Lo 4 LST

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Unit of Competence: Lead Small Team

Module Title : Leading Small Team

LG Code : HLT NUA3M16 LO4

TTLM Code : HLT NUA3 TTLM 1212v1

LO4: Supervise team performance

Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #4

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information

regarding the following content coverage and topics:
 Monitoring of performance
 Feedback
 Performance issues
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover
page. Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to:
 Maintained or improved individuals and/or team performance given a
variety of possible scenario
 Assessed and monitored team and individual performance against set criteria
 Represented concerns of a team and individual to next level of management
or appropriate specialist and to negotiate on their behalf
 Allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to individual’s
knowledge, skills and aptitude and the needs of the tasks to be performed
 Set and communicated performance expectations for a range of tasks and
duties within the team and provided feedback to team members

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 6.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 4”. Try to
understand what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you
have hard time understanding them.
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 4” in page__.
5. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can
request your teacher to correct your work. (You are to get the key answer
only after you finished answering the Self-check 4).
6. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training
Information sheet 4 Supervise team performance

Supervision and Team Leadership

Supervising a group of people should be viewed as a great privilege. In this role you and you
alone will determine the motivation and morale of your team. By providing a positive workplace
your people will become positive, this positivism will enrich every aspect of their lives. When
you look at the role of a team leader, the role is to give people the gift of self belief, to believe
that they are valuable and their contribution is worthwhile.
All of the techniques that you will need to use are included here, why not take five minutes and
brows the expertly prepared content rich pages and discover the great leader within.
What is Supervision?
If you talk to a few managers you will quickly find that there are a number of different views on
the role of a supervisor or a team leader. Some of these views focus on what team leaders
actually do rather than focusing on what they should be doing. There is also a variation in what
managers are willing to delegate responsibility to their team leaders for. As a result of this
variation there are three distinct supervision or team leader roles.
Discover the 9 must have Team Leader Capabilities
There are 9 key capabilities that all team leaders must have. These 9 key team leader
are universal capabilities. Once you have these capabilities you will be able to work as a team
leader in any organization or in any industry. Today, you can access, free of charge, a
professionally prepared self assessment for each of these 9 effective leadership skills which can
also be used to assist with your development.
Building a high performing team
There is a strong relationship between your leadership behavior (the things you do with your
time at work) and the performance of your employees.
If you are like most team leaders, you will want to lead a high performing team. A team where
your highly engaged team members continuously strive to achieve higher and higher levels of
So, how do you build a high performing team?
Given that your employee’s performance is directly related to the things you do as a leader, if
you want to build a high performing team all you need to do is focus on doing the things that add
the most value.
To find out about the 7 most effective leadership behaviors
Our coaching and articles are focused on team leader behaviors that result in the development of
empowered high performing teams.
4.1.Monitor team performance
4.1 definition of performance
4.2 performance criteria
4.3 Types of monitoring performance
4.3.1..Formal process
4.3.2.Informal process

4.4 Documentation and reporting

The student will be able to correctly and appropriately document data pertinent to the care of
1. Explain the purposes of documentation in healthcare.
2. Discuss the principles of effective documentation.
3. Describe various methods of documentation.
4. Describe various types of documentation records.
5. Describe the latest advances in computerized documentation.
Documentation is the written or printed record of a clients care; its an essential nursing
responsibility. It is the nurses responsibility that the record remains
Documentation allows continuity of care, gives a way to let other healthcare workers know what
we have done, and is a legal documentation on the client.
6 purposes for documentation
1. Communication
2. legal documentation
3. Financial billing/reimbursement
4. Education
5. Research Audit-monitoring/quality assurance
Documentation needs to be CC FLAT
 Concise
 Complete
 Factual
 Legible
 Accurate
 Timely (current)
5 different documentation systems
1. Narrative- chronological account of client’s care & response to care
2. Problem-oriented structure that emphasizes the clients identified problems and progress
3. Charting by exception(CBE)- requires only deviations from baseline
4. Problem-intervention evaluation (PIE)- organizes information according to the clients
5. Electronic charting-newer method of documenting client care
○Narrative documentation
 More traditional method of charting
 In story like format
 What you hear, observe, inspect, do, or teach
 Can use descriptive phrases
 Can explain in detail
 -use narrative when something goes wrong, during a code trauma’s in the ER. etc
4.5 .Feedback
4.5.1.Formal process
4.5.2.Informal proc

Self Check 4 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided
in the next page:

I- Essay: Explain briefly

1. Explain briefly what is Supervision? (5pts.)

2. How do you build a high performing team? (5pts.)

Note: Satisfactory rating above- 5 points Unsatisfactory below- 5 points

You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet
Name: _______________________Date: ________
I- Essay:

Score ___________

Rating ____________

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