Urdea, 1997.acta Facultatis

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Geographica Nr. 40 Bratislava 1997



Ilctru Urdea
PETRU URDEA: Aspects concerning Postglacial and present Day Lanfornrs
Evolution in southern carpathians. Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Uni-
versitatis Comenianae, Geographica Nr. 40, 1997, Fig. 3, Ret 40.

'[he particular geonrolphological features

oltlre Southern Carpathians arc given by
mezo and nricrolorrns wich have - nrost of thern - a Holocene age.
In the deglaciated spaces, in a so called palaglacial environrnent, in many situation
the detailed topography allows a reconstitution of the evolution o[ the latest
glaciers in the sense : ablation complexes debris covered glaciers ice-cored rock
glaciers, or secondary rock glaciers, and at the bottorn o[ the walls ol glacial
cirques and valleys. the mixture ofgelifi'acts, snow and icc. alfected by creep con-
stitute talus rock glaciers. In the other places, the walls and the strong slope sidcs
affected by liost weathering provided rnatel'ials that will gather at thcir lbot as talus
cones and slopes, in this period, the individualisation of lundanrental urrits of the
slopes: l. rock wall and/or rocky slopes; 2. dcbris slopes; 3. debris rnantlecl slopes
are taking place.
The development of fluvial morphogenetic system in the high alea has takerr place
fiom down stream to up stream, the tluvial erosion leacl to the deepening ol'chan-
nels in the rock, in thc sector olrock-bar, in the nrorenaic deposits or in the fluvio-
glacial deposits.
The postglacial evolution of the Southeln Carpathians lelief has been developed
undel the conditions of vertical ,, swinging" ol periglacial and fluvio-torrential
storeys and sub storeys, each of them having the characteristic processes lange, in
the latest centuries the violent interference olhuman society has been felt too.
Key words: paleogeogr.aphical evolution, postglacial, Southern Carpathians.

Starting with the truth expressed by sorne fundamental concepts of geomorphology

couched by W. TnonNBURy (1967) (concepts 7 & lO), the unravelling of postglacial evot-
ution of Southern Carphatians relief is very important both for standing out the complex-
ity of geomorphologic evolution of this south-division of the Carpathians and fot
speciffing the position and the role of postglacialand present-day forms in individualisa-
tion of geomorphological landscape of this mountain area.
Even if the general geomorphological features are given by the original way of
fusion the Borascu relief with the Fagaras relief (sens Euv. os MenloNNE, iloz;, i.i. or
the relief dominated by the existence of levelled surfaces and the relief dominated bv

micioflrmi which have -most of them- a Holocene age'
and special relations be-
into Jonsideration the mutual
h;;;;k., ero
Carpathians retief, we {T
tween relief, and betweln-forrm and deposits, as well as tlre stratigraphy of
posits, as geomoryhoiieit"i-tf9t1"^1t:i1tna
sporopolinic data 1c,o"iiu,-iqoo,
1970;-Cros'\Nu et
al' 1967; Pop et
slope de-
the utilisation of lots of
al'' 1967' l97la'

19?lb;DtecoNEesA,fgOs,'fSOS,'1970;Boscnru'1971;Bosca'tu'Lunsn'1968;Lunsn' :&i
1984) wich exist for this mountain
presence ol:9*" periglacial el-
1987)' due to the It"
storeys in Retezat ft'foun'tui"'tUnire' (Ptssenr,.1987), such as: rock-
ements wich have tt" circles, solifluxional phe- IE.
block fields, stone
glaciers, crioplanation;;;;,"i;"e rivers, phenomenon is an indi-
Thus the rock glaciers
nomena and even p.ri;i;;i;i-hr,"mocks. oc.isotherm is considered the U6
cator of discontinuout';;;;;;is;*tt'' tlsi;' ttre -'i
1978i this is the inferior limit of cryoplana- 'er
inferior limit of it (Benicrr, 1978;Haesenr-r, oC isoterm, while the
fields ieuelop up the -3
tion terraces too (Kenrr, 1gg2). The block
develop up the superior limit of the forest
solifluxional phenomena unJ ir," hummocks (HrnRts' S'' ,m
(Hmnls, CH', 1982), tit'"fo" if'"y develop in the sporadic permafrost area of
hight differe,ce
l9g2) between tfre superio, tirnit the foiesiuna
tir. snow line is a
800-1000 m.
'\e -
Accordingtothedataincludedinthegeomorphologicalliterature,thedifferenti. limits (the
u."ni"r.a in tne rotto*ing thermic
ation of morphoclimatt;;il;,il, b""n oC isotherm; 2'
sto^rey under the 2-3
annual average ,.n,p.rui*."1,-i. nurio-a"nudaiional oi isotherm, a storey made of the
superio.r to itte Z-l
the periglacial storey ui-u"-uirir"a. the 3(2) -
substorey (: thermic erosion) between
following substoreys: ii. ,"rinrction the 0 and -3
oc isotherm; b.the substorey of complex p"ffi.iur froc€sses, between
weatheiing"substoiey (: cryoplanation), between the
isothennt c. the intenslnr".f,'u^i"uf
oC isotherm (fig' I)'
-3 and -6 C8)
(V-alcee, 1973), this mountain area gets into
glaciation defined ur'"urpf,uiiuns, glaciation
i n.* .uotrtion phase, i'L' the postglacial evolution'
tong.r, we do not 3.1, ln. fact that after
characteristic of trris mouiain area-any (Unorn'
maximum glacial p".ioJ"f WUrm
- tt. :,t.i"
phase in.Retezat Mountains
- tire*ra.5irc hr
1993)-themorphogeneticglacialstorey.recededtothehigherzonessothatthenror- of ryrit{h
phogenetic pro""rr.i"rffi i" ifrir i"r!f
nur" U."r, replacJd by those characteristic ry
and' lower' of thi fluvio-torrential storey'
ln our
the periglaci"l
",",ph;;;;;iL "o"y instance' the moment we were talking about takesin
opinion, in tne netezat-fufou"uin' for ' *,g,.--,r, .r-.rrrar,":
pt'ase ntugu' i'e' after New Dryas' a
period rr-
places after ttre procJOinil;; glacial (Unoa'r' 1993)'
"rrir_rr ---_rr
o"nfy at 2100 - 22OO m a's'l'
tfl"pi"g'3itt"J :Jimu/dg -E-rg {&i l&t
which the glacial M.
-1*f.(a:r!il i;lrJrliJ - .0G
olphysical systerlrs, alter the do- ---'$li[ f tfiu ".it :*:--;rl;rrOm
JorrNst-rN,lgsa), charlci;; by a quick udJrrtn,.nt specific to a lut& L-jtuj&r{nfi mrf 1rr(&
mi,atio, of glacial t(e nure bee.'formed sonre relief mesoforms
lor of areas in trr" souin.in curputt iuns, i.e.
the rock glaciers ( Unoen, 1992b)'

hr - alld
-' '. mezo
-' '-

' ';: r-f the Southern

,,1 :l".iuf
-- --,nh\
relations b.e-
of sloPe oc-
il fl

L-?5A, 1968; LuPse'

l-- oe.ri such as: rocr-
::t::,*:*fl::x lI:-
j while the
-.:l' .,",.rm,
.I-.r,0", ii*it or the forest
:: ;;.i' ;,.a (Hrmrs' S''or
'l;'i.' . n';ni difrere*ce
Srmllmcl obci.6
-^ lprotolusroinpcrl I
:, -. iix'lil;*: fl[T:"tl; O Blck ltcld
= Cri,ddElin tGrrr.
the,3(2) -
O St6l. ci.chs
v so{i{trctior E.t ,ld
:;:..'i"t u.iween
oc gorlorrds

:;:I.il; the o and

between the
< Ptor{hlng Hckr
;':; ".P*;;;ion)'
'-- r-arPathisns Mountains'
a *?tr?tE
oF I
= g o @
'':: #;;;in area gets into

Fig. I
Postglacial dynamics of morphoclimalic sloreys from Soulhern Carphalians: I. I Jlu-
vio-torrential storey, 2-periglacial storey: a-substorey of solitluction, b-substorey of
complex periglacial processes, c-lhe inlense mechanical weatlvring substorey,'
3-glacial storey; IL I- peak, 2, frontal moraines, 3-rock glaciers, 4-protalus ramparts,
5-blockfields, 6-cryoplanation terraces, 7, stones circles, 8-soli/luclion lobes and gar-
la nds, 9-ploughing b loc ks.

glacial cirques
In many situations the detailed topography of the valley floors and of foot of the slope s:ar:
of the evolution of the latest glaciers in the Southern Carpathians ramparts, feature*. oi-
allows a reconstitution
+ debris covered glaciers --> ice-cored rock glaciers .'-> rnasses of det,:.s
in the sense: ablation complexes
like those in the
_: a:
debris rock glaciers, or secondary rock glaciers (sens, crltrTe, 1976)' velop in to looare ::rm
Mountains, Slaveiu in Parang,
Galesu, Pietrele, Valea Rea, and Stevia cirques in Retezat The prccess :iau
a Doamnei and Arpasel, in Fa-
or lzvoru Grohotisului, Caltun, Laitel, Caldarea Pietroasa fore has L,et; s:::rq
stopped at the debris-covered glacier ,
g"r* f"f""",ains; in oiher situations the evolution StronE mar.llfes:.-i: :r :,,f
dorninated by lofty
itage. fhe first situation characterises the glacial cirques and valleys r ..= ..-i..:_::,_:[Ej
significant quantities of frost -shattered blocks, the sec-
crelts and peaks which provide ::.ab.,.:.:r;
glacial cilques and valleys cut fi'our the large levelled sur- e-.r€ i_:cr*0
ond situation characterises the
:,f.ii -a:::il-Um
;:--rSS: :
laces,e.g.tlrecirquesBulzul'VlasiaMica,Mocirliuli.orrlGodeanuMountaitls, '-: . -'_13- .in:s _
At the bottom of the walls of glacial cirques and valleys, the mixture oIgeli[r'acts' L:3]AS -":: :;-i;&
waters - is a favourable area for rTE S(:
snow and ice - which comes from rifreezing of melting *: -:-,:.qt _er.,1r:r ii,rE *rr
(creep fronr Hnrn-
the mixture we were talking about characterised by its own movenlent a: ",E : :l::=:iat$
fornls i. e. talus rockglaciers (Bntrsctt, 1988), there are
err.r-r, 1985) to constitute 1n-distinct a"''gl :( :r:r:r:r--rTEt-[
of the valleys' :
deposits oilateral moraines ltele, pointed to the axis 11.: 'j- -$ j rlrfrt$ _ i -li.r
by alpine
The large spreading of rock glaciers phenomenon in the areas dominated TLe:r r: :;Es,cs .rtir
eviderlt. is explained by the fact that
landscape, i."e. where thI glaciation has been lno1e :!S.j. -*----i
!.- .?:_{:r S -rj
peaks and crests pro-
the walis of gtacial cirquei apd valleys as well as the surrounding
5!-,; .-,:f:t!:,Eit
in which rock glaciers are
vided large luantities of gelifracts, one of the cottditions :r l': I,'a.ea R.A
: rl,le
production of gelifracts incorporated eithef in I
forrned (cf. Hor-unrraeNN, lt83). The great :-e:ces'.3i^.
and in scree slopes in the immediate postglacial period is s;sqo-g5;_.*; i
rock glaciers or in talus cones :_.:_i - j :-E:
granite, granodiorite, gnaisses,
due tJthe presence of rocks sensitive to frost weathering - :;,:.::i; :-. :--.,a
joint-block during the pressure release process _::!._i s
amphibolite - expressed as separatiort,
(Surunrnr,relo, l99l) as a r.esult of liberation li'orn tlrc ice ntasscs.
..-: -:-::_:. -:-r-.S :: :-e .E
. -':.- l:..: ; :-,:.S.=
Boreal (ben'ayed
The cold and wet enough climate that nrairrtained itself up to tlte - -! -_r{r a-.,4 :: :.:,J-Se
by the major presence of Pinus pollen on sporopolirlic diagrams) favoured the continuity ir trle s.-;:::g :i:_: :.g3.
developnrent of rock glaciers, the substorey ;-t i;-: i :, i..1:,:-"*i ..| g
oi dir.ontinuous patchy permafiost and the
of contplex periglaciai pro."rr., is at 2100 - 24OO rn (fig' 1)' Because between Old
O,yu, onA the of Boreal period it has been fu[[y manifested a sp-ectaculous phenorn-
.non, u phenomenon of rock glaciers, large spread in Southern C^arpathians

1992b), we could call this disii.ct rnorphogenetical stage as

that of forntatiott of rock
ln places whcre rock glaciels clon't exist because of the lack of favou|able
weatherirrg provided nta-
tions, the walls and the stro-lrgly slopes sides affected by li'ost
tcrials that will gather auld their foot as talus cones and scree slopes, witlr
oidebris slopes. As far as the less inclined slopes are concerned, the
rnisplaced so that the debris-
fi.ost shattered blocks stood on the spot, oI they were a little
themself. we can say that, in this period, the individualisa-
rnantled slopes individualise
units of the slopes is talking place, in the way they havc been differ-
tion of fundarnental
2. debris slopes; 3'
entiated in Tatra (Kor-r\nua, 1987): l. rock wall and/or rocky slopes;
in concordatlce
debris ntantled slopes, which exiit even today itt sottre evolution
with thc clynanric aspect of the morpltocliuratic storey (substorey) in with it is taken part'
but also in fu,ction to some local conditions (nricroclirnatic, lithologic' ntict'otectonic,
Inixture certainly- is large enouglL' the
slope ones). If the thickness of debris -debris-ioe
foot of the slope staft to creep out and appear a frotn which is usually termed protalus
' - r. .f,i c irques ramparts, features of initial rock glacier development (Hrreornut, 1985). Because the
-.- .1, t
:iPatltiatrs masses of debris are able to preserve the permafrost (cf. KtNc, 1986), these fortns can de-
IeIS )
- lilc
velop in to lobate forms, specific for talus-foot rock glaciers.
t'ttt" i" tlte
'= The process of ascending evolution of all the forms (: aggradation) mentioned be-
, . ,,a," rn Parang' fore has been stopped in Atlantic; here the much warmer and wetter climate favours the
, .l r -r.;ut.l, in Fa- strong manifestation of fluvio-torential processes and of alteration.
,-.-- ' i-:.r\ ered glacter
bY loftY The fluvio-torrential processes affected the talus cones and talus sheets, either by
-- .,,,"u,ttl mobilising and afterwards clogging with fine Inaterials the glacial overdeepening de-
.- ,: :rrrcks. the sec-
sur- pression and lacustrine cuvettes - e.g. the important accurnulations frorn Zanoguta, Za-
.- .-,='re levelled
noaga, Podragu lakes - , or by setting the debris flow phenomenon, characteristic to the
''' - -:.1'ri!1s'
areas with cristalline schists where the smaller debris shaped like plates are prevalent.
- . '- ,i "elrlLacts' We must mention the fact that the way of delivering fi'ost-shattered blocks with consider-
, ..'.:'t;; area for
able differences between granites and epirnetarnorphic schists for instance influences
' ' -'ot't [ltrn] HAEB'
even the morphometric, morphographic and morphoclirnatic characteristics of talus cones
, ., .i'l8S)'tltereare
and talus slopes (Utoen, 1995).
There are cases when debris flow ,,parasites" the rnorphostructures created previ-
--rrtiated bY alPtne
il.. ously, this situation is reflected either in the structure of slope deposits (Urdea, 1995) or
u: the iact that
detailed actual morphology, as we an see in Arpasu Mic cirque (Fagaras Mts.), (fig' 2),
: 3nd crests Pro-
:' ---t oiaciers ?re or in Valea Rea cirque (Retezat Mts.). We meet here a succession of morphologic se-
l ' -'' ''uttd eithet' tn quences very suggestive for the lagging the manifestation of morphogenetic processes in
j . .-..i'l Period is time and space. Thus from moraine deposits that stuffs the bed of glacial valleys, more or
less rnodified by fluvial erosion, one passes to the moraines of suspended glaciers from
. -.- ,1,.-rttt, gnaisses' Tardigtacial and to the deposits specific of fossil rock glaciers (probably fi'om Dryas lll).
r .,.--. :eiease Then follow the deposits specific to a debris slope or block slope, in full development
even today and, of course, the steep slope and rock wall that marks the peak Arpa$u Mic,
' :r '::al (betraYed ar the shaping of this aggregate, tlre gelifraction, eolization, the fall and rolling of rocks,
- tt t'tt continuitY rhe snow avalanches, the erosion of melting and pluvial waters participate.
' ' ;'i ::''e SUbStOreY
Old Analysing the structure of slope deposits we notice a certain stratification (fig. 2b);
t ;- --'a ttttteen :ris suggests, among other things, an alternation between macrogelifi'action and microge-
' :
:-- !*_ I

l li1s lUtUt'n' .rfraction, beside the alternation of the depositional processes. We find the stratum
' -:'::: glrock :.i.imber 5 very irnportant and interesting; it is formed by rnuch more finer fragments with
,- ;,1,..i1
: similar structure to that, at the bottom, of debris flow deposits and with a structure simi-
i: ro those called "lit maigre", which have a brown-red colour (contrasting both with the
" -': ' ''r '-r['ic corrdi- general colour of this stratum 5 - grey-yellow, and with the colour of the other strata -
.'r ttictl ttta-
t ''luPt'' with
''r -er ) at the upper side. We consider that, due to its unique structure and colours, stratum
'- -'t= fu i Jaies from Atlantic, a period which favoures the manifestation of the debris flow phe-
-' t concelned'
. ,'..-.'
:l:renon and then, a stronger alternation and even permitted the initiation of a solifica-
'- ' .,'tlrat :.:i process. ln fact, the climatic optimum of Atlantic has detennined,,withdrawing" of a
' rire individualisa- :el3)acial storey at over 2100 m.a. s.1., so that the stronger alternation permitted the pas-
' , ll' h:rrc bcen dif[et'-
j -. 3. : :.: rrom the lithogenic fype of alternation crust to the saturated siallithic type, on which
_- .lebLis slopes;
' .1.-at. itt cottcotdattce :'eielops humico-silicatic soils (alpine meadow soils) even from the first paft of Subat-
,:::.; (Por et al. , 1967; Lunsr, 1968), especially on the plane surfaces more stable as far
,* it is taken Part'
- "it tttictotectotttc'
r. -*:e morphodinamic is concerned, and on the warmer South slopes.
' '-'''=';'gc e..ugh' the



has been possl:..

Beds :_ie
srtuation bein_:
s:,=: i.:
T.E lt

T* 5

lBu& Loke

Fundut [oprel

Geomorplological cross-seclion between Picioru Cap,,2;;,16 Buda Lake (F g ra$ Moun-
tains): MD II - moraines of Dryas II, MD lll - ntord:c€: ..i Dr\,as lll, RS - roclE slopes,
DS - debris slopes, BS - block slopes, RW - roch t;.: RG - rock glaciers, TC - talus
cones, DFL - debris tlow lobes, LPC - longitucitnc. ;;,:-':'e ol debris Jlow gully, Cd - col-
matage deposits, I - quartz-sericitous schisls, antptit:: -..:;: ooragneisses

The development of alteration crusts and of the soils we have mentioned above -
deeper and better structured - permitted the manifestation of solifluxional phenomena in
these areas, a certain morphodinamical asymmetrl har ing been kept. Thus on the North
slopes predominated the fallings, the rollings. the cryopedimentation and the processes
associated to the rock glaciers phenomenon, *hile on the South slopes the solifluxional
processes have been and still are characteristic. they materialise themselves in the arising
of specific forms (fig.3).
The development of fluvial morphogenetic s1 stem in the high area of Southern Car-
pathians has taken place from down strearn to up stream i.e. from the areas which are not
affected by glaciation to the glacial ones during their deglaciation. In the areas which are -t
unaffected by glaciation the{luvial erosion lead to the deepening of channels in the flu- --,-,
"i .,--
vio-deglacial deposits, the dislocated and transported materials being in tlre zone where
the river gets out of the mountains (e.g. Fagaras, Cibin and Hateg Depression) or in the . . f: .,', "'i .
area of large confluence (Gura Apei - Tomeasa in the Retezat Mts., Cumpana, Vasalatu
in Fagaras Mts., Cotu Jietului in Parang Mts.). In the zone of old rissian valleys the chan-
: ',r ---
nels section on 3-12 m the fluvio-glacial deposits and afterwards the morainic deposits,
.: ii:i::-,--- ' ..
so that where the longitudinal slope diminishes to 20-30 % just like in the Lunca Berhina
!" + ,\.i_. ;- -
zone on Lapusnicu Mare or in the zone Piscu Negru-Paltina on the Capra Valley, after ^L

the strong aggradation of the stream channel and flood-plain - up to the Atlantic - there -ir- -
- -

-.. "1tr i*:,:: .

,i.-tRU U39E4

has been possible the detachment of some flood-plain terraces of 2-3 and l-1,5 m, the
situation being specific to the infelior mountain flow of the rivers (Sadu, Jiet, Lotru).

wE E E mE
1 2 3- 6 7

@ a ffi [J W @ M
I 9 10 11 12 13 14

ffi EI EM
15 16 1't 18 19

fr' ^l
lo I

Fig. j
Jeomorphological scketch map of L i a-Paltina area (F g raMountains): l-ridged and
:;;k 2-rounded cresl, j-periglacial tower, 4-lransfluence pass, 5.glacial cirgues,
:-,ock-bar, 7-roches moulonndes ctnd erratic, 8-rock glaciers, 9-protalus rampart,
. -talus slopes, ll-avalanche couloir and lalus cone, l2-stone rivers, l3-stone-banked
:--.Eues, l4-solifluction lobes, garlands and tongues, l5-solifluction terracetles,
.'--pioughing blocks, l7-earth hummocks, l8-nivation micro-depression, l9-streams.

.; the zone of wtirmian glacial valleys the channels are deepened either in the rock
- :3 seclor of rock-bar, or in the morenaic deposits and the colmataje deposits, in the
r r:.3. sieps and, respectively, in that ofglacial overdeepening depressions. [n the latest
::r: :: can notice a meandering and dishevelling of the flows. As the channels have
" -:: :-.3 aspect of gorge when they pass the glacial rock-bar, this deepening with 8-l0 m

tlAIlBEItLl, \\.l--i r
torrent' i: :-:c
in the .4lps
;y;ir; i;, that the freient channel inherited an ex-subglacial Research C: -:: ::
Nowadaysthereliefisdevelopingnotonlyunderthe.commandofnaturalfactors, HAEBERLI. \\ .:}:
i.e. ttre exploatation of woods, some hidroen-
but it is dependent or ,*nI" int"rr"ren"c" lastbut not
rock glac:;.1 t,,. -*.
roads and tourist's arangements and
ergetic and mining *ori.r,'uriiaing the excessive grazingand the
E'fH Zu;:;. ', : -
For example' the
least, grazing - which it';;G;.t-cessively' that the volume of H,,{Rlss. ch ;ri: -;d
erosion, so
wood-chapping have u"".rtri*.a the fluvio-torrential .\7-n;...;, -or."
evacuated eroded *"tJ;r;;;;i isir/k*', situation or fact resulted in the appearing ;].{RISS. Ch i ;i:
a;ces. B:-.::.,.-:r-+
i;r;;i;l"i"t but also in the agradation ofsome bed ;lrLLER\i.r.l;. :!j
-:'-_;- '-----
developed under the .oiai,i[n, of vertical ,,swinging" of periglacial and range, in the ^JIv
.:--_i :"- {r
t.uing thI ciaracierisiic processes
storeys and substorevr,'.""n i..i--.-- : ,-, . -,u- ..
the violent interference of human society
has been felt too'
i.r"ti*"*.y 1. r -.
.-:.-; !.-: : _:. "-r.r:


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Pestalozzi, Nr'
Petru Urdea - Department of Geography, University of Timisoara, str.
I 900, Timisoar4 Romania.

I Petru Urdea - Katedra geografie, Univerzita v Timisoare, Str. Pestalozzi,

Nr' 16, 1900, Timi-
soar4 Rumunskd rePubtika.

Aspekty postglaciAlneho a sridasndho vivoja foriem reli6l'u

v juinich KarPatoch

Petru Urdea


mezo- a mikroformami'
Podrobne geomorfologickc drty JuZnich Karpat s[ charakterizovac
ktord s0 viidsinou holocenrieho ,etu. v dlglacialnych priestoroch, v takzvanom paraglacialnom
vyvoja najnov5ieho
prorir.ai, v mnohfch situ6ciech detaitn6 tolrografia implikuje rekon5lrukciu
zal'adnenia v postupnosti: abladni kompiei zvetralinou pokrytlch l'adovcov a kamennj'ch
l'adovcov a na stupf,och karov a
iudouco, s l'ad'ovym jadrom alebo sekuniarnych kamennlch
gelifrakciou, pohybom snehu a l'adu a ovplyvnen;i zliezanim mat-
tr6gov pestni mateiial, utvoren;i
su stupne a strmd svahy.ovplyvf,ovan€ mater-
.riitu [ur.nn]ch l'adovcov. Na inyctr miestach
hromadi na ich irpiiti vo forme
i6lom, produkovanim mrazovfm zvitravanim, ktor! sa v stdasnosti
zdkladnd svahovd jednotky: l' skaln6 stena'
*ypiri. kuZeiov,
irsypiskovich pridom sa utv6rajir
i.ifi. *.tt; z. zretratinou pokryti svah; 3' tplitni koluvi6lny svah'

v mor€novich
proti prtrAu, riedna er6zia iedie k vytvdraniu hlbokich rjh (kan6lov) v skal6ch,
nanosicfr alebo vo fluvi6lno-glaci6lnych uloZenin6ch'

postglaci6lny vfvoj reli6fu JuZnlich Kalp6t prebiehal v podmienkach kolisania vf5ky perigla-
jr.$icl. Yo{k618 PP'.. ci6lnych a riedno- bystiinnfch stupfiov a ich dastl. Pre kaZd! stuperl je charakteristickf urdit!
ifu fr{&lifiatice stboi procesov. v posledn;ich storodiach sa prejavuje zosilnenf antropogcnny vplyv.

tt u lftuntii Retezat'Slu'

g€ogr' alPine'
I ae.Rev'
descr iPtio n'
S - dos ificat io n'

Nr' 16'
gr. Su' Pestalozzi'

16' 1900' Timi

F(slozzi. Nr'

r foriem reli6fu

*:izora€ mezo- a mikroformamt'

5-,' Ik,,*om Paraglaci6lnom
ffi iff.,; ji:i : T#.',li',[i

I fu ,=

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