCHAR they achieved 97.65% accuracy by using layer
wise DCNN and 96.45% accuracy by using DCNN and on the combination of both dataset they gained
accuracy of 98.00% using layered wise DCNN and got 96.53% by using DCNN.

Jia Xiadong, Gong wedong, Yuan Jie [10], CNN is used by many researchers for character recognition
task but they concluded two main problem which they face while using CNN.
(i)The first problem in CNN is the manual training of data is very time consuming and it is labor
(ii)Second problem is the design and parameter problem all depend on experiences.
(iii) To address these problem stated above they use density based clustering algorithm which is used
as remedy for the first problem that means it is effective in data labeling. In this paper the handwritten
Yi character recognition is divided into two parts. In the first part they describe how to construct the Yi
characters database which uses improved density based clustering algorithm and in the second part they
explain CNN architecture. In the construction of dataset they scan the Yi character documents then they
binarize and normalize them and finally an image slice is used as the input in the clustering algorithm.

Volume 8, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:261

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

The CNN is formed by using four convolutional layers, four max pooling layers and one fully connected
layer. The size of input image is 52*52 and the size of kernel or filter is 5*5 and 20 kernels are used
therefore the feature map is 20 and the output size of feature map is 48*48 then max pooling layer was
applied which reduces the output size into 20*20. In the second convolution layer they used 60 kernel
of size 5*5 the feature obtained are 20*20 in size and 60 in number after pooling 0f size 2*2 the size of
the output feature map is 10*10. In the third layer they use 120 kernel of size 3*3 after pooling the size
4*4. In the last layer kernel size is 2*2 they got 2*2 feature map and after that they applied logistic
regression layer whose output is 100 because of 100 clusters in the database. Finally they achieved
99.65% accuracy on test set. They also concluded that if we pay more attention towards the combination
of CNN with different techniques then there are chances of higher accuracy.

Ashok kumar pant, Prashnna kumar Gyawali Shailesh Acharya [11] they propose system for
recognizing devnagari characters. They propose their own dataset of devnagari characters. In the
dataset, 92 thousand images of 46 different classes of characters are segmented from handwritten
documents. Along with the dataset they also propose the CNN architecture which was based on simple
CNN. They built two models, model A and model B. In model A, the image in the dataset is rescaled
from 36*36 to 28*28 which was convolve with 5*5 filter and a 2*2 size pooling layer was used which
gives a output of 14*14 feature map. In the second convolutional layer this 14*14 feature map got
convolved with 5*5 filter after that 2*2 max pooling layer was applied on it and the final output was of
size 5*5 feature map after that Softmax Function was applied. The model B was derived from LeNet
family. It has shallow architecture that means it consist of fewer number of parameters. They used mini
batch size 200 and 50 epochs with learning rate 0.005 for model A and for model B it is 0.001 then
stochastic gradient descent optimizer with momentum 0.9 is applied. The higher test accuracy obtained
for model A is 0.98471 and for model B the higher test accuracy is 0.982681 addition of dropout show
better result in model B.

Mathew Y.W. Teow [12] presented a work on how to bridge the gap on understanding the mathematical
structure and the computational implementation of a CNN using minimal model they proposed a
minimal CNN which consist mainly two computational networks. They are feature learning network
and the classification network. The objective of fully connected network is to perform unsupervised
image feature learning. The learned image feature will be synthesized by feature learning with high
level representation. Finally this high level image will be input to the classification to perform image
recognition. They used MNIST dataset for handwritten digit recognition which consist of 70,000
different handwritten digits images where 60,000 digits are used for training and 10,000 images used
for testing. Each digit image is of 28*28 in size and in grey scale. 20 trainable convolution kernels with
kernel size 9*9 and used with input image, convolution perform feature extraction and generate 20
convolved feature map. This convolved feature rectified by ReLu activation function finally pooling
layer perform mean pool to rectify feature map. Another proposed model is the extended version of the
minimal model where they used 2 pooling layer; 2 convolution layer and 2 ReLu layer they called this
model as extended minimal model. And then compare this with LeNet 5. The performance of the
minimal model is 97.3% and extended minimal is 98.50% with epoch 10.

Mujjadded AL Rabbani Alif, Sabbir Ahmed, Muhammad Abdul Hasan [13] et al, in this paper they
proposed a modified ResNet-18 architecture for Bangla handwritten characters. In order to measure the
performance they used two recently introduced large dataset called Bangla lekha-Isolated dataset and
CMARTER db dataset. The image size of this dataset vary from 110*110 to 220*220 pixels.
Handwriting of this dataset is collected from 4 to 27 years age group. In the first experiment, to measure
the performance three optimizers were used namely RMS prop, Adam and SGD on 110*110 inputs then
using Adam they achieve 0.4% and 0.1% performance. In Second experiment they investigate the
performance of proposed method with different dropout rates. Then investigate the performance of

Volume 8, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:262

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

bangla character recognition using several states of art CNN models. They use VGC Net-16, VGC Net-
19, ResNet-18, ResNet-34 and achieve 91.0%, 92.11%, 94.52%, 94.59%.

In this paper, an overview of convolutional neural network and working of all layers is presented. This
survey concludes that the different parameters like dropout, optimizer, learning rates greatly influenced
the efficiency of the CNN architectures. Preprocessing of dataset also consider a major factor behind
the accuracy of the models. Training of network requires a supportive hardware to implement large
dataset efficiently. In some language the characters are differ by only a single dots for that characters it
is necessary to train the network with large amount of dataset so that the network easily recognize the
character for that there is a requirement of high memory and high processing speed to achieve a
efficient network. The articles provided in the literature survey contributes different networks with
different tuning of parameters on different types of dataset which help in achieving efficient network in
future that can even recognize a whole sentence of different handwritten languages.


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Volume 8, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:263

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