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Design and Simulation of a Boost-Microinverter for Optimized Photovoltaic

System Performance

Article · June 2021

DOI: 10.20508/ijsmartgrid.v5i2.189.g145


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2 authors, including:

Amina M. Shakir
Al-Nahrain University


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S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

Design and Simulation of a Boost-Microinverter for

Optimized Photovoltaic System Performance
Shahd Fadhil Jaber*‡, Amina Mahmoud Shakir**
*Electronic and Communications Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq
**Electronic and Communications Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq
(st.shahd.fadhil.1@ced.nahrainuniv.edu.iq , aminaalkafajiam@gmail.com)

Corresponding Author; Shahd Fadhil, st.shahd.fadhil.1@ced.nahrainuniv.edu.iq ; Tel: 009647901243740,

Received: 06.05.2021 Accepted:14.06.2021

Abstract - Renewable energy sources are the most important type of energy since they are clean and do not affect the
environment. Solar energy is a kind of renewable energy that is more popular than other sources. Photovoltaic (PV) systems use
solar energy as a source of electricity. The main parts of any PV system are a PV panel, DC-DC converter with maximum power
point tracking, and a DC-AC inverter with adequate control. The Photovoltaic system for this study comprises a boost converter,
a full-bridge inverter, and an LCL filter. The boost converter is controlled using the Maximum power point Tracking (MPPT)
algorithm, while the inverter is controlled through a Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulator (SPWM) achieved in an open loop. This
paper provides a comparison performance between perturbation and observation [P&O] and particle swarm optimization [PSO]
algorithms to get MPP for the PV system. When the irradiance changes, the micro-inverter adapts under partial conditions. The
micro-inverter is designed by MATLAB / Simulink/2020a software. The input maximum voltage from the PV is 80V direct
current (DC) while the alternating current [Ac] output voltage is 110 Vrms. The output voltage and current total harmonic
distortion (THD) ratios are 2.58% and 2.76% respectively when the P&O algorithm is used, while that when using the PSO
algorithm are 2.45% and 2.58%. The PV system efficiency achieved by using P&O, PSO are 95.7%, 96.8%.
Keywords- photovoltaic; MPPT algorithm; boost converter; H- Bridge inverter

1- Introduction
The need for electricity has become very necessary than
before the increase in population and the development of
industries in the world. Electric power is generated at most by
using the fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, coal, etc. Fossil
fuels are considered sources of environmental pollution;
research began on renewable energy such as wind energy,
thermal energy, hydropower, solar energy, etc., as renewable
energy is considered a clean and environmentally friendly Figure1. Grid-connected PV system
source. Photovoltaic energy is the most common renewable
energy source. A Photovoltaic (PV) panel is used to produce PV arrays often operate under incompatible conditions due to
electrical energy from solar energy when sunlight falls on the partial shading and varying orientations of the panels. This
PV panel. PV systems are either on-grid or off-grid (stand- will reduce the PVarray power production. Micro-inverter is
alone). Figure.1 shows an on-grid PV system which mainly one of the suitable solutions to limit this drawback.
consists of a PV array (series-parallel combination of PV Numerous studies have been carried out on the microinverter
panels ), inverter, and suitable control circuits, while there design and performance for PV systems. A grid-connected
must be a method for storing energy for off-grid PV system boost half- bridge photovoltaic micro-inverter with pulse
during periods of unavailability of solar energy[1]. width modulated (PWM) control is proposed in[2]. The study
uses fuzzy logic control (FLC) to control the MPPT for the
photovoltaic system as compared with the classical P&O and
IC methods. A DC-AC converter that connects the DC to DC
converter flowed by the inverter with a single-stage topology.
A study in[3] presents an on-grid PV system that has a better
power quality. The system consists of the PV panel, boost
S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

converter with PI controller, and Fuzzy Controller, inverter

topology. The shunt active power filter (SAF) is designed to
lower the harmonics. The study in [4] presents the design of a
high power grid integrated solar energy system (GISES).The
performance of two-stage GISES with isolated multi-output
DC-DC converters and DC-AC multilevel inverters. A
cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHBMI) with isolated
multiple-output zeta converter is used. The maximum power
point tracking (MPPT) method, based on the firefly algorithm,
is implemented on the isolated multiple output zeta converter Figure2. Structures of the solar photovoltaic inverter (a)
to ensure maximum power extraction at adverse irradiation Central-inverter (b) String- inverter (c) Micro-inverter
conditions. The power quality improvement and active power 3. System Description
exchange through a band stop generalized integral control, and
the grid synchronization is achieved through an enhanced The micro-inverter consists of two stages: the first stage is a
phase-locked loop method. The study in[5] was carried out by DC-DC converter and the second stage is a DC-AC inverter,
the hybrid Artificial Neural Network (ANN) - Newton controllers, and output filter as shown in figure 3. The input
Raphson (NR). It is introduced to reduce the undesirable voltage and current to the DC boost converter is from the
lower-order harmonic content in the Full-Bridge multilevel solar panel The the voltage and current is converted from DC
inverter for the photovoltaic panel. Harmonics are removed by to AC by full-bridge inverter. To operate the PV panel at its
the excellent choice of switching angles by exploiting the maximum power point a suitable method of tracking is used.
Selective Harmonic Elimination pulse width modulation An LCL filter is designed and connected at the inverter output
(SHEPWM) technique accompanying a unified algorithm to to reduce the voltage and current harmonics which will be
optimize and lessen the THD. The CHB-MLI is combined injected into the grid. The following sections will describe the
with a conventional boost converter, it boosts converters the main parts of the suggested system.
PV panel voltage to a higher DC-link voltage. The Maximum
Power Point (MPP) based Perturb and Observe (P&O)
algorithm is used for stable performance and effective
operation of the PV panel. The proposed system is tested on
an 11-level H-bridge inverter, the work is carried out in
MATLAB/Simulink software.
The present research focuses on the micro-inverter that
consists of a boost converter, a comparison performance
between Perturbation and observation (P&O), and Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) for harvesting the MPPT
algorithm, and a full-bridge inverter with adequate control.
Figure3. PV system scheme
2- PV System Inverter Configurations
The photovoltaic system inverter configuration can be
categorized into three essential types: center-inverter, string-
inverter, and micro-inverter. Figure (2.a) shows the central a- PV panel and MPPT
inverter in which it is connected to a series-parallel
combination of solar cells and uses the MPPT algorithm for The PV cell output characteristic is non-linear, which is
optimum operation, as the climatic conditions such as affected by light and temperature. Based on these output
temperature, radiation, etc. affect the efficiency and features, the MPPT method must be used. The most common
performance of the photovoltaic system. Partial shading is one tracking methods are Constant voltage (CV), Hill Climbing
of the significant problems that occur for several reasons and (HC), Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC), Perturb and Observe
hence reduces the efficiency and performance of the system. (P&O), Artificial bee colony (ABC), Incremental conductance
A string inverter is connected to each series PV group as (IC), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Each algorithm
shown in Figure (2.b) to reduce the partial shading effect. has its own characteristics to obtain the maximum power[8].
MPPT algorithm control is used for each chain, but this is not
sufficient to solve the partial shading problem. A new type of
inverter that overcomes partial shading is called the • Perturbation and Observation (P&O)
microinverter in which each solar panel has its own The P&O method is the most common method for the MPPT
microinverter as shown in Figure (2.c). In this configuration, due to its simple structure and a few numbers of needful
every microinverter uses a separate MPPT algorithm as a measured parameters. The conception behind the P&O
result the partial shading effect is eliminated. In this case, any algorithm depends on observation of the PV panel output
malfunction of the inverter does not affect the other. The power and its perturbation through the variation of the voltage
microinverter is more efficient than the central and string or the current of PV panel operation. The algorithm increases
inverter but it is the most expensive of them[6][7]. or decreases continuously the reference current or voltage

S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

based on the past value of energy until arrives the MPP. Figure
4 illustrate the flowchart of the P&O MPPT algorithm[9][10].

Figure5. Flowchart of particle swarm optimization

MPPT algorithm

b- Boost-Converter
The boost-converter is a type of non- isolation transformer,
also known as the step-up converter. It comprises an inductor
(L), a diode (D), a switch (S), and an output capacitor (Cout).
Figure4. Flowchart of Perturbation and Observation The boost converter operates in two modes by turning the
MPPT algorithm switch on and off as follow[13]:
• Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) • switch-on
This technique uses a PSO algorithm which is based on fish or When the switch is stated on, the current flowing from the
bird behavior. PSO algorithm is used to set the possible supply to the inductor (L) and hence stores energy in its
maximizing or minimizing point. It begins with a group of magnetic field. In this case, the diode is reverse biased and the
random particles and continues to update the particles until initial stored energy in the output capacitor will feed the load
reaching the best possible solution. Each particle has two as shown in figure (6.a)
values: the first is the best local value, while the second is the
global value. The first value is for every individual, the second • switch-off
value is for every population Figure 5. Illustrate the main When the switch is off, the inductor current will decay and
block diagram for the PSO algorithm. The following equations the diode will be forward biased. The capacitor will be
(1,2) are used to organize the PSO algorithm: charged and the voltage across the load will increase as shown
𝑣(𝑖 + 1) = 𝑤𝑖 𝑣𝑖 (𝑡) + 𝑐1 𝑟1 (𝑃𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡, 𝑖 − 𝑥𝑖 (𝑡)) + in figure (6.b)
𝑐2 𝑟2 (𝐺𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡, 𝑖 − 𝑥𝑖(𝑡)) (1)
𝑥(𝑖 + 1) = 𝑥𝑖(𝑡) + 𝑣(𝑖 + 1) (2)
𝑋𝑖 (𝑡): particle swarm on the curve, wi: is the inertia
weight, 𝑉𝑖 : the velocity of the particle on the curve, 𝑉𝑖 (𝑡 +
1): the updated velocity of the particle on the curve, 𝑋𝑖 (𝑡 + 1):
the updated position of the particles,c1: acceleration factor for
vector (𝑃𝑖 (𝑡) − 𝑋𝑖 (𝑡)), c2: acceleration factor for vector (𝑔i(𝑡)
− 𝑋𝑖 (𝑡)), [r1,r2]: the random values in between[0,1], Pbest :
is the personal best solution or best private solution of
particle,Gbest : is the global best and i: is the swarm
number[11][12]. Figure 5 shows the flow chart for the PSO-
MPPT algorithm. (a) Switch on-mode

S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

widely used as it is efficient in reducing harmonic levels.

There are two types of SPWM connectivity: the first type is
bipolar and the second type Unipolar. Unipolar is used due to
its lower harmonics as compared with bipolar. The SPWM
technology depends on a comparison between a sinusoidal
reference wave and a triangular carrier wave. The sinusoidal
reference wave is used to set switch operation. The triangular
carrier wave frequency determined switching frequency. The
frequency of the reference waveform is important because it
determines the frequency of the inverter [15].The inverter
output frequency is depending on the sinusoidal reference
frequency. The switch operation is shown in table 1.
(a) Switch off-mode
Table 1. Switching situations of H-bridge
Figure6. Operation modes of the boost converter
The relationship between the boost converter input voltage Conducting
(Vin) and output voltage (Vo) is given the by duty cycle (D) ; switching Va Vb Vout
:; =
(1) (Q1)and (Q3) (V/2) (-V/2) V
= (3) (2) (Q2)and (Q4) (V/2) (-V/2) -V
:< =>?
(3) (Q1)and (Q2) (V/2) (V/2) 0
The inductance (L) of the boost-converter is can be calculated (4) (Q3)and (Q4) (-V/2) (-V/2) 0
L = DEF×∆I×AC (4) d- LCL Filter
Where ( Fsw ) is the switching frequency of the boost- The circuit of the LCL filter consists of two inductors (Lf`1,
converter,(∆𝐼) is the maximum ripple value of output current. Lf2), a damping resistor (Rf), and capacitance (Cf) as shown in
The output capacitor is used to reduce the output voltage ripple figure 8. The LCL filter helps SPWM technology to reduce
and can be given by the following equation(5): the harmonics produced by the inverter switching that results
in a power quality reduction of the system. The THD is the PV
system must be low for rising power quality[16][17].
C ≥ DEF×∆A×AC (5)

As such, it is guaranteed that the output voltage of the boost

converter is higher than the voltage of the photovoltaic
c- full-Bridge Inverter (H- Bridge)
The main purpose of the inverter is the conversion of the
direct current input voltage to the alternating current output
voltage. The inverter consists of four switches as shown in
figure 7. Figure8. The structure of the LCL filter

The resonance frequency (fres) can be presented as

𝑓NOP = QR ST (6)

The range of 𝑓NOP is defined as

10𝑓] < 𝑓NOP < 0.5𝑓P (7)
where (fs) is the switching frequency of the inverter,(fg) is
the output frequency from the system
Zb is base impedance and Cb is capacitance to calculated as
bcde Q
𝑧a = (8)
Figure7. Circuit of Full-bridge inverter5 =
𝑐a = QR g] ha (9)
The switches are controlled using pulse width modulation The filter capacitor (Cf) is calculated as
(PWM). There is more than one type of PWM. Sinusoidal
Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) technology is the most 𝑐g < 0 ⋅ 05 ⋅ 𝑐a (10)

S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

The damping resistor (Rf) is defined by

𝑅g = jR g (11)
cke lg

The value first inductor (Lf1) of the inverter side given as

𝐿g= = (12)
=jge ⋅qrstu
The maximum current ripple (ΔImax) is calculated as
𝛥𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.1 n (13)

The value second inductor (Lf2) of load side given as

𝐿gQ = 0.8 𝐿g= (14) Figure10. The curves of irradiation
4. Matlab Simulation and Results The solar irradiation on the PV panel is started from [1000
w/m2 ] to [800 w/m2 ] at time 1 sec and then increases to
The micro inverter is implemented using the MATLAB
1000 w/ m2 at time 2 sec as shown in figure 10. According to
Simulink program. It's consists of a solar panel on the left side,
irradiation change, the output current and voltage of the PV
followed by a boost converter. The boost converter duty cycle
panel are changed between (0.96A-1.22A) and (59V-81 V)
is determined by the maximum power point algorithm. Two
respectively as shown in Figure 11.
different MPPT algorithms the P&O and the PSO are chosen
to examine their ability in tracking the MPP located below the
boost converter. It also contains a full-bridge inverter that
converts the voltage from DC to AC. The LCL filter is
attached to the right side of the inverter and the load, as shown
in figure 9.

Figure11.The output current and voltage of the PV panel

To convert DC to DC values, the Specifications of the boost
converter are set in table 3.
Table 3. Boost-converter Specifications

Specifications Value
Figure9. The designed micro inverter Inductor, L 2.5 mH
The PV panel model used is First Solar FS-280 with the Input capacitor, Ci 10uF
specifications shown in table 2.
Output capacitor ,Co 3uF
Table 2.the Specifications of PV Panel
Switching frequency ,FSW 50 KHZ
Specifications symbol Value
input voltage, Vi 81V
Power P 79.744 W
output voltage , Vo 164 V
Voltage ( in open circuit) VOC 91.5 V
Max. power voltage Vmp 71.2 V
Current (in short circuit) Isc 1.22 A During the change of the irradiation values, the duty cycle is
determined by using the MPPT algorithm. Compassion
Max. power current Imp 1.12 A
between P&O and PSO to track the MPP is used. The duty
cycle of the P&O algorithm is equal to 0.29, while The PSO
algorithm is equal to 0.3 as shown in figure.12.

S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

Table 4.the Specifications of the LCL filter

Specifications Value
Output frequency ,fg 60 HZ
Input inverter voltage ,Vdc 164 V
Output voltage ,Vrms 110 V
Inverter side inductor,L1 2mH
load side inductor,L2 1.6mH
Filter capacitor, Cf 3uF
Damping resistor ,Rf 20Ω
The AC output current and voltage in which the maximum
values are 0.24A and 155V respectively. Figure 14 also shows
a comparison between the two MPPT algorithms (P&O and
PSO) and their effect on the output current and voltage. The
tracking performance of the PSO algorithm is better than the
P&O algorithm.

Figure.12 The duty cycle of the P&O algorithm and
PSO algorithm
Both P&O and PSO algorithms have the capability of
tracking the MPP. The P&O algorithm found the MPP at
0.08s, while the PSO algorithm tracks the MPP at 0.03s as
shown in figure 12. The output voltage of the boost converter (a) P&O
is about (158 -164 V) as illustrated in Figure 13.

(a) PSO
Figure13. .The PSO and the P&O tracking response
In order to convert the DC values to the AC, a full-bridge
inverter is used. The voltage at 110 Vrms and frequency of 60
Hz. The considered values of the LCL filter are given in table

(b) P&O

S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

(b) PSO
Figure14. Micro-inverter (a) output current by P&O vs
PSO (b) output voltage by P&O vs PSO
The root mean square (RMS) of the output current and
voltage are (0.7-0.8) Arms and (100-110) Vrms respectively
as shown in figure 15.



Figure.15 The root mean square current and voltage of

the micro-inverter
The efficiency of the system when using the P&O
algorithm is equal to 95.7%, while that when using the PSO
algorithm is equal to 96.8%. The THD ratios of the output
voltage and current using the P&O algorithm are 2.58% and
2.76% respectively, while that when using the PSO algorithm (b)PSO
are 2.45% and 2.58%. THD is compatible with the standard
materials of the IEEE-SA Standards Board[18], as shown in Figure16. THD ratios (a) output current using P&O vs PSO
Figure 16. (b) output voltage using P&O vs PSO

S. Fadhil Jaber and A. Mahmoud Shakir, Vol.5, No.2, June, 2021

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