Conversion of DBM To MW, Veff, VP, VPP

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Conversion of dBm to

mW, Veff, Vp, Vpp Optoelektronik

For sinusoidal signals and for R = 50 Ohm the following tables can be used:

P[dBm] P[µW] Veff[mV] Vp[mV] Vpp[mV]

-20 10.0 22.4 31.6 63.2
-19 12.6 25.1 35.5 71.0
-18 15.8 28.2 39.8 79.6
-17 20.0 31.6 44.7 89.3
-16 25.1 35.4 50.1 100.2
-15 31.6 39.8 56.2 112.5
-14 39.8 44.6 63.1 126.2
-13 50.1 50.1 70.8 141.6
-12 63.1 56.2 79.4 158.9
-11 79.4 63.0 89.1 178.3
-10 100.0 70.7 100.0 200.0
-9 125.9 79.3 112.2 224.4
-8 158.5 89.0 125.9 251.8
-7 199.5 99.9 141.3 282.5
-6 251.2 112.1 158.5 317.0
-5 316.2 125.7 177.8 355.7
-4 398.1 141.1 199.5 399.1
-3 501.2 158.3 223.9 447.7
-2 631.0 177.6 251.2 502.4
-1 794.3 199.3 281.8 563.7
0 1000.0 223.6 316.2 632.5

P[dBm] P[mW] Veff[V] Vp[V] Vpp[V]

0 1.00 0.22 0.32 0.63
1 1.26 0.25 0.35 0.71
2 1.58 0.28 0.40 0.80
3 2.00 0.32 0.45 0.89
4 2.51 0.35 0.50 1.00
5 3.16 0.40 0.56 1.12
6 3.98 0.45 0.63 1.26
7 5.01 0.50 0.71 1.42
8 6.31 0.56 0.79 1.59
9 7.94 0.63 0.89 1.78
10 10.00 0.71 1.00 2.00
11 12.59 0.79 1.12 2.24
12 15.85 0.89 1.26 2.52
13 19.95 1.00 1.41 2.83
14 25.12 1.12 1.58 3.17
15 31.62 1.26 1.78 3.56
16 39.81 1.41 2.00 3.99
17 50.12 1.58 2.24 4.48
18 63.10 1.78 2.51 5.02
19 79.43 1.99 2.82 5.64
20 100.00 2.24 3.16 6.32

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