TD Course File

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In the departmentof



Approved byAICTE,NewDelhi&AffiliatedtoJNTUH,Hyderabad
Accredited byNBA&NAACwith AGrade

ProgramName : Mechanical Engineering

Nameof theCourse : Thermodynamics
Course Code : ME2105PC
Semester and Year : II Year I Semester
FacultyName : PVV Srinivas Rao
S. No Contents Included
1 Vision,Mission,COs,POs, PSOs, PEOs yes
2 Academic calendar yes
3 Syllabus yes
4 CO/POmapping yes
5 NominalRolls oftheStudents yes
6 Timetable yes
7 LessonPlan yes
8 UnitwiseQuestionBank yes
9 OldQuestionPapers yes
10 QuestionPapers (CIA&SEE) yes
11 Tutorialsheets
12 Learning Methodologies: Experiential learning (Industrial visits, yes
2.Theabove methodologiesforillustration,youmayaddmore
13 Subjectnotes/PPTs/selfstudymaterial yes

14 FeedbackonCurriculumDesignanddevelopment
15 CO/POattainment,analysisandActiontakenreport yes

Recommendation/ Remarks:

SignatureoftheFaculty SignatureoftheHead SignatureofthePrincipal

I. Vision, Mission, COs, POs, PSOs, PEOs

Vision of the Department:

To evolve into a centre of excellence in Electronics & Communications Engineering through creative
and innovative practices in teaching-learning and Research in consonance with the contemporary and
future needs of the society.

Mission of the Department:

Mission 1: Inspire and encourage development of key ideas and innovations that can contribute to socio-
economic development of India as well as society.

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pageii
Mission 2: Identify and collaborate with experts, professionals, academicians, commercial and various
governmental bodies and develop an environment conducive to research and development.

Mission 3: Offer state-of-the-art programs that inspire and motivates students in perusing the role of
researchers and developers through higher learning programs.

Program Outcome
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
2 problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
3 components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health
and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
4 including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering
5 and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of
the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
6 health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
7 societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
10 community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
11 management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Department Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s):

PSO1: Enabling the students to apply the knowledge of algorithm analysis, modeling, circuit design and
verification methodologies to use and manage electro-mechanical systems that are integral part of
modern socio-economic framework.

PSO2: Students will be able to examine the limitations of current implementation strategies and propose
modifications and new ideas by using state-of-the-art tool chain in electronic communication systems.

PSO3: To learn, understand and adapt to continuously evolving role and ethical needs of professionals in
collaborative environment

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pageiii
Department Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s):

PEO-I: Core competence – Discipline knowledge - To motivate and mould students in to world class
professionals by cultivating a fundamental desire to learn and apply the acquired skill sets in complex
constrains being faced by our social infrastructure.

PEO-II Preparation – Employment/Higher studies - To encourage students in striving for higher

cognitive aspirations where they will actively participate in quality improvement of academic and
industrial components of our society.

PEO-III Professionalism – Professional value-knowledge development - To enlighten students and help

them in understanding their role as professionals who are well groomed, ethically poised, mentally
strong, passionate human beings and upstanding citizens.

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pageiv
II. Academic calendar

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagev
IIYearB.TechME-I Sem
4 1 4

 Tounderstandtheconceptsofenergytransformation,conversionofheatintowork.
 To understand the fundamentals of Differences between work producing
and workconsumingcycles.
 To applytheconceptsofthermodynamicstobasicenergysystems.

Basic Concepts : System - Types of Systems - Control Volume - Macroscopic and
Microscopic viewpoints -Thermodynamic Equilibrium- State, Property, Process, Cycle –
WorkandHeat,Pointand Path functions. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics – Principles
ofThermometry –ConstantVolume gas Thermometer – Scales of Temperature – PMM I -
Joule’sExperiment –First lawofThermodynamics–Corollaries–FirstlawappliedtoaProcess–

Limitations of the First Law - Thermal Reservoir, Heat Engine, Heat pump, Parameters
ofperformance, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements
andtheir Equivalence / Corollaries, PMM of Second kind, Carnot’s principle, Carnot cycle
and itsspecialties, Clausius Inequality, Entropy, Principle of Entropy Increase – Energy
Equation,Availability and Irreversibility – Thermodynamic Potentials, Gibbs and Helmholtz
Functions,Maxwell Relations –ElementaryTreatmentofthe ThirdLawofThermodynamics.

PureSubstances:p-V-T-surfaces,T-Sandh-sdiagrams,MollierCharts,PhaseTransformations –
Triple point at critical state properties during change of phase, DrynessFraction – Mollier
charts – Various Thermodynamic processes and energy Transfer – SteamCalorimetry.
Perfect Gas Laws – Equation of State, specific and Universal Gas constants –Various
Non- flow processes, properties, end states, Heat and Work Transfer, changes inInternal
Energy – Throttling and Free Expansion Processes – Flow processes –
DeviationsfromperfectGas Model–VanderWaals EquationofState.

Dalton’s Law of partial pressure, Avogadro’s Laws of additive volumes –
Molefraction , Volume fraction and partial pressure, Equivalent Gas constant, Enthalpy,
sp. Heatsand Entropy of Mixture of perfect Gases,Vapour,andAtmospheric air -
DrybulbTemperature,WetBulbTemperature,DewpointTemperature,Thermodynamic Wet
Bulb Temperature,SpecificHumidity,
RelativeHumidity,saturatedAir,Vapourpressur AdiabaticSaturation–

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagevi
PowerCycles: Ottocycle, Dieselcycle,DualCombustioncycles descriptionandrepresentation on P–V
and T-S diagram, Thermal Efficiency, Mean Effective Pressures on Airstandardbasis –
Comparisonof Cycles.BasicRankine cycle – PerformanceEvaluation.

1. EngineeringThermodynamics,SpecialEditionMcGrahillPublishers.
2. EngineeringThermodynamics/PKNag/TMH,IIIEdition
3. Thermodynamics–J.P.Holman/McGrawHill

1. EngineeringThermodynamics –Jones&Dugan
2. Thermodynamics–An EngineeringApproach–YunusCengel&Boles/TMH
3. An introductiontoThermodynamics/YVCRao /NewAge
4. EngineeringThermodynamics –K.Ramakrishna/AnuradhaPublisher

III. CO/PO mapping

Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 3 1 2 1 - - - - - 2
CO2 3 2 2 1 2 1 - - - - - 2
CO3 2 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - - 2
CO4 3 2 1 1 1 - - - - - - 2
CO5 3 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - - 3
Average 2.8 2.4 2.4 1.4 1.8 1 2.2


Course PSO1 PSO2 PSO3

CO1 3 2 3
CO2 3 2 2
CO3 3 3 3
CO4 3 2 1
CO5 3 3 3
Average 3 2.4 2.4

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pageii
II year mechanical


IIIB.Tech, ISemester,AcademicYear:2022-23

Course Name : Thermodynamics

L–T–P :5–1–0
Course Instructor : pvv srinivasarao

Day/Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
09:30 10:20 11:10 12:00 01:40 02:30 03:20
10:20 11:10 12:00 12:50 02:30 03:20 04:00

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pageiii

Branch: ME Year:II Semester: I Section Academic Year: 2024-25

Subject: Thermo Dynamics Sub Code ME 2105PC

Nameofthe faculty: PVV SRINIVASA RAO

Lecture (As per
Topicstobecovered Date of Remarks
No. Academic
1. 31-7-24
2. System,controlvolume,surrounding,boundarie
1-8-24 s,universe,typesofsystems
3. 3-8-24
Thermodynamic equilibrium
4. 5-8-24
5. 6-8-24
6. 7-8-24
7. 8-8-24
8. 9-8-24
9. 12-8-24
10. 13-8-24 Irreversible process
11. 14-8-24 Problems
12. 16-8-24 pointandpathfunction,

13. 17-8-24 PMMIJoule’sExperimentsFirstlawofThermod

process– applied to aflowsystem–
14. 19-8-24
15. 20-8-24 LimitationsoftheFirstLaw–ThermalReservoir,
HeatEngine, Heatpump, Parameters
ics,Kelvin-PlanckandClausius Statements
and their Equivalence

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pageiv
16. 22-8-24
17. 23-8-24
ple,Carnotcycleand its specialties
18. 27-8-24
19. 29-8-24 ThermodynamicscaleofTemperature,ClausiusI
nequality,Entropy,Principle of
20. 30-8-24
21. 31-8-24 ThermodynamicPotentials,GibbsandHelmholt
22. 1-9-24 Maxwell Relations
23. 2-9-24 Pure Substances, p-V-T-surfaces, T-Sandh-
24. 3-9-24 MollierCharts,PhaseTransformations –
25. 5-9-24 Dryness fraction
26. 6-9-24 ClausiusClapeyronEquationPropertytables.Mo
27. 7-9-24 Steamcalorimetry
28. 10-9-24 Conceptofsteamtables
29 14-9-24 PerfectGasLaw
30 15-9-24 problems

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagev
31 16-9-24 Introductiontobucketcalorimeter
32 20-9-24 variousNonflowprocesses,properties,endstates
33 22-9-24
34 23-9-24
35 24-9-24 IntroductiontoThrottlingandFreeExpansionPro
cesses –Flow processes
36 3-10-24 Slip test
37 4-10-24 Perfectgasmodeldeviations
38 14-10-24 Derivationofvanderwalls equation
39 15-10-24
Derivationofspecificheatsgas constant
40 16-10-24 MixturesofperfectGases–MoleFraction,Mass
41 21-10-24 Lawsofperfectgases
42 22-10-24 Derivationofvolumetricanalysis
43 23-10-24
44 28-10-24
45 29-10-24
Dry air
46 30-10-24
47 1-11-24
48 4-11-24
49 5-11-24 SpecificHumidity,RelativeHumidity,saturated
50 6-11-24
51 11-11-24
52 12-11-24
53 13-12-24
54 18-12-24
55 19-11-24 PowerCycles:Otto,Diesel,DualCombustioncyc
56 25-11-24
57 26-11-24
58 27-11-24 Dual cycle

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagevi
Problem practice
59 29-11-24 BraytonandRankinecyclesPerformanceEvaluat
ion–combinedcycles, Bell-Coleman cycle.
60 1-12-24 Vapour compression cycle

Course Instructor Head ofthe Dept. Principal


Course Objectives:To understand the treatment of classical thermodynamics and to apply the first and second
laws of themodynamics to engineering applications

Course Outcomes (CO’s):At the end of the course the student should able to
1.Under stand the basics of thermodynamics
2.Apply first and second laws of thermodynamics to different systems
3.determine the feasibility of process w.r.t to entrophy
4. Apply Thermodynamic process to real or ideal gases

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagevii
S.No Questions BT CO PO
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 DefineThermodynamics? 1 1 1
2 what are types of equilibrium? 1 1 1
3 What is reversible process?Explain why the heat and work as path 1 1 1
4 What are exact and inexact differentials? 1 1 1
5 what are intensive &extensive properties? 1 1 1
6 what are differences between heat&work? 1 1 1
7 Show that heat is a path function and not a property 1 1 1
8 define energy?whataretypes of energy ? 1 1 1
9 derive an expression for non flow work? 1 1 1
10 define zeroth law of thermodynamics? 1 2 1
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
11 a) Explain types of thermodynamic system? 2 1 1,2
b) What is a constant volume gas thermometer? Why is it preferred to 2 2 1,2
a constant pressure gas thermometer?
12 a) What is Quasi static process?explain with neat sketch? 3 2 1,2
b) 2kg of gas at a pressure of 1.5 bar, Occupies a volume of 2.5 m3 4 2 1,2
If this gas compressesisothermally to 1/3 times the initial volume.
Find initial, Final temperature, work done,heat transfer
13 a) A piston-cylinder device operates 1 kg of fluid at 20 atm. Pressure. 5 1 1,2
The initial volume is 0.04 m3. The fluid is allowed to expand
reversibly following a process pV1.4= constant sothat the volume
becomes double. The fluid is then cooled at a constant pressure until
the piston comes back to the original position. Keeping the piston
unaltered, heat is addedreversibly to restore it to the initial
pressure. Calculate the work done in the cycle
b) what are different temparature scales? 2 1 1,2
14 a) Explain microscopic and macroscopic view points 2 2 1,2

b) Distinguish between change of state, path and process 2 2 1,2

15 a) A mass of 8kg gas expands within a flexible container so that the p-v 3 2
relationshipis of the form pv1.2=constant. The initial pressure is
1000kPa and the initialvolume is 1m3. The final pressure is 5 kPa. If
specific internal energy of the gas decreases by 40kJ/kg, find the
heat transfer in magnitude and direction.
b) explain different types of pressure 3 2 1,2
16 a) What is the difference between the work transfer and heat transfer? 3 2 1,2
b) explain temparature scales? 2 2 1,2

S.No Questions BT CO PO
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 what is PMM-I. Justify with reason whether it is feasible or not? 2 3 2
2 Define PMM2? 2 2 2
3 What are applications of SFEE? 1 3 2
4 What is first law of TD?Limitations of first law of TD? 1 3 2
5 What is thermal reservoir? 1 3 2

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagevii
6 define Heat Engine?its significance 1 3 2
7 define Heat pump?its significance 1 2 2
8 define enthalpy?significance 1 2 2
9 define entropy?significance 1 2 2
10 What do you mean by the term ‘ Property’? Prove that Heat and 1 2 2
Work is not a point function
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
11 a) Explain First law of thermodynamics. 1 3 1,2
b) Explain and derive Steady Flow Energy Equation. 2 3 2
12 a) Explain Second Law of Thermodynamics. Prove that violation of 2 3 2
Kelvin Plank statement leads to violation of
Clausius statement.
b) A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 800 2 3 2
C and A Sink temperature of 300C.What is the least rate of heat
rejection per KW net output of the engine?
13 a) Prove that the violation of Clausius statement leads to violation of 3 3 2
Kelvin Plank statement.
b) An air compressor handles 6.0 m3/min of air with a density of 1.26 4 3 2
kg/m3and a pressureof 1.013 bar, and it discharges 450 kPa with a
density of 4.86 kg/m3. The change inspecific internal energy across
the compressor is 82 kJ/kg and heatloss by cooling is24 kJ/kg.
Neglecting KE and PE, find the work in kW
14 a) derive an expression for MAXWELL realations? 2 3 2
b) What is the difference between steady flow and non – flow 2 2
15 a) Discuss about Clausius Inequality 2 3 2
b) Derive the expression for efficiency of the carnot cycle. 2 3 2
16 a) A cylinder contains 0.45 m3 of gas at 1 x 105 N/m2 and 80C. The gas 5 3 2
is compressedto a volume of 0.13 m3, the final pressure being 5 X
105 N/m2. Determine i) The massof gas ii) The value of index „n‟ for
compression The increase in internal energy of the gas and iv) The
heat received or rejected by the gas during compression. Take γ =
1.4 R= 294.2 J/kg K
b) explain joule experiment for first law of TD?

S.No Questions BT CO PO
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Define latent heat of ice? 1 2 1
2 What is pure substance? 1 2 1
3 What is saturation temperature and saturation pressure? 1 3 1
4 What is wet and dry steam? 1 3 1
5 Define dryness fraction of steam OR What is quality of steam? 1 3 1
Draw the P-V-T surface for water and discuss the triple point and 1 3 1
critical point data on
the diagram.
7 define criticalpoint ? 1 3 2
8 explain moiler chart? 1 3 2
9 what is super heated steam? 1 3 2
10 what is carnot engine? 1 3 2
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
11 a) Explain :i) Sensible heat ii) Latent heat iii) Saturated liquid and 1 3 3
saturated vapour iv) Drynessfraction v) Enthalpy of a wet steam vi)
Enthalpy of a dry steam vii) Enthalpy of a super-heated steam

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagevii
b) Write short notes on “Mollier diagram”. Why do isobars on the 2 3 2,3
Mollier diagram divergefrom one another
12 a) What is the difference between critical point and triple point? 2 3 2,3
b) explain neat sketch bucket calorimeter 3 3 3
13 a) Draw P-V diagram for water and a pure substance other than water 3 3 3
b) explain neat sketch throttling calorimeter 3 3 2,3
14 a) Write the clapeyron equation and point out its utility 2 3 2
b) One kg of ice at -50C is exposed to the atmosphere which is at 200C. 4 3 2
Ice melts and comes into thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere.
Determine the entropy increase of the universe.
15 a) Draw the phase equilibrium diagram for a pure substance on T-s plot 4 3 2
withrelevant constant property lines.
b) Explain the terms, Degree of super heat, degree of sub-cooling 3 3 2
16 a) Explain Dalton's law of partial pressure 3 2
b) Steam initially at 2 MPa, 3000C expands reversibly and adiabatically 3 3 2
in a steamturbine to 500C. Determine the ideal work output of the
turbine per kg of steam?

S.No Questions BT CO PO
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 What are the important psychrometric process? 1 4 1
2 What is meant by specific humidity? 1 4 1
3 What is adiabatic saturation process? Explain the thermodynamic 1 4 1
wet bulb temparature
4 define mole fraction and mass fraction? 1 4 1
5 Distinguish between Universal Gas constant and Characteristic Gas 1 4 1
6 what are properties of moist air? 1 4 1
7 define ideal gas?Define Dry bulb temperature and wet bulb 1 4 1
8 What is Carrieer equation 1 4 1
9 define charles law 1 4 1
10 define joules law 1 4 1
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
11 a) Compare and contrast the Gravimetric and volumetric analysis 2 4 3,4
b) A sling psychrometer reads 39degC dry bulb Temperature and 35degC 2 4 3,4
wet bulb Temperature.Find the humidity ratio, Relative humidity,
dew point Temperature, specific volume, and enthalpy of air

12 a) derive Cp-Cv=R?Draw psychrometric chart and show psychrometric 3 4 3,4

processes in the chart.
b) explain ideal gas laws? 3 4 3,4
13 a) What do you understand by saturated and unsaturated air? State 3 4 4
the various properties of air?
b) explain with neat sketch sling psychrometer? 3 4 4
14 a) State Avagadro’s Hypothesis. 3 4 4
b) A gas mixture contains 1 Kg of O2 and 3 Kg of N2. The pressure and 4 4 4
temperature of themixture are 1 bar and 27degC.
i) Mass fraction amd mole fraction of each constituent
ii) Average molecular weight of mixture

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pageix
iii) Partial Pressure of constituents
iv) Specific gas constant
v) Mixture volume
vi) Mixture density
15 a) Write about Psychromatric properties of atmospheric air 3 4 3,4
b) define a)sensible heat factor b)Sensible cooling 4 4 3
16 a) Explain Psychrometric processes 4 4 3
b) explain daltons law 4 4 3

S.No Questions BT CO PO
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 What is a ton of refrigeration? 1 5 1
2 What is an air standard cycle? Why are such cycles conceived? 2 5 2
3 Draw the P-V and T-S diagram of Lenoir cycle. 2 5 1
4 Compare Otto and Dual cycle for the same maximum pressure and 2 5 1
5 psychrometric 2 5 1
6 Compare Otto and Diesel cycle for the same maximum pressure and 2 5 1
7 Draw the P-V and T-S plots of Otto cycle. 2 5 1
8 Explain the Diesel cycle with the help of P-V and T-S diagrams. 2 5 1
9 Explain in the working of cannot cycle and derive the expression for 2 5 1
its thermal efficiency.
10 Compare Carnot and Rankine cycles 2 5 1
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
11 a) Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Otto cycle 3 5 4,5
b) An engine works on a diesel cycle with an Inlet pressure and 5 5 4,5
temperature of 1 bar and17 deg C. The pressure at the end of the
adiabatic compression is 35 bar. The ratio ofexpansion, i.e. after
constant pressure heat addition is 5. Calculate the heat addition,
heatrejection and efficiency of the cycle. Assume r=1.4, Cp=1.005
kJ/kgkCv=0.717 kJ/kg
12 a) Explain the working of Atkinson Cycle. 3 5 4
b) Explain the working of Bell- Coleman cycle 3 5 4
13 a) Draw the variation of thermal efficiency against compression ratio 4 5 4
of an Otto-cycle.
b) An air standard diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 17. The 4 5 5
Pressure at the beginningof compression stroke is 1bar and the
temperature is 23degC. The maximum temperature is1430degC.
Determine the thermal efficiency and the mean effective pressure
for thiscycle.Take gamma = 1.4?
14 a) Witha neat sketch explain the working of simple vapour compressing 3 5 4
refrigeration cycle and derive the expression for COP
b) Define mean effective pressure and thermal efficiency of an air 3 5 4
standard cycle.
15 a) Explain the working of Carnot Cycle. 3 5 4
b) Explain the working of Diesel cycle 4 5 4
16 a) Explain the working of Rankine cycle 3 5 5
b) Explain the working of combination cycle 3 5 5

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagex
IV. Question Papers

Continuous Internal Assessment Questions

Assignment 1:
1. Derive SFEE?
2. Derive joules experiment?
3. Derive maxwells equations?
4. Types td systems?
5.expain constant volume gas thermometer

Assignment 2:
1. One kg of ice at -50C is exposed to the atmosphere which is at 200C. Ice melts and comes into thermal
equilibrium with the atmosphere.Determine the entropy increase of the universe.
2. Explain Dalton's law of partial pressure
3. Compare and contrast the Gravimetric and volumetric analysis
4. Explain the working of Diesel cycle
5.Explain the working of otto cycle

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagexi

Q.PCode:ME2105PC HallTicketNo.

IIB.TechISemester(NR20) RegularExamination,FEB 2023

Note: • ThisquestionpapercontainstwopartsAandB
• Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks (1 st 5 sub questions are one
fromeach unit carry 2 Marks each & Next 5 sub questions are one from each
• PartBConsistsof5Units.Answeranyonefullquestionfromeachunit.Each

Time:3hours Maximummarks:75

Part-A (25Marks)

Q.No Question M B CO PO
1) a. What is reversible process?Explain why the heat and work as path 2 L1 CO1 PO1,PO2
b. Explain types of thermodynamic system? 2 L1 CO1 PO1,PO2
c. Distinguish between change of state, path and process 2 L1 CO2 PO3,PO4
d. Explain Second Law of Thermodynamics. Prove that violation of Kelvin 2 L1 CO2 PO3,PO4
Plank statement leads to violation of Clausius statement
e. Define dryness fraction of steam OR What is quality of steam? 2 L1 CO3 PO3,PO4.

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagexii
f. define ideal gas?Define Dry bulb temperature and wet bulb 3 L1 CO3 PO3,PO4.
temperature PO5
g. explain with neat sketch sling psychrometer? 3 L1 CO4 PO3,PO4
h. Explain in the working of cannot cycle and derive the expression for its 3 L1 CO4 PO3,PO4
thermal efficiency.

i. What is adiabatic saturation process? Explain the thermodynamic wet 3 L1 CO5 PO3,PO5
bulb temparature
j. Explain Dalton's law of partial pressure 3 L1 CO5 PO3,PO5

Part-B 50Marks)
Answer any five questions
AllQuestionscarryequalMa rks

Q.No Question M BL CO PO
2) a. What is a constant volume gas thermometer? Why is it preferred to a 5 L2 CO1 PO1,PO2
constant pressure gas thermometer?
b. 2kg of gas at a pressure of 1.5 bar, Occupies a volume of 2.5 m3 5 L2 CO1 PO1,PO2
If this gas compressesisothermally to 1/3 times the initial volume.
Find initial, Final temperature, work done,heat transfer
3) a. What is Quasi static process?explain with neat sketch? 5 L3 CO1 PO1,PO2
b. What is the difference between the work transfer and heat transfer? 5 L2 CO1 PO1,PO2
4) a. An air compressor handles 6.0 m3/min of air with a density of 1.26 5 L2 CO2 PO3,PO4
kg/m3and a pressureof 1.013 bar, and it discharges 450 kPa with a
density of 4.86 kg/m3. The change inspecific internal energy across
the compressor is 82 kJ/kg and heatloss by cooling is24 kJ/kg.
Neglecting KE and PE, find the work in kW
b. A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 800 5 L2 CO2 PO3,PO4
C and A Sink temperature of 300C.What is the least rate of heat
rejection per KW net output of the engine?
5) a. Prove that the violation of Clausius statement leads to violation of 5 L3 CO2 PO3,PO4
Kelvin Plank statement.
b. derive an expression for MAXWELL realations? 5 L3 CO2 PO3,PO4

6) a. Explain :i) Sensible heat ii) Latent heat iii) Saturated liquid and 5 L2 CO3 PO3,PO4
saturated vapour iv) Drynessfraction v) Enthalpy of a wet steam vi) .PO5
Enthalpy of a dry steam vii) Enthalpy of a super-heated steam
b. explain neat sketch throttling calorimeter 5 L2 CO3 PO3,PO4

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagexiii
7) a. One kg of ice at -50C is exposed to the atmosphere which is at 200C. 5 L1 CO3 PO3,PO4
Ice melts and comes into thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere. .PO5
Determine the entropy increase of the universe.
b. derive Cp-Cv=R?Draw psychrometric chart and show psychrometric 5 L1 CO3 PO3,PO4
processes in the chart .PO5
8) a. Compare and contrast the Gravimetric and volumetric analysis 5 L1 CO4 PO3,PO4
b. Explainthrottling process? 5 L4 CO4 PO3,PO4
9) a. A gas mixture contains 1 Kg of O2 and 3 Kg of N2. The pressure and 5 L3 CO4 PO3,PO4
temperature of themixture are 1 bar and 27degC.
i) Mass fraction amd mole fraction of each constituent
ii) Average molecular weight of mixture
iii) Partial Pressure of constituents
iv) Specific gas constant
v) Mixture volume
vi) Mixture density
b. define a)sensible heat factor b)Sensible cooling 5 L4 CO4 PO3,PO4
10) a. Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Otto cycle 5 L2 CO5 PO3,PO5
b. Explain the working of Bell- Coleman cycle 5 L4 CO5 PO3,PO5
11) a. Explain the working of Diesel cycle 5 L2 CO5 PO3,PO5
b. Define mean effective pressure and thermal efficiency of an air 5 L2 CO5 PO3,PO5
standard cycle..
M –Marks CO –CourseOutcomes PO –ProgramOutcomes


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iii.Tutorial sheets

Available in annexure 1

a. Problem solving methodologies (assignments, quiz, case study etc.)

b. Mini Projects
Experiential learning (Industrial visits,Internships, Mini Projects, Academic Projects,
Guest Lectures, Student Workshops etc.,), Problem Solving methodologies
(assignments, quiz, case study etc.)
Note:1. At least TWO learning Methodologies to be included in your course
2. The above methodologies for illustration, you may add more
I. Subject notes/PPTs/self-study

material Available in annexure 1

DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,NRCM Pagexv
Feedback on Curriculum Design and

development Weighted Feedback regarding

the curriculum

Stakeholders involved Weights

Parents 10 %
Students 10 %
Faculty 20 %
Alumni 30 %
Industry Representative / Recruiters 30 %
Aggregate 100 %

Strongly agree / Excellent (5)

Strongly disagree / Poor (1)

Agree / Very good (4)

Neutral / Good (3)

Disagree / Fair (2)


Difficulty level of the course is appropriate. 53 29 22 8 3 115
Pedagogical strategies adopted are appropriate (e.g., discussion,
brainstorming, presentation, case study, video, animation, 46 33 27 7 2 115
simulation, etc.).
Prescribed book (s) are appropriate for this course. 47 31 24 9 4 115
Satisfaction level of the achievements of course outcomes mentioned
42 30 17 19 7 115
in the syllabus during the course delivery or completion of the course
The content of this course is proper and is in logical sequence. 49 28 22 13 3 115
This course has applicability to the real-life problems. 46 29 23 12 5 115
This course provides learning in terms of knowledge, concepts,
50 28 25 8 4 115
skills, analytical abilities, etc.
Type of academic tasks planned are helpful in understanding the
48 31 22 11 3 115
applicability of concepts.
Weekly hours assigned for this course are sufficient to cover the
49 29 22 10 5 115
course contents.
Average % 42 26 20 9 3 100

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Vi.CO/PO attainment, analysis and Action taken report

Attainment in annexure II

Analysis: Based on feedback, continuous internal evaluation, semester end examination results, quiz and
assignments, following conclusion can be drawn for II Year I semester Course, Digital Logic Design.
1. Syllabus and the sequence of the courses in the curriculum are well defined and balanced
2. The course objectives and outcomes are stated for each of the unit.
3. The courses enhance the analytical / problem solving / critical thinking / innovative skills of the students.
4. Sufficient number of relevant reading materials and digital resources are available in the Library.
5. The quality of textbooks/reference books recommended in the syllabus is satisfactory.
6. Sufficient practical exposure is provided for the theoretical concepts in the courses.
7. The curriculum is up to date and relevant from the point of view of employability.
8. The syllabus is relevant for competitive examinations like GATE, PSUs, UGC NET, IES, GPAT,
GMAT, etc.

Action taken:
1. More examples to be included to highlight the use of Digital Logic design in everyday life.
2. Basics of Digital Logic Simulation to be highlighted in the classroom prior to practical.
Tinkering labs for digital system design to be introduced

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