Standards For Philippine Libraries
Standards For Philippine Libraries
Standards For Philippine Libraries
Final Draft
Member Philippine Regulatory Board For Librarians PRC, Manila
Some Background
Republic Act 9246 An Act Modernizing the Practice of Librarianship in the Philippines repealing R.A. 6966, Article II Sec. 8 Powers, Functions and Duties of the Board The Board shall exercise executive /administrative, rule making and quasi-judicial powers in carrying out the provision of this Act. It shall be vested with the following specific powers, functions, duties and responsibilities:
Article II Sec. 8
Powers, Functions and Duties of the Board
(a) To promulgate and administer rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act; (e) To look into the conditions affecting the practice of librarianship, and when necessary, adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the enhancement and maintenance of high ethical, moral and professional standards of librarianship
Article II Sec. 8
Powers, Functions and Duties of the Board
(f) Adopt policies and set standards for all types of libraries, librarians and practice of librarianship (g) To ensure, in coordination with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), that all institutions offering library, archives and information science education comply with prescribed standards for curriculum, faculty and facilities for course offerings of library science, or library and information science;
Article II Sec. 8
Powers, Functions and Duties of the Board (h) To adopt and prescribe a Code of Ethics and a Code of Technical Standards for Librarians;
1. School library media centers 2. Academic libraries 3. Special libraries 4. Public libraries
Standard Format
Mission, Goals and Objectives II. Administration III. Human Resources IV. Collection Management V. Services and Utilization
Standard Format
VI. Physical Facilities VII. Information Technology Facilities and Services VIII. Financial Resources IX. Linkages and Networking
Standard I. Mission, Goals and Objectives
A. The academic library shall develop an explicit statement of its mission in conformity with the mandate of the parent institution. B. The development of library mission and goals shall be the responsibility of the library head and staff in consultation with the officials of the parent institution. C. The statement of library objectives shall be reviewed periodically and revised as necessary
The qualifications of a professional staff shall be at least: For college library Bachelors Degree in Library and Information Science Masters Degree in Library and Information Science (or MAEd in Library Science or MA in Library Science)
Support Staff The support staff includes the paraprofessionals and staff doing clerical work. The educational qualifications for paraprofessionals shall be Bachelors degree in any related field in Library/Information Science and the clerical staff shall likewise be a Bachelors degree holder.
Status Librarians shall be given faculty (academic) status with corresponding privileges and other benefits comparable to those of the faculty members.
4. Staff Development A continuing staff development shall be provided with the corresponding financial assistance from the institution
1.4 Every major field of specialization shall be covered by at least 3 journal titles of undergraduate program, 6 journal titles of graduate program and 10 journal titles of doctoral program or its equivalent. 1.5 For reserve books, at least 1 copy for every 25 students shall be provided.
1.6 Twenty percent (20%) of the collection shall have been published within the last five (5) years
1.7 The academic library shall provide Filipiniana materials equivalent to 15% of the total collection.
The academic library shall make its collection and services known and accessible to all bona-fide users.
C. D.
B. C.
For an enrollment of 1,000 - 1 full time professional head librarian/media specialist, 1 full time librarian media specialist + 2 support staff
For an enrollment of 2,000 -- 1 full time professional head librarian/media specialist, 2 full time librarian/media specialist, + 4 support staff Note : There shall be an additional librarian and two additional support staff for every additional one thousand enrollment.
50 titles of electronic resources (e.g. CD-ROMs, audio books, etc.) an acquisition of 1000 pieces representing pictures, charts, study prints, photographs and other types of graphic materials
-- A variety of audiovisual equipment available in amounts and quantity adequate to serve the instructional program of the school.
E. The school library media center shall be available for use by individual students and by class groups throughout the school day. Flexible scheduling enables the teacher to bring his class to the library at the time best suited for the purpose of class supervised research.
B. The school library media center shall establish linkages with other resource centers in the vicinity/community (e.g. barangay, public and special libraries) where students can be referred to for research and additional sources of information.
Standard I. Mission, Goals and Objectives
A. General Statement To provide efficient accurate, relevant and timely information service to its respective institution through a systematically organized collection; maintain a proactive role as information provider and disseminator to be globally competitive; as well as uphold and promote the principles of high ethical standards of library profession at all times.
B. Specific 1. Update library reference collection and information resources in whatever for the information appears. 2. Upgrade library tools, equipment, facilities as well as needed applicable technologies as maybe necessary for the effective and wider dissemination/decentralization of information to its internal and external clients; and 3. Maintain written manuals of operations, which shall include library policies, procedure and regulations reviewed and revised regularly as circumstances may require to adopt to the changing needs.
2. To ensure that library staff/personnel are qualified for the job, hiring of employees shall be vested on the library administrator or director who shall be directly responsible to the appropriate hierarchy of the governing body of the institution they serve. 3. The library administrator/director in collaboration with the management or appropriate committee whichever is applicable shall have the authority to select and recommend reference materials to be purchased. To safeguard the library collections same should ensure librarians by the responsible institutions to secure the collections. The library collections should also be insured against natural disaster, grave theft, losses, etc
1. Professional staff The minimum requirement is one (1) professional staff equipped with the subject specialization of said library such as law, business, banking, medical, etc. 2. Para-professional staff Should be college degree holder with knowledge of Information technology; or in government agencies or institutions, civil service eligibility is required. 3. Messenger/Utility support staff College degree is ideal. However, undergraduates may qualify for the position.
2. 3. B.
Scope is dependent on the mission/vision, function and type of library service for each institution. Size is likewise dependent on the same criteria. Growth of the collection is dependent on the budget allotment or fund allocation of the institution.
Organization 1. Collection must be systematically organized according to generally accepted standard classification, e.g. Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), Library of Congress (LC), and other recognized classification scheme. 2 Indexing should be observed.
C. Library hours/Guidelines accessibility to the library services shall be during regular office hours and may be rendered beyond regular hours as the need arises.
E. Reader Services 1. Circulation 2. Reference 3. Periodicals 4. Audiovisual 5. Interlibrary loan/Resource sharing 6. Photocopying
B. Physical arrangement is dependent on the following: 1. Research needs of its primary users 2. Space available for the library 3. Classification scheme use C. Space Allocation 1. Reading Area 2. Technical Services area 3. Stack and other Shelf Areas 4. Other areas as may be needed as required
Furniture and Equipment The library shall provide adequate standard furniture and equipment for the needs of the users, collections and library staff. 1. Equipment Basic requirements: 1. 1 Facsimile 1.2. Photocopying machines 1.3. Computer hardware (with printer and scanner) 1.4. Air conditioning unit 1.5. Emergency light 1.6 . Telephone landline 1.7. Typewriter
Standard I. Mission, Goals and Objectives
A. To provide library and information service to the needs of the community, B. To build within each library an information center about its respective community its resources, history, people, customs and traditions, etc., and C. To develop nationally, a network and linkages among public libraries with the National Library as the center to facilitate research reference needs of patrons.
6.1 Library equipment operator for the photocopying machine; microfilm reader/printer, overhead projector; 6.2 Bindery personnel 6.3 Messengerial staff, liaison personnel; and 6.4 Utility worker
Standard V.
C. D. E.
Library services shall be provided with the highest degree of efficiency and integrity in keeping in mind that the public library is a service agency of the government for the people; The library shall reflect the needs of the community which shall include books, pamphlets, ephemeral materials, non-print materials, classified and cataloged according to the standards for easy access and retrieval; Open shelves system shall be promoted to give users the free access to all materials; The library shall maintain local historical and cultural materials for preservation and conservation; The library shall provide materials for wholesome development of the community regardless of age, creed, religion and cultural affiliations; The library shall observe library hours for the maximum benefit of the community;
Standard V.
The library shall initiate the organization of groups or volunteers to handle fund raising to financially support the library and handle activities such as storytelling and book talks for the children; book discussions, exhibits; poetry interpretation, play reading, lectures, demonstrations, puppet shows, etc. For library promotion activities, the following services shall be encouraged: 1. Reference and research service 2. Circulation and books for home use 3. Organization and maintenance of a childrens section 4. Reading guidance for children and out of school youth 5. Outreach programs and services especially to depressed areas of the community 6. Organization of Friends Group to act as support of the Library
Equipment and furniture shall be adequate to generate an environment conducive for the pleasant and effective use of the materials and services. Furniture shall be functional and in harmony with the architecture of the building. Equipment shall be selected properly in such a way that they will help in the efficient operation of the library to keep abreast with the time. Layout of equipment and furniture shall allow the smooth mobility of readers and materials.
Standard IX.
Public libraries must encourage networking/resource sharing to enrich their collections subject to existing rules and regulations.