Lea 1
Lea 1
Lea 1
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Discuss the evolution of Police;
2. Understand the different theories and concepts of Police Service;
3. Explain the basic terminologies in relation to Police Planning;
4. Differentiate the various units of a Police Organization; and
5. Identify the types of Police Organizational Structure.
1. Define Police
The term police was derived from the Roman word politia which means the
conditional of a state, government, and administration. Politia originated from
the Greek word politeia which means a group of persons that governs a city. It
was the French who translated the word politia to police to refer to a law
The Filipinos further translated the term police in a way for it to be
compatible in the manner they pronounce and spell words so the word pulis came
out. Hence, policemen must know their jobs well so that the other term foolish
will not be introduced as a description of the members of the Philippines
National Police (PNP).
Take Note: The term police is not the same with policeman. Police refers to the
agency, while policeman refers to the person employment in that agency. The
former is a juridical person, while the latter is a natural person.
The preceding paragraph speaks of a juridical person and a natural person, what
is the distinction between the two?
A Juridical Person is a being of legal existence susceptible of rights and
legal obligations or a being subject of juridical relations. It refers to a
corporation, partnership, association, entity, and the like. A Natural Person,
on the other hand, refers to a human being.
imperial army was tasked to perform functions of the military police for
the imperial Japanese Navy under the direction of the Admiralty Minister.
a. Our police officers are always claiming that they are servants of the
b. The community depends upon the effectiveness of our police officers;
c. The Philippines has local government structure instituted through a
system of decentralization.
What is the distinction between decentralized government and centralized
present include public service
6. What are the basic terminologies in relation to police planning?
The basic terminologies in relation to police planning include the
a. Authority;
Authority is the right to command and control a behavior
b. Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority is the act of a person, higher in authority,
conferring power, authority, duty, or responsibility to the lower
c. Manage;
To manage is to direct or conduct the affairs or interest of various
d. Organizing;
Organizing is the act of systematically arranging different units in
hierarchical order in order to perform specific functions in achieving
desired objectives. e) Organization;
Organization is an association of human beings to attain a specific
goal or objective. f) Police accountability.
Police accountability is the inherent responsibility of a police
organization to be answerable for the misconducts committed by its members.
g) Police administration;
Police administration is an organizational process concerned with the
determination of the objectives and plans, and internal operating
efficiency of the police organization. h) Police function; and
Police functions refer to the duties and responsibilities carried out
by police agencies concerning public order and public safety.
i) Police management;
Police management is the act of administering, controlling, or handling
various aspects of police organization.
j) Police organization;
Police organization is a number of police units systematically
arranged for some purpose or objective. k) Police power;
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b. Line Units refers to the personnel who directly interact with the public.
5. Discuss the various units of police organization and cite some examples.
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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Distinguish the police manager’s main administrative functions;
2. Understand the different principles in police management; and
3. Summarize the different significant developments in the history of
police during Anglo-Saxon Period and Norman Period.
a. Planning
It is the process of selecting goals and determining how to achieve
them. It includes the act of selecting missions and objectives. It
requires decision making. Decision Making is the act of choosing from
among the alternative courses of action
b. Organizing
It is the process of making an organization for with its objectives,
resources and environment.
c. Directing
It is the process of giving orders, commands, directives or
instructions to personnel in order to rule or guide them in accomplishing
the goals or objectives of an organization
d. Staffing
It is the act of placing personnel to the positions in the
organizational structure considering their qualifications.
The following are different staffing activities: (given the acronym
• Recruitment refers to the set of activities and processes used to
legally obtain a sufficient number of right people for specific
• Selection is the process of choosing from among the candidates the
most suitable person for the current
position or for future position
e. Coordinating
It is the manner of integrating the different elements within and
outside of an organization into a harmonious relationship
f. Recording
It is the system of classifying and compiling written communications
going inside and going outside of an organization
g. Budgeting
It is the management of income and expenditures within the
a. Unity of objectives
In the Unity of Objectives, the members of a police organization
must be motivated by a common thing in accomplishing a common mission
b. Scalar Principle
In the Scalar Principle, a vertical hierarchy of organization is
required. The unbroken chain of command from top to bottom must be observed
c. Unity of Command
In the Unity of Command, a set of police officers should be under
the control of only one superior police officer
d. Span of Control
In the Span of Control, a superior must manage a number of persons
that he can effectively control
e. Delegation of Authority
In the Delegation of Authority, a superior may delegate some of his
duties to his subordinates for it is impossible for him to perform all
the duties that he is required to perform.
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The development of police in England was divided according to time and they
were as follows:
1. Anglo-saxon Period (years 6000- 1066)
2. Norman Period (years 1066 – 1284)
3. Westminster Period (years 1285 – 1500) and
4. Modern Period (17th – 19th Century)
During the Anglo – saxon period in England, the practiced policing systems,
compared with the present Philippine policing system, are the following:
Take Note: The Thanes Policing System is not Fig.1. King Alfred the Great
being followed at present in the Philippines
because landowners are not empowered to settle civil litigations. They
may however conduct arrest under any of the circumstances of warrantless
arrest under Section 5, Rule of Court
reaches the age of 21 and not all male residents are required to do police
Take Note: Tun Policing System is not being followed at present because
not all male residents are required to do police works
Take Note: The Hue and Cry Policing System is not being followed at
present because our sense of obligation to assemble and arrest the
perpetrator, even if we are capacitated to do so, already deteriorated
e. Royal Judge
The Royal Judge conducts criminal investigation and gives
appropriate punishment for the crime committed
Take Note: At present in the Philippines, the Royal Judge is not being
followed because our judges do not conduct criminal investigations; they
only conduct trial to determine whether the accused is guilty or not and
impose the proper penalty in case of conviction
f. Trial By Ordeal
The Trial by Ordeal requires a suspect to put his hands over boiling
water or is required to perform any other act which may hurt him. If he
was hurt, the society considered him guilty; otherwise, he was not
considered guilty. This was in accordance with the belief by the people
before that God will protect the innocent one from being hurt.
Take Note: At present, the Trial by Ordeal is not being followed because
we are all know that anyone who puts his hands in boiling water will get
hurt, whether guilty or not of the crime charged.
Take Note: It was from the Court of Tourn that the concept of the 12
member jury of today originated. A jury is a body of persons temporary
selected from the citizens of a particular district and invested with the
power to present or indict a person for a public offense, or to try a
question of fact. In the Philippines at present, this jury system is not
being followed because it is only the judge who conducts trial and renders
judgment after trial.
c. Court Leet
To handle local legal matters in some, but all, communities, the
Normans established the “Court Leet”, which looked after matters of purely
local interests and petty village nuisances. The head of the Court Leet
was the “Comes Stable”, which means “Master of the House”. The Comes
Stable was also appointed by the King to be responsible in keeping peace
and order in a specific area. After a period of time, “Comes Stable became
“Constable” which refer to members of the police force
Take Note: In the Philippines, all offenses for which the law prescribes
a maximum penalty of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine of not
over P5,000.00 are subject to barangay conciliation and prior recourse
thereto is a pre-condition before filing a complaint in court or in any
government office.
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d. Leges Henry
The Leges Henry was passed during the time of King
Henry I and its features, together with their comparison
with the Philippine Policing System at present, were the
• The law violations were classified as offenses
against the King;
Take Note: At present, the crimes in the Fig.3. King Henry I
Philippines are considered as assault against the
State so the title of criminal cases goes this way: PEOPLE OF
The policemen and citizens were given the power to conduct arrest.
Take Note: In Philippine setting, every citizen (policemen or
not) is given the power to conduct arrest under any of the
following instances:
1. When in the presence of the arresting person, the person
to be arrested has committed, is actually committing or is
attempting to commit and offense;
2. When an offense has just been committed and the arresting
officer/person has probable cause to believe based on
personal knowledge of facts and circumstances that the
person to be arrested committed it and
3. When the person to be arrested person is a prisoner who
has escaped from a penal establishment or place where he
is serving final judgment or is temporarily confined while
his case is pending, or has escaped while being transferred
from one confinement to another.
(In summary, all enumerated features of Leges Henry were incorporated in the
legal system and they are being observed in the Philippine at present)
e. Keepers of Peace
The Keepers of Peace was a proclamation issued by King Richard of
England in 1195 requiring the appointment of knights to maintain peace
and order at the place where the king is residing.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Summarize the different significant developments in the history of police
during Westminster Period and Modern Period in England; and
2. Identify the Philippine Setting during Spanish Occupation
b. Statute of 1295
The Statute of 1295 introduced the closure of gates of London. This
started the observation of curfew hours.
Take Note: In the Philippine setting, the persons given the right to
conduct arrest and imprison offenders are known as Police Officers. Under
the Rules of Court, however, the Police Officers are called Peace
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Take Note: In the Philippines at present, the courts that hear and try
criminal and civil cases arranged from highest to lowest are the
• Supreme Court (SC);
• Court of Appeals (CA), Sandigan Bayan and Court of Appeals;
• Regional Trial Court (RTC) and
• Municipal Trial Court (MTC), Municipal Circuit Trial
Court (MCTC) and Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC)
During the Modern Period in England, the following policing systems were
Fig.1. Charles II
b. Henry Fielding (1748)
Henry Fielding became the
chief magistrate at Bow Street in
London. He organized a group of men
known as Bow Street Runners (Thief
Catchers). He later formed the Bow
Street Horse Patrol whose duty was
to patrol the main roads thereby
securing travelers from highway
Fig.2. Henry Fielding
Being the originator and the first head of such police organization, Sir
Robert Peel has earned the title “Father of Modern Policing System”. The
important plan of Sir Robert Peel was the separation of policing and judiciary.
Take Note: The said plan of Sir Robert Peel was adopted at present in the
Philippines. The criminal justice system of the Philippines is composed of the
Law Enforcement, the Prosecution, the Court, the Correction and the Community.
These pillars are separate and distinct from each other but they are
helping one another in the administration of justice.
The American Policing System followed the model in England. As for instance,
the New York, Boston and Philadelphia organized night watchmen which was similar
to the Bellmen created in London during the reign of King Charles II. These
night watchmen were also called Rattle Watch because they carried rattles while
on duty to inform the public of their watchful presence.
In the United States at present, the law enforcement officers who have taken
an oath to support the constitution of the United States and the laws of their
agency’s jurisdiction are known as Sworn Law Enforcement Officers. These
classified as follows:
They perform their duties in different ways depending on size and type
of their organization. In most jurisdiction they are expected to exercise
authority when necessary whether on or off duty.
Most of them are assigned to special jurisdiction police agencies to
perform special geographic jurisdictions and enforcement responsibilities.
Public college and universities police forces, public school district police
and agencies serving transportation systems and facilities are examples of
special geographic jurisdiction police agencies. A smaller number of them,
on other hand, are investigators.
d. Detectives
Detectives are plainclothes investigators who gather facts and
collect evidence for criminal cases. They conduct interviews, examine
records, observe activities of suspects and participate in raids and
k. Immigration Inspectors
They conduct interview and examine people seeking entrance to United
States and its territories
l. Customs Inspectors
They enforce laws governing imports and exports by inspecting cargo,
baggage and articles worn or carried by people, vessels, vehicles, trains
and aircraft entering or leaving the United States
b. Guardilleros
The Guardilleros was a body of rural police organization established
by Royal Decree of January 18, 1836. The Decree provided that 5% of the
able – bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in
the police organization for 3 years tour of duty.
c. Guardia Civil
It was created by a royal decree issued by the Crown on February
12, 1852, to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsula Troops of their work
in policing towns. They are under the Governor or Alcalde and they had
bright and showy uniform, distinctively prominent insignia and rigidly
maintained military bearing
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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Summarize the different significant developments in Philippine setting
during and after American occupation; and
2. Familiarize to the related laws concerning police service.
g. Kempeitai (1942)
On January 2, 1942 in the advent of World War II, the first element
of Japanese Imperial Army called Kempeitai entered Manila. A member of
the corps was called Kempei.
Kempeitai literally meant “Military Police Corps”. It was organized
and existed from 1881 to 1945 to discharge not public service but to
perform functions of the military police for the Imperial Japanese Navy
under the direction of the Admiralty Minister.
National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI) is under
the Department ofJustice
Take Note: By virtue of the provision of the 1973 Constitution to establish and
maintain an Integrated National Police force whose organization, administration
and operation, shall be “provided by law”, several laws were enacted for this
purpose and they include Presidential Decrees 421, 482, 531, 585, 641 and 765.
2. Cite and explain at least 5 related laws during and after American
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Understand the some important provisions of Republic Act 6975;
2. Differentiate rank classification of the Tri-Bureau and
3. Identify the organization of officers and different offices of Philippine
National Police
2. What were some important provisions of RA 6975 that were not amended by
RA 8551, RA 9263 and RA 9708?
The important provisions of Republic Act 6975 that were not amended
by Republic Act 8551, Republic Act 9708 and Republic Act 9263 include the
Take Note: This policy of the State cannot be changed by any law
because it is expressly stated under Section 6, Article XVI of the
Philippine Constitution, being the supreme law of the land
Police Master Sergeant Senior Fire Officer I (SFO1) Senior Jail Officer I (SJO1)
Police Staff Sergeant Fire Officer III (FO3) Jail Officer III (FO3)
Police Corporal Fire Officer II (FO2) Jail Officer II (FO2)
Patrolman/Patrolwoman Fire Officer I (FO1) Jail Officer I (FO1)
Aside from the offices stated above, the following offices are also
being maintained by the PNP:
1. The National Capital region which may be divided into 2 separate
The head of each division shall have the rank of Police
Brigadier General who shall have assume the position of District
2. The Regional offices including the Autonomous
Regions of the Cordilleras and Muslim Mindanao
Each of the regional offices shall be headed by a Regional
Director with a rank of Police Brigadier General
3. Each of the provincial offices is headed by a
Provincial Director with a rank of Police Colonel
In the case of large provinces, police districts may be
established by the Commission to be headed by a District Director
4. Each of the city or municipal offices is headed by a Chief of
Police with a rank of Police Major
How many Star Generals are there in the PNP in one occasion? There are ninety
– seven (97) Star Generals in the
Philippine National Police in one occasion.
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Police General One (1)
Police Lieutenant General Three (3)
Police Major General
a. Line Officers Eleven (11)
One (1)
b. Internal Affairs Service (IAS)
1. Enumerate at least 5 Directorial Staff and give their specific powers and
2. Give the names of all current PNP Regional Directors with their respective
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Understand the manner of Appointment of the PNP;
2. Identify the composition and functions of Philippine Public Safety
College and NAPOLCOM; and
3. Distinguish the power and functions of Bureau of Fire Protection and
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
The manner of appointment or promotion of the officers and members of the PNP
shall be effect in the following manner:
▪ Patrolman/Patrolwoman to Police Executive Master Sergeant is
appointed/promoted by the PNP Regional Director for Regional Personnel
or by the PNP Chief for the National Headquarters, subject to endorsement
by the NAPOLCOM and attestation by the Civil Service Commission.
▪ Police Lieutenant to Police Lieutenant Colonel is appointed/promoted by
the PNP Chief as recommended by their immediate superiors, subject to
endorsement by the NAPOLCOM en banc and attestation by the Civil Service
Commission. Take Note: The PNP is prohibited from issuing special orders
for appointment and promotion before the attestation thereof by the
Civil Service Commission and that any special order issued in connection
therewith must conform with the effectivity dates of such appointments
or promotions.
It must be stressed further that the Philippine National Police is
authorized to issue orders of promotion of its personnel up to rank of
Police Lieutenant Colonel prior to the review, confirmation and/or
endorsement by NAPOLCOM.
▪ Police Colonel to Police Lieutenant General is appointed by the President
upon recommendation of the PNP Chief and NAPOLCOM en banc, with proper
endorsement by the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission and subject
to confirmation by the Commission on Appointment
▪ Police General is appointed by President from among the senior officers
down to the rank of Police Brigadier General in the service, on
recommendation or endorsement of the NAPOLCOM en banc and subject to
confirmation by the Commission on Appointments.
Take Note: “En Banc” means in the presence of all members of the
Commission. Hence, “endorsement of the NAPOLCOM en banc” means that it
was endorsed by the Chairman, the 1 ex officio member and the 4 regular
members of the Commission.
The Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) is the
Chairman of the National Police Commission
The Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall
be the ex officio chairman of the National Police Commission. He shall be
appointed by the President subject to confirmation of the Commission on
Take Note: The term ex officio means an accompanying office by virtue of a
position. Others say it is “automatic”
terms of office who may be appointed by the President for maximum term
of 2 years.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Understand the powers and functions of NAPOLCOM;
2. Identify the minimum qualifications in entering the Philippine
National Police (PNP); and
3. Familiarize the Waiver Program of the Philippine National Police (PNP)
1. What are the powers and functions of the National Police Commission?
The Commission shall exercise the following powers and
a. Exercise administrative control and operational supervision over
the Philippine National Police which shall mean the power to:
▪ Develop policies and promulgate a police manual
prescribing rules and regulations for efficient
organization, administration and operation including
criteria for manpower allocation, distribution and
deployment, recruitment, selection, promotion and
retirement of personnel and the conduct of qualifying
entrance and promotional examinations for uniformed
▪ Examine and audit, and thereafter establish the standards
for such purposes on a continuing basis, the performance,
activities and facilities of all police agencies
throughout the country; Establish a system of uniform
crime reporting;
▪ Conduct an annual self – report and compile statistical
data for the accurate assessment of the crime situation
and the proper evaluation of the efficiency and
effectiveness of all police units in the country;
▪ Approve or modify plans and programs on education and
training, logistical requirements, communications,
records, information systems, crime laboratory, crime
prevention and crime reporting;
▪ Affirm, reverse or modify, through the National Appellate
Board (NAB), personnel disciplinary actions involving
demotion or dismissal from the service imposed upon
members of the PNP by the Chief of PNP;
▪ Exercise appellate jurisdiction through the regional
appellate boards over administrative cases against
policemen and over decisions on claims for police
▪ Prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment and
uniforms and, after consultation with the Philippine
Heraldry Commission, for insignia of ranks, awards and
medals of honor. The standards of the uniformed personnel
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A Philippine Heraldry
Commission was created by
President Manuel Quezon in
▪ Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elected
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority and
▪ Those who are naturalized in accordance with law
The Age, Height, Weight and Educational qualifications in entering the PNP
with or without waiver may be summarized as follows:
a. Age Requirement
Without waiver With waiver
21 – 30 years old 20, 31 – 35 years old
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b. Height Requirement
Without waiver With waiver
At least 5’4” for males At least 5’2” for males
At least 5’2” for females At least 5’ for females
Take Note: A waiver in height shall be automatically granted to applicants
belonging to cultural communities .
d. Educational requirement.
Without waiver With waiver
Baccalaureate degree holder Have earned at least 72 collegiate
units leading to a bachelor’s degree
Take Note: If a PNP personnel was already in the service upon the
effectivity of RA 8551, he shall be given 5 years to obtain the minimum
educational qualification preferably in the law enforcement related
courses to be reckoned from the date of affectivity of RA 9708 which is
in 2009
However, the concerned PNP members rendering more than 15 years of
service who have exhibited exemplary performance as determined by the
NAPOLCOM, shall no longer be required to comply with the aforementioned
minimum requirement.
1. What are the conditions of waivers for initial appointment to the PNP?
The conditions of waivers for initial appointment to the PNP are
the following:
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The two kinds of removal from PNP service in case of non – compliance with
the weight and/or educational requirement within the period provided by law
are the following:
a. Separation; and
If the PNP personnel are below 50 years of age and have served
Government for less than 20 years, his removal from the PNP is known as
b. Retirement
If they the age of 50 and above and have served the Government for at
least 20 years, his removal from the PNP is known as retirement.
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2. Mr. Ino is 27 years of age but his height is only 5 feet and 2 inches.
Mr. Doro, on other hand, is 32 years of age and his height is 5 feet and
7 inches. Can Mr. Ino and Mr. Doro still enter the PNP even if they did
not comply with the height and age requirements, respectively? Explain.
3. Mr. Mali is 27 years of age, his height is 5 feet and 7 inches, his weight
is more or less than 5 kilograms from the standard weight corresponding
to his height, age and sex, and his muscle is well developed because he
is a body builder. He is also a masteral holder and a law graduate but he
is a “Mexicano”. Can he enter the PNP by waiving his citizenship? Explain.
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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Understand the procedure during the Recruitment of Philippine National
Police (PNP);
2. Familiarize the different examinations and training under PNP; and
3. Identify the requirements and definition of Promotion.
a. Preliminary Interview;
The applicant shall be interviewed personally by the Screening
Committee. If the applicant qualifies, he/she shall be required to present
or accomplish the following:
▪ Duly accomplished Personal Date Sheet (CSC form 212);
▪ Birth Certificate authenticated by PSA;
▪ Report of Rating of Eligibility authenticated by the issuing
▪ 2 pcs 2x2 black and white picture indicating applicant’s name;
▪ Transcripts of Scholastic Records and Diploma authenticated by the
school registrar;
▪ Clearance from the Barangay, Local Police Station, RTC/MTC and NBI;
▪ Medical Certificate issued by local health officer;
▪ Copy of 2 valid identification card with picture, signature and
address; and
▪ Certificate of Good Moral Character issued by the applicant’s
college or university.
What if applicants to the PNP were found to have submitted spurious documents
in their application for PNP examination?
Applicants who are found to have submitted spurious documents in their
application for PNP examination shall be barred permanently from taking any
police service examination. In the event that these anomalous acts are committed
are committed by personnel in the active service, he shall be charged with
dishonesty and be meted the penalty of dismissal from the service.
What shall compose the Ad Hoc Body which shall conduct initial screening of
police applicants?
The Ad Hoc Body which shall conduct initial screening of police applicants
shall be composed of the following:
▪ Head; and
The Mayor, as the Chair of the Peace and Order Council, is the Head
of the Ad Hoc Body.
▪ Members
The members of the Ad Hoc Body are the following:
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How shall the Neuro – Psychiatric (NP) examination and Physical Agility Test
(PAT) be conducted?
The Neuro – Psychiatric (NP) examination and Physical Agility Test (PAT) shall
be conducted simultaneously nationwide to prevent a retake in another place in
said tests by applicants who initially failed on the same.
Take Note: Only those applicants who passed the PPE shall proceed to the next
When shall the Complete Character and Background Investigation (CBI) conducted?
▪ Scientific aids;
▪ Public relations and civic actions;
▪ Police ethics, police weapons, self-defense; and ▪ Other related
subjects in law enforcement.
b. Field Training
Field Training is where the recruits undergo actual experience
and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as a requirement
for permanency of their appointment. This program shall be for 12
months inclusive of the Basic Recruitment Training Course for non-
officers and Officer Orientation Course or Officer Basic Couse for
Take Note: Field Training Program refers to the training required to
make the temporary appointment of a new PNP member permanent.
Are the graduates of PNPA who joined the PNP mandated to undergo the Field
Training Program as a requirement for permanency of their appointment?
No, the graduates of PNPA who joined the PNP are not mandated to undergo
the Field Training Program as a requirement for permanency of their appointment
because of the following reasons:
▪ By the express provision of law, graduate of PNPA shall be
automatically appointed to the initial rank of Police Lieutenant
▪ PNPA cadetship program is 4 year course that includes academic subjects
on core police functions such as patrol, traffic and criminal
investigation and on the job training in urban and rural setting
▪ Graduates of the PNPA are conferred the Bachelor of Science in Public
Safety degree and have the option to choose the branch of service they
want if that will be in the PNP, BFP or BJMP
Hence, the graduates of the PNP who joined the PNP shall be issued a
permanent appointment subject to the submission to the Commission of the
necessary documents prior to the issuance of testimonial eligibility.
c. In – service Training;
The following are different in service training programs:
▪ Junior Leadership Training (JLT);
Junior Leadership Training is for Pat. to PSSg.
▪ Senior Leadership Training (SLT);
Senior Leadership Training is for PMSg. to PEMS.
▪ Police Basic Course (PBC)
Police Basic Course is in preparation of Officer’s Basic Course.
▪ Officer’s Basic Course (OBC);
Officer’s Basic Course is for PLT. to PMAJ.
▪ Officer’s Advance Course (OAC);
Officer’s Advance Course is for PMAJ. to PCOL.
▪ Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC); and
Officer Senior Education Course is for PLTCOL. and above.
▪ Directorial Staff Course (DSC)
Directorial Staff Course is for PMGEN. and others higher in rank.
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1. What is the meaning of promotion
Promotion is the act of elevating personnel from lower to a higher
rank or position, either by regular or special process.
2. What are the requirements in regular and special promotions for PNP
a. Regular Promotion; and
▪ He or she has successfully passed the corresponding
promotional examination given by the Commission, or the Bar,
or the corresponding board examinations for technical
services and other professions;
▪ Has satisfactorily completed the appropriate and accredited
course in the PNPA or equivalent training institutions;
▪Has satisfactorily passed the required
psychiatric/psychological and drug tests; and
▪ Has been cleared by the People’s Law
Enforcement Board (PLEB), and the Office of the Ombudsman
of any complaint proffered against him or her, if any;
b. Special Promotion
▪ He or she exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at
the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty; and
▪ Such acts shall be validated by the Commission based on established
As stated above, the Commission shall validate the exhibited acts of conspicuous
courage and gallantry at the risk of a PNP personnel’s life above and beyond
the call of duty as a basis of granting special promotion. With this, what are
the criteria prescribed in granting special promotion?
The acts of conspicuous gallantry and courage cited in the recommendation for
special promotion must be:
▪ A deed of personal bravery and self – sacrifice above and beyond
the call of duty of a PNP uniformed personnel is so conspicuous
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3. What are the policies of the State that must be considered in the promotion
of PNP members?
The policies of the State that must be considered in the promotion
of PNP members are the following:
a. It is the NAPOLCOM which shall establish a system of promotion for
uniformed and non – uniformed personnel of the PNP;
b. The system of promotion shall be based on merits and on the
availability of vacant positions in the PNP staffing pattern.
c. Such system shall be gender fair and shall ensure that women members
of the PNP shall enjoy equal opportunity for promotion as that of
men; and
Except for the PNP Chief, no PNP members who has less than 1 year of
service before reaching the compulsory retirement age shall be promoted to a
higher rank or appointed to any other position. This is known as the “One –
Year – Before – Retirement – Rule”.
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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Define the meaning of attrition;
2. Distinguish the classification of attrition; and 3. Understand the
permanent physical disability.
May the four – year maximum term of office of the PNP Chief be extended?
No, the 4 years maximum term of office of the PNP Chief cannot be
extended except in times of war or other national emergency declared by
Congress. In such case, it is the President who may extend the PNP Chief’s
tour of duty.
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Take Note: “Void ab initio” means void from the beginning. Hence, if a
police officer with a rank of Police Lieutenant who is already 55 years
and 6 months old is promoted to Police Captain, his appointment is void
from the beginning because of the 1 – Year – Before – Retirement – Rule.
As such, his appointment may be contested by any interested party.
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may hold such position for a maximum period of 2 years. They may be designated
to other positions, if qualified.
b. Attrition by Relief:
The PNP uniformed personnel who have been relieved for just
cause and have not been given an assignment within 2 years after
such relief shall be retired or separated.
Take Note: This kind of attrition is not found in Republic Act 9263.
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d. Attrition by Non-Promotion;
The PNP personnel who have not been promoted for a continuous
period of 10 years shall be retired or separated.
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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Identify the different administrative offenses that may be file against
police officers; and
2. Understand the powers and functions of Internal Affair Service (IAS) and
People’s Law Enforcement Board of the PNP.
1. When policeman commits a crime, what are the different cases that may be
filed against him and where will these cases be filed?
When a policeman commits a crime’ criminal, civil and administrative
cases may be filed against him. Criminal and civil cases are filed before
the courts, while administrative cases are filed before quasi – judicial
bodies like Internal Affairs Service (IAS), People’s Law Enforcement
Board, National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), Commission on Human Rights,
among others.
Take Note: The term “quasi” means as if.
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e. File appropriate criminal cases against PNP members before the court
was evidence warrants and assist in the prosecution of the case;
f. Provide assistance to the Office of the Ombudsman in cases involving
the personnel of the PNP; and
g. Provide documents or recommendations as regards to the promotion of
the members of the PNP or the assignment of PNP personnel to any key
7. What are the procedures that must be followed by Internal Affairs Service
(IAS) and other disciplinary authorities in conducting administrative
cases against the PNP members?
The procedures that must be followed by Internal Affairs Service
(IAS) and other disciplinary authorities in conducting administrative
cases against the PNP members are the following:
a. Filing of Administrative Complaint;
An administrative compliant may be initiated by filing a
sworn written statement before any disciplinary authority, or
the IAS, accompanied by affidavits of witnesses, if any, and
other evidence in support thereof.
The complaint shall be accompanied by a Certification of
Non – Forum Shopping.
An anonymous complaint may be basis of a formal complaint
provided the material allegations contained therein may be
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f. Determination of Venue;
The administrative complaint or cases against PNP member
shall be filed before the disciplinary authority or IAS having
territorial jurisdiction where the offense was committed.
However if there is a PLEB organized in a city or
municipality, the administrative case may be filed in the PLEB
of the city or municipality where the police officer is assigned.
g. Service of Summons;
Within 3 days upon receipt of the complaint by the hearing
officer, he shall issue the summons to be served upon the
respondent, directing him to submit his answer within 5 days
from receipt thereof, together with whatever documentary
evidence the respondent may have in support of his defense. Take
Note: The investigating/hearing officer must ensure that the
summons, orders, notice, etc. must be properly served to the
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h. Filing of Answer;
The answer, together with whatever documentary evidence
the respondent may have in support of his defense, must be
submitted within 5 days from receipt of the summons.
The answer shall be in writing, under oath and must contain
material facts, which may either be a specific denial or
affirmation of the allegations in the complaint. It shall be
accompanied by documentary or other evidence, if there be any,
in support of the defense, copy furnished the complainant. It
shall also contain a list of witnesses and their individual
addresses, whenever appropriate.
Take Note: “Answer” is defined as a pleading in which a
respondent or other adverse party sets forth the negative and
affirmative defenses upon which he relies.
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j. Hearing Proper;
Within 5 days from the Pre – Hearing Conference, the summary
hearing of the case shall proceed.
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c. Failure to resolve the case within the period if 90 days which delay
is not the fault of the respondent. Take Note: The term “lifted” means
revoked or rescinded.
2. What is the Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL) and when can a policeman
be considered absent without official leave?
In general, Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL) is the status of any
official or employee who absents himself from work without approved leave
of absence. As applied to the commissioned and non – commissioned officers
of the Philippine National Police (PNP), it shall encompass but not
limited to the following:
a. Absence from place of work or assignment without approved
vacation leave;
b. Failure to report for duty after the expiration of approved leave
of absence;
c. Failure to give notice to his immediate superior officer of the
fact of his inability to report for work on account of sickness
or injury;
d. Failure to file appropriate application for sick leave after his
return for work attaching therewith the required medical
e. Abandonment of work or assignment without prior approval of his
immediate superior office; and
f. Failure to report to his new assignment/unit within 3 days from
receipt of the order of reassignment or for reporting to a unit
where he is not officially assigned.
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5. How shall the chairman of the PLEB be elected and what is the term of his
The Chairman of the PLEB shall be elected from among its members.
The term of office of the members of the PLEB shall be for a period of 3
years from assumption of office. Such member shall hold office until his
successor shall have been chosen and qualified.
On other hand, the tenure of the office of a PLEB member who has
been designated as such by virtue of his election to the Sanguniang
panlungsod/bayan or his membership with the Association of Barangay
Captain (ABC) ends upon the expiration of his term of office as Sanguniang
Panglungsod/Bayan member or as Barangay Chairman. If re – elected, and
subsequently re – designated to the PLEB, he must take a new oath of
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any valid and justifiable reason and it could not proceed for lack of
quorum, the Chairperson or the designated presiding officer may request
the Sangguniang Panlungsod/Bayan or the Liga ng mga Barangay or the
City/Municipal Peace and Order Council, as the case may be, to designate
a temporary representative to enable the body to constitute a quorum but
such temporary representative shall act as such only for that specific
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9. What are the effects of dismissal from the service of a police officer?
The dismissal from the service of a police officer shall result to
the following:
a. The cancellation of eligibility, retirement benefits, and
disqualification for re – employment in the police service; and
Take Note: A police officer who is dismissed from the service is still
entitled of his terminal leave credits.
“Terminal leave credits” represent the cash value of the accumulated
leave credits which should not be treated as compensation for services
b. The confiscation of his service firearms and other paraphernalia by
the Chief of Police where he was assigned or by his immediate commander
tasked to implement the order.
Take Note: With respect to suspension from service of a police officer,
it is also mandatory for his service firearms and other paraphernalia
to be confiscated during the time of suspension.
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1. Mr. Dipa Tuli was punched and kicked several times by Police
Corporal Cardo Sipa so the former was hospitalized for 3 days. Because of
this, Mr. Tuli filed an administrative cased before the PLEB and a criminal
case before the court against Police Corporal Sipa. The next day, he again
filed the same administrative case against said policeman before the
NAPOLCOM. Is the act of Mr. Tuli in filing the second administrative case
proper? Yer or No.Why?
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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Understand the policies of the State in enacting Republic Act 9263;
2. Identify the purpose of creation of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
(PDEA); and
3. Familiarize the history of National Bureau of
2. What are the policies of the State in enacting Republic Act 9263?
The policies of the State in enacting Republic Act 9263 are the
a. The State to maintain peace and order, protect life, liberty and
property, and promote the general welfare essential for the enjoyment
by all the people of the blessings of democracy;
b. It shall recognizes the responsibility of the State to strengthen
government capability aimed towards the strengthening of the delivery
of basic services to the citizenry through the institutionalization of
highly efficient and competent fire and jail services;
c. In times of national emergency, the BFP and the BJMP along with the
Philippine National Police (PNP) shall, upon the direction of the
President, assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in meeting
the national emergency, in addition to the performance of their
inherent functions as mandated by law;
d. The uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP, as members of the
uniformed service of the government under the Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG), are required the same amount of
sacrifice, service and dedication like their counterparts in the PNP
and the AFP to carry out their respective duties to the extent of
risking their lives and limbs; and
e. The State shall provide for the professionalization and restructuring
of the BFP and the BJMP by upgrading the level of qualifications of
their uniformed personnel and standardizing their base pay, retirement
and other benefits, making it at par with those of the PNP and the
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Take Note:
Under the Implementing Rules and Regulation of Republic Act 9165,
the PDEA Academy shall be established either in Baguio or Tagaytay City,
and in such other places as may be necessary upon the approval of the
Dangerous Drugs Board.
It was, however, actually established at Camp Gen. Mariano N.
Castaneda, Tartaria, Silang, Cavite.
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6. What are the powers and duties of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency?
a. Implement or cause the efficient and effective implementation of
the national drug control strategy formulated by the Board
thereby carrying out a national anti-drug campaign program which
shall include drug law enforcement, control and prevention
campaign with the assistance of concerned government agencies;
b. Undertake the enforcement of the provisions of Article II of the
Act relative to the unlawful acts and penalties involving any
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
chemical and investigate all violators and other matters involved
in the commission of any crime relative to the use, abuse or
trafficking of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor
and essential chemical as provided for in the Act and the
provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 1619;
c. Administer oath, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum relative
to the conduct of investigation involving the violations of the
Republic Act 9165;
d. Arrest and apprehend as well as search all violators and seize
or confiscate, the effects or proceeds of the crimes as provided
by law and take custody thereof, for this purpose the prosecutors
and enforcement agents are authorized to possess firearms, in
accordance with existing laws;
e. Take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs and/or
controlled precursors and essential chemicals seized,
confiscated or surrendered to any national, provincial or local
law enforcement agency, if no longer needed for purposes of
evidence in court;
f. Establish forensic laboratories in each PNP office in every
province and city in order to facilitate action on seized or
confiscated drugs, thereby hastening the destruction of the same
without delay;
g. Recommend to the DOJ the forfeiture of properties and other
assets of persons and/or corporations found to be violating the
provisions of the Act and in accordance with the pertinent
provisions of the
Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001;
h. Prepare for prosecution or cause the filing of appropriate
criminal and civil cases for violation of all laws on dangerous
drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals, and other
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Take Note: To enforce the powers and duties of PDEA, the Board
Regulation no. 4 series of 2016 has been issued by the Dangerous
Drug Board.
8. What are the objectives of Dangerous Drugs Board Regulation No. 4 series
of 2016?
This Regulation aims to establish clear guidelines and specific
procedures to be followed by national government agencies, law enforcement
agencies, Anti – Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs) of local government units
and cause – oriented non – government organizations in dealing with drug
personalities who voluntarily surrendered to authorities and assessed as
drug users or dependents.
This Regulation also provides for a mechanism to monitor compliance with the
Act and other related guidelines issued by the Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG) pertaining to the campaign against the use of illegal drugs
in the barangay level.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
1. Understand the policies of the State in enacting Republic Act 9263;
2. Identify the purpose of creation of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
(PDEA); and
3. Familiarize the history of National Bureau of
Division of Investigation
On November 13, 1936, a Division of Investigation (DI) was created under the
Department of Justice by virtue of Commonwealth Act No. 181 by the First National
Assembly. Section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 181 provides that “A Division of
Investigation under the Department of Justice is hereby created. It shall be
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Bureau of Investigation
In response, the Congress filed House Bill No. 1162 eventually became Republic
Act No. 157. Republic Act 157 was approved by Congress and enacted into law on
June 19, 1947. For all intents and purposes, the Bureau of Investigation (BI)
was patterned after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in organization,
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functions and objectives. The FBI also evolved into its present size from humble
beginnings as a division of the United States Department of Justice.
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3. What are the specific crimes falling under the primary jurisdiction of
NBI to undertake investigations?
The following are the specific crimes falling under the primary
jurisdiction of NBI to undertake investigations:
a. Human Trafficking cases in all airports in the
b. Extrajudicial/Extra-legal killings committed by the state’s security
forces against media practitioners and activists;
c. Killings of justices and judges;
d. Violation of Republic Act No. 10175, otherwise known as the “Cybercrime
Prevention Act”;
e. Cases referred by the Inter-Agency Anti-Graft
Coordinating Council (IAGCC);
f. Violations of the Anti-Dummy Law;
g. Cases involving threats to security or assaults against the persons of
the President, Vice President, Senate President, Speaker of the House
of Representatives, and
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court;
h. Transnational crimes pursuant to existing international agreements;
i. Identification of the dead/victims in case of mass fatality incidents
caused by natural disasters; and
j. Violations of commercial, economic, and financial or white-collar
crimes such as, but not limited to, those punishable under Republic
Act No. 8792, otherwise known as “E-Commerce Act of 2000”; Republic
Act No. 8484, otherwise known as “Access Devices Regulations Act of
1998”; Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as “Intellectual Property
Code of the Philippines”; Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise known as
“Securities Regulation
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The President or the Secretary of Justice may direct the NBI to undertake
the investigation of any crime when public interest so requires.
Once the NBI takes cognizance of any of the aforementioned cases, the PNP
and other law enforcement agencies/investigative entities shall collaborate
with and render assistance to the NBI. In cases where jurisdiction is vested
exclusively and/or primarily with the PNP or other law enforcement
agency/investigating agency, the NBI shall collaborate with and render
assistance to the same.
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The agents of the NBI shall have the following powers and functions:
a. Undertake investigations pursuant to the mandate of the
b. Conduct searches, arrests, and seizures in accordance with existing laws,
rules and regulations;
c. Take and require sworn statements of any person or persons so summoned in
relation to cases under investigation;
d. Administer oaths in cases under investigation; and
e. Such other functions as may be assigned by the NBI Director.
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