MKT470 Term Paper - Final
MKT470 Term Paper - Final
MKT470 Term Paper - Final
Submitted To
Submitted By
Shah Nafis Ahammed 1931064030
Reeti Biswas 1921410030
Md. Nabid Adnan Bin Anwar 1921435630
Raisa Reaz 1921809030
Md. Ashikur Rahman 1921884030
A) Independent Variable: Type of cream (Our new product and competitor's product)
B) Moderator Variable: Age
C) Dependent Variable: Effectiveness of cream based on skin elasticity and firmness.
After usage, a total of 5 questions were delivered to both of the groups to find out the consumer
preference, using a 5-point Likert scale for measurement. Additionally, for reference we showed them
the packaging of both creams to see if "Insight Experience " manipulates the results or not.
The 5 questions we provided were used to scale the participant's perceptions of Neutrogena.
In an attempt to check if the manipulation worked or not, a question was also included about preference
through packaging. As expected, most participants responded to the manipulating step and selected
options that preferred Neutrogena mostly.
Sample Characteristics
We divided 40 random participants into 2 groups; we provided one group with Neutrogena and another
with Olay. After enquiring their age, they were asked which brand they preferred; Olay or Neutrogena.
3. Results and Interpretations
3.1 Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
From Table-1, we can interpret that since standard deviation of all variables are less than their respective
means (MDV1=3.18, MDV2=2.90, MDV3=3.20, MDV4=3.00, MDV5=3.00) the responses are clustered around
the mean. Moreover, this would show a less variable set of responses, while no missing values exist in
the dataset, ensuring that all 40 respondents (N=40) have answered all questions.
The median of the independent variable (MeIV=3.00) and DV1 (MeDV1=2.00) is smaller than their mean,
which indicates that they are negatively skewed, while the median of DV1 and DV3 (MeDV1=3.50,
MeDV3=3.50) are larger than the mean indicating that they are positively skewed. Additionally, the mean
of the moderator variable, DV4 and DV5 (MMod=1.50) and their median (MeMod=1.50, MeDV4=3.00,
MeDV5=3.00) are equal, which indicates that each of these variables are normally distributed.
3.2 Correlation
Within Correlation
We can see that the dependent variables (DV1, DV2, DV3, DV4, DV5) have a high positive correlation
(>0.5) between each other. Moreover, all of them are significant in nature. Additionally, DV4 and DV5
have a perfectly positive correlation of 1, which shows that responses were same for these two
dependent variables across the board.
Between Correlation
We can see that the correlation between the Independent Variable and Moderator Variable (Age) is low.
Here, we can see that the Pearson Correlation coefficient between the IV and Mod is 0.018, which is
very low.
Therefore, since the Within Correlation is high and the Between Correlation is low, we can infer that
the questions in the questionnaire related to the dependent variable were rather significant.
3.3 One Sample T-Test
From Table 3, we can see that the Mean Difference of IDGRP = 1 (MD = 2.950) is lower than that of
IDGRP = 2 (MD = 3.100). Moreover, the p-value is less than 0.00 when shows that our data is significant.
So, comparing to the Mean Difference of IDGRP = 1 | IDGRP = 2 (, we can infer that our manipulation
was successful as a difference remains.
Additionally, from Table 3, we can also see that the mean difference of AGRP = 1 (MD = 3.100) is
higher than that of AGRP = 2 (MD = 2.700). Moreover, the p-value is less than 0.00 when shows that
our data is significant. So, comparing to the mean difference of AGRP = 1 | AGRP = 2 (M D = 2.900),
we can infer that our manipulation was successful as a difference remains.
3.4.1 Univariate Test (Neutrogena | Olay)
Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: CPM
IDGRP AGRP Mean Std. Deviation
Source F Sig.
Parameter Estimates
Parameter B
Intercept 2.520
[IDGRP=1.00] 0.820
[IDGRP=2.00] 0
[AGRP=1.00] 0.560
[AGRP=2.00] 0
[IDGRP=1.00] * [AGRP=1.00] -0.620
[IDGRP=1.00] * [AGRP=2.00] 0
[IDGRP=2.00] * [AGRP=1.00] 0
[IDGRP=2.00] * [AGRP=2.00] 0
Table 4: Univariate Test (Neutrogena and Olay)
Through the above test, we looked upon the effect of the IDGRP and AGRP on the dependent variable
with respect to Neutrogena and Olay (The Independent Variables).
Mean Inference
From Table 4, we can see that, when considering Neutrogena, the value for Myoung = 3.28, while Mold =
3.34, with Standard Deviation of 1.61 and 1.25 respectively, while the mean for both cases together was
3.31 with a Standard Deviation of 1.40. This indicates that in case of Neutrogena, effectiveness was
highest among the old segment of the sample. On the other hand, when considering Olay, the value for
Myoung = 3.08, while Mold = 2.52, with Standard Deviation of 1.50 and 1.20 respectively, while the mean
for both cases together was 2.80 with a Standard Deviation of 1.35. Additionally, this indicates that in
case of Olay, effectiveness was highest among the young segment of the sample.
Heterogeneity Test
After looking at the mean inference, we look for any significant difference between the groups by
analyzing the Levene’s Test of Equality of Error Variance where our p value of 0.423>0.05. This shows
that the two groups of Neutrogena and Olay are homogenous in nature, i.e., no significant difference
Here, we can see that the corrected model is insignificant (p = 0.551>0.05). Hence, the dependent
variables were not primarily affected by the interaction or IDGRP * AGRP. Now, assuming that our p-
value is significant (p<0.05), we will need two other elements to satisfy the terms; beta coefficient and
f-value. We can already see that our p-value shows insignificance, however, the F-value of interaction
is 0.491 and the r-square value was 0.056, which indicates that the independent variable factors for
5.6% of any variations in CPM (Calculated Mean). So, we have estimates values for IDGRP, AGRP,
and the interaction through this test, which shows how they affect the dependent variables.
3.4.2 Univariate Test (Young | Old)
Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: CPM
IDGRP AGRP Mean Std. Deviation
Source F Sig.
Parameter Estimates
Parameter B
Intercept 2.520
[IDGRP=1.00] 0.560
[IDGRP=2.00] 0
[AGRP=1.00] 0.820
[AGRP=2.00] 0
[IDGRP=1.00] * [AGRP=2.00] 0
[IDGRP=2.00] * [AGRP=1.00] 0
[IDGRP=2.00] * [AGRP=2.00] 0
Table 5: Univariate Test (Young and Old)
Through the above test, we looked upon the effect of the IDGRP and AGRP on the dependent variable
with respect to Young and Old (Moderator Variable).
Mean Inference
From Table 5, we can see that, when considering Young, the value for MNeutrogena = 3.28, while MOlay =
3.08, with Standard Deviation of 1.61 and 1.50 respectively, while the mean for both cases together was
3.18 with a Standard Deviation of 1.52. This indicates that in case of the Young, effectiveness was
highest for Neutrogena. On the other hand, when considering Old, the value for MNeutrogena = 3.34, while
MOlay = 2.52, with Standard Deviation of 1.50 and 1.20 respectively, while the mean for both cases
together was 2.80 with a Standard Deviation of 1.35. Additionally, this indicates that in case of Old,
effectiveness was highest for Neutrogena. Hence, in both cases, Neutrogena garnered more preference.
Heterogeneity Test
After looking at the mean inference, we look for any significant difference between the groups by
analyzing the Levene’s Test of Equality of Error Variance where our p value of 0.423>0.05. This shows
that the two groups of Young and Old are homogenous in nature, i.e., no significant difference remains.
Here, we can see that the corrected model is insignificant (p = 0.551>0.05). Hence, the dependent
variables were not primarily affected by the interaction or IDGRP * AGRP. Now, assuming that our p-
value is significant (p<0.05), we will need two other elements to satisfy the terms; beta coefficient and
f-value. We can already see that our p-value shows insignificance, however, the F-value of interaction
is 0.491 and the r-square value was 0.056, which indicates that the independent variable factors for
5.6% of any variations in CPM (Calculated Mean). So, we have estimates values for IDGRP, AGRP,
and the interaction through this test, which shows how they affect the dependent variables.
3.5 Regression Analysis
Model Summary
Model R R Square
1 0.472 0.222
Model Sig. (p<0.05)
Regression 0.033
Variable Beta Sig. (p<0.05)
(Constant) - 0
IV -0.471 0.01
Mod 0.007 0.969
Table 6: Regression Table (IDGRP = 1 | AGRP = 1)
According to Table 6, we can infer that the independent and dependent variables have a moderate
positive correlation coefficient, where, R = 0.472. Moreover, here, an R-square value of 0.222 means,
22.2% of the any change in the dependent variable will be affected by the independent variable. In
addition, the ANOVA test shows that the regression model is significant as it has a p-value of 0.033
(<0.05). This indicates that the independent variable affects or influences the dependent variables
collectively, at the very least.
In the coefficients section, we can see that the independent variable has a negative beta of -0.471, with
a p-value of 0.01 (<0.05), which makes it significant. So, we can infer that an inverse relationship
remains between the independent and dependent variables. However, the same cannot be said for the
Moderator variable which has a Beta of 0.007, which has a p-value of 0.969, making it highly
Regression Analysis for Neutrogena | Old
Model Summary
Model R R Square
1 0.290 0.084
Model Sig. (p<0.05)
Regression 0.306
Variable Beta Sig. (p<0.05)
(Constant) - 0
IV -0.263 0.165
Mod -0.136 0.469
Table 7: Regression Table (IDGRP = 1 | AGRP = 2)
According to Table 7, we can infer that the independent and dependent variables have a moderate
positive correlation coefficient, where, R = 0.290. Moreover, here, an R-square value of 0.084 means,
8.4% of the any change in the dependent variable will be affected by the independent variable. In
addition, the ANOVA test shows that the regression model is insignificant as it has a p-value of 0.306
(>0.05). This indicates that the independent variable does not affect or influence the dependent variables
collectively significantly.
In the coefficients section, we can see that the independent variable has a negative beta of -0.263, with
a p-value of 0.165 (>0.05), which makes it insignificant. The same can be said for the Moderator
variable which has a Beta of -0.136, which has a p-value of 0.469, making it insignificant. However,
here the independent variable has more significance compared to the moderator variable.
Regression Analysis for Olay | Young
Model Summary
Model R R Square
1 0.609 0.370
Model Sig. (p<0.05)
Regression 0.002
Variable Beta Sig. (p<0.05)
(Constant) - 0
IV -0.573 0.001
Mod -0.140 0.372
Table 8: Regression Table (IDGRP = 2 | AGRP = 1)
According to Table 8, we can infer that the independent and dependent variables have a moderate
positive correlation coefficient, where, R = 0.609. Moreover, here, an R-square value of 0.370 means,
37.0% of the any change in the dependent variable will be affected by the independent variable. In
addition, the ANOVA test shows that the regression model is significant as it has a p-value of 0.002
(<0.05). This indicates that the independent variable affects or influences the dependent variables
collectively, at the very least.
In the coefficients section, we can see that the independent variable has a negative beta of -0.573, with
a p-value of 0.001 (<0.05), which makes it significant. So, we can infer that an inverse relationship
remains between the independent and dependent variables. However, the same cannot be said for the
Moderator variable which has a Beta of -0.140, which has a p-value of 0.372 (>0.05), making it
Regression Analysis for Olay | Old
Model Summary
Model R R Square
1 0.178 0.032
Model Sig. (p<0.05)
Regression 0.649
Variable Beta Sig. (p<0.05)
(Constant) - 0.001
IV -0.170 0.380
Mod -0.039 0.839
Table 9: Regression Table (IDGRP = 2 | AGRP = 2)
According to Table 9, we can infer that the independent and dependent variables have a positive
correlation coefficient, where, R = 0.178. Moreover, here, an R-square value of 0.032 means, 3.2% of
the any change in the dependent variable will be affected by the independent variable. In addition, the
ANOVA test shows that the regression model is insignificant as it has a p-value of 0.649 (>0.05). This
indicates that the independent. variable does not affect or influence the dependent variables collectively.
In the coefficients section, we can see that the independent variable has a negative beta of -0.170, with
a p-value of 0.380 (>0.05), which makes it insignificant. The same can be said for the Moderator
variable which has a Beta of -0.039, which has a p-value of 0.839, making it insignificant. However,
here the independent variable has more significance compared to the moderator variable.
3.6 Findings and Results
This research and analysis compared Neutrogena and Olay creams by kind and user age. The
independent variable (IV) was Neutrogena or Olay, while the dependent variable (DV) was cream
efficacy. Age was added as a mediator to examine its impact on cream type and efficacy.
First, descriptive statistics showed that answers grouped around the mean with no missing values. Some
variables had negative skewness, whereas others had positive skewness. The moderator variable and
DV4 and DV5 have normal distributions.
The dependent variables (DV1, DV2, DV3, DV4, DV5) have a significant positive correlation,
suggesting their interrelatedness. Age had little effect on cream type since the independent variable and
moderator variable (age) had a low correlation.
One-sample t-tests examined the mean differences between IDGRP 1 (Neutrogena) and IDGRP 2 (Olay)
and AGRP 1 (young) and AGRP 2 (aged). Neutrogena and Olay had significantly different mean
efficacy scores, as did young and elderly age groups.
Univariate testing compared Neutrogena and Olay for young and elderly age groups. Neutrogena earned
greater efficacy ratings in the senior category and Olay in the young section.
Heterogeneity testing showed that Neutrogena and Olay groups and young and elderly age groups were
Between-subjects effects studies explored how the cream type-age interaction affected the dependent
variables. The revised models were negligible, indicating that independent factors did not significantly
impact dependent variables. F-values and R-square values showed how much variance the independent
variables explained despite the negligible p-values.
Cream type and age group regression analysis were done independently. Most independent factors
demonstrated modest positive correlation coefficients with dependent variables. R-square values
showed the percentage of dependent variable variance explained by independent factors. Some
regression models were significant in ANOVA testing, demonstrating that the independent factors
jointly affected the dependent variables.
The independent variable (cream type) exhibited substantial negative betas in several cases, showing
an inverse association with cream efficacy. The moderator variable (age) exhibited low betas,
suggesting it had minimal effect on the cream type-effectiveness connection.
In conclusion, Neutrogena was more beneficial for older people than Olay for younger people. The
cream type-effectiveness connection was unaffected by age. Regression analysis illuminated the
independent variables' variation.
4. Conclusion
As per our findings, both young and old people favor Neutrogena. This means that the brand has a
diverse customer base across various age ranges, which is a plus for Neutrogena. They should continue
to promote to both young and old customers, highlighting the brand's capacity to meet the needs of
different age groups.
We also found out older people who use Neutrogena products are more satisfied than the younger
people. Besides promoting to both the young and old customers, Neutrogena should expand their
product line for the older customer base as they have more preferability for Neutrogena. To maintain
the retention rate and in order to increase it further they need to tap into the popularity among the older
people. R&D should focus on other skin related solutions for the older customer base. On the other side,
they can also work on improving the retention rate of the younger consumers in order to match with the
older customer base. Neutrogena can appeal to young people by focusing on its products' ability to help
them achieve clear, healthy skin. The brand can also partner with social media influencers and other
young celebrities to promote its products. To appeal to older people, they can go forward by focusing
on its products' ability to help them reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. The brand can
also partner with dermatologists and other medical professionals to promote its products.
Customers place a high value on skin sensitivity while selecting skincare products. Neutrogena should
continue to emphasize its dedication to producing products designed exclusively for sensitive skin. The
brand should invest in R&D to improve its offerings, ensuring that they are dermatologically tested,
hypoallergenic, and devoid of common skin irritants. Neutrogena's experience in resolving skin
sensitivity concerns should be highlighted in marketing initiatives, with the goal of building confidence
and loyalty among consumers who value mild skincare products. Neutrogena should continue to target
both young and old customers, extend its options for older people, and keep a strong focus on producing
products for sensitive skin. Neutrogena may leverage its current popularity, improve consumer
happiness, and recruit a larger customer base by applying these techniques.
5. Appendix
Contribution Chart
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