MBA Guide-2015

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Melbourne I Cloud (online)

Master of Business Administration (Project Management)
and Master of International Business
Manager: Portfolio and Program Management
Advisory Services Ernst & Young Perth, Australia, page 3.

Over thirty years ago Deakin University led Our approach continues to be highly regarded
the way by offering a high quality off-campus both nationally and internationally. The Deakin
MBA is internationally recognised with EPAS
Master of Business Administration (MBA).
accreditation by the European Foundation for
Today we’re globally recognized as a leader in
Management Development (EFMD – one of
providing a flexible, innovative and high quality
only three accredited programs in Australia.
program that meets the needs of mid-career
professionals and local and global employers. A 5-Star rating from the Graduate Management
Association of Australia and an international
Over 30 years of experience means we
QS 5-Star rating are testament to the standard
understand your needs, the needs of your
and quality of our MBA.
current and prospective employers, and the
importance of matching one to the other. It Our teaching staff have advanced expertise in
also means we understand that circumstances integrating theory into professional practice
change – we strive to fit your learning around and in developing coursework that is current
your lifestyle. and relevant to today’s workplace.
We know that you need choice in how and By choosing the Deakin MBA you will enjoy
what you study. The Deakin MBA, through professional academic support services
on-campus, Cloud (online) and experiential including writing workshops, mentoring
delivery options, fits around your work, your programs and seminars.
family and your lifestyle. Our students live all
The Deakin MBA will challenge you. It will
over the world – and interact with us in
capture your imagination and enthusiasm.
multiple ways.
It will be a lifelong benefit to your career and
I’m delighted to introduce you to the range of to your professional development.
learning approaches in the pages that follow.
I look forward to welcoming you to Deakin
Some of our students come and meet us
University and a world of professional
weekly in face-to-face lectures, many study
exclusively online utilizing a range of learning
technologies, some participate in study tours
and residentials. Most structure their study Dr Colin Higgins
with a combination of all of these. MBA Program Director
Our study options are not just about
‘knowledge’ and ‘skills’ – but also about
networking, career enhancement, and
professional development. Our active alumni
and industry partners work with us inside and
outside the classroom to ensure your learning
is grounded in the everyday reality of business,
and the issues it faces.
2 Why study an MBA?
5 MBA and business management courses
15 Experiential learning
18 Residential units
20 Residential and block mode units
22 MBA pathway courses
25 Doctoral studies
26 Why Deakin?
28 Fees and other information
30 How to apply
31 Contact us
32 Find out more
33 Important dates



It opens doors, enhances career opportunities, BENEFITS OF POSTGRADUATE STUDY
broadens options and boosts salaries. In fact,
• Prepare yourself for success – postgraduate study can empower you to pursue new
nothing does it all quite like an MBA.
opportunities that were previously out of reach.
One of the most popular and widely • Invest in yourself – postgraduate study is an investment, in your sense of achievement,
regarded postgraduate qualifications, an your job satisfaction and your financial security.
MBA significantly increases your business • Change the way you see the world – postgraduate study may help you to get that
knowledge. It also equips you with the promotion, enjoy a better work/life balance or pursue a new direction.
very latest ideas and trends in areas such • Don’t just keep up, lead – postgraduate study can help you to stay in touch with the
as leadership, marketing and management. rapidly changing technological world we live in today.
It empowers you to offer a current or • Stand out from the crowd – a postgraduate degree can complement your earlier studies
prospective employer the most up-to-date and expand your knowledge base, giving you the edge in the employment market.
skills and knowledge, ensuring you stand • Make connections that can open doors – studying with people who share your interests
head and shoulders above the rest in any and ambitions is a great way to build and strengthen your professional network.
competitive job market.
Additional education and qualifications
commonly leads to higher salaries. According
to the Australian Financial Review Boss
magazine (May 2008, volume 9, ‘Reinventing
Leadership’), professionals holding a completed
MBA were likely to enjoy an annual 20 per cent
pay increase for the following five years.
Whether you want to enhance your
opportunities for promotion or have your
sights set on an exciting career change,
by completing an MBA you are sending
employers an all-important message: that
you are prepared to invest in your career.
In turn, they will have more confidence
in their decision to invest in you.


After studying and living overseas George Jose had the world on
offer when choosing where to do his MBA. But Deakin was the
stand out first choice. ‘I needed formal project management
qualifications to back up my practical skills, and I was looking for
an MBA that focused on project management,’ he explains.
‘I thought Deakin was one of the most progressive universities;
it was definitely the place to be. I also noticed how many of the
staff had PhDs and the research papers they had presented.’
George says the Deakin MBA and MIB provided a pathway to his
employer, Ernst & Young (EY). ‘Having undertaken the course
during the height of the global financial crisis, the degree allowed
me to reposition myself in the job market. This has given me more
leverage and more options in a tough job market; I can apply the
MBA across different areas,’ he explains.
network, I was fortunate to forward this idea to my mentor who
The course has had important professional and personal impacts championed my project proposal,’ he says. ‘EY sponsored my
George adds. ‘It has improved my credibility, confidence and research project which was later used as an internal white paper
ability to influence others. The learning activities and networking and subsequently awarded the best business practicum project
opportunities enabled me to interact with people all over the for the term.’
world and, in turn, grow as a person. I learnt quite a lot from
Reflective of his desire to give back, in 2012 George was awarded
people of diverse cultural and educational backgrounds which is
the Deakin Young Alumni of the Year Award for outstanding
reflective of the modern workforce.’
service to Deakin. He has been president of Deakin Graduate
George was pleased with Deakin’s relaxed feel, the friendliness School of Business (DGSB) and Deakin’s Toastmasters Club, faculty
and encouragement of staff members and the communication guest speaker, representative on the Deakin University Council
between lecturers and students. He also found the online and a member of the Postgraduate Mentoring Program, the
learning approach fit his busy life. ‘The Deakin Student Online MBA and MIB course review panels and the MBA Advisory Board.
(DSO) interface was a very intuitive tool. When I was unsure
These experiences, plus the value of his Deakin mentor, leave
about accessing information, I knew I could easily reach out to
George grateful for his opportunities. ‘One should never
the Postgraduate Mentor group, my peers or talk to academic
underestimate the power of networking. There is more to
staff directly.’ They were always there and available to assist.
benefit, both personally and professionally if you consciously
George completed a real life business ss practicum unit that invest in university life.’
included working in a real organisation. ‘Because of my mentor


If you’re interested in studying an MBA,

we offer a number of pathways and programs Do you have an undergraduate degree plus Apply for M701.
to match your education background and Yes
3 years of management experience? See page 7
work experience.


Do you have an undergraduate degree Apply for M751.

but no work experience? See page 12


Do you have 5 years of work experience Apply for M501.

but no undergraduate degree? See page 22


Please talk to one of our student

advisers about your options.
To organise an appointment simply email



Years full time Trimester intake Indicative 2014

and campus options2 annual fee FT1 Page
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration | M501 0.5 T1 T2 T3 3 $11 510 22
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration | M601 1 T1 T2 T3 $22 980 22
Master of Business Administration | M701 1.5 T1 T2 T3 $22 970 7
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration 0.5 T1 T2 T3 3 $11 500 23
(International) | M531
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration 1 T1 T2 T3 $23 000 23
(International) | M631
Master of Business Administration (International) | M751 2 T1 T2 T3 $23 000 12
Doctor of Business Administration | M901 3 T1 T2 T3 $23 000 25
Information correct at July 2014, Deakin University reserves the right to alter, amend or delete course offerings and other information listed.
1 Fees quoted are for Australian domestic students and should be used as a guide only. Fees are based on a typical enrolment in one year of full-time study. All fees quoted are
for Fee Paying Places, unless indicated CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place). Actual tuition fee charged may depend on the units studied and are subject to change. Master’s
program students please note: where the length of the master’s program is 12 units or 1.5 years of full time study equivalent, the indicative fee may not be a full fee for the
course. For further fee information, including information about the FEE-HELP loan program, please visit
2 Most courses start in Trimester 1. This column indicates whether you have the option of commencing your studies in Trimester 2 or Trimester 3. Not all units are offered in
every trimester.
3 Availability of units may be limited in Trimester 3.

3 Course duration in years T1 Trimester 1

FT Full time T2 Trimester 2
PT Part time T3 Trimester 3
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Cloud (online)

The Deakin MBA program is renowned for its experiential learning
Deakin’s distinctive Master of Business Administration (MBA) is one
of Australia’s premier business education programs.
Innovative teaching techniques include our intensive residential units
For more than 30 years, the Deakin MBA has been offering relevant
where you can fast track your course with group networking opportunities
skills, contemporary knowledge and real experience, while developing
and visits with industry experts. You can also choose to enrich and diversify
the business leaders of tomorrow. Recently the Deakin MBA was
your program with study tours offered in Australia, China, India, the United
internationally recognised with EPAS accreditation by the European
States and Europe.
Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). The Deakin MBA
is one of only three EPAS accredited programs in Australia. The Deakin MBA may be undertaken in any combination of full-time or
part-time study and in any combination of off-campus, on-campus, residential
Our MBA currently has a 5-Star rating for standard and value, from the
and overseas study modes. Whatever you choose the Deakin MBA is designed
Graduate Management Association of Australia.
to be a stimulating and satisfying study experience.
More recently the Deakin MBA achieved a 5-Star QS rating in Facilities,
Our MBA is accessible to people anywhere in the world, who have access
Internationalisation and Diversity, Teaching and Student Quality,
to the internet to be able to interact with staff and fellow students.
Engagement, and Specialist Strength for its MBA. More information
on our MBA accreditation can be found on page 6.
The Deakin MBA aims to provide managers with opportunities to develop
their knowledge, skills and understanding; and to assist them in becoming
business leaders who are able to make positive contributions within their
organisations and the broader community.
The mix of core and capstone units facilitates understanding of the vital
cross-functional and cross-disciplinary aspects of successful organisational
management within a contemporary business environment. The core units
address themes of globalisation, sustainability, and social responsibility.
The program content is informed by research, scholarship and industry
engagement. Deakin’s MBA offers practical learning with real experience.


3 Course duration in years
FTFull time
PT Part time
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Cloud (online)


The MBA requires completion of 12 credit points comprising 8 credit points of
core units and 4 credit points of elective units and may include one specialisation.
DEAKIN CODE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The four elective units may be selected in one specialisation as listed, or students
M701 • Completion of a tertiary program equivalent to at may choose any 4 credit points from the range of specialisations. Students
least three years of full-time study at a university or must complete at least four credit points of units from the core at Deakin.
035037J other approved educational institution and three years Core units
of full-time (or equivalent part time) managerial or MPA751/MPR751 Financial Reporting and Analysis*
professional work experience, or for those without a MPE781/MPT781 Economics for Managers#
degree, a master’s degree may be accepted in lieu of a MPF753/MPT753 Finance#
three-year bachelor’s degree, or a graduate certificate MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
in a cognate area plus at least five years professional MPM701 Business Process Management
or managerial work experience. MPM706/MPR706 Strategic Management*
• Alternative admission is available on completion MPM721/MPR721 Organisational Behaviour*
of the Graduate Diploma of Business Administration MPM790 MBA Capstone
(see page 22) or Graduate Certificate of Business Elective units
Administration (see page 22). Applicants are required to The remaining 4 credit points may be selected in one specialisation as listed
submit with their application a current resume, current or you may choose any units from the range of specialisations including the
contact details of two referees and a one page brief general elective unit listed below.
outlining why they believe their work experience
would be valued by their MBA peers. General elective unit
MPR709 Dispute Management#
The Deakin MBA is one of the most highly regarded MBA programs on offer. * MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
It integrates a case-based teaching approach with the reality of business and the tuition fees.
professional practice. # MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.

•• Accounting
•• Arts and entertainment management
•• Business analytics
•• Business consulting
•• Corporate governance
•• eBusiness and supply chain management
•• Environmental sustainability
•• Finance
•• Financial planning
•• Health and human services management
•• Human resource management
•• Innovation
•• Insurance and risk management
•• International and community development
•• International trade and business
•• Leadership
•• Marketing
•• Project management
•• Property and real estate
•• Public management
•• Research project
•• Retail management
•• Strategy and planning

For more information, including unit descriptions,

please visit

This specialisation provides an opportunity to develop the sophisticated skills
Not all specialisations are available in all modes or trimesters of study. and knowledge needed to work in the growing business services sector. You
will build highly valued professional skills and acquire academically-grounded
knowledge relevant to professional practice which will directly enhance your
A capability in accounting is regarded as a core skill of MBA graduates. employability.
The accounting specialisation takes you beyond the general introduction
of the MBA core units, enabling you to develop specialist expertise in MPM715 Management and Organisational Consulting
this key area. Plus 3 credit points of units from:
MPA701 Accounting MIS798 Project Management
MLM706 Corporate Governance
MPA751/MPR751 Financial Reporting and Analysis*
MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change
Plus 2 credit points of units from: or
MAA703 Accounting for Management MPR707 Change Management*
MAA716 Financial Accounting MPA711 Corporate Governance and Ethics
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPI702 Applied Business Project MPI702 Applied Business Project
MPK701 Research Design and Analysis
Arts and entertainment is a significant business arena which is rarely MPM701 Business Process Management
supported by business management programs. Deakin’s distinctive expertise MPM712 Managing Innovation
in this area offers you the opportunity to obtain a unique capability. MPR705 Entrepreneurship*

Select 4 credit points of units from: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

Corporate governance is now, more than ever, a key element of business
MMK792 Arts Marketing
practice. The principles and practices of good corporate governance have
MMM790 Arts Management
been brought to the forefront of the business and social agenda in Australia
MMM793 Managing Cultural Projects and Events following highly publicised cases of corporate failure in recent years.
MMM796 Managing Arts in Community Settings
MMM799 Arts Fundraising and Sponsorship MLM706 Corporate Governance
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) MPA711 Corporate Governance and Ethics
MPI702 Applied Business Project MPA751/MPR751 Financial Reporting and Analysis*
Plus one unit from:
BUSINESS ANALYTICS AIP777 Accountability and Corporate Social Responsibility
Business analytics is an integrated discipline that brings together the skills, MAA754 Enterprise Risk Management
knowledge and technological tools of information management, statistics, MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
data mining and management science. The discipline focuses on unlocking MPI702 Applied Business Project
insights contained in data to improve operational efficiency, financial MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
performance and strategic management.
MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation This specialisation covers the use of eBusiness technologies and strategies
MIS772 Predictive Analytics across an organisation’s operation. In particular you will develop practical
Plus 2 credit points of units from: skills in formulating, implementing and evaluating eBusiness strategies, as
MIS761 Enterprise Information Management well as conducting critical analysis of eBusiness models and an understanding
MIS775 Decision Modelling for Business Analytics of how organisations derive business value from eBusiness. Concepts and
MIS779 Decision Analytics in Practice principles of SCM, the essential eBusiness technologies used to support
MIS781 Business Intelligence supply chain operations and the strategies used to put in place best practice
global supply chain networks are also covered.
MIS712 eBusiness Strategies
MIS713 Supply Chain Management and Logisitics
MIS731 Information Security and Governance
MIS781 Business Intelligence

For more information, including unit descriptions,

please visit


Environmental sustainability is increasingly a core element of the regulatory For students currently working in the health and human services field, this
framework of business and accountability more broadly. It is increasingly specialisation will extend your understanding of managing business within
one of the imperatives of business strategy and business practice this specialised area.
(and of business opportunity), requiring an appreciation of the science,
Select 4 credit points of units from:
policy frameworks, and business analysis that underpin environmental
considerations and management. HSH701 Principles and Practice of Public Health
HSH702 Contemporary Health Issues and Policies
MPM704 Managing for Environmental Sustainability
HSH703 Health Promotion
SLE721 Policy and Planning for Sustainable Development
HSH739 International Perspectives on Health Policy and Planning
Plus 2 credit points of units from: MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
AIP740 Public Policy Analysis MPI702 Applied Business Project
AIP748 Intergovernmental Relations
AIP773 Governance and Accountability HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
AIP777 Accountability and Corporate Social Responsibility A large number of organisations are opting for fewer staff, fewer management
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) layers and more flexible working practices. Their business strategies are, to a
MPI702 Applied Business Project large extent, HR management strategies – and they have given HR management
SLE720 Risk Assessment and Control a considerable degree of recognition and influence as a key element of
SLE725 Environmental Management Systems business management.
or an alternative unit upon prior written approval of the Course Team Chair. MMH706 Advanced Human Resource Management
MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
The finance specialisation provides a broad understanding of the structure Plus 2 credit points of units from:
and operations of the financial markets – the banking system, short-term and MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change
long-term money markets and the stock exchange. In addition, it introduces or
you to the financial instruments used in these markets – bills of exchange, MPR707 Change Management*
Euro Bonds, interest rate swaps, options and futures contracts – together MMH709 Employment Relations for Organisational Effectiveness
with the theory and techniques underlying trading and investment activity. MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPI702 Applied Business Project
Select 4 credit points of units from:
MAA754 Enterprise Risk Management INNOVATION
MAF702 Financial Markets The innovation specialisation provides students in any field of work with the
MAF703 Applied Corporate Finance necessary skills to examine your profession or occupation and to improve it
MAF704 Treasury and Risk Management from both a management and process perspective.
MAF707 Investments and Portfolio Management MPM712 Managing Innovation
MAF767 Treasury Dealing
MPF753/MPT753 Finance# Plus 3 credit points of units from:
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) MIS798 Project Management
MPI702 Applied Business Project MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPI702 Applied Business Project
* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees. MPK711 Strategic Customer Service
# MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to MPM701 Business Process Management
the tuition fees. MPM715 Management and Organisational Consulting
MPR705 Entrepreneurship*
FINANCIAL PLANNING MPR707 Change Management*
Financial planning covers aspects of business finance, taxation, SEB711 Developing Innovation
superannuation, estate planning, risk management and investment analysis. SEB712 Managing Innovation
SLE720 Risk Assessment and Control
Select 4 credit points of units from:
MAF707 Investments and Portfolio Management The insurance and risk management specialisation reflects the integration
MAF708 Retirement Income Streams of the insurance industry within the broader business of financial services.
MAF709 Financial Planning Development You will learn to evaluate risk across a variety of business contexts, with
MAF765 Financial Planning and Analysis particular reference to the principles of underwriting and reinsurance.
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) It offers a distinctive pathway to the financial services industry in all its
MPI702 Applied Business Project dimensions – whether in retail financial services or at the highest end
Students should consult with the Financial Planning Association or their website for of risk and financial management in insurance, reinsurance, financial
professional recognition or regulation guide RG146. Students seeking professional management and investment banking.
recognition may be required to undertake an additional unit. MPS701 Principles of Risk and Insurance
Plus 3 credit points of units from:
MAA754 Enterprise Risk Management
MPS703 Reinsurance
MPS707 Life Risk
MPS708 General Insurance

This specialisation is designed to provide you with skills and knowledge in the Marketing draws together all the elements of an enterprise to define
specialist field of development together with business management expertise. its strategic position and achieve a competitive advantage in the market.
Australia’s official development assistance (aid) budget is increasing, along It is an ideal specialisation for MBA graduates seeking profile, influence
with funds raised annually through public donations to non-government and recognition.
organisations. The distribution of aid is managed by both private firms and
Select 4 credit points of units from:
NGOs. Many senior staff are recruited from outside the development sector,
but to be effective they must have both business acumen and development MMK733 Strategic Marketing
sector knowledge. MMK737 Online Marketing
MMK751 Services Marketing
Select 4 credit points of units from:
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
ADS714 Gender and Development MPI702 Applied Business Project
ADS733 The Economic Development Record MPK701 Research Design and Analysis
ADS734 Approaches to Political Development MPK712 Advertising and Consumer Behaviour
ADS704 Community Development Theory and Practice A MPK736/MPT736 International Marketing#
ADS705 Community Development Theory and Practice B MPK711 Strategic Customer Service
ADS715 Cross Cultural Communication and Practice MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#


Business is now inevitably international. This specialisation provides the This specialisation will extend students’ understanding of managing
opportunity to develop knowledge in this strategically important area and business projects within time and cost constraints. It allows you to choose
a capability in the analysis and implementation of international trading either a theoretical viewpoint or a more practical one that incorporates
strategies for business. a 2-unit industry-based project to meet your individual needs.
Select 4 credit points of units from: MIS701 Business Requirements Analysis
MIS798 Project Management
MAA716 Financial Accounting
MPE707 International Banking and Finance Plus 2 credit points of units from:
MPE711 Global Trade and Markets MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) MIS782 Business Value of Information
MPI702 Applied Business Project MPR707 Change Management*
MPK736/MPT736 International Marketing# or
MPM735/MPT735 International Business Management# MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change


Leadership offers an opportunity to explore how to maximise your impact This specialisation examines an asset class which is fundamental in business
as a high-functioning manager in organisational settings. You will gain a today from a local, national and international perspective. The focus is on
thorough grounding in leadership theory and explore cutting-edge business essential property skills including an understanding of property market
communication. Experiential learning is the focus. You can push yourself fundamentals, property investment, valuation, property management
to the limit on a sailing voyage, explore perceptions through filmmaking and property development. There is strong demand in both private and
or learn media skills. government sectors for graduates with property skills and an understanding
MPR771 Principles of Leadership of how property and real estate performs as a core asset of a diversified
Plus 3 credit points of units from:
MPM738/MPT738 Audacious Leadership# MMP713 Property and Real Estate Context
MPM773 Contemporary Issues in Leadership Plus 3 credit points of units from:
MPR703 Management Communication* MMP712 Rating and Statutory Valuation
MPR772 Social Construction of Leadership* MMP722 Sustainable Construction Studies
MPR707 Change Management* MMP742 Investment Valuation
MPT774 The Leadership Retreat# MMP721 Property and Real Estate Law and Practice
MMP731 Management of Real Estate
MMP732 Property Development
MMP741 Property and Real Estate Valuation


The public management specialisation recognises the increasing importance The strategy and planning specialisation develops high order capabilities
of the public sector as an area of opportunity for MBA graduates, particularly in business leadership upon which organisational success depends.
given the transformation of public sector management practices through
MPR706/MPM706 Strategic Management*
‘corporatisation’ and accrual accounting.
Plus 3 credit points of units from:
Select 4 credit points of units from:
MMH706 Advanced Human Resource Management
AIP740 Public Policy Analysis MMM792 Operations Management
AIP748 Intergovernmental Relations MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
AIP773 Governance and Accountability MPI702 Applied Business Project
AIP781 Political Communication MPR705 Entrepreneurship*
AIP784 Executive Government MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change
MPA711 Corporate Governance and Ethics or
MPI702 Applied Business Project MPR707 Change Management*
* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.
The research project specialisation enables students to focus on a chosen # MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
discipline and develop their research capabilities within a business focus. the tuition fees.
~ Subject to approval from Head of School, School of Law.
Select 4 credit points of units from:
^ The cost for this experiential unit is in addition to the tuition fees.
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPK701 Research Design and Analysis
MPP701 Research Project 1a
MPP703 Research Project 2 (2 credit points) Credit transfer and recognition into the Master of Business Administration
may be granted to students who have successfully completed appropriate
RETAIL MANAGEMENT postgraduate studies in management. Students must complete at least
The retailing specialisation prepares students for professional positions in 4 credit points of units from the core at Deakin. There are negotiated
industry and allied fields such as marketing research, property management, credit transfer and recognition arrangements in place for CPA members.
architecture and design, global product development/sourcing, advertising
and promotion, market development, supply chain and logistics. This
specialisation is of interest to suppliers, accountants and financiers, and
other professionals who work with retail businesses. The specialisation takes
a holistic view of the industry from supply chain to retailer to customer.
MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
MPM705 Retailing
MPM716 Merchandise Management
Plus one unit from:
MIS713 Supply Chain Management and Logisitics
MLM790 Marketing Law
MMK737 Online Marketing
MPK711 Strategic Customer Service
MPM712 Managing Innovation
MPK712 Advertising and Consumer Behaviour
MPM701 Business Process Management
MPM715 Management and Organisational Consulting
MPM721/MPR721 Organisational Behaviour
MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPI702 Applied Business Project

For more information, including unit descriptions,

please visit

3 Course duration in years
FT Full time
PT Part time
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Cloud (online)

You must complete 16 credit points of study, comprising 12 credit points
(INTERNATIONAL) 2 of core units plus 4 credit points of elective units. The 4 credit points of
DEAKIN CODE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS elective units may form one of the specialisations listed below, or you may
M751 Completion of a tertiary program equivalent to at least choose these units from the range of specialisations including the general
three years of full-time study at a university or other elective units. Within these four elective units, you may choose to undertake
approved educational institution – normally requires a business practicum unit or research project. Students must complete at
056889B least 4 credit points of units from the core at Deakin.
weighted average mark (WAM) of 65 per cent or
approved equivalent, or for those without a degree, Core units
a master’s degree may be accepted in lieu of a three-year MPA702 Financial Interpretation
bachelor’s degree – normally requires WAM of 65 per MPE707 International Banking and Finance
cent or approved equivalent, or a graduate certificate in MPE781/MPT781 Economics for Managers#
a cognate area – normally requires WAM of 65 per cent MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
or approved equivalent plus at least five years relevant MPM701 Business Process Management
work experience. MPM703 Business Strategy and Analysis
MPM735/MPT735 International Business Management#
Deakin’s Master of Business Administration (International) has been designed MPM731 Business Communication
to give high-performing students an opportunity to gain industry experience MPM732 Critical Thinking for Managers
as part of a world-class MBA. MMH733 Ethics for Managers
The MBA (International) is available to applicants who may not have had MIS770 Analytical Skills for Managers
experience as a business manager. It includes an optional business practicum MPM790 MBA Capstone
project unit, which is completed in an operating business environment to Elective units
equip you with valuable practical managerial expertise. The 4 credit points of elective units may form one of the specialisations listed
High-achieving students are able to move directly from their undergraduate below, or you may choose these units from the range of specialisations or the
degree to postgraduate MBA studies, saving time and money. general elective unit listed below:
The course also features a research project option, which can allow you MLM782 Indian Law
to conduct research into specific organisational issues and may allow you MPM704 Managing for Environmental Sustainability
to articulate into a research degree. Emphasis will be placed on issues MPM738/MPT738 Audacious Leadership#
associated with international business management. MPM792 Operations Management
Our MBA (International) currently has a 4-Star rating for standard and value, or any other units with prior written approval of the Course Team Chair.
from the Graduate Management Association of Australia. * MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.
# MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.
^ The cost for this experiential unit is in addition to the tuition fees.

•• Business consulting
•• eBusiness and supply chain management
•• Finance
•• Human resource management
•• Insurance and risk management
•• International business
•• Marketing
•• Project management
•• Research
•• Retail management
•• Social media and mobile strategies


The finance specialisation provides a broad understanding of the structure
Not all specialisations are available in all modes of study and in all trimesters.
and operations of the financial markets – the banking system, short-term and
BUSINESS CONSULTING long-term money markets and the stock exchange. In addition, it introduces
students to the financial instruments used in these markets – such as bills of
The business consulting specialisation provides an opportunity to develop the
exchange, Euro Bonds, interest rate swaps, options and futures contracts –
sophisticated skills and knowledge needed to work in the growing business
together with the theory and techniques underlying trading and investment
services sector – as an external/internal consultant; professional working
within a business services firm, or as a self-employed professional providing
business services. This specialisation will help students build highly valued MPE711 Global Trade and Markets
professional skills and acquire academically-grounded knowledge relevant
Plus 4 credit points of units from:
to professional practice which will directly enhance employability.
MAF702 Financial Markets
MPM715 Management and Organisational Consulting MAF703 Applied Corporate Finance
MAF707 Investments and Portfolio Management
Plus 3 credit points of units from:
MPF753/MPT753 Finance#
MIS798 Project Management
MPI700 Postgraduate Internship
MLM706 Corporate Governance
MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change or
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPA711 Corporate Governance and Ethics
A large number of organisations are opting for fewer staff, fewer management
MPI701 Business Practicum
layers and more flexible work practices. Their business strategies are, to a
MPI702 Applied Business Project
large extent, human resource management strategies, and they have given
MPK701 Research Design and Analysis
human resource management a considerable degree of recognition and
MPK711 Strategic Customer Service
influence as a key element of business management.
MPM701 Business Process Management
MPM712 Managing Innovation Select 2 credit points of units from:
MPR705 Entrepreneurship* MMH706 Advanced Human Resource Management
MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
This specialisation covers the use of eBusiness technologies and strategies Plus 3 credit points of units from:
across an organisation’s operation. In particular you will develop practical MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change
skills in formulating, implementing and evaluating eBusiness strategies, as MMH709 Employment Relations for Organisational Effectiveness
well as conducting critical analysis of eBusiness models and an understanding MPI700 Postgraduate Internship
of how organisations derive business value from eBusiness. Concepts and or
principles of SCM, the essential eBusiness technologies used to support MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
supply chain operations and the strategies used to put in place best practice MPM721/MPR721 Organisational Behaviour*
global supply chain networks are also covered. MPR707 Change Management*
MIS713 Supply Chain Management and Logistics
The insurance and risk management specialisation in the Deakin MBA
MIS731 Information Security and Governance
reflects the integration of the insurance industry within the broader business
MIS781 Business Intelligence
of financial services. It also equips students to evaluate risk across a variety of
business contexts, with particular reference to the principles of underwriting
and reinsurance. It offers a distinctive pathway to the financial services
industry in all its dimensions – whether in retail financial services or at the
highest end of risk and financial management in insurance, reinsurance,
financial management and investment banking.

For more information, including unit descriptions,

please visit

MPS701 Principles of Risk and Insurance The research specialisation enables students to gain research skills within
the business context. It facilitates the pathway for high performing graduates
Plus 3 credit points of units from:
to gain entry into a Higher Degree by Research.
MAA754 Enterprise Risk Management
MPI700 Postgraduate Internship MPK701 Research Design and Analysis
or MPP704 Research Project 4 (4 credit points)
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPS707 Life Risk The retailing specialisation prepares students for professional positions in
MPS708 General Insurance industry and allied fields such as marketing research, property management,
architecture and design, global product development/sourcing, advertising
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS and promotion, market development, supply chain and logistics. This
The international business specialisation develops students’ skills and specialisation is of interest to suppliers, accountants and financiers, and
knowledge in this strategically important area. The specialisation includes other professionals who work with retail businesses. The specialisation
the development of a capability to analyse and implement international takes a holistic view of the industry from supply chain to retailer to customer.
trading strategies for business. MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
MPE711 Global Trade and Markets MPM705 Retailing
MPM716 Merchandise Management
Plus 4 credit points of units from:
AIR747 Contemporary International Politics Plus 1 credit point from:
ALC706 Culture, Communication and Globalisation: Critical Practices MIS713 Supply Chain Management and Logistics
in/and Local Cultures MLM790 Marketing Law
MAA716 Financial Accounting MMK737 Online Marketing
MPA711 Corporate Governance and Ethics MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points)
MPI700 Postgraduate Internship MPI702 Applied Business Project
or MPK711 Strategic Customer Service
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) MPK712 Advertising and Consumer Behaviour
MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management* MPM701 Business Process Management
MPM712 Managing Innovation
MARKETING MPM715 Management and Organisational Consulting
Marketing draws together all the elements of an enterprise to define MPM721/MPR721 Organisational Behaviour*
its strategic position and achieve a competitive advantage in the market. MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
It is an ideal specialisation for MBA graduates seeking profile, influence
The specialisation provides you with an appreciation of the challenges
MPK701 Research Design and Analysis
and opportunities associated with the use of social media channels and
Plus 4 credit points of units from: platforms as well as mobile technology. You will develop skills in formulating,
MMK733 Strategic Marketing implementing and evaluating eBusiness strategies and for the management of
MMK737 Online Marketing mobile technologies and social media. You will also develop an understanding
MPI700 Postgraduate Internship of best practices, learn about potential pitfalls for organisations that venture
or into the social media space, to explore how the relationship between
MPI701 Business Practicum (2 credit points) organisations and customers has changed and what role mobile technology
MPK711 Strategic Customer Service as well as social media plays in connecting customers with organisations.
MPK712 Advertising and Consumer Behaviour MIS712 eBusiness Strategies
MPK736/MPT736 International Marketing# MIS721 Social Media and Mobile Strategies
MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation
MMK737 Online Marketing
This specialisation will extend students’ understanding of managing business
projects within time and cost constraints. It allows you to choose either a * MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.
theoretical viewpoint or a more practical one that incorporates a 2-unit
# MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
industry-based project to meet your individual needs. the tuition fees.
MIS701 Business Requirements Analysis
MIS798 Project Management
Plus 2 credit points of units from: Credit transfer and recognition into the Master of Business Administration
MIS771 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation (International) may be granted to students who have successfully completed
MIS782 Business Value of Information appropriate postgraduate studies in management. Students must complete
MPI700 Postgraduate Internship at least four credit points of units from the core at Deakin. There are
or negotiated credit arrangements for prior learning arrangements in place
MPI702 Applied Business Project for CPA members.


Immerse yourself for two and a half weeks in STUDY PROGRAM Through the USA Study Program you will
China, gain an international study experience The International Study Program (ISP) blends develop a deep understanding of doing
and earn credit towards your Deakin degree. traditional study with experiential learning in business with international companies
this exciting trimester 3 program that spans and study marketing operations in the
As part of its Trimester 3 studies program,
Australia, Thailand and Europe. The ISP runs US environment.
students may have the opportunity to complete
as a truncated summer semester of study
two postgraduate units in China to develop The USA is the hub of marketing – a mecca
at Melbourne Burwood Campus and online
a deep understanding of doing business with of global commercialisation. You will visit
during November and December, followed by
Chinese companies and managing operations premier marketing enterprises which are
three weeks of international travel in January
in the Chinese environment. You will visit reflective of leading international brands and
and February.
Shanghai, Beijing, Hainan Island and Hong get involved in ‘boardroom’ discussions with
Kong, with formal classes at East China The program begins with a visit to the senior staff of these internationally renowned
University of Political Science and Law, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok where corporations. Also included in the program are
(ECUPL) at Zhongshan Park, Shanghai. you meet with other finance students to learn visits to leading universities to learn about
more about trade and finance relationships in cutting edge developments in the theory and
The following units are expected to be offered
Asia. You will then continue onto Europe to practice of marketing and business research.
in the China Study Program:
visit key financial organisations such as the
The USA study program provides a unique
• MPT735/MPT935 International European Central Bank, the World Trade
opportunity to visit some of the world’s
Business Management Organisation and United Nations as well as
corporations in Germany, France and London. best known corporations in Los Angeles,
•• MPT753/953 Finance
Through this program you will visit and analyse San Francisco, Chicago and New York. The
both European and Asian financial systems at program includes a series of lectures delivered
this historic point in time. by academic staff from leading business schools,
including Columbia University, University of
To participate in this exciting study program, you California Los Angeles (UCLA) and Loyola
must be enrolled in one of the following units: University in Chicago.
• MET303 International Trade This is a fantastic opportunity for you to
• MFT306 International Finance and Investment immerse yourself in business and marketing
•• MFT760 International Finance for eleven days in the USA whilst undertaking
one or two units of study.
The following units are offered in the USA
Study Program:
• MPT732/MPT932 Marketing Management
•• MPT736/MPT936 International Marketing

Students should check with the Faculty of
Business and Law for current study tour

Audacious Leadership is an adventure-based unit in leadership. It uses
principles of experiential learning to illuminate theories and models,
and aims to provide a practical understanding of audacity. An audacious
leader is likely to be adventurous, fearless, intrepid, bold, daring.
We expect to see chutzpah and nerve on display. Such qualities can
achieve great things and confer charisma on the leader. At its best,
audacity is paired with self-awareness, humility, good judgment and
a deep understanding of how people respond to the tasks of leading
and being led.
The Audacious Leadership unit will challenge your habits of perception
and reaction, allowing you to gain insight into your own leadership,
its strengths to be built on, and its weaknesses to be made sound.
The brigantine Windeward Bound provides a working metaphor for
an organisational system. It is driven by rope, canvas and human effort
to harness the power of the wind and, ultimately, the sun. Its effective
management demands answers to leadership questions such as:
‘What is the sum total of human energy available in the system?
What proportion of this energy is currently being used? What kinds
of energy (physical, intellectual, psychic, moral, artistic, technical,
social) are represented? What might be done to release this energy
for accomplishing greater goals for the system and the individuals in it?’
Permanent members of the ship’s company will ensure the safety of
the ship and train you in seamanship during the voyage. This will include
sail handling, steering, coastal navigation and general work aloft and
about the decks. As the voyage progresses, you will take increasing
responsibility for leadership and for handling the ship. At the conclusion
of the voyage you will be a competent hand.
Students also have the option of organising their own group adventure
in consultation with the unit chair.
For more information on this unique unit and future sailings please visit

‘It has been said “To be a great leader, first you must know yourself”.
I knew that spending a week at sea would certainly be outside
my comfort zone, as I get magnificently seasick! The Audacious
Leadership voyage was not only a journey at sea, but a journey
into the self, I am still reaping the rewards of personal discovery.
This is something I never would have done outside of Deakin’s MBA
program and it was an incredible experience worth every cent!’
Eleanor Parsons-Shoonderbeek


Transition to a career future Business Practicum (MPI701) is a 2 credit point AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP
The Postgraduate Internship (MPI700) is a unit that enables high-performing, capable Deakin University’s WOFIE (Workshop for
1 credit point unit that enables motivated MBA and motivated MBA students to undertake Innovation and Entrepreneurship) presents
(International) students the opportunity to gain a substantial workplace-based project within an opportunity for teams of multi-discipline
valuable workplace experience to enhance a wide range of organisations: businesses, postgraduate students to work on a significant
their resume, develop their employment government departments, professional and topical challenge or issue presented by a
prospects and explore new career directions associations or charitable organisations. not-for-profit (NFP) organisation in a unique
within a wide range of organisations. The unit provides you with the context in action learning event.
Offered in all three trimesters, the unit provides which to apply the professional and academic Australia’s NFP organisations and charitable
the opportunity for you to seek an industry skills developed over the course of your MBA bodies provide vital social and environmental
placement of your choosing and develop your studies and showcase your research, analysis, support services. As such they deserve to
professional experience and capabilities in an consultancy and presentation skills, creating benefit from the multi-discipline, multi-cultural
organisational context. The unit also provides real benefits for both yourself and your research-based entrepreneurial thinking that
an invaluable link between your academic host organisation. Deakin can offer.
learning and your transition into a new Business Practicum is available in all three If you’re eligible to enrol in MPI700
post-qualification career, at the same time trimesters and may be completed overseas Postgraduate Internship, you can apply to
creating real benefits for both yourself and or within Australia. participate in the WOFIE program. Successful
your host organisation.
completion of the WOFIE program allows you
While participating in the Postgraduate More information to benefit from an industry-based learning
Internship, you will spend a minimum event and also complete a unit of study
of one day per week (96 hours in total) towards your qualification.
throughout the trimester, working with
the Unit Chair to provide guidance and More information
to help you link your practical work with
the academic requirements of the unit.
Internships can be project-based, or involve
more general workplace exposure.

More information


Deakin Graduate School of Business delivers WHAT HAPPENS AT A RESIDENTIAL?

award-winning residentials at a world-class Typically, participants arrive on a Sunday afternoon, register and meet
the staff and their colleagues. Class sessions are held in the afternoon
executive conference centre, where organisational
and evening and syndicate groups are established.
learning and improvement takes place.
The rest of the week comprises a variety of activities in morning,
afternoon and evening sessions. Each residential is different; however,
WHAT ARE RESIDENTIALS? they all offer a range of activities that incorporate experiential learning
Deakin University’s award-winning residentials units are completed and engagement with practitioners and industry experts. There is usually
during six consecutive days of intensive study. Residentials are offered at syndicate group work and visits to businesses or other organisations.
Deakin Management Centre in Geelong – a purpose-built, world-class, Over the residential week, participants get to know each other and build
residential executive leadership centre. For the most up-to-date strong working relationships. By the end of the week, they have a sense
information, please visit of accomplishment, many new friends, and a solid understanding of the
Students prepare for the residential week using Deakin’s advanced academic and practical aspects of the topic at hand.
online conferencing systems. There is a real sense of occasion as the Written work is completed in the weeks following the residential and
group arrives at the conference centre ready to commence a stimulating submitted for feedback and assessment.
and varied learning experience. Residential units allow students to
undertake innovative and experiential learning activities, and build WHAT MAKES OUR RESIDENTIALS SO POPULAR?
their professional networks.
Participants are enthusiastic about residentials. They enjoy the
environment of focused learning, including the work in syndicate
WHO ATTENDS RESIDENTIALS? groups. They find the combination of guest lecturers, industry visits
The participants are students who: and experiential activities stimulates their interest and facilitates their
• value the opportunity to build their professional networks and learning. Where better to meet fellow managers, enjoy their company
form enduring bonds with fellow participants and other managers and develop networks?
• are attracted to the experiential learning style offered by the
• want to supplement off-campus or on-campus study with a highly
interactive study experience
• want to manage their working schedules by completing a unit in
a compressed period
•• prefer to concentrate on study away from their work routine.


RESIDENTIAL UNITS Human Resource Management
Gain an understanding of strategic human resource (HR) management
In addition to the following units, residentials from a variety of business
and the range of techniques used in human resource management,
disciplines can be developed and tailored for individual organisations
especially in the workplace, to achieve an organisation’s goals. It covers
upon request.
issues such as recruitment, selection, human resources development,
Principles of Leadership employee relations and managing for performance. Participants build
Designed for students undertaking studies in leadership, this unit their competence in a number of HR tasks through experiential exercises
delivers a thorough grounding in the main leadership theories, concepts and develop an understanding of how HR functions are related to
and issues. It is an introduction to leadership and will be the theoretical strategy and organisational change.
foundation upon which other leadership units are built. Through
readings, interactive lectures, examination of online resources, and
Participants work in groups and undertake a number of activities (such
group and individual activities, students are encouraged to engage
with leadership theories and apply them to their own circumstances. as developing and presenting a business plan) to help them understand
the entrepreneurship process at various levels. These processes include
Strategic Management management of new venture creations and the management of creativity
Strategic Management is the capstone unit of the Deakin MBA and innovation. The unit also explores the psychological and social
and provides an overall perspective on strategy development and environments in which entrepreneurs interact.
implementation. The unit provides a forum for the study of strategy,
with an emphasis on participating in a range of strategy-related Financial Reporting and Analysis
sessions and activities. These include topic presentations, case This unit is concerned with the preparation and use of financial
analyses, syndicate presentations, guest presenters from industry, accounting data and demonstrates the reconstruction of economic
a site visit and written work. Six MBA units (or the equivalent) events from published accounting reports. Though they require no
are required for entry into this unit. previous accounting background, participants develop their appreciation
of the complexities of financial measurement and accounting policy.
Management Communication Case study analysis helps participants develop their ability to read,
Participants deepen their understanding of the range of situations in understand and use corporate financial statements.
which communicative competence is important – and learn more about
their own strengths and weaknesses as communicators. The experiential Organisational Behaviour
design helps participants to understand the communication process and This unit helps managers to understand the dynamics of individual
to develop practical skills for a range of situations. and group behaviour in organisations and how different forms of
organisational structure and leadership can influence that behaviour.
Dispute Management It enhances managers’ ability to understand attitudes and to predict,
The purpose of this unit is to develop an understanding of dispute explain and control behaviour in organisations. The unit links conceptual
management dynamics in a business environment, with a particular focus tools and experiential activities to understanding organisations and
on ‘alternative dispute resolution’ processes. Offered in residential mode, managing the change process.
the unit has a strong experiential focus which enables students to develop
their negotiation skills and knowledge in a supportive environment. Change Management
Students will also be encouraged to develop an awareness of their own This unit deepens participants’ knowledge of change processes (through
personal styles of communication and approaches to dispute management, the practical application of various approaches to change management).
including the values, attitudes and culture they bring to the resolution Case study analysis and practical exercises are complemented by industry
of conflict and disputes. speakers and the study of theories of change management.

Enrolled Deakin students may apply to complete one or more residential
units. However because of the demand for places, we may not be able Unit Title Dates
to accept all applicants into the unit of their first choice. (It is important MPR771 Principles of Leadership 22–27 March T1
to limit the number of participants in each residential in order to ensure
MPR706 Strategic Management 12–17 April T1
the interactive and collaborative character of the units.)
MPR703 Management Communications 17–22 May T1
Places are also available in residential units for approved managers
and professionals who may wish to undertake a unit as an executive MPR779 Dispute Management 5–10 July T1

development opportunity. If you are interested in undertaking MPR722 Human Resource Management 19–24 July T2
a residential as a stand-alone executive development activity
MPR705 Entrepreneurship 16–21 Aug T2
please contact us at
MPR751 Financial Reporting and Analysis 13–18 Sep T2

COSTS FOR 2015 MPR721 Organisational Behaviour 8–13 Nov T3

Accommodation fees for residential units are in addition to tuition

MPR706 Strategic Management 15–20 Nov T3
fees and vary depending on the type of accommodation chosen.
Please visit for up-to-date MPR707 Change Management 29 Nov–4 Dec T3

information on costs and unit availability. T1 Trimester 1 T2 Trimester 2 T3 Trimester 3

Indicative package prices for 2015

Single student rate: $2620
Twin share student rate: $2355 INTENSIVE UNITS
Day student rate: $2055 The Faculty of Business and Law offers a range of units in intensive mode.
This is an intensive delivery mode and the format can vary across units.
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST For instance, it may involve two blocks of two consecutive days, or full-day
For the most current information and to register your interest for 2015 classes spread across several weeks.
residential units, please visit
The advantage of intensive units is that students only need to attend
Registrations open in October 2014. classes for a few days in a trimester. The intensive workshops and
Please note, unit offerings and details are subject to change. seminars allow students to gain the benefits of peer discussion and
networking, while also having the flexibility to plan other activities
ENQUIRIES around study. Guest industry speakers facilitate learning, placing theory
into context with real world experience. Teaching is supplemented by
Faculty of Business and Law online support on CloudDeakin.
Phone: 1800 624 316 (freecall) or +61 3 5227 3447
Email: Intensive study units are not just for Melbourne based students. If you are located outside Melbourne or have work commitments you may be
able to undertake intensive units because you do not have to commit to
a weekly lecture.


M601 Completion of a tertiary program equivalent to at least M501 Completion of a tertiary program equivalent to at least
CRICOS CODE three years of full-time study at a university or other CRICOS CODE three years of full-time study at a university or other
035038G approved educational institution and three years 020031E approved educational institution and three years full-time
of full-time (or equivalent part time) managerial or (or equivalent part time) managerial or professional work
professional work experience. Alternative admission experience, or for those without a degree, five years of
is available on completion of the Graduate Certificate managerial or professional work experience. Applicants
of Business Administration. Applicants are required are required to submit a full and detailed resume.
to submit a full and detailed resume.
The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration allows articulation into
The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration allows articulation into the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and combined MBA courses.
the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and combined MBA courses.
COURSE STRUCTURE You must complete 4 credit points of study, comprising 3 credit points
You must complete 8 credit points of study, comprising 5 credit points of core units and a 1 credit point elective unit.
of core units and 3 credit points of elective units.
Core units
Core units MPA751/MPR751 Financial Reporting and Analysis*
MPA751/MPR751 Financial Reporting and Analysis* MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
MPE781/MPT781 Economics for Managers# MPM721/MPR721 Organisational Behaviour*
MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
Elective units
MPM721/MPR721 Organisational Behaviour*
Select one unit from:
Plus one unit from:
MAA703 Accounting for Management
MPF753/MPT753 Finance#
MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation
MPM701 Business Process Management
MLC771 Law for Managers
Elective units MPE781/MPT781 Economics for Managers#
Select 3 credit points of units not previously studied from: MPF753/MPT753 Finance#
MPM701 Business Process Management
MAA703 Accounting for Management
MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation
MPM735/MPT735 International Business Management#
MLC771 Law for Managers
MPF753/MPT753 Finance# # MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
MPM701 Business Process Management the tuition fees.
* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
the tuition fees.
MPM735/MPT735 International Business Management#
# MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.
* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.


3 Course duration in years
FTFull time
PT Part time
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Cloud (online)


M631 Completion of a tertiary program equivalent to at least three M531 Completion of a tertiary program equivalent to at least
CRICOS CODE years of full-time study at a university or other approved three years of full-time study at a university or other
069121K educational institution – normally requires weighted approved educational institution – normally requires
average mark (WAM) of 65 per cent or approved equivalent. weighted average mark (WAM) of 65 per cent or approved
equivalent, or for those without a degree, at least five
The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (International) allows years’ relevant work experience.
articulation into the Master of Business Administration (International).
The Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (International) is
COURSE STRUCTURE designed for high-performing students who may not have experience as a
You must complete 8 credit points of study, comprising 4 credit points of core business manager. The course covers a range of topics relating to aspects of
units, 1 credit point from a specified list and 3 credit points of elective units business management and the development of core capabilities required to
chosen from a specified list. operate effectively in an international business environment.
CORE UNITS The course allows articulation into the Graduate Diploma of Business
MPA702 Financial Interpretation Administration (International), Master of Business Administration
MPE781/MPT781 Economics for Managers# (International) and associated combined courses.
MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
MPM703 Business Strategy and Analysis
Select 4 credit points of units from:
Plus one of the following units:
MPE707 International Banking and Finance MPA702 Financial Interpretation
MPF753/MPT753 Finance# MPE707 International Banking and Finance
MPM701 Business Process Management MPE781/MPT781 Economics for Managers#
MPM735/MPT735 International Business Management# MPK732/MPT732 Marketing Management#
MPM701 Business Process Management
Plus 3 credit points of units not previously studied from: MPM703 Business Strategy and Analysis
AIR747 Contemporary International Politics MPT735/MPM735 International Business Management#
ALC706 Culture, Communication and Globalisation: Critical Practices
* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
in/and Local Cultures the tuition fees.
MAF702 Financial Markets # MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
MAF703 Applied Corporate Finance the tuition fees.
MAF707 Investments and Portfolio Management
MLC771 Law for Managers
MLM703 Chinese Commercial Law
MLM706 Corporate Governance
MLM721 International Competition Law and Policy
MLM740 International Commercial Law
MLM785 International Law
MMH706 Advanced Human Resource Management
MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change
MMH709 Employment Relations for Organisational Effectiveness
MMK733 Strategic Marketing
MMK737 Online Marketing
MPA711 Corporate Governance and Ethics
MPE707 International Banking and Finance
MPE711 Global Trade and Markets
MPK701 Research Design and Analysis
MPK711 Strategic Customer Service
MPK712 Advertising and Consumer Behaviour
MPK736/MPT736 International Marketing#
MPM701 Business Process Management
MPM705 Retailing
MPM735/MPT735 International Business Management#
MPR705 Entrepreneurship*
MPR707 Change Management*
MPM722/MPR722 Human Resource Management*
MIS712 eBusiness Strategies
MIS713 Supply Chain Management and Logisitics
* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit. The cost is in addition to For more information, including unit descriptions,
the tuition fees.
# MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit. The cost is in addition to
please visit
the tuition fees.

When asked for her advice on further study, Haseda Fazlic has
one thing to say: ‘If you lead a busy lifestyle, have a full time
career and require flexibility – Deakin is the way to go. You are
exposed to the latest business thinking and you can study
overseas and have the flexibility of different study modes
with high quality subject matter.’
Whilst remaining consistently focused on variability, Haseda
boasts a 21-year strong career with the Commonwealth Bank,
including stretches in many different divisions of the business
while advancing to an executive position. She realised she had
the experience but lacked a formal qualification. ‘I wanted to
understand the theory behind it,’ she says. ‘The classroom
learnings allowed me to draw on and utilise my professional
experience and bring the two together which was powerful.’
The experience was extremely positive, she adds. ‘I had the
pleasure of learning from worldly lecturers with a high level of
experience and commercial acumen. The different study modes,
plus quality subject matter was extremely relevant to today’s
competitive business landscape. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at
Deakin and really value what I have gained from the experience.’
With a full-time career in a demanding position and mother of
two young boys, Haseda embraced all the study modes Deakin
offered. She completed some units on campus before moving to
Brisbane for her current position, completing her MBA via
online study and residentials. ‘Creating networks and meeting
like‑minded people – especially with the residentials – is a huge
advantage,’ she says. ‘You will form strong relationships and long
term friendships.’ It is a tough environment but a realistic one,
she adds. ‘We live in a fast paced, rapidly changing, highly
competitive challenging environment. The MBA has prepared
me for that.’ Haseda also valued taking part in a Deakin study tour
to China. ‘It was a wonderful experience; you simply cannot get
that out of a text book.’
In her plans for the future, Haseda will continue at CBA because
so many opportunities surround her, but may study law in the
future as she immensely enjoyed her Deakin experience.
‘The MBA was my long term goal and Deakin allowed me to
achieve it, to work full-time and maintain my family life, caring
for my children.’ She encourages others to take the Deakin
challenge, noting that ‘Deakin played an important part in my
professional career and I have exceptionally fond memories of
my time at Deakin’.


3 Course duration in years
FT Full time
PT Part time
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Cloud (online)

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a 24 credit point
professional doctoral degree taken over three years of full-time study
DEAKIN CODE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS (or part-time equivalent). Students are required to complete eight core
M901 A four-year bachelor’s degree with first or upper second coursework units, four thesis support units and a core research
class honours (or equivalent) or a master’s degree, thesis worth 12 credit points.
054580F plus at least five years of relevant managerial or other Stage 1
professional experience, plus demonstrated ability to MPA951/MPR951 Financial Reporting and Analysis*
conduct doctoral level research. Credit for previous study MPE981/MPT981 Economics for Managers#
will be available for the coursework units offered in MPK901 Research Design and Analysis
Stage 1 only. MPM906/MPR906 Strategic Management*
Applications must be received by the Deakin Graduate MPM921/MPR921 Organisational Behaviour*
School of Business by:
• 15 November for Trimester 1 2014 Plus three credit points of units from:
• 15 May for Trimester 2 2015 MPA911 Corporate Governance and Ethics
• 15 September for Trimester 3 2015. MPD915 Management and Organisational Consulting
MPF953/MPT953 Finance#
The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a collaboration between MPK932/MPT932 Marketing Management#
experienced business professionals and distinguished academics to produce MPK936/MPT936 International Marketing#
original research of real significance to business and professional practice. MPM912 Managing Innovation
It is the highest expression of business/education partnership and is MPM922/MPR922 Human Resource Management*
undertaken within the internationally recognised rigour and direct MPM935/MPT935 International Business Management#
relevance of a professional doctorate. Or any other level 9 cognate unit offered by the University not included
The DBA is designed for business executives who already have a level in stage 2, subject to the approval of the DBA Course Team Chair and
of professional expertise and reputation in their field. It will enable you the relevant unit chair.
to extend your knowledge and experience in order to achieve a Stage 2 (Doctoral research)
comprehensive understanding of a specific business issue and to make a 12 credit points of DBA thesis units from:
significant contribution to the research and business practice in the area. MPD901, MPD902, MPD903, MPD904
You will develop specialist, recognised expertise that will influence your Plus:
standing in the business and professional community internationally. MPD910 Thesis Literature Review
The coursework units will be taught in Melbourne. In addition, you may elect MPD911 Research Proposal
to study organisational behaviour, strategic management, financial reporting Plus two units from:
and analysis and human resource management in residential mode. MMD916 Thesis Method: Qualitative Research
Note: The cost for residential units is in addition to the tuition fee per unit. MPD912 Quantitative Thesis Research
MPD914 Thesis Results Reporting
* MPR denotes residential version of unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.
# MPT code denotes study tour version of unit. The cost is in addition to
the tuition fees.

For more information, including unit descriptions,

please visit


WE’RE WORLD-CLASS Deakin University is proud to have been The Faculty of Business and Law’s mission
Deakin University is proud to have been awarded a QS-5 Star Rating for Excellence is to engage with our students and partners
awarded a QS 5-Star Rating for Excellence in 2014. This rating cements our reputation in the provision of flexible educational
in 2013. as not only worldly, but world-class in a broad programs and relevant research.
range of areas, with cutting edge facilities
This rating cements our reputation as not Our vision is to be recognised nationally and
and internationally renowned research
only worldly, but world-class in a broad internationally for driving the digital frontier
and teaching.
range of areas, with cutting edge facilities to enable globally connected and supported
and internationally renowned research In addition, the Deakin MBA holds a QS 5-stars education, and research that makes a
and teaching. rating for program strength, delivering an difference to the communities we serve.
‘attractive and recognised program with a
QS provides a holistic view of a university’s Our undergraduate, graduate and doctoral
very high graduate employability rate’.
qualities, by rating universities against a degrees are informed by scholarship and
broad range of criteria, from employability of are relevant to both national and global
graduates, to sports facilities and community
GMAA RATES MBA 5-STARS contemporary issues. Flexible learning
engagement. Find out more about our Deakin’s MBA currently holds the highest strategies provide a distinctive student
QS 5-Star Rating for Excellence at 5-Star rating by the Graduate Management experience. The Faculty’s teaching aims to Association of Australia (GMAA). The GMAA is be innovative utilising face-to-face teaching
a non-profit national association for graduates and online technologies to ensure a high
INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED of postgraduate management qualifications level of flexibility for the diverse learning
(predominantly MBAs), who have a interest in needs of our students.
The Deakin MBA is internationally recognised
maintaining and improving the quality of MBA
and EPAS accredited by the European The Faculty’s academic staff are engaged in
programs in Australia. The GMAA rating is seen
Foundation for Management Development. applied research across the business and
as a rigorous and independent assessment of
EPAS is an international quality benchmark law disciplines and are focused on issues
business schools across Australia.
for business programs worldwide. Find out which are of relevance to government,
more at A 5-Star rating by the Graduate Management business and community organisations.
accreditation-main/epas. Association of Australia means it is one of To this end, we actively seek partnerships
Australia’s premier business qualifications. with these organisations, other like-minded
Being highly regarded by the business universities and alumni.
community gives Deakin MBA graduates
Our students come from diverse
an edge.
backgrounds and we value this diversity.
Graduates are confident and competent
in the use of online technology and are
ready to make a significant contribution
to the organisations they serve. They are
highly valued by employers for both their
knowledge and their graduate attributes.
The Faculty will achieve these outcomes
through the synergy that comes from
our research and teaching programs in
business and law.


You can study when, where and how you like, Deakin is at the forefront of innovative INDUSTRY INPUT
and tailor your study around your work and educational delivery. We continue this Deakin has strong partnerships with
lifestyle commitments. You may choose to tradition by engaging new technologies as industry, involving collaborative activities
undertake your entire course in off-campus well as classroom activities to provide a rich with government bodies, public and private
mode, or combine on and off-campus study. set of learning resources for on-campus and organisations, and other universities.
off-campus students. As a result, all Deakin These partnerships ensure that our courses
WE OFFER FLEXIBLE TIMING: postgraduate students have access to the same remain relevant to industry and students learn
THE TRIMESTER SYSTEM range of high-quality learning support options from lecturers with specialist skills developed
Deakin operates a trimester system with three to make their study enjoyable and effective. by their work with outside agencies, their
11-week study periods. Study in Trimester 3 research and community involvement.
is not compulsory – it just provides another LEARNING VIA THE CLOUD
option for study. We understand that self-paced online STUDY TOURS
learning plays a major role in ongoing career The Faculty of Business and Law offers you
The trimester system has many advantages,
development and we are proud of the delivery the opportunity to participate in domestic and
including greater flexibility for you to plan
of our innovative, flexible online study options international study tours. Completing a study
study around work and lifestyle commitments,
for postgraduate students. Online tutorials tour gains you credit towards your degree
and flexibility for you to choose the pace at
are available in many units in which students without extending the length of your studies.
which learning proceeds.
communicate with staff and other students International study tours integrate educational,
The trimester system provides options to in real time, no matter where they live cultural and practical experiences, placing your
commence your course at different times across the globe. studies in an international context.
of the year, to fast-track your study, or take
time off from study to travel, work or balance ONLINE LEARNING INCLUDES: THERE ARE MANY PATHWAYS
study with family responsibilities. It enables
• CloudDeakin – the primary application Many of Deakin’s postgraduate courses offer
you to speed up or slow down your study
used at Deakin to deliver web-based articulation pathways, meaning you can start
while still completing within the normal
course material and assessment tasks. in a graduate certificate program and gradually
time frames of study.
It also facilitates communication and build to a master’s qualification. For example,
collaboration between students and staff. completion of the Graduate Certificate of
• eLive – a communication tool that allows Business Administration allows articulation
participants to talk online in real time into the Graduate Diploma of Business
and share video presentations. Administration and Master of Business
•• iLecture – an automated media capture Administration (MBA).
system that can provide online access to
video, audio and lecture recordings via
streamed Quicktime files, podcasts and
MP3 downloads.


Deakin’s MBA and postgraduate Business Administration courses are FEE-HELP LOAN PROGRAM
fee paying courses. Please refer to for current fees.
You may not have to pay your fees upfront.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FEES FEE-HELP is a loan program that assists fee-paying students to defer
the payment of their tuition fees. FEE-HELP can cover all or part of
For information about fees for international students, please contact
your tuition fees. FEE-HELP is administered under the Higher Education
Deakin International, via email
Support Act 2003 (HESA) by the Department of Education, Employment
and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), the Australian Taxation Office,
higher education providers and Open Universities Australia.
Applicants for Deakin courses must meet the English language
requirements to the level required for the course. The current IELTS For more information please visit
entry score requirement is an average of 6.5 provided that no band fee-payment-assistance.
score is less than 6.
CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING When you enrol in a postgraduate course you may be entitled to an
Credit for Prior Learning is credit granted towards your Deakin course income tax deduction for your course fees and study-related expenses.
for relevant approved study, experience or work satisfactorily completed You may be able to claim for your course fees, textbooks, stationery,
at the University or elsewhere. There are two aspects to Credit for student association fees, depreciation on equipment (for example your
Prior Learning: computer), or some of your travel expenses between home and the
University or between work and the University. There is a threshold
• credit may be transferred to your Deakin program from completed below which your expenses may not be claimable.
or partly completed studies you have undertaken at other accredited
institutions; and For the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to allow self-education
•• credit may be granted on the basis of knowledge and skills acquired expenses to be tax deductible a direct connection must exist between
through uncredentialed learning. your course and your existing work. If you are studying the course in
order to maintain or improve a skill or specific knowledge that is required
There are negotiated Credit for Prior Learning arrangements in place in your existing work, your course expenses might be tax deductible.
for members who have completed recognised study programs offered
by a range of professional associations. To clearly demonstrate to the ATO that a direct connection exists,
you might have to provide a supporting statement from your employer.
To find out more about possible Credit for Prior Learning, please visit Please note that this information is provided as a guide only.
For more information about study and tax arrangements, please
DISABILITY SERVICES speak with your accountant or tax adviser or visit the ATO website
Deakin provides a range of services to improve educational and
employment outcomes for people with disability.
For more information, please visit or
email Alternatively, you can contact us
by phone at +61 3 9244 6255.


Some employers provide financial and other support, such as study leave, STUDENT COMPUTING REQUIREMENTS
for staff members who are completing study that is directly related to
their employment and the employer’s core business. At Deakin, many
CloudDeakin is Deakin University’s online learning
people are studying a postgraduate course with their employer’s help. environment. It incorporates a range of spaces and tools
to enable interactive and engaging learning. In most
Study support policies benefit both the employer and the employee.
courses, you will be expected to use CloudDeakin using
For employers, when they support relevant study programs, they can a modern browser to access unit and course sites and
help attract and retain well-qualified and experienced staff members. tools. Most students will also need to be able to:
Before you approach your employer for study assistance, you should
check to see whether a support policy is in place. • access text, image and audio files on the web
• communicate using email and attachments
Try to give your employer every reason to agree to your application.
• create basic documents, spreadsheets and presentations
It can help if you provide your employer with a written submission
outlining the benefits and the direct and indirect costs involved. • manage and back up files using common file formats
• use a common operating system to install and uninstall
The submission could include information about:
software, as well as manage software and settings.
• the course you wish to study
Please ensure you check course and unit requirements
• any tax deductible aspects of the program
• a summary of the short and long-term benefits that would flow
carefully prior to enrolment and purchasing or
to you and your employer connecting devices.
• an estimate of the total course costs of fees, textbooks and For more information, please visit
other materials study-at-deakin/apply/computer-standards.
• an estimate of the time you would be required to be away from work
in order to attend classes and exams, prepare reports and so on
•• what assistance you are requesting for aspects such as sharing
of costs and granting of time off work.
Many employers are willing to share the course costs. They might either
reimburse you after you have successfully completed the course or pay
a percentage of the individual unit fees at the end of each trimester.
If your employer is reluctant to support your study application, consider
suggesting you form an agreement to cover contingencies. For example,
propose that if you withdraw from or fail a subject or leave your job
within a year of finishing the course, you will offer to pay back some
of the fees your employer has paid.

Deakin’s off-campus courses are accredited by the US based Distance
Education and Training Council (DETC)


Applying for postgraduate programs at Deakin is easy –

you can even track the progress of your application online.


Step 1 – Choose your program

You can select up to three course preferences.

Step 2 – Register
Register as a user at

Step 3 – Apply online

Start your online application.

Step 4 – Documentation
Provide supporting documentation including:
• certified copies of your undergraduate and/or postgraduate qualification/s
• curriculum vitae detailing work experience applicable to your course application
•• certified copy of name change documentation if you have previously studied under a different name.
You may also be asked to provide a personal statement outlining what you hope to obtain from your qualification.

Step 5 – Submit
Submit the completed online application.

Step 6 – Verification
Once the application has been submitted you will receive an email to confirm the successful submission of the
application including an application number.
You can track the progress of your application by logging into, where the status of your
application will appear.

Step 7 – Accept your offer

If you are offered a place, you will need to accept it online within a specified timeframe.

Step 8 – Enrolment
If you have been offered and accept a place you will be emailed enrolment information with further details.




PERMANENT RESIDENTS International students are those who are not Australian citizens,
Postgraduate Student Administration New Zealand citizens or holders of an Australian Permanent
Faculty of Business and Law Resident visa. International students should refer to website
Deakin University for details of fees, living costs,
Business Building (Entrance 3, Elgar Road) visa information and the fees and refund policy.
Mail to: Deakin International
221 Burwood Highway, Deakin University International Centre
Burwood, Victoria 3125 Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Phone: +61 3 9244 5043
Burwood, Victoria 3125
or 1800 624 316 Freecall (within Australia)
Fax: +61 3 9244 5040 Phone: +61 3 9244 5095
Email: Fax: +61 3 9244 5094



Deakin on the web,, Fees Connect with Deakin University on Facebook,
contains detailed information on Twitter and YouTube. Talk with other future
everything at Deakin, including: students and ask current students and staff
• courses Future students about life and study at Deakin.
• unit descriptions
• student profiles
• campuses
• facilities and services
• applications and scholarships
Study skills
•• research.
services-and-facilities MOBILE APP
To search for courses and click through to
unit descriptions visit Stay connected with our DeakinMobile app
Equity and diversity available for iPhones and Android devices, and
or coming soon for Blackberry. Check it out here:
Faculty of Business and Law website:

Tuesday 7 October
Deakin Edge
Federation Square, Flinders Street
Melbourne Victoria

2014 MBA AND

Sydney: 2 September
Brisbane: 4 September
Adelaide: 11 September
Melbourne: 16 September



Trimester 2 Trimester 3
14 July–3 October 10 November 2014–6 February 2015
Teaching period Teaching period
11–17 August 22 December 2014–4 January 2015
Intra-trimester break Intra-trimester break
13–24 October 12–20 February 2015
Examination period Examination period
27 October–7 November 23 February–6 March 2015
Trimester break Trimester break

Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3
9 March–29 May 13 July–2 October 9 November 2015–5 February 2016
Teaching period Teaching period Teaching period
3–12 April 10–16 August 21 December 2015–3 January 2016
Easter holiday/intra-trimester break Intra-trimester break Intra-trimester break
8–19 June 12–23 October 11–19 February 2016
Examination period Examination period Examination period
22 June–10 July 26 October–6 November 22 February–4 March 2014
Trimester break Trimester break Trimester break


Trimester 3 2014
2 November

Trimester 1 2015
February 2015

Trimester 2 2015
July 2015
For most up-to-date information please visit

For details, please visit

1300 DEGREE (1300 334 733) | |

Federation Square, Flinders Street
Melbourne Victoria
For details visit

SYDNEY: 02.09.14
BRISBANE: 04.09.14
ADELAIDE: 11.09.14
MELBOURNE: 16.09.14
For details visit
Published by Deakin University in July 2014. While the information published in this guide was accurate at the time of
publication, Deakin University reserves the right to alter, amend or delete details of course offerings and other information FSC logo
published here. For the most up-to-date course information please view our website at
to go here
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

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