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This English translation and Digital Artwork is not sponsored or inspired or being
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Our only source of inspiration is Jainism and its principles.

This English translation and Digital Artwork would not have happened without the
collective efforts from Anonymous ('Gupt-daan').

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© Copyright continues to be with the Original Creator(s).

-- 1 --
There was a prosperous city
named Ghatgaon in state of Malwa.

There lived a barber named Dharmil Also, there lived a potter named Devli.

One day….

Dharmil, I have earned a lot of

money by making and selling my
pottery. Excess money if not put
to good use, eventually turns into
a curse. So I would like to spend
this money for a good cause.

Prosperous - Bringing wealth and success. Flourishing financially.

Barber - A person who cuts men's hair and shaves or trims beards as an occupation.
Potter - A craftsperson who shapes pottery on a potter's wheel and bakes them in a kiln.
Curse - Something that will bring calamity, injury, or destruction.
-- 2 --

Devli, even I was thinking the Whatever we plan, it

same. I too want to put my hard should be for the
earned money to good use. welfare of the people.

Yes, I agree with this.

I am thinking of building a It is indeed a good idea my friend.

dharamshala for travellers and Dharamshala will be useful for all.
pilgrims to live in. Our city does Please get the work started as soon
not have any such dharamshala. as possible! Also, please accept my
What do you think? small contribution towards it.

Dharamshala - A building devoted to charitable and/ or purposes, especially a rest house for travellers.
Contribution - A voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause.
-- 3 --
With the efforts of Devli and contributions
from Dharmil as well, within a few months,
a beautiful dharamshala was constructed.

One day… Muniraj is meditating in the After some time, Dharmil comes to
dharamshala. the dharamshala with some guests.
Please come, muniraj!
This dharamshala has
become holy and
divine with your arrival.

Please come! Kindly make

yourself comfortable in the
dharamshala built by me.

Holy - Connected with God or with religion and therefore very special or important.
Divine - Connected with God or a god.
-- 4 --
However, when Dharmil saw muniraj at the No one can stay in the
dharamshala, he got very furious. dharamshala without my
consent. I have also
Manager! With whose contributed towards this
permission have you allowed building! Who is Devli to
muniraj to stay in this room? decide by himself?

It is not me, but it is Devliji who invited

muniraj to stay here. I am just doing
my job and serving people coming to
dharamshala. I have no say in
allowing or not allowing someone.

And then, Dharmil went to muniraj angrily.

Muniraj! Who
allowed you to
stay here?


Forget about Devli!

You please leave
from here right now.

Furious - Extremely angry.

Consent - To permit, approve, or agree.
-- 5 --

It would be good if you

leave on your own or
else I will have to push
you out of this place.

Do not get angry. I

did not refuse to
go out. I will go
right away! Please
remain calm.

Muniraj took his Pinchi and Kamandalu and Asking muniraj to move
moved out of dharamshala. He continued his Please come
out is wrong and was not
meditation under a tree near the Dharmshala. required. What would a
family of 3 do with the
whole dharamshala?

I had to show Devli his

place! What does he think
of himself? Does he own
this place? He should
have taken my concent,
before allowing anyone to
stay here! I too have a
right to this place…

Pinchi amd Kamandalu - The only possessions that Digambar Jain muniraj carry from one place to another.
Pinchi - Used as a tool for non-violence. It's made from a collection of feathers that are naturally shed by peacocks. The soft and light
feathers don't harm tiny living beings. Kamandalu - Used as a tool of purification. It's made from a coconut shell and is used to carry
water only for cleaning purposes- Example - After answering nature's call (urinate or defecate).
-- 6 --
Muniraj spends entire night calmly under the tree Next morning, when Devli came back, he could not
in the same way he would have spent the night in find muniraj anywhere in the dharamshala.
the dharamshala. Be it a Palace or a Crematory,
muniraj is indifferent towards the surroundings.
Where did muniraj
go? Did he do
Vihaar early in the

अिर िमत्र महल मसान कं चन-काँच िनन्दन-थुित करन।

अघार्वतारन अिस-प्रहारन, में सदा समता धरन॥ *

Manager came at that moment...

Manager, where is
muniraj? I had
accompanied him
yesterday to stay here.

What should I say? You and

Dharmilji are both my bosses.
When Dharmilji arrived here
yesterday evening, he
became enraged upon
seeing muniraj.

But, why?

*Reference - From Chahdhala (6th Dhaal, 6th Shlok) written by Pandit Daulatramji.
Vihaar - Jain monks and nuns regularly move from one location to another while always walking barefoot. For travel, they never use
vehicles like bullock carts, cars, boats, ships, or aeroplanes.
Enraged - To make someone very angry.
-- 7 --

Well, it would be best if What! How dare

There, he is
you spoke to Dharmilji. Dharmil do this?
sitting under a
He asked muniraj to Where did muniraj
tree. I just saw
leave this place and go?
him while I was
muniraj left calmly.
coming here.

Learning that muniraj had to spend the entire

Yes, because you did not care to
night outside, Devli got furious! Dharmil entered
even consult me before letting
at that same time.
anyone stay here. My money has
also been used in the making of
Dharmil, how this Dharamashala!
dare you ask
muniraj to leave
this place?

Had I had known about

your cheap thinking, I
would not have accepted
your contributions!

Cheap thinking - Unkindly or insincerely using a situation to benefit themselves and/ or to harm someone.
-- 8 --

Then why did you come down to me begging No, you will have to
for donations? You have to get my permission take my permission!
before you allow anyone to stay here!

How dare you call me a beggar?

If it were not for my efforts, this No! I don’t need to!
dharamshala would not have
been built in the first place! I don’t
need your permission!

Dharmil and Devli turned into egomaniacs

This is my dharamshala!
and broke into a physical fight.

No, I too own this dharamshala!

Devli forgot about muniraj and Dharmil forgot

about his guests. They started trading blows!

They both fought so fiercely that they ended up

hurting each other severely. So severely that they
both died on the spot!

Egomaniacs - A person who is obsessively egotistical or Severely - Very seriously.

self-centred. On the spot - Without any delay; immediately.
Started trading blows - To hit or strike each other with fists.
Fierce - Angry and aggressive.
-- 9 --
Drowned in ego both died with immense hatred Dharmil was born as a lion.
for each other; with final thoughts of killing each
other. As a result, in the next birth, both of them
were born as Tiryanch.

Devli was born as a wild pig (wild boar).

Both of them lived in the same jungle.

One day, two muniraj came and stayed in an

abandoned cave in that jungle.

Seeing the muniraj, the pig remembered his last birth.

In my previous birth, I was not able

to serve Muniraj properly. After I
left, that evil Dharmil asked
Muniraj to leave my Dharamshala. The pig sat at the
entrance of the cave.

Immense - Extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.

Tiryanch - Being born as a Tiryancha - an animal like a lion, an elephant, a bird, a plant, a bug, etc. Considered to be a lower form of life.
Abandoned - Having been deserted or left. Empty with no one there.
-- 10 --
Both muniraj were having religious discussions in the cave.

All four gatis are filled with grief and misery.

Maan Kashay (Ego) is the main cause of sorrow
and suffering in Manushya Gati (Humans).

Yes, this is evident even in the case of noble

deeds like donations. Name and fame have taken
precedence over noble causes. People continue to
emboss their rights on things they have donated!

What should be a source for detachment

and solitude becomes a reason for
unnecessary aggressive attachment.

Yes, Good intentions and pure thoughts behind

donations become maligned and often become a
reason for one's own downfall. That’s why
“Gupt-Daan” is said to be the best form of donation.

Pig thought as if this discussion was happening for

him. He realised his wrongdoing in the past birth.

Today, I have understood the true meaning of Soon, he smelled the presence
donation. I only boosted my ego with the dharamshala, of a lion at a distance.
whereas I should have looked after muniraj rather than
engaging in a fight to satisfy my ego!

This is my chance to protect

and save the life of muniraj!

Now I will never leave the sight

of muniraj. I will stay here all
the time and guard this place.

Grief - Great sadness. Misery - Great unhappiness or suffering. Solitude - The state of being alone, when you find this pleasant.
Evident - Clear (to the eye or mind); obvious. Malign - To say or write bad things about somebody/something
Detachment - The state of being objective or aloof (not showing publicly especially in a unfair manner.
or feeling interest). Gupt-Daan - Anonymous donation.
-- 11 --

Is that Dharmil? Now born as a

lion? He must have smelled the Is that Devli coming in my way
presence of human beings here. again? I will take him down and
then feast on human flesh!

The lion roars, and comes towards the cave!

Unlike his last birth, the pig wants to protect muniraj rather than try to Indifferent towards both,
kill the lion. But the lion wants to kill the pig and then muniraj as well. muniraj were calmly engaged in
their meditation.

Take someone down - To defeat or kill someone.

Indifferent - Having no particular interest. Sympathy or Apathy. Unconcerned.
Calm - Peaceful, quiet, relaxed.
Engaged - Busy, occupied.
-- 12 --
As soon as the lion came near
the cave, it leaped on the pig.

I shall have my revenge today

Even the pig was ready. It attacked the lion

using its teeth.
Whatever happens,
I will not let the lion Both got engaged in a brutal and a bloodthirsty fight!
even touch muniraj.

I will take you down

today and then
humans will be next!

Even if I have to
sacrifice my life, I
After a long fight… Both of them got will save muniraj!
critically injured and died.

Pig was at peace and content with the fact that he

had given his life for a worthy cause. He was
successful in saving the lives of both muniraj On the other hand, the lion died panting in
(Abhay-Daan). He took his last breath peacefully. agony and agitated until his last breath.

Brutal - Extremely violent. Panting - To breathe quickly.

Bloodthirsty - Having or showing a desire to kill. Agony - Great pain or suffering.
Critically - An injury of a serious nature that is life threatening. Agitated - Feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.
Abhay Daan - Saving the lives of other beings in danger.
-- 13 --
When both the muniraj came out
of the cave and saw the scene…

Oh! Even in this life, they

both fought with each other
and died. Though both of
them were engaged in the
same fight, one would go to
hell and one to heaven!

The lion was in the flight to

TAKE a life, so he would go
to hell. The pig was doing
so to SAVE a life. As a
result of this Abhay-daan,
he would go to heaven.

Dear Readers, Donations should be done Also, once a donation is made, it should be
with the intention to reduce our attachments forgotten as if it never happened. Staking
to worldly things. Any donation given only for claims on self or ancestral or relatives'
name and fame or business-promotion results donations, guarantee downfall. This can be
in sin (Paap) rather than good virtue (Punya). seen from Devli’s and Dharmil’s life.

Daan (Ahara, Abhay, Aushadhi, Gyana)

made discreetly without the expectation of Also, it is worthy to note that
recognition, appreciation, or even Punya are muniraj maintained Samata
true donations. This can be seen from Pig’s (equanimity) and did not despise
life who gave Abhay-Daan to muniraj. the Lion or admire the Pig.

Ancestral - A person's family in former times. Saving the lives of other beings. 3) Aushadhi Daan - Facilitating
Daan - Donation or Charity aimed at spiritual upliftment that will Medicines. 4) Gyaan Daan - Giving or imparting knowledge.
guide someone to the real path of happiness. There are 4 types of Discreetly - Doing things in a way that is careful not to attract too
Donations- 1) Aahar Daan - Donating food. 2) Abhay Daan - much attention, especially by keeping something secret.
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