SITXFSA008 - Student Guide
SITXFSA008 - Student Guide
SITXFSA008 - Student Guide
develop and
implement a food
safety program
Student Guide SITXFSA008 - Develop and implement a food safety program
1: Introduction 7
2: Assess business needs 13
3: Develop a food safety program 25
4: Implement the food safety program 33
5: Monitor, assess and improve the program 35
Chef’s Toolbox 40
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop,
implement, and evaluate a food safety program for all stages in the food production process –
including receipt, storage, preparation, service, and disposal of food. It requires the ability to
determine program requirements and prepare policies and procedures for other personnel to follow.
The unit applies to all organisations with permanent or temporary kitchen premises or smaller food
preparation areas.
This includes restaurants, cafes, clubs, and hotels; tour operators; attractions; function, event,
exhibition and conference catering; educational institutions; aged care facilities; correctional
centres; hospitals; defence forces; cafeterias, kiosks, canteens, and fast food outlets; residential
catering; in-flight and other transport catering.
A food safety program would most commonly be based on the hazard analysis and critical control
points (HACCP) method, but this unit can apply to other food safety systems.
It applies to senior personnel who work independently and who are responsible for making strategic
decisions on establishing and monitoring risk control systems for food related hazards. This could
include chefs, kitchen managers, catering managers, fast food store managers, and owner-
operators of small business catering operations or retail food outlets.
In some States and Territories, businesses are required to designate a food safety supervisor who
is required to be certified as competent in one or more designated units of competency through a
registered training organisation.
Food safety legislative and knowledge requirements may differ across borders. Those developing
training to support this unit must consult the relevant state or territory food safety authority to
determine any accreditation arrangements for courses, trainers, and assessors.
SITXFSA005 - Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXFSA006 - Participate in safe food handling practices
Learning goals
• Assess areas of the organisation that impact food safety.
• Look at food handling and preparation processes to identify any food hazards.
• Assess current product specifications for food items prepared and sold.
• Develop and record product specifications for food items prepared and sold.
• Maintain documentation.
• Regularly review programs, policies, procedures, and monitoring systems in consultation with
• Identify and act on additional training needs based on changes to food safety practices.
Fact Sheets
• Fact Sheet 1 - Following Hygienic Work Practices
Overlap alert
Learners may already be familiar with the following concepts:
• food labelling
You might consider a brief refresher with an emphasis on applying the existing knowledge and
skills in the context of receiving, storing and maintaining stock.
1: Introduction
What is a food safety program and why is it needed?
A food safety program is a process of identifying food safety hazards and developing a plan to control
or eliminate those hazards. Most food safety programs follow the HACCP principles. HACCP stands
for ‘Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points’ and consists of seven principles:
HACCP was originally developed in the 1960s by NASA and a group of food safety specialists. It is
now a widely accepted process that can be applied to the food production process – including receipt,
storage, preparation, service, and disposal of food. It is used to manage food safety to ensure that
food is safe to eat.
It is a legal requirement under Standard 3.2.1. of the Food Standards Code that businesses have a
food safety program based on the HACCP principles. Standard 3.2.1. of the Food Standards Code
“States and Territories to require food businesses to implement a food safety program based upon
the HACCP concepts. The food safety program is to be implemented and reviewed by the food
business, and is subject to periodic audit by a suitably qualified food safety auditor.”
Food businesses must have a Food Safety Plan as part of their Food Safety Program. This includes
documented evidence that:
• all food preparation steps and activities have been assessed to identify any potential hazards,
• when an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) audits the business, they will review the Food
Safety Program and all associated records.
• labelling,
• food safety,
• hygiene, and
To learn more about Food Standards ANZ watch the video below.
Video: (02:09)
If you have already visited this link, you can move on or review it to refresh your memory.
In a small group, look up legislation and food safety standards. Discuss the main purpose of these
laws and regulations.
Your trainer will facilitate the discussion.
Types of hazards
Food hazards are hazards that can cause food to become unsafe to eat. This is due to the food
becoming contaminated.
Meaning of ‘contaminant’
‘Contaminant’ refers to any biological, chemical agent or foreign matter, or other substance that may
compromise food safety or its suitability.
Meaning of ‘contamination’
‘Contamination’ means the introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food.
Staphylococcus aureus Skin, hair, nose, and throats of Flour confection, milk and its
humans and animals products, egg products, ham and
ready-to-eat foods (such as cooked
food, sandwiches, and sushi)
Listeria monocytogenes Soil, faeces of humans and Raw milk, soft cheese, poultry, meat
animals, sewage, and grease and cold dishes (such as salad,
coleslaw, and sandwiches)
Norwalk-like virus Sewage and shellfish Salad, raw vegetables, and shellfish
(such as oysters)
• Stones • Pests
Ideal temperatures
The following table lists the ideal temperatures for areas within the production process:
Freezer -18°C
Food production Never allow food to enter the danger zone (20 – 45°C)
Food display Keep hot food above 65°C and cool food below 5°C
Cooling processed Cool cooked food from 60°C to 20°C over two hours, and then to 5°C or
food below over the next four hours
Transporting Keep hot food above 65°C and cool food below 5°C
Before developing a food safety program, you must review your current business processes, policies,
and procedures, as well as your current food safety plan (to determine its effectiveness at controlling
or eliminating the hazards).
HACCP method
When creating a food safety program, follow these 12 steps (which include the seven HACCP
When developing a food safety plan, there are some basic requirements or activities that you must
include – such as:
Learn more about HACCP and creating a HACCP plan from Tentamus Group.
Video: (02:19)
Cleaning process:
• Pre-clean utensils and crockery by scraping off food scraps into waste bins, and rinse with water.
• Wash with hot water and detergent to remove grease and food residue (soak if needed).
Sanitising process:
• Options include:
o soak items in very hot water (above 75℃ for 30 sec) or diluted bleach
• Air-dry items.
• Where possible, remove equipment parts (like stab mixer sticks and slicer blades) when
sanitising for best results.
• For cold water, use 100 ppm chlorine (add 10 ml commercial bleach to 10L of water).
• For warm water, use 50 ppm chlorine (add 5 ml commercial bleach to 10L water).
• Maintain contact time, which is typically 10–30 seconds – but always check the manufacturer’s
• Scrape or rinse off excess food before placing items in the dishwasher.
• Place items in such a way that water can reach all surfaces.
• Use the longest, hottest cycle (or the program designed for sanitation).
• Check that all items are clean and dry when the cycle ends.
Personal hygiene
Food handlers have a responsibility to maintain personal hygiene practices – such as hand-washing,
wearing clean clothes and PPE, and maintaining good personal hygiene practices. Food supervisors
and management must supervise and manage staff – as well as provide training, support, and posters
to educate staff around the kitchen. This will ensure that everyone practices good hygiene.
To maintain good personal hygiene, you must:
• wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling food and frequently during work:
• never smoke, chew gum, spit, change a baby’s nappy, or eat in a food handling or food storage
• completely cover all cuts and wounds with a wound strip or bandage:
o Use blue-coloured waterproof bandages, which are recommended for visibility.
o Wear disposable gloves over the top of the wound strip, if you have wounds on your hands.
• advise your supervisor if you feel unwell and don’t handle food:
o Never cough or sneeze over food or where food is being prepared or stored.
Pest control
Regular pest inspections must be conducted and recorded by staff through stock maintenance
procedures, as well as professional pest inspections and reports.
Your business must:
• have appropriate requirements for screens and eliminate cracks, holes, and dampness – to keep
vermin out of premises.
• keep areas clean through a cleaning schedule. If something is not clean – for example, if there is
a flour spill on the floor – it must be cleaned immediately.
• maintain and clean rubbish bins regularly, as they can cause health and hygiene issues, attract
vermin, and create bad smells.
• check stores regularly for any signs of pests – such as droppings, holes in packaging, and animal
smells and sounds.
To reduce the risk of pests, make sure that you:
• check that all windows and doors have intact insect screens
Waste disposal
Any contaminated food must be disposed of immediately, so that it does not spread spores that will
increase the probability of food contamination in the same area. Mould and yeast will also
contaminate foods. You must prevent spores from these microorganisms from spreading from one
food to another. It is also important to empty, clean, and sanitise internal bins nightly (and outside bins
Staff training
You must conduct staff training to help food handlers gain a better understanding of how food can
become contaminated, as well as how they can avoid foodborne illnesses through proper food
handling procedures.
Each food business must decide what training their food handlers need. They do this by identifying
the areas of their work most likely to affect food hygiene and safety. All staff must then understand the
business’ policies and procedures to ensure that they can comply with them.
Some examples of staff training for food safety include the:
• proper ways of using equipment – such as how to calibrate a thermometer and knowledge of
handling, cooking, and storage equipment.
Some examples of food hygiene training could include developing skills and knowledge around:
• pest control.
Businesses should identify the training needs of each staff member and keep the training records of
those individual staff members. Training needs should be reviewed regularly and should be assessed
against roles and responsibilities, existing skills, experience, and previous training.
Food storage
Incorrectly stored food can spoil or become contaminated, which can then cause illness. The process
of taking delivery of stock and appropriately storing, rotating and maintaining the quality of stocked
items in optimal conditions minimises wastage and avoids food contamination.
Learn more about temperature checks and the tolerance for safe handling by watching the
following video.
Video: (10:25)
If you have already completed this activity, you do not need to do it again.
Customer complaints
You must be careful and receptive in your approach to customer complaints. They can help address
any possible gaps during food preparation or in your food safety program. Investigate complaints
thoroughly and seriously, and make adjustments to your policies and procedures as required.
• record the complaint in detail – including the date, problem identified, customer details and steps
taken to resolve the issue; and
Equipment maintenance
It is important to have regularly scheduled maintenance of your equipment, to ensure that it is in good
working order. You should also make sure that equipment is clean, sanitised, and used in the safe
manner instructed by the manufacturer.
• any chemicals or pest control are safe for food handling areas,
• procedures and policies associated with pests and chemicals are in place,
Cleaning – Removes food scraps, dirt, and grease. This is generally done by washing with
hot water and detergent, and then rinsing.
Sanitising – Kills bacteria and microorganisms, usually with very hot water, alcohol,
bleach, or commercial sanitiser. This is best done using a commercial dishwasher.
• staff who work in the kitchen and are aware of the hazards and food handling procedures
• procurement team members who know the suppliers that have not had any returns due to
contamination, damage, or temperature issues
• team meetings
• surveys
• suggestion boxes
• information sessions
• training sessions
• signs
When creating the food safety plan, you need to implement a HACCP team. They will ensure that it is:
• implemented,
• monitored,
• Managers or heads of departments who ensure that the food safety program is created and
maintained. They receive progress and update reports from the food safety team leader.
• The procurement team who purchase supplies. They must keep an up-to-date record of the
suppliers. All suppliers must comply with food standards and have a food safety program. Their
role also consists of mitigating risk and evaluating the risks and quality of products received.
They may have an approved supplier list and an unqualified supplier record for suppliers who
breach quality expectations – such as via contamination, damage, or product outside of
temperature safe zones.
Each step is then identified as a CCP, and hazards need to be identified from each CCP. You may
identify additional steps during the verification process that need to be added. The verification process
could be as simple as observing the processes within the back of house and in consultation with staff
and management.
Learn more about process flow diagrams from the Food Standards Agency.
If you have already visited this link, you can move on or review it to refresh your memory.
In a small group, create a process flow chart that would be typical for a food business. Share your
results with the class.
Your trainer will facilitate the discussion by giving an example. Discuss why flow charts are an
important process in the HACCP.
• recording temperatures
The above standards need to have accompanying policies and procedures within the food safety
program to ensure that you are compliant with the standards.
In a small group, review a hand washing procedure. Decide what legislation, regulation, or part of
the food safety program the procedure would fit into and why.
Your trainer will facilitate the discussion by giving an example. Discuss the importance of policies
and procedures to assist in assessing the food safety plan and business’ food safety needs.
After you have put together the HACCP team, created the process flow chart, and identified the
products that your business produces, you need to identify the potential hazards in the business by
conducting a hazard analysis.
Hazard analysis
The process of hazard analysis identifies any potential hazards through risk analysis of the food
premises and production process. It determines the means for those hazards to be controlled or
Once a hazard has been identified, preventive measures and control/critical limits need to be set.
When a product is under these limits, it is still safe. If it goes over the limit, it is no longer safe. A
hazard analysis also states ways to monitor hazards and contingencies, as well as corrective actions
that can be taken with each identified hazard. If a hazard exceeds the control limit, it states what the
process is to dispose of it or correct it.
Accurate records are a legal
requirement. The records must
demonstrate the identified hazards,
any actions taken, as well as the
monitoring processes – such as
additional supporting documents.
These include:
• temperature logs
• waste reports
• receipt,
• storage,
• display,
• packaging, and
• transportation.
The following table lists potential methods of control for common CCPs in a food production business.
• Labelling correctly
• Checking temperature
• Maintaining equipment
Thawing frozen food • Defrosting in a sealed, covered, and airtight container in a separate
section of the coolroom
Preparing food • Cleaning and sanitising food preparation areas and equipment
Cooling and freezing • Cooling food from 60°C to 21°C within two hours, and then to 5°C or
food colder within the next four hours
Serving and • Cleaning and sanitising food equipment and display areas
displaying food
• Labelling correctly
• Disposing of hot food if it gets below 60°C for more than four hours
• Disposing of cool food if it gets above 5°C for more than four hours
• Checking temperature
In a small group, conduct a hazard analysis and identify CCPs. From one of the hazards, develop a
control measure and create corrective and monitoring processes for the hazard.
Your trainer will provide an example and a template to complete this activity.
Monitoring procedures
Monitoring control limits will ensure that any hazard that has reached its critical limit can be identified.
This will allow corrective actions to be taken before the product becomes unsafe. Methods should be
as simple as possible.
Examples of monitoring procedures could include, but are not limited to:
• ensuring that cooking temperature and time are outside the danger zone
Corrective actions
Contingencies are backup plans. For every identified potential hazard, you must create a plan on how
to correct that hazard if and when it happens.
These are actions that are taken to correct or control identified hazards. They must be recorded and
evaluated to ensure effectiveness.
Your food safety program needs to be evaluated to make sure that it works – covering all potential
food hazards and risks – and is compliant with the relevant laws and regulations. Evaluations can be
done formally or informally.
• Informal evaluations would be staff and the food safety team reviewing processes – providing
input and ideas to improve the program.
• Audit reports – The process of conducting regular audits to ensure that the food safety
management system complies with relevant laws and regulations and is effective in ensuring that
food is safe to eat.
• Audit tables – These provide a more detailed description of each section of the audit report.
• Customer complaint forms – These allow you to identify errors in the control process and
revaluate those areas within the food safety program.
• Food flow diagrams – These show each step in the process of producing food. This helps you
to identify points that could be potentially hazardous and create both controls and preventive
measures for each step.
• Food production records - These state the ingredients and equipment needed, any special
considerations (such as allergen), and preparation and cooking requirements. They are
procedures for how to create dishes in a safe manner, which will generate the same outcome
every time.
• Hazard analysis tables – These are used to regulate how you will control each of your Critical
Control Points. For each CCP, you will need to determine and document:
o the critical limit,
o how you will monitor it,
o what to do if you exceed the critical limit, and
o how you will record your CCP findings.
• Incident reports – These allow you to identify areas in the food safety program that are not
under control and need to have corrective measures and monitoring processes created.
• Hazard control monitoring records – These are used to document the process of food safety
within the business. They ensure that all staff are following the food safety program and that
preventative measures for all critical control points are being followed. They include:
o any record required by local legislation,
o illness register,
o list of suppliers,
o temperature control data, and
o training logs.
• Verification records – These are the processes that identify if the food safety program is
working. They test the effectiveness of the control measures and identify areas that need
In a small group, complete Section 6 (Hazard Audit Table) from the Food Safety Program Template
provided in the student resources.
Choose one CCP and identify three potential hazards. For the hazards, complete the:
• control measures
• critical limits
• monitoring procedures
• corrective actions
• verification procedures
• supporting programs.
Your trainer will provide an example and the template to complete the activity.
• children or babies
• pregnant women
• aged persons
In a small group, discuss experiences of when an audit was conducted at your business and what
happened during the audit.
Your trainer will facilitate the discussion by giving an example.
Breach consequences
If an Environmental Health Officer finds that your business is in breach of food safety laws and
regulations, they can:
• give a verbal or written warning to correct the issue and arrange another inspection;
• provide an improvement or infringement notice (where the business must pay a fine and fix the
• suspend or cancel the licence (where the business closes and needs to correct the issue before
it can re-open or apply for another licence); or
To learn more about developing a food safety program and some examples of a food safety
program, visit:
General Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of a Food Safety Program – NSW
Food Authority.
Food Safety Quality Management System – International Food Safety & Quality Network.
Sample Food Safety Plan – Rhode Island Department of Health.
How to implement a food safety system – Hygiene Food Safety.
How to implement a Food Safety Plan – Centre for Food Safety.
If you have already visited these links, you can move on or review them to refresh your memory.
Having developed a food safety program, you now need to implement it. You will need to:
• communicate the food safety program, policies, procedures, and support documentation to all
relevant staff;
• monitor and manage the program to ensure that it is working and correct any issues identified.
All staff must be informed about the food safety program
– as well as the support programs, documentation,
policies, and procedures associated with it. The staff
completing the tasks will be able to provide input on the
food safety program’s processes and assist in ensuring
that implemented program works.
Methods to communicate changes or new systems
could include, but are not limited to:
• staff training
• team meetings
• emails
Staff training
Supervisors and/or managers should identify if there are any gaps in staff knowledge and skills, and
review feedback from customers and other staff. Staff must be trained and have the skills and
knowledge to provide safe food handling practices.
Training records must be kept for each staff member, and if unsafe practices are identified, the staff
member must be trained correctly. This will ensure that the food safety program is followed and food
is safe for consumption.
Managing incidents
If an incident occurs, it needs to be evaluated to identify if it was due to:
• a breach in compliance, or
• something being missed during the development process of the food safety program.
Depending on the findings, the issue must be corrected and documented.
Corrective actions
It is the responsibility of the food safety team to correct any breach or incident within the food safety
program. The food safety program will state the process that must be taken when an incident occurs.
All corrective actions taken must be documented as part of the document management and
improvement process.
Examples of corrective actions could be to:
• Reheat the food until its core temperature reaches at least 75°C for 30 seconds (if the cooking
temperature was inadequate).
• Maintain monitoring records – such as temperature records of the freezer – to help assess if
preventive measures are satisfactory and efficient.
Document management
All records must be kept up to date and be an accurate reflection of the food safety program as
required by law. Any hazards, preventive measures, critical/control limits, corrective actions, and
monitoring processes – as well as policies and procedures relevant to food safety – must be kept
together and provided to the Environmental Health Officer during audits and inspections.
Once you have your food safety program approved, the local council will set an audit schedule. This is
when you can get a third-party auditor to inspect and audit your food safety program. They will
provide you with a report that can then be provided to your local council.
Audits ensure that your food safety program complies with the required legislation and ensures that
food does not become unsafe or unsuitable to consume. Different types include internal, third-party,
and government audits.
Environmental Health Officers are part of the local council. Their role is to inspect businesses to
ensure that they are conducting safe food practices and complying with the Food Safety Act 2006 and
the standards of the Food Standards Australia & New Zealand Act 1991.
The local government may also investigate breaches reported by customers and conduct audits of a
business. For new businesses, this is usually done twice a year. Subsequent audits can then be done
more often (up to four times a year) or less often, depending on the results of the initial audit.
You have developed and implemented the food safety program. Now you need to monitor, assess,
and improve the program where required:
• Review policies and procedures, product specifications, monitoring systems, and record-keeping
processes (updating as required).
• Identify and organise additional training requirements needed, based on the changes made.
To ensure that your food safety program is working, you should perform a methodical and regular
check, such as a self-inspection checklist, once a week. Having a checklist will assist you to
determine areas in your process that require improvements. The food safety program should also be
reviewed at least once a year, as processes and or products may change. If a monitoring procedure
reveals a loss of control, you must take corrective actions immediately.
• temperature logs
• cleaning schedules
• cleaning checklists
• risk analysis
• stock inventory
• labelling
• incident reports
• Bacterial swabs and counting – Swabbing can be done by the business or food environmental
officer to determine the number of bacteria or microorganisms present. It can be done on food
preparation surfaces, equipment, and utensils. It is used to see if the cleaning and sanitisation
are working.
• Checking and recording that food is stored for appropriate timeframes – Monitoring
deliveries and checking temperatures of all incoming chilled and frozen foods. This will ensure
that they are within temperature tolerances and that items are placed into storage quickly.
Temperature, date, time of arrival, time completed, and any corrective actions needed should be
recorded on the receipt of goods forms.
• Chemical tests – Testing to determine the safety of food products. There are many types of
tests, with some being advanced and costly.
• Using many different thermometers – Ensuring that the temperature recordings are correct
(on the refrigerator, probe, and digital displays). Thermometers should be calibrated regularly to
ensure that they are working correctly and replaced if not working correctly.
• Monitoring and recording temperature of cold and hot storage equipment – Checking that
both hot and cold storage temperatures are correct and recorded. ‘Hot’ must be above 60°C and
‘cold’ must be below 5°C.
• Examining received goods for quality on arrival – Includes checking stores regularly for any
food spoilage. Ensure that the FIFO principle is being used, labels are correct, areas are clean,
and storage is at optimum conditions.
• Checking food during preparation – Ensuring quality before presenting to the customer.
• Disposing of spoiled or contaminated food – Throwing away and recording on waste record
Support programs
Support programs are those designed to assist with monitoring the CCPs and identified hazards.
They are usually associated with policies and/or procedures.
Support programs for the food safety program can include:
• Approved supplier program – Includes policies and procedures, such as approved supplier
records, unqualified supplier records, purchasing records, and receiving temperature logs.
• Good food handling practices – Includes policies and procedures, such as personal hygiene
policy, hand washing practices, no-touch techniques, and use of colour coding equipment and
• Cleaning and sanitation – Includes cleaning schedules and checklists, use of food safety
chemicals, staff training, and use of chemicals.
• Pest control program – Includes pest inspection reports and pest control records.
• Personal hygiene program – Includes policies and procedures for unwell employees, dress
standards, personal hygiene checklists, and hand washing.
• Staff training program – Includes training records, and implementing staff training for new
policies and procedures.
• Calibration program – Includes regular checks of thermometers to ensure that temperature logs
are correct.
• Food storage program – Includes the FIFO principle, labelling, stock control, maintenance and
cleaning schedules, pest inspections, and food spoilage waste reports.
• Temperature control – Includes use of temperature logs, thermometer calibration, not overfilling
fridges/coolrooms and freezers, and stock control.
• Waste control – Includes cleaning schedules, waste reports, the FIFO principle, labelling, and
pest inspections.
• Handling customer complaints – Includes the process to handle complaints and corrective
action procedures.
In a small group, create a support program for one of the hazards identified in Section 6 of the
Food Safety Program Template. Support programs can be in the form of a procedure or a form for
staff to complete to monitor the identified hazard.
Your trainer will provide an example and the template to complete the activity.
Now it’s time to put together everything you have learned in this unit and develop a food safety
program. Complete the activity below.
Your trainer will now spend some time making sure that you are ready for assessment. They will
walk you through all the steps of creating a complete food safety program, which you will do as part
of your assessment.
Make sure that you are comfortable with the following steps:
• 4-hour/2-hour storage rule means the temperature control specified in the Food Standards
Code. Where potentially hazardous ready-to-eat food has been kept between 5°C and 60°C
o up to 2 hours – it can be refrigerated or used immediately;
o between 2 and 4 hours – it must be used immediately; and
o 4 hours or more – it must be disposed of.
• Allergen means a naturally occurring substance within a food that might cause an abnormal
immune response in a susceptible person.
• Cleaning means removing visible contamination – such as food waste, dirt, and grease from a
surface (usually with water and detergent).
• Cook chill ‒ Extended Shelf Life (ESL) means food that is given a cooking process of 90°C
for 10 minutes. This process provides a refrigerated shelf life of more than 10 days.
• Cook chill ‒ Short Shelf Life (SSL) means a food given a cooking process of 70°C for 2
minutes. This process provides a refrigerated shelf life of no more than 10 days at ≤ 5°C,
including the days of production and consumption.
• Food Standards Code means the Australian & New Zealand Food Standards Code – the
requirements that control the composition, level of contaminants, and labelling of the food
• Potentially hazardous food means food that has to be kept at certain temperatures to
minimise the growth of any pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in the food, or
prevent the formation of toxins in the food, including:
o raw and cooked meats, or foods containing raw or cooked meat;
o dairy products and foods containing dairy products;
o seafood and foods containing seafood;
o processed fruits and vegetables;
o cooked rice and pasta; and
o foods containing eggs, beans, or other protein-rich foods.
• Process means the activity to prepare food for sale – including chopping, cooking, drying,
fermenting, heating, pasteurising, thawing and washing, or a combination of these activities.
• Ready-to-eat means food that is ready for consumption, but includes food that may be
reheated, portioned, or garnished or food that undergoes similar finishing before service.
• Shelf life means the length of time up to which food remains safe and suitable for
• Shelf-stable means non-perishable food with a shelf life of many months (or even years). It
refers to unopened canned, bottled, or packaged food products that can be stored before
opening at room temperature. These foods may require refrigeration after opening.
• Vulnerable person means a person who is in care in a facility or a client of a delivered meals
Chef’s Toolbox
Use these pages to record recipes, tips and useful resources to add to your Fact Sheets so, at the
end of your course, you have a set of references that you can take with you into the workforce.