Fantasy Age - Bestiary

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Creatures are organized roughly into Threat categories based on the level of PC they are generally a suitable danger to.
Threat Level PC Level Range
Minor Levels 1 – 4
Moderate Levels 5 – 8
Major Levels 9 - 12
Dire Levels 13 – 17
Legendary Levels 18 - 20


ANIMAL, BAT SWARM – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 -3 3
1 3 0 -3 0 0
Bite Hearing
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
2 (17 Fly) 20 13 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Swarm +5 1d6
 Favored stunts: Skirmish
 Echolocation: bats can function normally in total darkness.
 Swarm Attack: a bat swarm covers a sphere 3 yards diameter, and can attack all creatures inside or adjacent to that
sphere on its turn as a single major action.
 Swarm Defense: a bat swarm suffers only 1 point of damage from any sort of attack that targets a single point, save that a
Mighty Blow inflicts 2 points of damage and a Lethal Blow 3 points. Only area attacks, or mystic attacks with a broad
effect, inflict full damage on the swarm

ANIMAL, BEAR – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 6
2 0 6 3
1 -1 Smelling Intimidat. 2
Bite Stamina Claws
Tasting Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
13 60 11 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 1d6+7
Claws +5 2d6+6
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone (1 SP) and Quick Bite (2 SP)
 Quick Bite Stunt: a bear can follow up a successful attack with its claws with a Quick Bite as a special stunt costing 2 SP.
This bite attack must be taken against the same target as the original attack. Doubles on the bite attack roll don’t
generate more stunt points.

ANIMAL, BOAR – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 2 1 3
0 -1 2 -1 2
Stamina Gore Smelling Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
13 35 12 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Gore +4 2d6+3
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 -2 1 4
Stamina 0 2 -2 2
Bite Smelling Intimidat.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
10 (10 Swim) 45 10 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+4
 Favored stunts: Mighty Blow (1 SP)
 Ambush: crocodiles are considered to have the Dexterity (Stealth) focus when submerged (partially or fully).
 Powerful Jaws: crocodiles may perform a Mighty Blow or Lethal Blow stunt with their Bite attack for 1 fewer SP than

ANIMAL, DOG – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 1 Hearing 1
0 2 2 -2 0
Bite Running Smelling Jumping
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
15 15 12 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 1d6+1
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Skirmish
 Loyal: dogs have Willpower 2 and the Willpower (Courage) focus when defending their owners, families, or loved ones.

ANIMAL, EAGLE – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 3 2 3
-2 1 -2 0 1
Bite Flying Claws Seeing
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
4 (18 Fly) 20 13 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 1d6
Claws +4 1d6
 Favored stunts: Pierce Armor, Skirmish

ANIMAL - HORSE – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
0 1 5
-3 Running 0 0 -3 1
Kick Hearing Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
18 45 10 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Kick +2 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Skirmish

ANIMAL, RAT SWARM – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 3 0
-3 1 2 0 -2 0
Bite Smelling Climbing
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 25 12 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Swarm +5 1d6
 Favored stunts: Skirmish
 Nightvision: rats can see in near darkness as if it were normal light.
 Swarm Attack: a rat swarm covers an area with a rough diameter and height of 3 yards, and can attack all creatures inside
or adjacent to that area on its turn as a single major action.
 Swarm Defense: a rat swarm suffers only 1 point of damage from any sort of attack that targets a single point, save that a
Mighty Blow inflicts 2 points of damage and a Lethal Blow 3 points. Only area attacks, or mystic attacks with a broad
effect, inflict full damage on the swarm.

ANIMAL, SHARK – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 4
2 4 2
-3 1 -4 Smelling Intimidat. 2
Bite Swimming Stealth
Tracking Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
17 Swim 40 12 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+5
 Favored stunts: Mighty Blow (1 SP), Skirmish
 Powerful Bite: sharks may perform Mighty Blow or Lethal Blow stunt with their Bite attack for 1 fewer SP than normal.


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 2 1 3
0 -3 3 -3 0
Stealth Grab Smelling Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
9 25 11 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +0 1d3+3
Constrict +4 Special
 Favored stunts: Lightning Attack
 Constrict: a constrictor seeks to grab an opponent until it can lock on and crush the life from it with its Squeeze attack.
This attack does no damage itself, but it renders the target unable to move or act effectively. A successful constrict
restricts a target to one action (major or minor) per turn and gives them a –2 penalty to Defense, Speed, and attacks.
However, the constrictor can only continue to attack the same target if they wish to keep the constrict effects active on
them. A target can free themselves by succeeding in an opposed Strength (Might) test with the constrictor, they may
make one such attempt on each of their turns as a free action. Another successful grab against the same target restricts
the target to no actions other than free actions until the constrictor releases the target. Note: Constrictors make use the
Lightning Attack stunt to make two quick Constrict attacks or a bite and constrict attack in the same turn.
 Squeeze: once a target is constricted to the point it can make no normal actions, the constrictor can begin squeezing the
life from it. This attack automatically hits each round, doing 1d6+6 damage as a Major Action.


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 2 -2
-3 1 Initiative 0 -3 0
Bite Smelling Intimidation
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
10 10 15 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 1d6-2
 Favored stunts: Lightning Attack
 Small Size: a venomous snake’s small size makes them harder to hit and allows them to sneak into places normal sized
being would otherwise not be able to. This is reflected in the abilities, though they may also receive a +2 circumstance
bonus when their small size would be an extra advantage, such a Dexterity (Stealth) tests involving hiding.
 Venomous Bite: if a venomous snake’s bite attack causes damage, it injects venom into a target. The target must make a
TN 12 Constitution (Stamina) test. Failure means the target is poisoned. Poisoned targets suffer a –1 penalty to attack
rolls and their defense rating and take 1d6+1 damage per round (ignoring armor) for 1d6 rounds. The target or an
adjacent ally may make a TN 12 Healing (Intelligence) test and spent two minor actions to reduce this damage by half.
 Venomous Variants: Some snakes have even deadlier venom that does more damage, inflicts higher penalties, and has a
higher TN to resist.
ANIMAL, TIGER – Threat: Moderate
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 5 4 Intimidation
-1 3 -2 Hearing 2
Bite Stealth Claw Climbing
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
15 50 15 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 2d6+4
Claw +6 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow (1 SP), Lightning Attack (3 SP), Lethal Blow
 Nightvision: tigers can see in near darkness as if it were normal light.
 Deadly: tigers can make two claw attacks or one bite attack with a single attack action and they may perform the Lethal
Blow and Lightning Attack stunts for 1 fewer SP than their normal cost.

ANIMAL, WOLF – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 Hearing 3 2
-2 Stamina 2 1 -1
Bite Smelling Intimidat. Morale
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
16 30 12 1
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 1d6+4
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Set-Up
 Nightvision: wolves can see in near darkness as if it were normal light.
 Pack Tactics: if a wolf is attacking with at least three other wolves, it may perform stunts for 1 less SP than normal.

BEASTMAN – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 3 3 3
1 2 1
1 Drinking Axes 0 Hearing Climbing
Brawling Stealth Morale
Stamina Bludgeons Smelling Jumping
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 20 14 (with Medium shield) 3 (Light Leather)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Battle Axe +5 2d6+3
Throwing Spear +3 1d6+6
Fist +3 1d3+3
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow, Threaten
 Talents: Weapon and Shield Style (Novice)
 Bushwackers: beastmen may re-roll Dexterity (Stealth) tests when attempting to surprise/ambush opponents. The results
of the second roll must be kept.

2d6 Roll Beastmen Characteristics

2–3 Slippery: increase Defense by 1 and add Dexterity (Acrobatics) focus.
4–5 Brute: increase Constitution and Strength by 1.
6–8 Tough Hide: provides an Armor Rating of 5.
9 – 10 Claws: add Fighting (Claws) focus. Claws inflict 1d6+3 damage.
11 – 2 Keen Eyes: increase Accuracy by 1 and add Perception (Seeing) focus.
DEEP ONE – Threat: Minor
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 2
2 1 3 2
2 0 2 Polearms Tasting
Swimming Navigation Intimidat. Morale
Spears Smelling
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 (14 Swim) 30 12 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Trident +5 2d6+3
Throwing Spear +5 1d6+6
Claws +3 1d6+3
 Favored stunts: Disarm, Pierce Armor, Dual Strike
 Talents: Pole Weapon Style (Novice)
 Amphibious: deep ones can survive and breathe on both land and underwater. Deep ones must spend at least one hour a
day submerged in water or take 2d6 damage.
 Darkvision: deep ones can see normally in total darkness.
 Frenzied Attack: when deep ones use the All-Out Attack action, they inflict +2 damage but suffer a –2 Defense.
 Quick Bite Stunt: a deep one can perform a special Quick Bite stunt for 2 SP, that allows it to make a bite attack against
the same target. This attack does not generate stunt points. The bite has an attack roll of +4 and inflicts 1d6+3 damage.

DEMON, IMP – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 3 2 3
Bite 0 0 0 2
Deception Stealth Arcane L. Hearing
Magic Bolt
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
8 (14 Fly) 20 15 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 1d6
Magic Bolt +3 1d6+2
 Favored stunts: Lend Power (2+ SP), Skirmish (1+ SP), Set Up (2 SP)
 Helpful Familiar: the imp can perform the Set Up stunt for 2 SP instead of three. This stunt is particularly useful when
used to Set Up a spellcasting test. The ally gains a +3 to their spellcasting roll instead of the usual +2.
 Lend Power Stunt: for every 2 stunt points the imp spends, it gives an ally 1 SP to use on their next spell casting.
 Magic Bolt: the bolt has a range of 16 yards, and deals 1d6+2 damage.
 Small Size: an imp’s small size makes it harder to hit and allows it to sneak into places normal-sized beings would
otherwise not be able to. This is reflected in their abilities, though they may also receive a +2 circumstance bonus when
their small size would be an extra advantage, such as Dexterity (Stealth) tests involving hiding in small spaces.

DEMON LORD - Threat: Dire

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 3 7 Axes 7 5
2 Historic. L. 1
Brawling Leadership Stamina Bludgeons Intimidat. Courage
Military L.
Heavy B.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
10 (14 Fly) 130 12 8
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Greatsword / Greataxe +7 4d6+7
Unarmed +4 1d6+10
 Favored Stunts: Aura of Terror (4 SP), Mighty Blow (1 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP), Dual Strike (4 SP)
 Armored Hide: demon´s skin this protects against all damage, even that not normally stopped by armor.
 Aura of Terror Stunt: as a special 4 SP stunt, the demon can terrify its foes. All foes of the demon within 15 yards are
targeted, and must make an opposed test of Willpower (Courage) versus the demon lord’s Strength (Intimidation). If the
target fails, they cannot attack on their next turn, and must instead choose Defend or Run as their major action.
 Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts used against a demon lord require 1 extra SP in order to work. Weapons sized for
the demon lord do additional 1d6 damage beyond human-sized weapons (their unarmed attacks do a base 1d6+3
damage before the demon’s usual Strength bonus.
 Demonic Regeneration: when in its own hellish realm, cursed or evil location the Demon Lord can regenerate Health each
turn equal to its Willpower. If in the presence of other lesser demons under its command or cultists who have pledged
their souls to the demon lord, it may also take a minor action to transfer up to Willpower x4 (20) Health per turn to
themselves from a subordinate within 10 yards. Any creature reduced to 0 health by this are destroyed and cannot be
resurrected or restored by any known means.
 Eldritch Burst: As a minor action, the demon lord can unleash an aura of eldritch fire that does 2d6+4 damage to
everyone adjacent to the demon, and may set flammable items worn or carried by the target on fire. If a target makes a
TN 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test, they only take half damage.
 Talents: Command (Master), Two Hander Style (Journeyman)

DEMON, SEDUCER – Threat: Dire

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 Arcane
Arcane 4 3 1 Lore 2 2 4
Blast Shadow
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
13 75 13 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +1 1d6+3
Arcane Blast +3 1d6+4
 Favored Stunts: And Another Thing (1 SP), Defensive Stance, Flirt, Entrancing Words (2 SP), Mighty Spell, Stunned Silence
(2 SP), Terrifying Mien (3 SP)
 Spellpower: 14 (16 for Shadow Arcana) Magic Points: 35
 Darkvision: the seducer demon can see normally in total darkness.
 Terrifying Mien Stunt: for 3 SP per target, the demon frightens a target by revealing its demonic nature. The target must
succeed at a Willpower (Courage) test with a Target Number equal to 10 + the demon’s Communication. If the target
fails, they cannot attack on their next turn, but can take a Move or Defend action.
 Demonic Disguise: seducer demons can change their outward appearance with a minor action, providing them a +2
circumstance bonus to any Communication (Disguise) or Communication (Deception) test to appear as a humanoid of any
desired size, shape, race, age, or gender. They often use this power to appear in as pleasing a form as possible to a target,
providing a circumstantial bonus of +2 to Communication (Seduction) and Communication (Persuasion) tests.
 Demonic Hide: demon´s skin this protects against all damage, even that not normally stopped by armor.
 Entrancing Words Stunt: for 2 SP per target affected, the demon speaks attempting to distract them with honeyed words.
The target must succeed at an opposed Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. the demon’s Communication (Deception).
Failure means the target suffers a –3 penalty to any attacks against, or to any opposed rolls against the demon until the
end of the encounter. The seducer demon can only use this ability on a target once per encounter.
 Spells: Arcane Lantern, Flame Blast, Shadow Dagger, Shadow’s Embrace, Veil of Darkness, Shadow Slip
 Talents: Intrigue (Master)

DEMON, SOLDIER – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 0 5 3 5
1 1 1 2
Bite Stamina Claws Intimidat.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
13 40 11 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +3 2d6+5
Claw +5 1d6+6
 Favored stunts: Dual Strike, Mighty Blow
 Armored Hide: demon´s skin this protects against all damage, even that not normally stopped by armor.
 Darkvision: the soldier demon can see perfectly in total darkness.
 Tooth & Claw: The soldier demon can make a bite and claw attack with a single attack action. Each attack check is rolled
separately and can generate stunt points.
DEMON, STALKER – Threat: Moderate
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
4 5
0 4 2 1 Seeing 3 0
Light B. Stealth
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
15 (17 Climb) 35 15 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+3
Dagger +6 1d6+4
 Favored stunts: Pierce Armor, Seize the Initiative, Lethal Blow
 Pinpoint Attack: once per round, the assassin demon can add 1d6 to the damage of a successful attack if its Dexterity is
greater than its opponent’s.
 Talents: Dual Weapon Style (Novice), Scouting (Novice)
 Armored Hide: demon´s skin this protects against all damage, even that not normally stopped by armor.
 Darkvision: the assassin demon can see normally in total darkness.
 Murderer’s eye: the assassin demon is implacable when it has fixated on its target. With an Activate action, the assassin
demon can mark a visible target within 10 yards as its prey. The assassin demon gains +1 to attempts to track or pursue
the target, as well as a +1d6 to damage against that target. This lasts until the end of the encounter, until the target is
dead, or until the demon chooses to use another Activate to mark a different target. The demon cannot focus on more
than one prey at a time.
 Natural Climber: the demon can climb up and cling to walls without making a climb test, moving at half of its speed.
 Equipment: enchanted dagger (Pierce Armor stunt with dagger ignores AR instead of halving it).


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 4 2 8
0 8 5
Bite 2 Claw 0 Hearing Intimidat.
Stamina Courage
Breath W. Tail Bash Seeing Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 (15 Fly) 180 12 9
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+8
Claw +6 1d6+9
Tail Bash +6 1d6+9
Fire Gout +6 3d6+2
 Favored stunts: Dual Strike (3 SP), Knock Prone (1 SP), Mighty Blow (1 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP), and Tail Bash (2 SP).
 Buffet: as a minor action a dragon can flap its wings and buffet nearby creatures. Anyone within 4 yards of the dragon
must make a successful TN 15 Strength (Might) test or be knocked back 1d6 yards. Those that fail their tests and have a
Stunt Die result of 1 or 2 are also knocked prone.
 Breath Weapon: a dragon can spew flame, ice, or some other element either in a wide arc (4 yards long and 6 yards wide)
or a narrow stream (8 yards long and 2 yards wide) as a major action. Those caught in the area take 3d6 penetrating
damage, or 1d6+3 penetrating damage if a successful TN 18 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test is made.
 Fire Gout: a dragon can spit a gout of flame as a ranged attack with a short range of 6 yards and a long range of 12 yards.
For 2 SP, a dragon can spread the flames to cover an area of 8-yard diameter centered on the original target. Targets
other than the primary target who fall inside this area can make an opposed Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Dexterity (Fire
Gout) test to take only half damage.
 Fire Resistance: a dragon suffers no damage from fire-based attacks.
 Large and in Charge: few creatures compare to the size and strength of a dragon. It is immune to the combat stunts
Skirmish and Knock Prone except by other large creatures. It also treats enemies up to 4 yards away as adjacent.
 Roar: a dragon can roar as a major action. All enemies within 24 yards must make a TN 15 Willpower (Courage) test.
Those that fail cannot take any major action except run.
 Tail Bash: as a special 2 SP stunt, a dragon can make a tail bash attack against any adjacent opponent. Rolling doubles on
this attack does not generate stunt points.
 Tooth and Claw: a dragon can attack with claw and a bite as a single major action. Both attacks can generate SP.
DRAGONKIN, WYRM – Threat: Moderate
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 4 2
5 8 3
Bite 0 2 Claw 0 Seeing
Running Might Courage
Fire Gout Tail Strike Tracking
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
16 50 12 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+5
Claw +4 2d6+5
Tail Strike +6 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Pierce Armor, Rake (2 SP), and Tail Blow (3 SP).
 Fire Gout: a wyrm can spit a gout of flame as a ranged attack with a short range of 6 yards and a long range of 12 yards.
For 2 SP, a wyrm can spread the flames to cover an area of 8-yard diameter centered on the original target. Targets other
than the primary target who fall inside this area can make an opposed Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Dexterity (Fire Gout) test
to take only half damage.
 Fire Resistance: a wyrm suffers no damage from fire-based attacks.
 Rake: a wyrm can perform a special Rake stunt for 2 SP following a successful claw attack. The creature makes an
additional, raking claw attack against the same target. Doubles on the raking attack do not generate stunt points.
 Tail Blow: a wyrm can perform the Knock Prone and Mighty Blow stunts simultaneously for 3 SP by striking a lashing blow
with its tail.


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
4 2
2 7 6 3
0 2 Claw 0 Hearing
Bite Stamina Intimidat. Courage
Tail Bash Seeing
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 (15 Fly) 90 11 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+6
Claw +4 1d6+7
Tail Lash +6 1d6+7
 Favored stunts: Skirmish (1+SP), Tail Lash (1+SP), Rake (2 SP), and Inject Venom (3 SP).
 Rake: A wyvern can perform a special rake stunt for 2 SP following a successful bite attack. The creature makes an
additional claw attack against any adjacent target. Doubles on the rake attack do not generate stunt points.
 Quick Skirmisher: a wyvern automatically generates 1 SP each turn to put toward the Skirmish stunt. It can only move
itself with this free stunt point and these free points do not accumulate from turn to turn. It may move itself or its foes
with stunt points generated by the Dragon Die as usual.
 Inject Venom: as a 3 SP stunt, a wyvern that succeeds on a bite attack can inject its venom in a target. The target must
make a TN 12 Constitution (Stamina) test. Failure means the target is poisoned and suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls and
their defense rating and take 1d6+1 damage per round (ignoring armor) for 1d6 rounds. The target or an adjacent ally
may make a TN 12 Healing (Intelligence) test and spent two minor actions to reduce this damage by half.
 Tail Lash: with a tail lash attack, a wyvern can perform the Knock Prone stunt for 1 SP each against any number of
adjacent targets it can afford to pay for with stunt points. Targets can also be pushed 2 yards away as per the Skirmish
stunt, if the stunt-point budget permits.

ELEMENTAL. AIR – Threat: moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
6 2 3
Wind -2 0 2 2 2
Stealth Slam Hearing
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
16 (Fly) 25 16 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Slam +4 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack, Seize the Initiative
 Wind Buffet: as a minor action an air elemental can create a powerful gust of wind to batter nearby creatures. Anyone
within 4 yards of the elemental must attempt an opposed test of their Strength (Might) vs. the elemental’s Accuracy
(Wind Buffet). Those that fail their test and have a Stunt Die result of 1 or 2 are also knocked prone.
 Air Whip: anyone the elemental hits with a Slam or Wind Buffet ability must succeed at a TN 12 Strength (Might) test or
have the weapon knocked a number of yards away equal to the Stunt Die on the air elemental’s attack or ability roll.
 Ethereal: air elementals are ethereal, being comprised of dense air itself. They ignore the effects of terrain. Normally only
magical attacks (spells or hits from magical weapons) can harm them; other attacks pass through their forms without
effect. A character attacking an air elemental can perform a special stunt called Spirit Bane for 3 SP, however. The
character then inflicts normal weapon damage but substitutes Willpower for Strength or Perception.

ELEMENTAL, EARTH – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
4 2 4
0 -2 2 -3 Hearing 1
Stamina Slam Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
10 (10 Climb / Borrow) 45 12 8
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Slam +4 2d6+4
 Favored stunts: Mighty Blow, Defensive Stance, Knock Prone
 Blind: earth elementals are effectively blind, but can detect motion by sensing vibrations in the ground.
 Stone Roots: any creature that starts its turn on the ground within 2 yards of an earth elemental must make a Strength
(Might) check of 18 or more, or be unable to move their feet as the ground attempts to root them in place.

ELEMENTAL, FIRE – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 0 0
-2 1 4 1 -3 3
Fire Bolt Initimidat. Courage
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
10 (10 Climb / Borrow) 45 12 8
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Fire Bolt +5 1d6+4
 Favored stunts: Pierce Armor, Set Aflame, Skirmish
 Flame Blast: as a major action, a fire elemental can cast Flame Blast without using mana or requiring a casting roll. As this
does not have a casting roll, it does not generate stunt points.
 Fire Bolt: as a major action, a fire elemental can throw a bolt of fire up to 26 yards as a ranged attack.
 Fire shield: if attacked by wooden weapons, this Armor Rating is increased to 8.
 Set Aflame stunt: a fire elemental can set aflame one or more of its targets of Fire Bolt. This is a special stunt for 2 SP per
target to be affected (not all targets of the attack need be affected). The target takes 1d6 penetrating damage at the start
of each of its turns until they or another character within 2 yards put out the fire by spending a minor action.

ELEMENTAL, WATER – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 3
0 -2 0 Acrobatics 3 Water 1 3
Stealth whip
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
13 (13 Swim) 45 13 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Water Whip +5 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Skirmish, Mighty Blow
 Free Flowing: a water elemental is immune to the Skirmish and Knock Prone stunts.
 Slippery Customer: any enemies of the water elemental which end their turn within 2 yards of it must make a TN 12
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone as water pushes and pulls around their legs.
 Fluid Nature: a water elemental may contort its body to fit itself through any gap wider than one centimeter as a major
action. Once on the other side, however, it must return to its natural state.
 Watery: if fully submerged in water, the water elemental is invisible.
 Water Whip: the elemental can lash out with a watery tendril at any target within 3 yards using its Intelligence (Water
Whip) to attack. This attack does 1d6 + 2 + Strength damage (normally 1d6+5)

GIANT – Threat: Major

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
9 3
0 6 Axes 2
-1 -1 0 Intimidat. Courage
Brawling Stamina Bludgeons Smelling
Might Morale
Heavy B.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
11 80 9 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Large Club +4 2d6+9
Unarmed +2 1d6+11
 Favored stunts: Dual Strike (3 SP), Mighty Blow (1 SP), Slam (3 SP). Threaten
 Giant-sized: due to their large size and reach, giants are immune to the combat stunts Skirmish and Knock Prone except
by other large creatures. It also treats enemies up to 3 yards away as adjacent. Also, weapons scaled to a giant’s size do
an additional 1d6 damage compared to their normal-sized counterparts (their fists do 1d6+2 base damage).
 Slam: for 3 SP, giants can pound the ground with earth-shattering force, knocking over those nearby. All targets within a 5
yard radius of the giant must make an opposed test of their Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. the giant’s Strength (Might) or
suffer 1d3 penetrating damage and be knocked prone.

GIANT RAT – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 2 2 2
-3 1 1 -2 Intimidat.
Bite Stealth Touch Morale
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 35 14 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 2d6+3

GIANT SPIDER – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 -2 2 4 2
2 -3 1 1
Bite Stamina Stealth Smelling
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 12 12 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 1d6+1
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone and Mighty Blow.
 Swarm Tactics: a giant rat can perform Swarm Tactics as a special stunt costing 3 SP. This stunt allows any other giant rat
adjacent to the target to make an immediate attack. Rolling doubles on these bonus attacks does not generate stunt
points. Giant rats that haven’t taken their turns yet this round can still take their actions as normal even after benefiting
from Swarm Tactics.

GIANT SQUID – Threat: Major

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 0 2 6
-4 Stamina -2 1 2
Bite Stealth Tentacle Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
15 Swim 80 10 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +3 2d6+6
Tentacle +4 1d6+8
 Favored stunts: Dual Attack, Tentacle Grab (2 SP)
 Ink Cloud: a squid can spray an inky cloud underwater that covers 10 yards in diameter. This cloud blinds all within it,
making them unable to see clearly until it dissipates (1d3 rounds).
 Tentacle Grab Stunt: a giant squid can use Tentacle Grab as a special 2 SP stunt. If the giant squid wins an opposed
Strength (Might) test, the target cannot move and suffers a -2 penalty to ability tests and Defense. A grabbed target can
attempt to break free as a minor action.

GOBLIN – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
0 4
Bows 1 1 0 1 0 1
Light B.
Thrown W
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 15 14 3 (Light Leader)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Short Sword +5 1d6+2
Throwing Spear +5 1d6+3
 Favored stunts: Lightning Attack, Skirmish
 Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark as if it were daylight.
 Pack Tactics: if a goblin is attacking with at least three other goblins, they may perform stunts for 1 less SP than normal.

GOLEM – Threat: Moderate (or higher depending on materials used)

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 8 3 6 4
-1 -1 2 0
Brawling Stamina Searching Might Self-Disci.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
9 60 9 Varies (see Built Tough)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Fist +3 2d6+7
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow
 Construct: golems don’t need to eat, breathe, or sleep.
 Built Tough: golems AR depends on the materials it is made of: Wood: AR 4; Earth/Clay: AR 6; Stone AR 8; Iron AR 10.
 Resistance: a golem takes half damage (before applying AR) from any nonmagical attacks. The golem also gains resistance
against natural elemental attacks which the materials used in its construction are strongly resistant to (stone resists fire,
earth resists electricty, and so on).
 Vulnerability: a golem takes double damage (before applying AR) from any attacks, natural or magical, that the materials
used in its construction are especially vulnerable to (wood is vulnerable to fire, stone is vulnerable to intense vibrations,
and so on).

GNOLL – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 3 3 3
2 2 1 3
Running Acrobatics Claws Smelling 1
Bite Deception Natural L. Jumping
Stamina Stealth Spears Tracking
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
15 25 13 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Claws +5 1d6+4
Bite +4 1d6+3
Spear +5 1d6+6
 Favored stunts: Mighty Blow, Quick Bite (2 SP), Seize the Initiative (2 SP)
 Talents: Scouting (Journeyman)
 Darkvision: gnolls can see normally in total darkness.
 Quick Bite Stunt: a gnoll can perform a special Quick Bite stunt for 2 SP, which allows them to make a bite attack against
the same target. This attack does not generate stunt points.
 Tough Hide: gnolls have a natural AR of 3.
 They can use armor and shield (not included in the stats).

GRIFFON – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 5
3 3 3 4
1 4 1 Sight Intimidation
Bite Stamina Claws Courage
Hearing Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
16 Fly 75 14 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 2d6+5
Claws +5 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Defensive Stance, Dual Strike, Lethal Blow, Threaten
 Flurry of Claws: the griffon may make a claw attack as a minor action.


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 1
Light B. 1 -1 2 0 0 0
Stealth Seeing
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
13 15 13 3 (Light Leather)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Crossbow +4 2d6+2
Dagger +4 1d6+1
 Favored stunts: Pierce Armor, Rapid Reload, and Skirmish.

HUMAN, GUARD / THUG – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 2 1 1
Light B. 1 2 0 1
Stealth Heavy B. Intimidat. Morale
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
11 15 11 3 (Light Leather)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Short Bow +4 1d6+2
Long Sword +4 2d6+1
Dagger +4 1d6+2
 Favored stunts: Skirmish, Knock Prone
 Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Single Weapon Style (Novice)


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 1 2 1 1 3
Light B. 2 1
Leadership Stealth Heavy B. Searching Intimidat. Morale
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
1 28 12 4 (Heavy Leather)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Short Bow +4 1d6+2
Long Sword +4 2d6+1
Dagger +4 1d6+2
 Favored stunts: Advance (2 SP) Disarm, Seize the Initiative, and Taunt.
 Battle Leader: an ally within 2 yards of a battle leader gains a +1 bonus on Willpower tests, and +1 SP whenever stunt
points are generated. An ally can’t benefit from more than one battle leader.
 Advance: a brigand lieutenant can reposition their allies as a special stunt for 2 SP. A number of allies equal to their
Communication (+2 if he has the Leadership focus) within 12 yards can move 2 yards in any direction.
 Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Single Weapon Style (Novice)
HUMAN MAGE – Threat: Minor
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
Arcane B. 1 1 1 0 2 0 2
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
11 15 11 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Arcane Blast +3 1d6+2
Quarterstaff +2 1d6+1
Depending on the mage type, it will have the following characteristics:
 Attack Mage
 Pick 2 of the following Magic Talents and its Focuses: Earth, Fire or Lightning Arcana.
 Willpower (Courage).
 Favored Stunts: Powerful Casting, Mighty Spell, Split Spell, Lethal Spell.
 Support Mage
 Pick 2 of the following Magic Talents and its Focuses: Fate, Healing or Heroic Arcana.
 Communication (Leadership).
 Favored Stunts: Skillful Casting, Magic Shield, Split Spell, Disrupt Magic.
 Nature Mage
 Pick 2 of the following Magic Talents and its Focuses: Earth, Healing or Wood Arcana.
 Perception (Seeing).
 Favored Stunts: Powerful Casting, Mighty Spell, Skillful Casting, Imposing Spell.

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 1
2 1 1
1 Bargaining 0 1 Seeing 1
Drinking Evaluation Morale
Persuasion Tasting

MANTICORE – Threat: Major

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
-1 5 3 2 5 2
Bite 2 -1
Stamina Claw Smelling Intimidat. Courage
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 70 12 6
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 1d6+6
Claw +5 1d6+6
Sting +5 2d6+6
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow, Poison Sting (2 SP)
 Poison Sting stunt: a manticore can inject poison as a special stunt costing 2 SP. The victim suffers a –3 penalty to
Dexterity, Fighting, and Accuracy until the end of the encounter or until they receive magical healing.
 Tooth & Claw: a manticore can make one bite and one claw attack as a single attack action. Both of these attacks can
generate stunt points.

MINOTAUR – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
4 6
2 2 3
0 5 2 Axes -1 Intimidat.
Brawling Smelling Morale
Pole Wea. Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 75 12 4 (6 with armor)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Halberd +6 3d6+9
Gore +4 2d6+6
Fist +4 1d6+6
 Favored stunts: Lightning Attack, Lethal Blow
 Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Pole Weapon Style (Novice)
 Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts used against minotaurs require 1 additional SP than normal to work. Also, minotaur-
sized weapons do additional 1d6 damage over their human-sized counterparts.
 Blood Rage: when minotaurs lose more than half of their Health, they go into a blood rage. For the remainder of the
encounter, they can perform the Lightning Attack stunt for –1 SP and they can use it twice on the same attack (so for 4 SP
total, they can make two extra attacks). However, minotaurs in a blood rage take a –2 penalty to their attack rolls,
Defense, and to all Perception tests.
 Gore: when minotaurs use the charge action, they can choose to gore an opponent with their horns instead of making a
normal attack. Opponents halve their Armor Rating vs. a gore attack and must win an opposed strenGth (miGht) test or
be pushed straight backward 2 yards.
 Tough hide: minotaurs have a natural Armor Rating of 4, though most wear a patchwork of armor for AR 6.

NIGHTGAUNT – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 3 3 3 4 Climb
-1 -1 2
Bite Stamina Initiative Claws Hearing Intimidat.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
8 (16 Fly) 50 13 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+4
Claws +5 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Enclose (3 SP), Mighty Blow, Swoop (4 SP)
 Attack Limitations: nightgaunts cannot use their bite attack when airborne. They must land on a surface or target first.
 Sonic Sight: the nighgaunt can operate in darkness as if it were daylight and sense hidden attackers and objects within 20
yards unless they are behind or near stationary objects that can hide their presence.
 Screech: the nightgaunt can spend a major action to let loose a terrifying screech. Every target within 10 yards of the
nighgaunt who can hear this screech must succeed in a tn 14 WillPoWer (CouraGe) test or suffer a –1 penalty to attack
and defense rolls when fighting the nightgaunt for the rest of the encounter. If a target succeeds in this test they do not
need to test against any future screech attempts during the encounter.
 Enclose: for 3 SP, the nightgaunt can wrap a target in its wings, preventing it from moving and imposing a –4 penalty to
any attacks the target attempts to make until the target breaks free by spending a major action and succeeding in an
opposed Strength (Might) test. Any bite attacks the nightgaunt attempts on the target while it is enclosed have a +2
attack and additional 1d6 damage. A nightgaunt can only enclose one target at a time and cannot move while so doing.
 Swoop stunt: for 4 SP a nightgaunt may grab a target and take to the air with it. In addition to the normal damage for the
attack, the nightgaunt may immediately fly itself and its target 8 yards in any direction. A grabbed target has a –2 penalty
on all its attack tests and damage rolls. A target may break free from the nightgaunt’s grip by spending a major action in
an opposed Strength (Might) test. If it succeeds, it can free themselves from the nightgaunts’s clutches, but will fall to the
ground unless somehow prevented from doing so. A nightgaunt can drop a grabbed target at any time.
 Rake: a nightgaunt can make one bite or two claw attacks with a major action. Each attack can generate stunt points.

OGRE (3 to 6 meters tall) – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 6
0 -1 Axes
6 0 -1 Smelling Intimidat. 1
Brawling Bludgeons
Tracking Might
Heavy B.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 60 10 2 (7 with armor)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Maul +4 2d6+9
Unarmed +2 1d6+6
 Favored stunts: Lethal Blow (4 SP), Knock Prone, Mighty Blow (1 SP), Threaten
 Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts used against ogres require 1 additional SP than normal to work. Also, ogre-sized
weapons do an additional 1d6 damage over their human-sized counterparts.
 Savage Killers: ogres can perform the Mighty and Lethal Blow stunts for –1 SP. They also gain a +2 attack and damage
bonus against any target who doesn’t succeed in a contested Willpower (Courage) vs. the ogre’s Strength (Intimidation)
at the beginning of an encounter.

NYMPH – Threat: Major

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 2 4
Persuasion Drinking Acrobat. 0 1 4 1 4
Seduction Endurance Stealth
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 40 14 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Elemental Touch +3 1d6+4
 Favored stunts: Dazzling Spirit (2 SP), Lightning Attack (3 SP), Taunt (2 SP)
 Spellpower: 13 Magic Points: 30
 Spells: Healing Touch, Hero’s Inspiration
 Dazzling Spirit Stunt: as a special stunt, the Nymph can reveal a glimpse of the elemental spirit that is embodied in its
mortal form. This glimpse is beautiful and powerful enough to disorient the nymph’s foes. This costs 2 SP per target
affected. The target must make an opposed test of their Perception (Seeing) vs. the Nymph’s Willpower. Any target that
fails suffers a –4 to the next test they make.
 Irresistible Dance: the Nymph’s uncanny grace is captivating and enchanting. As a major action, a nymph can attempt to
enthrall mortals with her dance. The nymph must use a major action each turn that she wishes to continue dancing. As
long as the nymph is dancing, all targets able to see her must succeed at an opposed Willpower (Self-Control) test vs. the
Nymph’s Communication (Seduction) in order to take any major action other than dancing with the nymph.
 Elemental Touch: the nymph’s magical nature allows her to make her touch potentially deadly to foes. This effect will
generally match the nymph’s elemental type. Dryads might manifest thorns, while an air nymph might wrap her hands in
crackling lightning or searing radiance.
 Protective Aura: the nymph’s elemental nature gives it an Armor Rating of 3. The mystical nature of this armor protects
against all damage, even damage that is not normally stopped by armor.
 While nymphs share some basic stats and abilities, there are a number of different types of nymphs, based on the
element they are most closely connected to:
Air / Wind Nymphs
 Flight: while they do not have wings, air nymphs gain flying movement equal to their normal speed.
 Spells: Protective Winds, Voices on the Wind, Wind Blast
Mountain Nymphs
 Armored: Mountain nymphs add 2 to their Armor Rating
 Spells: Rock Blast, Earth Speed, Earthquake
Water Nymphs
 Aquatic: water nymphs can breathe underwater, and swim at their normal speed.
 Spells: Arcane Spring, Water Whip, Water Wall
Wood Nymphs
 Blending: wood nymphs gain a +2 to any dexterity (stealth) checks based on hiding or avoiding being seen, as
they blend into the woods around them.
 Spells: Forest Blend, Regrowth, Ensnaring Root

ORC – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 0 0 Axes 3
Drinking 0 1 1
Bows Stealth Bludgeons Intimidat.
Heavy B.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
8 30 10 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Battle Axe +4 2d6+3
Long Sword +4 2d6+3
 Favored stunts: Mighty Blow, Skirmish
 Talents: Armor Training (Novice)
 Equipment: Battle Axe or Longsword, Light Mail


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 3
3 2
Bite 0 Axes 2
Stamina 2 0 Smelling 3
Bows Bludgeons (Morale)
Swimming Tracking
Brawling Spears
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 30 12 (14 with shield) 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Mace +5 2d6+3
Short Bow +4 1d6+3
Spear +5 1d6+6
Bite +4 1d6+3
 Favored stunts: Bite (2 SP), Skirmish
 Quick Bite stunt: serpentfolk can deliver a bite attack as a special stunt costing 2 SP. This bite attack must be taken against
the same target as the original attack. Doubles on the bite attack roll do not generate more stunt points.
 Talents: Scouting (Novice), Weapon and Shield Style (Novice)
 Equipment: Mace, Medium Shield, Short Bow, Spear

SLIME – Threat: Minor to Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 4 -2
-4 2 -4 Hearing 2 -2
Brawling Stamina Stealth
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
6 25 8 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Pseudopod +4 1d6+2
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack, Mighty Blow
 Blindsight: the slime is blind and senses its world by touch and vibration. It can perceive anything within 10 yards of it
that is moving or making noise. A creature must make a successful TN 11 Willpower (Self-Discipline) test to remain still
enough that the slime cannot sense its presence. The slime is immune to being blinded or deafened.
 Formless Body: a slime is able to absorb blows and heal cuts quickly. It has a natural AR 5.
 Strange Life Form: a slime does not experience emotions, is unintelligent, and ignores some physical hazards. The slime is
immune to any effect targeting a creature’s mind. The slime is never considered prone, can’t drown, and never tires.
 A slime can be altered in many different ways to create a unique opponent. Add one or more abilities to make something
new and unusual to keep your players guessing.
 Bashing: pseudopod attack deals additional 1d6 damage. A slime may be given this option up to two times.
 Blending: the slime looks like rock, pile of decaying matter, patch of mold, a puddle of liquid, etc. that might be
overlooked. The slime gains +2 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks based on hiding or avoiding being seen.
 Corrosive: a corrosive slime spreads across its target’s flesh, burning with acidic secretions. After a successful
attack a corrosive slime does 1d6 penetrating damage every round on its turn until driven or scraped off. A
corrosive slime that takes damage from fire or salt retreats from its victim. Scraping the corrosive slime off
takes an object (like a blade) to scrape with and costs the victim or an adjacent ally a major action.
 Constricting: a constricting slime gains the Strength (Might) focus and can make an Accuracy (Brawling) attack
as a major action. On a hit, the constricting slime grabs the target and squeezes. The slime can keep constricting
as a minor action and inflict 1d6+Str (1d6+2) penetrating damage without making an attack roll. To escape, a
victim must use a major action to make an opposed Strength (Might) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs. the
constricting slime’s Strength (Might). An adjacent ally can also perform a special 2 SP stunt to free the victim
 Larger or Smaller: slimes come in all sizes. In order to make a smaller slime, subtract 1 from Accuracy,
Constitution, Strength (and its attack bonus and damage because of the reduced Strength), subtract 1 from its
Speed, and reduce its starting Health rating by 10. To create a larger slime, add 1 (or 2 for an even larger
specimen) to the same abilities listed previously and increase its starting Health rating by 20 (or 40). A larger
slime is immune to the Skirmish stunt. If a larger or smaller slime has any variant abilities, adjust the TNs of
those abilities by the same amount as their Accuracy, Constitution, Strength, and Speed were.
 Magic Eater when a magic eater slime damages a mage or other being that has magic points, that target loses
1d6+2 MP and the magic eater slime recovers the same amount of health. Additionally, a magic eater slime can
sense creatures that have magic points and target them before any other opponent.
 Paralyzing: a paralyzing slime is covered in a compound that numbs the nervous system of anyone with which it
comes into contact. When it hits with a pseudopod attack or is attacked barehanded, the character in contact
with it must succeed on a TN 12 Constitution (Stamina) test or become stunned. On their next turn, the stunned
character cannot take a major action; they are restricted to only a single minor action, which they must spend
to make another TN 12 Constitution (Stamina) test. If they fail, they must make another test on their next turn.
If they succeed, they may act normally on their next turn.
 Reeking: a reeking slime gives off a foul, choking odor. Any creature adjacent to the slime must succeed in a TN
12 Constitution (Stamina) test. All creatures who fail suffer a –2 penalty to all tests and Defense until the end of
their next turn. Any creatures who succeed on the test aren’t affected by a reeking slime for 1 hour.
 Vulnerability: the slime has a weakness to a substance or element. The vulnerability is up to the gamemaster,
but a burning slime may have a vulnerability to water and cold, a freezing slime may have a vulnerability to fire,
a shocking slime would have a vulnerability to lighting (overloading its system), and so on. The slime takes an
additional 1d6 of damage and its Armor Rating is halved against the effect to which it is vulnerable. Its Armor
Rating is eliminated completely if the attacker uses the Pierce Armor stunt on the attack.
 Wall Crawler: The slime can move up walls and even on ceilings.


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 7 2 2
-2 0 3 -1 Intimidat.
Bite Stamina Smelling Courage
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 150 10 7
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 3d6+9
Tail Swipe +3 (special) 1d6+10
 Favored stunts: Mighty Blow (1 SP), Pinning Stomp (2 SP)
 Primordial Giant: a t-rex is immune to the combat stunt Knock Prone and Skirmish stunt, except by other large creatures.
It treats enemies up to 3 yards away as adjacent.
 Roar: as a major action, the t-rex roars out and all enemies within 30 yards must make an opposed test of Willpower
(Courage) vs. the t-rex’s Strength (Intimidation). Those that fail suffer –2 to Defense, Speed, and attack rolls until the end
of the encounter. Characters may to shake off this effect with a TN 15 Willpower (Courage) test as a minor action.
 Pinning Stomp Stunt: as a special 2 SP stunt, the t-rex knocks over an adjacent foe and pins them to the ground with its
massive foot. Targets of the stunt are knocked prone, and cannot move without freeing themselves first. At the start of a
target’s turn, they take 1d6+7 penetrating damage, from the t-rex’s weight. The target may, as a minor action, make an
opposed Strength (Might) test. If they succeed, they have managed to force their way free, and may immediately stand or
move up to half of their Speed. Any actions that cause the t-rex to move will also free the target.
 Tail Swipe: as a major action, the t-rex may sweep its tail, making an attack against every non-flying, non-prone character
within 3 yards of the monster in an 180-degree arc behind it. Each character in this arc is the target of a single attack that
is applied to each target’s Defense and Armor Rating individually. Stunt Points generated by this attack cannot be used for
the Lightning Attack or Dual Strike stunts, but for 4 SP the t-rex can expand the arc of its attack, affecting all targets
standing within 3 yards of it in a 360-degree arc
TREEMAN – Threat: Major
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
0 8 1 4 2 7
1 -1 3
Brawling Stamina Bludgeons Natural L. Touching Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
7 75 9 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Limb Bash +3 2d6+7
 Favored stunts: Crush (3 SP), Dual Strike (3 SP), Mighty Blow (2 SP)
 Big and Rooted: any attempt to use Skirmish or Knock Prone stunts on it requires 2 extra stunt points.
 Thick Bark: the thick bark and woody flesh of the treeman give it an Armor Rating of 5. Older treemen may have even
thicker and tougher trunks and branches, affording them an Armor Rating of 6 or greater.
 Massive Limbs: the treeman can use his branch-like arms to bash foes, attacking with Fighting (Bludgeons). This attack
does 2d6 base damage and allows the treeman to use the Dual-Strike stunt for 3 SP instead of its usual cost of 4 SP.
 Vulnerable to Fire: treemen are vulnerable to fire. They have Armor Rating 2 against any fire based attack, and the attack
deals an additional 1d6 damage. If the attacker uses Pierce Armor stunt with a fire-based attack, the treeman gets no
armor rating at all. In addition, an attacker with a fire-based weapon can use a special 2 SP stunt to set the treeman on
fire. While on fire, the treeman suffers 1d6 penetrating damage at the start of its turn, until it is put out.
 Root Grab: as a major action, the treeman can attempt to snare all opponents within four yards, using its roots to grab
and hold them. The treeman makes a single Accuracy (Brawling) roll, and each target rolls Dexterity (Acrobatics) opposing
it. Successful targets avoid being grabbed. All other targets are unable to move from their current spot unless they make
a TN 15 Strength (Might) test, as a major action, to free themselves.
 Crush Stunt: As a special 3 SP stunt, the treeman can grab a human-sized or smaller target and crush it in its branchlike
hands, inflicting 1d6+7 penetrating damage. A target can attempt to escape with an opposed Strength (Might) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs. the treeman’s Strength (MiGht), as a major action. An adjacent ally can also free the victim
with a special 2 SP stunt. If the target fails to escape, the treeman may use a major action to maintain the crush on
subsequent rounds, inflicting another 1d6+7 damage. Alternatively, the treeman can hurl the target up to 12 yards away
as a minor action. A hurled target takes 1d6+7 damage, is released from the grab, and is knocked prone

TREEMAN, WILD - Threat: Major

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
-2 7 -2 5
Bite Intelligence -3 2 1
Stamina Initiative Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
6 75 8 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +6+3 3d6+5
Tendril +4 1d6+5
 Favored stunts: Skirmish, Swallow (4 SP), Knock Prone, Tendril Grab (2 SP)
 Heat Sense: the tree can sense any warm bodies within 30 yards, though it may need to succeed in an opposed
Perception (Touch) vs. dexterity (stealth) test to locate an individual clever enough to mask its body heat.
 Rooted: if a flesh-eating tree doesn’t move in a turn, it is immune to the effects of the Skirmish and Knock Prone stunts.
Even if it does move, attackers must pay +2 SP to use these stunts on it.
 Barkskin: fire-based damage counts as penetrating against it.
 Pull: at the beginning of each of its turns, the tree may pull any grabbed target 10 yards closer to its waiting maw.
 Swallow Stunt: a flesh-eating tree can only bite a target adjacent to it, but it can Swallow such targets as a 4 SP stunt. A
swallowed creature takes 1d6 damage per turn from the creature’s digestive acids, suffers a –4 penalty on all tests, and
cannot move until it or another character frees it from the tree’s insides by killing the creature and cutting it open.
 Tendrils: the tree may lash out with a tendril to strike a target up to 30 yards away. It can make three tendril attacks as a
major action. In addition, for 2 SP it may perform a Tendril Grab stunt. Grabbed targets suffer a –2 penalty to all tests
while grabbed and must spend a minor action and succeed at an opposed Strength (Might) test to break free. At the start
of each turn a target is held by a tendril, they take damage as if struck by another tendril attack (1d6+5).
 When the Bough Breaks: the tendrils can be targeted instead of the body. Each tendril has 25 Health, Defense 13, and
Armor Rating 2. When destroyed a tendril releases any grabbed target and the flesh-eating tree loses 10 Health.
TROLL – Threat: Minor
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
6 3 2 7
1 4
1 Drinking 0 Axes 0 Smelling Intimidat.
Brawling Morale
Stamina Bludgeons Tracking Might
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 70 10 6
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Two-Handed Axe +5 4d6+7
Throwing Rock +3 2d6+7
Fist +3 1d6+7
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Disarm, Lethal Blow
 Talents: Two-Hander Style (Novice)
 Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts used against trolls require 1 more SP than normal to work. Also, troll-sized weapons
do an additional 1d6 damage over their human-sized counterparts (their fists do 1d6 base damage).
 Burning Blood: the blood of trolls is acidic and can burn the flesh of the unwary. When a character makes a successful
melee attack against a troll and the damage total is 10 or higher, the character must make a successful TN 14 dexterity
(Acrobatics) test or take 1d6+3 penetrating damage.
 Foul Stench: swamp trolls smell like hot, wet garbage at best. Melee opponents suffer a –1 penalty on their attack rolls
unless they first use a ready action to cover their noses and mouths with a cloth, bandana, or something similar.
 Regeneration: trolls regain 2d6 Health at the start of their turn each round. Once a troll is reduced to 0 Health, the troll
dies but begins regenerating again in 1d6 minutes. To stop a troll from regenerating, the corpse must be burned.
 Throwing Rocks: trolls enjoy smashing their enemies with thrown rocks. A troll will have 1d6 suitable rocks on hand at any
given time. Throwing rocks have a short range of 8 yards and a long range of 16 yards.


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
0 -2 5 -2 1 -2 -1 1
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
8 25 8 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +0 1d6+2
Claw +1 1d6+2
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Swarm Tactics (3 SP)
 Deathly Fortitude: walking dead have a natural AR of 4 and do not need to breathe, sleep, rest, eat, or drink normally.
 Mindless Aggression: undead never flee from battle unless commanded, though they can be tricked or manipulated.
 Swarm Tactics: walking dead can perform Swarm Tactics as a special stunt costing 3 SP. This stunt allows any other
walking dead adjacent to the target to make an immediate attack. Rolling doubles on these bonus attacks does not
generate stunt points. Walking dead that haven’t taken their turns yet this round can still take their actions as normal
even after benefiting from Swarm Tactics.
 The statistics here are for animated corpses of noncombatant. Walking dead created from the bodies of warriors could
have armor (AR 4), weapons, and retain some of their combat skills (Fighting 2).


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 1 4 2 Heraldry 2 4 5
Brawling Leadership Stamina Riding Historic. L. Searching Intimidat. Morale
Heavy B.
Military L.
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
7 (due armor) 75 12 10 (Heavy Plate)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bastard Sword +7 2d6+5
Mace +7 2d6+4
Gauntlet +4 1d3+5
 Favored stunts: Disarm, Lightning Attack (2 SP), Mighty Blow, Pierce Armor
 Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman), Dual Weapon Style (Master), Mounted Combat Style (Master), Weapon and Shield
Style (Journeyman)
 Aura of Fear: characters within 10 yards of a death knight must make a successful TN 13 Willpower (Courage) test before
attacking or casting a spell at a death knight. A character that fails the test can take a different action but cannot move
closer to the death knight on that turn. A character who has been challenged or must face a death knight in single combat
is even more likely to falter. The difficulty of their Willpower (Courage) test is increased to TN 15.
 Champion of Undead: walking dead within 10 yards of a death knight receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage.
Walking dead of a death knight’s retinue are always Elite. Typically, they have increased Dexterity, Fighting, and Strength,
add the Strength (Bludgeons) and Dexterity (Initiative) focuses, add the Weapon and Shield Style (Novice) talent, and are
armed with maces and medium shields.
 Death Fortitude: A death knight does not need to breathe, sleep, rest, eat, or drink normally.
 A death Knight may ride an undead mount with the following special qualities:
 Fortitude: undead mounts have natural AR 4 and don´t need to breathe, sleep, rest, eat, or drink normally.
 Mindless: undead mounts never flee battle unless commanded, though they can be tricked or manipulated.

UNDEAD, GHOUL – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 1
2 4 3 3
0 Initiative 0 Smelling 2
Bite Stamina Claws Climbing
Stealth Tasting
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 (6 Borrow) 45 12 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+3
Claws +5 1d6+3
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack, Mighty Blow
 Cannibalistic Regeneration: if a ghoul has fed in the last hour, it can regenerate lost Health each round equal to its
Constitution (usually 4). If killed, the creature does not revive.
 Frenzy: when attacking someone they have bitten, tasted the flesh of, or who is seriously wounded (lost at least half their
Health) ghouls may perform the Lightning Attack and Might Blow stunts for –1 SP than their normal cost.
 Scent of Death: a ghoul gains the Perception (Tracking) focus to follow the trail of any target who is wounded or bleeding.
They may also use this power to locate and track nearby corpses.

UNDEAD, SKELETON – Threat: Minor

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
1 -2 2 -2 1 -2 -1 2
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
10 20 12 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +0 1d6+2
Claw +1 1d6+2
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Swarm Tactics (3 SP)
 Deathly Fortitude: walking dead have a natural AR of 2 and do not need to breathe, sleep, rest, eat, or drink.
 Mindless Aggression: undead never flee from battle unless commanded, though they can be tricked or manipulated.
 Swarm Tactics: walking dead can perform Swarm Tactics as a special stunt costing 3 SP. This stunt allows any other
walking dead adjacent to the target to make an immediate attack. Rolling doubles on these bonus attacks does not
generate stunt points. Walking dead that haven’t taken their turns yet this round can still take their actions as normal
even after benefiting from Swarm Tactics.
 The statistics here are for skeletons of noncombatant. Skeletons created from the bodies of warriors could have armor
(AR 6), weapons, and retain some of their combat skills (Fighting 2).
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
Arcane L.
5 Air Arcana 3
3 2 4
Deception Fate Arca. Hearing 6
Bite 4 Initiative 3 Climbing
Etiquette Divination Seeing Courage
Brawling Riding Intimidation
Leadership Arcana Smelling
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 120 12 7
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite * +5 2d6+4
Unarmed +5 1d6+6
 Favored stunts: Disarm, Knock Prone (1 SP), Mighty Blow (1 SP), Stunned Silence, Imposing Spell, Enrage, Skirmish
 Spellpower: 18 Magic Points: 80
 Spells: Bloodhound, Blood Mark, Hands of Fate, Ill Omens, Protective Winds, Puppets of Fate, Shadow Dagger, Shadow’s
Embrace, Shadow Slip, Veil of Darkness, Voices on the Wind, Wind Blast, Winds of Flight.
 Weakness to Sunlight: sunlight causes 3d6 (partial exposure) or 6d6 (full sunlight) penetrating damage per round.
 Nocturnal Predator: master vampires suffer no penalties for attacking or acting in darkness, natural or supernatural.
 Deadly Blows: the master vampire’s unarmed attacks do +2 damage (in addition to the bonus from Unarmed Style) from
their raw power and claw-like nails. They also perform the Mighty Blow for 1 SP with unarmed attacks.
 Hard to Kill: master vampires cannot be reduced below 1 Health except by sunlight, fire, or the use of a Lethal Blow or
Lethal Spell stunt, representing decapitation or destruction of their heart or brain. Vampires also don’t need to breathe
and are immune to most poisons and diseases save those specifically targeting their kind.
 Master’s Will: as a minor action, a master may siphon the energy of its thrall within 20 yards. The thrall suffers 1d6 + the
thrall’s Constitution + the master’s Willpower (usually 1d6 + 10) penetrating damage, which the master gains in either
health or magic points. A thrall may not be reduced below 1 health in this manner, and a master may not gain more
points than the thrall loses.
 Talents: Divination Arcana (Journeyman), Fate Arcana (Novice), Air Arcana (Master), Shadow Arcana (Master), Unarmed
Style (Master)
 Unnatural Armor: the vampire’s magical nature provides an Armor Rating equal to its Willpower.
 Vampire Bite Stunt: As a 4 SP stunt on a bite attack, a vampire can inflict the vampire infection on its victim. A character
affected by this stunt must make a TN 13 Constitution (stamina) test or become infected. If the target character is the
same race as the vampire, he suffers a –2 to this test. See Porphyria for the effects of this infection. Master vampires do
not use bite attacks unless they are certain they call kill their victim or they specifically intend to turn them into a thrall.


Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
3 1 4
4 4 Hearing 4
Bite Deception 4 1 Climbing
Stealth Claws Seeing Morale
Brawling Intimidation
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 75 14 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite * +5 2d6+4
Unarmed +6 1d6+4
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone (1 SP), Pierce Armor (1 SP), Seize the Initiative (2 SP), Set Up, Vampire Bite
 Darkvision: thrall vampires can see normally in total darkness.
 Hard to Kill: a thrall vampire cannot be reduced below 1 Health except by sunlight, fire, magic, or the use of a Lethal Blow,
representing decapitation or destruction of its heart or brain. Vampires also don’t need to breathe and are immune to
most poisons and diseases save those specifically targeting their kind.
 Talents: Scouting (Novice), Unarmed Style (Master)
 Unnatural Armor: The vampire’s magical nature provides an Armor Rating equal to its Willpower.
 Vampire Bite Stunt: as a 4 SP stunt on a bite attack, a vampire can inflict the vampire infection on its victim. A character
affected by this stunt must make a tn 13 Constitution (stamina) test or become infected. If the target character is the
same race as the vampire, he suffers –2 to this test.
 Weakness to Sunlight: sunlight burns vampires like acid, melting their flesh and causing 3d6 penetrating damage per
round for partial exposure and 6d6 for being in full sunlight.

UNDEAD, WRAITH – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 1
Brawling 4 Claw 4
1 2 Spirit 2 0
Bows Stealth Bludgeons Self-Disci.
Brawling Spears
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 (Fly) 35 14 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Chilling Touch +4 2d6+4
 Favored stunts: Dual Strike, Pierce Armor
 Chilling Touch: the touch of a spectre drains the life force from any living thing, causing 2d6 + Willpower damage (2d6 +
4). This attack uses the Accuracy (Brawling) and the target’s shield bonus is ignored. Beings without a soul, such as raised
corpses or golems, take half damage from these attacks.
 Incorporeal: wraiths are incorporeal, having a tenuous existence in the mortal world. They ignore the effects of terrain.
Normally only magical attacks (spells or hits from magic weapons) can harm them, other attacks pass through their forms
without effect. A character attacking a wraith can perform a special stunt called Spirit Bane for 3 SP, however. The
character then inflicts normal weapon damage but substitutes Willpower for Strength or Perception.
 Terror: as an attack action, by emitting a terrifying shriek a wraith can cause all targets within 30 yards to experience
supernatural dread. Targets must succeed in a TN 14 Willpower (Courage) test. All targets who fail must either flee from
the wraith or suffer a –2 penalty to all attacks and their Defenses for the rest of the encounter.

WARG – Threat: Moderate

Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
4 5 3
5 3 1 Hearing
0 Running 0 Intimidat. Courage
Bite Stealth Claws Smelling
Stamina Jumping Morale
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
15 65 13 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +7 3d6+5
Claws +3 1d6+7
 Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack, Stunned Silence (2 SP), Threaten (1 SP)
 Bad: regardless of its actual temperament, the warg’s appearance and ferocity makes it a terrifying foe. It can perform
the Threaten and Stunned Silence stunts for –1 SP and any targets of these stunts suffer a –1 noncumulative penalty to
attack the warg for the rest of the encounter.
 Big: the warg is big and adept at using its size in battle. It can perform the Knock Prone stunt for 1 SP and characters
wishing to use the Skirmish and Knock Prone stunts against it must spent +1 SP to affect it.
 Hungry: if using the Charge or Press the Attack actions to move and successfully attack a target that is either trying to flee
combat or whom the warg has done damage to this encounter, the warg does an additional 1d6 damage.
 Darkvision: wargs can see normally in total darkness.
 Talents: Scouting (Novice)
WEREWOLF – Threat: Moderate
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
4 6 3
4 0 5 4 6
0 Smelling Intimidat. Courage
Bite Running Stealth Claws
Tracking Jumping Morale
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
16 55 14 4
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +6 1d6+6
Claws +8 2d6+6
 Favored stunts: Overwhelm (3 SP), Seize the Initiative (2 SP), Werewolf’s Curse (variable SP)
 Darkvision: werebeasts can see normally in total darkness.
 Bestial Frenzy: a werebeast may make two claw attacks with an attack action.
 Overwhelm: a werebeast can perform a special overwhelm stunt for 3 SP. The creature knocks its opponent prone and
pins it, giving the werewolf a +2 bonus to further attacks as long as the victim remains pinned (this includes the usual +1
for attacking a prone target). The pinned character must make an opposed Strength (Might) test against the werewolf to
escape, which requires a minor action and leaves the character prone. The victim’s allies can also attempt this test, but
they must spend a major action to do so.
 Shaggy Coat: Their thick, shaggy coats give werebeasts an Armor Rating of 4. The supernatural nature of their curse
allows this AR to work even against penetrating damage.
 Talents: Quick Reflexes (Journeyman), Scouting (Journeyman)
 Werewolf’s Curse stunt: a werewolf that generates stunt points on a bite attack can inflict its curse upon a victim, who
must make a TN (10 + the number of stunt Points spent) Constitution (stamina) test. A failed test means the victim is
infected. An infected victim makes a new Constitution (stamina) test against the same target number each night after the
initial infection. If a full moon occurs before one of these tests has succeeded, the victim becomes a werewolf. This
usually means the character must be retired as PC, however a GM may choose to allow the PC to continue to play as a
The stats presented are average for an adversary of that type but you can change them for individual encounters. It’s a simple
matter to modify the weapons and armor of many adversaries to create different tactical challenges. If you want a tougher
adversary (one you want to be a major NPC, for example), you can also modify the stats.
 Elite: to make an adversary who is a little tougher than average, add 1 to any three abilities, add two focuses, and
increase Health by 5. You can also make the NPC an Novice in a new talent or add a degree to an existing one.
 Heroic: to make an adversary who is very tough indeed, add 2 to any two abilities, add 1 to any three other abilities, add
four focuses, and increase Health by 15. You can also make the NPC an apprentice in two new talents or add two degrees
to existing ones.
 Epic: to make an adversary who is extremely potent, add 3 to one ability, 2 to any two other abilities, and 1 to any three
others. Add five focuses, increase the adversary’s Health by 20, and increase armor rating by 3. You can also add three
degrees to new or existing talents.

 Agile: the creature has +2 Dexterity and can go prone or stand up as a free action.
 Amphibious: the creature can survive and breathe on both land and underwater, but it must spend at least one hour a
day submerged in water or take 2d6 damage.
 Aquatic: the creature gains the ability to breathe underwater and can swim equal to its normal Speed. It also suffers no
penalties for moving, attacking, or otherwise operating underwater.
 Armored: the creature’s normal Armor Rating is increased by 2.
 Berserker: the monster can enter a berserker rage. It gains a +2 bonus to hit, +3 to damage, and now has a +2 bonus to
any rolls to resist effects that would induce calm or fear. However, it must attack adjacent foes only (enemy or ally) until
they are down or dead. This state lasts a number of turns equal to 6 – the monster’s Willpower (minimum of 1 turn).
After this period, the monster can then leave its berserker rage with a TN 11 Willpower (Self-Disicipline) test.
 Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts used against this monster require 1 more SP than normal to work. Also, the
monster’s weapons do an additional 1d6 damage over its human-sized counterparts (its fists do 1d6 base damage).
 Blending: the creature has a +2 bonus to any Dexterity (Stealth) checks based on hiding or avoiding being seen.
 Burrowing: the monster gains the ability to burrow through the earth at its normal Speed.
 Clawed: a monster without a claw-based melee attack now gains one that uses Fighting (Claws) to hit and does 1d6 (for
small creatures) or 1d6+3 damage (for larger creatures).
 Clockwork: the monster is a clockwork or other mechanical model of an actual monster. The monster no longer needs to
breathe, eat, or sleep. Because it is a clockwork construct, any damage to it cannot be healed and must instead be
repaired. A repair action works like the heal action but uses Intelligence (Engineering) instead of Intelligence (Healing).
Clockwork monsters are often Armored as well.
 Darkvision: the monster can see normally in total darkness.
 Giant-Sized: due to its large size and reach, a giant-sized monster is immune to the combat stunts Skirmish and Knock
Prone except by other large creatures such as dragons or giants. It also treats enemies up to 3 yards away as adjacent.
Also, giant-sized weapons do an additional 1d6 damage compared to their normal-sized counterparts (giant-sized fists do
1d6+2 base damage).
 Eldritch: the monster is a twisted, madness-inducing mockery of a usual creature of its type. As a major action, it can
induce a condition known as the “creeping dread,” causing all creatures who can see it to make an opposed Willpower
(Courage) test vs. the monster’s Strength (Intimidation) or Willpower (Self-Discipline), whichever is greater. Success
makes a target immune to this power for the rest of the encounter and gives a noncumulative +1 bonus to resist the
creeping dread from this type of monster in the future. Failure means the target suffers a –2 penalty to all actions for the
rest of the encounter due to overwhelming feelings of fear and disturbing hallucinations. Other eldritch or demonic
creatures are immune to creeping dread. Many eldritch creatures have various other special qualities that represent their
strange, alien origins.
 Elemental Resistance: the monster is immune to a certain type of damage: fire, cold, earth, electricity, or water. Magical
damage of this type can still harm the monster, but it does half damage.
 Fae: this monster leaves no tracks in forests or other natural environments (–2 penalty to track it in such locales), does
not age, and has a +2 bonus to resist non-magical poisons, drugs, and diseases. Many fae creatures have additional
special qualities, such as Vulnerability (Cold Iron) and Magic Resistance.
 Fanged: a monster without a bite-based melee attack now gains one that uses Accuracy (Bite) to hit and does 1d6+1 (for
small creatures) or 2d6 damage (for medium or large creatures).
 Fast: this monster adds +2 to its Speed and can now do two of its lowest damage attacks with one major action. Both of
these attacks can generate stunt points.
 Feral: these monsters are wild and often primitive cousins of other monsters of their type. This monster loses the ability
to use advanced weapons and complex tools and its Communication ability is reduced by 2 and its Intelligence by 2.
However, it increases its Fighting, Accuracy, Strength, and Dexterity by 1. Many beasts and animals are already naturally
feral and aren’t appropriate recipients of this special quality.
 Holy: the monster is blessed or descended from a god or other divine creature. The monster’s attacks are now considered
to be magical and blessed, working effectively against creatures vulnerable to such attacks. Holy monsters often have
various other special qualities inherited or bestowed from their divine sires or patrons.
 Magic Resistance: the creature gains a +2 bonus to resist spells or other magical effects. It possesses an Armor Rating
against magical damage equal to its Willpower +2. Such creatures can often not be healed magically.
 Many-Headed: the monster gains one or more additional heads. It gains 1 Perception and can make an additional attack
each turn. If it possesses a bite-based attack, the monster can use this attack with its other heads and can make one
additional attack each turn per head.
 Mighty: the creature has +2 Strength and the Might focus. If it already has the Might focus, it now has improved Might
(+3 bonus instead of the usual +2).
 Pack Advantage: if using the Set-Up stunt with another member of its pack, the monster grants its ally a +2 damage bonus
in addition to the normal +2 ability bonus. The monster may also use the Set-Up stunt for 1 SP less than normal (2 SP). It
should be noted that this special quality is only appropriate for creatures that operate in groups or packs.
 Piercing: one or more of the monster’s attacks now halves a target’s Armor Rating when it hits. If the monster uses the
Pierce Armor stunt, it ignores the Armor Rating altogether.
 Regenerate: the creature can heal Health equal to its Constitution (Minimum 2) as a 2 SP stunt. This stunt may be used
multiple times in the same roll if enough SP are available, increasing the healing effect. Wounds of a certain type cannot
be healed with Regenerate. This varies depending on the creature.
 Shadow: the creature is attuned to the realms of darkness and shadow. It takes half damage from all non-magical attacks
and can use the Regenerate and Blending powers in darkness or dim light. In sunlight or other bright light it takes damage
normally and all light-based magical attacks do an extra 1d6 damage to it that ignores Armor Rating.
 Shifting: through some magical enhancement or due to a monster’s ties to some other time, place or dimension, it can
use its Move action to travel to any point within its normal movement range instantly, bypassing any barriers or obstacles
in the way. In addition, this monster can ignore barriers and obstacles when it uses the Skirmish stunt to move itself
during combat.
 Small: this monster is exceptionally small. It gains +2 defense due to its size, but loses 2 Strength. It also gains a +2
circumstance bonus to situations where its size would be a benefit, such as hiding in small spaces.
 Spectral: this monster is a ghost of a once-living creature or hails from some realm where beings exist in a spirit-like state.
A spectral being is immune to poison, disease, and other mortal ailments. This creature is incorporeal. It ignores the
effects of terrain and normally only magical attacks (spells or hits from magic weapons) can harm it; other attacks pass
through it without effect. A character attacking this creature can perform a special stunt called Spirit Bane for 3 SP,
however. The character then inflicts normal weapon damage but substitutes Willpower for Strength or Perception. Many
creatures with this power also have the Spectral Attack special power.
 Spectral Attack: the monster’s attacks become spectral or ghostly in nature, passing through normal armor. Spectral
attacks ignore a target’s shield defense bonus and ignore the armor rating of non-magical armor, though a target does
gain an Armor Rating against this attack of one half their Willpower (round up). Many creatures with this power also have
the Spectral special quality.
 Sunblighted: the creature takes damage from sunlight. Minor exposure causes pain, doing 1d6 damage from reflected,
indirect, or narrow beams of sunlight. Full exposure requires the creature to make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test for
each turn it is exposed. Failure results in the creature being destroyed; success still means the creatures take 3d6
 Unholy: the monster is cursed or hails from some terrible hell realm. It cannot enter sacred or holy ground without taking
1d6 penetrating damage per turn and all attacks against it with holy relics or blessed objects do an additional 1d6
 Vulnerability: when attacked with a substance or element to which the creature is vulnerable, it takes an additional 1d6
damage and its Armor Rating is halved, or is completely eliminated if the attacker used the Pierce Armor stunt.
 Winged: the creature gains flying movement equal to its normal speed and can use flying actions.

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