Kingston Etal 1983 Sistema Clasificacion Cuencas
Kingston Etal 1983 Sistema Clasificacion Cuencas
Kingston Etal 1983 Sistema Clasificacion Cuencas
.' 1
Global Basin Classification Systern
2116 Global Basin Classificalion System
IINWci° I mmOJ
Moon !ASIN TlPES-- (CIS) (CIF) (CMS) (OF) (OS)
I L •
i I i
(OMIT) i~
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T os
FIG. 1-1bsin/cycle idenlification key for b:lsin-forming teclonics. Two Iheore:k:;1 b:lsin Iypes (OTA anrl Of) ün: omitlell from
pra<liaJtnsin Iypcs.
a c)'cIe must haye significance in the dcyelopmentof a most comCi1only foun!:! here are marir.e sha!es. limp.>ton~~.
basi:1, either in thickness ar spa~ of geolog:·.: time. ~hi~ unGsa.lóio;l6. AH rr.a~si·..e 5alt is inc1¡,;d.;:~ :'.~;-", :.... ~:."
"~::ows liS to !ump thin units of high-shelf or wedge-edge theory that thick evaporites generally in¿ic<.'.te a mar;;-,c
-deposits, which may form oyer long periods o( time, iroto eo.. nectioil or at 1e:lSt Ü:e drying of a r:;ar¡~c-coj}¡:cete:~
j.,st a few cycles and to split thick prograding deposits into tongue. Also, massive evaporite dep05ition indicate;,
idcntifiab!e units. c:~cl(lseci depcsit:cnal conciLions :?nc! i5 ger.:=:-a!!:: fOliE('
Figure 2 Sh0WS [he relalian of the deposj¡ional sta~es tl) enlyin ¡ntelÍor bmins. Cth~:: kss common iitha!ocic·ch?r
lhe t~onk cycle. One ~an think of the co.~·c<:pt 6i _ acter;sl:cs fou:"u b s:a?,e 2 are volc:mk::, r:.1~~:·j¡:~ CQ::Ils.
, J mi aJe, and wed t" lO as une s~d:m~nt~ flyseh c1:1d othe,' turbidítes, ane deep-watcr nnr!:' '::t:1~
. cyc!e with the three stages rcpresenting [he [hree eiem~nl;; pe!agi.: dCp0Si~5. Stag~ 2 may also corHain the dist:l!
of one majar !ransg:essive-regressive -wedge (White, of nonmarir.e tengues 'provid¡;d these do not excce(~ 50~J
1980). Stage 1 of tht: cyclc corresponds to a non marine of the tota!'
wedge base. This ineludes primarily nonmarine flocd Stag~ 3 is the noomarine wedge top and the assoe;a¡ec
plain. lagoonal. and beach deposits, if they can be distin regional uneonformity. Lirhologic2.lIy it typically rcsem·
guished. Sec!imentary types normally present are bies the wedgc base with more than 50a¡0 nonmarine eon
nonmarinc eonglomer:ttes, sandstones, and shales. Other glomerates, sandstones, shales, red bcds, eoals.
lithologic eha::acteristics less cornmonly found are red fresh-water Iirneslones, and minar evaporires. Post
beds, eoals, volcanics, and fresh-water limeslones. Ir the wedge-top unconformities are inc1uded in st.:1ge 3.
basal wedge of c1astics in question is thick and over half -The sedimentary stages should be described from Ü:e
nonmarine, il is c1assed as stage 1. Stage division is shown eenter of the depositional cycle in enclosed basins or from
in Figure 2 at lhe 500/0 marine dashed line eutting the Iran the thickest part ofthe wedge in a margin basin open t'? the
sition zone between wedge-edge sands and wedge-rniddle sea on one side. Referring to a cross section of [he wedge
shales.. concept shown in Figure 2A, it is evident that ¡fthe portion
Stage 2 is the marine wedge middle. Lithologic types of lhe basio studied is too far updip, past the pineh-out of
u. R. Kill~ .. UJII, l.. ~. UISllrOUfI, dlld P. A...,,, ..
, '"
UNCONF (STAGl lJ Figure 1. Fundamentally, there are two lY~ 01 plate
movements affecting cycle or basin formalion: (1) diver
genee and (2) convergence. lt has been argued tbar trans
form movements are a third type, but these rare1l show
perfcet side-by-side motion and generally exhibít sorne
divergence or convergen ce. Small angles of conve-.gence
show up as wrenching or foidbelts, and small a~tes of
• -==-=-~
divergence appear as normal faulting or sagging. {'onse
quently. transform movements are nol specified in the
left in Fisure l. '1be composítion of the crust underlying DiVCfscot plate movements are the underlying causéof
lhe basin is tbe rarst
parameter necessary for identifica severa! important hasin t)'peS. These may be single cycle
tion. There shoul4 be né) difficulty in determining crustal (simple) basíns or multicyde polyhistory basins. Mooels
romposition ir dea1ing with troe continental craton or true for various types of divergent fra~:ture basins have been
oceanie aust. Intermedlate crustal composition may discussed by Shats1cii (19463. b), Klemme (1971), L,lwell
~~s~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIage
2 marine basin continues 10 sag. deeper in center. genetally fairly
symmetrical shape. No major faults ar struetural movements. Occa·
sionarridge or nose may be pre5en1.
AGE: Ordovician lo Mississippian.
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'o~ tinental masses. not at the plate margino aÍld if near the fracture basin. Should the structuraI style change to sorne;
".:1. edge thcir ·axes are generaIly at a significantangle lo the .lhing else. it becomes a j>olyhistory or multiplc-cycle
r ... margino tnterior sag basins (lS) are normally more or less basin. ; . o'>
circular olr oval in shapc and generally do not accurnulate Margin sag cycles/basins (MS}.-Margin sag cycles/
as ¡real a thickness of sediments as continental margin basins are located 011 the outer edges of continental crust
basins. They are formed by simple sagging of the conti blocks in areas of divergence. The basin axes Iie paraIlel
nental crust as shown in Figure 3. Many interior'sag bas:ns witl: the continental/oceanic crust bOundary, and the sedi:
originated in the Paleozoic. Some are.simple or single cxéle mcnts ~ayoverlap orito oceanié crust. Such basins ar~
basins. whereas others contain severa! repeated sag cycle3. rei~"Tedto :.s being :ocated on ..Atlantic-t)-pe" marsins.
~'~ Figure 3 shows the evoiution of a typical interior sag (lS) Ali már~ .ag bas~ have al least two basin-forr.ting tec:
;;1, basin. The basin simply sags with minor or no faul~ing._ tonie origins anc! are polyhistory basins.
'o- Interior sag CYCld are commonly found in polyhistory or' °The evolution of a typical margin $ag basin is shown in
~o' multiple C";c1e basins. o . - Figure S. Th~ b:gino¡ witl¡ the cracking or a
Interior fracture cycles/basins (IF).-This.basin/cycle mass by divergence. Tbi$ ("¡rst phasc (stage 1 of cycle 1) as
:~ typc is define<! as being found on continental crust. eith::r previo'.!Sly o~Jined is cal1ed interior fracture. 3:Jd may
In the interior of present plates or at the cnistaI margins of resemble thepresent-day rife -vaIJeys oC Afria. These gra
old continental plates. Interior fracture basins are caused - bens generaIly are filled with nonmarinesediments. Dur
by di'l~-rge-nce and lension wilhin the contmentaLblcek. i.~ g.·a~~:: fornlalÍon, bas2.! b:eck t"ault 5truCturcs are
Vertical horst-and.graben fauldng andsubsidence are the: ofo~mc::d 2né h::ied by se<Ümea:s. P:obl:bly no contii~er.tal
dominant fatures. .. sepa:~t¡on 0';c:m5 at this time. 1800gb deeper fracture'
Figure 4 is a series of restored crOss settlons showing thC' %Orees may hay!: e.-it:nded thro!Jgo t.'le crust. There is g~n
Outf of Suez. a typica1 interior fractUre basin. Cycie 1 :n
eraUy no sta¡: 2 this c:;c1e, inasmuch as the continents
sho\Vs basin formation in the Early Cretaceous. ·.vith ten· MYe not separated c:nough lO allow a marine incur!ion.
sion block faulting, and subsidence. Stage 1 nonmarin~ Tbe next phase oi basin formation. stage 3 of cyc1e 1, is
sandstone and shales are deposited. During stage 2. the end of interior fracture basÍJi devc:lopment. Continued
marine racks filled the Suez graben as block faulting, and c:ontinental divergence and graben subsidence by block
subsidence continues. Reservoir sands and carbonates are faulting are typically accompanied by nonmarine deposi
deposited over lhe hi¡hs while shales fill the lows. Contin tion. One or more deep fracture zones may form as poten·
ued subsidence and compaction cause drapc of beds over tial separation centers. Tbese fracture zoncs may fiU with
high-standing fault blocks. During the third or final stage basalt intrusions and dike swarms. Stage 3 of cycle 1 nor·
of interior fracture the basin fiUs or is uplifted. a1lowing mally ends witb a major unconformity. BaSement block
nonmarine sediments to be deposited; uncon faults cease differential movernent near tbe end of the inte· ,. \
formities may truncate the top of the section. If this c:ycle rior fracture cycle. and overlying beds generally do no1
is repcated witb additionaI faulting and deposition, the show any rejuvcnatcd movc:mcnt QT strueture. tt may be
succ:ecding. cyc1e still would be classifled as an interior 1hat continental rifting freezes the basement block faults
r--c=.:=--:-$rr-;'=7=:::===?"l~~:S-' ·5lage
2. lensIon and block faulting continue, graben syslem deepens
a!. .
~ •
.; ~
H ..o".
lo form basin. Marine walers invade basin. Mañne beds deposited as
struetures fonn: sandstone is deposited and limeslOna reefs form over
highs: shale (marI) accumulates in Iows. Marine slage 2 ends wilh salt
- deposit.
AGE: Middle Cretaceous • T4 (Miocene)..
,":==:=n_'. __
I \.
"~Sl5 .. '0- .• ,. syslem deveIops by block faulling. Depressíons fiPed with nonmaline
AGE: Early Cretaceous. .
FlG. 4-EYOIIlpoa of interior fracture buin l11ustra.ted by restored c:ross sections ia thift stages from Earty Crctaceous to Holocene.
Eumple Irvm Gulf of Suez. . .
on cither side; but whatever the cause, at this time the type continents separate añd begin to move aparto Basement
; of structural origin changes from interior fracture to mar fauJts are no Jonger independently active. and basement
~, i posas. begins to subside as one block. The entice edge of the con
MargiÍt sag is initiated as the spreading center in the inte tinent sinks. Simuttaneousty, stage 1 of maegin sag cycle 2
rior fracture grabeos is aetivated and begins to grow. The com~onJy' begins with depositionof no~arine beds and
~ ertI"'Y).
... ~
_ _
.... -
- ~
. ,
and subsidenCe of c:oetal l... ;:;;n ~a-
)00 . ' •
MS-2.1 MARGIN SAG (MlddJe and Upper Cretaceous)
RlIl expanda. continents separa'., and margint subside aJong wiIh
mM oceanic crust. Marine waters invade. aJ:Id' margin sag sedirnents
deposited in coas1a/ basins. ".
IF.3 INTjg:¡IOR FRACTURE (Lower Cretaceous) .
ContinueCfgraben subsiclence and filI. rift dil(e area expandS. block
.. ti fauJtlng stil @Ctive. Cycle 1 endS. with majar unconformity.
d ~
·~=I-. ·;·\-'.,'.7",- ..; ,- : ~o. .:.; if;""o' 7
\ ~
~TlNorrA:' ~~causes.riftingofcontinentalblock.Grabensfinwithnonma-
~IUST _ nnesediments. , ,
.. . : DEPTH
. " , "
", DEPTH .----.\
. ,
FIG. 6-Examplesoffour maln t)'pes of conllnental margin sag basins'classified aceording lo c)'cle 1 marine fiU: (1) n~rmal claslk. (2)
carbonate bllnk. (3) I112Jor ddta.'(4) 521t lectonlC5. Mos. divcrgent.basins are In one of lhese four ategories or in combinalioDs of 1'~O
or more. For cxample. Tartaya (Moroc:co) basln conlains comblnalion of Triassic salt (type 4). Jurassic carbonate bank (1). and
Lower CreCaceous delta da:1l1cs (3). A :;: lower qde I nonmarine series; B = upper c)'de 2 marine rocks. Adapted from 8eck 2nd
uhner (1'14).
". ····- ..... n r. o f'\ . ' , ' .. ~ ~..... • ,, r·"~ _ ""101
... '
A. Convergenceof 2 plates(oceanic + continental) subduclion A. Trough continues to coIIect sediments whlcJl'are continu
beginI. '" . , ousIy foIded and Ihnrst faul1ed. This is only area of compres
8. Trench and are are formed (downbending al oceanic pIÍIt. sion.
C8US8S tension in overridiog pIate; or coId oceanic pi•• slm B. Vok:anoes inside are.
p!Iy ~ under tJDP8r p1at., and no compression resuItsJ. C~ Strike-5lip tension basins liIl first with nonmarine dastics.
. latar with marine S8diments. Basins sporadicaJIy wrenched
(structured) as thay fiI.
--,- .
FIG. 7-:-Evolution 01 converaent bll5lns (mear aud trench). Example Irom Java-Sumatra.
occasional minor evaporites. \, . . : , , referred to as margin sag ,(MS) basins or eyc1es. The
Sta¡e 2 of-margitnaaindudes1:Ontinued subsidence and-- advantage of thesc groupings is in their oil-play moda
continentalsep~n.and is identified by marinedeposi- tion (sec Kingston el aJ, 1983). ' .. '. ~ , ,
tiOD. Marine waters invade the infilled graben system for One variation oC the margin sag cycle should be noled
the rlrst time. depositing ~astics, carbonates, or massive. separate1y-it comprises "old" continental margin basins .
salt at the base oC the series'. As the oceanic spreadin¡ ceR- that, as suggested by depositional evidence, have' beco
ter expands, tbe contincnl$ separate. New. layers oC converted int'? interior basins by the subseqóent forma
oceanic aust formo and the older ones~; -: _: '.-, ; tion of a Coldbelton the seawardside. They were margin.
On many present-day divergent contin¿ntal margins. sag cycles transformed into interior sag cyclés by orogeny.
there 15 evidence of very rapid subsidence'ánd oceanwatdln ~y situations the evidencc for margin sag origin is.
tiltins oC the basins. beginning in the Early Cretaceous 6J1d onl)' patt;ial. l:JUt we assume that these basins.onee were
acce1erating in the Tertiary. M.arine sediments on thc QpeD . margins sags .because anyevidence to. the ~ntrar1 wás .
she1fmark periods oC highstands of sea,.and nonmarine: destroyecfbyª,e formadoR Qfthc fóldbe1t . .ne main rea
sediments and paleoslope unconCormities mart the low- son for ~oíund identificationof margin sag thc
stands.As the ocean basins become deeper. clinoform interior sag (MSIS) é:ycles"that they the classic·'· ... are'
deposition i~to the.deep wate~ dominates all previous' ¡;ah "asy~etricalbasios" and.~lVor1dwide~·m¡lnYareprolific
teros. 'Ole cOl1ciriental crus~ margin may appear to have producers of bydrQCaroons. . <' .. ' . • •
subsided more than the adjaccnt oceanic crust, probably' Margin sai:-mterior saa (MSIS) qcles'. were génerally
because of scdiment loading. If sa1t is present, salt diapirs deposited.on broad, gently dippirig continental platforms
may intrude durins the later stages of the basin Cormation~ with sheet~ds and carbonate deposits more dosely com
_ Delta deposits may accumulate al the mouths oC rivers,. parable to those oC interior basins than those of present- .
, with attendant gravity featul"C$. shale diapirs, and growth daynarrow continental margins. Sediments deposited in
,faults. "~ \!' ,. _. ," ,- '.. . " ' '. . thesc old ~gins~:interiQr sag (MSIS) cycles aR mar-
Margin sag basins have becn divided into various general ginal. te.•.trlq:generally gr~efrom coarse to fine in the
types by Beclc and Lehner (1974). These are normal clastic" paleosea direciion. arid show no struetural or stratigraphic
(-...., carbonate bank, major delta. and salt tectonics; they are--~.' evidence Cor the existence ofthe other side oftbe basin. No
iIIustratedin Figure 6. Most of the more than 100 margin. clastics were heing introduced Crom the seaward side; this
sag basins we have identified can be placed in oile ofthcsc indicates .the existence oC an ."?Id ocean." Arter. t~e fo!d-o..
rour ¡roups. The four marpn sag basin types, however, helt the cycle mto an ~ymm~nc~tenor
are not subdivided from the margin sag category; an are sal basm, lt 15 deslgnated MSIS to dlfferentlate it from
~ ..
.......... Global Basén Classification 5ystem
cycles deposited as interior sags and also from modero mediate interv~, the basins existing at that time may be
margin sag basins. , preserved. Sorne portions of the wrench basins of Okla
hóma (Ardmore) are believed to represent different stages
Convergent Cyde Types of arrested wrcnching.Sedimentary fill. in wrench (LL)
basins is eXfI'emely varied. Mariné elastics, carbonates and
Basins c1assified in this eategory are those formed on evaporites, nonmarine clastics, vc;>leaniclastics, and
margins or nearby interiors of two or moreplates converg flysch-chert-ophiotites are all found, depending on depo
ing toward one another. Most basins on convergíng plates sitional conditions. ..
mainly exhibit tensional features. Figure 7 shows a simpli Trenches (TJ aiul trench-associated(TA) basini.-These
fied version of the relative positions and development of categories ofthe elassifieation system arc relatively minor
basins on convergent plate margins~ Models for basin for from a hydrocarbon-pr05pccl standpoint. ResuJts Croro
mation on convergent margins are wen Jenown. Seelyet al past exploration have becn POOl; and it appears these
(1974) have discussed trench, foreare, and backare basins. basins have very tittle future prospect of containing com
Carey (19S8), Freund(I965), Harding(I973), andCrowell mercial hydrocarbons; ~ '. .
(1974) have discusscd various aspects of shear or wreneh Trench-associated cydcs/basins (TA), as shown in Fig
bll.iins. Carey (1958) deseribed small ocean basins. ure 7, are located on convergent continental plate margins,
Wrench or shear cydeslbasins (LL).-These strike-slip, landwardof the treneh or nonvolcanie are, if one is
shear, or wrench basins are referred lo here as double "L" . present.The basins. generaDy are built on folded trench
cycles (LL), for lateral movement. ThCse Cycles are rotind sedimcnts, not continental crust, and are formed by a sim
on continental or intermediate erust. Fonhis daSsifica ple sag. oftcn deformed by ~¡¡tcmpü.ancouswrenching.
tion, hydrocarbon-pros¡:eetive wreneh basins are Trench-associated (TA) basins 3I'e b1cely to be !illed with a
restricted to those found on or di"C(.lly adjacent to conti high pereentage of volcaniclastic sediments, though
nental erost. Wreneh basins/eycles are found in areas of quartz or arkosic sarlds maY be found, given the proper
twO·Qr moce converging plates. They are,formed by a nearby.sediment source area. SedimentS in thcse ~íps
,:(tivergent ~ couplet with strike-slip faUttS along two generally are marine, though some have becn found to
or more sides, as shown in Figure 8. contain nonmarine ma,terials in the lower stage (Abukuma
Most wrenc~ couplet or shear basinS are found in the basin oC Japan). Other tieneh-associated basins appeat:to
,areas-of present-day, or Tertiary. plate wnvergenee. Typi have subsided rapidlyand are nIled witll deep-Water sidi
.~ areas where thcse basins occur are: (1) the periphery of ments in the lower stagc. Thus, two basins of diverse ori
'the Pacific Ocean, including Antarctica; (2) southeast gins are inclüded in the trench-associated (TA) category
Asia; (3) the HimaIayan-Alpine chain from the Solomon because of thcir location. Trench-associated 0:"') basins
Islands to SpaÜ1; and (4) around the Caribbean (AntiUes easily may be confused ~ith wrench (LL) basins. Foreerc .
are). basins (Scely' et al, 1974) are includcd in tbis treneh
For most:zJf ih~ sh~ basios, stage 1 (hasin ini~oit associated category. In our global basin dl!SSificatiou sys
~ diverg<:nt wrenching) appears similar to an interior tem, we fir.d renn'¡ "foreare basins'" witb no It:c
J"racture (IF) basin,. with tcnsional blQCk faulting ~d Uttl: assodatioll ~&bah, Palawa.;. Phi!ippit~, etc). As a c:oo,- ~
:' Dr no evidence of wrenching.'Nonmaririe wedge-base sedi seq~en"eo we 'prc'(e: :o \:Se the· ,erel ~eh-á.ssociated
~1nents are depOsited, untess "the basin is icitiated 'ünde: b'a'ins.... ~ - i.:, . .. . : .-:" '" , :~:
~~ " : . . Trenches ro are loca~ (1) on ocearJc crust, and (2):.::t
Sometime &fter the baS·i."l is initialed in stage 1 '0· '].'. t!le- :ra:~·u ce rwc o.. ~~r: oo~verm~'" ~bt-, ..A ,r~·!Jt1. '
wreneh dcformation of the basin begiilS. Wreneh strue lion zone is formed with thetrench bein~ the "bcnt" por
tures máy form along :he ftanks or witbin the ba~:a, tion o~ the Iower pL-u:, as shoWÍ1 in 7_ ?aes.ent-d3.)·
Major Wrenchcs outline the basin. and mi.,or wrenches . trenehes are relatinly ~ow downwarps located ov-er
foon struetures witbin the basin. If the basin is ne.'l! 5ubductlon Z(>:les;' Active t.enches ~ are2S bflow ht..'3r
enough to theocean. marine sedimcnu.lD3.}' be: de;~d~'!d;' m
iJ.,w ar.d"3l'e Te..ti2.&~ 81':; orde: trenches r"ave bc~l c".>n
mar.y wrcneh basins have no !m..;!:e fili, bclritr too. fu . "cned into foldbeits. ; .. ;.... . .; "-.. 'C ';
frorÍl the sea to havehad invasions o:"m.adn-e.\VaCm.. o . Wert:CO~ze two t)-pc$ oC ttc:¡cbes. Th~ !"lI'St i::.volvc.:
In sta:e 3 oC the wreneh (LL) cyclc, the basin is uptiitCt.! onoe' oc:eurJc p!atc, ovcmdin¡; "l!!1oth~r, form!ng a mid·
and eroded, and the continucd -shearlng may begin to' as
ocean- treneh sueh. lhe Mal"iaM, A1e'.:tian, and Pbilip
destroy me structures andparts of the basin. The term pin.e :renches. Thcse featurts r.ormany ha'..~ little se¿iment
"L3FB" is used forthe rmal stage of a basin completcly fili, and the amount thcy do ".ave ¡t.imaril¡ is voleJn/)
wrenched to a Coldbelt. Continlied pIate convergence may genieand deep-water pelagie. Thc second type involvesa.,
result in orogeny. . oceanic plate overridden by a continental plate. This
If the wrench.:.faulting process contiIÍueS over a long trench can receive oceanic pelagic scdiments and "lot
enough Fod, it wiU eventuaIly destroy theLL basin. As' canies, as weU as land-derived fme clasties. lbcse oce3Il·
a result, 'ew examples are' foupd of preserved wreneh margin trenehes aceumulate very tbiek deep·water·
basinsolder tban Tcrtiary. Typically, pre-Tertiary wreneh dcposits. Continued convergcnce with its ~ttendant cúm
(LL):basins occur as wrcnehed foldbelts, with only frag pression and shearing, eventuaDy results in a foldbett.
mcnts ofthe destroyed basins beÍn8 recognized. However, Most trenches and trench-associat~basins end up as fold
if convergcnce between the two plates and, therefore, the obelts, I11d such folded treneh sediments are given che desig
engine driv¡ng the mechanism, has stoppcd at sorne inter natlon "Fal"!:"
U. lO. ; ~:"::f":~¡;' :::. ~. =:~: ...... u •• , and P. A. Williams
1. Wrenching continues through basin until
wrench foldbelt results.
~ 2. Too much tectonism I:reaks up big struc
U tures, reducing size of oil fields or destroying
U tham.
3. Continued wrenching may result in meta
• PlAN
.morphism and orogen)t
LL·2. .
1. Continuad subsidence olbasin by downfault
... ing or sag-possibly no visible wrenching•
. GIl OYEI SEA 2.Wrench fault structuring begins. It may be
WltOca lOIlE
~. '.: continuous or periodic. .
.3•. Marine sedimentation, clastics,· carbonates,
t, . . . majar evaporites (saJt), and volcaniclastics.
l .4. Oil prospects localizad in folds developing
. over top of wrench zona.
1. Basin initialad' by wrench fault couplet or
~ strjke slip tension (Iooks like normal IF ten-
OIL IN BLOCK FAULT sion graben).
STRUCTURES .. :2. Tension block faulting andsubsidence.
~~ ~
3. Commonly little or no evidence of wrenching
_t ; . . movement at this stage.
'J ,~ 4. Nonmarine sedimentatlon, clastics, caal, VOI
PlAN cá"lcs, minar evaporites, 011 shales. . ~
•• "" _e
Vlew 5. on prospects in block fault structures;
- T·
., .'.~
nG. 1-&0101108 01 wrendt or shear huins. LL = lateral Development 01 converpnt plate wrench la three mges (LW, 1, 1)..
UfÍJ sIIOWl 11.... step la mur wrmch basIas, ahat 01 loldbdt caased by wrencblna. Thls IsOnd step iD process Ibal cmales buin and
des&ro1IlL After Inllladoa ofbasl. (l.L.l), mO'emtatlDa1 case ID aU1 succcedina sta¡e. Bula DlR1 liso stop strikMlip mode
ud chaap lo poIy1üstol'J basln.
U.ULlUI oj" Classification System
@ feldlJelts 1Ilonlsi"e .1 IIlIsin ,.. :.-! .
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b WUI(
~ -- /- " ........ ~ .
. :.•..••.•..' ..". ...•..... '.' .:".' C1tOWTH fAULTS
e SinNG
~::~:""::::~::::':::';;;':"" " ,
FIG. ~Tectonlc: modirJa'S of¡yiRatsi/I:...''SJa typ~ fL r;uC: FZ). .
surface by plate I.:ollisions. rotatiolls, fragmcmatinn. and without further jiggling to keep them moving. .
by subduction zones. Wrench faulting or rotational rrtove- Le and FBc iUustrate the "c" effect which is rejuvenation
/ \ ! ments are prevalent in basin histories on aU continents and of preexisting blocks. either interior fractures or base
read in different ways at different times. Crustal blocks mento This j05tling of older blocks can cause structural
Ooating on the asthenosphere may be similar to the jos- . growth whieh may or may not reach the surface. Many of
tling of ice f10ws on the Polar seas. . the world's giant fields owe their structural growth 10 "c"
Ocnerally, the origin of an episodic wrenching or lateral effects. It is important to note that tbe Na." "b." and "c"
L movement is fairly casy to ascertain. given goad plate- ef(ects o( domes or arches may not reach lhe top of the
tectonic reconstruetions. In some places. however. one structured cycle. which was a1so·the old ground surface.
cannot directly trace the originating event for an L move- TIte 'first modifier to reach the old ground surface as .
.mento TIte event which triggers isolated wrench m<?ve-' wrench-generated faults and (olds is the Ud" effect. which
ments may be on sorne other side of the plate in question~ ~ rated as a moderate to strong evento It is convenient to
orevenonsomeother partoftheeartb. Tbeeffeetofvary- divide: the I~t of modifiers into the ones causing "weak"
t in. intensities of L mo..emenÓ is shown in Figure 9. efrects (a. b. e) and the ones causing "strons" effects (d. e.
Foldbelts are caused by convergence of two oc more .. and O. . ... . . .
plates. Basin caugbt in this convergence may be com- Ld and FBd are examples of classic wrenching. Relative .
pletelyoronlypartlyrolded. Basinsnotcompletelyfolded plate movement is enough to cause en echelon faults or
are not considered to be.foldbelts~ndare said to have been folds to be weU developed. Here are found the first nower
episodically wrenched. Basins completely folded are called struetures recognizable on seismic records or visible óri the
foldbelts (FB3). Foldbelt formulas are derived from the surface. Horsetails (a series of en echelon faultsor folds)
basin tbat was folded.1f the edge ofa large basin is folded. may be secn as fanning out of foldbelts or wrench zanes
the rormula for the f~ldbe1t is the same as that of the basin into basins. The Ld flower structures are fairly modesl
cxcept thatthe youngest evcnt will be sorne type of rold- ones and do not bring basement to the surfacé. as tbey do
íng. Complete'y folded roeks. or foldbelts (FB3) are com- in stronger wrench events. Le and FBe are strong plate tec
manly found adjacent to relatively unfolded basins ando in.tODie effects which significantly alter basin tilt. cansing
fact. may grade into basins. TIte expression used in the marked basin asymmetry. Titt in one direction~ or change
basin formula to denote an adjac~nt foldbelt is "FB." .. oftilt direction. is an "e" effcct.
Foldbelts have varying effects on adjacent basins. as ·Lf and FBf effects are the strongest episodicwrench
shown in Figure 9. events we record in a basin. Basins are turned iliside out or
"reversed" with synclines becoming anticlines. FIower
stcuetures bring basement or ver¡ old rack! to the surface.
TectOlllc: Modiflen These •• f" effects also sec the formation of major ridges or
arches in a basin. the breakup of plates under basins. and
~nche:r (L) 11MAt/jllCent Foldbdu (FB) eonsequent formation of new smaller basins out of the old
megabasin. lbe basin can be ripped up extensively and
Tbe tectome modifiers of primary basin tiPes are lÍsteei. stiU be caDed an uf" effect. However. if the basin is «:Qm
iD Figure 9 in order of increasing magnitude. downward pletely folded. destroyed. or altered by faulting.,we would
from "a~ to "f." Each of these effects is found associated go one step further than uf" and ca11 it a foldbelt (FB3).
with botb episodic wrencbes· (L) and adjacent foldbelts . It should be noted that any of.the characteristic teetolÚCS
(FB). The veryweak "a" effect is known 10 oCcur'within or of the weaker modifiers may be found in 80y strongerone.
adjacent to a basin witb minimal struetural efftct. La For example, salt and shale diapirs and growth faults (Lb)
wou1d mean that a wrench passed tbroughor adjacent to a may be f.ound along witb rejuvenated block movemcms
basin but caused no faulting or folding visible at the sur· (Le). All of the teclonie parameters.salt domes, jostled
face or on seismie renectiOD. Porosity and permeabiIi~ blocks. flower structures. basin tilts, etc:may be found in
bowever. may be affeeted. FBa wouldmean that a foldbelt . Lf.
wu fonned oil the side of a basin but had no effed. of .. 'Several important paints nced.. to be emphasized con
faulting or folding. on"the basin itselr. . cerning L and FB events. Fim, the tcetOIÚC modifiers
LO and FBb iUustratlthe "b" ~ffect-stiUvery weak on affeet. in varying degrccs. basins already forroed by ~er
the scale. The "b" efféct triggers salt or shale diapirs and - proccsses•. ~nd. aJÍ episodie wrenching zone (L) Can
. growth faults within tbe basin and can cause open folds iD turn into a wrenched foldbelt (FB) along its Iength:as a
basins adjacent 10 FBb~'We believe that without. teclonie malter of degrce of wrenehiiig. \Ve believe that most fold
evcnt of "b" intensity ór sttonger. salt and shale may not belts are caused by wrenchirig movements or convergence
be triggered to now. Tbe movement cBúld be described . al some oblique angle (other iban 180°). Third. the madi
best as "jigg1ing." TItere are numerous examplcs. ~orld fien are dcscribed as to whateff.ect they have on the basin.
wide, of basins with thick salt layen and Plenty ortcad nC't on the wreneh or foldbelt. For cxample. a wrcneb
that bave never t1owed. to produce domes (e.g.• YaJcutsk. 3l0ngslde a basin may be ver¡ disruptive locally.but have
ToUUOurt. Permianbasijis). Nor do tbey exhibit any little or no effeet on the basin itself. S~arly. a foldbelt
~ther evidence of post-salt deposition strueturing. It can alongside a basin may be vaulted oc highly deformed
be concluded that sligbt plate motions 'or jiggling are mountains but have little structural effect on the adjaccnt .
rcquireci 10 initiate ()r tJiaaer salt and shale diapirs and basin. It is the struetural effect on the basin that is
growth-fault movements. Salt and shale diapies. once trig dcscribed in Figure 9. Ir the foldbelt is hydrocarbon
gettd by an Lb evento could eontinue to grow by statie load prospect1ve. il wiU have its own dcscription.
2,~" UIUOdl t'élSIfI1.13SSIJICéllIOfl ~YS(em
2 I
4 l 10
- 3
E. MIO. .
• TO
.. CRET.
.. MS
. Le l'
.. . ,
M. CRET. ~
. '
... .
AG. ll-Comparúon o, bll$in panmclen oslng cumple (A) 'rom Aí'anlic margino Formuti lor basin is given allop riahl of
len colum., cycles are numbered in ascending order, oldesllo youngesl; lhis gives a syslem ofidenlifying geologicevenls as lhey devel
oped duriDl blstory o'basln. Second c:oluma, labeled "sequcnce," is inventon column 1, usinglellen; lhis enables identiritadon 01 .
qda or cnnts from youngesllo oIdest as lbey would be encounlered in driUin¡ a wcll. Thlrdcolumn lies cydes lo geologk alt.
Fourlll col.... (bases) ¡iYa groSt cyde type anel abbreYialloa. Ncxt columa' showllectonk "enls a"edln, baslns, their slrength.
aad wben theJ occulftd i. relatloa to olher nenls,; Sixth minan shows depositlOnaI sta¡es 01 weclle 10p (3), middle (2), and base (l).
"Uh or without unc:onformity. Right column shows hydroc:arbon.proclucln& playl.
;. Ir.
'OUIIUT -..n.
1. EJoample DI ~ sag basin (M5 321)aHecllld
on _ side by a toIdbell. FCIIdb9I1 and remain
fOUIIIlC cIer 01 original M5 basin _ now sepatale enl¡'
ties. Tlle lormula IoJr remaining basin js
FBalMSl5-321.(FBlwilhoul a FS3 means loId
beIt allecling onIy pan 01 basin.)
IIlUIOIt fIIACTVIlf ("·321'
fOUllJlC t.
TM eumpIe is \hlI_ as B abowv 'Ul:epllhe
fu1ding is on . - sidH DI basin iMln., 01 just
_ .... TIIe enlire basin is not 31lo<:1ecI. TIIet e
lote lDrmuIa is FBcIlF·32 l.
example 01 a margin sag basin allecled by
wreneh faulling late in its cfevelopment Proba
. .OC" bIy Old Precambrian sutures I1Iactivalecl. Unear
-enc:tln c:auSll ridges or an:tIes lo Ionn Íft
bas;". May also activale sall ridgn. lsoIaled
ridges Iomt-wilhin·basin or·aIong ORe silSot. .
Example 01 ínlllrior sag basin :lw !'as !lHn
OIourprimed tr' ....
e ndl hulling ;;¡Is in ó!II deY~:'
DpmlNlL Wntnc:hing rutl1I amund CN or lIolh
sides al Dasín. .
flG. 11-ElCImples uf polyblslory b:uins, showin~ simplediver¡ml bll!llu ~Yerprinled b)' roidbelt snd ~~ching:K1'~'::':S.
the basin formula. Figure IIA is a cross section ol" tIae c!:»me mo\·cmerlt in thc basin and prot-abiy afft:et:d t.'1e
basin to be formulated. Figure 11B traiubtes the erOss sec unconforrnity. The neAt cydc down is an interior sag. IS
tiO:l even!s into the formula. It shoutd be rioted ti::lt '=i::i~,; Z'ü, wil~ tt.~ck salt in th.: St'1g-: 2 po(ti~n. Ti:.: bttom
are ended by any of foue cvents: (1) a change in cyc~e typ<: cide, 3n ir.tcrior fracture, u-31, has an u~confor;:lit)·zt
(basin-forming tectonies); (2) the occurr~nce of i1 s¡~nifi tite :op which i~ not relate<! to L or FE eV:~"lts. The otdest
cant wrench or folding cvent, such as L, FB, Oi' FBJ (t:c~ C"¡clt: 15 entire!)" nonrnarine. Combinaticn of these r.)clc:~,
tonics affccting. basins); (3) a major sedimentuy stJges, and e".Icms rcsults in tb~ formula bcing written
transgression andi'egrcssion; or (4) a regional uncon(orm yaungt.'St to o!dest as follows: MS-21/Lc/MS-32!iLdIS
ity which may be caused by L, FB, or FB3 events but com 321/IF-31. Tbe abbreviated ages of each c¡-de :r.ay be
monly occurs without them. writtcn aboye the formula, as shown in Figure lIB.
Viewing the events in the example shown on Figure 11, as Figure 12 shows examples or how single-cycle basins are
they would become apparcnt in driUing aweU, the young afrected by foldbclts and wrenching. and how tbe formu
est cyclc is a maegin sag (MS) which is '$liU in stage 2 las are written.
bccause the continental margin is under water. Tite marine - Figure 13 is a series oí cross scctions showing the step by
wedge overlie.. a wedgc base of early Miocene age and an step development of thc Persian Gulf basin, and its for
unconformity; this unconformity corresponds to an epi mula. The basin stans out in thc carly Paleózoic as an inte·
sodic ~Tench which may have, part, caused the uncon -rior sag, as evidenced by thc Hormuz Salto The next cycle
formity. This Lc event rcaetivated the salt domes. The next appe:us to be a margin sag, cxisting from the PerIllian
older cvent is another margin saS (MS) crcle with wcdge through the Jurassic. An Le cvcnt at thc cnd of Jurassic
topo midi:lte, and base (3,2,1) foUowed by another Le cvent was causcd probably by convcrgence in the Tethyan lone
in thc middlc Cretaccous. Tbis cvent initiated thc salt and jostling collision of Thrkish and Iranian microplates
• r
Iranian loIdbeh lormed as India. Asia. anc:l AIro
Arabian plaleScoIIided. Z..,oa MounIain&/orm.
... Evaporil" (Fars) and elasllCs deposiled it1 Ironl
01 lhe mounlains. Wrench sltUC!UfH c:ontinue lo
be aclive. F"1fI81 formula.
fleflS.:3.2,1Jlc/MSJS.3,2.1/UlJS.3,2, t
Inlerior ~-'ubsidenee 01 basin wilh deposi
lion 01 Ctetll:eous sandslone. sh.... and caro
bonates. and Iower Tartlaty WIe. limeslone.
and evaporite. Wrench laull slruclUres petiodí
eally ectiv.. .
- ---...-- - H
..... ,"-
• -
. .:. ...
' l .
-- .---
• """...
• •• • 11
Margin sa~ermian-TriassicdoIomiIe and
Shale• .Jur~ carbonales. some evaporilel.
open sea lO !he ealt.
..... - J"" • -' .... ~~ ~.,,- ._.~•.._.. ~ •• : . . . . . . ._ ... ", ,~. '. • -' .... "
Citl\n\erian collision 01 A/to.ArIlbian block wilh
- 'ranian and Asialic plales. episodic wrench
laulll aeti>latecl in Arabian plata. iniliating 1trUC·
. , s: nst:;It':·.;"::x_';::;
";';;:;';'W:'-;¡;::'3'=:¡;;;~;.• '. ~ .••. r ..~
.... .' "4' .. '
Interior sag-8asaI sandslone. massive
dolomile. and 1IIlaIe.
apinst tbe Afro-Arabiañ shield. TItis Le cvent also dosed global basis, about two-t~irds ol tbe basins in the system
off tbe eastern sea margin, and ebanged tbe pr~ous mar· may be ealled simple or single-qc:lc basins. These bave
¡in sas cycle' to an MSIS cyele. TIte Persian GulC basin only one basin-forming teclonie eyelc or, ¡ftbey nave other
rem:Wxd closed from that time to the presento The fiñal cycles ánd tectonie events, are dominatc:cl by one lype_
events show late Mesozoie and Tertia7 interior sags, bere These basins arc grouped undcr tbc namc of this dominant
shown as a single cycle, and tbe fmal Colding oC tbe zagros cyc1e such as intcrior fracture basins, intcrior sa:s, mzrgin
MountainsalonJtbeeasternmarginoftbebasin•. · ':., sap, wr.eneh or sbear basins, occanicsags, occanie
. Figure 14 shows a formwe have found useCuI in swnma....· wrcnches,. trcnehes, and trench-associated' basins•. Thc
. .' . rizins by chiaraetcristics oC basins for c1assification, anal.. . more complo, polyhistory basins that cannot be catego
..,.. ysis,~.lbe Conn has bcen complcted usina rized with the eigbt basie cycle typcs, malee up!he rcmain
o the Penian Oult basinas áD exatDPIc. Tbevarious paiam~ in¡ one-third oftbe basin~ classifled globaU~ Tbese are
eters ofbasindassifleation and asscssmeni are Usted vcrti· -refemd to simply as complcx poJyhistory basins. and fur
o caDy on tbe left oC tbe form, whereas tbe lcologic ases are tber subdivision is nOl propo~ al this tinte. .
sbowá horizontaD~ from youn¡est to oIdest, across tbe ;.
. topo This pcrmits us to locate, in time, the vanous leC}'. Re&lonal Cr'oss ScctioDl .
parameters within a basin sueb as cycles and stages, basin- o
formín¡ or modifyilll tcctomcs, t)'pe of scdiment rall, trap· siÍt regionalsectioos, drawn aCcoss a variety of polyhis
typcs" ancl hydrocarbon reserve information. TI)is form tory basins, are presented in Figure 15 to iIIustrate exam
may be used to descnDe eitbec en individual basln or an oU pIes of how the more complex basins are classified. Thc
fleld, far comparison witb others." •. f9rmula for each basin is eonstnJcted mini lhe informa
St. Joba (l980rhás published a map showing'tbe loca· tion available 00 tbe section.ln alI cases, the eross sections
tion oC world scdimentary basins. We have included will be describcd in tbeir order o( deposition-from the
approximately 600 of tbese basins in me global c1assifica· bottom up. 'tbe eonstruction of tbese regional eross sec
. lian S)'Stcm. Itis obviously too compUcated to refer to tions is both ail aid to basin c1assification ando a useful tool
cach ORe by its spec:ific formula; so anotber dcsaiption in rapidly exptaining the t~onic history oC a basin to'otb
., must be avaUable for more ¡cncnl usc.The writersbave ers. . .. . .
. Cound it convenient to use tbe fonowina catcgories. On a Cross S«tion AA' .-This is a scction oC a series of sags
2190 Global Basln Classification System
, ,.
lGl 1I PLt MIO au
, fOII.U~A _'
- ~2
JUa In ,,-
,.. DI sI o I e
-, i
2 $lAGI
-, 2
1 I
·.,-:O .....N
•,¡ FOlIMlNG
NAlIGlItlAG • YAIttAllONS 11I11 MSlS........--1 1 1 I !
011 NODlFT.NG TUNCH + TIIt!NCH A$$OC. fl' • TAl 'l. I
I I 1
Tt!CTONICS f'OLon~TS ""III'IJI !-+- r--; I Le La !
. $l1I11I1I5U" .IPISOlIlC WlllMeN lUJ +1LI
+ __ ~
1 I
--, --H4TH
--• ""'-L
I ,
; --:-
! !
• StlAU
. . .a "Mine. I i _M,;!!
, , I ~_I
• ;'1"
11 lipE
..... Non "..-irte
. i
.. I ,¡ .I
- r - '" .
i :
, '-~
" . - . 1 .~ ¡ I -i i r
.... IYlIflS" • OTMIII
, ·l'AU~T I ~
+. -1- I
1 I .
e, ; A.ANllCUNl '-.0"
I A5. A7
: i
• ·&TIlAT. TIIAP i I 1 i
-.... - --.
OIt.CM" 'k) ; I
t' . l'
.-. • .QCM. . . .U I !
~ ClASIICI') I ; ¡
....¡,. -
~''''' HC CMM 1011 I t
¡¡¡lO lNFO
GIIOSI PIIOO. INT. cr..... _ ....·FII I
,.;- FIIOD. IIATIS III _ n i I
' .. --.
., "t
IASIII ..... DISCJllIl!~D..... fIIIOO.
I .: .
.78%11 I .. t
I i
·sc.-t;II~ IIOCItI "wn ··Gl.NnlC TRAP nPEI t. 'O'IOIIT1'...... ItA.IIUn' .... ::ttovT a. ea- 1. "';.. TIIP & . . . .6\. caaPe-JJ aoca ".w'. f
• • .AlR t :& Toe . . . . .IICH.AUMI:.J)FAlAT . . . .WTM ..AlrL' l ..........'......... ~or.... COII.:1tI8D
G oooD t - 3TOC
.. • IltCH J + TOC '
•• E
, E'
4-,.._ _-
•• Q Q'
•• D
J' D'
• X
. '.
., ~!
!lG. lS-~qionalcross sccdons 01 eomplex basins, sbowing formulas developed lrom dassiflCalloL
~ ·-f
. . ...
." .
- . .
tivcly flat Late Cretaeeous cycle. the basin tilted Co the Late Cretaceous cycles'appear lo 'be interior sags with
ri&bt, beginning in. the early Eocene. The Paleocene may sandscones from both sideS, At the end or the
also be missing. This basin tUt corresponds to an Le event. Cretaceous, a tectonic event affected the left side or the
The Iower Eocene elastic wedge, thicleening to the right, basin, formingafoldbelt. Theeffectofthis roldbeltonthe
ap¡jears to be an IS cyele with three stagcs: wcdge base, basin has been to change tbe'dcgÍ'ee of lilt bot nOl radically
middle, andtopplus unconformity. Attheendoltbeearly enough to caII it an 4Oc"-strength evento Therefore, we
Miocene, there was another basin tilt reversing tbe.4i1cc- would probably designaee it FBd. During Late Cretaecous
tion to the; left. This is considered to be another Le.,event. lO Paleolt!Jte, the mountains formed, the basin subsided,
The Iast cycle of late Miocene-Pliocene would be nOnma- and c1astics were shed off ~he rising mountains into the
rine interior sag. The rmal formula for the basin would be basin. This cycle is another IS cycle. The formula now
1S-311LeIlS·3211Le1MSIS-321. : ' . .' reads: 1S.31IFBd1IS-321/IS-321IMSIS-32111F-3211IS
Cross Sect;on DD' .~ross sCcti9~ DO' iUustrates the 321. This ~ould have been the end ofthe formula, but in
eomplexity tbat may be caused when foómaqy ~inareas this extended basin area a new ocean margin formed in tbe
are included in the lame fornítü~'Fifst. from the bottom Tertiary at the rigbt side 01 the eross section. If tbese geo
up, there are two faidy thin PfJeOzoic ~eles. The bottom . logic events were added. the formula would read M5-211
cycle appears to be an interior sag Cut by interior fractures IF-311IS-311FBdlIS-321/I5-3211MSIS-3211IF-321/IS-'
oC cycle 2. The Jurassic: rocks appear directed into a 321. This cumbenome geologic-history formula ilIus-.
deepei basin lO the left, with no sign of the other side. We trates one of the pitfalls or includinl too targe án arca
can desi¡nate th~ cycle M51S.321. Bolh the Early and within the basin boundarics. Tbe solution would uve .
.. :"'~
2~92 Global Basin Clac:c:ification System
been to separate thearea into two basins at point "X" on The basin formula would be wrinen TA-2I/TA-321/
the section, and to give each basin a separate formula. FB3T.
. Cross Seclion EE' .-In tbis section, there are four
major unconformities separating the' cycles. At the bot CONCLUSIONS
tom, is a Permian-Triassic interior fracture with a thick
salt layer as astage 2. No tectonic event is \'isible at the end This slobal basin classific~ion S'fltem identifies and
cif,g-c1e l. Cycle 2100ks like an interior sag with sandstone compares basins inspecific as wen as seneral ternlS. The
coi1'iing in trom both sides of tlie basin and carbonates in system is ba~ 00 the genesis and evolution of basins in
the rdiddle. At the e:ld of cycle 2 (Jurassic).· the large the context of their geologic histQry. The main e!ements
nowcrstruClure at the right of center was activated by used to c1assify basins a!'e basin-forming tectonics, deposi
wrenching (Ld) and then truncated. Possibly some salt tional cycles. and basin-modifying tectonics. Basin
movement was triuercd at this time aIso. but the diapirs forming ttetonics are deduced by knowledge of the type of
have younger mov«:ments which obscure the older evi underlying crust. past plate tectomc history. basin location
dence; therefóre 80y old m~C1Jlents are unconfirmed. on the plate, and type of primary structuraJ movement
Tbe Lower and.Upper Crctaceous are lumped together involvcdin the básin fo!'mation-such as sagging or fault
into onc cycle which appears to be 3D interior sag owiog to ing. The is eisht single teetonic-cycle or simple basin
the presence of Lower Cretaceous salto because no evapo types that 'are termed interior sag. margin 581. interior
rites are found in margin sag (MS) cycles. At the close Gf fracture:, \Vrench. trench, trcnch associated. occanic sag,
the third cycle is a ttetonic evento A foldbelt formed on ( ; and oceanic wrench.
left side that caused the salt to now; but it does nQt appe.. r Basin-modiiying tectonics include episodic wrenches.
to have jostlcd bascment blocks. It probably shollld ra(~ basin-adjacent-foldbelts, and 'cQmpletely folded basins:
aboutan FBb.l'he flllal cycle is another inlerior sag. prob These have beco identified and pbced 00 a· scale o.f
ably nonmarine•.Tbe fmal'Cormula for tbe basin would be increasing magnitude. from' mo\'ements of slight to majol.
IS-3I1FBb/lS-3íIlLdlIS-320iF-321. ' ~ structuraleffcets. More complex basiris may contain KV;
eross Sect;onFF' 'cln Jhis section. a divergent eral differeot teetonic cycles, plus basin-modifying teé-'
continent~!-:':1¡Ugin basiri. four major unconformities out tOllic events. Tbese are called polyhist(Jr)' basins. The eight·
Une basin cyclcs. The oldest cycle is an interior fracture simple basin types, their depositionaJ fills.· and tectonk
with nonn~¡l;lesediments only. The second cycle is Lower modifiers have becn given lener and numbe. symbols so
CretacéOus"'and ineludes a thick salt bed. This means ii that the' specific geologic hi5tOry oC C8ch basin may be
must be anrnFerior basin inasmuch as there is no salt dep<> wriUen as a formula. These formulas may then be com /~.
sition on open-OCC80 margins. Cycle 2 is called aro interior I
pared betwcen basins,anc! similarities or differences
sag, and may haveended with sorne L-event tectonic activ noted. . .
ily during middle CretaceoUs time; however. titere is no The 'prlmar;; uses of the global basin classification are
conclusive evidence on this eroSs section. Cycte 3. midd!~ sumM:!rized as follows: (l) to loc..ttc al1d ie~tify all basin.~
and Late Cr;:tact:ous. has been cut offon the left side ay an oi the world iú one ira.-neworlc (the s:'stcm c:m ex~ar.d the
unconfl)fmity. It is thecefere impOssible to determine, . explürationist's \'iewPQim to incluc!,. aH pouibk basín
(rom L'ie evidence on the crQSS section,'if this cycle \"as ac types, an~ nN just tho~ with whki: ~e o. s~ has b:!d per
interi~r sag cr a margin 5a&. However, because the b~sinis sor-~ 1e;'(p¡:rient;-:- it ~ a:l ate! te e~p!Qra!ior.thinkil1g); (2)
an opening continental margino this cycle should be mure: ti) p';: the ~Cpét.·éa¡¡Oll uf C.úi;.V:~;'; "~¡II" ¡Jltu li.cir sim
marginal t¡,an the previous cycle. The best guess is that i: is ple component parts, for an:l!Y~¡J lb s-i..:al'lt: uniB; (3) to
MS.J21. The end ofcycle 3 was accompanied by a strong c~mp:!=-e plays wi:!1in or.e ór two bm::nS oi the sa..n~ t)'pe.
uplift orthe ridge in the basin center which changed the tilt or !WO or more b:!!:ins' c1assified ~ c!ifiercnt types; (4) to
ofthe basin, truncated the previolls cycles. and caused :;n!t ~;o'lic'e :5~lS:~~Y. ~or ~""~~J:a!:n; f;:¡,....,;..:!.~k ;.!a:ls ::!1~: risks
domes lO ri3e",Thisactivity correspond'.l to an episodic fo:- ezch basm t:lpe. ¡"'.':31!SC rlsks· sftml!d be !! " . :'~~ood
w.cnch oC Le1ót~ty,Tb~ (..~31 cycle (4) is c1early a mar hefcr-.~ venturc c~Í5k'::; é5j te· prerliq Wile( 5COk -' :; ·;:vcnts
gin 53a (MSj which occurroo asthe continental. margir: I&.tut be fOl'r.d -:u oC 't~i.:l to :m,rovr. c.i! ~ospecti ...ene5s;
sank in lJl,: Tertiary~ Tbe fmal formula Cor lhis basin (6) to en~anc:: theprecictiol1 of oii poc:nlia! in unknown
wouldread~ MS-2I/Le/MS-32IltS-321/IF-31 •. or liule lenown basiA~ by i't:ferring to known basins of r~
Cross Secl;on 00' . -The type of basín found on this same classified c~; (7) to provide a sy!tem wher~ the
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...,..~ .-, ... ,..
O. R. Kingston, C. t". Uishroon, and P. A. Wil/iams 2195
Active block faulting normally continues throughout the shaJe may be tbe best oil play in margin basins. Unfortu
~ history of the basin. therebyconstantly rejuvenating struc- nately. it is generally not at optimum drilliRg depth. In the
. ) turargrowth. Episodic wrench movements may aJso occur. basin center. it is probably. buried too deeply (20,000 to
Bettcr rc:servoirs are associated with structural highs. and 30.000 ft. 6.000 to 9.000 m) to be drilled economically, or it
souree rocks with the lows throughout the development of wiJl be gas prone with low porosities at these depths. Near
the cycle-an ideal conditioll for local migration and the margins of the basin the play isnorm:dly too shallow
entrapment. The cycle 1 nonmarine play, with its built-m ( <·6.000 ft. 2,000 m) and it is immature. This play must be
sauree. rescrvoir. and strueture, attains its best dC\lClop- found at the propcr depth to be considered feasibte. To
ment in interior fracture (IF) cydes. . date. not mueh drilling has been conductcd for basal cycle
A semirestricted depositional environment. 'eommonly interior fracture (lF) plays in margin sag (MS) basins.
found in basal interior fracture (IF) ·eycles. may produce Most eycle '1 fauIt bloca. the best .potentialstnJctur~,."
widespread occurrence.ofevaporites. or blanket ~~~ and freezc or ceaSe differential movernents after continentáI
richoU source rocks such as the Socna shale in Lib,a. No separation. Because there is no struetural growth. there is
m~ regional tilting of interior fracture cycIeslbasins is . normally no drapc or elosure of cycle 2 younger beds oyer
likely to aceur as in margin sag basins. so there is much less the old blocks. Tbis is different from other main cyclc
chance of pooled oil spilling out oC structures. A few smalI types. and the play must be downgraded aS aresult.
interior fracture basins have oaIfone active side. however, Aboye the basal interior fracture '(IF) cycle, younger
.and in these a halC-graben is forrncd with strong tilt. Size is unilS may consist of interior sag or margin sag cycles: Sim
an important factor in interior fracture buias. Oenera1lY. pIe margin deposition and sag witb no other tectonic
the bigaer basins have a bettcr manee for exploration suc., movements appear to be detrimental lo preservation oC
cess. altbough a few smaDcr Vienna inAustría, hydroc:arboos in these basins. Contemporaneous or yooo
and thc Gutf of Suez. 'iuM: 8000 produetion. SeveraJ . ger saJt 'dome uplift, growth Caults. and wrench faulting
smallcr interior fracture basins are too shallow. and the appear to ¡nerease the incidenee of oil discovery in these
~. souree rocksare i'nunature. lbe burial history of tbese basios.
basins must be studied caréfuUy before maturation and Thesizeofmarginsagbasinsleyclesis ánimportant Cac
migration ofhydrocarbons can be assumcd. Many smaJIcr toro If the continental sbclf is narrow and small, tbe cycle
interior fracturC'basins contain red beds and volcanics that wiJl be higbly tUteci. Most younS Tertiary margin sag
do not appear to be good oil-generating roclcL . ' , cycles are depositeci as thick sediment pods or elinoform·
Interior fracture basinslcycles. whosedevelopm~was .. wcdges just off the outer sbelf. Thcy have a fairly low sedi
'1estcd durina the carly initial ñfting stase. are very bigIt: ment 'yolume tbat does nOl prograde like a delta or keep
_.,¡lt· with minima! knowll procluetion in other basins. ~ ..paée with subsidence. and consists predominantIy of.deepo
Tbese basins normally contain a thin sedimentary section water dinofórm clastics. The subsidence and sea\Vard tiII:
oC coarse clastics or volcanic:s. Some oC the rift 9aJIeys of are perhaps the- most important negatiye factOR. In mar
ACriea.are examples. The. interior fracture basiDs, whOse : sin sag cycles. marine shales are locateei seaward. down-'
development reachcd a more mature stage/are the most dip. and witb porosity (~) increasing upcUp to the
fayoced for hy~rocarbonoccúrmice and accumulation in· outcrop. In the Late Cretaeeous and Tertiary. rapld sub
eitber early riftin¡ or middJe sraben stages. Interiorfrac-. sidencc of the outcr basiR margin tiltcd many gentle to
ture cydes are commonly as simple basins. lbey" moderate strueturaI cI.>sures. and the oil has been 1051
may also be foune: ~ cycIes witIün polyhistory basins. par- updip. Margin sag basins with a strong oceanward tilt may
ticularly the initiating eycle. Interior fracture basins. .have lost oD from both the olderand younger struetures.
~hich have been separated by continental "pull-apart~·,.The updip flanks oC some musiD sag basins contain exten
and now comprise the bottom cycle in margin sal basill5, . sive tar deposits at the' o\lterop. cvidencc of oil lost by .
are larady unexplored at ~.Th date. production has basin tilting. Examples oC tbis are COllnd in the Upper CTe- .
. been establisbed io these continental margin interior Crac- 1aceous margin sag outcrops oC Nilerla. c;:¡abon. Camer
ture cycIes in Oabon, Angola. and Brazil~',; :.'; : " . oon. Congo. and AngOIL' .',.
The maJor plap:n interior frac:ture buins are aJl related - ',' Some margin sag cycles have normal or gentle oceanic
to the horst and ¡:aben featura that domínate the struc- . tUt aud subsidenee. Tbese cycles are commonly 'found in
tuce and stratigra¡:áy. Tbe largea plays are Cound in reser- . the middle stages of margin sag development. Sediments
yoirs dired1y Oy¿ymg high basement blocks; cxamples deposited in sballow-water marsinsaz cycIes generaDy are
are sandstoncs (Sa::notlor in west Siberia) and carbonates' 'thin-beddcd platform deposits of sandstone. limestone.
(Romashkino in té'~ Volp Urals). bothÜl the USSR. Of aIi and shale. Thesethin cyelie unit5 are normal1y nol condu
, interior fracture br--5iDs studicd worldwi~. 35.. of them cive to th~ gencration and preservation oflargevoluines of
producecommerciall quantitiesofhydrocarbons. . oil. ~. .
", .. Some margin sag cYcJes lfre major riyer deltas having a
, M~ Sal (MS) CydcslBasins ., . . high sediment volume which eommonly mIs the subsiding
" • , < '~.,' < .' _ . ' • nu
basir. (see Kingston el al. 1983. Figure 6). rcsults in'
!'"'\ diverge~t continental margin basins are a eOmplex- cxtensive shallow-water deposits in the del!&' ~ea. w~icb
. 81 .'. Tbey have ;L \'arietyofpoteotial plays. startin¡ With progr3de ioto decp water. Most explorauomsts belleve
block faul~ and D::mmarine deposition of the basal inte- .tJ'tat modern deltas are lood placc:s to look for 1t~
rior fracture (lF) :ycle. This combination oC basement .' bons. Thewriters háve analyzed the 60 prescnt-day maJor
block Cault strua:ure, lood r~oir sand. and sourcc riyer delta systems around the world. and only Cour oC
.. ~: ..
them, are áble to produce more than marginally commer- tors can result in highly productive basins. such as the Los
dal quantities of hydrocarbons. The four major deltas are Angeles basin in California. However. optimum factors
the Mississippi. Niger. Mahakain. and Mackenzie. The ~re not always present, and basins may be too'young. and~
other 56 ddtas (most have been drilled at least once). have unmature or too old and overstructured. In these Sltua;; " \ , '
produced only very small amounts. OIder marsin sag delta lions. the basios must be considered to be very high tislc.
c:ydes. perhaps buried or structured tiy younger cycles or A critical factor in shear basinsis the presence or absence .
events. aenerally are proliflC próducers. Overpressured of quartz sand for reservoi.r roco. Mesozoic and older age ,
shale sections are common features of margin sag river basement usuaUy contaim quartz sánd sou~'::'s. Terti&ry
ddtiu:,ycles. ' '' ,- , crust. however. is normally composcd of o..:eanic basaIt
Exteii$ive Carbonate banJcs with recfs are found in il'lar.y and volcanogenic sediments. which substantially degrade'
margin aag cycles; however, tbese carbónate bank edges. reservoir quality. Wrench basins must be situated on or
which appear to be so prospective in divergent continental adjacent to good quartz-sand yielding arcas to insure the'
marsin basins: -have had minimal succcss when driUed. existence of predictable quartz sand reservoirs; tbis lcoer
ScVeraI brOad carbonate platforms that have been struc- ally means Mesozoic or older crust. Carbo~te rocks ud
turcd by )'ounger ~onic events. occasionally may pro- chen. as in California, are also found occasionaUy as res
vide reservoirs, fOf__ su~~tantial oil, plays, as in tbe ervoirs in this type of basin. ' , . . -,
Tabasco-Salinas basurof Mexico. Cretaceous and Temary' Normally a high heat fiow exists io active wrencli (LL)
paleoslope unconformities often are found that have cut basins. Some cycles may be too hot, and therefore gas
ioto sediment l?-arSins, exposing reservoirs to ecosion. oil 'prOlle or ovecDlature in the di:epec pacts•. Because most
Ioss, ór Wat~ contamination, as in Tarfa)'a, Morocco. The wrcnch basios are ver¡ YOU!lg, the source shales gene rally
perceúl of produc"ive divergent margin sag cycles world- are immalure. even at intermediate depthS (8,OOO:to
~I(' widej-tompared to those nonproductive. is approximately 10.000 ft. 2.S00 to 3,000 m). An exploration pitfall orBtis
'( ~•• Most mar¡Ui sag basins should be considcred high typc basin is the potentiál immaturity of the uppcrsouh:e,
ñsk explof~on ventures. '.' '.. . >;' shalcs, whereas the deep portian of tbe basin may be Ofer
-' ,. - - mature, with shales cooked and sandstone porosity law
M;;.;¿In Sal- taterior Sal (MSIS) CydeslBasins _ ered by diagenesis. This results in a very thin optimúín
. -..¡¡ . zone bctween focks that are too shaUow or too d~.
~, _.M;uaw -sag-interior sal (MSIS) cycleslbasins have . Unless.reservoir sands and struetural c10sures are found in
many attributes of interior sag cyclcs, beinl found in the tbis optimum zone, dry holes or gas may be lhe result.. ,
interiQf un, continental plates and nol associated with The composition of the two converging plates haS a pro
pr~nt~aycontinental margins. Most of the MSIS cycles found effect upon the sedimem m~ in the resulting wrcoch '\"_
Weré de¡;usitÑ on older continental plate margins. which basios. 1\vo converging oceanic plates will result in volea"':
apPeii' lo have becn broad. flal, and onIy slight1y tiltcd.- nogenic and deep-marine sediments such as chert and
lbesc Slable. shelvcs accumuJated extcnsive rcservoirs, pel:lgic material. with $Ome cae~nate. This t"¡pé of báiin
(~: such a~. b13nkc::t sa.,ds and carbonates. Thick source rocks hes had'vel')" Ulde exploration success. A continental b~k
and.5dls commonly were deposited as well. Subsequent overriding óccanic crust can be goad if the upper block iS a
.• r:.tUctunns produced the world's mas: prolific basinlcycle load sourceóf sand; both marine ilIld nonmarine rdtt:s
~;. type in the Pcrsian Oulf, the MSIS cycle with wrench anti- .may be deposited. 1\voconvergi:Jg continéntaI blocb iii~y
c1iDe5, blanket carbonate reservoirs. and evaPQrite seaIs. provide primarily nonmarin~ c!epositiona! conditions!'~
,. Approximately SOO¡o of the MSIS cydes produce commer- places with saIt. Basins of this typc are foulld within fold
,dal hydrocarbons, one of tbe highest ratios of cycles \Ve bctts and aresometim:s caJ!ec! "foldbelt microplates." ,
have studied. Tbe key parameters roc gi:mt field potential Wreach or shear basins presently in stage 1 may nol be
io these MSIS CYI.:fes are large !lruetures and extensive res· very prospccti·¡c. bccause tbe scdiments :md structure are
ervoirs with.eiCecuve seals. In the MSIS cycles of the Per- loo immature (sce Kingston et al, 1983. Figure 3). Stage 2
mlán basUl oC 1:635, the blanket-f'~rvoirsare missing, can be better. Sands may have been deposit~d on the (a~lt
but the sOUr~ rócu' are proUfie.Goodevaporite seals are block highs and souree sha!es in the IOW5. Wrench·
, pr~nt. and a1though the MSIS cycle has aImost 6 billion generated structures may liave formed. At this stage, oii
bbl o( oil equivalént, mostofthe fields are small. In west- fields may be associated with tbe tops of en echelon folds,
ero Canada. theAlberta basin has extensive reservoirs and the tops of flower structures, and stage 1 block fau!t clo
source racks. but the basin is primarily unstructured. Cae- sures. At sUlge 3. sOnie of the more active wr:ncb %ones or'
bonate reefs. which are really suatigraphic traps, are the fiower strueturcs may have been uplifted :md en'ded. 105
main trap av¡&Jabk in lhe ~Ie and are lman. However, ing the on on topo New fields may then befound on the
MSIS cycles should be examined carefuUy Cor they have an fianles oC such fcaturcs eather tban on the wrench axes, on
enviable record of productivity. noses or thc plunge ofold en echelon {oId sets. or on youn
- ger folds forminl basinward of the wrench welt. Strati-
Wrench or Sheat (LL) CydeslBaslns grapbic traps and tear {ault oc trap-door faIJlt structures
also may be productive. When the hasin evolvés beyond
Probably th-: most important factor affeeting wrench stage 3, oil prospects generaUy ar~ progressively destroyed (~,
(LL) basins is timing. Many LL basins are Corroed, fiUed, by folding.
struetured, and destroyed in a rclatively short geologic lo proliflC shear basios. oil miarates from older to youn
time. Tbe optimum combination or these short-term fac- aer struetures as tbe wrenching progresses. Older strue
D. R. Kingston, C. P. Dishroon, and P. A. Williams 2197 •
tUTesare deforme<:! and destroyed, and the oil migrares or temperatures, poor volcanogenic reservoir rocks: and
n, .;tops,
IOSl in lhe process. Ifconvergence betwccn rhe two pIates
ihe wrench faulting will cease, and the basins and
probable lack of strueture combine with the presence of
deep water to make these basins extremely high rist. Some
polenlial play¡ could remain frozen in lheir lasl evolution of the oceanic sags contain deep-water fans from river.del-:
ary slale. Examples of lhis are presenl in the Pennsylva [as that have built out over oceanic crust, as are found in
nian wrench system in Oklahoma in the Ardmore, the south Caspian and Black Seas in the USSR. One oil
Anadarko. and Arkoma basins. Size is not a critica! factor prospective area. p3ssibly underlain by oceanic crust and
in LL shear basins. as most of them are relatively small. which has these features. is orrshore from the Niger delta.
. LL shear basins are moderare risk prospects. They have Its seismic signature. indicating oceanic crust. is one of
many conslructive and destructive features lO considero nato featureless overlying sediments in deep water. Unless
and they are short lived. The main play¡ in LL shear basins these sediments are activated by struetural movemenl.
are sandstonereservoirs and wrench-generated block they do not gravity tectonic features. Because of this
f a . Of anticlines. Most fields' are moderate in size; the lack of structure, and thermal histories of low tempera
largest we have listed is Minas in central Sumatra, witb . lures. most oceamc basin arcas associated with continental
almosi S billian bbl of oil equivalent. Sorne LLshear blocks must be considered high nsk. Most sediment
basins have prolific source rocks, such as those in Califor wedges fillingoceanic sags are c1assified with margin sags .
nia and Sumatra; producible slraligraphic traps are (basin nank}and nol with the basin center.
found. as well as slruetures, as the oH seeks to fill all avail
able porosity. Approximately 47070 of all wrench (LL) PolybistoQ' Ruina
cycles studied worldwide were found to produce commer
cial hydrocarbons. Most large hydrocarbon~producing basins are the poly
history type, containing numerous and perhaps varied
Trenct, Associ8ted <TA) Cydes/Hasins cycles and tectoDie events. The oil-play controls of single
cycles apply in a general way to polyhistory basins, bul
Trench associated (fA) cycleslbasins are found along they are commonly modified by tectonies, The evaluation
ancienl or modern SUbduclion zones al convergenl plate of polyhistory basins is a complex subject. and only a few .'
boundaries. Trench associaled cycles are commonly devel salient points are discussed here.
oped on lhe continental. or high side of the oceanic trench. Oassification and the writing of formulas are very use
~ aceanward oC the flTSt volcanic or magmatic are, The
fuI in the evaluation of complex polyhistory basins. The
r )urce of lhe sédiment is mainly the landward side with formulas provide a shorthand history of each basin, per
~hallow-water c1astics or carbonates. aild some deep mitting identification of the geologic events that form the
marine deposition offshore. Volcanogenic sediments com basis for the oil plays. Once lhe plays are identified. they
prise lhe b,.lk of the c1astic rock. and may be compared with those in other similar polyhistory
porosily/permeability is Iikely to be destroyed by dia basins. Change in struetural genesis :lppears to eahanee oil
genesis at depths aboye the hydrocarbon maturation zone.
, OoIy a few of4he trench associated cycles. worldwide.
prospects. In Kingston el al (1983. Figure 13). a series of
restored cross sections shows lhe evolution of the Persian
conlained any quartz-prone reservoirs (e.g.. Sabah. Gulf. In this diagram lhe main even15 are: (1) basin torma
Malaysia). Carbonates and chert are aIso found on occa tion, (2) subsidence and fill. (3) structuring, and (4)
sion. Strueturing. if present, is related to subduction, and renewed subsidence and "Ioading'· of the structures. This
wrench faull features are commonly presento The crust sequence is common to many produet1ve polyhistory
under lhese basins is eomposed of tectonized or folded basins. The.loading of lhe structures by more subsidence
trench sediments (~T). Trench associaled cycles will and fill. commonly appears lo be critical. Polyhistory
evenlually self-destruet and become FBJ T folded trench basins ending wilh interior sag (lS) appear to be the best
foldbelts. situated for the generalion and preservation of oil and gas.
To date, only a few commercial fields have becn found The final interior sag generally joes not cause titting of the
in lrench associated cyclés. MoSl of these fields are in slructures. bul commonly provides lhe sediment loading
sandstone or chert reservoirs and wrench antielines. The which lriggers maturation and migration of bydrocar
fields are small and have poor producing characteristies. bons. Too much structuring at the end of the polyhistory
Trench associated basins are numerous and are found on . basin formation is generally more destructive than con
most convergent margins. Exploration drilling in basins. struetive to the pooHng and preserving of hydrocarbons.
such as Mentawi and south Java in Idonesia, Abukuma in
Japan, the Gulf of Alaska. and others has produeed a REFERENCES CITEO
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