Final Proposal

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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the background of the study,

theoretical framework, statement of the problem, scope and

limitation of the study and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Physical disability are recognized when an individual

experience abnormalities within their body and can be

immediately recognized by the masses, while people with

psychological disabilities are those who experience sudden

seizures, ADHD, PTSD, trauma induced by past memories,

Alzheimer, and any form of illnesses that manifest within

the cognitive or cardio vascular region of the body.World

Health Organization, International Classification of

Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Geneva: 2001

According to Levosada (2017), the government based jobs

are required to reserve one percent (1%) of their regular

and non-regular positions for PWDs, while private sectors

are encouraged to hire one PWD individual for every one

hundred people that they are able to hire, and those private

corporations who fail to reach the hiring of one hundred


employees are highly encouraged to accept PWDs within their

work force.

The PWD community is easily one of the most vulnerable

groups in the Philippines, and should be supported by the

companies and also by the government, this is witnessed by

the implementation of the Republic Act No. 10754 rightfully

entitled “An Act Expanding The Benefits And Privileges Of

Persons With Disability (PWD)” which clearly states the

following entitlements that the PWDs can receive under the

umbrella of the republic of the Philippines. Mina (2013)

In the Philippines, various efforts have long been

undertaken by the government in providing employment and

livelihood supports to PWDs. One of those is the Magna Carta

for Disabled Persons (MCDP), which ensures equal

opportunities for suitable employment to PWDs as their able-

bodied counterparts.



In the Philippines, disability is one of the social

issues affecting a portion of the Philippines' population.

To ensure the equality and rights of disabled persons, there

are Philippine laws and policies that were passed regarding

persons with disabilities (PWDs). There are also numerous


non-government associations that seeks to encourage and help

improve the wellbeing of people with disabilities.



The National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA),

formerly National Council for the Welfare of Disabled

Persons or NCWDP, is the government body which focuses on

the activities, issues, and concerns that are related to

PWDs in the country. Their priority is to track and perform

laws to ensure the protection of PWDs' political and civil

rights. They also handle the annual "International Day of

Persons with Disabilities in the Philippines" held on

December 3 to advocate the rights and privileges of PWDs.

Source :

The study seeks to examine how disability is understood

by support institutions, mainly by local government units

(LGUs), and how such understanding shaped why and how they

engage in community organizing work with persons with

disabilities. Parallel to these concerns, the study also

aims to surface the DPOs’ assessment of the LGUs’

understanding of disability and community organizing

practices. (Paul Edward N. Muego , 2021)


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

“In Pedro Ponce de Leon (1520–1584) He was a Spanish

Benedictine monk who is often credited as being "the first

teacher for the deaf". Ponce de Leon established a school

for the deaf at the San Salvador Monastery in Oña. His

students were almost all children of wealthy aristocrats who

could afford private tutoring. His work with deaf children

focused on helping them to learn how to speak language

audibly. He also instructed children in writing and in

simple gestures.

He was a Spanish priest and pioneer of education for

the deaf. He published the first book on deaf education in

1620 in Madrid. The modern recorded history of sign language

began in the 17th century in Spain, in part with Bonet. The

book is considered the first modern treatise of phonetics.

Also, it depicts the first documented manual alphabet for

the purpose of deaf education. His intent was to further the

oral and manual education of deaf people in Spain. Juan

Pablo Bonet (c. 1573–1633)

He was a French educator and the inventor of a reading

and writing system, named braille after him, intended for

use by visually impaired people. His system is used

worldwide and remains virtually unchanged to this day.


Braille was blinded at the age of three in one eye as a

result of an accident with a stitching awl in his father's

harness making shop. Consequently, an infection set in and

spread to both eyes, resulting in total blindness. At that

time there were not many resources in place for the blind,

but he nevertheless excelled in his education and received a

scholarship to France's Royal Institute for Blind Youth.

Louis Braille (4 January 1809 – 6 January 1852).

Attanasio (2015),stressed that many developin

g economies have experienced fast increases in growth

have also e1perienced increases in human capital he same

author discussed that many children in developing countries

are at risk of not developing their full potential

these children are particularly vulnerable because of

high incidence and burden of infectious diseases,

under nutrition in the prenatal period and early childhood

micronutrient deficiency, lack of clean water and

limited hygiene and other psychological factors !he damage

inflicted is likely to be permanent and delays accumulated

in the early years will be difficult if not impossible to

fill With these challenges faced by many families and

policymakers in developing economies, analysis of

determinants of school participation among children are major

concern for policymakers.


Some works have identified issues concerning the

disabled within the context of poverty reduction.

Using the same dataset as the one used in this paper,

Mori, Reyes and Yamagata (2009) estimated the returns

to schooling of persons with disability in urban

Philippines. They found out that returns to education

for women PWD’s are significantly cover than those for

the men.

One of the most important forms of capital

investment in any county is education. Unfortunately,

not all children will have a chance to go to school.

The right to education is one of the most important

Rights Law .Education works as a multiplier since it

in turn enables people to exercise it enhances both

economic, social, civil, political and cultural

rights. To be educated improves one self-esteem and

faculties social mobility. It is therefore essential

for every human being (De Beco 2014).

In the Philippines women and children with

disabilities were found to have lower literacy and

school participation rates, and generally have lower

educational attainment, than male PWD and non-disabled

children, respectively (Reyes 2015).


Level of Awareness
on R.A 7277 the Registered PWD
PWD Welfare Act in Municipality
in Municipality of
of Tambulige.
Zamboanga del Sur marital status

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the level of Awareness on

R.A 7277 the PWD welfare act in Municipality of Tambulig

Zamboanga del Sur:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents on

terms of;

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. Socio Economic Status

1.4. Educational Attainment and

1.5. Marital Status

2. What is the respondent’s level of awareness on R.A 7277

PWD Welfare Act in terms of;

2.1. Benefits

3. Is there a significant relationship between demographic

profile of the respondents and their level of awareness

on PWD Welfare Act?

Scope and limitation of the Study

This study focuses on determining the Level of

Awareness encountered by the PWD's as provided by the

Republic Act 7277 (Magna Carta for Disabled Persons).


The respondents are the total initial survey of 992 in

DSWD Tambulig regarding the registered PWD. We were select

50 PWD respondents in our study.

Significance of the Study

The researcher findings of the study aim to provide and

to protect their daily living regarding their emotion and

psychological well being after acquiring such disability.

This study explores and discuss how the PWD faces different

challenges in life. Not only to the respondents but also to

the following:

PWD – Person with disability (PWD) provided laws education

assistance to the person with disability. This includes

scholarship, grants, financial aids, subsidies, and other


DSWD – Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

is the primary government agency mandated to develop,

implement and coordinate social protection and poverty-

reduction solutions for and with the poor, vulnerable and


LGU – Local Government Unit (LGU) the municipality can use

the findings of this study as a guide in uplifting its

system especially those aspects found to be weak and improve


those which need further improvement especially for the act

that is tackled in this study.

Future researcher – they may consider looking into other

aspects to help more people with handicap boost their

confidence and relationship with people around them.

Definition of terms

The following terms are the variables used from the

title of the research and from the statement of the

problem of this study. The following are the

conceptual definition of these terms:

Awareness - the quality or state of being aware : knowledge

and understanding that something is happening or exists

promoting a heightened awareness of the problem seemed to

have only a slight awareness of what was going on an

acute awareness of subtle differences They hope to

raise awareness of endangered species, encouraging donations

and attracting tourists to the region to support

conservation efforts.

DPOs - Delegated proof of stake (DPOs) is a verification and

consensus mechanism in the blockchain. It competes with

other proof of work and proof of stake models as a way to

verify transactions and promote blockchain organization.


DSWD – The Department of Social Welfare and Development

(DSWD) is the primary government agency mandated to develop,

implement and coordinate social protection and poverty-

reduction solutions for and with the poor, vulnerable and


LGU – a local government unit which is political subdivision

of the borrower at the provincial, city, municipal or

barangay level.

NCDA - The Philippines National Council on Disability

Affairs (NCDA) is the national government agency mandated to

formulate policies and coordinate the activities of all

agencies, whether public or private, concerning disability

issues and concerns.

PWD - Persons with disabilities are those suffering from

restrictions or different abilities, as a result of a mental

or sensory impairment, to perform an activity in the manner

within the range considered normal for a human being, male

or female, 0-59 years of age. Types of PWDs.

Republic Act. 7277 - An Act providing for the

rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of

disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream

of society and for other purposes.


Chapter 2


This chapter contains related information gathered

through books, journals, e-journals, and magazine which

provided additional knowledge about Persons with

Disabilities. Studies about the law pertaining to the

Persons with Disabilities were also indicated in this


Related Literature

The Nature of People with Disabilities

According to the AAPD or American Association of People

with Disabilities (2020) Disabilities can occur at birth but

in some cases, disability is acquired later in life. Common

disabilities include physical deformities that affect the

upper and lower limbs, manual dexterity problems, inability

to coordinate body organs and others.

The cause of the disability may be due to old age, a

viral infection such as polio, a hereditary condition and

paralysis or amputation. Other disabilities include speech

and hearing impairment. This category includes individuals

suffering hearing impairment; some partially while others


totally, a condition also known as deafness. Source

There are a number of individuals who have problems

with speech, where others cannot speak and are said to be

mute. Sufferers of speech impairment may stutter and stammer

while speaking while others may have voice disorders.

People suffering from disabilities face a lot of

challenges everyday. Simple tasks that ordinary people

perform on a daily basis as routine are extremely delicate

and difficult to those suffering from disabilities. Thus,

accomplishing simple tasks such as taking a shower, dressing

up, brushing teeth or even having a meal are tasks that may

take much longer than normal, and in many cases, may require

the assistance of others (AAPD, 2020)

The Human Diseases and Illness Forum (2020) disability

is a deviation from the normal range of functioning that

places a limit on what a person can do or that imposes

special conditions or needs that must be met to allow a

person to function in the normal range or up to his or her

full capacity. Disabilities can be mental, physical,

psychological, or a combination of all three. The disability

may be obvious to the casual observer, such as the loss of a

leg, or invisible, such as a back injury. Some people prefer


to refer to anyone whose range of function falls outside the

norm as "differently abled," to stress that the condition is

a difference rather than a lack of completeness.

Disabilities can have a strong impact on self-esteem and

social adjustment. Cited by Deborah and Quinlan (1997)

According to Achieve Australia (2019) a physical

disability is a physical condition that affects a person’s

mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity. This

could include brain or spinal cord injuries, multiple

sclerosis, cerebral palsy, respiratory disorders, epilepsy,

hearing and visual impairments and more. Physical

disabilities fall into one of two categories: (1) Hereditary

or Congenital Disability and (2) Acquired Disability.

Hereditary or Congenital Disability is when a person has

been born with a physical disability or developed one due to

inherited genetic problems, has suffered an injury at birth,

or has issues with their muscles. Acquired Disability

acquired physical disability could be due to an accident,

infection or disease, or as a side effect of a medical

condition (Achieve Australia, 2019)

The Social and Physical Barriers of PWDs

In general Buenaobra (2011) stated that Filipinos with

disabilities have suffered from discrimination. Their


economic, social, and political rights have not been

recognized and their access to educational opportunities and

government services have been limited. Despite the passage

of Republic Act 7277 or the Magna Carta for people with

disabilities in 1991, which guarantees their right to

employment, health, education, and auxiliary services, there

are still significant barriers that keep them from fully

participating in society, including the stigma surrounding a

disability and society’s poor understanding of the abilities

and aspirations of the disabled people. Often, they face a

life that is segregated and debased, and many lives in

isolation and insecurity.

Source: National Center on Birth Defects and

Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and


There are many who recognize women with disabilities as

all the more disadvantaged, experiencing exclusion on

account of both their gender and their disability. The World

Health Organization estimates that 10 percent of the

country’s given population have some form of disability in

The Philippines. The Department of Education claims that

less than 3 percent of children and youth with disabilities

have proper access to education, due to lack of teachers


trained to handle students with special needs and inadequate

allocation of resources for educational materials in

alternative formats to accommodate their needs (Buenaobra,


According to the Philippine Association for Citizens

with Developmental and Learning Disabilities, Inc. (as cited

by Buenaobra, 2011), there are about 4 million children and

youth with disabilities, of whom only 2% go to school and 1%

are properly diagnosed. Attempts to include persons with

disability in national census surveys have not been

successful for many reasons, including the hesitancy of

families to declare that they have members with

disabilities. The general lack of reliable data on

disabilities also prevents government agencies from knowing

the extent to which people with disabilities are included in

mainstream social services such as education and healthcare.

Realizing this, The Asia Foundation since the year 2002 has

undertaken several initiatives to raise public awareness of

the rights of patients and persons with disability and

mobilize public support for their rights.

Related Studies

There is low awareness on the Magna Carta, its

amendment, or any of the provisions of the law. This is the


finding of two recent surveys conducted by the authors. In

the rural survey, conducted in 2010 in Rosario, Batangas,

only about 3 in 10 (29.2%) of the 106 respondents has

reported having heard or being aware of any policy that

concerns them

In the urban survey, personal assistance matters not so

in the frequency of movement but more on the distance

travelled by the PWDs. PWDs who visit the market or church

more often do not have personal assistants (PA). Those with

PA travel less frequently which may be an indication of

their special circumstances and capacity. Interestingly,

with a PA, the PWD travel farther distances going to the

market, about 1 and a half kilometer on the average, than

those without a PA (only around a kilometer). In rural

survey however, those with PA barely go to either the market

or church. Majority of these either have multiple

impairments or are aged 60 and above. The rest are either

using a wheelchair and/or experiencing paralysis in the

lower limbs.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methodology that employed in

this study. It includes the research design, research

locale, respondents of the study, research instruments, data

gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

In gathering data and information, the researcher

will utilize the survey-questionnaire checklist. The

quantitative method will employ in determining the Level

of Awareness on Republic Act 7277 the PWD Welfare Act. The

researcher’s employ a questionnaire adopted from the

republic act 7277. Source:NCDA BOARD RESOLUTION NO 4 SERIES

OF 2023

Respondents of the Study


The study will be conducting in Municipality of

Tambulig, Zamboanga Del Sur. The respondents will be

interviewed in their houses or any comfortable place.

Research Setting

As the study required full attention of the

participants, the study will be conducting in a private

place where atmosphere was quiet and favorable for both the

participant and the researcher.

Sampling Design

This study will be using purposive non-random sampling

were the researcher’s randomly select a subset of

participants from the total population of 992 registered PWD

in Municipality of Tambulig.

Research Instrument

To provide and gather as much informative and relative

data, questionnaire checklist consisting 20 statements for

the level of awareness on 7277 were the main data gathering

instrument for the study.

Rating Scale

Scale Weight Adjectival Interpretation

Continuum Equivalent
4 (3.26-4.00) Very high Strongly Agree (SA)

3 (2.51-3.25) High Agree (A)

2 (1.76-2.50) Moderate Disagree (DA)

1 (1.00-1.75) Low Strongly Disagree


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers perform necessary steps to ensure that

time, efforts and resources were safeguarded against

unnecessary and untimely actions. The data gathering

procedure will start after the panel approved the respective

research study together with its research instrument. After

which the researcher asked permission from the Dean to

conduct the study. Then, the researcher requested assistance

from the respective Municipal Social Welfare and Development

Officers for the conduct of the study together with the list

and identification of the respondents. The researcher tapped

an expert to translate the interview guide into vernacular

language. An administration of a pre-test was also put in


place to check the instrument before the actual

administration of it to the respective respondents.

The researcher personally distributed the

questionnaire. Personal conduct of interview and Focus -

Group discussion were the main strategies in gathering the

needed data. The researcher asked assistance from the

Municipal Social Welfare and Development Offices to help her

in administering the distribution, survey and retrieval of

the questionnaire’s Concerted effort was made to ensure

adequate presentation of each category of respondents.

The respondents were given instructions and were guided

in answering the questionnaires. After finishing the

gathering of data, all the information was organized,

summarized, analyzed and interpreted. Then all the

information was reviewed to make sure that everything is

clear and all needed data are gathered.

Statistical Treatment

To determine the respondent’s age; sex; socio-economic;

and educational attainment and marital status affect their

daily living.

−¿ √ n

X = observed mean of the sample

µ = assumed mean

s = standard deviation

n = sample size

The Nature of People With Disabilities

According to the AAPD or American Association of
People with Disabilities (2020)
Disabilities can occur at birth but in some cases,
disability is acquired later in life. Common
disabilities include physical deformities that affect the
upper and lower limbs, manual dexterity
problems, inability to coordinate body organs and others.
The cause of the disability may be due
to old age, a viral infection such as polio, a hereditary
condition and paralysis or amputation.
Other disabilities include speech and hearing impairment.
This category includes individuals
suffering hearing impairment; some partially while others
totally, a condition also known as
deafness. There are a number of individuals who
have problems with speech, where others
cannot speak and are said to be mute. Sufferers of speech
impairment may stutter and stammer
while speaking while others may have voice disorders.
The Nature of People With Disabilities

According to the AAPD or American Association of

People with Disabilities (2020)
Disabilities can occur at birth but in some cases,
disability is acquired later in life. Common
disabilities include physical deformities that affect the
upper and lower limbs, manual dexterity
problems, inability to coordinate body organs and others.
The cause of the disability may be due
to old age, a viral infection such as polio, a hereditary
condition and paralysis or amputation.
Other disabilities include speech and hearing impairment.
This category includes individuals
suffering hearing impairment; some partially while others
totally, a condition also known as
deafness. There are a number of individuals who
have problems with speech, where others
cannot speak and are said to be mute. Sufferers of speech
impairment may stutter and stammer
while speaking while others may have voice disorders.
According to the AAPD or American Association of
People with Disabilities (2020)
Disabilities can occur at birth but in some cases,
disability is acquired later in life. Common
disabilities include physical deformities that affect the
upper and lower limbs, manual dexterity
problems, inability to coordinate body organs and others.
The cause of the disability may be due
to old age, a viral infection such as polio, a hereditary
condition and paralysis or amputation.
Other disabilities include speech and hearing impairment.
This category includes individuals
suffering hearing impairment; some partially while others
totally, a condition also known as
deafness. There are a number of individuals who
have problems with speech, where others
cannot speak and are said to be mute. Sufferers of speech
impairment may stutter and stammer
while speaking while others may have voice disorders.
According to the AAPD or American Association of
People with Disabilities (2020)
Disabilities can occur at birth but in some cases,
disability is acquired later in life. Common
disabilities include physical deformities that affect the
upper and lower limbs, manual dexterity
problems, inability to coordinate body organs and others.
The cause of the disability may be due

to old age, a viral infection such as polio, a hereditary

condition and paralysis or amputation.
Other disabilities include speech and hearing impairment.
This category includes individuals
suffering hearing impairment; some partially while others
totally, a condition also known as
deafness. There are a number of individuals who
have problems with speech, where others
cannot speak and are said to be mute. Sufferers of speech
impairment may stutter and stammer
while speaking while others may have voice disorders.
Literature Cited

AAPD (2020) disabilities can occur at birth but in some

cases, disability is acquired later in life. Sources date
released (May 21,2020) (2020) disabilities can occur at

birth but in some cases, disability is acquired later in
life. - Search (

Achieve Australia (2019) a physical disability is a physical

condition that affects a person’s mobility, physical
capacity, stamina or dexterity. Sources date released
(November 27, 2023)

Buenaobra, 2011 Citizens with Developmental and Learning

Disabilities, Inc. Sources date released (October 26,2011)

Deborah and Quinlan (1997) cited by The Human Diseases and

Illness Forum (2020). Sources date released (November 5,

General Buenaobra (2011) stated that Filipinos with

disabilities have suffered from discrimination. Source date
released (October 26, 2011)

Hickey, S. J. (2008). The Unmet Legal, Social and Cultural

Needs of Māori with Disabilities. (Doctor of Philosophy in
Law and Māori and Pacific Development Studies PhD), the
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Hickey, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2017). Whānau Hauā: Reframing

Disability from an Indigenous Perspective. Mai Journal,
6(1), 82-94. Sources date released (April 20, 2015)

Juan Pablo Bonet (1573-1633) he was a Spanish priest and

pioneer of education for the deaf. Sources date released
(November 10, 2007)

Louis Braille (1809-1852). he was a French educator and the

inventor of a reading and writing system. Sources date
released (January 6, 1852)

Mina, (2013) An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges Of

Persons With Disability (PWD). Sources date released
(December 8, 2013)

MDGS (2018). The members countries are now committed monitor


Sources date released (February 19, 2018)


(Kafer 2013: 12, 13, as quoted in Schalk 2017) “those who

lack a ‘proper’.
Sources date released (May 05, 2013)

Level of Awareness on R.A 7277 the PWD Welfare Act

in Municipality of Tambulig Zamboanga Del Sur

A Bachelor’s Thesis
Presented to the
College of Criminology Research Committee
J.H Cerilles State College
Dumingag, Zamboanga Del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Abitona, Eugene P.
Ebrado, Viller Jacob B.
Malolot, Zeryl E.

March 2024

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