Architecture Assignment 1

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Computer Architecture

Assignment No #01
Submitted By:
 Muhammad Soban Rasheed
Roll Number:
 FA20-BCS-020
Submitted To:
 Sir Bicktash Ali Jehangir
 BCS ‘4A’
1) What is the distinction between computer architecture and computer

Computer Architecture Computer Organization:

 The science and art of designing,  Computer organization is defined as

selecting and interconnecting fundamental design of
hardware components and designing microprocessor. It includes all the
the hardware/software interface to technologies, resources and methods
create a computer system that meets in which the microprocessor is
functional, performance, energy physically designed in order to
consumption, cost and other specific execute a specific instruction.
 Computer Organization consists of
 Computer Architecture consists of physical units like circuit designs,
logical functions such as instruction peripherals, and adder etc.
sets, registers, data types, and
addressing modes etc.  Computer Organization is also known
as Microarchitecture.
 Computer Architecture is also known
as ISA (Instruction set Architecture).

2) Define and differentiate between structure and function of a computer system

 Computer Structure:

The Structure Defines the Overall look of the system. The computer Structure deals with the hardware


The Way in which components are interrelated.

 Computer Functions:

The computer functions define who computer system work in practical. The computer functions deal
with computers software.


The Operation of each individual components as part of computer.

3) What is an IAS computer?

Ans: ISA stands for (Instruction set Architecture). IAS computers the model for a class of computing
machine was designed by von Neumann. These computer was based on stored program. Stored
programs means A computer which stores its program in memory, like it stores data. Instruction are
read from memory and executed.

4) What are the features of an IAS computer?

Ans: The Features of IAS computers are as follow:

 In IAS computer same memory is used to store both data and instruction.
 Program can be executed in an written instruction.
 In IAS a program can modify itself when computer executes the programs.
 In IAS Instruction are 20 bit long.

5) Explain the structure of an IAS computer.

Ans: The IAS Cpu consists of:

 Input
 Cpu (central processing unit )
 ALU (Arthimatic and logic unit)
 Control unit
 Memory Unit
 Output

 Input device:

Used to enter data into a computer for processing

Example: Keyboard, Mouse etc.

 CPU (Central Processing unit):

It is the cpu who performs all the types of data processing units. It store data, Instruction or programs.
Basically it Control all the parts of computer. It is also known as Brain of computer.

 ALU (Arthimatic and Logic unit):

It Performs Arthimatic and logic operation. Some time it is divided into two parts:

 AU (Arthimatic unit)
 Lu (Logic Unit)
 Control unit:

 CU (Control unit):

It is a component of cpu who direct the operation of the processor. It tell computer memory, ALU, I/O,
O/P device how to respond to the instruction that has been sent to the processor. Most of computer
resources are managed by control unit due to its timing and control signals.

 Memory unit:

In this architecture we need memory unit to store instruction and data at the time of programs
executions. Memory to cpu is an important data transferring path. The amount of information which can
be transferred between cpu and memory depends on bus connecting them.

6) Define and explain the categories of an IAS computer instruction set.

Ans: The IAS machine is a machine with 4096 words, each 40 bits wide. A machine instruction consists
of an 8-bit opcode followed by 12 bits operand.

 Memory buffer register (MBR)

• Contains a word to be store in memory

• sent to the I/O unit

• Used to receive a word from memory and I/O unit.

• Specifies the address in memory of the word to be written from or read into the MBR.

• Instruction register(IR)

• Contain opcode of instruction to be executed

• Instruction buffer register (IBR)

• Employ to hold temporarily instruction

• Program Counter(PC)

• Contain a address of the next instruction to be executed and to be fetched from


• Accumulator(AC) and multiplier quotient (MQ)

• Employ to hold temporarily operands and results of ALU operations

7) What are the basic functions of a digital computer?

Ans: The Basic Functions of digital computer are as follow:

 Main Memory
 Arthimetic and logic unit
 Control Unit
 Input and output unit

The input output unit make the I/o unit. To generate the output the cpu performs the calculations and
processing is been supplied to data. The data, instruction, and output all information are stored in an

8) What are the characteristics of a family of compatible computers?

Ans: The characteristics of family compatible computer are as follow:

Similar Machine instruction:

 The same set of machine instructions is supported on all members of the family. Thus, a
program that executes on one machine will also execute on any other.

Operating System is Similar:

 The operating System is available for all family members.

Increase Memory Size:

 The rate of instruction execution increases in going from lower to higher as increasing of family

9) Difference between RISC and CISC.

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set computer) CISC (complex instruction set computer)
 Less Number of Instruction  Large Number of Instruction

 Less Number of Addressing mode  Large Number of Addressing mode

 Less costly  More costly as compared to RISC

 Less powerful as compared to cisc  More powerful as compared to RISC

 Single Cycle instruction

 Serval Cycle instruction

 Only with register

 Manipulation Directly with Memory

ARM , Fugaku etc.
Motorola 6800, intel 8080 etc.

10) Difference between microprocessors and microcontrollers?


 A chip that performs instructions and task in volved in computer system.

 Performs multiple task and has high clock speed.

 Consume more power

 Memory , I/O port etc are connected to Cpu Externally


Used in Personal computer and Laptops Etc.


 A integrated circuit designed for specific operation in an embedded System

 Performs single task and has low clock speed

 Consume Less power as compared to microprocessor

 Cpu and all other Elements are connected in a chip or board


Used in Microwave oven and Washing Machine etc.

11) What is x86 architecture? Explain its evolution.

Ans: X86 Architecture:

X86 is an family set Architectures for computer processor developed by the intel. It refers to the way a
computer processor handle information. When it was started out it was 16 bits instruction set for 16 bits
processor. Whereas many extensions Was been added to x86 where it grew Upto the 32 bit instruction
set. Today x86 is generally refer to any 32 bits processor compatible with x86 instruction set. X86 can
runs on any desktop, laptop, notebooks to supercomputer.


Intel 80286: Intel Pentium:

Year: 1982 Year: 1992/93

MAX frequency: 25 Mhz MAX frequency: 200 Mhz
Number of transistor: 134,000 Number of transistor: 3,300.000
Number of core: 01 Number of core: 01

Intel Pentium 2: Intel Pentium III:

Year: 1997 Year: 1998

MAX frequency: 450 Mhz MAX frequency: 1400 Mhz
Number of transistor: 19,000,000 Number of transistor: 28,000,000
Number of core: 01 Socket: 01 / SK370
Socket : 01 Number of core: 01

Intel Pentium IV: Intel Core 2 duo:

Year: 2000 Year: 2006

MAX frequency: 3400 Mhz MAX frequency: 3200 Mhz
Number of transistor: 125,000,000 Number of transistor: 28,000,000
Socket: SK478 Socket: SK775
Number of core: 01 Number of core: 02

Intel Core 2 duo:

Year: 2007
MAX frequency: 3200 Mhz
Number of transistor: 800,000,000
Socket: SK775
Number of core: 04

The technology of x86 has change dramatically over the decade. The Best thing of x86 architecture was
that any program written on older version can run on new version. The x86 architecture has great
illustrations for computer hardware over the past 30 years.

12) What are embedded systems?

Ans: Embedded System are also known as Embedded computers. They are special purpose computer
custom build to serve a specific purpose. An embedded system is a microprocessor based computers
hardware system with software that is designed to perform a dedicated function, either as an
independent system or as a part of a large scale system. At the core is an integrated circuit designed to
carry out computation for real time operations. Almost 98% of all microprocessors manufactured are
used in the embedded systems.

Example: Calculator for only calculation, Cameras for taking pictures etc.

13) What is IoT?

Ans: IOT (Internet of things):

IOT Stands for Internet of Thing. It is network of physical objects that are fitted with sensors software
and other technologies.

The internet of things (IoT) is a catches all term for the growing number of electronics that are not
traditional computing devices, but are connected to the internet to send data, receive instructions or
Internet of things are of three categories:

 Sensors that collect information and then send it.

 Computers that receive information and then act on it.

 Things that can do both.

Examples: Ac that we control with remote , Smart watch that caught all our daily activities , traffic signal

14) What is cloud computing?

Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing refer to online domain delivery over the internet ..We use cloud computing instead of
local storage device because Cloud Computer allows you to pay how much you use. Cloud Computing
allows your data to be more secure.


 Costs
 Speed
 Productivity
 Global Scale
 Performance
 Reliability
 Security

Example: Google drive, iCloud etc.

15) What is the key distinguishing feature of a microprocessor?

Ans: The key features of microprocessor are as follow:

Cost-Effective: The microchip chips are accessible at low costs and result in low expense.

Size: The microchip is of little size chip consequently is compact.

Low Power Consumption: Microprocessors are made by utilizing metal-oxide-semiconductor
innovation which has low power utilization.

Flexibility: The microchips region unit is adaptable as we will utilize a comparative give assortment of
uses by designing the code program.

Reliability: The disappointment pace of an IC in microchips is extremely low, thus it is dependable.


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