Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
A concert hall has to be specially designed to
ensure that sound energy is uniformly
distributed through the entire hall. This area
of study is called acoustics of buildings.
(Source of picture: wikimedia.org)
3.1 Introduction
3.4 Musical Notes and Scale
Expected Learning Outcomes
Musical Scales
3.2 Production of Sound Waves
3.5 Acoustics of Buildings
Graphical and Mathematical
3.6 Summary
Representation of Sound Waves
Sound Waves in Different Media 3.7 Terminal Questions
Forced Vibrations and Resonance 3.8 Solutions and Answers
Musical Instruments
3.3 Intensity of Sound
Intensity Level: Decibel
You will learn about acoustic waves in this unit. The word ‘acoustics’ means “the science of sound”
and acoustic waves refers to sound waves. Since sound is a wave phenomenon we shall use the
concepts related to wave motion (Unit 1) in this unit. You should, therefore, revise Unit 1. The focus of
our discussion in this unit is on production, propagation, and detection of sound waves. The
phenomena of forced oscillation and resonance play a crucial role in production of sound. You will be
able to understand it better if you revise the basics of oscillatory motion from Units 16 and 18 of the
first semester course entitled Mechanics (BPHCT-131).
Yet another phenomenon which plays a crucial role in production of sound is the formation of standing
waves in strings and air columns. The basic physics involved in formation of standing waves in air
columns such as organ pipes is the same as for the formation of standing waves in strings discussed
in Unit 2. You should, therefore, read that unit once again before studying this unit. Also, you should
keep comparing the salient features of transverse waves on a string discussed in Units 1 and 2 with
the salient features of the sound waves discussed in this unit. This will help you appreciate the
differences and similarities between the two types of waves.
Fig. 3.1: a) A long tube containing air with a piston fitted at one end;
b) Periodic motion of piston generates longitudinal sound waves
comprising regions of compressions (C) and rarefactions (R).
When the piston moves backwards or to the left, a layer of low density is
created. This low density (and low pressure) layer of air is called rarefaction.
From Unit 1, you know
The rarefaction layer of air will pull the adjacent layer on its right. Thus, the
that mechanical waves
are of two types: region of rarefaction also keeps moving to the right in the tube. Again, when
transverse waves and the piston moves to the right, a layer of compression is created, which
longitudinal waves. You propagates along the tube. Thus, the periodic motion of the piston creates
also know that in successive regions of compressions and rarefactions. These successive
transverse waves, such regions of compressions (C) and rarefactions (R) moves along the tube
as the waves on a
as longitudinal waves. This is a longitudinal wave because the
string, particles of the
displacements of the particles of the medium is in the same direction along
medium oscillate
perpendicular to the which the wave propagates.
direction of wave The regions of compressions and rarefactions in a sound wave are the
motion. In longitudinal
regions of high pressure and low pressure, respectively. The ear drum of our
waves, particles of the
ear detects these pressure changes and causes the sensation of hearing.
medium oscillate along
the direction of wave You may ask: As the sound waves propagate in tube, is there a
motion. translational motion of the particles of the medium? No; the particles of
the medium do not move along the wave. The particles of the medium execute
oscillatory motion about their equilibrium position.
In Unit 1, you have learnt that waves are characterised by parameters like
amplitude, wavelength, frequency and speed. The amplitude of the sound
wave is the maximum displacement of the particles of the medium from their
respective mean positions. The distance between two consecutive
compressions (or rarefactions) is wavelength of the sound wave (Fig. 3.1b).
The time taken by a particle of the medium to complete one complete
oscillation is called the time period, T of the wave and the frequency, f of the
wave is equal to 1/T. The frequency of the sound wave is same as the
frequency of the vibrating object producing the sound. The speed v of the
sound wave is the speed with which each compression or rarefaction moves
through the medium. You have learnt in Unit 1 that the relation between
wavelength O, frequency f and speed v of wave is given as
v Of (3.1)
After having understood how longitudinal waves are generated and how they
propagate in a medium (air), you may now ask: Are all longitudinal waves
Unit 3 Acoustic Wave
sound waves? In other words, do we perceive all longitudinal waves as
sound? No, it is not so. For being perceived/heard as sound by human beings,
longitudinal wave must satisfy the following two conditions:
Graphical Representation
In Unit 1, you have learnt that transverse wave on a string can be represented
graphically by two types of graphs namely vibration graph and waveform
graph. Similarly, longitudinal waves can also be represented graphically by
these two types of graphs. Recall from Unit 1 that in the vibration graph, we
consider a particle of the medium at a fixed position x and plot its
displacement with respect to its mean position as time passes. On the other
hand, in the waveform graph, we keep the time fixed and plot the
displacement of the particles located at different positions, x. That is, the
waveform graph is the snapshot of the displacement of the particles of the
medium with respect to their mean position at a given instant of time. The
vibration graph and the waveform graph for a sound wave are shown in
Fig. 3.2a and b. The amplitude, time period and wavelength of the sound
wave are also indicated in these graphs.
The sound waves are also described as pressure waves. As you have
learnt above, the regions of compressions and rarefactions in the sound
wave in air are the regions of high pressure (or density) and low pressure
(or density), respectively. To understand what we mean by pressure wave,
refer again to Fig. 3.1a. Assume that, when the piston is stationary, the air
in the tube is at equilibrium pressure, say pe . As the piston begins to
oscillate periodically, it generates longitudinal sound waves comprising
compressions and rarefactions. The pressure in the compression regions is
higher than equilibrium pressure, pe and that in rarefaction regions is lower
than pe . So, the longitudinal wave is a successive regions of high and low
pressures compared to the equilibrium pressure. Thus, the variation of
pressure in a sound wave at a given time can be represented graphically
as shown in Fig. 3.3. Note that points like A, B, ... represent compressions
having positive value of pressure compared to the equilibrium value and
points like C, D,… represent rarefactions having negative values of
pressure compared to the equilibrium value. On this pressure graph, the
Fig. 3.3: Representation wavelength is the distance between two consecutive value of maximum (or
of sound wave as
minimum) pressure. From this graph, we can also determine the amplitude
pressure wave.
of the pressure wave which is the maximum positive or negative value of
the excess pressure. The human ear drums can detects these pressure
changes in a sound wave and cause the sensation of hearing.
If you compare Eq. (3.1) with Eq. (1.15a), you will note that we have replaced
y(x,t) by \(x,t). While y(x,t) represents displacement of the particles of the
medium (string) perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the
transverse wave, \(x,t) represents the displacement of the particles of the
medium along the direction of propagation of longitudinal wave.
In Unit 1, you have learnt that the behaviour of a wave in space and time is
described by the wave equation. So, you would like to know: What is the
Unit 3 Acoustic Wave
wave equation for sound wave? Again, we take analogy of wave equation
for 1-D transverse wave on a string and write the wave equation for the 1-D
sound waves in a gaseous medium as:
w 2\ w 2\
v2 (3.3)
wt 2 wx 2
where v is the speed of the sound wave. The speed of sound waves in a
gaseous medium is given in terms of the properties of the medium as
v B/U (3.4)
where B is the bulk modulus of the medium and U is the density of the Recall from Unit 1 that
medium. So, in terms of the properties of the medium, Eq. (3.3) can be the speed of transverse
written as wave on a string is
given in terms of
w 2\ B w 2\
(3.5) properties of medium
wt 2 U wx 2 namely the tension in
the string T and linear
Eq. (3.3) is the standard from of the 1-D wave equation for sound waves in
mass density U of the
a gaseous medium with v given by Eq. (3.4). Note that Eq. (3.3) is similar to
string as
Eq. (1.12) – the 1-D wave equation for transverse waves on a stretched string.
You must, however, recognise that the physical properties of the medium Q T /U
which determine the wave velocity in the two cases are different. For
transverse waves on a stretched string, wave velocity is determined by the
tension in the string and its linear mass density, whereas for longitudinal
waves in a gaseous medium, it is determined by the bulk modulus and mass
density of the medium.
Before proceeding further, let us revise the main points discussed so far.
Note that Eq. (3.3) gives the wave equation for 1-D longitudinal wave where
displacement \ is a function of x and t. But, sound waves in air are three-
dimensional (3-D) longitudinal wave. Thus, the displacement \ of the particles
of the medium will be a function of x, y, z and t. So, the wave equation for
three dimensional longitudinal sound wave is
w 2\ § w 2\ w 2\ w 2\ ·
v 2 ¨¨ ¸¸ (3.6)
wt 2 © wx 2 wy 2 wz 2 ¹
Block 1 Waves – An Introduction
Now, solve an SAQ before proceeding further.
Write down the equation for 1-D sound waves travelling along negative
x-direction and having wave parameters given as: amplitude = 0.5 cm,
wavelength = 32 cm and time period = 0.4 s.
The wave equation [Eq. (3.5)] gives the speed of sound waves in terms of the
From your school
physical properties of the medium. This enables us to compare the theoretical
physics, you may recall
that in an isothermal value of the speed of sound in different media with the experimentally
change, the temperature determined values. In the following section, we discuss the speed of sound
of the system remains waves in different media.
constant, whereas in an
adiabatic change, the 3.2.2 Sound Waves in Different Media
temperature of the
Sound waves can propagate in solid, liquid and gaseous medium. The speed
system changes.
of sound varies significantly in these media due to their physical properties.
Let us learn about it now.
Sound Waves in Air
The speed of sound in air can be calculated by using the value of the bulk
modulus (B) and density (U) of the medium in Eq. (3.4). But, for a gaseous
Note that in the previous
units, we have used the
medium such as air, the bulk modulus depends on the thermodynamic
symbol U for linear mass changes in the medium. When sound waves propagate in the medium, it
density. We shall use causes thermodynamic changes in it. The regions of compression have higher
this symbol for bulk temperature and the regions of rarefaction have lower temperature. These
(volume) mass density changes can be isothermal or adiabatic.
as well as linear mass
density of a material. Newton calculated the speed of sound in air, assuming that changes in
Thus, you should be the medium were isothermal. That is, the compression and rarefaction of the
mindful of the context of medium are not accompanied by a change in temperature. For an isothermal
its use. change, the bulk modulus of elasticity is equal to the atmospheric pressure p
(see margin remark):
B = BT = p
For an isothermal where BT is the isothermal bulk modulus. Thus, we can write Eq. (3.4) as
process, Boyle’s law
tells us that v= p U (3.7)
pV = constant Eq. (3.7) is known as Newton’s formula for speed of sound. For air at STP,
For infinitesimal
U 1.29 kg m 3 and p 1.01u 10 5 Nm 2 . Hence, the speed of sound in air,
changes in p and V, we
can write using Newton’s formula, is
p dV + V dp = 0
1.01u 10 5 Nm 2
Hence v= 280 ms 1
1.29 kgm 3
§ wp · p
¨ ¸ But, experiments show that speed of sound in air at STP is 332 ms1, which is
© wV ¹T V
about 15% higher than the value predicted by Newton’s formula. You may
? V ¨
§ wp · { B now like to know: How was this discrepancy resolved? The discrepancy
p ¸ T
© wV ¹T was resolved by Laplace who argued that it was wrong to assume that the
That is, pressure equals thermodynamic changes in the medium caused due to propagation of sound
isothermal bulk are isothermal. It means that we cannot use Boyle’s law to study wave
propagation in air because it holds only for isothermal conditions. Laplace
further suggested that sound waves produce adiabatic changes: the
74 regions of compression were hotter while the regions of rarefaction were
Unit 3 Acoustic Wave
cooler. That is, local changes in temperature occur when sound propagates in For an adiabatic
air. This gives rise to a larger value for the speed of sound. change, the equation of
state of a gas (air) is
For an adiabatic change, the bulk modulus, Bs is J times the pressure (see
pV J constant.
§ Cp ·
margin remark); J ¨¨ ¸¸ is the ratio of molar heat capacities of a gas at Therefore, infinitesimal
© Cv ¹ changes in p and V are
constant pressure (Cp ) and at constant volume (Cv ) . Thus, we have Bs J p. connected through the
Then Eq. (3.4) modifies to:
V J dp p J V J 1dV 0
v (3.8) or
§ wp ·
For air, J = 1.4 and the value of the speed of sound in air at STP, calculated V¨ ¸ { Bs Jp
© wV ¹S
using Eq. (3.8) comes out to 331 ms1. This value of the speed of sound is in
excellent agreement with the experimentally determined value. This shows
that Laplace’s argument was indeed correct.
Let us now understand how temperature affects the speed of sound in air. To
do so, we express vsound as a function of temperature. From your school
physics and the third semester course BPHCT-135, you may recall that the
equation of state of an ideal gas is
pV n RT N kBT p
where p is pressure, V, the volume, n, the number of moles of gas, T, the
temperature, kB , Boltzmann constant and N, the number of gas particles.
Substituting p in Eq. (3.8), we get:
v sound
U (V/N )
or v sound (3.9)
where m is the mass of an air molecule. Eq. (3.9) tells us that the speed of
sound in air (or any other gaseous medium) is a function of T .
We note from Eq. (3.8) that the speed of sound in a gaseous medium, such as
air, is inversely proportional to the square root of gas density. Is it true even
for the speed of sound in liquids and solids? If so, will sound travel slower in
media denser than air? Let us find out.
Sound Waves in Liquids
The mechanism of propagation of sound waves in a liquid medium is the
same as that of longitudinal waves in a gaseous medium. Thus, the wave
equation given by Eq. (3.3) is also valid for sound waves in liquids. We can,
therefore, write the speed of sound in liquids as [Eq. (3.4)]:
where B is bulk modulus of elasticity for the liquid. Unlike gases, liquids are, in
general, almost incompressible. This means that for producing the same
change in a given volume of a liquid as that of a gas, we need to apply more
pressure in the case of former. As a result, the value of the bulk modulus for
liquids is very high compared to gases. Thus, the above expression indicates
that the speed of sound in liquids will be significantly higher than that in gases.
Block 1 Waves – An Introduction
For water, U 10 kg m
and B 2.22 u 10 9 Nm 2 .This gives the speed of
The ability to measure
the speed of sound has sound to be about 1500 ms1. Compare it with the speed of sound in air at
been put to many uses STP (331 ms 1). Note that though water is about 103 times denser than
in military operations.
air, yet sound propagates about five times faster in water. This means
During World War I, a
technique called sound that we can send audio messages from one ship to another faster via water
navigation and ranging than via air. This has led to the development of sonar (Sound Navigation and
(SONAR) was Ranging). High frequency sound waves are used in a SONAR to measure the
developed to locate the depth of sea bed, detect submarines, enemy torpedoes, and for off-shore oil
position of enemy guns exploration.
by using the sound of
cannons in action. The Sound Waves in Solids
technique is also being In a solid medium, both transverse and longitudinal waves can propagate. The
used for exploration of mechanism of propagation of longitudinal waves in a solid is same as in case
under sea minerals and of the propagation of longitudinal waves in a gaseous medium. Thus, the
oil. The
wave equation for the propagation of sound waves in a solid given by
off-shore explorations
are now a routine Eq. (3.3).
You may now like to ask: Which properties of the medium determine the
speed of longitudinal waves in a solid? When sound waves propagate in a
solid rod, changes take place in its length; the volume remains almost
The values of the Young’s constant. Thus for solids, bulk modulus (which relates the volume changes
modulus (Y) and bulk modulus with pressure changes) of elasticity is replaced by Young’s modulus of
(B) of some materials are: elasticity (Y) defined as
Material Y B Stress 'p
(Nm2) (Nm2) Y
Steel 200u109 160 u109 Longitudin al strain § 'l ·
¨ ¸
Aluminium 70u109 70u109 © l ¹
Copper 110u109 140u109
Glass 55u109 31u109 So, by replacing B by Y in Eq. (3.4), we can write the speed of sound in a solid
Diamond 1120u109 540u109 as
Water 0 2.2 u109
Mercury 0 27u109 v Y /U (3.10)
Most 0 1.1 u105
gases at You should now go through the following example to get a feel for the
STP numerical values of the speed of sound in different media.
Calculate the speed of sound in a) air at STP; b) sea water; and c) steel.
Take for air at STP, J = 1.39 and U 1.29 kg m 3 , for sea water,
U 1023 kg m 3 ; B 2.34 u 10 9 Nm 2 ; for steel, Y 20 u 1010 Nm 2 ,
U 7800 kg m 3 .
SOLUTION a) From Eq. (3.7), we know that the velocity of sound in air
is given as
vair Jp / U (i)
0.23 u 1010 Nm 2
So, v sea- water 1.4 u 10 3 ms 1
1023 kg m 3
(c) The expression for velocity of sound in solids is given by Eq. (3.10):
v steel Y /U
20 u 1010 Nm 2
So, v steel 5.1u 10 3 ms 1
7800 kg m
So, we find that the velocity of sound increases as the density of the
medium increases. That is,
v steel ! vwater ! v air
You now know that sound waves are produced and propagate in a medium
when a vibrating object forces the particles of the medium to execute
vibratory / oscillatory motion. The forced vibration and a related phenomenon
called resonance plays another important role with respect to sound: they
enhance the intensity of sound so as to make it audible at a distance. You will
now learn about it.
From Eq. (3.14), we note that the amplitude of vibration of the system
increases manifold when the frequencies Z and Z0 of the driving force and
the driven system, respectively, are equal. This phenomenon is called
resonance. To understand the phenomenon of resonance, let us re-examine
Eq. (3.14) a little more closely. Note that for low (Z Z0 ) as well as for high
(Z !! Z0 ) driving frequencies, the amplitude will be small because the term
(Z02 Z2 ) 2 in the denominator will be large. As the driving frequency, Z
approaches Z0 , the amplitude will increase gradually. The amplitude of
oscillation acquires maximum value when Z is very close to Z0 . This value of
frequency, say Zr , is called the resonance frequency and the condition
when amplitude attains a very high value is known as resonance.
Now, to obtain an expression for the resonance frequency Zr , we use a
concept from differential calculus. In the language of differential calculus, the
value of amplitude a(Z) will correspond to a maxima
Block 1 Waves – An Introduction
x if the first derivative of a(Z) with respect to Z is equal to zero, and
x its second derivative is less than zero (negative) quantity,
The corresponding frequency is said to be the resonance frequency.
Let us first calculate the first derivative of a(Z) with respect to Z and equate it
to zero. From Eq. (3.14) we can write
da(Z) d ª f0 º
« 2 »
dZ dZ ¬« [(Z0 Z2 ) 2 4b 2 Z2 ] 1 / 2 ¼»
f0 [ 4Z (Z02 Z2 ) 8b 2 Z]
2 [(Z02 Z2 ) 2 4b 2 Z2 ] 3 / 2
The roots of the At resonance frequency (Z Zr ), we must have da (Z) / dZ 0 . Therefore,
quadratic equation
we get:
ax bx c 0
are given by 4Zr (Z02 Z2r ) 8b 2 Zr 0
b r b 4ac or 4Zr [Z2r Z02 2b 2 ] 0
This equation is satisfied in two situations. The first is when Zr 0. It is
Here b = 0, a = 1 and
c = 2b Z0 . So we
2 2 ignored because it is trivial. The second situation is:
Z2r Z02 2b 2 0
4 ( 2b Z )
2 2
x r
2 0 This equation is quadratic in Zr and the acceptable root is (see margin
( Z 2b )
2 2
Note that the root corresponding to the negative sign has been ignored as it is
physically meaningless.
Further, you can verify that, for the value of Zr given by Eq. (3.15),
(d 2a / dZ2 )Z Zr is negative. Physically, it means that the amplitude of
oscillation is maximum at resonance frequency. When such a situation is
obtained, we say that amplitude resonance has occurred. The frequency,
Zr is referred to as the resonance frequency.
Eq. (3.15) shows that resonance frequency depends on damping in the
system. However, if damping in the system is zero, we have b 0 and we get
from Eq. (3.15):
Zr Z0 (3.16)
That is, the resonance frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the
driven system.
At this stage, pause for a moment and think what is happening when there is
resonance between the driver (the external periodic force) and the driven
system (the spring-mass system in the instant case) due to forced vibrations.
Firstly, the amplitude of the driven system increases manifold. From Unit 16 of
BPHCT-131, you know that the energy of an oscillator is proportional to its
amplitude squared. Thus, we can say that the transfer of energy from the
driver to the driven system is maximum at resonance.
Unit 3 Acoustic Wave
Secondly, from Eq. (3.16) we note that the resonance takes place when the
frequency Z( Zr ) of the driver is equal to the natural frequency, Z0 of the
driven system. This implies that the transfer of energy from driver to a driven
system due to forced vibrations is most effective or maximum when the
frequencies of the driver and the driven system are equal.
x In forced vibration, the driven system vibrates with the frequency of the
driving force. In the context of sound waves, it means that the
frequency of the sound wave is the same as the frequency of the
vibrating object generating the sound waves.
x If the driven system does not suffer any damping, the resonance
frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the driven system.
x At resonance, the amplitude of oscillations / vibrations is enhanced
On the basis of the above discussion, you now know that forced vibrations
can cause resonance under suitable conditions. Also, the amplitude of a
driven system increases at resonance. These features of forced vibrations and
resonance enable us to understand the production of rich variety of sound of
sufficient intensity by string and air column (organ pipe) based musical
instrument. Let us now briefly learn about them.
Organ Pipes
An organ pipe is any tube, which has been bent into different shapes or has
holes cut into it. The rich variety of sound produced by organ pipe (or air
column) based musical instruments such as flute and saxophone is due to
82 formation of standing waves. In the context of sound waves, formation of
Unit 3 Acoustic Wave
standing waves in air columns such as organ pipes plays two important
Firstly, a group of musical instruments called wind instruments, such as flute
and saxophone produce sound due to vibrations of air columns in organ
pipes. The vibrations are caused by the mouth piece of the instrument. The
energy supplied by these vibrations maintains the vibrations in the air column
of the organ pipe.
Secondly, air columns called sounding box are attached with string musical
instruments to enhance the intensity of the sound produced by the vibrating
strings of the instrument.
Both the above functions of organ pipes are based on the formation of
standing waves in the air columns in them. The organ pipe or tubes which are
normally used in the musical instruments are classified into three categories:
closed-closed organ pipe, closed-open organ pipe and open-closed organ
We will not go into the detailed mathematical analysis of the formation of
standing waves in these organ pipes as it is beyond the scope of this course.
It is sufficient to know that the formation of standing waves in organ pipes is
analogous to the formation of standing waves on a string; that is, the standing
waves are formed due to the superposition of two waves travelling in opposite
directions. In case of string, the waves travelling in opposite directions are
transverse waves and in case of organ pipes, the two waves are longitudinal
waves. Also, the position of nodes and antinodes in the standing waves
depends on its construction; that is, whether it is a closed-closed, or closed-
open, or open-open pipe.
Before proceeding further, solve an SAQ.
With these brief description of organ pipes and the standing waves formed in
its air column, we can understand the role of sounding box in sound produced
by string musical instruments. As we mentioned above, the sound waves
generated by the vibrating string of the instrument is barely audible at a
distance of a few meters or so. But, if a sounding box is attached near the
vibrating string, the air column inside the sounding box is set to forced
vibrations. And, if the frequency of the waves generated on the string matches
with one of the normal modes frequencies of the air column, resonance takes
place and a loud sound is produced.
So far, we have discussed how sound is produced, its speed in different
media and the role of forced vibrations and resonance in production of sound.
When a sound wave reaches human ear, the ear converts the pressure
changes into nerve impulses which is interpreted by brain as something
Block 1 Waves – An Introduction
heard. However, the sound wave must have sufficient intensity to
produce appreciable pressure changes at the ear drum. Let us now learn
about intensity of sound at a point away from the source and how it is
a wider range of values for intensity of sound, intensity is measured in decibel = 6 log 10 + log b
which is 10 times the bel. Thus, the intensity level (E) of sound in decibel =6+a
scale corresponding to intensity I is given by That is, when b is
§ I · 6
multiplied by 10 , a
E (10 dB) log10 ¨ ¸ (3.22)
© I0 ¹ increases by 6, the
value in the exponent.
where, I0 is the intensity corresponding to the threshold of hearing
(1u 10 12 Wm 2 ).
Since the decibel scale is logarithmic, you can see that it is based on multiples
of 10. The threshold of hearing is assigned a decibel level of zero dB. This
corresponds to the intensity of 10 12 Wm 2. A sound of intensity
10 11 Wm 2, which is 10 times more than the threshold of hearing is assigned
a decibel level of 10 dB. A 1000 times more intense (109 Wm 2 ) sound is
assigned a level of 30 dB. You can verify these numbers using Eq. (3.22).
In Table 3.1, we have listed the intensity of waves generated by different
sources of sound and also provided the corresponding intensity level in dB at
a distance of 1 m from the source.
Table 3.1: Intensities of sound at a distance of 1m from typical sources
Source of Sound 2 Intensity Level (dB)
Intensity (Wm )
(with respect to ToH)
Threshold of hearing (ToH) 10 0
Rustling of leaves 10 10
Whisper 10 20
Normal conversation 6 60
Street traffic 5 70
Bursting of crackers (at 1m) 5 78
8 u 10
Heavy road traffic 2 100
Threshold of pain 130
Jet take off 2 140
Block 1 Waves – An Introduction
Note that the zero point on the decibel scale (dB) does not imply ‘no sound’.
Instead, it signifies the threshold of hearing i.e., the lowest sound that can be
heard. Also, the sound (~ 140 dB) of jet taking off can cause pain in our ears.
To save workers in airports, buildings are made sound proof. However, people
living in the vicinity of airports are likely to suffer noise pollution.
To check your understanding of decibel scale for intensity levels of sound you
may like to answer an SAQ.
In a factory, it is required that the sound intensity level should remain below
80 dB to protect workers from noise pollution. Calculate the maximum sound
intensity permitted in the factory.
Sound, in general, is classified into two types: musical sound and noise.
Although this classification is based on our perception, we can always try to
understand the difference in terms of concepts of physics. You will now learn
the physical characteristics of musical sound and also about musical scale
used for producing musical sound.
The loudness of perceived sound is correlated to its intensity (that is, energy
carried by sound waves per unit area at the position of listener). As you have
learnt in the previous section, the intensity of sound at the position of a
listener must have a value more than the threshold of hearing. Further, the
correlation between loudness and intensity is similar to the correlation
between pitch and frequency; that is, equal steps in loudness correspond to
equal multiples in intensity.
Even if two sounds waves have the same pitch and loudness, they may be
perceived as two distinct sounds. This difference is caused due to the
waveforms of the two sounds if they are not harmonic waves. To understand
what is meant by the ‘waveform’ of sound, refer to Fig. 3.4 where we have
depicted the waveforms of the sound produced by violin and piano. You may
note that these two waveforms are different from each other which influences
the perceived quality of respective sounds. You may like to know: How such
periodic but anharmonic waveforms are generated?
A complex periodic waveform can be analysed using Fourier analysis and the
relative amount of fundamental frequency and the higher harmonics
constituting the waveform can be ascertained. Similarly, we can add various
amounts of higher harmonics to the fundamental frequency of a musical
instrument and produce a desired waveform.
With the above background, you are now ready to learn about musical scales.
1. Diatonic Scale
(Keynote 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
or tonic)
Indian Traditional
sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa
Western Music
do re mi fa sol la si do
(C-Major Scale)
Note from Table 3.2 that the frequencies of the notes in the octave are
arranged in ascending order. Also, note that the frequency intervals of the
musical scale are not uniform. However, the sensation of pitch produced by
these notes is of equal interval. It we take 1 as the key note of an octave
comprising saptak – the basic seven notes – then the frequencies of these
seven basic notes are derived according to the ratio given in Table 3.2.
To understand this scale in terms of frequencies of the basic notes, study the
88 following example.
Unit 3 Acoustic Wave
Suppose the frequency of the key note (or tonic) of an octave is 256 Hz.
Calculate the frequencies of the seven basic notes of the corresponding
octave of the diatonic scale.
SOLUTION Since the frequency of the key note (lower frequency) of
the given octave of the diatonic scale is 256 Hz, the higher frequency of
the octane is 512 Hz. And, the frequencies of other six basic notes are as
given in the table below:
Note sa re ga ma
Frequency 256 256u 1.125 256u 1.250 256u 1.333
(in Hz) 288 320 341.3
pa dha ni sa
You should note that the relation among the frequencies of diatonic scale as
given in Table 3.2 is with respect to the key note, that is, the lower frequency
of the octave. You may ask: How are the frequencies of the basic notes of
the scale related to each other? The ratio between frequencies of two
successive notes of a musical scale is called musical interval. The musical
intervals of diatonic scale is given in the Table 3.3.
sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa
Notes (f1 ) (f 2 ) (f 3 ) (f 4 ) (f 5 ) (f 6 ) (f 7 ) (f 8 )
From Table 3.3, we note that the musical interval between key note and the
next higher note in the diatonic scale is 9 / 8 . Also, from Table 3.3 we note
that the three main musical intervals in the diatonic scale are 9 / 8, 10 / 9 and
16 / 15 which are, respectively, known as a major tone, minor-tone and semi-
tone. Thus, the sequence of intervals in the diatonic scale are major-tone,
minor-tone and semi-tone. Since major-tone occurs more frequently, this scale
is also called major diatonic scale. It we neglect the difference between
major and minor tones, then diatonic scale will be tone, tone, semi-tone, tone,
tone, tone, semi-tone. In view of having mainly two basic ratios as musical
intervals, this scale is called diatonic scale.
As evident from Table 3.3, the musical interval between two successive notes
(frequencies) are not equal in the diatonic scale. This puts severe limitation on
a large number musical instruments. To overcome this shortcoming of the
Block 1 Waves – An Introduction
diatonic scale, another musical scale, called tempered scale was developed.
Let us learn about it now.
Tempered Scale
In the tempered scale, the octave is divided into 12 equal intervals. Thus, if x
is the musical interval between two consecutive notes on tempered scale,
( x )12 2 x (2)1/ 12 1.05946
Thus, the equal musical interval between two consecutive notes, (that is, the
ratio between the frequencies of two consecutive frequencies) on a tempered
scale is 1.059456 .
In this scale, all the other notes in the octave are defined in relation to tonic
(sa). For notation purposes, each of the 12 notes in an octave has a unique
identity/name/notation as given below:
Table 3.4: Notations of Indian and Western music for tempered scale
note 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
or tonic)
Note Notation
S r R g G M m P d D n N Sc
# # # # #
Music Note C C D D E F F G G A A B Cc
It refers to any unwanted sound in the hall which distorts the hearing
experience. The noise can be due to sound coming from outside the hall
such as the sound of traffic, market place, nearby railway station or airport.
The effect of such external sources of noise can be minimised by proper
noise insulation of the hall as well as by having green cover in the form of
trees around the hall. Noise can also be due to internal sources such as
air conditioners, movement of people, etc. The impact of such internal
sources of noise can be minimised by proper maintenance and having
carpeted floors in the hall.
Finally, we end this unit with a brief qualitative discussion on Doppler effect for
The expression for the apparent frequency f c when the source is moving
and the listener is stationary is:
§ v ·
fc f ¨¨ ¸¸ (3.26)
© v # vS ¹
where the negative sign in denominator signifies the case where the source
moves towards the listener and the positive sign corresponds to the source
moving away from the listener.
Doppler effect for sound waves finds many applications. Do you know that
Doppler shift in ultra-sound waves reflected from moving body tissues
allows measurement of blood flow? It is commonly used by obstetricians
to detect foetal heart-beat. Do you know how it arises? As the heart
muscle pulsates, the frequency of reflected ultra-sound waves is different
from the frequency of incident waves. Similarly, a sonar makes use of the
Doppler effect in determining the velocity of a submarine relative to a
Before proceeding further, let us recapitulate what you have learnt in this
Concept Description
Perception of Longitudinal waves having frequency in the range 20 Hz to 20 kHz are perceived
sound as sound by human beings.
Threshold of It is the minimum value of the intensity of sound at the position of listener for
hearing being heard by human beings.
Unit 3 Acoustic Wave
Mathematical The 1-D sound waves travelling in the positive x-direction is represented by
representation of anyone of the two following equivalent expressions:
sound wave \( x, t ) a sin(kx Zt )
\( x, t ) a sin(Zt kx)
The 1-D sound waves propagating in the negative x-direction is represented as
\( x, t ) a sin(kx Zt )
\( x, t ) a sin(Zt kx)
where \( x, t ) is the longitudinal displacement of the particles of the medium
along the direction of wave propagation.
Speed of sound In a gaseous medium, the speed of sound is given by
In liquid medium, the speed of sound is
In solids, the speed of sound is
Forced vibration Sound propagates in a medium due to forced vibrations of the particles of the
and resonance surrounding medium by the vibrating object generating sound. In the steady-
state, the frequency of oscillations of a forced oscillator is equal to the frequency
of the driving force. The steady-state displacement of the forced oscillator is
given as
x(t ) a(Z) cos(Zt T)
where the amplitude a(Z) is given as
m (Z02 Z2 ) 2 4b 2 Z2 @
1/ 2
When the frequency of the driving force is equal to the natural frequency of the
driven system, the amplitude of oscillations increases manifold and this
phenomenon is called resonance.
Intensity of sound Intensity I of sound is defined as the rate of energy transfer by the sound wave
per unit area normal to the direction of wave propagation:
A 4Sr 2
1 1
and Iv and av
r2 r
where a is amplitude and r is the distance from the source of sound.
Intensity level The minimum intensity of the sound wave which a human being can hear is
called Threshold of Hearing (TOH). Its value is 10 12 Wm 2 .
Intensity of sound is measured/expressed using a logarithmic scale called
decibel (dB). It is a relative scale in which intensity of sound is expressed
relative to the threshold of hearing I0. The intensity level, E of sound of intensity I
is given as
§ I ·
E (10 dB) log10 ¨ ¸
© I0 ¹ 97
Block 1 Waves – An Introduction
Musical notes From the perception point of view, a musical note is characterised by pitch,
loudness and quality which, respectively, depend on the frequency, intensity and
waveform of the sound wave.
Musical scale Musical scales are based on the concept of octave. An octave is defined as a
set of two frequencies wherein the value of higher frequency is two times the
value of the lower frequency.
The diatonic musical scale consists of a series of eight notes with the frequency
of the last and the first note in the ratio 2:1.
The frequency intervals between the notes of the musical scale are not uniform.
However, the sensation of pitch produced by these notes is of equal interval.
The ratio between two successive notes of a musical scale is called musical
In the tempered scale, the octave is divided into 12 equal musical intervals. The
musical interval between two consecutive notes of tempered scale is 1.05946.
Acoustics of In a closed space like room or auditorium, the sensation of hearing is affected by
building phenomena such as reverberation, echo, focussing, echelon effect, loudness,
resonance and noise. The process of minimising the effect of these factors is
studied under acoustics of buildings.
Reverberation refers to persistence of sound even after the production of sound
has stopped. A reasonable reverberation time is desirable for appreciating the
richness of musical sound.
1. An object vibrating with frequency of 20 Hz produces 1-D sound waves in
air propagating in positive x-direction. The maximum displacement of air
particles from their respective mean positions is 0.03 m and the distance
between two consecutive compressions is 0.08 m. Write the mathematical
expression representing this sound wave.
2. Determine the frequencies of the fundamental mode and the next two
harmonics that can be set up on a sitar string of length 1.2 m. Take the
speed of waves on the string to be 3.8 u 10 3 ms 1.
3. The intensity level of sound at a place is 40 dB. Calculate the intensity of
sound at that place.
4. Determine the sound intensity level if the intensity changes by a factor of
a) 4, b) 10, c) 10 4.
5. The frequency of the keynote (or the tonic) in a diatonic musical scale is
264 Hz. Calculate the frequencies of the various notes of the scale.
pa dha ni sa