Abhaydaan Mobile
Abhaydaan Mobile
Abhaydaan Mobile
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This English translation and Digital Artwork would not have happened without the
collective efforts from Anonymous ('Gupt-daan').
This English translation and Digital Artwork is not necessarily an exact replication of
original work. Creative liberty and storyline changes could have been made to enhance
the content.
This English translation and Digital Artwork have been done free of cost - without
charging or paying or accepting donations or advertisements from anyone.
Use of this English translation and Digital Artwork in this or any other derived form, for
Commercial purpose or profit or credits is completely prohibited.
This work is available for FREE and can be shared with others for FREE.
There lived a barber named Dharmil Also, there lived a potter named Devli.
One day….
Dharamshala - A building devoted to charitable and/ or purposes, especially a rest house for travellers.
Contribution - A voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause.
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With the efforts of Devli and contributions
from Dharmil as well, within a few months,
a beautiful dharamshala was constructed.
One day… Muniraj is meditating in the After some time, Dharmil comes to
dharamshala. the dharamshala with some guests.
Please come, muniraj!
This dharamshala has
become holy and
divine with your arrival.
Holy - Connected with God or with religion and therefore very special or important.
Divine - Connected with God or a god.
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However, when Dharmil saw muniraj at the No one can stay in the
dharamshala, he got very furious. dharamshala without my
consent. I have also
Manager! With whose contributed towards this
permission have you allowed building! Who is Devli to
muniraj to stay in this room? decide by himself?
Muniraj! Who
allowed you to
stay here?
Muniraj took his Pinchi and Kamandalu and Asking muniraj to move
moved out of dharamshala. He continued his Please come
out is wrong and was not
meditation under a tree near the Dharmshala. required. What would a
family of 3 do with the
whole dharamshala?
Pinchi amd Kamandalu - The only possessions that Digambar Jain muniraj carry from one place to another.
Pinchi - Used as a tool for non-violence. It's made from a collection of feathers that are naturally shed by peacocks. The soft and light
feathers don't harm tiny living beings. Kamandalu - Used as a tool of purification. It's made from a coconut shell and is used to carry
water only for cleaning purposes- Example - After answering nature's call (urinate or defecate).
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Muniraj spends entire night calmly under the tree Next morning, when Devli came back, he could not
in the same way he would have spent the night in find muniraj anywhere in the dharamshala.
the dharamshala. Be it a Palace or a Crematory,
muniraj is indifferent towards the surroundings.
Where did muniraj
go? Did he do
Vihaar early in the
But, why?
*Reference - From Chahdhala (6th Dhaal, 6th Shlok) written by Pandit Daulatramji.
Vihaar - Jain monks and nuns regularly move from one location to another while always walking barefoot. For travel, they never use
vehicles like bullock carts, cars, boats, ships, or aeroplanes.
Enraged - To make someone very angry.
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Cheap thinking - Unkindly or insincerely using a situation to benefit themselves and/ or to harm someone.
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Then why did you come down to me begging No, you will have to
for donations? You have to get my permission take my permission!
before you allow anyone to stay here!
Today, I have understood the true meaning of Soon, he smelled the presence
donation. I only boosted my ego with the dharamshala, of a lion at a distance.
whereas I should have looked after muniraj rather than
engaging in a fight to satisfy my ego!
Grief - Great sadness. Misery - Great unhappiness or suffering. Solitude - The state of being alone, when you find this pleasant.
Evident - Clear (to the eye or mind); obvious. Malign - To say or write bad things about somebody/something
Detachment - The state of being objective or aloof (not showing publicly especially in a unfair manner.
or feeling interest). Gupt-Daan - Anonymous donation.
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Unlike his last birth, the pig wants to protect muniraj rather than try to Indifferent towards both,
kill the lion. But the lion wants to kill the pig and then muniraj as well. muniraj were calmly engaged in
their meditation.
Even if I have to
sacrifice my life, I
After a long fight… Both of them got will save muniraj!
critically injured and died.
Dear Readers, Donations should be done Also, once a donation is made, it should be
with the intention to reduce our attachments forgotten as if it never happened. Staking
to worldly things. Any donation given only for claims on self or ancestral or relatives'
name and fame or business-promotion results donations, guarantee downfall. This can be
in sin (Paap) rather than good virtue (Punya). seen from Devli’s and Dharmil’s life.
Ancestral - A person's family in former times. Saving the lives of other beings. 3) Aushadhi Daan - Facilitating
Daan - Donation or Charity aimed at spiritual upliftment that will Medicines. 4) Gyaan Daan - Giving or imparting knowledge.
guide someone to the real path of happiness. There are 4 types of Discreetly - Doing things in a way that is careful not to attract too
Donations- 1) Aahar Daan - Donating food. 2) Abhay Daan - much attention, especially by keeping something secret.
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