Fantasy Age - Bestiary
Fantasy Age - Bestiary
Fantasy Age - Bestiary
Creatures are organized roughly into Threat categories based on the level of PC they are generally a suitable danger to.
Threat Level PC Level Range
Minor Levels 1 – 4
Moderate Levels 5 – 8
Major Levels 9 - 12
Dire Levels 13 – 17
Legendary Levels 18 - 20
Accuracy Commun. Constitut. Dexterity Fighting Intelligen. Perception Strength Willpower
2 1
2 1 1
1 Bargaining 0 1 Seeing 1
Drinking Evaluation Morale
Persuasion Tasting
Agile: the creature has +2 Dexterity and can go prone or stand up as a free action.
Amphibious: the creature can survive and breathe on both land and underwater, but it must spend at least one hour a
day submerged in water or take 2d6 damage.
Aquatic: the creature gains the ability to breathe underwater and can swim equal to its normal Speed. It also suffers no
penalties for moving, attacking, or otherwise operating underwater.
Armored: the creature’s normal Armor Rating is increased by 2.
Berserker: the monster can enter a berserker rage. It gains a +2 bonus to hit, +3 to damage, and now has a +2 bonus to
any rolls to resist effects that would induce calm or fear. However, it must attack adjacent foes only (enemy or ally) until
they are down or dead. This state lasts a number of turns equal to 6 – the monster’s Willpower (minimum of 1 turn).
After this period, the monster can then leave its berserker rage with a TN 11 Willpower (Self-Disicipline) test.
Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts used against this monster require 1 more SP than normal to work. Also, the
monster’s weapons do an additional 1d6 damage over its human-sized counterparts (its fists do 1d6 base damage).
Blending: the creature has a +2 bonus to any Dexterity (Stealth) checks based on hiding or avoiding being seen.
Burrowing: the monster gains the ability to burrow through the earth at its normal Speed.
Clawed: a monster without a claw-based melee attack now gains one that uses Fighting (Claws) to hit and does 1d6 (for
small creatures) or 1d6+3 damage (for larger creatures).
Clockwork: the monster is a clockwork or other mechanical model of an actual monster. The monster no longer needs to
breathe, eat, or sleep. Because it is a clockwork construct, any damage to it cannot be healed and must instead be
repaired. A repair action works like the heal action but uses Intelligence (Engineering) instead of Intelligence (Healing).
Clockwork monsters are often Armored as well.
Darkvision: the monster can see normally in total darkness.
Giant-Sized: due to its large size and reach, a giant-sized monster is immune to the combat stunts Skirmish and Knock
Prone except by other large creatures such as dragons or giants. It also treats enemies up to 3 yards away as adjacent.
Also, giant-sized weapons do an additional 1d6 damage compared to their normal-sized counterparts (giant-sized fists do
1d6+2 base damage).
Eldritch: the monster is a twisted, madness-inducing mockery of a usual creature of its type. As a major action, it can
induce a condition known as the “creeping dread,” causing all creatures who can see it to make an opposed Willpower
(Courage) test vs. the monster’s Strength (Intimidation) or Willpower (Self-Discipline), whichever is greater. Success
makes a target immune to this power for the rest of the encounter and gives a noncumulative +1 bonus to resist the
creeping dread from this type of monster in the future. Failure means the target suffers a –2 penalty to all actions for the
rest of the encounter due to overwhelming feelings of fear and disturbing hallucinations. Other eldritch or demonic
creatures are immune to creeping dread. Many eldritch creatures have various other special qualities that represent their
strange, alien origins.
Elemental Resistance: the monster is immune to a certain type of damage: fire, cold, earth, electricity, or water. Magical
damage of this type can still harm the monster, but it does half damage.
Fae: this monster leaves no tracks in forests or other natural environments (–2 penalty to track it in such locales), does
not age, and has a +2 bonus to resist non-magical poisons, drugs, and diseases. Many fae creatures have additional
special qualities, such as Vulnerability (Cold Iron) and Magic Resistance.
Fanged: a monster without a bite-based melee attack now gains one that uses Accuracy (Bite) to hit and does 1d6+1 (for
small creatures) or 2d6 damage (for medium or large creatures).
Fast: this monster adds +2 to its Speed and can now do two of its lowest damage attacks with one major action. Both of
these attacks can generate stunt points.
Feral: these monsters are wild and often primitive cousins of other monsters of their type. This monster loses the ability
to use advanced weapons and complex tools and its Communication ability is reduced by 2 and its Intelligence by 2.
However, it increases its Fighting, Accuracy, Strength, and Dexterity by 1. Many beasts and animals are already naturally
feral and aren’t appropriate recipients of this special quality.
Holy: the monster is blessed or descended from a god or other divine creature. The monster’s attacks are now considered
to be magical and blessed, working effectively against creatures vulnerable to such attacks. Holy monsters often have
various other special qualities inherited or bestowed from their divine sires or patrons.
Magic Resistance: the creature gains a +2 bonus to resist spells or other magical effects. It possesses an Armor Rating
against magical damage equal to its Willpower +2. Such creatures can often not be healed magically.
Many-Headed: the monster gains one or more additional heads. It gains 1 Perception and can make an additional attack
each turn. If it possesses a bite-based attack, the monster can use this attack with its other heads and can make one
additional attack each turn per head.
Mighty: the creature has +2 Strength and the Might focus. If it already has the Might focus, it now has improved Might
(+3 bonus instead of the usual +2).
Pack Advantage: if using the Set-Up stunt with another member of its pack, the monster grants its ally a +2 damage bonus
in addition to the normal +2 ability bonus. The monster may also use the Set-Up stunt for 1 SP less than normal (2 SP). It
should be noted that this special quality is only appropriate for creatures that operate in groups or packs.
Piercing: one or more of the monster’s attacks now halves a target’s Armor Rating when it hits. If the monster uses the
Pierce Armor stunt, it ignores the Armor Rating altogether.
Regenerate: the creature can heal Health equal to its Constitution (Minimum 2) as a 2 SP stunt. This stunt may be used
multiple times in the same roll if enough SP are available, increasing the healing effect. Wounds of a certain type cannot
be healed with Regenerate. This varies depending on the creature.
Shadow: the creature is attuned to the realms of darkness and shadow. It takes half damage from all non-magical attacks
and can use the Regenerate and Blending powers in darkness or dim light. In sunlight or other bright light it takes damage
normally and all light-based magical attacks do an extra 1d6 damage to it that ignores Armor Rating.
Shifting: through some magical enhancement or due to a monster’s ties to some other time, place or dimension, it can
use its Move action to travel to any point within its normal movement range instantly, bypassing any barriers or obstacles
in the way. In addition, this monster can ignore barriers and obstacles when it uses the Skirmish stunt to move itself
during combat.
Small: this monster is exceptionally small. It gains +2 defense due to its size, but loses 2 Strength. It also gains a +2
circumstance bonus to situations where its size would be a benefit, such as hiding in small spaces.
Spectral: this monster is a ghost of a once-living creature or hails from some realm where beings exist in a spirit-like state.
A spectral being is immune to poison, disease, and other mortal ailments. This creature is incorporeal. It ignores the
effects of terrain and normally only magical attacks (spells or hits from magic weapons) can harm it; other attacks pass
through it without effect. A character attacking this creature can perform a special stunt called Spirit Bane for 3 SP,
however. The character then inflicts normal weapon damage but substitutes Willpower for Strength or Perception. Many
creatures with this power also have the Spectral Attack special power.
Spectral Attack: the monster’s attacks become spectral or ghostly in nature, passing through normal armor. Spectral
attacks ignore a target’s shield defense bonus and ignore the armor rating of non-magical armor, though a target does
gain an Armor Rating against this attack of one half their Willpower (round up). Many creatures with this power also have
the Spectral special quality.
Sunblighted: the creature takes damage from sunlight. Minor exposure causes pain, doing 1d6 damage from reflected,
indirect, or narrow beams of sunlight. Full exposure requires the creature to make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test for
each turn it is exposed. Failure results in the creature being destroyed; success still means the creatures take 3d6
Unholy: the monster is cursed or hails from some terrible hell realm. It cannot enter sacred or holy ground without taking
1d6 penetrating damage per turn and all attacks against it with holy relics or blessed objects do an additional 1d6
Vulnerability: when attacked with a substance or element to which the creature is vulnerable, it takes an additional 1d6
damage and its Armor Rating is halved, or is completely eliminated if the attacker used the Pierce Armor stunt.
Winged: the creature gains flying movement equal to its normal speed and can use flying actions.