Lease Agreement in ENG#102-10

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Nation Religion King




LESSOR: According to this agreement, Mr. EM BUNNARITH Owner of THE POINTE Serviced
Apartments N0 63, Street #219, Sangkat Psadoemkor, Khan Toulkork, Phnom Penh, hereby
referred as Party “A’’ And
LESSEE: Mr.LOK DICK SOON, Sex: Male , Date of Birth: 20/07/1998, Nationality: MALASIA,
Occupation, Employee, Passport/ID A57210660, Issued Date: 17/10/2022 .and Expired Date:
17/04/2028,referred as Party ‘‘B’’.
Both Parties agreed with the following Clauses:
Both parties have agreed upon the lease agreement as per terms and conditions below:

Article 1: The Object:

The Lessee agrees to rent and the Lessor agrees to lease an apartment unit#102at: #63, Street
219, Sangkat Psadoemkor, Khan Toulkork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Article 2: The specific purpose of the lease:
For residence of his/her family who has agreed by/between both parties of (2 people in
Unit#102) and who shall be registered under the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The
leased property shall not be allowed to use for any illegal activities/purposes
Article 3: The Leasing Fees
1- Both parties agreed with following term of payment:
- Monthly rental price: USD 450 (Four Hundred FIFTY)
2- The facilities and utilities shall be included by Party “A” as stated below:
- Cable TV
- Garbage collection
- Cleaning (One time/week)
- Internet connection
- 24 hours security guard
- Motorbike Parking
- Common terrace
- Water run is free (kindly save the world)
3- Car parking fee USD…….. /month (For one car).
4- The electricity consumption fee is USD 0.25 $ (Twenty Cents US Dollars) per kilowatt.
Lessor will inform the Lessee by a written notice if the price of electricity is changed.
5- These charges (of above electricity) shall be paid separately by the Lessee according to the
actual consumption.
6- The rental price shall be fixed during the term of the lease.
Article 4: The age of the Leasing Period
1- The period of the lease is for 3 Months and is commencing on 01/December/2022 and
expiring on 28/February/2023.
2- And then, the Lessee has a priority to renew this leasing contract for another period, but has
to inform to the Lessor in writing at least 30 (Thirty) days in advance.
Article 5: Payment terms.
1- The Security Deposit: The Lessee will pay to the Lessor the amount of
USD 450 ( Four hundreds Fifty US Dollars) for Security Deposit, at the time of signing this
contract. The deposit shall be refunded in the same currency (which the Lessee paid) from the
Lessor to the Lessee after the contract expires and the Lessee shall be fully responsible to pay
all utility bills before the Security Deposit is received. If the Lessee terminates the contract
before its expiry date, the Security Deposit will not be returned.
2- The Lessee shall pay the rent in US Dollars or in Khmer Currency (Riels) by cheque and/or
in cash and/or by bank transfer to the Lessor according to the daily exchange rate of the
National Bank of Cambodia at the time of payment. Bank service charges (if any) shall be paid
by the Lessee.
3- The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the monthly fee in every 01st of each month.
Article 6: Responsibilities of both Parties.
Both parties mutually agree to undertake the following responsibilities:
A. Responsibilities of the Lessor:
1- To hand over the room and facilities to the Lessee for the duration of this Lease Agreement.
2- To ensure the Lessee’s right to occupy the room fully and separately.
3- To guide the Lessee to comply with the regulations of registration of temporary residence.
4- To promptly repair all damages related to the construction (such as: walls, roof,
foundation, drains, electricity & plumbing system, leakages, air conditioners, water heaters) as
requested by the Lessee; except small damages and other damages caused by the Lessee
and his/her visitors. In this case the Lessee will be responsible for fixing.
5- If there is a need to do some maintenance or repair work, the Lessor must inform the
Lessee in writing or telephone in advance and permit the Lessor and its authorized agents to
carry out the repair and maintenance works.
B. Responsibilities of the Lessee:
1- To pay the Leasing Fee on time.
2- In case of late payment for the Leasing Fee by the Lessee, a penalty equivalent to 5% of the
total due amount must be charged and paid to the Lessor within 03 (Three) days after the due
3- If the payment is delayed over 15 days from the stated payment date, the Lessor can
reserve the right to terminate the Lease without any compensation by sending 03 (Three) day
written notice to the Lessee. In this case, the Lessee will lose the Security Deposit.
4- To use the premises for the right purpose as specified. Any repairs and renovations
which are needed to satisfy its own requirements must be subject to the consent of the owner
and must comply with the regulations on capital construction codes of Cambodia.
5- To be responsible and bear all costs for any damages or losses of the interior furnishing
and facilities caused by the Lessee itself (except normal wear & tear), for damages caused
by the Lessee and his/her visitors during the use of premises and for protecting own personal
6- To comply with the regulations on the general protection of sanitation environment
order and security within residential areas.
7- Not to be entitled to transfer this lease contract or to sublet the premises to another Lessee
without the Lessor advance written approval.
8- PETS: No any kind Animal may be kept on or about the premises without lessor’s
written consent.
Article 7: Commitments by both parties.
1- This lease contract shall be properly implemented upon execution by both parties. Any
amendment and addition must be agreed upon in writing by both parties. If there are any
disputes or breach of lease contract by either party, the matter will be settled through
conciliation and negotiation. If solution cannot be settled, then it shall be brought to the Phnom
Penh City Court of laws for final judgment.
2- In case, if the Cambodian Government enacts any new laws or regulations on the house
leasing; two parties will re-negotiate the related terms and conditions to make them fit to
new laws or regulations.

The contract is made 02 copies in English with equal validity. Each party keeps one copy.
The contract is valid from its sign date.

Phnom Penh City, date 31/11/2022



Contact Information
 The Pointe Serviced Apartments # 63, Street 219,Sangkat
Psadoemkor, Khan Toulkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
 Contact: Mr. GM, 099999119
LINE ID: norrish010

Customer Information
 Full Name : Mr……………………….......
 Phone : ……………………………….
 Email/Line or : ……………………………….
 Company : ……………………………….
 Location : ……………………………….

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