Performance Enhancement of Photovoltaic Systems
Performance Enhancement of Photovoltaic Systems
Performance Enhancement of Photovoltaic Systems
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy has many systems during climatic fluctuations. By managing the
advantages which makes it one of the great sources for reactive and active load flow in between both the photovoltaic
power generation. Photovoltaic systems are linked to the system and the grid, the DC - AC inverters control techniques,
electrical grid with the help of a DC-AC converter and a but on the other hand, aim to improve the effectiveness of grid-
DC-AC inverter. The project's major goal is to improve combined Photovoltaic system under abnormal operation
the grid's interoperability with PV installations. To get the scenarios.
desired performance, the converter as well as inverter II. LITERATURE REVIEW
characteristics are adjusted. The inverter is controlled by
an ARPI (adaptive reference PI) controller, which [1] Several control strategies were tried to control the
improves the conduction of the system by allowing for low amount of active power present in between Photovoltaic
voltage ride through (LVRT). It also smooths out the system and the grid, thereby optimizing the levels of voltage
oscillations in PV-generated electricity that occur because at PCC by modifying the grid side inverters. According to the
of the due to environmental changes. The converter is findings, PI controllers were employed to satisfy the LVRT
utilized to provide MPPT while the PV system is under requirements of Photovoltaic systems. Furthermore, by
varied environmental conditions (MPPT). To assess the managing the voltage and current of grid side inverters, PI
efficiency of the suggested method, a simulation of system controllers are commonly utilized to improvise LVRT
performance employing the suggested ARPI is provided. capabilities.
Keywords:- PV systems, PI controller, MPPT. [2] The continuous expansion in solar power output has
produced substantial integration operations and challenges for
I. INTRODUCTION power utility system engineers of present grid network. This
study focuses on the steady-state integration effects of solar
Solar photovoltaic systems have emerged as among the Photovoltaic electricity on established dissipation and
most significant forms of renewable energy production in dispense system. The study points at how steady state
recent years. This significance is universal owing to the stats combination affects the voltage level, reference voltage,
of existing PV systems and the predicted future increase. By transmission losses, voltage drop, and network voltage
2021, it was estimated and expected that roughly 1TW of stability in an existing network.
electricity will be generated in PV systems. There are several
issues in integrating Photovoltaic system to the electricity grid. [3] Specifically, in proportional plus integral and
These difficulties result in variations in the power produced by derivative (PID) feedback is the most significant and powerful
the PV system as a result of environmental changes such as concept in control systems. It is accurate and effective in all
solar irradiance and temperature, non-linearities in power sorts of control systems. The role of PID feedback, which is
electronics components, non-linearities in PV attributes such regarded the primary controller of all control loops, is
as converters and inverters, as well as reliability and stability. examined. PID is used as controller feedback in over 90% of
Grid faults are also other kind of technical challenges that control systems, and its appropriate application necessitates
show up during the unusual operating conditions. The most skills, knowledge, and controlling approaches. As a result,
common grid failures are short circuits and sagging situations, there is a qualitative analysis of PID for applications in this
which are caused by a rapid rise in load, however faults are not work.
restricted with those at the common coupling point (PCC). The
state of grid whether it is connected to PV system or not is [4] This study discusses the challenges of connecting
determined by these faults. Therefore, some measures are solar PV systems to the main grid. The performance of a grid-
needed to be taken in order to determine whether PV system integrated rooftop solar PV system, as well as the proposed
is connected or disconnected from the grid. During failures, control approach, is shown under various operating situations.
the grid will describe whether PV systems can be connected or The current solar power generating scenario in India has also
detached from the grid, as well as offer low voltage ride been examined in this research for stand-alone, grid-connected
through (LVRT) and fault ride through (FRT). There are two and rooftop PV systems.
zones depending on the PCC operating voltage during
disturbances: trip and connection. A DC-AC inverter and DC- [5] Large-scale PV grid-connected power generating
DC converter are utilized to link the Photovoltaic system to systems have posed a threat to the grid's stability and
the electrical grid. In order to increase PV system connectivity management, and also the grid-tied solar system with an
with the electrical grid, several solutions are proposed. Using energy storage device. An 8 kW PV system and an energy
a MPPT approach, a DC-DC chopper controlling mechanism depository were built to solve these challenges. The battery
is implemented to optimize the captured energy through PV constituents of the system can be linked to the grid in DC or
III. PROPOSED METHOD Fig. 1: Block diagram of photovoltaic system with the grid
The adoption of an adaptive controller with the capacity
to update its settings at each of the operating situations is a B. PI Controller
viable solution for the PI controller's lack of retuning The DC link voltage is altered other than the reference
parameters. The suggested adaptive reference PI (ARPI) voltage when the operational conditions change. The power,
controller is simulated using Scilab and MATLAB to enhance current, and voltage of the inverter will all be affected by this
the performance by the on-grid Photovoltaic system. This is adjustment. The system performance will be improved if the
accomplished by softening the power fluctuations that are DC link voltage is correctly managed. The PI controller is
caused by changes in the irradiance as well as temperature. utilized as a benchmark in this study to show how successful
Furthermore, LVRT augmentation potentiality is achieved is the ARPI (adaptive reference) controller.
when failures that occur at the point of common coupling
inbetween the Photovoltaic system and the grid. In order to By managing the error signal present in between the DC
increase the efficacy of the suggested adaptive controller, the link voltage and anticipated reference value of 800 V, the
system’s execution is contrasted to that of an ideal Proportional recommended PI controller updates and stimulates the
integral controller. reference power (Pref), which is then matched to the output
power PV. The power needed from the grid to sustain the DC
A. Working connection voltage changes is the distinction between the two
A DC to DC converter and a DC to AC inverter link the powers. To generate inverter gate pulses, the PCC voltage and
PV system to the grid. The converter raises the PV system's reference current are computed, then contrasted to the inverter
output DC voltage (boost converter). Furthermore, it uses the output current.
perturb and observe MPPT approach to track maximum power,
while the inverter converts DC voltage to AC voltage and
Fig. 2: Scilab-XCOS model of 3 connected PV modules The analysis and simulation of the PV system and grid
connections are done in the open source software Scilab and
MATLAB Simulink. The Scilab features of SciNotes and
XCOS are used for the simulations. The suggested control
strategy aids in improving PV system grid integration by
attaining MPPT and softening power fluctuations caused by
environmental variations such as solar irradiance and
temperature. Furthermore, it facilitates the grid-connected
Photovoltaic system's LVRT functionality during three-phase
outages at PCC. This system aids in the enhancement of LVRT
capacity by acting as a protective mechanism whenever the
DC link fails.