FAQ Contents
2. FIPA SUPPORT....................................................................................................11
o What is FIPA?.................................................................................................11
o What can FIPA do for you?.............................................................................11
o What are FIPA activities?................................................................................11
5. SETTING UP BUSINESS.....................................................................................23
Types of Companies...............................................................................................23
o What types of companies are permitted by the B&H law?..............................23
Steps for Establishing Company...........................................................................23
o How long does it take to register a business?.................................................24
o What are the costs of registering a business?................................................24
o Can a foreign investor have a branch office in B&H?......................................25
6. TAX REGIME........................................................................................................25
Corporate Income Tax............................................................................................25
o What is the corporate income tax rate?...........................................................25
o Which items are included in the corporate income tax base?.........................25
Personal Income Tax..............................................................................................26
o What are the personal income tax rates?........................................................26
Real Estate Transfer Tax........................................................................................26
o What are Real Estate Tax Rates and Property Transefr Tax Rate? ..............26
Value Added Tax.....................................................................................................27
o What is the Value Added Tax rate?.................................................................27
Double Taxation Treaties........................................................................................27
o With which countries has B&H signed Double Taxation Treaties?.................27
Depreciation, Accelerated Depreciation...............................................................27
o Do taxpayers have the right to apply accelerated depreciation?.....................27
o Which methods are used to calculate the depreciation
rates of fixed assets? .....................................................................................28
o What are excises?...........................................................................................29
Tax Incentives..........................................................................................................29
o What are tax incentives in B&H?.....................................................................29
o Are profits transferred abroad taxed in B&H?.................................................29
Other Taxes..............................................................................................................30
o What is the withholding tax regulation? ..........................................................30
Social Security Contributions................................................................................31
8. LAND/REAL ESTATE...........................................................................................35
o Can foreign investors acquire property in B&H?.............................................35
o What is the procedure of buying land by a foreign investor?..........................35
o Where can I insure my property?....................................................................35
o Can I rent out my property in B&H?................................................................35
o What is the price of buying or leasing office space?.......................................36
o What is the price of land?................................................................................36
o What is the price of leasing or buying workshop
(production building)?......................................................................................36
9. FOREIGN TRADE.................................................................................................37
Customs Rates........................................................................................................37
o How are imports customs regulated?..............................................................37
o Which products can be imported duty free?....................................................37
o Are there any special import restrictions on equipment
that is part of foreign investment?...................................................................38
Trade Structure........................................................................................................38
o Which goods dominate B&H exports and imports?.........................................38
o Which countries are B&H’s major foreign trade partners?..............................38
Free Zones...............................................................................................................39
o What are Free Zones?....................................................................................39
o Are there any benefits of doing business in Free Zones?...............................39
o What is the time period of land and facilities rentals
to Free Zone users?........................................................................................39
10. EMPLOYMENT...............................................................................................41
Employment Relations............................................................................................41
o Labor force......................................................................................................41
o How is the local labor force structured by activities?.......................................41
o What is the unemployment rate in B&H?........................................................42
o Which employment types are stipulated by the law?......................................42
o How can we employ a worker?.......................................................................42
o How can we terminate employment?..............................................................42
o Is it possible to conclude a part time work contract?.......................................43
o Can the employer hire trainees or volunteers?...............................................43
Work and Residence Permits for Foreigners.......................................................43
o How can foreigners obtain residence permits?...............................................43
o How can foreigners obtain work permits?.......................................................44
Collective Contracts................................................................................................44
o What are the collective contracts and what do they cover?............................44
o Is the employer obliged to conclude a collective contract?.............................44
Working Hours and Overtime Work.......................................................................45
o What are full time working hours? ..................................................................45
o Are overtime working hours limited?...............................................................45
Annual Leave, Public Holidays..............................................................................45
o What is the minimum annual leave?...............................................................45
o How long can a maternity leave last in B&H?.................................................45
Minimum Wages......................................................................................................45
o Is there a minimum wage?..............................................................................45
o In which cases are employees entitled to increased salaries?........................46
12. INFRASTRUCTURE.......................................................................................49
Road and Railway Network....................................................................................49
o What is the total road network in B&H?...........................................................49
o What is the railway transportation potential?...................................................49
o How many airports exist in B&H and what is
the connectivity of Sarajevo Airport?...............................................................49
River Transport........................................................................................................50
o What are the possibilities for river transportation in B&H?..............................50
Fixed and Mobile Telephony..................................................................................50
o What is the fixed telephony infrastructure?.....................................................50
o What is the number and coverage of mobile telephony operators?................50
o Is the fixed telecommunication network digitalized and how many operators are
o What is the penetration of the mobile telecommunication network?...............51
o What is the Internet availability and infrastructure?.........................................51
o How many internet users are there in B&H?...................................................52
o What are the possibilities of internet access?.................................................52
Frequently Asked Questions
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
o What is FIPA?
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency in B&H is a state agency with the main
objective of promoting B&H, creating a more conducive business environment,
retaining the existing foreign investment, as well as FDI policy advocacy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
o Why would a company choose B&H as a location for
Legal Framework
The main laws and regulations include three basic laws encouraging foreign
• Law on the Policy of Foreign Direct Investment of B&H
• Law on Foreign Investment of FB&H
• Law on Foreign Investment of RS
Other Laws and Regulations which encourage foreign investors to invest in B&H:
• Law on Value Added Tax of B&H
• Law on Corporate Income Tax of FB&H
• Law on Corporate Income Tax of RS
• Framework Law on Registration of Business Entities in B&H
• Law on Registration of Business Entities of FB&H
• Law on Registration of Business Entities of RS
• Customs Tariff of B&H
• Customs Policy Law of B&H
• Decision on Implemental Regulations of the Customs Policy Law of
• Decision on Harmonizing and Establishing Customs Tariffs of B&H
Frequently Asked Questions
Regarding his investment the foreign investor enjoys equal status, rights and
duties, as any domestic legal person. A foreign investor enjoys full legal security
and legal protection in respect of rights acquired by virtue of the investment.
Rights of foreign investor acquired in the moment of the business registration cannot
be deteriorated by subsequent alteration of laws and other regulations.
Company with foreign investment enjoys equal legal status and carries on its business
under equal conditions and in an equal manner as do domestic companies.
Foreign citizens in B&H shall exercise the same rights and freedoms as citizens
of B&H exercise in the country of the foreign citizen.
According to the Law on the Policy of Foreign Direct Investments of B&H, many
incentives are offered to foreign investors, such as:
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Equipment being imported as part of share capital is exempt from paying customs
duties. This exemption does not refer to passenger vehicles, slot and gambling
machines. In order to enjoy this benefit, the foreign investor should submit a
written request for exemption from paying import duties to the competent
customs authority (according to the place of seat of the company) along with the
following documents:
• contract or other relevant document about the investment on the basis
of which the equipment is being imported,
• proof of registration of the investment at the competent authority,
• specification of equipment with tariff number, tariff mark (with quantity
indication), single and total value, certified by the investor,
• statement of the investor that the equipment is not older than 10 year
age limit,
• certificate of the competent institution confirming that the imported
equipment complies with the environmental and employment protection
The Customs Office issues a decision within 15 days upon submission of the
Frequently Asked Questions
Belgium and
Albania Austria Belarus Canada China
Croatia Denmark Egypt Finland France
Germany Greece Hungary USA-DFC Iran Italy
Jordan Kuwait Lithuania Macedonia Malaysia Moldova
Netherlands OPEC Fund Pakistan Portugal Qatar Romania
San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland
Sweden Turkey Ukraine
Foreign investors can insure their investment with the European Union
Investment Guarantee Trust Fund for Bosnia and Herzegovina, administered
by the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA, member of the World
Bank Group). Also, insurance is possible through insurance (international and
domestic) companies existing in B&H.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
After the implementation of the new monetary policy by the Central Bank in 1997
and the market entry of foreign banks, the financial sector - in which the banking
sector dominates - experienced a stabilization and consolidation process. The
consolidation process of the banking sector came mainly on the back of foreign
direct investments through the acquisition of private - or already privatised -
banks. In addition to the acquisition of existing banks, foreign strategic investors
undertook sizeable greenfield investments in the banking sector. Number of
banks has decreased compared to pevious period. At the beginning of 2020 there
are 23 commercial banks. Only one bank in B&H is majority state-owned and
22 banks are predominantly privately owned with majority of foreign ownership.
The stability of the banking sector in B&H has been maintained over a period
of time. The banking legislation are recently adopted by the entities in the aim
to strengthen and harmonize framework for banking operations in the country.
The total deposits at the end of 2019 amounted to 12.2 billion EUR and increased
by 9.5% y-o-y. Growth of deposits was achieved in all sectors. Confidence of
population in the banking sector has been preserved, so households deposits
have reached the highest level in 2019 (6.8 billion EUR) keeping the largest
share in total deposits with commercial banks (55.6% at the end of 2019).
Credit activities were recorded a slight increase of 6.6% in last year. Total loans
at the end of 2020 amounted to 10.62 billion EUR.. The liquidity, profitability and
capitalisation of the banking sector can be assessed as satisfactory, and it can
thus be concluded that the banking sector continues to be stable and safe.
Many international banks have set up branch banks in B&H including: Addiko
Bank AG, Dubai Islamic Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Komercijalna
banka, NLB Group, Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. (takeover from Intesa
Sanpaolo Group), ProCredit Holding, Raiffeisen Bank International, Sberbank,
Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen, Ziraat Bankasi, Zagrebačka banka
d.d. Zagreb (takeover from Unicredit). The list of banks is available on (Central Bank of B&H). All commercial banks in B&H are included
in the state deposit insurance program. The market entry of foreign banks
supported the reform process in the banking sector and helped deepen financial
Frequently Asked Questions
Commercial banks, which are the most active in lending, had a quite stable
interest rate policy, so there were no large oscillations in the previous years. In
period during 2015-2018, the reduction in total loans interest rate is evident.
Data for 2018 and the beginning of 2019 indicate that the effective interest rates
on loans to both the corporate and households show a slight downward trend.
The decrease in interest rates is mostly due to the high competition on the
banking market and the weak demand for loans in previous periods, which
means that a larger number of banks have opted for lower interest rates policy.
Interest rate on total loan
Interest rate on short-term
Source: B&H Directorate for Economic Planning, B&H Economic Trends Annual Report 2018
Companies are liable for keeping financial books, preparing and submitting
accounting statements according to the provisions of the Law on Accounting,
International Accounting Standards (IAS), International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS), International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
o What is the recent GDP trend?
Before global financial and economic crisis Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
in B&H has been raised with average real growth rate of 5%. After the world
economic recovery and progress in 2013, natural disaster and floods in B&H in
May 2014 has affected GDP growth rate that year. The real GDP growth in 2015
increased to 3.1% and keeps the same growth rate both in 2016 and in 2017.
Nominal GDP in 2018 was 17.1 billion EUR, with real growth rate of 3.6%. Data
for 2019 indicate GDP growth rate of 2.7%. B&H is expected to enter a recession
in 2020, forecast to experience negative growth of -3.2% as it continue to grapple
with the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Frequently Asked Questions
Source: Agency for Statistics of B&H, International Monetary Fund, April 2020
EDE (Emerging and Developing Europe)
The recovery of industrial production was recorded in 2013 when the rate
of change in cumulative production, relative to the previous year, was 6.7%.
Because of natural disaster and floods in May 2014, year over year growth rate
in 2014 was only 0.1%.
In the years after the flood, there was the recovery with increasing industrial
production rates of 2.6% (in 2015), 4.3% (in 2016), 3.1% (in 2017) and 1.6% in
2018. Annual change rate of industrial production was negative in 2019.
Monthly statistic about Industrial production has been provided by Agency for
Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina -
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Stock Exchange
o How many stock exchanges operate on the capital market?
FDI Statistics
o What is the amount of FDI recorded in the past few years?
In 2007 B&H we attracted 1.3 billion EUR which is absolutely the highest amount
recorded mainly thanks to the privatization of large state-owned enterprises. The
global economic crisis hit the inflow of FDI in B&H in 2009. Unfortunately, mainly
caused by slow economic recovery globally, which also reflected on investment
worldwide, FDI in B&H in the period 2010-2013 were modest. In 2014 with
415 million EUR, FDI is 99.2% higher than in 2013. Unfortunately, FDI in B&H
decreased in 2015 and 2016 and negative trend has stopped in 2017.
Based on preliminary data for 2019 investment growth confirmed positive trend
during 2017 – 2019 and FDI in 2019 is 14,8% higher than in 2018 (Balance of
Payments of B&H).
Regarding on-going projects and announced interest of potential foreign
investors, we could be optimistic regarding FDI amount, but expectations are
that pandemic COVID-19 will have reflected on FDI in B&H also. According the
international institutions forecasts in the time of pandemic COVID-19, global FDI
flows are expected to fall in 2020 and 2021.
Frequently Asked Questions
o FDI by sectors?
May 1994 - Dec 2018 - Stock of FDI in December 2018 was 7.3 billion EUR
Top Investors
o Who are the top foreign investors in B&H?
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the previous years, main energy projects have been realised by EFT International
Investments Holdings Limited from United Kingdom. Also, significant number of
new employees has been realised within activities of companies: BOXMARK,
Cablex, Lattonedil, MANN+HUMMEL, Megle, Olip S.P.A, PASS Automotive
East GmbH, Steelmin, Veritas AG, Zeraa Investment LLC and others foreign
investors in B&H.
Types of Companies
Types of companies:
• Unlimited Joint Liability Company (d.n.o. / o.d.)
• Limited Liability Company (d.o.o.)
• Joint-Stock Company (d.d. / a.d.)
• Limited Partnership (k.d.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Republic of Srpska
1) Verification of the founding act by a notary
2) Payment of initial capital
3) Registration request submit to the APIF RS
4) Making a company stamp
5) Opening a bank account in a commercial bank
6) Registration of the company and staff at the Tax Administration / and
start business
Federation of B&H:
Administrative costs: cca. 500 EUR
Lawyer and notary costs: cca. 500 – 1,000 EUR
Republic of Srpska
Administrative and notary costs: cca. 150 EUR (first establishment)
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brcko district
Administrative and notary costs: cca. 1,000 EUR
o Can a foreign investor have a representative office in B&H?
Corporate Income Tax
o What is the corporate income tax rate?
Corporate income tax rate is 10% on the whole territory of Bosnia and
- In RS, for the purpose of computing, the tax base includes all revenue from
whatever source derived whether in cash or in kind or whether related or un-
related to the legal person’s economic activity except for revenues specified in
Law on profit tax of RS. In the case of revenue received in the form of property
(other than cash) or services, the amount of revenue is equal to the market price
of the property or services received.
Frequently Asked Questions
In B&H, personal income tax is regulated at entity level. Brcko district has its own
Law on Personal Income Tax that regulates this type of tax for the district.
In FB&H, personal income tax is 10% on net wage according to gross model.
There is a deduction to the total amount of income for resident taxpayers for
basic personal deduction as set out in the Law on Personal Income Tax, as well
as other bases for basic personal deduction.
Personal income tax in Brcko district is 10% on net wage in accordance with
gross model as well.
o What are Real Estate Tax Rates and Property Transefr Tax
Federation of B&H: Property transefr tax rate is 5%. The tax base is the value of the
property estimated by the commission appointed by the local tax administration
office (according to the seat of the property). Payer of property transfer tax is
most often the seller of the property (depending on the location of the property
being sold). Only in Canton Sarajevo and Hercegovačko-neretvanski Canton the
buyer is the payer of property transfer tax.
Republic of Srpska: Real estate tax rate is to 0.10% of the estimated market
value of real estate for real estate which is directly responsible for production
activities (facilities for the production and storage facilities for raw materials,
intermediate products and final products), and the tax rate is to 0.20% of the
estimated market value real estate to other real estate.
Brcko district: The tax rate on real estate cannot be less than 0.05% of the
appraised value of real estate, and shall not exceed 1,0% of the appraised value
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
of real estate. For all administrative units the obligation to pay taxes arises in the
moment of concluding the sale contract.
Value Added Tax
o What is the Value Added Tax rate?
Companies submit the application for VAT at the Indirect Taxation Authority of
Bosnia and Herzegovina (in Headquarters in Banja Luka or in Regional Centers;
Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar, Banja Luka).
United Kingdom
United Arab
Sri Lanka and
Northern Ireland
Frequently Asked Questions
Depreciation expenditure is recognized for tax purposes only when own fixed
assets are in use, by which the taxpayer conducts business.
If the purchase price of the property is less than BAM 1,000.00, its purchase
value can be fully deducted in the year in which the property is acquired.
The taxpayer is entitled to accelerated depreciation of fixed assets, serving the
purpose of pollution of air, water, land and noise reduction.
Accelerated depreciation can be up to 50% higher than the rate mentiod in text
above. The total cost of depreciation can not exceed the purchase value.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
o What are excises?
Tax Incentives
Foreign investors are entitled to transfer abroad, freely and without delay, in
freely convertible currency proceeds resulting from their investment in B&H.
Frequently Asked Questions
Other Taxes
In FB&H, the taxpayer is obliged to calculate and pay withholding tax on gross
amount of:
• dividends or allocation of profits;
• interest or its functional equivalent under financial instruments and
• royalties and other intellectual property rights;
• for management, technical and educational services (including fees
for market research services, tax consulting, auditing services and
consulting services);
• fee for the lease on the basis of lease movable and immovable property;
• compensation for entertainment and sports events;
• insurance premiums for the insurance or reinsurance of risks in the
• charges for telecommunications services;
• Other fees for services, but only for non-residents of countries with
which there is no signed agreement on avoidance of double taxation.
The withholding tax is paid at the tax rate of 10%, and for dividends the rate is 5%,
tax rate may be lower in the case of application of the Agreement on Avoidance of
Double Taxation.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the FB&H there are contributions paid by the employer and those paid by the
a) Employee’s Share:
• FB&H: 17% for pension insurance, 12.5% for health insurance, 1.5% for
unemployment insurance (in total: 31% on gross wage).
• RS: 18,5% for pension insurance, 12% for health insurance, 0.8 % for
unemployment insurance, 1.7 % for child protection (in total: 33 % on gross
• Brcko district: 17% for pension insurance for employers who apply
FB&H law and 18% for pension insurance for employers who apply RS
law, 12% for healt insurance and 1.5% for unemployment insurance (in
total 30.5 or 31.5% on gross wage).
b) Employer’s Share:
• FB&H: 6% for pension insurance, 4% for health insurance, 0.50% for
unemployment insurance (in total: 10.50% on gross wage).
• Brcko district: 6% for pension insurance (in total: 6% on gross wage for
employers who apply FB&H Law).
• In RS no such contributions are paid.
Frequently Asked Questions
The above-mentioned laws are not applicable in case of natural resources, public
goods, cultural and historical sites or monuments that are lent to enterprises for
their use.
Domestic and foreign natural persons and legal entities may be buyers in
privatization process.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The bankruptcy system has created an array of new opportunities for both
foreign and local investors, offering under extremely convenient conditions an
office and production space for launching new businesses, as well as abundant
opportunities for restructuring and improving of existing businesses or production
programs. Advantages of bankruptcy are:
• The process is predictable, transparent, court-approved, and definitive.
• Bankruptcy laws supersede other competing provisions of law.
• The law works quickly, according to strictly established deadlines.
• It can rehabilitate a reorganized business, reviving or improving its
production and ability to compete, creating work for its managers and
employees, placing ongoing orders for suppliers of goods and services
to the company, periodically purchasing or replacing equipment, and
generally restoring the enterprise to the marketplace
o What are concessions?
Frequently Asked Questions
natural gas, use of construction land, use of agricultural land, hotels and other
tourism facilities, etc).
Upon proposal from the Commission for Concessions, the Government shall
grant a concession to the most favorable bidder having met and satisfied all the
criteria set in public invitation and being of a higher rank compared to all other
Contract may not be concluded for a term exceeding 30 years; however, if there
are special circumstances that involve investments requiring a longer term, the
contract period may be extended, but it may not exceed 50 years. The contract
may be renewed for a term not exceeding the half of the original term.
The supervision, control and monitoring of the entirety of the activities of the
concessionaire over the term of the contract of concession is done by the
Commission for Concessions of B&H.
The Concessionaire has the right to own and use the assets and property made
available by the Conceding Party in accordance with the Concession Contract.
The share capital of the Concessionaire shall be held by persons listed in tender
documentation. Not more than 30% of voting rights can be transferred, directly
or indirectly, without approval of the Commission. The Concessionaire may not
perform any activity other than that described in Concession Contract.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
o Can foreign investors acquire property in B&H?
Foreign investors have the same property rights in respect to real estate as the
legal entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
After the signing of a sales contract and the certification of signatures of the
contracting parties by the public notary, the land and new owner are registered
in the Land Register.
Requests for land registry extracts, as well as requests for alterations in land
register records, are submitted to the land register offices located in courts,
specifically municipal courts in FB&H and district commercial courts in RS.
If some of the data necessary for submitting a request are unknown, e.g. plot
number, land register folder, cadastre municipality name, these can easily be
obtained in the land register office.
Foreign investors can insure their properties at many insurance companies. For
a list of leading insurance companies in B&H, please contact FIPA directly.
A foreign investors can rent out their B&H property without any requirement
to obtain a rental license from the authorities, but can be limited by a signed
Frequently Asked Questions
Prices od real estate aleays depend on a number of factors such as: location,
condition and equipment, age, current market situation.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Customs Rates
o How are imports customs regulated?
Customs Policy Law of B&H regulates import and export customs issues.
Under the provisions of the Customs Policy Law, the following goods are exempt
from custom duties: equipment being imported as a part of foreign investment,
except for passenger cars, slot and gambling machines; production equipment
that are not produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina, imported for the new or
expansion of existing production, modernization of production, the introduction
of new or modernization of the existing production technology, and carrying out
the direct manufacturing activity, equipment for military and police forces of the
Entities financed entirely by donors; equipment for reconstruction projects in
B&H that have been approved by the Council of Ministers and are fully financed
by donors or by international community.
The equipment that makes part of a foreign investment cannot be lent, pledged
as a guarantee, rented or given up without previous consent of the customs
administration. If such equipment is lent, pledged as a guarantee, rented or
given up, corresponding customs duty would have to be paid on it.
The following items are also exempt from import duties: fixed assets, industrial
inventory and equipment imported on the basis of transfer of business activities
from abroad to B&H, intermediate materials to be used for manufacturing of
goods for export, advertising material, samples, catalogues, goods for charity
and humanitarian agencies, etc.
Incentives and exemptions from payment of custom duties when putting the
goods in free circulation are determined and granted by the Council of Ministers
of B&H. All goods that may be exempt from payment of customs duties are
stated in the Annex 4 to the on Customs Policy Law.
Frequently Asked Questions
Trade Structure
B&H’s major foreign trade partners in the period January – December 2019
are: Germany, Italy, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, China, Turkey, Hungary,
Poland, USA, France, Russia, Czech Republic and the Netherlands.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Free Zones
o What are Free Zones?
The free zones are part of the customs territory of B&H managed by the founder
of the free zone.
The users of free zone do not pay VAT and import customs. Investment in the
free zone, transfer of profit and transfer of investment are free of charge.
The imports of equipment that will be used for manufacturing within the free
zone are exempt from paying customs duties and fees.
The Contracting parties agree upon the time period of land and facilities rentals
to free zones users.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Central European Free Trade Agreement
(CEFTA) with the following countries: Albania, Serbia, Moldova, Montenegro,
Macedonia, UNMIK/Kosovo.
The Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between the EU and B&H
enters into force on Jun 1, 2015. The SAA establishes a close partnership
between the EU and B&H and deepens the political, economic and trade ties
between the two parties. It is from now on the main framework for the relations
between the EU and B&H
B&H also has generalized system of preferences with USA, New Zealand,
Switzerland, Norway, Japan, Russia, Kazakhstan,Belarus, Canada and Australia.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Employment Relations
o Labour Force
B&H benefits from a rather well-educated population and a qualified labor force
that responds to the requirements of the economic structure of the country.
Creativity of the people has been approved many times by winning international
awards for innovations and patents. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most
rewarded countries in this domain per capita.
Frequently Asked Questions
Various forms of employment status are admissible within limits under the laws:
permanent (no fixed duration), temporary, fixed duration, casual, seasonal, part-
time and probationary.
Small companies with fewer than 30 employees are not required to consult on
dismissals, nor are they required to have works councils. Larger employers have
to consult with their works council or trade unions where five or more employees
face dismissal. In the event of dismissal, severance equal to one-third of monthly
salary for each year of service is payable.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
For the purpose of this Law, the residence of foreigners shall refer to:
a) Visa residence,
b) Non-visa residence,
c) Temporary residence,
d) Permanent residence.
A temporary residence permit may be issued for legitimate reasons such as:
family reunification, education. humanitarian reasons, work with work permit,
work without a work permit.
Frequently Asked Questions
When a foreigner intends to reside in B&H for the purposes of paid employment,
he/she must have a work permit issued by an authority in charge of foreigner
employment affairs in accordance with the provisions of laws.
Work permit may be issued to a foreigner upon the request of legal or natural
person offering employment.Depending on the place of residence or the seat of
employer, the work permit shall be issued by authority competent for matters of
foreigner employment of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika
Srpska or Brcko district of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Work permit shall be issued by the competent authority on the basis of established
work permit quota (Work permit quota) or as permit outside the quota (Work permits
outside the quota), in accordance with the Law on Foreigners of B&H, as well as
in accordance with regulations pertaining to the issuance of work permits.Work
permit shall be issued for a specific post and/or for a specific type of job.Work
permit may not be issued to a period longer than one year.Within the annual quota
of work permits, the Council of Ministers shall determine occupations allowing
for employment of foreigners, as well as the number of work permits for each
occupation and establish the territorial division of work permits according to the
Collective Contracts
There are also Special Collective Agreements concluded for a specific sector or a
group of jobs between the trade union and the representative association of employers.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Minimum Wages
Frequently Asked Questions
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number of institutions
Pre-school education (school year 2018/2019) 359
Primary education (school year 2018/2019) 1,755*
Secondary education (school year 2018/2019) 313
Higher education (school year 2018/2019) 49*
*1,755 active regular basic schools (central and self-contained with satellite schools and departments) and 48 basic schools for
children with special needs. **In the academic year 2018/2019, in the territory of B&H, were 49 higher education institutions,
out of which 10 are public and 39 private. Source: Agency for Statistics of B&H (BHAS); Centre for Information and Recognition
of Qualifications in Higher Education
In the academic year 2018/2019 on the territory of B&H were 87,696 students in
higher education institutions (first cycle, integrated I and II cycle and candidates
for graduation) and 117,475 pupils attended 313 secondary schools..
Yes, B&H is signatory to the Bologna Declaration, thus a part of single European
system of higher education.
Frequently Asked Questions
Investors who would like to come with their family have a choice of international
schools - from kindergartens to MBA studies. Some international universities
also provide a possibility of various distance-learning programs.
All information about Higher Education and authorised institutions are available
on - Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications
in Higher Education and - Agency for Development of Higher
Education and Quality Assurance
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Road and Railway Network
o What is the total road network in B&H?
The total length of the country’s road network is approximately 24,796 km and
the total length of the arterial highway network amounting to 3,970 km (source:
Framework Transport Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015-2030). The
length of European roads (E-roads) amounts to a total of 547 km (E-65, E-73,
E-661, E-761 and E-762) and so far, app. 200 km of motorway have been
completed.The construction of the Zenica-Sarajevo-Tarčin, Međugorje-Bijača
and Svilaj-Odžak motorway sections was completed as part of the pan-European
transport Corridor Vc, the most significant transportation project in B&H that goes
from the Port of Ploče, via Sarajevo and Brčko to Budapest, Hungary (335 km).
More than 56% of the population of B&H lives in the zone where the construction
of this Corridor is proposed, while 63% of the total GDP is generated there.
The important connections Banja Luka - Doboj and Bosanska Gradiška – Banja
Luka have been completed, as a parts of other motorway directions.
There are currently ten under-construction highway projects across the country.
B&H has 4 airports – Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar and Banja Luka. In 2019, a total of
20,900 airport operations were performed at four international airports in B&H,
of which 13,671 or 65.41% at Sarajevo Airport, 3,928 or 18.79% at Tuzla Airport,
2,563 or 12.26% at Banja Luka Airport and at Mostar airport 738 or 3.53%.
A comparative statistical review of air operations performed during 2018 and
2019 shows an increase in 2019 by 1,036 or 5.21% in total. The total number
of transported passengers is 1,919,592. A comparative overview of transported
passengers during 2018 and 2019 shows an increase of 223,494 or 13.18% in
total during 2019. In 2019 the total cargo transported by air is 2,234.59 t, and
total of 404 tons of mail was transported by air.
Frequently Asked Questions
The distances between Sarajevo and major European cities are as follows:
Sarajevo – Belgrade 206 km
Sarajevo – Brussels 1310 km
Sarajevo – Budapest 407 km
Sarajevo – Frankfurt 1013 km
Sarajevo – Istanbul 930 km
Sarajevo – Ljubljana 389 km
Sarajevo – London 1620 km
Sarajevo – Munich 708 km
Sarajevo – Paris 1349 km
Sarajevo – Prague 755 km
Sarajevo – Rome 516 km
Sarajevo – Vienna 511 km
Sarajevo – Zurich 859 km
Sarajevo – Zagreb 288 km
River Transport
The River Sava has 333 km of navigable water; as a tributary to the Danube, it is
part of the European waterway network – VII Trans European Transport Corridor.
Two Sava River ports are operational: Brcko and Bosanski Samac/Samac.
The telephony infrastructure covers the whole territory of B&H. There are nearly
728,322 fixed direct telephone lines in operation in B&H.The network is of great
quality and high reliability, because there is more than 115 years long tradition
of it in B&H.
o What is the number and coverage of mobile telephony
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
territory of B&H and they cover more than 98% of the territory and population.
The number of prepaid subscribers (2,785,943) is still several times higher than
the number of postpaid subscribers (969,578). The number of mobile subscribers
in Bosnia and Herzegovina as of December 31st 2019 was 3,755,521 which is
7.84% higher than in 2018.
The fixed telecommunication network is more than 98% digitalized and uses
copper pairs and DECT, as well as optics for large users, while the transfer is
based on optics using PDH and SDH technology. In December 2019, B&H has
three (3) licenced Fixed Telephony operators and twelve (12) licenced providers
of Fixed Public Telephone Services.
Internet as a service has been completely liberalized since 2002 and there are
65 Internet Service Providers (ISP) in addition to existing telecom operators,
providing various services of Internet access using different technologies.
Frequently Asked Questions
IIn 2019, there were 746,271 Internet subscribers in B&H, while the estimates
say that in the same year there were 3.3 million Internet users. There was a
growth in the number of Internet users of 4.23% in 2019 compared to 2018. This
shows that the Internet usage rate in B&H for 2018 was 90.49 and in 2019 was
Generally speaking, both smaller and larger cities in B&H are following the trend
of reducing the total number of dial-up subscribers while at the same time, the
total number of broadband Internet access subscribers has seen a rise. The
number of broadband subscribers reached 99.95% of the total number of Internet
subscribers. The structure of broadband connections is still lead by the ADSL
access with 55.46% of broadband internet access subscribers. The number of
fixed wireless connections increased by 28.65% in 2019 compared to 2018.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year Dial-up FWA Cabel ADSL FTTH Other Total
Source: Annual report of the Communications Regulatory Agency for the year 2019, March 2020
o Types of service
Frequently Asked Questions
The price of electricity is defined with tariff and price of kW/h. Tariff rates are
determined by Entities Regulatory Commission for Electricity, and information
are available on:
The price of electricity is determinate with tariff groups, season and higher/lower
daily tariffs.
Source: Agency for Statistics of B&H, Monthly review of Average Consumer Prices in B&H in December
May 2020
The average price of electricity for industry from group of customers IC, without
VAT, in the first half of 2019 amounted to 6.61 EUR cent/kWh. For non-household
consumers (defined as medium-size consumers with an annual consumption
within the range of 500 MWh < consumption < 2 000 MWh) electricity prices
during the first half of 2019 were 0.9% higher compared to the prices from first half
of 2018. (Source: Agency for Statistics of B&H, Multi-domain stats, Environment
and Energy, Prices of electricity and natural gas, January-June 2019).
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
On January 1st 2020, Sarajevo gas d.o.o. Sarajevo applies a new, lower invoice
price up to: 0.499 € / Sm3 for large economy, ie 0.505 € / Sm3 for small economy
and 0.397 € / Sm3 for household.
The Communications Regulatory Agency of B&H (CRA) has brought the Decision
on prices of roaming services in public mobile communications networks in
accordance with the Agreement on Reducing the Price of Roaming Services
in Public Mobile Communications Networks in the Western Balkans region.
Reduced tariffs are applied from July 1, 2019, with the entry into force of the
Agreement. From July 1, 2021, all tariffs should be removed, under the concept
“Roam like at Home”.
Mobile telephony, monthly subscription prices are from 2.392 up to 89.731 EUR
with VAT. Call rates within BiH are 0.102 EUR/min with VAT.
International calls are divided into three zones: neighbouring, European and
non-European countries.
International calls to neighbouring countries: from 0.169 to 0.412 EUR/min.
International calls to other European countries: from 0.240 up to 0.412 EUR/min.
International calls to non-European countries: from 2.09 to 5.982 EUR/min
Users in BiH also use integrated service packages (duo, trio and quatro) that
contain landline and mobile telephony, internet and television services, while
the monthly subscription rates range from 20.27 EUR with VAT up to 65.803
EUR with VAT. Source: Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and
Herzegovina (April 2019);
Frequently Asked Questions
Water charges are determined at local level and thus are different from one
municipality to another. The water price consists of: water, sanitation, PVN
(Special Water Compensation) for water consumption and PVN for water
protection (depending of the level of pollution of wastewater).
Average monthly price in May 2020, of Water supply was 0.511 EUR/m3 and
Sewerage services was 0.256 EUR/m3. (Source: Agency for Statistics of B&H,
Average consumer prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 2020).
B&H has an exceptionally high quality of drinking water. Water from the tap is
safe to drink as well as most places in the mountains or fountains in towns or
along the side of the road.