Extraction of Metals

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The extraction of metals by carbon reduction

Iron and steel

In our modern world, we have invented and shaped many machines and clever devices. These are
often made of steel. It is the most widely used of all metals. The durability, tensile strength and low
cost of steel make it the basis of countless industries, from ship-building to watch-making. Iron and
steel making are at the centre of our heavy industries. Steel is mainly iron with between 0.2 and
1.5% carbon. The carbon makes the iron harder and stronger. Small quantities of other transition
metals can also be added to make special steels. Steels are alloys in which the main metal is iron.
The magnetic properties of iron make it easy to separate steel products from other waste, so the
metal can be easily recycled.

The production of iron in the blast furnace

The main ore of iron is hematite (𝐹𝑒2 𝑂3 ). The iron is obtained by reduction with carbon in a blast
furnace. The furnace is a steel tower about 30 metres high. It is lined with refractory (heat-resistant)
bricks of magnesium oxide which are cooled by water. The furnace is loaded with the ‘charge’, which
consists of iron ore, coke (a form of carbon made from coal) and limestone (calcium carbonate). The
charge is sintered (the ore is heated with coke and limestone) to make sure the solids mix well, and
it is mixed with more coke. Blasts of hot air are sent in through holes near the bottom of the
furnace. The carbon burns in the air blast and the furnace gets very hot.

The blast furnace reduction of iron ore to iron.

A series of chemical reactions takes place to produce molten iron. The most important reaction that
occurs is the reduction of the ore by carbon monoxide:
The iron produced flows to the bottom of the furnace where it can be ‘tapped off’ because the
temperature at the bottom of the furnace is higher than the melting point of iron.

One of the major impurities in iron ore is sand (silica). The limestone added to the furnace helps to
remove this impurity. The limestone decomposes to lime in the furnace. This then reacts with the

The calcium silicate formed is also molten. It flows down the furnace and forms a molten layer of
slag on top of the iron. It does not mix with the iron, as it is less dense. The molten slag is ‘tapped
off’ separately.

Iron is produced in the blast furnace by a series of reactions. Carbon monoxide

is thought to be the main reducing agent.
The hot waste gases escape from the top of the furnace. They are used in heat exchangers to heat
the incoming air. This helps to reduce the energy costs of the process. The extraction of iron is a
continuous process.

The blast furnace extraction of iron: ■ uses iron ore, coke, limestone and hot air ■ involves the
reduction of iron(m) oxide by carbon monoxide ■ uses limestone to remove the main impurity
(sand) as slag (calcium silicate).

The iron produced by the blast furnace is known as ‘pig iron’ or ‘cast iron’ and is not pure. It
contains about 4% carbon, and other impurities. This amount of carbon makes the iron brittle. Most
of the pig iron produced is taken to make steel. The carbon content is reduced by burning it off as
carbon dioxide. This basic oxygen process is carried out in a tilting furnace. Scrap steel is added to
the molten pig iron for recycling. A high-speed jet of oxygen is blown into the vessel through a
water-cooled lance. Some impurities, for example silicon and phosphorus, do not produce gaseous
oxides, so lime (CaO) is added to the furnace. The impurities form a ‘slag’, which floats on top of the
molten iron. The molten iron is poured off by tilting the furnace. Controlled amounts of other
elements such as chromium, manganese, tungsten or other transition metals are added to make
different types of steel.

Carbon steels and alloy steels There is a wide variety of steels to suit particular applications. Some
steels are alloys of iron and carbon only. The amount of carbon in steels can vary between 0.2% and
1.5%. These carbon steels, which include the mild steel used for car bodies, are listed in Table C9.01.
But carbon steels tend to rust unless protected. So other metals, for example chromium, are added
to prevent corrosion and to make the steel harder. Some of these alloy steels are listed in Table

The rusting of iron and its prevention

When a metal is attacked by air, water or other surrounding substances, it is said to corrode. In the
case of iron and steel, the corrosion process is also known as rusting. Rusting is a serious economic
problem. Large sums of money are spent each year replacing damaged iron and steel structures, or
protecting structures from such damage.

Rust is a red-brown powder consisting mainly of hydrated iron(III) oxide. Water and oxygen are
essential for iron to rust.
Rust prevention

The need to protect iron and steel from rusting has led to many methods being devised. Some of
these are outlined here.

Painting: This method is widespread, and is used for objects ranging in size from ships and bridges
to garden gates. Painting only protects the metal as long as the paint layer is unscratched. Regular
re-painting is often necessary to keep this protection intact.

Oiling and greasing: The oiling and/or greasing of the moving parts of machinery forms a protective
film, preventing rusting. Again, the treatment must be repeated to continue the protection. Plastic
coatings: These are used to form a protective layer on items such as refrigerators and garden chairs.
The plastic poly(vinyl chloride), PVC, is often used for this purpose.

Electroplating: An iron or steel object can be electroplated with a layer of chromium or tin to
protect against rusting. A ‘tin can’ is made of steel coated on both sides with a fine layer of tin. Tin is
used because it is unreactive and non-toxic. However, this does raise a problem. With both these
metals, if the protective layer is broken, then the steel beneath will begin to rust.

Galvanising: An object may be coated with a layer of the more reactive metal, zinc. This is called
galvanising It has the advantage over other plating methods in that the protection still works even if
the zinc layer is badly scratched.

Sacrificial protection: This is a method of rust prevention in which blocks of a reactive metal are
attached to the iron surface. Zinc or magnesium blocks are attached to oil rigs and to the hulls of
ships. These metals are more reactive than iron and will be corroded in preference to it.
Underground gas and water pipes are connected by wire to blocks of magnesium to obtain the same
protection. In all cases, an electrochemical cell is set up. The metal blocks lose electrons in
preference to the iron and so prevent the iron forming iron(III) oxide

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