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Year 11 Mock Exam Content To Revise: Business Studies

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Year 11 Mock Exam content to revise

Business Studies

Theme 1 – Introduction to business

1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice

1.4 Making the business effective

1.5 Understanding external influences

Theme 2 – Growing the Business

2.1 Business Growth

2.2 The Marketing Mix

2.3 Operational decisions

2.4 Making financial decisions

2.5 Making human resource decisions

Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies

 Issues affecting participation

 Promoting values
 Hosting major sporting events
 National Governing bodies
 Technology in sport

Computer Science

Paper 1:

 Systems Architecture
 Memory and Storage
 Computer networks, connections and protocols
 Network Security
 Systems Software
 Ethical, legal, cultural and environment impacts of digital technology (8 Mark Question)

Paper 2:

 Algorithms
 Programming Fundamentals
 Producing Robust Programs
 Boolean Logic
 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments (IDE’s)
Both papers non-calculator

Paper 2 has two sections Section A and Section B both must be answered

In Section B you have to write or refine algorithms using OCR Reference language or PYTHON

English Language
Paper 1 – Fiction paper.

 1 fiction source
 Section A = Reading (comprehension, language, structure, evaluation)
 Section B = Narrative or Descriptive Writing (Content and Organisation + Spelling and Grammar)

Paper 2 – Non-Fiction paper.

 2 non-fiction sources (one pre-21st century)

 Section A = Reading (comprehension, comparison, language, evaluation)
 Section B = Point of View Writing (Content and Organisation + Spelling and Grammar)

English Literature
Paper 1 – Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel

 Macbeth – one extract, how does Shakespeare… (refer to both the extract and the whole text)
 A Christmas Carol – one extract, how does Dickens… (refer to both the extract and the whole text)

English Literature
Paper 2 – Modern Texts and Poetry

 An Inspector Calls – no extract. Choice of 2 questions. Answer only one.

 Power and Conflict poetry – one named poem, you have to compare with one from memory
 Unseen poetry
27.1 – one poem, explore how the writer conveys an idea
27.2 – compare the poem in 27.1 to another poem. Focus only on methods.

GCSE Food Preparation Nutrition: (Only 1 paper 1hour 30mins)

 The relationship between diet and health
 Nutritional and dietary needs of different groups of people
 Nutritional needs when selecting recipes for different groups of people
 Energy balance
 Protein
 Fat
 Carbohydrate
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
 Nutritional content of the main commodity groups

Food provenance and food choice

 Food provenance: source and supply
 Food processing and production
 Food security
 Technological developments to support better health and food production
 Development of culinary traditions (students study British cuisine and a minimum of two international
 Factors influencing food choice

Cooking and food preparation

 Food science
 Sensory properties
 Food safety

Skills requirements (preparation and cooking techniques)

 Knife skills
 Preparation and techniques
 Cooking methods
 Sauces
 Set a mixture
 Raising agents
 Dough
 Judge and manipulate sensory properties

Geography Paper 1:
Natural Hazards (Tectonics, Weather, Climate Change)
Living world (Ecosystems, Tropical Rainforests, Hot Deserts)
UK Landscapes (Coasts, Rivers)

Geography Paper 2/3:

Urban Challenges
Changing Economic World

Health and Social Care

 Growth and Development

 Impacts on Health and Wellbeing
 Body Mass Index
 Case Studies
 Formal and Informal Support

History P1

 Medicine through time

 Medicine in WW1
History P2

 American West

Maths Foundation

Topic Revision completed.

Add and divide mixed numbers
Add column vectors
Addition and division
Angles – isosceles triangles, between two parallel lines
Area – Trapezium and triangle
Calculator skills – brackets, powers and roots
Combine/use more than one ratio
Complete frequency tree diagram
Construct and use quadratic graph
Construct and use stem and leaf diagram
Convert FDP
Coordinates and properties of squares
Describe reflection
Draw a pie chart
Draw straight line graph
Equation of a straight line
Equivalent fractions
Estimation and speed/distance/time
Expand and simplify brackets
Factors, multiples and odd numbers
Find an increase as a fraction
Find terms in a linear sequence
Fractions and ratio
Frequency tables
Interior angles of a polygon
Interpret composite bar charts
Place value
Listing combinations
Match straight line graph to equation
Metric conversions
Money calculations
Names parts of a circle
Odd, even and factors
Order positive, negative and decimal numbers
Percentage change
Percentage increase and ratio
Percentage of an amount
Percentage profit
perimeter of semi-circle,
Plans and elevations and surface area
Prime numbers
Probability tree diagram
Ratio-recipe style question
Rearrange formulae
Rules of indices
Scatter graphs
Similar triangles – find sides
Simplify simple algebraic expressions
Solve equations
Speed/distance and time
Standard form calculation
Substitution, expand brackets, solve equations
Understand set notation
Use a scale diagram and find perimeter
Use direct proportion
Use time tables, time calculations
Volume of triangular prism

Maths Higher

Topic Revision Completed

3D Trigonometry
Algebraic proof
Area – Trapezium and triangle
Area and volume scale factors
Calculate combinations
Calculate density, mass, volume
Calculate with mixed numbers
Circle theorems
Combine/use more than one ratio
Compound interest
Construct and use a box plot
Construct and use quadratic graph
Construct and use two-way table
Coordinate geometry
Difference of two squares
Draw an equation of a circle
Enlarge using fractional scale factor
Expand and simplify
Find equation of a straight line
Functions incl composite functions
Interior angles of a polygon
Interpret real-life straight line graph
Inverse and direct proportion
Match proportionality to correct graph
Negative and fractional indices
Percentage change
Percentage increase
Perform and describe transformations
Plans and elevations
Probability tree diagram
Prove congruency
Quadratic sequences
Rationalise denominator
Rearrange formula
Reverse percentages
Rules of indices
Scatter graphs
Simplify algebraic fractions
Sine Rule/Cosine Rule
Solve equations
Solve inequalities incl quadratic
Speed from distance-time graphs
Surface area
Trigonometric graph transformations
Venn Diagrams
Volume of spheres

MFL exams – advice for parents/carers

 Resources
 German www.padlet.com/mdrury/ks4
 French www.padlet.com/mdrury/ks4french
 Spanish www.padlet.com/mdrury/ks4spanish
 Password for each is Bolsover
 www.kerboodle.com
 https://www.youtube.com/@easylanguages
 Listening paper
 In this exam students will be expected to answer comprehension questions based on what they hear. This
can be a difficult exam and students should practice listening to as much of the language as possible.
 There are listening resources on YouTube’s Easy Languages channel, the Kerboodle website and the Padlet
above. Students were recently given a booklet for practicing listening skills and there is a copy of this with
mp3s in the Listening section of the Padlet, above.
 Reading paper
 In this exam students will be expected to answer comprehension questions based on what read. This can be
a difficult exam and students should practice reading texts as much as possible.
 As with listening, there are lots of resources on the Padlet, above and on Kerboodle.
 Speaking exam
 This is usually the FIRST of the MFL exams. Students will have to perform a Role Play and a Photo Card, both
of which are prepared in a 12-minute preparation session before the speaking part starts. If their
preparation is good enough, they can just read it out from their notes.
 On the speaking column of the Padlet above, there are how-to videos, useful vocabulary and practice papers
to have a go at.
 After this, students will have a General Conversation on a theme of their choice. This is the most valuable
part of the exam and lasts 5-7 mins at higher tier. Students are expected to give detailed, complex answers.
We try to ask open questions to give students the chance to talk, so students are advised to make the most
of this opportunity and say as much as possible.
 Students have a speaking booklet in which they have been preparing great answers, a set of verb cards to
practice their tenses and lots of resources in the speaking column of the Padlet, above.
 Most of all, students should practice actually speaking, even if they’re just reading out from notes, in order
to develop their fluency of pronunciation.
 Writing exam
 In this exam students will have to write a number of creative writing pieces. They will be judged on
grammatical accuracy, clarity and complexity. Their verb formations need to be secure and they need to
have memorized a WOW-phrase or two to show off.

 There are how-to videos and practice resources in the writing section of the Padlets above and students
have numerous booklets both in school and at home from previous years in which they can practice. Their
verb cards will also be beneficial.
 Shortly before exams students will be given their previous mock exam with feedback and targets for next
time so that they can remind themselves what they can improve on between one exam and the next.


- Musical features of Baroque, Classical and Romantic musical time periods

- Score reading and identification of musical devices
- Badinerie set study
- Africa set study
- General listening practice

Physical Studies

Paper 1:

 The structure and function of the skeletal system

 The structure and function of the muscular system
 Movement analysis
 The cardiovascular and respiratory systems
 The effects of exercise on the body systems
 Components of fitness
 Applying the principles of training
 Preventing injury in physical activity and training

Paper 2:

 Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activities and sports

 Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
 Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
 Characteristics of skilful movement and classification of skills
 Goal setting
 Mental preparation
 Types of guidance and feedback
 Health, fitness and well-being
 Diet and Nutrition
Psychology P1

 Criminal Psychology
 Development
 Psychological Problems
 Research Methods

Psychology P2

 Sleeping and Dreaming

 Memory
 Social Influence
 Research Methods

Students to use contents page in revision guide to find detailed topic content related to the following titles:

Biology paper 2:
B5 - Homeostasis and response
B6 - Inheritance, variation and evolution
B7 - Ecology

Chemistry paper 2:
C6 - The rate and extent of chemical change
C7 - Organic chemistry
C8 - Chemical analysis
C9 - Chemistry of the atmosphere
C10 - Using resources

Physics paper 2:
P5 - Forces
P6 - Waves
P7- Magnetism and electromagnetism
P8 (TRIPLE ONLY) - Space physics

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