V 12 Acct
V 12 Acct
V 12 Acct
WORKSHEET (2023-2024)
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Subsequently, it was discovered that interest on capital @ 5% p.a had been
omitted. The profit sharing ratio was 2:2:1. Pass an adjustment entry.
5. Three Chartered Accountants X ,Y and Z form a partnership firm sharing
profits and losses equally, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Z ‘s share of profit is guaranteed to be not less than Rs 90,000 p.a.
(b) Y gives guarantee to the effect that the gross fees earned by him shall not
be less than Rs 80,000.
Profit for the first year is Rs 2, 00,000. The gross fees earned by Y are Rs
6. E , F and G are partners where fixed capitals were Rs 30,000 and Rs 24,000
and Rs 18,000 respectively . As per partnership agreement, there is a
provision for allowing interest on capitals @ 5% per year but entries for the
same have not been made for the last two years. The profit sharing ratio
during these years is as follows.
Year E F G
2011 4 3 2
2012 3 2 1
2013 1 1 1
Make the necessary adjustment entry at the beginning of the third year (Jan
2014).Show your workings clearly.
7. Nivin , Safwan and Fouzan are partners in a firm. The partnership deed
provided that interst on drawings will be charged @ 6% p.a. during the year
ended 31-12 -2012 ,Nivin witdraws Rs 6,000 in the beginning of each
quarter and safwan withdraws Rs 6,000 in the middle of each quarter and
Fouzan withdraws Rs 6,000 at the end of each quarter . calculate interest on
partners drawings.
8. A ,B and C entered into partnership on October 1 2014 to share profits and
losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. A ,.however personally guaranteed that C’s share
of profit after charging interest on capitals at 5% p.a wuld not be less than
Rs 30,000 in any year. The capital contributions were A RSs 3,00,000, B RS
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2,00,000 and C Rs 1,00,000. The profits for the period ended March 31st
2015 were Rs 1,20,000. Show the distribution of profits.
9. X and Y are partners in a business their capitals at the end of the year were
Rs 96,000and Rs 72,000 respectively. During the year ended 31-Dec
2013 , X’s drawings were Rs 16,000 and Rs 24,000 respectively. Profits
before charging interest on capital during the year were Rs 64,000.
Calculate interest on capital @5% for the year ended 31st December 2013,
assuming that the capitals were fixed.
10.A ,B and C were partners in a firm on 1st Jan 2015 their fixed capitals were
Rs 1,00,000, Rs 50,000 and Rs 50,000 respectively. As per the provisions of
partnership ded:
(a) All the partners were entitled to receive 5% interest per annum on their
(b) Profits were to be divided in their capital ratio.
(c) B was entitled for a salary of Rs 7,500 per annum
The net profits for the year ended 31st December 2014 and 31st December
2015 were Rs 58, 500 and 75,000 respectively.net profits were divided
equally without providing for the above terms.
Pass an adjustment entry to rectify the above error.
Q.1 State any two items of deduction that may have to be made from the amount
payable to a retiring partner.
Q.2 A, B and C are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1. B retires and the
new profit sharing ratio between A and C is 3:1. State the gaining ratio.
Q.5 Why are ‘Reserves and Surplus’ distributed at the time of reconstitution of
the firm.
Q.6 R,S and N are partners sharing profits 2/5,2/5, and 1/5. M decides to retire
from the business, and his share is taken by R and S 2:1. Calculate the new
profit sharing ratio.
Q.7 X, Y and Z are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of
3:2:1. On 01.04.2009, Z retires from the firm. X and Y agree that the capital
of the new firm shall be fixed at Rs. 210,000 in the profit sharing ratio. The
capital accounts of X and Y after all adjustments on the date of retirement
showed balance of Rs. 145,000 and Rs. 63,000 respectively. State the
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amount of actual cash to be brought in or to be paid off to the partners.
Q.8 A, B and C were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 6:5:4. Their
capitals were A, Rs.100,000 B, Rs.80,000 and C, Rs. 60,000 respectively.
On 1st April 2009 A retired from the firm and the new profit sharing ratio
between B and C was decided as 1:4. On A’s retirement the goodwill of the
firm was valued at Rs. 180,000. Showing your calculations clearly, pass
necessary journal entry for the treatment of goodwill on A’s retirement.
Rs. Rs.
Cash 2,000
270,000 270,000
(a) Goodwill to be valued at Rs. 42,000 and not to be shown in the books
after A’s retirement.
(b) Land and Buildings to be appreciated by Rs. 20,000.
(c) Plant and Machinery to be reduced to Rs. 46,000.
(d) Provision for doubtful debts to be created at 5% on Debtors.
(e) Create a provision of Rs. 1,400 for discount on creditors.
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Prepare Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts and the
Balance Sheetto give effect to the above.
201,600 201,600
On the above date B retired owing to ill health and the following
adjustments were agreed upon:
(i) B to be paid Rs. 9,000 in cash and the balance to be transferred to his
Loan account.
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Prepare the Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts and the
Balance Sheet of the new firm after B’s retirement.
Q.1 State any two deductions that may have to be made from the amount payable
to the legal representative of a deceased partner.
Q.2 What is the need for treatment of goodwill on the death of a partner?
Q.3 A, B and C are partners in a firm whose books are closed on March 31st
each year. C died on 30th June 2009 and according to the agreement, the
share of profits of a deceased partner up to the date of the death is to be
calculated on the basis of the average profits for the last five years. The net
profits for the last 5 years have been: 2005, Rs.14,000; 2006, Rs.18,000;
2007, Rs.16,000; 2008, Rs.10,000 (loss) and 2009, Rs.16,000. Calculate C’s
share of the profits upto the date of death and pass necessary journal entry.
Q.4 P, Q and R were partners n a firm sharing profits in 2:2:1 ratio. The
partnership deed provided that on the death of a partner his executors will be
entitled for the following:
P died on 31.5.2006. His capital was Rs. 80,000. He had withdrawn Rs.
15,000 and interest on his drawings was calculated as Rs. 1,200. The profit
of the firm for the previous year ended 31.3.2006 was Rs. 30,000.
Prepare P’s capital account to be presented to his executors.
Q.5 Indu and Hema were partners. The partnership deed provided for:
(a) Profits to be divided as Indu 1/2 , Hema 1/3 and 1/6th to be transferred
to reserves.
(b) The accounts are closed on March 31st each year.
(c) In the event of the death of a partner the executors will be entitled to:
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(iii) Proportion of profit to the date of death based on the average
profits credited for the last 3 years.
(iv) Share of goodwill based on three years purchase of the average
profits of the preceding 3 years.
Q.6 X, Y and Z were partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1. On 31st March
2008, their balance sheet stood as under.
Debtors 20,000
Creditors 72,000 Buildings 75,000
General reserve 24,000 Machinery 36,000
291,000 291,000
(a) Goodwill was valued at 3 years’ purchase of the average profits of the
last five years, which were, 2003: Rs. 40,000; 2004 : Rs. 40,000
2005 : Rs.30,000; 2006: Rs. 40,000 and 2007; Rs. 50,000.
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(b) Machinery was valued at Rs. 70,000, Patents at Rs. 20,000 and
buildings at Rs. 66,000.
(c) For the purpose of calculating Y’s share of profits till the date of his
death, it was agreed that the same be calculated based on the average
profits for the last 2 years.
(d) The executor of deceased partner is to be paid the entire amount due
by means of cheque.
Prepare Y’s capital account to be rendered to is executor and also a journal
entry for the settlement of the amount due to the executor.
Q.7 Ramesh, Suresh and Dinesh were partners in a firm sharing profits in the
ratio of 3:3:4. Their capitals were Rs. 500,000; Rs. 400,000 and Rs. 500,000
respectively. The firm closes its books on 31st March every year. On
31.3.2006 Ramesh died. The executor of a deceased partner, according to
the agreement, was entitled for the following:
(i) Interest on capital from the first day of the accounting year till the
date of his death @ 9% p.a.
(ii) His share of goodwill – The goodwill of the firm on Ramesh’s death
was valued at Rs. 180,000.
(iii) His share of profits. The profit of the firm for the year ended
31.3.2006 was Rs. 120,000.
Ramesh’s executor was paid the sum due in two equal annual instalments
with interest @ 10% p.a.
Prepare Ramesh’s capital account as on 31.3.2006 to be presented to his
executor and his executor’s loan account for the years ending 31.3.2007 and
Q.8 A, B and C are partners in a trading firm. The firm has a fixed capital of
Rs.60,000 held equally by all the partners. Under the partnership deed the
partners were entitled to:
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A died on January 1st 2011. His drawings to the date of death were
Rs.2,000 and the interest thereon was Rs.60. The profits of three years
ending March 31st 2008, 2009 and 2010 were: Rs.21,200, 3,200 (Dr) and
Rs.9,000 respectively. Prepare A’s capital account to calculate the amount
to be paid to his executors.
Q.9 A, B and C were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 2:1:1. Their
Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2010 was as follows.
Amount. Amount.
26,200 26,200
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The profits of the firm during the previous three years were as follows:
Year Profit
2007-2008 5,000
2008-2009 9,000
2009-2010 7,000
C’s executors were paid Rs. 800 on 1.7.2010 and the balance in three equal
instalments of equal intervals of 6 months starting from 31.12.2010 with
interest @ 10% per annum.
Pass necessary journal entries, at the time of C’s death, prepare C’s Capital
Calculate new profit-sharing ratio and gaining ratio. Also write entry related
to goodwill valued at Rs. 30,000 on the death of A.
Rs. Rs.
Stock 7,800
A: 27,500 Debtors 24,200
B: 10,000
52,000 52,000
Rs Assets Rs
Cash 13,200
282,000 282,000
Q.7 Pass the necessary journal entries for the following transactions on the
dissolution of the firm of James and Haider who were sharing profits and
losses in the ratio of 2:1. The various assets (other than cash) and outside
liabilities have been transferred to Realisation Account:
(i) James agreed to pay off his brother’s loan Rs. 10,000.
(ii) Haider took over all investments at Rs. 12,000.
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(iii) Sundry creditors Rs. 20,000 were paid at 5% discount.
(iv) Loss on realisation was Rs. 10,200.
(v) A debtor whose debt of Rs. 9,300 was written off in the books paid
Rs. 7,500 in full settlement.
(vi) Realisation expenses Rs. 3,400 were paid by Sudha for which she was
allowed Rs. 3,000.
Q.8. Emil, Minhaj and Irfan decided to dissolve their partnership firm on
31.03.2011 when their position was as under.
Liabilities. Rs. Assets. Rs.
358,000 358,000
Minhaj took over building for Rs. 120,000, Emil took over investments for
Rs. 12,000, Machinery, Stock and Debtors realised Rs.35,000; Rs.70,000;
and Rs. 50,000 respectively.
The Creditor were paid off at a discount of 3% . There was a contingent
liability for a bill discounted for Rs. 5,000 was dishonoured and nothing will
be recovered from the drawee. Expenses of winding up were Rs.1,800.
Journalise the above and prepare necessary ledger accounts to close the
books of the firm.
Prepared by :
XI-XII Boys section.
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