Risk Assessment - Topographical Survey
Risk Assessment - Topographical Survey
Risk Assessment - Topographical Survey
DOC001068 Att1
Revision E
Likelihood (L): Probability of the undesired event to happen (shall consider the frequency and Severity (S): Importance of harm, damage or impact caused by the event.
duration of exposure and the potential for the undesired event to happen).
Definition Severity Definition
Negligible the occurrence is extremely unlikely to happen and has never Minor None or very limited consequences on people (e.g. first aid injury), property (e.g. scratch on equipment
(1) happened according to our knowledge (1) painting) or the environment (e.g. small quantity of biodegradable waste dispersed)
Low the occurrence is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future but Moderate Injury requiring medical treatment without lost work days, reversible environmental negative impact or
(2) has already been experienced (2) property damage / business interruption below 50 k€ of cost involved
Moderate the occurrence is predictable to happen in the mid-term High Lost Time Injuries, with full recovery, or reversible environmental negative impact or property
(3) (3) damage/business interruption below 200 k€ of cost involved
High the occurrence is predictable to happen in the short term Major Severe Accident as per Alstom e-book definition
(4) (4)
Definite the occurrence is certain and immediate. Catastrophic Potential for several fatalities (or other type of severe accident)
(5) (5)
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DOC001068 Att1
Revision E
ALSTOM Competent Discipline ALSTOM HSE Representative
Manager/ Engineer (Name, (Name, Signature and Date)
Signature and Date)
Activity Hazard Risk and affected Existing Control Measures (L) (S) (RR) Additional Control Measures (L) (S) (RR) Check
Step Persons
1. Struck by Working party struck Engage only competent team 2 3 6 Barricade area around stacked 1 2 2
Unloading material / by materials Pre entry inspection of vehicle material
rig fall of unloading from vehicle Secure all materials and tools Restrict unwanted personnel
equipment, materials or before start unloading inside affected area
placement / tools from Engage sufficient man power for Use all required mandatory
set out of rig height safe unloading, assembly and PPEs
structure loading Work under valid HSE permit
and Stack materials and tools in order
dismantling Ensure close supervision by
of rig competent supervisor
Cut or Working party affected Create awareness on safe 2 1 2 Engage certified First-Aider and 1 1 1
laceration by handling sharp handling of material provide first-aid kit
objects Use cut resistance gloves
Struck by Working party affected Keep personnel at least 2 m 2 4 8 Close supervision 1 4 4
moving by moving vehicle away from moving vehicle Tool box talk on daily basis
vehicle Engage competent operator Restrict personnel or unwanted
Engage competent banksman to vehicle inside work area
guide vehicle Use high visibility jacket
Avoid reversing vehicle
Fall of Worker involved in Engage competent person 2 3 6 Use full body safety harness 1 1 1
person from unloading of material Use ladder for access with double lanyard and secured
height Not to lean outside barrier always
Slips, trips Working party involved Remove unwanted materials 2 2 4 Periodic inspection of work 1 1 1
and fall in Geotechnical Ensure work area levelled and place
investigation free from any obstructions
Maintain proper housekeeping
standard around work area
Stack materials and tools in order
Contact with Working party Engage only competent person 2 3 6 Periodic inspection 1 3 3
electrical engaged for assembly for work related to electricity
Contact with Working party exposed Survey to be done by expert and 1 4 4 None 1 4 4
UXO to UXO confirm absence of UXO, prior to
start boring
Collapse of Working party struck Engage competent agency 2 3 6 Check and confirm the condition 1 2 2
rig structure by structure collapse Engage competent team of each parts before assembly
Confirm third party inspection and Use all required mandatory
fitness certificate is valid PPEs
Use all parts are free from any
defects or damage
Secure core rods properly before
Not to exceed the design torque
and load
Fall of Working party and Secure materials or tools used at 3 2 6 Periodic inspection of work 1 2 2
material other struck by falling height place
object Remove unwanted materials or Restrict unwanted personnel
tools from height inside affected area
Fall of Working party fall from Engage competent person 2 2 4 Use full body safety harness 1 1 1
person truck Use ladder for access while with double lanyard and secured
secured always