Viner 2018
Viner 2018
Viner 2018
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Cutting-edge research for a greener sustainable future
Accepted Manuscript
This article can be cited before page numbers have been issued, to do this please use: K. Viner, P.
Champagne and P. G. Jessop, Green Chem., 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8GC01695J.
Volume 18 Number 7 7 April 2016 Pages 1821–2242 This is an Accepted Manuscript, which has been through the
Green Royal Society of Chemistry peer review process and has been
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DOI: 10.1039/C8GC01695J
Green Chemistry
ARTICLE Microalgae have long been considered an ideal potential feedstock for the production of biodiesel because of their fast
growth rates, high productivities, and high intracellular lipid content. Conventional extraction methods generally utilize
high pressures, halogenated organic solvents, dried algae, or long extraction periods, leading to high energy/capital costs
to achieve acceptable microalgal lipid yields. For this reason, liquid CO2 has emerged as an innovative, greener extraction
technique that offers the benefits of utilizing a lower pressure (150 bar) and temperature (25 °C), and lower energy/capital
costs than supercritical CO2. However, obtaining complete access to the lipids contained in microalgal slurries continues to
present a significant challenge. This study investigates mechanical and chemical cell disruption techniques, including
ultrasonication, microwave radiation, grinding with liquid N2, osmotic shock, cooling, and freeze-drying, prior to the
extraction of neutral lipids (NL) and free fatty acids (FFA) from Scenedesmus sp. slurries. The highest NL/FFA yield obtained
was roughly 9.6 wt% when microwave radiation was applied, compared to a total NL/FFA yield of 13.2 wt% obtained by
Soxhlet extraction.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
offers advantages compared to Soxhlet extraction and conventional 1,4-butanediamine (TMBDA), rather than examining a more
organic solvent extraction, including higher selectivity for neutral conventional osmotic shock agent such as NaCl. A switchable
lipids (NLs), shorter extraction times, and facile solvent recovery, osmotic shock agent can reversibly change from an organic solvent
while avoiding the need for halogenated organic solvents. to a salt in the presence of carbonated water. This salt is used to
However, this technique does require high pressures to obtain create a super-concentrated brine solution that draws water out of
yields comparable to conventional liquid organic solvent the microalgal cells. Using a conventional salt, there are substantial
extractions. As such, the economical production of FAMEs from downstream costs associated with separation of the salt from
microalgal lipids is strongly limited by the energy and capital costs water, whereas a switchable salt can be reverted to its organic
associated with the lipid extraction approaches currently available. solvent form in the presence of Ar or air without the need for
Liquid CO2 (lCO2) has emerged as an innovative extraction conventional separation techniques.
technique that offers many of the same advantages as scCO2, but at This study provides a comparison of different cell disruption
a lower pressure (15 MPa) and temperature (25 °C), thereby techniques to determine which is the most effective for the overall
2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Algal slurry (20 wt%) aliquots were subjected to 20 mL of 60 % was allowed to seep through. An aliquot (25 mg) of extract was
w/v NaCl in distilled water in a 100 mL beaker. This beaker was diluted in 1 mL of hexanes and placed on the preconditioned
placed on a stir plate overnight. This high concentration of solute cartridge without vacuum. The cartridge was then eluted with three
outside the algal cells has been reported to cause the rupture of the different solvent systems and 3 individual sample fractions were
cell walls. collected. Fraction A collected NLs using 5 mL of 17:3 (v/v)
hexanes:ethyl acetate. Fraction B collected the chlorophyll,
pigments, and other extracted constituents considered not to be
Switchable osmotic shock useful in the production of FAMEs, using 4 mL of 23:1 (v/v)
Algal slurry (20 wt%) aliquots were subjected to 20 mL of 60 % chloroform:methanol. Fraction C collected free fatty acids (FFAs)
w/v TMBDA in distilled water in a 100 mL beaker. Then, CO2 was using 3 mL of 46:1 (v/v) ethyl ether:acetic acid. The fractions were
bubbled through this mixture at ambient laboratory conditions (20 placed on a rotary evaporator to remove residual solvent and
°C, 0.1 MPa) using a gas dispersion tube for 2 h, and placed on a stir allowed to air-dry for 3 h. The weight of each of the three fractions
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 3
found to be most effective as it extracted NL+FFA fractions of and oxidative stabilities (3 minimum) within the ideal range as
9.6±1.5 % compared to a total available NL+FFA yield of 13.2±0.3 %, stated by ASTM D6751 (standard specifications for biodiesel). In this
on a dry mass basis determined by Soxhlet extraction. In other study, for all the FAME profiles obtained, the sum of C16:0, C16:1,
words, this method extracted 73 % of the total extractable C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, and C18:3 accounted for 75-83 % of the total
NLs+FFAs. However, it should be noted that the Soxhlet extraction composition, with the exception of those extracted after
method also extracted far more of the other constituents such as ultrasonication (69 %). The relative FAME proportions varied
phospholipids. The success with microwaves was consistent with a depending on the disruption technique used. For instance, both
study by Lee et al. which reported that microwave radiation FAME profiles for cooling and no cell disruption contained ~82 %
followed by a lipid extraction involving a 1:1 v/v mixture of C16 and C18 carbon chain lengths, but cooling exhibited higher
chloroform and methanol produced the highest lipid extract yield amounts of C16:0, C18:0, C18:2, and C18:3, while no cell disruption
(11 %) from Scenedesmus sp. In our experiments, microwave displayed higher amounts of C16:1 and C18:1. FAME profiles for
radiation with 10 mL of water added to the microalgal slurry gave a extraction using lCO2 and 20 mL of methanol, without prior cell
NL+FFA yield that was roughly double (9.6±1.5 %) that obtained disruption (Figure 2b) and microwave radiation with the addition of
after microwave radiation with the addition of 10 mL of methanol 10 mL of water (Figure 2c) were quite similar. The FAME profiles
to the microalgal slurry (4.4±0.7 %). This was likely because water is confirmed that Scenedesmus sp. is a desirable feedstock containing
a more polar solvent than methanol and microwave radiation heats a high fraction of FAMEs that would be beneficial in biodiesel
polar solvents more effectively. production.
It is also important to note that the FFAs extracted through the
Soxhlet extraction technique is always lower than the
corresponding ones using lCO2 and prior cell disruption methods.
This is because there is very little water and no CO2 during the
Soxhlet extraction technique, but in all other cases the acidity
caused by the combination of water and high-pressure CO2 can
promote acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the esters.
Table 1. Extraction yields obtained after various cell disruption methods.
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
% total FAME composition
% total FAME composition
Figure 2. FAME profiles of Scenedesmus sp. upon a) Soxhlet extraction with a 2:1 v/v mixture of chloroform:methanol,
b) extraction using lCO2 and 20 mL of methanol, without prior cell disruption, and c) microwave radiation with the
addition of 10 mL of water to the microalgal slurry followed by extraction using lCO2 and 20 mL of methanol.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
Fresh vs. frozen microalgae Both the extract yields and percentage of NLs extracted did not
It is common in experimental studies of algae to perform all appear to be substantially different. The fresh and frozen
experiments upon a single batch of algae to avoid batch-to-batch microalgal slurry extracts contained 1.0±0.3 % 1.5±0.4 % of NLs,
variation in lipid content and other properties. However, a single on a dry mass basis, respectively. Therefore, freezing the algae
batch of algae cannot be stored at room temperature over the during storage did not significantly affect the extraction results.
many weeks required for such a study without the algae undergoing
changes. Therefore, the algae batch must be stored in a frozen
state. However, the freezing process could cause some cell
disruption and thereby alter the results of the study. We therefore 7
sought to determine whether extraction tests on algae that had 6
been frozen would have different results from tests on fresh algae
Scenedesmus sp. (fresh and frozen). Liquid CO2 extractions were
conducted at 20 °C for 3 h in the presence of 20 mL of methanol
15 Other and performed in duplicate (n=2). SPE was used to determine the
FFA percentage of NLs, FFAs, and other constituents (Other)
10 recovered in the lCO2 and methanol extract. Error bars are from
NL SPE performed in duplicate (n=2).
Fluorescence microscopy using Nile Red
0 Fluorescence microscopy was used to visually assess whether
Fresh Frozen cell disruption had taken place. Nile Red dye, when in the presence
of a lipid-rich environment, can be intensely fluorescent. When it
Figure 3. Fraction of total extract yield (dry mass) achieved for
encounters polar membrane lipids, it fluoresces a deep red and
Scenedesmus sp. (fresh and frozen). Soxhlet extractions were 27
upon contact with NLs, it exhibits a strong yellow-gold emission.
conducted at 80 °C for 24 h using a 2:1 (v/v) chloroform:methanol
Therefore, yellow fluorescence should only be visible when
and performed in duplicate (n=2). SPE determined the
microalgal cell walls were disrupted prior to the dye application.
percentage of NLs, FFAs, and other constituents (Other)
As can been seen from the images taken prior to all cell
recovered in the Soxhlet extract. Error bars are from SPE
disruption applications (left images in Fig. 5), red autofluorescence
performed in duplicate (n=2).
due to the presence of chlorophyll, deep red fluorescence upon
contact with the polar membrane lipids, and no yellow fluorescence
The total extract yields obtained for fresh and frozen were observed in each of the samples. Thus, the results would
Scenedesmus sp., respectively, were 21±1.0 % and 22.5±0.5 %, on a suggest that storage at -81 °C did not cause substantial cell
dry mass basis. Therefore, freezing Scenedesmus sp. did not disruption. After microwave radiation (Fig. 5d) and grinding
significantly affect the total extract yield. The NL+FFA yield was following freezing with liquid N2 (Fig. 5e), yellow fluorescence was
slightly higher for the sample that had been frozen (13.2±0.6 % vs. detected. Microwave radiation with the addition of 10 mL of water
11.1±1.1 % for fresh), but the difference was similar in magnitude to the microalgal slurry appeared to cause the greatest amount of
to the experimental error. The only significant difference was a cell disruption, which was consistent with the higher extract yields
greater yield of NL from the frozen rather than fresh algae. The measured (Table 1). Grinding following freezing with liquid N2
extract from the fresh microalgal slurry contained 8.2±0.2 % of NLs, appeared to cause the second greatest amount of cell disruption;
on a dry mass basis, while the extract from algae that had been however, after lipid extraction, it displayed the lowest yields of NLs
frozen contained 12.3±0.1 %. This demonstrated that freezing and FFAs (Table 1). These lowered yields could be due to the
Scenedesmus sp. could positively affect the total amount of NLs additional distilled water used for transferring the microalgal slurry
extracted. from one vessel to another, causing increased hinderance in the
mass transfer of the NLs and FFAs during the extraction process.
After freeze-drying, cooling, and switchable osmotic shock (Figures
To further evaluate the effect of freezing the microalgae on 5a, b, f), yellow fluorescence was not observed, which would
lipid extraction and composition, lCO2 extractions and SPEs were suggest that the cell walls were not disrupted enough for the Nile
conducted on both fresh and previously frozen (-81 °C) Red dye to interact with the intracellular NLs.
Scenedesmus sp. (20 wt% slurries). The extract yields obtained Microwave treatment is potentially more economical compared
from the fresh and frozen Scenedesmus sp. slurries, respectively, to conventional thermal treatments because a shorter treatment
were 5.3±0.6 % and 6.0±1.0 %, on a dry mass basis (Figure 4). time is required, it is more energy efficient, and it has lower-
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Figure 5. Fluorescence microscopy images of Scenedesmus sp.
20µm before (left) and after (right) cell disruption: a) freeze-drying, b)
ultrasonication (30%), c) cooling, d) microwave in the presence of
water, e) grinding following freezing with liquid N2, and f)
switchable osmotic shock using Nile Red. Red autofluorescence
20µm indicates presence of chlorophyll and yellow fluorescence indicates
Microwave radiation in the presence of distilled water
exhibited the highest potential for releasing NLs and FFAs from
Scenedesmus sp. prior to extraction using lCO2 and methanol.
All other cell disruption techniques produced extract yields no
greater than that achievable without prior cell disruption.
20µm 20µm Freezing alone was as ineffective as most of the cell disruption
2 2 techniques investigated. Fluorescence microscopy showed
qualitatively that microwave treatment caused the greatest
c) 20µm degree of cell disruption. This was then selected as the
20µm 20
2 pretreatment method of choice that was allowed the highest
extract yields. FAME composition profiles showed that C16 and
C18 made up 69-83 % of the total FAMEs identified, regardless
of the method of cell disruption, indicating that Scenedesmus
sp. could be employed as a valuable feedstock in the
production of biodiesel.
Further experimentation and a life cycle assessment are
required to determine the energy balance for the extraction
with microwave pretreatment and whether similar or better
efficiency could be obtained with conventional heating.
d) Microwave heating is generally more energy efficient than
conventional heating for many applications,29-31 especially at
larger scales.
Overall, these findings regarding the use of cell disruption Morón-Villarreyes, J. A.; Primel, E. G.; Abreu, P. C.
to extract NL/FFA from microalgal slurries can be applied to Production of FAMEs from Several Microalgal Lipidic
the extraction of other compounds and from other organisms, Extracts and Direct Transesterification of the Chlorella
such as glucose from macroalgae for bio-jet fuel production Pyrenoidosa. Biomass and Bioenergy 2011, 35 (4), 1533–
and fatty acids from E. Coli for biodiesel production.
(13) Unterlander, N.; Champagne, P.; Plaxton, W. C.
Lyophilization pretreatment facilitates extraction of soluble
proteins and active enzymes from the oil-accumulating
We thank the Ontario Ministry of Research Innovation – microalga Chlorella vulgaris. Algal Research 2017, 25, 439-
Ontario Research Fund, Natural Sciences and Engineering 444.
Research Council (NSERC), BioFuelNet, and the Canada
(14) Ali, M.; Watson, I. A. Microwave Treatment of Wet Algal
Research Chairs program for their funding support. We also
8 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
34, 75-90.
(30) Barnard, T. M.; Leadbeater, N. E.; Boucher, M. B.; Stencel,
L. M.; Wilhite, B. A. Continuous-flow preparation of
biodiesel using microwave heating. Energy & Fuels 2007,
21, 1777-1781.
(31) Bermúdez, J. M.; Beneroso, D.; Rey-Raap, N.; Arenillas, A.;
Menéndez, J. A. Energy consumption estimation in the
scaling-up of microwave heating processes. Chemical
Engineering and Processing 2015, 95, 1-8.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 9