Mech Syllabus
Mech Syllabus
Mech Syllabus
THEORY 3 0 0 3
Generally, a manufacturing process involves products to be manufactured from raw materials.
In order to achieve the objectives, certain processes consisting of many operations and steps
need to be executed. The manufacturing process begins with the creation of the materials from
which the design is made. These materials are then modified through the manufacturing
process to become the required part. This will provide the students an opportunity to skill
themselves in various manufacturing techniques available in the industry and also how to select
the materials for engineering applications.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the student,
● To classify the different types of pattern materials, Moulding, Casting
● To explain the different types of welding process
● To study the various types of Hot Working and Press Working process
● To learn the various manufacturing metal by powder metallurgy and Heat Treatment
● To study various types of Work and tool holding devices and power tools applications.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Discuss the various casting techniques used in foundry.
CO2: Identify appropriate joining techniques and defects in weld components.
CO3: Illustrate various forging and press working processes.
CO4: Classify different powder metallurgy and heat treatment processes.
CO5: Describe various work holding, tool holding and power tools used in shop floor.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3
CO5 2 2
Instructional Strategy
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity
to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to ensure
that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer five questions (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Chapter 1.1: Foundry: Pattern – Pattern Materials – types – single piece (solid) and 9
split type only – allowances – moulding – moulding tools and
boxes – moulding sands – classifications and properties-core - CO2core making.
Melting of cast iron - cupola furnace - Melting of nonferrous metals - crucible
furnace melting of steel – Electric arc furnaces.
Chapter 1.2: Casting: Definition - sand casting using green sand and dry sand -
gravity die casting - pressure die casting - hot and cold chamber processes -
centrifugal casting - continuous casting– defects in casting - causes and remedies
-cleaning of casting and safety practices in foundry
Chapter 2.1: Arc Welding and Gas welding: - Arc welding definition – arc welding 9
equipment – arc welding methods – Carbon arc, metal arc, metal inert gas (MIG),
tungsten inert gas (TIG).
Gas Welding: Definition - Gas Welding Equipment - Oxy and acetylene welding -
Three types of flame.
Chapter 2.2: Resistance welding and welding related processes: Resistance welding
– definition – classification of resistance welding – butt – spot –seam -projection
welding - welding related processes - oxy and acetylene cutting - arc cutting - hard
facing - bronze welding - soldering and brazing.
Destructive and nondestructive types of tests - magnetic particle test – Die
Penetrant test - radiographic and ultrasonic test - defects in welding - causes and
remedies - safety practices in welding.
Chapter 3.2: Press Working: Types of presses – mechanical and hydraulic presses –
press tools and accessories – press working operations– bending operations –
angle bending – channel bending – curling –drawing – shearing operations –
blanking – piercing – trimming – notching –lancing – shaving – parting off
Chapter 5.1: Work Holding Devices: Chucks - Centres - Steady Rest - Follower rest - 9
Face Plate - Catch Plate - Drive plate - carrier - Mandrel - Machine Vice - V block - T
Bolts and Clamp - Angle plate - Indexing head - Description and uses.
Tool Holding Devices: Four way tool post - Turret indexing - Arbors - Adapter - Drill
chuck - Sleeve - Socket - collet. Description and uses.
Chapter 5.2: Power Tools: Classification - Hand drill- Hammer Drills- Angle Grinder -
impact wrench - Circular saw - Chain saw - Jigsaw - Power/impact screwdrivers -
Electrical Screwdrivers. Cutters: Craftsman cutter - Reciprocating cutter.
Reference Books:
1. Elements of workshop Technology Volume I & II – Hajra Chowdry & Bhattacharaya - IIth
Edition - Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
2. A Textbook of workshop Technology - R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta - 2nd Edition, S.Chand &
Co., Ram Nagar, New Delhi – 2018.
3. Manufacturing process – Begeman - 5th Edition -McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2011.
4. Workshop Technology- WAJ Chapman - Volume I, II, & III – Vima Books Pvt. Ltd., 4262/3,
Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110 002.
5. Production Technology – HMT- Edn. 18 - published by Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co.
Ltd., 7 West Patel nagar, New Delhi 110 008. – 20181.
Web Reference
1. – Metal Casting
2. - Sand Properties
3. –Welding Tech
4. Metal Forming
5. Powder metallurgy
6. Heat Treatment process
Strength of materials is a key subject in mechanical engineering that focuses on how solid
objects behave when they are put under various forces and pressures. It’s vital it helps us
understand and predict if a material can handle certain loads without breaking. Strength of
materials is the discipline related to calculation of stresses and strains in structures and
mechanical components. It helps engineers make informed decisions about material selection,
decision and construction.
Course Objectives:
Acquire knowledge about selection of materials
Towards developing the theoretical basics about the stress, strain and elastic modulus
concepts in various components.
Understand the mechanical behavior of materials.
To solve practical problems related to shafts and springs.
Estimate the stresses induced in thin cylinders.
Understand the basics of engineering materials and their role in the development of societies
and industries.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Discuss various engineering materials and their mechanical properties
CO2: Compute the effects various loads on materials
CO3: Analyse the shaft using the principles of pure torsion
CO4: Analyse the springs in various load conditions
CO5: Determine the various dimensions of thin cylinders under various load conditions
Knowledge of basic mathematics and Science
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 2 3 3
CO2 2 3 3 2
CO3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3
CO5 3 1 3 2
Instructional Strategy:
The instructional strategy for teaching strength of materials in polytechnic colleges emphasizes
practical application and industry relevance.
Through a curriculum aligned with the state technical education board, the syllabus is broken
down into manageable units, prioritizing topics pertinent to Indian engineering contexts.
Visual aids, bilingual explanations, and hands-on demonstrations are utilized to accommodate
linguistic diversity and enhance understanding.
Incorporating industry examples and field visit to construction sites and manufacturing facilities
fosters experiential learning.
Assessment methods include practical assessment, written exams, and peer learning initiatives,
complemented by career guidance to inform students about opportunities in mechanical
Continuous feedback mechanisms ensure the refinement and effectiveness of the instructional
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Theory Theory Practical Test (Complete
Mode (Complete
(Any Two (Another Two (All Exercises) Theory
Units) Units) Portions)
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
Converted to 10 10 15 15 60
Marks 10 15 15 60
6th Week 12th Week 15th Week 16th Week
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise observation and calculations should be completed on the day of practice.
The same shall be evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before
commencement of the next exercise.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or printed manual or file.
The reading and calculations and graph should be written by the student manually. The
evaluated practical document should be submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The
mark scored by the students should be converted to 30 marks. The same should be
included as per the allocation in the practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Mechanical testing of materials: Tensile test of mild steel in UTM - stress strain
diagram - limit of proportionality - elastic limit -yield stress - breaking stress -
ultimate stress - percentage of an elongation and percentage reduction in area ( no
problems)- fatigue test - creep test.
Practical: 4
Tensile Test on materials : Determine young’s modulus of elasticity, yield stress,
ultimate stress, breaking stress, percentage of elongation and percentage of
reduction in area of a given specimen ( Mild steel, Cast Iron , Aluminium, Brass)
(Any one material) and plot stress strain diagram.
Theory: 9
Elastic constants: Definition - lateral strain – poison’s ratio - volumetric strain - bulk
modulus - volumetric strain of rectangular and circular bars (No derivation) -
problems connecting linear, lateral and volumetric deformation – Simple problems
on elastic constants.
Strain energy: Definition - proof resilience - modulus of resilience - the expression
for strain energy stored in a bar due to axial load - instantaneous stresses due to
sudden and impact loads (No derivation) - problems computing instantaneous
stress and deformation in sudden and impact loadings.
Practical: 3
Impact test : Find the impact strength of the given specimen ( Mild steel, Cast Iron,
Aluminium and Brass) (Any Two materials) using izod test and Charpy test.
Theory: 9
Thin cylinders: Definition - thin cylindrical shell - failure of thin cylindrical shell
subjected to internal pressure - hoop and longitudinal stresses causes in thin
cylindrical shell subjected to internal pressure (no derivation) - simple problems -
change in dimensions of a thin cylindrical shell subjected to internal pressure -
Practical: 6
Test on springs of circular section: Determine the modulus of rigidity and strain
energy, and stiffness of the open coiled helical springs.
Determine the modulus of rigidity and strain energy, and stiffness of the closed
coiled helical springs.
Sample Experiments: Four bar mechanism, Slider crank mechanism, Elliptical Trammel,
Cam Mechanism, Linkage Model, Crank and Slotted Mechanism, Whitworth Mechanism,
Straight Line Mechanism, Universal Joint etc…
Web reference:
Diploma technocrats frequently encounter diverse manufacturing processes. This course
workshop practice aims to enhance student's comprehension of manufacturing methods, like
Welding, Soldering, Brazing and use of Power tools.
Course Objectives:
● To identify the tools and equipment used in workshop practice.
● Perform welding operations to make different types of joints.
● Identify the different welding defects.
● Practical skills on Soldering, Brazing and power tools.
● Prepare a record of work for all the exercises.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Recall the safety procedure followed on the shop floor.
CO2: Demonstrate skills in all types of welding.
CO3: Acquire skills on soldering.
CO4: Acquire skills on Brazing.
CO5: Demonstrate skills on the use of Power tools.
Basic Workshop Practices and Basic Engineering Practices.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 2 3 1
CO2 2 3 1
CO3 2 3
CO4 2 3
CO5 2 3
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyze potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Converted to 10 10 10 20 60
Marks 10 10 20 60
7th Week 14th Week 15th Week 16th Week
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments as per the portions mentioned above
should be completed and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to
select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the
scheme of evaluation as below. The marks awarded will be converted to 10 Marks for
each assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Cycle I: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Cycle II: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
B Procedure 20
C Preparation 20
F Viva Voce 10
Syllabus Contents
Introduction Period
IS : 818 - 1968
Fire prevention and protection-Protection of personnel - general and protective
equipment- Work in confined spaces - ventilation and health protection.
Soldering - Basic principles – Brazing – Basic principles.
Web-based/Online Resources:
1. -Basics of welding process2.
2. - Fundamentals of Brazing3.
3. ttps:// - Soldering Basics
B Procedure 20
C Preparation 20
F Viva Voce 10
9. Brazing equipment 1 No
Exercises drawing:
1. Lap Joint - Arc Welding (Raw Material: 40 mm X 10 mm MS flat)
6. Spot welding - Lap joint - Make a tray / dustpan and join the vulnerable points (Minimum
8 Points) (Raw Material: GI/MS Sheet 22 G)
7. Solder as per the given circuit diagram / Battery pack with series and parallel
8. Braze the joints of the copper tube. Prepare the tube with Cutting, bending, flaring,
Swaging and pinching practice.
Cutting, bending, flaring, Swaging and pinching practice using copper tube.
9. Dismantle and Assemble the Bolt/Nut using wrench power tools. (Pneumatic / Electric).
(Sample Exercise Flange / Cylinder head / Remove Tire from the vehicle disc / etc…)
10. Profile cutting – Using Jigsaw. (Raw Material: 100 x 100 mm X 6 mm M.S.Flat / Wood)
Motion control is required in a large number of industrial and domestic applications. Systems
employed for getting the required motion and their smooth control are called Drives. Drives
require prime movers like Diesel or petrol engines, gas or steam turbines, hydraulic motors or
electric motors. These prime movers deliver the required mechanical energy for getting the
motion and its control. Drives employing Electric motors as prime movers for motion control are
called Electric Drives. Further electrical speed control in almost all industrial applications are
incomplete without the use of the specific electric drive. This course will empower the students
with the necessary skills to understand the concept associated with Electrical Drives.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to enable the student to
● Explain the necessity of A.C Circuit, Fuse, MCB, ELCB and Contactor.
● Explain the Working of RPS, Logic Gates and PLC.
● Define electric drive, its parts, advantages and explain choice of electric drive.
● Understand the characteristics of DC Shunt Motor and 3 Phase Induction Motor.
● Discuss the concept of AC Drive, Stepper Motor Drive and Servo Motor Drive.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Demonstrate the working of MCB, ELCB and Contactor.
CO2: Describe the working of RPS and Simple LED Circuit.
CO3: Describe the concept of Logic Gate and PLC.
CO4: Demonstrate the starting and speed control methods of Induction Motor.
CO5: Interface and test the working of Driver for DC Motor and Stepper Motor.
Basics of Science and Engineering
CO/PO Mapping:
CO1 3 1 1 2 -
CO2 3 1 1 2 -
CO3 3 1 1 2 -
CO4 3 1 1 2 -
CO5 3 1 1 2 -
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their
curiosity to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used
to ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far
as possible.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each experiment should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be
evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the
next experiment.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file with documents. The Circuit Diagram, Readings, Calculations and Graph / Result
should be written by the student manually.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
Total Marks 60
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. The marks awarded
should be converted to 15 Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents.
Theory Portion : UNIT I
Name, Symbol and uses of Semiconductor Devices (Diode, Transistor, LED and 4
SCR) – Importance of current limiting resistor in LED circuit – RGB LED - Working of
Half wave and Full wave rectifiers - Block Diagram of Regulated Power Supply.
Logic gates: Binary Number System - Positive and Negative Logic - Definition,
Symbol, Truth table and Boolean expression for OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-OR
and EX-NOR gates - Universal Logic Gates: NAND and NOR.
Programmable Logic Controller: Definition - Block Diagram of Programmable Logic
Controller – PLC Scan – Ladder Logic for AND Gate and OR Gate.
Practical Exercises:
Total 75
Web-based/Online Resources:
5. 5V RPS, Logic Gate ICs: 7408, 7432, 7404, 7400, 7402 & 7486, Each 5 Nos.
Toggle Switches, LEDs and Resistors.
6. DC Shunt Motor with Starting and Loading arrangements. 1 No.
8. 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Starting and Loading 1 No.
9. Variable Frequency Drive. 1 No.
12. Suitable range of MC Voltmeter and Ammeter for DC Motor. Each 1 No.
13. Suitable range of MI Voltmeter and Ammeter for AC Motor. Each 1 No.
● Sufficient number of Worktables to be provided in the laboratory to conduct experiments
for students.
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Production Drawing & Modelling is a crucial aspect of design and manufacturing processes. It
involves creating detailed technical drawings and three-dimensional models to communicate
product specifications and aid in production. This discipline ensures precision, efficiency and
consistency in manufacturing various products across industries in engineering and product
Course Objectives:
● Understand fundamental principles: Learn the foundational concepts, principles, and
standards of production drawing and modelling, including geometric dimensioning and
tolerance (GD&T), drafting conventions, and industry-specific guidelines.
● Develop technical drawing skills: Acquire proficiency in creating accurate and detailed
technical drawings using CAD software, focusing on orthographic projections, isometric
views, section views, and assembly drawings.
● Master 3D modelling techniques: Gain expertise in constructing three-dimensional
models of objects and components using CAD software, emphasise solid modelling,
surface modelling, parametric modelling, and assembly modelling.
● Interpret engineering documentation: Learn to interpret and analyse engineering
drawings, specifications, and other technical documents to extract relevant information
for manufacturing processes, including material specifications, geometric tolerances,
and assembly instructions.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Draw various sectional views of 2D assembly drawings manually as per BIS.
CO2: Create sectional views for 2D assembly drawing.
CO3: Create 3D modelling using CAD software module.
CO4: Interpret the drawing and symbols in the Engineering field.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 2 1 2
CO2 2 1 2
CO3 2 1 2
CO4 2 1 2
CO5 2 1 2
Instructional Strategy:
● Utilise a blended approach with lectures on manual drawing fundamentals and CAD
software introduction.
● Incorporate hands-on sessions for manual drawing practice and CAD software usage.
● Assignments focus on creating detailed drawings of machine parts, transitioning to CAD
for 3D modelling, assembly, and printing components.
● Encourage peer collaboration and feedback.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Total 60
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Part Description Marks
PART A – Drafting Practices
A Command / Creation 10
B 2D View with Dimensions 15
C Printout 5
PART B – Solid modelling Practices
D Creation Part Modelling 10
E CAD Modelling (3D) 15
F Assembly of the parts 20
G Printout 5
H Written test (Theory Portions only) 10
I Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 10 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus contents
Theory Portion
Sectioning - sectional views – representation of sectional plane – hatching –
inclination – spacing – hatching large areas – hatching adjacent parts - full section
– half section – types of half sections – conventional representation of materials in
Importance of GD&T - Tolerance specification and interpretation - Tolerance symbols
- Features - Datum plane and Axis - Shaft basis and hole basis system.
Web-based/Online Resources:
● NPTEL Lecturers
Note: For the written test 10 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
To meet out Globalization, technological advances and to sustain ourselves we have to explore
the knowledge about machine tools covering the various operations and skill sets required for
the development of a nation and its people.
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Discuss with various mechanics of metal cutting and operations performed in Lathe
CO2: Illustrate various milling operations
CO3:Describe the various grinding processes.
CO4: Manufacture of gears using milling machine
CO5: Perform finishing operations using grinding machines.
Applied science, Basic workshop practice
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 3
CO5 3 3
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyze potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment.
The total marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per
the scheme of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or printed manual or a file
with documents. Students should write the procedure and draw the sketch manually.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
B Preparation / Procedure 20
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Theory Portion Period
Chapter 1: 15
Theory of Metal Cutting: Chip Formation, Orthogonal Cutting- Oblique Cutting - Tool
Geometry – Tool nomenclature – Cutting tool materials - cutting parameters. Lathe
- Centre Lathe: Introduction - specifications –machining operations done on lathe.
Chapter 2:
Milling - Milling cutters classification only-Milling operations-types-straddle milling -
gang milling.Indexing-Indexing plate – Indexing methods - simple indexing,
differential indexing.Generating Process: gear shaper - gear hobbing - principle of
operation only.
Chapter 3:
Grinding: Grinding Process – Cylindrical Grinding, Surface Grinding, Centre less
Grinding-principles of operation only. – grinding wheels – abrasives - natural and
artificial diamond wheels - types of bonds - grit, grade and structure of wheels -
wheel shapes and sizes - standard marking systems of grinding wheels - selection
of grinding wheel - mounting of grinding wheels - Dressing and Truing of wheels -
Balancing of grinding wheels.
Practical Exercises
1. Grooving and Taper Turning.
2. LH Thread cutting.
3. RH Thread cutting.
4. Bush: Turning & Drilling
5. Eccentric Turning.
6. Make Spur Gear using milling machine by simple Indexing
7. Make helical gear using milling machine
8. Grind a plain surface using surface Grinder
9. Make progressive type plug gauge using cylindrical grinding machine
10. Make a turning tool / milling cutter using a tool and cutter grinder.
Test + Revision 10
Total 75
Cycle - I Exercise 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 - 5 Exercises
Cycle - II Exercise 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 - 5 Exercises
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Exercises drawing:
All the dimensions are in mm.
Make the following jobs in the lathe. Raw material :______ M.S. Round Rod
2. LH Thread cutting.
3. RH Thread cutting.
5. Eccentric Turning.
Make the following jobs in the milling machine.
Raw material :______ M.S. Round Rod
6. Make Spur Gear using milling machine by simple Indexing
Make the following jobs in the Grinding machine using given raw material.
8. Grind a plain surface using surface Grinder
10. Make a turning tool / milling cutter using tool and cutter grinder.
1 Lathe 10 Nos.
Use of innovative technologies to create existing products and the creation of new products.
Advanced manufacturing can include production activities that depend on information,
automation, computation, software, sensing, and networking
Course Objectives:
● Explain the different methods of plastic manufacturing processes
● Explain the various concepts of modern machining, super finishing process and surface
● To make acquainted the various unconventional manufacturing processes
● Write part program for manufacturing components in CNC machines
● Explain the rapid prototyping technologies in manufacturing
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Describe the various methods of plastic manufacturing
CO2: Explain the modern machining processes, super finishing processes and various surface
treatment methods
CO3: Describe the unconventional Machining processes
CO4: Explain the CNC Machines and ability to apply "G codes" and "M codes in CNC
CO5: Apply the rapid prototyping technologies in manufacturing
Production Technology, Machine Tools, Metal Cutting, Computer applications
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 2 2 1
CO2 2 2 1
CO3 2 3 1
CO4 2 2 1
CO5 2 2 1
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Teachers should actively engage students to boost their learning
● To help students learn and appreciate numerous concepts and principles in each area,
teachers should provide examples from daily life, realistic situations, and real-world
engineering and technological applications.
● The demonstration can make the subject exciting and foster in the students a scientific
mindset. Student activities should be planned on all the topics.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome- and employability-based.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
Assessment Methodology
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer five questions (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
The principles of fluid mechanics play a vital role in various aspects of our daily lives,
influencing everything from the functioning of essential machines to the natural phenomena
that shape our world. Understanding the significance of fluid mechanics helps us appreciate its
impact on diverse fields. It is a cornerstone of modern engineering and science, with profound
implications for numerous aspects of our lives. Its principles enable advancements in
technology, contribute to environmental sustainability, and enhance our understanding of the
natural world.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Describe the measurement of fluid pressure and its applications.
CO2: Measure the flow rate of fluid by using venturi meter and orifice meter.
CO3: Compute the friction factor for the pipeline.
CO4: Analyse the performance of turbines.
CO5: Evaluate the performance of pumps
Mathematical skills, Mechanics.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 - 3
CO2 3 1 - 3
CO3 3 1 - 3
CO4 3 1 - 3
CO5 3 1 - 3
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their
learning confidence.
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities
for an engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly
assess experiment outcomes and analyze potential sources of error in case of
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Theory Theory Practical Test (Complete
Mode (Complete
(Any Two (Another Two (All Exercises) Theory
Units) Units) Portions)
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
Converted to 10 10 15 15 60
Marks 10 15 15 60
6th Week 12th Week 15th Week 16th Week
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. Each exercise/experiment should be evaluated for 10 Marks. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 30 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each experiment observation and calculations should be completed on the day of
practice. The same shall be evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice
before commencement of the next exercise.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file with documents. The student should write the reading and calculations and the result
and graph should be prepared manually.
The evaluated practical document should be submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The
mark scored by the students should be converted to 30 marks. The same should be
included as per the allocation in the practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Theory: 5
Concept and classification of fluid, Properties of fluid - Density - Specific
weight - Specific volume - Specific gravity - Viscosity - Surface tension -
Cohesion & Adhesion – Capillarity - Bulk modulus of elasticity - Vapor
Pressure - Description and Simple problems.
Practical: 2
1. Demonstrate various fluid properties viscosity, surface tension, cohesion &
Adhesion and capillarity.
Theory: 5
Pressure head- atmospheric gauge and vacuum pressure – Classification of
pressure measuring devices - Working and application of pressure measuring
devices: Piezometer- Simple U tube manometers – Differential U tube
manometers – problems - Pressure Gauges - Description.
Practical: 3
2. Measure the fluid pressure using a simple manometer and pressure
gauge. Find the pressure difference using differential manometer.
Theory: 8
Fluid Kinematics: Streamline, path line and streak lines and stream tube,
classification of fluid flows‐Reynolds number, steady & unsteady, uniform,
non-uniform, laminar, turbulent, rotational, and irrotational flows‐equation of
continuity for one dimensional flow.
Fluid Dynamics: Energies of fluid-Bernoulli’s equations for flow along a
streamline - Description and simple problems - Applications of Bernoulli’s
theorem - Venturimeter and Orificemeter - Description.
Practical: 6
3. Verify Bernoulli's theorem.
4. Measure the discharge of the fluid flow using venturi meter or Orifice Meter.
Theory: 4
Introduction to pipe and pipe flow - Major and minor losses - Reynold's experiment,
friction factor, Darcy's and Chezy's equations - Description only, Moody's chart-
Water hammer and cavitation, its cause, effect, and remedies.
Practical: 3
5. Find the friction factor for the given pipeline.
Theory: 8
Reciprocating Pump: classifications - single and Double Acting Reciprocating
Pump - Working - Discharge, coefficient of discharge, Air vessels.
Centrifugal Pump: Classification - working of Single stage Centrifugal Pump - Main
components of centrifugal pump - head of pump - priming - self priming – pumps
in series & parallel - losses in centrifugal pumps - selection of pump.
Hydraulic Turbines: Introduction - Classification of turbines, impulse turbine -
construction and working of impulse turbine - reaction turbines - construction and
working of Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine - draft tube and its types – surge
tank - selection of hydraulic turbines.
Practical: 6
6. Perform a test on the reciprocating pump or centrifugal pump test rig and find
the efficiency.
7. Perform a test on a hydraulic turbine test rig and find the efficiency.
Test + Revision 10
Web-based/Online Resources:
They are able to prepare part programs and operate CNC lathe and Milling machines. They are
ready to apply the practical knowledge on 3D printing and robotics to real industrial environment
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 2 2 3 1
CO2 2 2 3 1
CO3 2 3 3 1
CO4 2 2 3 1
CO5 2 2 3 1
Instructional Strategy:
o Engage and Motivate: Teachers should actively engage students to boost their learning
o To help students learn and appreciate numerous concepts and principles in each area,
teachers should provide examples from daily life, realistic situations, and real-world
engineering and technological applications.
o The demonstration can make the subject exciting and foster in the students a scientific
mindset. Student activities should be planned on all the topics.
o Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome- and employability-based.
o Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible
Assessment Methodology:
Converted to 10 10 10 20 60
Marks 10 10 20 60
7th Week 14th Week 15th Week 16th Week
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments as per the portions mentioned above
should be completed and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to
select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the
scheme of evaluation as below. The marks awarded will be converted to 10 Marks for
each assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Cycle 1 - Exercises 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7.
Cycle 2 - Exercises 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10.
C Simulation / Slicing 20
● CA 4: All the exercises should be completed and kept for the practical test. The students
shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be
conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The marks awarded should be
converted to 20 Marks for the internal assessment.
C Simulation / Slicing 20
E Finish / Output 10
F Viva Voce 10
Syllabus Contents
Practical Exercises 40
CNC Turning Machine Material: M.S / Aluminium / Acrylic fibre / Plastic
1. . Using Linear and Circular interpolation - Create a part program and produce
component in the Machine
2. Using Stock removal cycle – Create a part program for multiple turning operations
and produce component in the Machine.
3. Using canned cycle - Create part program for thread cutting,grooving and produce
5. Using canned cycle - Create a part program for drilling produce component in the
6. Using subprogram - Create a part program and produce the component in the
7. Model the given engineering component and prepare the .stl file to print using a
3D printer or simulator. - Geneva Wheel
8. Model the given engineering component and prepare the .stl file to print using a
3D printer or simulator. - C Clamp with V Block.
9. Position and record the point to point motion of the robot arm or in a simulator.
(5 Positions)
10. Position and record the continuous motion of the robot arm or in a simulator.
(The profile should have Straight line, Circular and inclined line)
Test and Revision 10
Total 60
Suggested List of Students Activity:
1. Study and practice the CNC programming for various component machining
2. FIeld visit near by industries based on CNC machines and make report
3. Visit to any three 3D printing industries and make report
4. Study the robot configuration and learn about different application of robot
5. Prepare a presentation about recent applications of 3D printing and robots.
C Simulation / Slicing 20
E Finish / Output 10
F Viva Voce 10
Sensors are needed to measure (sense) unknown signals and parameters of an engineering
system and its environment. Essentially, sensors are needed to monitor and learn about the
system. Sensor is a device that when exposed to a physical phenomenon (temperature,
displacement, force, etc.) produces a proportional output signal (electrical, mechanical,
magnetic, etc.). Actuators are needed to drive a plant. A diploma holder when employed in
automated industrial process controls will be required to know the basics of Sensors and
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to enable the student to
● Explain the types and working of various types of sensors.
● Practice with temperature sensor, proximity sensor, LVDT and Light Sensors.
● Describe the functions of Linear and Rotary Electrical actuators.
● Describe the functions of Electrical, Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuators.
● Practice with interfacing of Arduino compatible sensors and actuator with Arduino.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Describe the working of Resistive, Inductive, Temperature and Light Sensors.
CO2: Interface and observe the behaviour of Proximity sensors with relay and buzzer.
CO3: Construct the circuit and observe the behaviour of the solid state electronic
CO4: Describe the working of Electrical, Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuators.
CO5: Demonstrate the applications of Arduino compatible sensors and actuators.
Applied Physics, Basic Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 2 2
CO2 3 1 2 2
CO3 3 1 2 2
CO4 3 1 2 2
CO5 3 1 2 2
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their
curiosity to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far
as possible.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
Total Marks 60
Cycle I: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Cycle II: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Theory Portion
Activities to Perform:
i) Construct a circuit to measure Temperature of Liquid using
Thermistor or Thermocouple or RTD.
ii) Also find the graphical relationship between input and output.
iii) Measure the No-Load current in each phase using Tongue tester
(Clamp Meter).
Activities to Perform:
i) Construct a Pneumatic Circuit to control double acting pneumatic
cylinder using 5/2 Solenoid Valve.
ii) Discuss the behaviour of cylinder as linear actuator.
Activities to Perform:
i) Construct a Hydraulic Circuit to control Hydraulic Motor.
ii) Observe the behaviour of Hydraulic Motor.
Activities to Perform:
i) Construct an Arduino based circuit to sweeps the shaft of servo
motor back and forth across 180 degree.
ii) Interface potentiometer with Arduino and based on its position
get the control of servo motor shaft.
Revision + Test + Practice 20
Total 75
Web-based/Online Resources:
S.No Name of the Equipment’s
10. Arduino shield, Arduino compatible Servo Motor and Potentiometer Each 1 No
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
The purpose of heat power engineering is to give conceptual and principles involving thermal
science, especially focusing on Internal combustion engine, Refrigerator, and compressors.
Through experiments and simulations conducted in the lab, students can validate theoretical
concepts, optimize system performance, testing of various oil properties for using as a fuel and
lubricant in thermal systems and develop innovative solutions for real-world applications. This
practical knowledge enhances their problem-solving skills and prepares them for the challenges
they will face in their careers.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the student,
1. To understand the fundamental concepts involved in thermal systems.
2. To analyse the various performance parameters of internal combustion (IC) engines.
3. To analyse the performance of refrigeration cycle/ components.
4. To analyse the performance of the compressor and its volumetric efficiency.
5. To study the properties, complete combustion of fuels and its products.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Interpret the performance indicators of air standard cycles.
CO2: Analyse the performance characteristics of IC engines for various fuels
CO3: Categorise the principles of refrigeration and air conditioning with applications
CO4: Categorise the principles of air compressor applications
CO5: Evaluate the combustion products of fuels by using the exhaust gas analyzer.
Basic knowledge of Science, Maths
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 2 1 2
CO2 3 2 1 2
CO3 3 2 1 2
CO4 3 2 1 2
CO5 3 2 1 2
Instructional Strategy:
● It's recommended that teachers take action to grab students' interest and increase their
confidence in their ability to learn.
● Teachers should use examples from everyday life, realistic scenarios, and real-world
engineering and technological applications to help students understand and appreciate
the many concepts and principles in each subject.
● The demonstration might spark interest in the subject and encourage a scientific
perspective. Every topic should have planned student activities.
● To make sure that learning is outcome-and employability - based, a theory - demonstrate
- practice - activity approach may be used throughout the course.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment.
The total marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per
the scheme of evaluation as below.
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus contents
Basic concept of thermodynamics, definition and units of pressure, temperature, 9
volume, density, specific heat, energy, work, force, power, heat, enthalpy, and
entropy. Laws of perfect gases and its Equation. Thermodynamic processes such
as constant volume, constant pressure, constant temperature, adiabatic,
polytropic. (simple problems)
Air cycles - air standard efficiency - reversible and irreversible processes - Carnot
cycle - Otto cycle - Diesel cycle. Illustration of above cycles on pressure, volume,
temperature, and entropy scale- working and calculation of efficiency. (simple
problems )
Internal combustion engines – classification - comparison of four stroke and two
stroke engines.
Testing of IC engines– indicated power – brake power – friction power –
efficiencies of I.C. engines – indicated thermal, brake thermal, mechanical, and
relative efficiencies – Specific fuel consumption.
Practical Exercises:
Ex.No Name of the Experiment Period
1 Determine the flash and fire point of the lubricating oil by using Open 5
cup apparatus and Closed cup apparatus and compare the value for the
given sample.
2 Draw the valve timing diagram of single cylinder four stroke petrol 5
3 Draw the valve timing diagram of single cylinder four stroke diesel 5
4 Draw the port timing diagram of a single cylinder two stroke Petrol 5
Air Compressor and its functions, Single stage & Multi stage reciprocating air 6
compressor - Refrigeration: Introduction to refrigeration, refrigerant, refrigeration
effects. COP, TON of refrigeration. Vapor compression refrigeration (VCR) system.
Classifications of fuels– requirements of a good fuel – stoichiometric air required
for complete combustion of fuels –products of combustion – analysis of exhaust
gases - calorific value of fuels – higher and lower calorific values.
Practical Exercises:
Ex.No Name of the Experiment Period
8 Volumetric efficiency of Air Compressor. 5
9 Determination of COP of Refrigeration System. 5
10 Find the Percentage of CO, CO2, O2, and amount of HC, NOx using 5
Exhaust gas analyser.
Test + Revision 10
List of Equipments
Four stroke petrol engine cut section model for valve timing
3. 1 No.
Four stroke diesel engine cut section model for valve timing
4. 1 No.
5. Two stroke petrol cut section model for port timing diagram. 1 No.
Note: All the exercises should be given in the question paper and students are allowed to select
by a lot or the question paper allotted from the DOTE shall be used.
Practical document should be submitted for the examination with a bonafide certificate.
D Result / Graph 10
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
The progress in metrology and measurements is highly necessary and has led to improvements
in product quality, enhanced scientific research capabilities, and increased efficiency in diverse
industries including manufacturing, automobile, aerospace, and quality control. It encompasses
various disciplines and techniques used to ensure the accuracy, precision, and reliability of
measurements. Therefore, the study of metrology and measurements is essential for
maintaining uniformity and excellence across various fields, including manufacturing and
scientific research.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to prepare the student,
● To impart knowledge about different measuring instruments.
● To provide fundamental principles of metrology and understand the significance of
accurate measurements.
● To acquire knowledge regarding the measurement of linear and angular dimensions of
components and assemblies.
● To impart knowledge on advanced measurement techniques for quality control in
manufacturing industries
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
CO1: Classify the measuring instruments based on their applications.
CO2: Select appropriate instrument for linear dimensions
CO3: Select appropriate instrument for angular dimensions
CO4: Explain various instruments used in measuring screw threads and gears
CO5: Discuss about the applications of CMM and LASER technology in metrology
Knowledge of basic measuring instruments.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 2 2
CO2 2 2
CO3 2 2
CO4 2 2
CO5 2 2
Instructional Strategy
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity
to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment.
The total marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per
the scheme of evaluation as below.
A Procedure / Preparation 10
B Observation / Dimensions 20
C Accuracy 20
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
A Procedure / Preparation 10
B Observation / Dimensions 20
C Accuracy 20
D Result 10
E Viva voce 10
F Written test 30
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus contents
Basics of Metrology 8
Scope of Metrology, basic units, important terminology, Measurement – Need,
Process, Role in quality control; Factors affecting measurement - SWIPE;
international standardization, the bureau of Indian standards - important elements
of measurements - methods of measurements.
Precision - accuracy - definition - factors affecting the accuracy of the measuring
system - general rules for accurate measurements - precautions for use of
instruments so as to avoid in accuracy in measurements - reliability – definition,
Measurement uncertainty, Measurement system analysis, Compare systematic
error and random error, Selection of measuring instruments - Calibration of
measuring instruments.
Linear Measurements
Linear Measuring Instruments – Vernier caliper, Micrometer, Vernier height gauge,
Depth Micrometer, bore gauge, Telescoping gauge; Gauge blocks – Use and
precautions, possible sources of errors in micrometers – slip gauges -
requirements – Indian standard – care and use.
Comparators – Working and advantages - Types - Mechanical and Pneumatic
Practical Exercises:
Ex. No Name of the Experiment Hours
i) Measure the dimensions of ground MS flat/Cylindrical bush using 5
Vernier Caliper.
ii) Compare the results with Digital Vernier Caliper.
i) Measure the diameter of a wire using micrometer
ii) Compare the results with a digital Outside micrometer.
i) Measure the inside diameter of the bore of a bush cylindrical
component using Inside micrometer
ii) Compare the results with digital inside micrometer.
Measure the thickness of ground MS plates using slip gauges.
Measure the height of gauge blocks or parallel bars using vernier height 5
Find out the measurement of a given component and Compare with a
standard component using a mechanical comparator and slip gauge.
Angular Measurements: Angular measuring instruments – Bevel protractor, Angle 7
gauges, Precision level, Sine bar, Autocollimator. Opto-mechanical measurements
using a measuring microscope and Profile projector. Measurement of Screw threads
– Single element measurements – Pitch Diameter, Lead, Pitch. Measurement of
Gears – purpose – Analytical measurement – Runout, Pitch variation, Tooth profile,
Tooth thickness, Lead.
Coordinating measuring Machine: Basic concept of CMM – Types of CMM –
Constructional features – Probes – Accessories – Software – Applications.
Advanced Metrology: Basic concepts of lasers - types of lasers - laser and LED
based distance measuring instruments.
Practical Exercises:
Ex. No. Name of the Experiment
Measure the angle of a V-block/Taper Shank of Drill/ Dovetail using
universal bevel protractor.
Measure the angle of the machined surface using sine bar with slip
Measure the geometrical dimensions of V-Thread using screw thread
Measure the geometrical dimensions of spur gear using gear tooth
vernier caliper.
Activity + Revision + Assessment Test 10
Total 75
Web-based/Online Resources
A Procedure / Preparation 10
B Observation / Dimensions 20
C Accuracy 20
D Result 10
E Viva voce 10
F Written test 30
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Design plays a major role in developing engineering and technology. Machine Design is the creation
of new and better machines and improving the existing ones. Elements Design is the process of
selection of the material, shape, size and arrangement of mechanical elements so that the machine
will perform its task. A process which includes design of all parts of a machine subjected to carry the
forces without failure by transforming other forms of energy into mechanical energy.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the student to apply the various design procedures,
principles and various stresses in the elements of machine design.
1. To understand and apply to Solve the problems of various types of failures, and design of
2. To apply the Design procedure of keys and coupling.
3. To apply the Design procedure of belt drives and selection of belt drives.
4. To apply the design procedure of supported rotating element.
5. To understand the concept of Computer Aided Design.
Course Outcome
After successful completion of this course, the students can able to
CO1: Calculate the dimensions of shaft and key for a given application
CO2: Design a coupling for a given application.
CO3:Select proper belt drive from manufacturers catalogue for power transmission under
specified condition
CO4: Design journal bearing and spur gear based on a given applications
CO5: Practice the CAD activities in various stages of product design
Mathematics, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, and Engineering Drawing.
Assessment Methodology
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 40 Marks for two units. The marks
scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of
15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer Two questions (2 X 20 Marks = 40 Marks).
Four questions will be asked, students should write Two questions. Each unit Two questions can be
asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be permitted.
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online / Offline.
The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept for records
and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the internal
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The marks
should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Five questions by selecting One question from each unit. Each question carries 20 marks
Two questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any One question. The question
may have two subdivisions only.
CO-PO Mapping
CO1 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3
CO5 3 2 3
Syllabus Contents.
Flat Belts: Types of belts - materials for belt - types of belt drives - Speed ratio - 10
effect of slip - length of flat belts -Tension Ratio. centrifugal tension - power
transmitted - condition for maximum power - transmission - Initial Tension -
Design procedure of flat belts - Design of flat belt based on manufacturer’s data
only – problems.
V-belt drive - comparison with flat belt drive - designation of V belts - length of belt
- power transmitted - Design of V-belt using manufacturer’s data only - Problem.
NOTE: Printed approved Design Data Books are permitted for all examinations / Approved data
books abstract copy attested by the HOD and Principal can be used.
Reference Books
1. Machine Design, Pandya & Shah,20th Edn. 2015, Charotar Publishing House.
2. Machine Design, T. V. Sundararajamoorthy & N. Shanmugam, Revised Edition
June-2018–Anuradha Publications.
3. Design Data Book – by PSG College of Technology, DPV Printers.
4. A textbook of Machine Design, R.S. Khurmi & J.K.Gupta, Edn. 18,2005, S. Chand Publishing.
5. Design of Machine Elements, Bandari, 4th Edition 2016, Tata McGraw-Hill , New Delhi.
6. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition, 2006 Autar K. Kaw, Taylor & Francis
7. “R.Radhakrishnan, and S.Subramanian, “CAD/CAM/CIM”2018, New Age International Pvt
Web Reference
Question Pattern:
Answer Five questions by selecting One question from each unit. Each question carries 20 marks
each. Printed Design Data Book and Approved abstract of the Data Book can be permitted.
In the Indian Economy, Industries and enterprises always find a prominent place. After
globalization, the government of India has announced a liberalization policy of starting an
enterprise which resulted in the mushroom growth of industries. The present day students
should be trained not only in manufacturing processes but also in managing activities of
industries. Training must be imparted to students not only to shape them as technicians but
also as good managers. The knowledge about plant, safety, work study techniques, personnel
management and financial management will definitely mould the students as managers to suit
the industries. Due to the presence of such personalities the industries will leap for better
prosperity and development.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the student to
● To study the different types of layout.
● To study the safety aspects and its impacts on an organization.
● To study different work measurement techniques.
● To study the staff selection procedure and training of them.
● To study capital and resources of capital.
● To study inventory control systems.
● To study engineering ethics and human values.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Select the plant layout by incorporating plant safety procedure
CO2: Apply work study principles as a tool for plant management
CO3: Describe the principles of management used in industries
CO4: Apply various inventory control techniques in material management
CO5: Describe modern management techniques used in shop floor
Basic knowledge of industries and its practices (through Industrial Visits)
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3
CO2 3 2
CO3 3
CO4 3 2
CO5 3
Instructional Strategy
● Conduct group discussions on plant safety
● Encourage students to know about the share market details(BSE,NSE)
● Use powerpoint presentations.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Theory Theory Practical Test (Complete
Mode (Complete
(Any Two (Another Two (All Exercises) Theory
Units) Units) Portions)
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents.
Plant Engineering : Plant – Selection of site of industry – Plant layout – types – 9
process, product and fixed position – Plant maintenance – importance – Break
down maintenance, preventive maintenance and scheduled maintenance.
Plant Safety: Importance – Industrial safety and procedure-Improper handling-
accident - causes and cost of an accident - accident proneness - prevention of
accidents-Settlement of industrial disputes - Indian Factories Act 1948 and its
provisions related to health, welfare and safety.
Method Study: Definition – Ergonomics-Basic procedure for conduct of method 9
study – Tools used – Operation process chart, Flow process chart, two handed
process chart- Man machine chart.
Work Measurement: Definition – Basic procedure in making a time study – Cycle
time and Total Time-Techniques of work measurement - Ratio delay study,
Synthesis from standard data, analytical estimating, Predetermined Motion Time
6. To Draw Two Handed Process Chart For Bolt, Washer & Nut Assembly
To draw left and right hand process charts and to conduct time study for the bolt, washer & nut
assembly of present and improved methods.
1. Stop watch
2. Brass spindles
3. Nylon washers
4. Lock washers
5. Hexagonal nuts
1. S.C.Sharma & T.R. Banga, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2nd Edition, Khanna
Book Publishing, 2022.
2. S.Chand, Industrial Engineering and Production Management, 3rd Edition, S. Chand
Publishing, 2018.
3. M.P.Poonia & S.C.Sharma, Industrial Safety and Maintenance Management,1 st Edition,
Khanna Publishing, 2021.
Quality Control (QC) is a critical aspect of manufacturing and service industries, ensuring that
products and services meet predefined standards and customer expectations. Over the years,
QC has evolved significantly, incorporating advanced techniques and tools to improve efficiency,
accuracy, and reliability. Modern Quality Control tools are a combination of traditional
methodologies and innovative technologies designed to enhance the quality management
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course is enable the student to
● Explain the basic Quality concepts and its objectives.
● Explain the Total Quality Management Principles.
● To learn the concept and properties of various Continuous improvement methods.
● Appreciate the benefits of implementing 5S , Kaizen concepts.
● Collect and classify various data.
● Determine the process capability of a manufacturing process through the construction
of various control charts for variables and attributes.
● Knowledge and practice on construction of Quality and Management tools.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student able to
CO1: Explain the Quality concepts and techniques used in industries.
CO2: Acquire knowledge about various continuous improvement methods and its
implementation techniques.
CO3: Interpret types of data on various control charts for improving the process.
CO4: Create QC charts using Seven tools of quality for problem solving and continuous
improvement processes.
CO5: Adopt the seven management tools to identify improvement opportunities and develop
implementation plans.
Knowledge of basic Science
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 - 1 1 2 1
CO2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1
CO4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CO5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Instructional Strategy
Active Learning: Activities for active learning can include think-pair-share strategies as well as
kin-esthetic learning environment.Teachers can start a discussion to make sure students take
ownership over their own participation and talk through new ideas and skills with peers.
Teachers guide students as they construct their own knowledge and understanding.
Hands-on-Training: Conduct demonstrations and hands on training is all about applying the
knowledge you have learned in training into practice.
Real time Learning: Instructors shall encourage the students to implement the techniques in
their own place / Lab through the Industry-Institute interactions.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Theory Theory Practical Test (Complete
Mode (Complete
(Any Two (Another Two (All Exercises) Theory
Units) Units) Portions)
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. Each exercise/experiment should be evaluated for 10 Marks. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 30 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each experiment procedure and steps should be completed on the day of practice. The
same shall be evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before
commencement of the next exercise.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file with documents. The reading and calculations and graph should be written by the
student manually in the documents.
The evaluated practical document should be submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The
mark scored by the students should be converted to 30 marks. The same should be
included as per the allocation in the practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
Sl.No. Description Marks
A Aim / Description 10
B Procedure 20
C Presentation 30
D Practical document (All Practicals) 30
E Viva Voce 10
Total 100
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents.
Input / Output process model – Juran Trilogy – PDCA (Deming Wheel) cycle – 5S 6
Concepts – SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU and SHITSUKE – needs and objectives
– effective implementation of 5S concepts in an organisation – Kaizen – Gemba
Kaizen – Housekeeping- Quality Circles and the Trade Unions – Reengineering -
Characteristics– Advantages -Criticism of Reengineering-Supplier relationship
New seven management tools- Flow and its uses - Affinity diagram – 6
Interrelationship digraph or Relationship diagram - Tree diagram - Matrix
diagram-Prioritization matrices – Process decision program chart – Activity network
diagram. -Construction of above diagrams.
Six sigma –Objectives , Methodology and Benefits – DMAIC -Quality Management
System – ISO 9000 , ISO 14000 Documentation and Implementation – Total
Productive Maintenance –Concepts and Needs.
Theory portions 30
Practical Exercise 20
Revision + Test 10
Total 60
1. The Six Sigma process typically follows the DMAIC framework: Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, and Control.
2. Write the detailed steps for Lean Manufacturing.
3. Explain the statistical methods to monitor and control a process in SPC.
1. "Quality Control and Total Quality Management" by P.L. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill Education.
2. "Total Quality Management" by Dale H. Besterfield, Carol Besterfield-Michna, Glen H.
Besterfield, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Pearson Education.
3. "Statistical Quality Control" by Eugene L. Grant, Richard S. Leavenworth, Tata McGraw
Hill Education.
4. "Total Quality Management: Principles and Practice" by S. K. Mandal, Vikas Publishing
5. "Six Sigma for Business Excellence: Approach, Tools and Applications" by Hemant
Urdhwareshe, Pearson Education
6. "Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory: A Practical
Approach, Second Edition" by Piotr Konieczka, Jacek Namieśnik, CRC Press (Distributed
in India).
The field of composite materials has seen significant advancements. The development of new
composite manufacturing techniques has made it feasible to modify the characteristics of
traditional materials to meet specifications. Diploma holders in this course are required to make
use of different composite materials and its manufacturing techniques for different end use
applications. To do this, it is essential to instruct them on the fundamentals of metal matrix
composites, ceramic composites, polymer matrix composites, and more modern advanced
composites, as well as their properties, production methods, and mechanical testing
applications. This course seeks to increase understanding of the several types of composite
materials used in industries, including their types, testing, and applications.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to prepare the student.
● To understand the types of composite materials, matrix, and reinforcements.
● To equip with knowledge on polymer matrix composites and their production
● To impart knowledge in the manufacturing process and application of various types of
metal matrix composites and ceramic composites.
● To become familiar with the recent developments in polymer composite manufacturing.
● To acquire knowledge of selecting suitable composites for industrial applications and
the response of composite structures subjected to mechanical loading.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
CO1: Identify the types of composites and the properties of matrix and reinforcements.
CO2: Familiarize the methods used to manufacture polymer matrix composites(PMC) and its
applications in different environments.
CO3: Explain the manufacturing methods, concepts and applications of metal matrix
composite(MMC) and ceramics composites.
CO4: Explain the recent development in composite manufacturing and its applications.
CO5: Apply the concept of composite materials for various applications with the support of
mechanical testing.
Knowledge about the different materials, Basic Chemistry. Material Science
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 1
CO2 3 1 1
CO3 3 1 1
CO4 3 1 1
CO5 3 1 1
Instructional Strategy
It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity to learn.
Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or projects.
Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive multimedia,
and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide additional practice
Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and provide
targeted feedback.
Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to ensure
that learning is outcome and employability based.
All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Theory Theory Practical Test (Complete
Mode (Complete
(Any Two (Another Two (All Exercises) Theory
Units) Units) Portions)
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. Each exercise/experiment should be evaluated for 10 Marks. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 30 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise the procedure and steps should be completed on the day of practice.
The same shall be evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before
commencement of the next exercise.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file with documents. The reading and calculations and graph should be written by the
student manually in the documents.
The evaluated practical document should be submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The
mark scored by the students should be converted to 30 marks. The same should be
included as per the allocation in the practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents.
1. Suresh, S., Martensen, A., and Needleman, A., “Fundamentals of Metal
MatrixComposites”, Butterworth, Heinemann, 2013.ISBN: 0080523714, 9780080523712.
2. Strong, A. Brent, “Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing : Materials, Methods and
Applications”, First Edition, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2008, ISBN 13:
3. Ru-Min Wang,Shui-Rong Zheng,Ya-Ping Zheng,”Polymer Matrix Composites and
Tchnology”, First Edition, Woodhead publisher, 2011, ISBN:978-0-85709-221-2.
Computer - 10 Nos.
Kit and setup required for the Composite Lay up.
Software required for the FEA.
Industrial refrigeration and air conditioning play a crucial role in various sectors, ensuring the
preservation of perishable goods, maintaining comfortable and safe environments, and
supporting industrial processes that require specific temperature and humidity conditions.
These systems are integral to the efficient operation of many industries, from food and beverage
to pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and manufacturing.
Course Objectives
● To understand the basics of Refrigeration cycles.
● To understand basics of vapour compression and vapour absorption systems.
● To identify components and refrigerants and lubricants of a refrigeration system.
● To understand control strategies for refrigeration systems.
● To understand the basics about air conditioning systems.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain the refrigeration and types of Refrigeration cycles
CO2 Describe Vapour Compression and Vapour Absorption System
CO3 Identify the equipments required for the refrigeration system.
CO4 Identify the components for a refrigeration system.
CO5 Explain the working principles of Air-conditioning.
Knowledge on Heat, Thermodynamics
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3
CO2 3 1
CO3 3 1
CO4 3
CO5 3
Instructional Strategy
Active Learning: Activities for active learning can include think-pair-share strategies as well as
kin-esthetic learning environment.Teachers can start a discussion to make sure students take
ownership over their own participation and talk through new ideas and skills with peers.
Teachers guide students as they construct their own knowledge and understanding.
Hands-on-Training: Conduct demonstrations and hands on training is all about applying the
knowledge you have learned in training into practice.
Real time Learning: Instructors encourage the students to implement the techniques in their
own place / Lab through the Industry-Institute interactions.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Theory Theory Practical Test (Complete
Mode (Complete
(Any Two (Another Two (All Exercises) Theory
Units) Units) Portions)
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. Each exercise/experiment should be evaluated for 10 Marks. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 30 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be written in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a file
with documents. The reading and calculations and graph/ should be written by the
student manually in the documents.
The evaluated practical document should be submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The
mark scored by the students should be converted to 30 marks. The same should be
included as per the allocation in the practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
Sl.No. Description Marks
A Aim / Description 10
B Procedure / Formulae used / Adjustment 20
C Calculation / Report 20
D Result 10
E Practical document (All Practicals) 30
F Viva Voce 10
Total 100
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents.
1. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – Sadhu Singh, Khanna Book Publishing Co., New
2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – S. Domkundwar, Dhanpat Rai publications.
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – A.S.Sarao & G.S. Gabi, 6th edition, Satya Prakashan
publications, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Principles of Refrigeration – Roy J.Dossat, 5th edition, Pearson Publications, 2001.
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – M.Zakria Baig, Premier/ Radiant Publishing House.
6. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – C.P Arora, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2000.
Equipment required.
1. Cooling tower Kit.
2. Vapour compression refrigeration system Kit.
3. Open type air-conditioning system Kit.
4. Recirculation type air-conditioning system Kit.
5. Required measuring instruments and consumables.
Value engineering is a systematic, organized approach to providing necessary functions in a
project at the lowest cost. Value engineering promotes the substitution of materials and
methods with less expensive alternatives, without sacrificing functionality. It is focused solely
on the functions of various components and materials, rather than their physical attributes.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the student
1. To learn the value engineering methodology.
2. To learn how to manage value in projects.
3. To obtain industry-related experience in applying value engineering methods.
Course Outcome
After successful completion of this course, the students can able to
CO1: Explain the concepts, techniques and applications of value engineering
CO2: Describe job plan of value engineering.
CO3: Illustrate different value engineering techniques and versatility of value
CO4: Explain the efforts of value engineering team during the process of value
CO5: Select suitable recent design tools and operating methods.
Element of Machine Design, Re engineering, CAD/CAM, Quality Management.
CO-PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 - 1
CO2 3 1 1 1
CO3 3 1 1 1
CO4 3 1 1 1
CO5 3 1 1
Assessment Methodology:
10 10 15 15 60
Marks 10 15 15 60
6th Week 12th Week 15th Week 16th Week
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. Each exercise/experiment should be evaluated for 10 Marks. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 30 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be written in a separate notebook / printed manual / file. The
reading and calculations and graph/ should be written by the student manually. The
evaluated practical document should be submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The
mark scored by the students should be converted to 30 marks. The same should be
included as per the allocation in the practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
A Aim / Description 10
B Procedure 20
C Presentation / Report 20
D Result 10
F Viva Voce 10
Total 100
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Value engineering (VE), concepts, advantages, applications, problem recognition, 6
and role in productivity, criteria for comparison, element of choice.
Organization: Level of value engineering in the organization, size and skill of VE
staff, small plant, VE activity, unique and quantitative evaluation of ideas.
Introduction, orientation, information phase, speculation phase, analysis phase. 6
Selection and Evaluation of value engineering Projects, Project selection, methods
selection, value standards, application of value engineering methodology
Selecting products and operation for value engineering action, value engineering 6
programme, determining and evaluating function(s) assigning rupee equivalents,
developing alternate means to required functions, Decision making for optimum
alternative, use of decision matrix, queuing theory and Monte Carlo method make
or buy, measuring profits, reporting results, Follow up, Use of advanced technique
like Function Analysis System.
Value engineering operation in maintenance and repair activities, value 6
engineering in non-hardware projects. Initiating a value engineering programme:
Introduction, training plan, career development for value engineering specialties.
Have students evaluate the design for factors such as ease of manufacturing, assembly, and
serviceability, as well as opportunities for standardization and part consolidation.
Task students with proposing design modifications or optimizations that simplify
manufacturing processes, reduce material waste, and lower production costs.
Exercise 5: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Trade-off Studies:
Exercise: Present students with a design scenario involving conflicting objectives, such as
reducing product cost versus improving performance.
Guide students through conducting a cost-benefit analysis to quantify the financial impact of
different design alternatives.
Encourage students to perform trade-off studies to assess the trade-offs between cost,
performance, quality, and other key factors, ultimately identifying the most cost-effective
Exercise 6: Supplier and Material Selection Optimization:
Exercise: Provide students with a list of potential suppliers and materials for a mechanical
component or system.
Instruct students to evaluate supplier capabilities, material properties, lead times, and costs
to identify the most suitable options.
Task students with negotiating with suppliers, exploring bulk purchasing discounts, and
optimizing material selection to minimize procurement costs while ensuring quality and
Exercise 7: Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA):
Exercise: Assign students a mechanical product or system and instruct them to perform a
Lifecycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) considering all costs incurred throughout its lifecycle,
including acquisition, operation, maintenance, and disposal.
Guide students through quantifying and comparing the total cost of ownership for different
design alternatives, highlighting opportunities for long-term cost savings and value
Test + Revision 10
Total 60
Reference Books
1. Richard Park, “Value Engineering: A Plan for Invention”, St. Lucie Press, 1999.
2. Del L. Younker, “Value Engineering analysis and methodology”, Marcel Dekker Inc, New
York, 2004.
3. Anil Kumar Mukhopadhyaya, “Value Engineering Mastermind: From concept toValue
Engineering Certification”, SAGE Publications, 2003
4. Anil Kumar Mukhopadhyaya, “Value Engineering: Concepts Techniques and
applications”, SAGE Publications 2010
This course explores present manufacturing practices that produce products without much
pollution. Green manufacturing refers to the regeneration of production methods and the
establishment of ecologically sustainable businesses in the manufacturing industry. In
simple terms, it is the "greening" of manufacturing, whereby employees recycle and reuse
materials, cut down on waste and pollution, use less natural resources, and decrease
emissions during production.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to prepare the student.
● To introduce the concept of green manufacturing
● To impart knowledge of pollution and measurement of carbon emissions.
● To become familiar with the recent developments in life cycle management.
● To acquire knowledge of selecting suitable materials, methods, and recycling
to make green manufacturing
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
CO1: Explain the importance of tools and Techniques used in green manufacturing
CO2: Familiarize the causes of industrial air pollutants and methods to measure them in
different environments.
CO3: Explain the causes and effects of sound and water pollution.
CO4: Describe the recent developments in life cycle assessment and its implementation.
CO5: Apply the concept of green manufacturing designs to suitable for an environment
Knowledge of basic chemistry and metrology.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 - 1
CO2 3 1 - 1
CO3 3 1 - 1
CO4 3 1 - 1
CO5 3 1 - 1
Instructional Strategy
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their
curiosity to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress
and provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be
used to ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as
far as possible.
Assessment Methodology:
Converted to 10 10 15 15 60
Marks 10 15 15 60
6th Week 12th Week 15th Week 16th Week
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked; students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The marks
awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. Each exercise/experiment should be evaluated for 10 Marks. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 30 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be written in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a file
with documents. The reading and calculations and graph/ should be written by the
student manually in the documents. The evaluated practical document should be
submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The mark scored by the students should be
converted to 30 marks. The same should be included as per the allocation in the
practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
Syllabus Contents.
Green Manufacturing-Definition-History and evolution of green manufacturing.
Factors affecting GM- Environmental Impact of Manufacturing, Strategies for Green
Tools & techniques required -Environmental Conscious, Design for Environment;
Design for recycling, Eco friendly Product design methods- Environmental Impact
assessment methods and Standards.
Exercise 1: Prepare a case study about implementation of green manufacturing.
(The students will have to identify smaller problems from industries / research /
academic organizations pertaining to green manufacturing, analyze and offer
solutions to the problems identified based on the knowledge acquired)
Pollutants-Primary and Secondary Pollutants, Automobile Pollutants, Industrial
Pollution, Ambient air quality Standards, Metrological aspects of air Pollution,
Temperature lapse Rates and Stability- wind velocity and Turbulence-Pump
behavior dispersion of air Pollutants.
Measurement of air Pollution-Air pollution sampling-collection of gaseous air
pollutants-collection of particulate pollutants-stock sampling, analysis of air
pollutants-sulfur dioxide-nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxidants and ozone.
Exercise 2: Determination of CO and CO2 and unburned hydrocarbons
concentration in IC Engine Exhaust.
Noise pollution in Industries- Frequency and Sound Levels- Effect of human,
Environment and properties, Natural and Androgenic Noise Sources-Measuring
Instruments for frequency and Noise levels- Masking of sound.
Water Pollution-Major pollutants of Water- Contaminants in water, Nitrates,
Fluorides, Detergents, taste and odour, Radioactivity in water- Criteria, for different
impurities in water- Water Quality requirement for industry Uses-Measurement of
water pollution.
Exercise 3: To estimate Total Dissolved Solids (DO)and PH value of water supplied to
the heat exchanger of any machine.
Exercise 4: Determination of hardness (temporary, permanent and total) of domestic
and industrial waters.
Exercise 5: Experiment on Industrial noise measurement in any production laboratory.
Exercise 6: Free and forced vibration measurement on simple cantilever beams /
Machine members.
Life cycle assessment - Principles of Life cycle assessment; Product Life Cycle
Assessment -Triple bottom line approach; Industrial Ecology- Ecological footprinting -
Future role of LCA - measurement techniques and reporting.
Clean Energy Supply - Green Manufacturing through Clean Energy Supply - Clean
Energy Technologies, Application - Potential of Clean Energy.
Characteristics of Green manufacturing processes - Energy efficiency analysis of
green manufacturing processes - Sustainability analysis and Scope of green
manufacturing centers.
Exercise 7: Estimate the Energy requirement of any production machines.
Exercise 8: Machining under different cooling strategy and estimate the Coolant life
Test + Revision 10
Total 60
● Rao M.N. and Dutta A.K. “Wastewater treatment”, Oxford & IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, Second Edition, 2006
● Rao CS Environmental Pollution Control Engineering-, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
● Canter, R.L., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi, 1996.
● Shukla, S.K. And Srivastava, P.R., “Concepts In Environmental Impact Analysis”, Common
Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1992.
Web-based/Online Resources
● Green engineering principles and applications, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.19639.65449
Lean Manufacturing is a systematic approach to minimizing waste within a manufacturing
system while simultaneously maximizing productivity. Originating from the Toyota Production
System (TPS), lean manufacturing principles focus on creating more value for customers with
fewer resources.
At its core, lean manufacturing aims to streamline production processes, reduce costs, and
improve quality by eliminating non-value-added activities. This is achieved through various
techniques and tools that emphasize continuous improvement, such as 5S (Sort, Set in order,
Shine, Standardize, Sustain), Kaizen (continuous improvement), Value Stream Mapping, and
Just-In-Time (JIT) production.
For diploma engineering students, learning about lean manufacturing provides essential skills
and knowledge to optimize production processes, enhance operational efficiency, and
contribute to the overall competitiveness of a manufacturing enterprise. By understanding and
applying lean principles, students can play a pivotal role in transforming traditional
manufacturing setups into more agile, responsive, and waste-free operations.
Course Objectives
It is desired that at the end of the course, the student will be equipped with the basic knowledge
of lean manufacturing, tools, techniques and implementation outcomes.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
CO1: Explain the importance of tools used in lean manufacturing.
CO2: Explain the importance of tools and technique of TQM.
CO3: Understand the objective and functions of TPM.
CO4: Describe the Design of Experiments, Designing for Quality, and Quality in Service
CO5: Apply the concept of six sigma and quality circle.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 - 1
CO2 3 1 - 1
CO3 3 1 - 1
CO4 3 1 - 1
CO5 3 1 - 1
Instructional Strategy
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity
to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Theory Theory Practical Test (Complete
Mode (Complete
(Any Two (Another Two (All Exercises) Theory
Units) Units) Portions)
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours
● CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks. The marks
scored will be converted to 10 Marks for each test. Best of one will be considered for the
internal assessment of 10 Marks.
CA1 and CA2, Assessment written test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer any Five questions. (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions.
Each unit Four questions can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum
two subdivisions shall be permitted.
● CA 3: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one experiment by lot for the test. The
practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded for 100 marks will be converted to 15 Marks for the internal mark.
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. Each exercise/experiment should be evaluated for 10 Marks. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 30 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the practical documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file with documents. The Procedure, steps, observations and report should be written by
the student manually in the documents. The evaluated practical document should be
submitted for the Practical Test (CA3). The mark scored by the students should be
converted to 30 marks. The same should be included as per the allocation in the
practical test.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted for complete theory portions as per the end
semester question pattern. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 marks for the internal
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents.
UNIT I Introduction
Lean Manufacturing: Introduction, Definitions of Lean manufacturing, explaining 6
basic concepts. Overview of historical development. Management theory.
Primary Tools of Lean manufacturing: 5-S, Workplace organization, Total Productive
Maintenance, Process mapping - Value stream mapping, Work cell.
Secondary Tools of Lean manufacturing: Objective and benefits of Secondary lean
tool, Cause and Effect diagram, Pareto chart, Spider chart, Poka yoke, Kanban,
Automation, Single minute exchange of die (SMED), Design for manufacturing and
assembly, Just in time (JIT), Visual workplace, OEE.
UNIT II Total Quality Management
TQM Tools And Techniques: The seven traditional tools of quality, New 6
management tools, and Six sigma: Concepts, methodology, applications to
manufacturing, service sector including IT, Benchmarking, Reason to bench mark,
Benchmarking process, FMEA, Stages, and Types. Quality circles , Quality Function
Deployment (QFD), Taguchi quality loss function, TPM ,Concepts, improvement
needs, Cost of Quality , Performance measures.
1. J Evans and W Linsay, The Management and Control of Quality, 6'th Edition, Thomson,
2. Besterfield, D H et al., “Total Quality Management”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. D. C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley & Sons, 6th Edition,
4. K C Jain and A K Chitale , “Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management (ISO 9000,
QS 9000 ISO 14000)” by, Khanna Publishers.
5. B. L. Hanson & P. M. Ghare, “Quality Control & Application”, Prentice Hall of India.
To meet out Globalization, technological advances and to sustain, we have to explore the
knowledge about machine tools covering the various operations and Maintenance skill sets
required for the development of a nation and its people.
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the student to understand the principles, functions and practices adopted in
industry for the successful management of maintenance activities.
2. To explain different maintenance categories like preventive maintenance, condition
monitoring and repair of machine tool.
3. To illustrate some of the simple instruments used for condition monitoring in industry.
4. To Understand the Repairs procedure and Service methods followed in the Industry.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course,the student will be able to,
CO1: Describe about Maintenance principles, types of Maintenance and Maintenance planning.
CO2 : Explain the Maintenance Economics and Maintenance organization.
CO3 : Demonstrate the necessary skills for fixing and testing of different components and
drives used in the Industry
CO4 : Explain the Repairs and service methodology followed in the Industry
CO5 : Demonstrate the necessary skills for Repairing and servicing of different Machine Tools
used in the Industry
Applied science, Basic workshop practice, Manufacturing Process, Machine Tool theory.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 1 1 3 1
CO2 1 1 3 -
CO3 1 1 3 1
CO4 1 1 3 -
CO5 1 1 3 1
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyse potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every exercise / experiment immediately
after completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the
practical test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment.
The total marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per
the scheme of evaluation as below.
Cycle I: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Cycle II: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Syllabus Contents
Theory Portion
2. Testing of Pillar type drilling machine alignments and prepare a test chart. 4
a) Level of the Drilling machine.
b) True running of Spindle Taper.
c) Squareness of Spindle axis with Table
3. Dismantle and assemble the tailstock of the lathe. Identify the troubles and 4
mention the corrective measures.
4. Dismantle and assemble of D C Motor. Identify the troubles and mention the 4
corrective measures.
5. Dismantle and assemble the Hydraulic cylinder. Identify the troubles and 4
mention the corrective measures.
6. Dismantling and assembly of Directional control valve. Identify the troubles 4
and mention the corrective measures.
Theory Portion
Unit II : Repair and Service: 7
Repair methods of the machine components - Failure analysis - Logical fault
location – Sequential fault location – Equipment records – Job order system – Use
of computers in maintenance – Repair cycle.
Transmission systems - Belt drive - chain drive - gear drive.
Tools required for the installation and maintenance.
Practical Exercises
7. Bearing: Inspection, Removal, Cleaning, lubrication and refitting of bearings. 4
Dismantle and assemble the bearing from a shaft assembly unit.
8. Couplings: Maintenance, Repair and replacement and alignment of shaft. 4
Installation and alignment of driving and driven shafts using Plummer block
9. Belts: Mounting of belts and checking of slip. Installation of belt drives using 4
Motor, V belt and driving and driven pulley.
10. Chain drive: Tighten and replace the chain. Installation of chain drives using 4
motor, sprocket and chain drive.
11. Gear drives : (i) Checking of correct meshing (ii) Checking of wear of teeth 4
(iii) Checking of crack / damage.
12. Dismantling, inspecting and assembling of constant mesh gear box and find 4
out the gear ratios.
Assessment Test and Revision 12
Total 75
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programming is a vital subject for diploma engineering
students, focusing on the automation of machine tools through computer systems. CNC
technology is foundational in modern manufacturing, allowing for precision, efficiency, and the
ability to produce complex parts with minimal human intervention.
Proficiency in CNC programming opens up numerous career opportunities in various industries
such as automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, and more. CNC programmers and operators are
essential for creating high-quality, precision-engineered products.
This course equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the dynamic
and technologically advanced field of CNC machining, making them valuable assets in the
engineering and manufacturing sectors.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to prepare the student,
● To understand the fundamentals of CNC
● To explain the construction and tooling of the CNC machine
● To Programme Production Jobs for CNC Turning Centre for different operations
● To Programme production jobs for CNC Vertical Machining Centre for different
● To operate a CNC lathe
● To operate a CNC milling machine
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
CO1: Recall safety procedure to be followed while working in CNC Machines.
CO2: Create CNC part program for cylindrical components using CNC Turning Centre
CO3: Produce components using CNC Turning centre
CO4: Create CNC part program for rectangular components using CNC Machining Centre
CO5: Produce components using CNC Machining centre
Knowledge of CNC Machines, Tools and accessories.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 2 2 3 1 3 3
CO2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3
CO3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3
CO4 3 2 3 3 1 3 3
CO5 3 2 3 3 2 3 3
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their
curiosity to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far
as possible.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
Cycle I: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Cycle II: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus contents
drilling cycle (G83) – Sub Program – Mirroring – Circular Pocketing (G170 &
G171) – Rectangular Pocketing (G172 & G173).
Ex.No Name of the Experiment
3. Write a Part Program for producing the component shown below in the 5
turning center, simulate it and produce the component – Using the
threading cycle (G92/G76).
Raw Material Size: φ 25 mm dia x 70 mm length
Component Diagram:
4. Write a Part Program for producing the component shown below in the 5
turning center, simulate it and produce the component – Using multiple
turning cycle (G70 & G71).
Raw Material Size: φ 30 mm dia x 41 mm length
Component Diagram:
5. Write a Part Program for producing the component shown below in the 5
turning center, simulate it and produce the component – Using Peck
drilling and Boring cycles (G74 & G90)
Raw Material Size: φ 30 mm dia x 70 mm length
Component Diagram:
Steps: (1). Pilot Drill – 3 mm dia, (2). Drill 10 mm dia, (3). Boring to
15 mm dia, (4). Taper Boring to 21 mm dia
6. Write a Part Program for producing the component shown below in the 5
Machining center, simulate it and produce the component – Using Linear
and Circular Interpolation
Raw Material Size: 100 mm x 100 mm x 15 mm
Component Diagram:
7. Write a Part Program for producing the component shown below in the 5
Machining center, simulate it and produce the component – Using Peck
drilling, Reaming, Tapping and counter-sinking cycles
Raw Material Size: 80 mm x 80 mm x 20 mm
Component Diagram:
8. Write a Part Program for producing the component shown below in the 5
Machining center, simulate it and produce the component – Using
Mirroring function
Raw Material Size: 120 mm x 120 mm x 20 mm
Component Diagram:
9. Write a Part Program for producing the component shown below in the 5
Machining center, simulate it and produce the component – Using
Circular and Rectangular Pocketing
Raw Material Size: 100 mm x 100 mm x 20 mm
Component Diagram:
Revision + Test 15
Total 75
1. S.K. Sinha, CNC Programming, Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd., 2011
2. P. M. Agrawal, and V. J. Patel, CNC Fundamentals and Programming, First Edition,
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2009.
3. Pawan Negi, Mangey Ram, and Om Prakash Yadav, Basics of CNC Programming, River
Publishers, 2019
4. Peter Smid, CNC Control Setup for Milling and Turning Mastering CNC Control Systems,
Industrial Press, 2010.
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
1. CNC Turning centre - 2 No.
2. CNC Milling Centre - 2 No.
3. CNC Simulation Software
4. Computer - 30 Nos.
SAP stands for Systems, Applications, and Products. The practical use of SAP was first seen
when data related to accounts and payroll was stored in an electrical device with specific
programs to use the database logically and practically. ERP software is one of the most critical
aspects of SAP software. To understand why the SAP Course is so important and popular, one
needs to know about the areas where it works and the other aspects attached to SAP. Almost
80% of medium and small-sized organizations have joined the list of SAP services alongside
large organizations.
Course Objectives:
After completing this subject, the student will be able to
⮚ Equip with the skills and knowledge of SAP
⮚ Develop and maintain SAP applications using various programming language.
⮚ Understand the TDA/SAP process
⮚ Understand the key steps in the TDA/SAP process.
⮚ Be able to communicate the TDA/SAP process to others.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the fundamental concepts of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and SAP.
CO2: Establish a strong foundation in ABAP programming.
CO3: Develop skills in managing data structures using the ABAP Data Dictionary.
CO4: Introduce Object-Oriented ABAP concepts.
CO5: Master the creation of various types of ABAP reports.
Knowledge of basics of Engineering and Industrial engineering
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 - - - - 3 1 3
CO2 - - - - 3 3 3
CO3 - - - 1 - 3 2
CO4 - 1 3 3 2 3 2
CO5 - 2 3 3 3 3 3
Legend: 3-High Correlation, 2-Medium Correlation, 1-Low Correlation
Instructional Strategy:
● The instructional strategy for teaching SAP in polytechnic colleges emphasizes practical
application and industry relevance.
● Through a curriculum aligned with the state technical education board, the syllabus is
broken down into manageable units, prioritizing topics pertinent to Indian engineering
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities
for an engaging learning experience.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on
activities in a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly
assess experiment outcomes and analyze potential sources of error in case of
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each experiment should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be
evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the
next experiment.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file documents. The Program, Procedure, Sketch and Output should be written by the
student manually. The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be
maintained in the course logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be
submitted for the verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
Cycle I: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Cycle II: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
Question pattern – Written Test Theory
Description Marks
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Total 75
Web Reference:
● Free SAP Training | openSAP
● SAP Help Portal
A Aim / Procedure 10
B Steps / Execution 20
C Report / Presentation 20
D Result 10
F Viva Voce 10
Industrial Internet of Things or IIoT refers to interconnected instruments, sensors and other
devices which can be networked together in an industrial setting. This connectivity enables
remote access, efficient monitoring, data acquisition and collection, analysis and exchange of
different data sources and a lot more. IIoT solutions have enormous potential for increasing
productivity, and are also known for their low cost and quick implementation.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to enable the student to
● Understand the application of IIoT in automation of commercial and real world
● Summarize the functions of various types of sensors.
● Understand the Designing Industrial IOT Systems for various applications.
● Facilitate the students to design simple IIoT concepts.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Explain the basic computing features of the Arduino platform and programming.
CO2: Adapt to the Arduino platform and display their name in the LCD display.
CO3: Perform LED blinking and LED pattern creation with push button control with
CO4: Perform IR sensor interfacing, ultrasonic sensor interfacing and soil moisture
interfacing with ESP32.
CO5: Design a system that integrates ultrasonic sensors for accurate distance
Applied Physics
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 - 1 3 - - -
CO2 3 - 1 3 - - -
CO3 3 - 1 3 - - -
CO4 3 - 1 3 - - -
CO5 3 - 1 3 - - -
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to increase the students’ attention and boost their
curiosity to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to measure student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each experiment should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be
evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the
next experiment.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook / printed manual / file.
The Program, Procedure, Sketch and Output should be written by the student manually.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
Cycle I: 1, 2, 3 4, and 5.
Cycle II: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
● CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Theory Portion
S.No Name of the Equipment’s
3. LED Bulb 15
4. Resistor 15
5. Push button 15
6. Servo motor 5V DC 15
7 DC motor 15
8 5V DC Relay 15
9 Mini Breadboard 15
12 IR Sensor 15
15 Joystick module 15
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
This syllabus outlines advanced welding technologies that covers various welding processes
and techniques. The course is divided into 3 units that cover topics like introductory welding
concepts, common arc and resistance welding processes, welding metallurgy, and weldment
inspection and testing. The course aims to impart knowledge of advanced welding practices,
welding process parameters, and the comparative merits of different welding methods.
Students should learn to select the appropriate welding technique for various joint types and
understand how to produce quality weldments.
Course Objectives:
1. To learn various concepts related to welding and its applications.
2. To have practical purview of various welding processes, welding standards, and
advanced welding processes.
3. Familiarise with the working of the various welding processes.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Explain the physics of Welding
CO2: Identify the appropriate Welding technique for the components
CO3: Select proper techniques to identify the welding defects
CO4: Acquire skills on advanced welding techniques
CO5: Demonstrate the necessary skills to identify the defects in welding.
Knowledge of metal joining procedure
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 3
CO5 3 3
Instructional Strategy:
1. Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
2. Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
3. Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
4. Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
5. Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
6. Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyze potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice.
The same shall be evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before
commencement of the next experiment.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook / printed manual / file.
The Steps, Procedure, Sketch and Result should be written by the student manually.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
A Joint Preparation 20
B Procedure 20
C Weld bead 10
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
A Joint Preparation 20
B Procedure 20
C Weld bead 10
D Finish 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus contents
Theory Portion Period
UNIT 1: Introduction and physics of welding 15
Overview of welding processes and their classification, edge preparation, weld
symbols – types of joints - weld nomenclature - electrode - codes – flux coating -
modes of metal transfer – heat sources – types of welding arc - Arc characteristics
- Voltage-current characteristics – welding efficiency - heat affected zone (HAZ) -
welding techniques
UNIT 2: Arc, Gas and other welding processes
Fundamental principles - arc welding – carbon arc welding – shielded metal arc
welding – submerged arc welding – TIG – MIG – plasma arc welding – electro slag
welding - advantages, limitations and applications; Oxy-acetylene welding –
air-acetylene welding – advantages, limitations and applications.
LASER beam welding, robot welding, solid state welding - diffusion bonding,
explosive welding, ultrasonic welding, friction welding, forge welding - thermit
welding - atomic hydrogen welding - electron beam welding - under water welding -
electric resistance welding, spot, seam – its advantages, disadvantages and
UNIT 3: Welding defects and Inspection
Welding defects – causes and remedies – Weldability test - Weldability of metals
like steels, stainless steels, aluminium, copper, nickel and titanium alloys –
inspections – purpose – inspection methods – visual inspection - DPT – MPT –
radiographic test – ultrasonic test – phased array ultrasonic test (PAUT) - case
studies in testing of welded joints - Software in welding and importance.
Practice 10
Arc welding basic exercises (for practice) :
Lap joint, Butt joint, Corner joint, T-joint
Gas welding basic exercises (for practice) :
Lap joint, Butt joint, Corner joint, T-joint
Practical Exercises
Exercises for Practical Exam.: 40
1. Make a butt and fillet joints by down hand welding (single V) using arc
2. Make a butt and fillet joints by vertical welding using arc welding.
3. Welding of pipes using arc welding
4. Butt welding of thin sheets leftward, rightward and downward using gas
5. Welding of tubes using gas welding.
6. TIG welding practice – butt joint.
7. MIG welding practice – butt joint.
8. Spot welding practice in thin sheets.
9. Inspection of welding – visual and magnetic particle test.
10. Inspection of welding – die penetrant test and ultrasonic test.
Revision + Test 10
Total 75
1. Advance Welding Technology by S.A. Rizvi , S.K. Kataria & Sons. 4th, reprint 2019.
2. Welding Engineering and Technology by R.S. PARMAR, IIT, Delhi, Kanna Publishers, 1999.
3. Welding principles and practices by Edward R. Bohnart, Mc. Graw Hill Education, 2014.
All the exercises/experiments should be completed before the Board Practical Examinations.
End Semester Practical examination should be conducted for all the exercises / experiments for
100 Marks. Students will be permitted to select any one exercise by lot or question paper
supplied by the DOTE Exam section shall be used. The practical document prepared by the
student should be submitted with a Bonafide Certificate.
A Joint Preparation 20
B Procedure 20
C Weld bead 10
D Finish 10
E Written Test (Theory Portions) 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
It has been realized that rapid industrialization and globalization needs industries to be
more competitive and deliver cost effective quality products. This needs industries to
implement flexible manufacturing systems where Robotic technology plays a major role.
Hence study of robotic technology is very essential, To acquire knowledge about the
hydraulic and pneumatic systems and its functions of the components. Understand the
control methods of automation.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to prepare the student,
● To understand the basics of robot components and process automation.
● To execute the Robot programming using simulation software.
● To execute the Robot programming and Execute.
● To perform the basics of robotics and simulation of software fixtures for material
handling and industrial applications.
● To execute program for various applications in manufacturing by using robot
programming and industrial safety systems.
● To learn about the software and hardware systems for industrial Robotics
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
CO1: Describe the components of Robot and its joints & links in Robot configuration,
CO2: Classify the robot controller Drives and grippers,
CO3: Explain industrial applications of robot in Manufacturing environment
CO4: Generate robot program for material handling applications
CO5: Execute / Simulate programs for various applications in manufacturing by using
robot programming.
Knowledge of Basic Robot Engineering, Robot software, Robot programming .
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 3 2 1
CO3 3 2 1
CO4 3 2 1
CO5 3 2 1
Instructional Strategy
Active Learning: Activities for active learning can include think-pair-share strategies as well as
kin-esthetic learning environment.Teachers can start a discussion to make sure students take
ownership over their own participation and talk through new ideas and skills with peers.
Teachers guide students as they construct their own knowledge and understanding.
Hands-on-Training: Conduct demonstrations and hands on training is all about applying the
knowledge you have learned in training into practice.
Real time Learning: Instructors encourage the students to implement the techniques in their
own place / Lab through the Industry-Institute interactions.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook / printed manual / file.
The Steps, Procedure, Sketch and Result should be written by the student manually. The
detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
A Step / Procedure 10
B Write Program 20
C Edit Program / Simulate / Execution 20
Description Marks
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination - Practical Exam
A Step / Procedure 10
B Write Program 20
C Edit Program / Simulate / Execution 20
D Result / Finish / Accuracy 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus contents
Practical Exercise
Ex.No Name of the Experiment
1. Mikell P Groover, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N Nagel, Nicholas Odrey, and Ashish Dutta, Industrial
Robotics – Technology, Programming and Applications, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. Appuu Kuttan, Robotics, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2013
3. Ganesh S. Hegde, A Textbook of Industrial Robotics, Second Edition, Laxmi Publications (P)
Ltd., 2015
4. Nagarajan Ramachandran, Introduction to Industrial Robotics, Pearson India Education
Services Pvt. Ltd., 2016
1. Robot simulation software or Robotic arm
2. Computer - 30 Nos.
B Write Program 20
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
To impart knowledge about HVAC system components, handling the components and testing
the performance is very much needed. This content would be useful to select the various types
of components to be used in HVAC systems with different capacities. The knowledge about
VFD compressors and capacity calculation of cooling coils is very essential in the present
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to enable the student to
● Practice, set and adjust the LP and HP cut-out, TEV and thermostat in refrigeration
● Test the capacitor and selector switch for its working.
● Test the pumping capacity of sealed compressor.
● Determine the capacity of fan and evaporator coil of window air conditioner.
● Determine the capacity of air cooled condenser of split air conditioner.
● Determine the range, approach and efficiency of cooling tower.
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to,
CO1: Explain the construction and working of compressor and condenser.
CO2: Explain the functions of expansion valve and evaporator.
CO3: Describe the different components in the HVAC system.
CO4: Demonstrate the various processes of HVAC system.
CO5: Demonstrate the electrical components used in HVAC system.
Basic knowledge of HVAC Components.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 3
CO5 3 3
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their learning
● To help students learn and appreciate numerous concepts and principles in each area,
teachers should provide examples from daily life, realistic situations, and real-world
engineering and technological applications.
● The demonstration can make the subject exciting and foster in the students a scientific
mindset. Student activities should be planned on all the topics.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices are under a simulated environment (may be
followed by a real environment as far as possible).
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
A Aim / Procedure 10
B Tools required / Observation 20
C Diagrams / Tabulation and calculation / 20
Setting / Adjusting
CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
A Aim / Procedure 10
B Tools required / Observation 20
C Diagrams / Tabulation and calculation / 20
Setting / Adjusting
D Result / Report 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Unit 1 Compressor
Compressor – Introduction - functions of a compressor – Classification - open type
reciprocating compressor – Hermetically sealed compressors – construction and 3
Unit II Condenser
Practical Exercise
Ex. No Name of the Exercise Periods
1 Charging of Refrigerant in a refrigeration System 4
2 Pump down of refrigerant from the refrigeration System 4
3 Find out the leak in the refrigeration System and rectify the defect 4
4 Charging of oil in the refrigeration System 4
5 Setting and Adjusting the thermostat. 4
6 Setting and Adjusting of low pressure and High pressure cut out in VCR 4
A Aim / Procedure 10
B Tools required / Observation 20
C Diagrams / Tabulation and calculation / 20
Setting / Adjusting
D Result / Report 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Automobiles are one of the key areas of development in India facilitated by Multinational
Companies. As automobiles are the Major sources of employing man power a thorough
knowledge on Automobile Engine construction and its functioning is required with due
consideration on pollution control.
Course Objectives:
● Explain about the constructional details of an Automobile engine including cooling
and lubrication system.
● Describe fuel feed systems for petrol and diesel engines with all devices involved in
● Explain the construction and functional features of the power transmission
systems and various parts involved in it.
● Explain the functions of different types of steering, suspension and brake systems.
● Describe the different types of chassis and their functions.
● Familiarize electrical and electronic equipment used in automobiles.
● To understand the emerging trends of electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and
solar vehicles.
● To know the automobile emissions and its effects on the environment.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Explain the principles of cooling and lubrication systems for an IC engine
CO2: Describe fuel feed systems for petrol and diesel engines with all its components.
CO3:Illustrate the types of steering, suspension and brake systems based on the
CO4: Classify the types of Automobile Chassis and its sub systems based on their
CO5: Explore the various Electrical Equipments used in an automobile system
Basic knowledge about internal combustion engines.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 - - 3 - - 1
CO2 3 - - 3 - - 1
CO3 3 - - 3 - - 0
CO4 3 - - 3 - - 1
CO5 3 3 - - 1
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyse potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice.
The same shall be evaluated for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before
commencement of the next experiment.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook / printed manual / file.
The Steps, Procedure, Sketch and Result should be written by the student manually.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DOTE Official.
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination - Practical Exam
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Automobile Engines Basic Engine Components and its functions, Cooling systems 2
– purpose – types. Lubrication systems – purpose.
Practical Exercises 8
Exercise 1: Dismantling and assembling a four stroke petrol engine and
identification of parts.
Exercise 2: Removing camshaft, replacing timing gears, removing valves, lapping
and adjusting valve clearance.
Theory Portion - Unit II
Types of fuel feed systems- S.U. Electrical fuel pump - petrol injection. Layout of 2
diesel and petrol fuel feed system CRDI system - fuel injectors
Practical Exercises 12
Exercise 3: Removing, servicing and replacing of fuel pump, oil pump & water
Exercise 4: Removing, servicing & replacing MPFI system.
Exercise 5: Dismantling and assembling of inline fuel injection pump / CRDI
Theory Portion - Unit III
Transmission And Power Trains General arrangement of power transmission 4
system -clutch – function – Components – Types - Single plate and multi plate –
Clutch troubles and their causes. Gear box – purpose–constant mesh and
synchromesh-gear box troubles and their causes. Drive line – propeller shaft –
Universal joint –
. Differential – purpose – Construction and operation
Practical Exercises 8
Exercise 6: Removing and replacing of pressure plate and clutch plate, fingers
Exercise 7: Dismantling, inspecting and assembling of constant mesh gear box and
find out the gear ratios.
Theory Portion - Unit IV
Automobile Chassis Front axle – Types– Steering gears. Suspension system – 3
Functions – Type of springs Brake system – functions – ABS.
Practical Exercises 4
Exercise 8: Dismantling, assembling and adjusting of steering gear box.
Theory Portion - Unit V
Electrical Equipment & Hybrid Electric Vehicles Battery – lead acid battery – Nickel 4
alkaline battery – construction and operation of starter motor. Ignition system –
Types – High tension magneto – electronic ignition – Ignition system troubles and
remedies. Lighting system - Horn circuits – Wind screen wiper.
Practical Exercises 16
Exercise 9: Test a battery with specific gravity test and charge the battery with
constant amperage / voltage method.
Exercise 10: Dismantling, overhauling and assembling of starter motor / alternator
Exercise 11: Trace the automobile electrical system with respect to battery coil
ignition system
Exercise 12: Trace the automobile electrical system with respect to (i) horn relay
circuit, (ii) Wiper circuit & explain with neat circuit diagram
Assessment Test + Revision 12
Total 75
1. A Textbook of Automobile Engineering by R.K.Rajput, Second Edition 2016, Laxmi
2. Automotive Mechanics, William H.crouse and Donald .L. Anglin, Tata McGraw– Hill
Publishing CompanyLtd, NewDelhi.
3. Automotive Mechanics, Joseph Heitner, East–west Press (P) Ltd, NewDelhi
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Equipment / Facilities required to conduct the Practical Course.
1. Automobile Mechanic’s tools-Complete Set
2. Internal circlip plier, bearing puller
3. Feeler gauge to check valve clearance, hammer and accessories
4. Compressor to supply high pressure air to clean oil and water filters.
5. 4 stroke petrol engine - with all accessories
6. 4 stroke Diesel engine - with all accessories
7. Engine cylinder with liner and cylinder bore dial gauge
8. Oil pump and water pump.
9. MPFI and CRDI kit
10. Inline Fuel Injection Pump and Injectors
11. Clutch set arrangement with tools
12. Complete gear box with tools
13. Complete steering arrangement
14. Battery and charging set up.
15. Measuring instruments
16. Consumables - Sufficient quantity.
The integration of Innovation and Start-ups concept within the syllabus is testament to the
forward thinking nature of educational institutions. By introducing this concept, students are
provided with a solid foundation upon which they can build their skills in Innovation and
Start-ups. This course can bridge the gap between theory and practice. It allows students to
apply the knowledge they have acquired in a real world context, thereby enhancing their
understanding and retention of the above concept. This experimental learning approach not only
fosters a deeper level of engagement but also trains student with practical skills necessary to
navigate the complexities of the business world. This also empowers students to become an
Innovator or Entrepreneur. With necessary tools and knowledge, educational institutions are
preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs to tackle the challenges and opportunities that
lie ahead. This syllabus will explore the different facets of innovation, including its importance,
types and strategies for fostering a culture of innovation within organizations
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the students
o To understand the concept of Innovation and Start-ups.
o To acquire knowledge of Prototype development, IPR, Patents and Copyrights.
o To have practical experience in preparing Business plan for Start-ups.
o To visit the existing nearby industry to prepare a project report about the present
challenges of that industry.
o To know the different funding supports available from Government and
Non-Government schemes for Start-ups.
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
CO 1: Differentiate between Innovation and Start-ups
CO 2: Explain the importance of IPR, Patents and Copyrights.
CO 3: Describe the methodology to be adopted for preparing the Business Plan
CO 4: Gain practical experience by Industrial training and visiting the nearby industry
Co 5: Explore and identify various funding facilities available from Government and
Non-Government Schemes for Start-ups
There are no specific prerequisites for this course, although a basic understanding of
business and technology concepts would be beneficial.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 - - 1 - 2 3 3
CO2 - - 1 - 2 3 3
CO3 - - 1 - 2 3 3
CO4 - - 1 - 2 3 3
CO5 - - 1 - 2 3 3
Assessment Methodology
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End Semester
CA1 CA2 CA3 (60 marks)
Submission of Practical
Class Assessment Seminar
Industry Visit Examination
Mode Presentations
(Unit I, II & Unit III) Project Report
(Unit IV) (Project)
(Unit V)
Converted to 10 10 20 60
Marks 10 10 20 60
Total 40 marks
Syllabus Contents
All the students have to select a minimum of 2 topics from the list given below. 9
They are expected to collect the resources with the help of faculty assigned to
them to prepare PPTs for presentation
1. Idea Generation.
2. Innovation Management.
3. Product Development.
All the students should visit and study the nearby industries, incubation centres, 18
start-ups etc., and select any one to prepare a project report which covers the Name
of the Industry/Organization, Introduction of the Industry, Type of the Industry,
Scope of the Industry, Plant Layout and Location, Details of Plant and Machineries,
Process flow chart, Manufacturing Methods, Process of Manufacturing, Product
Manufacturing, Quality Control, Marketing, Product selling - Conclusion.
Total 45
Industrial training is a crucial component of the diploma engineering curriculum, designed to
bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Typically conducted
during vacation periods, this two-week training program provides students with hands-on
experience in their respective engineering fields. The primary objectives are to enhance practical
skills, familiarize students with industry standards, and prepare them for future employment.
Two-week industrial training during vacation periods is an invaluable part of diploma
engineering education. It not only equips students with practical skills but also provides a
comprehensive understanding of the industry, preparing them for successful engineering
1. Practical Exposure: Students gain direct exposure to real-world engineering practices,
tools, and technologies.
2. Skill Enhancement: The training helps in developing technical and soft skills that are
essential for professional growth.
3. Industry Insight: Students learn about the working environment, operational procedures,
and challenges faced by industries.
4. Professional Networking: The training offers opportunities to interact with industry
professionals, which can be beneficial for career prospects.
5. Application of Knowledge: It allows students to apply classroom knowledge to solve
practical problems, enhancing their understanding and retention of engineering
Structure of the Training Program
● Orientation: Introduction to the company, its operations, and safety protocols.
● Project Assignment: Students are assigned specific projects or tasks relevant to their
field of study.
● Supervision and Mentorship: Industry professionals guide and mentor students
throughout the training.
● Skill Development Workshops: Sessions on technical skills, software tools, and industry
best practices.
● Assessment and Feedback: Performance evaluations and constructive feedback to help
students improve.
Benefits for Students
● Enhanced Employability: Practical experience makes students more attractive to
potential employers.
● Confidence Building: Working in a real-world setting boosts confidence and professional
● Clarified Career Goals: Exposure to various roles and responsibilities helps students
define their career paths.
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Demonstrate proficiency in using industrial machinery, tools, and software.
CO 2: Able to identify, analyze, and solve engineering problems using industry-standard
methods and practices.
CO 3: Gain a comprehensive understanding of industrial manufacturing processes,
quality control, and safety practices.
CO 4: Exhibit improved communication, teamwork, and professional behavior in an
industrial setting.
CO 5: Apply theoretical concepts learned in their coursework to practical engineering
tasks and projects.
Duties Responsibilities of the Faculty Mentor.
One faculty mentor should be assigned for every 30 students by the HOD / Principal. Faculty
mentors shall play a crucial role in overseeing and guiding students during their industrial
training program in Diploma engineering.
Pre-Training Responsibilities:
1. Orientation and Preparation:
○ Conduct orientation sessions to familiarize students with the objectives,
expectations, and guidelines of the industrial training program.
Attendance Certification
Every student has to get their attendance certified by the industrial supervisor in the
prescribed form supplied to them. Students have also to put their signature on the form
and submit it to the institution faculty mentor.
Training Reports
The students have to prepare reports: The report in the form of a diary to be submitted to
the concerned faculty mentor of the institution. This will be reviewed while awarding
Internal assessment.
Industrial Training Diary
Students are required to maintain the record of day-to-day work done. Such a record is
called Industrial training Diary. Students have to write this report regularly. All days for
the week should be accounted for clearly giving attendance particulars (Presence,
absence, Leave, Holidays etc.). The concern of the Industrial supervisor is to periodically
check these progress reports.
In addition to the diary, students are required to submit a comprehensive report on
training with details of the organisation where the training was undergone after
attestation by the supervisors. The comprehensive report should incorporate study of
plant / product / process / construction along with intensive in-depth study on any one
of the topics such as processes, methods, tooling, construction and equipment,
highlighting aspects of quality, productivity and system. The comprehensive report
should be completed in the last week of Industrial training. Any data, drawings etc.
should be incorporated with the consent of the Organisation.
Scheme of Evaluation
Internal Assessment
Students should be assessed for 40 Marks by industry supervisor and polytechnic faculty
mentor for the Internal Assessment.
Total 40
Students should be assessed for 100 Marks both by the internal examiner and external
examiner appointed by the Chairman Board of Examinations after the completion of industrial
training. The marks scored will be converted to 60 marks for the End Semester Examination.
Scheme of Evaluation
D Viva Voce 20
Total 100
Every student must do one mini project in the sandwich diploma program. Students can do their
project in Industry or R&D Lab or in-house or a combination of any two for the partial fulfillment
for the award of Diploma in Engineering.
For the project works, the Department will constitute a three-member faculty committee to
monitor the progress of the project and conduct reviews regularly.
If the projects are done in-house, the students must obtain the bonafide certificate for project
work from the Project supervisor and Head of the Department, at the end of the semester.
Students who have not obtained the bonafide certificate are not permitted to appear for the
Project Viva Voce examination.
For the projects carried out in Industry, the students must submit a separate certificate from
Industry apart from the regular bonafide certificate mentioned above. For Industry related
projects there must be one internal faculty advisor / Supervisor from Industry (External), this is
in addition to the regular faculty supervision.
The final examination for project work will be evaluated based on the final report submitted by
the project group of not exceeding four students, and the viva voce by an external examiner.
Academic project work plays a crucial role in the education of Diploma in Engineering students,
as it helps them apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations and prepares them for
real-world engineering challenges.
● Integration of Knowledge: Consolidate and integrate theoretical knowledge acquired in
coursework to solve practical engineering problems.
● Skill Development: Enhance technical skills related to the specific field of engineering
through hands-on experience and application.
● Problem-Solving Abilities: Develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by
addressing complex engineering issues within a defined scope.
● Project Management: Gain experience in project planning, execution, and management,
including setting objectives, timelines, and resource allocation.
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical concepts and principles learned in
coursework to solve practical engineering problems encountered during the project.
CO 2: Develop and enhance technical skills specific to the field of engineering relevant to
the project, such as design, analysis, simulation, construction, testing, and
CO 3: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to identify, analyze, and propose
solutions to engineering challenges encountered throughout the project lifecycle.
CO 4: Acquire project management skills by effectively planning, organizing, and
executing project tasks within defined timelines and resource constraints.
CO 5: Improve communication skills through the preparation and delivery of project
reports, presentations, and documentation that effectively convey technical information
to stakeholders.
● Ensure students have access to necessary resources, including research materials, lab
equipment, software, and academic literature.
● Regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of the project, providing constructive
feedback and guidance to help them stay on track and achieve their goals.
● Instill and uphold high ethical and professional standards, encouraging students to
practice integrity and responsibility in their work.
● Assist in preparing progress reports, writing recommendation letters, and facilitating
grant applications.
● Organize and participate in workshops, seminars, and other educational events that
enhance the learning experience and professional development .
● Address any issues or conflicts that arise, providing mediation and support to ensure a
positive and productive academic environment.
● Seek internships, co-op programs, or part-time jobs related to your field of study.
Real-world experience is invaluable for understanding industry practices and enhancing
your employability.
● Uphold high ethical standards in all your academic and professional activities. Practice
integrity, honesty, and responsibility. Adhere to the ethical guidelines and standards set
by your institution and the engineering profession.
● Adopt a mindset of lifelong learning. Stay updated with the latest developments and
trends in engineering by reading industry journals, attending conferences, and taking
additional courses.
10 Quality of Work Overall quality and contribution of the project to the field.
Demonstrated effort to produce high-quality work.
The mark allocation for Internal and End Semester Viva Voce are as below.
Note: * The rubrics should be followed for the evaluation of the internal marks during reviews.
The performance of each student in the project group would be evaluated in a viva voce
examination conducted by a committee consisting of an external examiner and the Department
project supervisor and an internal examiner.
The marks scored will be converted to 60 Marks.
Mathematics is essential for engineering students to understand core engineering subjects. It
provides the framework for engineers to solve problems in engineering domains. This course is
designed to bridge the gap between diploma mathematics and B.E/B.Tech mathematics in
matrix algebra, differential calculus, vector calculus, differential equations, and Laplace
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. Understand the concepts of eigen-values and eigen-vectors of matrices.
2. Learn the notation of partial differentiation and determine the extremities of functions of
two variables.
3. Acquire knowledge in vector calculus which is significantly used to solve engineering
4. Formulate and solve differential equations.
5. Understand Laplace transformation and its engineering applications.
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
CO1: Find eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a square matrix.
CO2: Apply the knowledge of partial differentiation to evaluate Jacobian and extremities of
two variable functions.
CO3: Evaluate the gradient of a scalar field and the divergence and curl of vector fields.
CO4: Solve ordinary differential equations using various techniques.
CO5: Use Laplace transforms to solve first-order ordinary differential equations.
Matrices, Determinants, Differentiation, Integration and Vector Algebra.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 3 2 1 1 1 3
CO2 3 3 2 1 1 1 3
CO3 3 3 2 1 1 1 3
CO4 3 3 2 1 1 1 3
CO5 3 3 2 1 1 1 3
Instructional Strategy
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
(5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Partial derivatives of two variable and three variable functions (up to second order) 7
– Homogeneous functions and Euler’s theorem (excluding proof) – Jacobian
matrix and determinant – Maxima and minima of functions of two variables –
Simple problems.
Scalar field and Vector field – Vector differential operator – Gradient of a scalar 7
field – Directional derivative – Divergence and curl of a vector field (excluding
properties) – Solenoidal and irrotational vector fields – Simple problems.
(𝑎𝐷2 + 𝑏𝐷 + 𝑐)𝑦 = 𝑒𝑛𝑥 where 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 and 𝑛 are constants and the auxiliary
equation 𝑎𝑚 + 𝑏𝑚 + 𝑐 = 0 has only real roots) – Complementary function –
Particular integral – General solution – Simple problems.
Revision + Test 10
Reference Books:
1. John Bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Routledge, 9th Edition, 2021.
2. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012.
3. Arumugam, S., Thangapandi Isaac, A., & Somasundaram, A., Differential Equations and
Applications, Yes Dee Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2020.
4. Duraipandian, P., & Kayalal Pachaiyappa, Vector Analysis, S Chand and Company Limited,
5. Narayanan, S., & Manicavachagom Pillai T.K., Calculus Volume I and II, .Viswanathan
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
Web Reference
Development of a diploma curriculum is a dynamic process responsive to the society and
reflecting the needs and aspirations of its learners. Fast changing society deserves changes in
educational curriculum particularly to establish relevance to emerging socio-economic
environments; to ensure equity of opportunity and participation and finally promote concern
for excellence. In this context the course on entrepreneurship and start ups aims at instilling
and stimulating human urge for excellence by realizing individual potential for generating and
putting to use the inputs relevant to social prosperity and thereby ensuring good means of living
for every individual, providing jobs and developing the Indian economy.
Course Objectives
After completing this subject, the student will be able to
● Acquire entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness
● Familiarize Acquire knowledge about the business idea and product selection
● Analyze the banking and financial institutions
● Understand the pricing policy and cost analysis
● Get knowledge about the business plan preparation
Course Outcomes
CO1: Explain the process of entrepreneurship
CO2: Analyse the importance of generation of ideas and product selection
CO3: Familiarization of various financial and non financial schemes
CO4: Acquire various cost components to arrive pricing of the product
CO5: Learn the preparation of project feasibility report
Knowledge of basics of Engineering and Industrial engineering
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 - - - - 3 1 3
CO2 - - - - 3 3 3
CO3 - - - 1 - 3 2
CO4 - 1 3 3 2 3 2
CO5 - 2 3 3 3 3 3
Instructional Strategy
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their
learning confidence.
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and applications to
help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for
an engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice- activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities
in a simulated environment, transitioning to real- world scenarios when possible.
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
(5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Types of Costs - Variable - Fixed- Operational Costs - Break Even Analysis - for 7
single product or service, -financial Business Case Study, Understand the meaning
and concept of the term Cash Inflow and Cash Outflow- Pricing- Calculate Per Unit
Cost of a single product, , Understand the importance and preparation of Income
Statement, Prepare a Cash Flow Projection- Factors affecting pricing.- GST.
Revision + Test 10
Suggested list of Students Activity.
1. Students can explore app development or web design. They’ll learn about technology,
user experience, and marketing.
2. Hosting events, workshops, or conferences allows students to practice project
management, networking, and marketing skills.
3. Encourage students to address social or environmental issues through innovative
business solutions. This fosters empathy and creativity.
Project management is the systematic application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to
project activities to meet specific project requirements. It involves planning, organizing, and
managing resources to achieve project goals within defined scope, time, and budget
constraints. Project management encompasses several key processes and phases, including
initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing. It is essential across
various industries to ensure projects are completed successfully, efficiently, and effectively,
aligning with organizational objectives and stakeholder expectations. Project managers play a
crucial role in leading teams, managing risks, ensuring quality, and communicating with
stakeholders to drive project success.
Course Objectives
After completing this subject, the student will be able,
● To understand the concept, characteristics and elements of projects.
● To understand the stages in Project Life Cycle.
● To appreciate the need for Project Portfolio Management System.
● To know the considerations in choosing appropriate project management structure.
● To understand the components of techno-economic feasibility studies.
● To know about the detailed project report
● To learn about project constraints.
● To understand the techniques of evaluation.
● To get insight into the Social Cost Benefit Analysis Method.
● To know how to construct project networks using PERT and CPM.
● To learn how to crash project networks
● To understand the meaning of project appraisal.
● To understand the meaning of project audits.
● To know the qualities of an effective project manager.
● To understand the stages in the Team Development model.
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Explain the principles of Project Management
CO 2: Create and manage project schedules.
CO 3: Create structure and manage the project commitments.
CO 4: Acquire to Gain enterprise support.
CO 5: Prepare a Detailed Project Report (DPR).
Basic Knowledge.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 - - - - 3 1
CO2 3 - - - 1 3 1
CO3 3 - - 1 1 3 1
CO4 3 - - - 1 3 1
CO5 3 - - 1 1 3 1
Instructional Strategy
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity
to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
(5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Unit III Project Evaluation under Certainty and Uncertainty, Project Evaluation,
Commercial and Social Cost Benefit Analysis
Project Evaluation under certainty - Net Present Value (Problems - Case Study), 7
Benefit Cost Ratio, Internal Rate of Return, Urgency, Payback Period, ARR – Project
Evaluation under uncertainty – Methodology for project evaluation – Commercial vs.
National Profitability – Social Cost Benefit Analysis, Commercial or National
Profitability, social or national profitability.
Unit IV Developing Project Network using PERT and CPM, Project Appraisal and
Control Process.
Unit V Project Managing Versus Leading of Project, Qualities of Project Manager and
Managing Project Teams, Team Building Models and Performance Teams and
Team Pitfalls.
Revision + Test 10
Group Project:
● Activity: Work in teams to manage a project from initiation to closure, simulating a real
project environment.
● Purpose: Group projects help students learn how to work collaboratively, manage group
dynamics, and apply project management tools and techniques in a team setting.
Project Management Software Training:
● Activity: Gain hands-on experience with project management software such as Microsoft
Project, Asana, or Trello.
● Purpose: This activity equips students with practical skills in using technology to plan,
track, and manage project tasks and resources efficiently.
Reference Books:
1. Clifford F. Gray And Erik W. Larson, Project Management – The Managerial Process, Tata
Mcgraw Hill.
2. Dragan Z. Milosevic, Project Management Toolbox: Tools And Techniques For The
Practicing Project Manager,
3. Gopalakrishnan, P/ Ramamoorthy, V E, Textbook Of Project Management, Macmillan
India. Ltd.
4. Harold Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach To Planning, Scheduling, And
Controlling, Eighth Edition, John Wiley & Sons
5. Jason Charvat, Project Management Methodologies: Selecting, Implementing, And
Supporting Methodologies And Processes For Projects, John Wiley & Sons
6. Kevin Forsberg, Ph.D, Hal Mooz, Visualizing Project Management: A Model For Business
And Technical Success, Second Edition, Pmp And Howard Cotterman, John Wiley &
Web Reference
NPTEL Courses
This course gives a deep insight into the finance fundamentals such as money management
and the process of acquiring needed funds. It also encompasses the oversight, creation, and
study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets, liabilities that make up financial systems
and improves overall financial literacy.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to
1. Identify different ways to save money for future
2. Understand various techniques to raise capital
3. Get acquainted with the essential terminologies used in finance language
4. Get exposed to different types of budgeting
5. Instill the concept of costing and its impact on profitability
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
CO1: Manage financial resources effectively to achieve personal goals
CO2: Explain the procedure for Business Funding
CO3: Exhibit financial literacy through the usage of different terminologies appropriate
to the context
CO4: Differentiate the types of budgeting and allocate the resources
CO5: Apply the idea of marginal costing in decision making
Knowledge of basic mathematics
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 - - - 1 - 2
CO2 3 - - - 1 - 2
CO3 3 - - - 1 - 2
CO4 3 - - - 1 - 2
CO5 3 - - 1 - 2
Instructional Strategy
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their
learning confidence.
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and applications to
help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for
an engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice- activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities
in a simulated environment, transitioning to real- world scenarios when possible.
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
(5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Shareholders fund: Equity Share capital, Preference Share Capital, Reserve & Surplus
– Borrowings: Debentures, Bank Loan, Other Loan – Depreciation – Reserve Vs
UNIT IV Budgeting
Revision + Test 10
Reference Books:
1. Banking Theory, Law & Practice - Dr.L.Natarajan, Margham Publications.
2. Corporate Accounting by T.S.Reddy and Dr.A.Murthy, Margham Publications.
3. Management Accounting by T.S.Reddy and Dr.Y.Hariprasd Reddy, Margham Publications.
4. Cost Accounting by T.S.Reddy and Dr.Y.Hariprasd Reddy, Margham Publications.
Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, represents the current trend of
automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It integrates advanced
technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing,
and big data analytics to create "smart factories" that are highly efficient and adaptive.
Industry 4.0 is transforming the manufacturing landscape by leveraging advanced technologies
to create more efficient, flexible, and intelligent production processes. For diploma engineering
students, understanding these concepts is crucial as they will play a key role in the future of
engineering and manufacturing. Learning Industry 4.0 will not only enhance your technical skills
but also prepare you for the evolving job market in the digital age.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to prepare the student,
● To understand the basics of Technology of Industry 4.0 and IoT
● To learn about the Artificial Intelligence and Application Domains
● To study Robotic Process Automation and programming.
● To understand the Augmented & Virtual Reality and its applications
● To learn and evolution of IoT, Sensors, and Actuators
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
CO1: Describe the Industry 4.0 technology and Industrial Internet of Things
CO2: Explain the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Future Prospects of AI.
CO3: Explain Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Manufacturing Industry
CO4: Describe Augmented & Virtual Reality and its Applications.
CO5: Explain the applications of IoT, Sensors, and Actuators in industries
Basic Knowledge of Industry 4.0 and its Applications
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 1 1
CO2 3 1 1
CO3 3 1 1
CO4 3 1 1
CO5 3 1 1
Legend: 3-High Correlation, 2-Medium Correlation, 1-Low Correlation
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer five questions (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Need – Reason for Adopting Industry 4.0 - Definition – Goals and Design 7
Principles - Technologies of Industry 4.0 – Big Data – Artificial Intelligence (AI) –
Industrial Internet of Things - Cyber Security – Cloud – Augmented Reality.
Total 45
1. Sudip Misra, Chandana roy, and Anandarup Mukherjee, Introduction to Industrial Internet
of Things and Industry 4.0, Taylor & Francis India, 2021.
2. Dr Anand Kumar Singh and Dr. Manish Gangil, INDUSTRY 4.0, Shashwat Publication,
3. Alasdair Gilchrist, Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things, 1st Edition, Apress,
4. Dr Kamlesh Lakhwani, Dr Hemant Kumar Gianey, Joseph Kofi Wireko, and Kamal Kant
Hiran, Internet of Things (IoT), First Edition, BPB Publications, 2020.
This course is mainly designed to have a complete knowledge about Additive Manufacturing
technologies which is a main component among the nine pillars of Industrie 4.0. This course is
suitable for students opting for any pathway under Diploma in Mechanical Engineering stream.
This course enhances the technical skills of students such as newer product design, testing and
validation, problem solving, innovation, etc.
Course Objectives
1. To impart the knowledge of construction and working principles of additive
manufacturing technologies, and their potential applications in design and
2. To familiarise with the materials used in AM processes and their applications
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to,
Knowledge of basic Science, Manufacturing Processes, Machine Tool Technology
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 2 1 1 1
CO2 3 1 1
CO3 3 1 1
CO4 3 1 1
CO5 3 1 1 1
Instructional Strategy
● Prepare case study problems to the realistic situations, and real-world examples to make
the sessions engaging.
● Additive Manufacturing processes can be displayed via online or offline mode to gain the
interest for this course.
● Different methods of teaching such as debate and discussions can be used to enhance
the students' centric learning.
● Organise demo sessions on the 3D printing machines that are available in the institution
or can be call some vendor for giving demos
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer five questions (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Basic concept – CAD model preparation - file formats - Part orientation – Support 6
material generation – Model slicing – honeycomb structure - Digitization techniques
– Model reconstruction – Slicing software - Reverse Engineering – RE application in
Total 45
Reference Books:
1. Chua C.K., Leong K.F., and Lim C.S., “Rapid prototyping: Principles and applications”,
Third Edition, World Scientific Publishers, 2010.
2. Gebhardt A., “Rapid prototyping”, Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003.
3. Liou L.W. and Liou F.W., “Rapid Prototyping and Engineering applications: A tool box for
prototype development”, CRC Press, 2007.
4. Kamrani A.K. and Nasr E.A., “Rapid Prototyping: Theory and practice”, Springer, 2006.
5. Hilton P.D. and Jacobs P.F., “Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications”,
CRC press, 2000.
6. Tom Page “Design for Additive Manufacturing” LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
Web Reference
What is 3D printing? How does a 3D printer work? Learn 3D printing
3D Printing - Applications, Types, Process, Advantages (
How a 3D Printer Works and What It Is Used for (
What is 3D Printing? - Technology Definition and Types - TWI (
Briefing Note (
Electrical power is the main resource for any type of industry. Economic growth of the nation
essentially results in growth in the power sector. Various conventional power plants such as
Hydro, Gas, Thermal, Diesel and Nuclear power plants are employed for power generation. Most
of the power plants use Mechanical Engineering equipment and components. Hence, this
course attempts to provide the basic knowledge of the components, operation and maintenance
of power plants to the students and would also acquaint them with the latest technological
advances taking place in this sector.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to enable the student to apply knowledge of mechanical
engineering related to power generation systems, their control and economics in different types
of power plants for their operation and maintenance.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Analyze economics of power plants and list factors affecting the power plants and
interpret the performance of power plants based on load variations
CO2: Identify elements and their functions and operation of thermal power plants.
CO3: Identify elements and their functions of hydro, Solar and wind power plant.
CO4: Identify elements and their functions and operations of nuclear power plants
CO5: Identify elements and their functions and operations of diesel and gas turbine
power plants
Knowledge of Mathematics, Thermal Engineering, Mechanics of machines, Workshop
technology, Fluid mechanics and fluid power.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3
CO2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3
CO3 2 2 1 1 3 3 3
CO4 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
CO5 1 2 1 2 2 3 3
Instructional Strategy
1. The instructional strategy for teaching Powerplant Engineering in polytechnic colleges
emphasizes practical application and industry relevance.
2. Through a curriculum aligned with the state technical education board, the syllabus is
broken down into manageable units, prioritizing topics pertinent to Indian engineering
3. About 15 – 20% of the topics/ sub-topics which are relatively simpler or descriptive in
nature is to be given to the students for self-directed learning and assess the
development of the Cos through classroom presentations.
4. Before starting practical, the teacher should demonstrate the working of a power plant.
5. Show video/ animation films to explain the functioning of various power plants.
Assessment Methodology
Written test
Written test MCQ Model Written
Mode (Another Two
(Two units) (Online / Examination Examination
Converted to 15 15 5 20 60
Marks 15 5 20 60
6th Week 12th Week 13-14th Week 16th Week
CA1 and CA2: Assessment written test should be conducted for 50 Marks for two units. The
marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks. Best of one will be considered for the internal
assessment of 15 Marks.
CA1and CA2, Assessment test should be conducted for two units as below.
Answer five questions (5 X 10 Marks = 50 Marks).
Eight questions will be asked, students should write Five questions. Each unit Four questions
can be asked. Each question may have subdivisions. Maximum two subdivisions shall be
CA3: 60 MCQ can be asked by covering the entire portion. It may be conducted by Online /
Offline. The answer scripts of every student (online / offline) for this assessment should be kept
for records and future verification. The marks scored should be converted to 5 marks for the
internal assessment.
CA4: Model examination should be conducted as per the end semester question pattern. The
marks should be converted to 20 marks for the internal assessment.
Question Pattern:
Answer Ten questions by selecting two questions from each unit. Each question carries 10
marks each.
Four questions will be asked from every unit, students should write any two questions. The
question may have two subdivisions only.
Syllabus Contents
Hydroelectric power plant- Introduction, storage and poundage, Selection of sites for 7
hydroelectric power plant-General layout and essential elements of Hydroelectric
power plant and its working- Advantages and limitations of hydroelectric power
plant. Solar power plant-Introduction-layout, Solar cell fundamentals & classification
– maximum power point tracker (MPPT) and solar panel. Wind power plant:
Introduction, -Factors affecting distribution of Wind energy, Variation of wind speed
with height and time-Horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT)-types of rotors-Vertical
axis wind turbine- types of rotors- advantages and limitations of Wind power plant.
Revision + Test 10
Total 45
MEP Equipment servicing is required in a large number of commercial and industrial
applications. This content would be useful in identifying the defects and servicing of MEP
equipments. The knowledge and skill of various equipments of HVAC systems, electrical
systems and plumbing systems will be very useful in maintaining MEP systems in commercial
Course Objectives:
● To know the types of equipment’s in HVAC systems.
● To know the functions of HVAC systems, electrical systems and plumbing systems.
● Practice with servicing of HVAC equipment in the industry.
● Describe the procedure for maintaining of MEP equipment.
● Practicing and servicing of electrical and plumbing equipment.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course the student will be able to,
CO 1 : Describe the working of HVAC equipment in the industry.
CO 2 : Explain the function of electrical equipments and their periodic maintenance.
CO 3 : Describe the functions of plumbing systems and their service procedure
CO 4 : Demonstrate the skills in identifying and rectifying the defects in MEP
CO 5 : Explain the service procedure for MEP equipments in the industry.
Thermodynamics, fundamentals of refrigeration and air-conditioning, functions of HVAC
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 1 3
CO2 1 3
CO3 1 3
CO4 1 3
CO5 1 3
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyse potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file with documents. The Procedure, Sketch and Result / Output should be written by the
student manually in the documents.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DoTE Official.
CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as
per the question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for
internal assessment.
CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Exercise 8: Transformer 5
a. Check the transformer oil level and top up if required
b. Clean the breather.
c. Check the bushing filled with oil to check oil level
d. Check the leakage of oil from any point
e. Check the oil pump
f. Check air fan
Exercise 9: Genset (Engine Generator) 5
a. Test Batteries
b. Check intake and exhaust
c. Inspect wiring / electrical system
Exercise 10: Genset (Engine Generator) 5
a. Check filters and replace if necessary
b. Check oil and replace as recommended
c. Check fuel filter and replace if blocked
d. Check and replace spark plugs
Assessment Test and Revision 10
Total 75
Text and Reference Books:
1. ASHRAE Hand book Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning SYSTEMS AND
2. The Institute of Plumbing – Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide
3. Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics by V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta
Web References
D Troubles / Report 10
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Diploma technocrats who are in the field of maintenance of machine tools should have a
thorough knowledge about the dismantling and assembly procedure, installation, maintenance
and repair of the machines and know about the technology used for the prediction of premature
failure of components in advance.
Course Objectives:
● To know the instruments used for maintenance
● To know the advanced maintenance techniques of machine tools to increase the
duration of life of the machines.
● To know the procedure for dismantling and assembly of equipment.
● To know the instruments used for machine tool testing.
● To know the different alignment techniques and accuracy of machine tools.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Setup instrument for machine tool maintenance.
CO2: Acquire knowledge of maintenance and troubleshooting of Machines and its
CO3: Acquire knowledge for dismantling and assembly of equipment’s
CO4: Setup instrument for machine tool testing
CO5. Acquire knowledge on machine tool alignment and the manufacturing accuracy of
machine tools.
Basic workshop practice, Workshop practices, Machine Tool Technology
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyse potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
● CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions
above and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one
by lot for the test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of
evaluation as below. The marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each
assessment test. Best of one will be considered for the internal assessment of 10
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after
completion of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical
test. The same should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total
marks awarded should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme
of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated
for 10 marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a
file with documents. The Procedure, Sketch and Report / Output should be written by the
student manually in the documents.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the
verification by the Flying Squad and DoTE Official.
A Dismantling / Procedure 20
Total Marks 60
● CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test.
The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test
should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all
the exercises the practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination
question pattern scheme of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15
Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
B Dismantling / Procedure 20
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Theory Portion
Exercise 5: Dismantle, inspect and assemble the Lead screw and Half nut of the 5
Exercise 6: Dismantle, inspect and assemble the Three jaw chuck./Four jaw chuck 5
Exercise 7: Dismantle, inspect and assemble the Drill chuck. 5
Exercise 8: Surface roughness measurement on a machined component. 5
Machine Tool Alignment :
Exercise 9: Conduct the following test for the surface grinding machine with 5
horizontal grinding wheel spindle and prepare a test chart.
a. Check the level of work table in longitudinal and transverse direction.
b. Check the T-slots parallel with table movement.
c. Check the T-slots square with transverse movement of table.
d. Check the wheel spindle for true running and axial slip.
e. Check the wheel spindle parallel with surface of table.
Exercise 10: Conduct the following test for the horizontal milling machine and 5
prepare a test chart.
a. Check the flatness of the work table surface in longitudinal and transverse
b. Check the true running of the internal taper of main spindle
c. Check the parallelism of the clamping surface of the work table in its longitudinal
d. Check the parallelism of the transverse movement of the work table to the main
spindle in vertical and horizontal plane.
e. Check the squareness of the table surface with column face.
Assessment Test and Revision 10
Total 75
Web-based/Online Resources:
● –Principle of Maintenance –NPTEL-
IIT Kharagpur
B Dismantling / Procedure 20
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
1. Lathe machine 1 No
3. Milling machine 1 No
4. Slotting Machine 1 No
8. Drill chuck 1 No
Non-destructive testing (NDT)is a multidisciplinary profession that blends quality assurance and
materials science. NDT is used to inspect and evaluate materials, components, or assemblies
without destroying their serviceability. Through a set of test methods, skilled technicians identify
cracks, voids, inclusions, and weld discontinuities, as well as identify misassembled
subcomponents. This makes NDT crucial to help prevent catastrophic failures such as airplane
and locomotive crashes, pipeline leaks and explosions, nuclear reactor failures, and ship
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to prepare the student,
● To learn about the various Non Destructive testing methods.
● To identify the types of equipment used for each Non-Destructive and Destructive
● To study about the process of Surface Testing Methods(LPT & MPT)
● To learn about the Sub Surface Testing methods(RT & UT)
● To study about the various applications of NDT Tests in Industries.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Explain NDT techniques which enable it to carry out various inspections in accordance
with the established procedures.
CO2: Calibrate the instrument and inspect for in-service damage in the components.
CO3: Differentiate various defect types and select the appropriate NDT methods for better
CO4: Communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CO5: Prepare the testing and evaluation of the results for further analysis.
Knowledge of basic measuring instruments, material processing, and various types of materials
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 - - 3 - - -
CO2 3 - - 3 - - -
CO3 3 - - 3 - - -
CO4 3 - - 3 - - -
CO5 3 - - 3 - - -
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity
to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions above
and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the
test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each assessment test. Best of one will be
considered for the internal assessment of 10 Marks.
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after completion
of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical test. The same
should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total marks awarded
should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme of evaluation as below.
A Procedure / Preparation 15
B Observation / Sketch 20
C Accuracy 15
CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test. The
students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be
conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all the exercises the
practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination question pattern scheme
of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
A Procedure/Preparation 15
B Observation/Drawing 20
C Accuracy 15
D Result 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Introduction: Non destructive testing (NDT) and its comparison with destructive 8
testing, Defects/ flaws due to primary processing, secondary processing and
inservice, Types of defects determined by NDT, Common non-destructive testing
techniques, Advantages, limitations and applications of NDT.
Visual Inspection: Principle of visual Inspection, Defects which can be detected by
unaided visual Inspection, Optical aids used for visual inspection, Advantages and
limitations of visual inspection.
Liquid Penetrant Test: Advantages and limitations of Liquid Penetrant Test (LPT),
Physical principles of LPT, Procedure employed for LPT, Penetrant methods,
Materials used in LPT.
Magnetic Particle Test: Advantages and limitations of Magnetic Particle Test
(MPT), Procedure of MPT, Magnetizing Magnetic particles and suspending liquids,
Detectable discontinuities, Non-relevant indications, Applications.
Practical Exercises
Exercise 1: Detect the cracks in the specimen using Visual Inspection and ring test. 6
Exercise 2: Detect the Small surface flaws in the specimen using Microscopy 6
Examination test.
Exercise 3: Detect the Subsurface flaws in the specimen using Radiography. 6
Exercise 4: Detecting Surface flaws in specimen using Die-penetration test. 6
Theory Portion - Unit II
Eddy Current Test: Advantages and limitations of Eddy Current Test (ECT), 7
Operation variables, Eddy current instrumentation, Reference standards,
Ultrasonic Test: Advantages and limitations of Ultrasonic Test (UT), General
characteristics of ultrasonic waves, Wave propagation and types of ultrasonic
Total 75
1. “Non Destructive Evaluation and Quality Control”, Metals Handbook, Vol. 17, 9th Ed.,
2. Srivastava, K.C., “Handbook of Magnetic Particle Testing”, Oscar publications. 1998
3. Hull, B., “Non Destructive Testing”, Springer. 2012
4. Dr.V.Jayakumar,Dr.K.Elangovan”Non-Destructive Testing of Materials”Lakshmi
5. Baldev Raj, Jayakumar T, Thavasimuthu M, Practical Non- Destructive Testing, 3rd Ed.,
Narosa. 2019
Web-based/Online Resources:
A Procedure/Preparation 15
B Observation/Drawing 20
C Accuracy 15
D Result 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Process automation uses technology to automate complex business processes. It typically has
three functions: automating processes, centralizing information, and reducing the requirement
for input from people. It is designed to remove bottlenecks, reduce errors and loss of data, all
while increasing transparency, communication across departments, and speed of processing.
Process automation uses technology to automate complex business processes. It typically has
three functions: automating processes, centralizing information, and reducing the requirement
for input from people. It is designed to remove bottlenecks, reduce errors and loss of data, all
while increasing transparency, communication across departments, and speed of processing.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to enable the student to
● Design and operate pneumatic circuits.
● Design and operate fluid power circuits.
● Use PLC system and its elements for process control.
● Familiarize the working of function blocks in PLC
● Use ON-Delay timer to control a motor
● Use OFF-Delay timer to control a motor
● Use counter function block (Up counter and Down counter)
● Control the automatic operation of pneumatic cylinder using PLC
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Explain the working of hydraulic and pneumatics systems and its elements.
CO2: Familiarise the various symbols of hydraulic and pneumatics
CO3: Construct the Hydraulic and Pneumatics circuits for different applications
CO4: Explain the working of logic gates and features of PLC
CO5: Apply the Logic gates and PLC for the automatic operations of hydraulics and
pneumatic machines.
Fluid Mechanics, Basic Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 - - 3
CO2 3 - - 3
CO3 3 - - 3
CO4 3 - - 3
CO5 3 - - 3
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity
to learn.•Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks
or projects.
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia, and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
● Throughout the course, a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy may be used to
ensure that learning is outcome and employability based.
● All demonstrations/Hand-on practices may be followed in the real environment as far as
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions above
and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the
test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each assessment test. Best of one will be
considered for the internal assessment of 10 Marks.
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after completion
of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical test. The same
should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total marks awarded
should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme of evaluation as below.
A Procedure / Preparation 15
B Circuit / Program 20
C Execution / Connection 15
Description Marks
CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test. The
students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be
conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all the exercises the
practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination question pattern scheme
of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
A Procedure / Preparation 15
B Circuit / Program 20
C Execution / Connection 15
D Result 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Theory Portion
Theory Portion
Features of PLC - PLC Block diagram - PLC scan. Fixed and Modular PLC. Ladder logic -
Basic principles of Ladder diagram , Analog I / O and Digital I /O, NO, NC contacts - Coils -
AND logic, OR logic.- Applications - Timer - Counter.
Practical Exercises
PLC Lab 25
Exercise 6: Direct operation of a motor using a latching circuit, AND, OR, logic circuits.
Exercise 7: On-Delay control of a motor and Off –Delay control of a motor.
Total 75
A Procedure / Preparation 15
B Circuit / Program 20
C Execution / Connection 15
D Result 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
A product is something sold by an enterprise to its customers. Product design deals with
conversion of ideas into reality and, as in other forms of human activity, aims at fulfilling human
needs. Product development is the set of activities beginning with the perception of a market
opportunity and ending in the production, sale, and delivery of a product.
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is
1. To excel in new product design and development through application of knowledge and
practical skills.
2. To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical modeling of engineering
problems required for bringing new products fast into the market.
3. To provide students with required scientific and engineering knowledge so as to comprehend,
analyze, design and create innovative products and solutions for real life problems.
4. To inculcate professional and ethical values in students and enable them to work in
multidisciplinary teams.
5. To provide students an academic environment which can facilitate life-long learning needed
for a successful career in new product development.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to
CO1: Describe the characteristics used for product design and development.
CO2: Assess the customer requirements in product design.
CO3: Apply structural approach to concept generation, selection and testing.
CO4: Identify various aspects of design such as industrial design, design for
manufacture, assembly, service and quality and product architecture.
CO5: Explain various principles and technologies used for the preparation of prototype.
Knowledge of basic Science: Design of machine elements, CAD/CAM and Product Life Cycle
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
CO2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
CO3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
CO4 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO5 2 2 1 2 1 1 1
Instructional Strategy:
1. Real time product design should be shown through video.
2. The subject can Lecture Cum Demonstration basics.
3. Practical demonstrations should be organized (industrial Visit).
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions above
and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the
test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each assessment test. Best of one will be
considered for the internal assessment of 10 Marks.
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after completion
of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical test. The same
should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total marks awarded
should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme of evaluation as below.
CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test. The
students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be
conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all the exercises the
practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination question pattern scheme
of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Theory: Product life cycle, Product policy of an organization, Selection of a 3
profitable product, Product design process, New product strategy Idea generation,
Screening Concept development, Testing Business analysis Product development
testing and Analysis Commercialization Collaboration. Gantt chart product life cycle
Practical: 10
1. Case studies related to Characteristics of successful product development,
Design and development of products.
2. Case studies related to different Development Processes and Organizations.
Practical: 10
5. Case studies related to Identifying Customer Needs.
6. Case studies related to Customer Product Specification.
Theory: Product implications of the architecture, establishing the architecture, 3
variety and supply chain considerations. Industrial design: Assessing the need for
industrial design, the impact of industrial design, industrial design process,
managing the industrial design process, assessing the quality of industrial design.
Design for manufacturing: Definition, estimation of manufacturing cost, reducing
the cost of components, assembly, supporting production, impact of DFM on other
factors, service and quality.
Practical: 10
7. Case studies related to Product Architecture.
4. A K Chitale and R C Gupta, Product Design and Manufacturing, 6th Edition, PHI, New Delhi,
5. Boothroyd G, Dewhurst P and Knight W, Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, 2nd
Edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002.
Web-based/Online Resources:
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
The world is transitioning to cleaner mobility options with the aim at improving air quality and
reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Electric Vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a popular clean
mobility choice to reduce emissions. EVs are powered fully or partially by batteries, they can
help to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and also air quality.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to enable the students to
● Learn and practice the charging systems of Electric Vehicles.
● Understand the concept of Electric Vehicle components.
● Study the configurations of Electric Vehicles and assemble.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Describe the electric vehicle and sub systems.
CO2: Demonstrate and test the EV battery and charging system.
CO3: Apply the procedures and testing of electric components and their accessories.
CO4: Test, diagnose and service the given electric two-wheeler.
CO5: Construct and test the electric Three-wheeler.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 1 - - - 1 - -
CO2 2 1 - 2 - - 1
CO3 1 1 1 2 - - 1
CO4 1 1 1 2 - - 1
CO5 1 1 1 1 - - 1
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyze potential sources of error in case of discrepancies.
● The industry session shall be addressed by industry experts (in contact mode/online /
recorded video mode) in the discipline only.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions above
and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the
test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each assessment test. Best of one will be
considered for the internal assessment of 10 Marks.
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after completion
of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical test. The same
should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total marks awarded
should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme of evaluation as below.
A Procedure / Explanation 10
C Test Report 20
CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as per the
question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for internal
CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test. The
students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be
conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all the exercises the
practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination question pattern scheme
of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
B Procedure / Explanation 10
D Test Report 20
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Total 75
Web-based/Online Resources:
B Procedure / Explanation 10
D Report 20
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
As per requirement
13. Consumable: -
● Battery Cell - 1.5 V or 3.65 V
● Soldering Iron
● Flux
● De-solder gun or Solder wick
● Lead
● Continuity Tester
● Line Tester
● Multi-meter
● Screw Drive set & Spanner set
Reverse Engineering (RE) has become an important Engineering task to obtain knowledge about
engineering devices or systems. RE is an effective learning technique if other “solutions” are
available on the market.
Course Objectives:
After the completion of the course, students should be able to:
● Understand basic engineering systems.
● Understand the terminologies related to re-engineering, forward engineering, and reverse
● Disassemble products and specify the interactions between its subsystems and their
● Understand Reverse Engineering methodologies.
● Understand Reverse engineering of Systems, Mechanical RE.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to
CO1: Explain the fundamental concepts and principles of reverse engineering in product design
and development.
CO2: Describe the principles of material characteristics, part durability and life limitation in
reverse engineering
CO3: Apply the principles of material identification and process verification in product design
and development.
CO4: Explain the principles of rapid prototyping
CO5: Analyze the various legal aspect and applications of reverse engineering in product design
and development
Material Science, Machine Design, Machine Drawing and Value Engineering.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 3 2 1
CO3 3 2 1
CO4 3 2 1
CO5 3 2 1
Instructional Strategy:
● Engage and Motivate: Instructors should actively engage students to boost their learning
● Real-World Relevance: Incorporate relatable, real-life examples and engineering
applications to help students understand and appreciate course concepts.
● Interactive Learning: Utilize demonstrations and plan interactive student activities for an
engaging learning experience.
● Application-Based Learning: Employ a theory-demonstrate-practice-activity strategy
throughout the course to ensure outcome-driven learning and employability.
● Simulation and Real-World Practice: Conduct demonstrations and hands-on activities in
a simulated environment, transitioning to real-world scenarios when possible.
● Encourage Critical Analysis: Foster an environment where students can honestly assess
experiment outcomes and analyse potential sources of error in case of discrepancies
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions above
and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the
test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each assessment test. Best of one will be
considered for the internal assessment of 10 Marks.
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after completion
of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical test. The same
should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total marks awarded
should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme of evaluation as below.
B Procedure / Explanation 20
C Presentation 20
Cycle - I - Exercise 1, 2, 3,4 and 5.
Cycle - II - Exercise 6, 7, 8 and 9.
CA 3: Written Test for complete theory portions should be conducted for 100 Marks as per the
question pattern below. The marks scored will be converted to 15 Marks for internal
Description Marks
CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test. The
students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be
conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all the exercises the
practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination question pattern scheme
of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
B Procedure / Explanation 20
C Presentation 20
D Result 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Unit I Introduction
Theory: Definition – Uses – the Generic Process – Phases – Computer Aided Reverse 3
Engineering - Surface and Solid Model Reconstruction – Dimensional Measurement –
Practical: 6
1. Prepare case study report – various type of rapid Proto type also write the
technical difference.
Practical: 5
4. Structural Rigidity Testing: Conduct bending and torsion tests on Automobile body
frames to determine their structural rigidity. Compare different frame designs and
materials to identify the most robust and lightweight options.
Theory:, Introduction, current RP techniques and materials, Stereo Lithography, 3
Selective Laser Sintering, Fused Deposition Modeling, Three-dimensional Printing,
Laminated Object Manufacturing, Multijet Modeling.
Practical: 12
5. Crash Testing Simulation: Utilize crash test dummies and acceleration sensors
to simulate vehicle collisions. Study how different body designs and materials
affect passenger safety and structural integrity during impact.
6. Prepare case study report - Rapid Prototyping – Any one mechanical Machine
components (Impeller, Engine Block, Piston and Door Pad)
Theory: Reverse Engineering in the Automotive Industry; Aerospace Industry. Case 3
studies and Solving Industrial projects in Reverse Engineering.
Legality: Patent – Copyrights –Trade Secret – Third-Party Materials.
Practical: 15
7. Prepare case study report – Patent
8. Prepare case study report – Copy rights
9. Prepare case study report – Trade Mark
Assessment + Revision 10
2. Kevin Otto , “Product Design : Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product
Development”, ISBN-13: 9788177588217, Dorling Kindersley
3. Robert Messler, “Reverse Engineering: Mechanisms, Structures, Systems & Materials”,
McGraw Hill Education, ISBN: 9780071825160
4. Reverse Engineering by K. A. Ingle, McGraw-Hill.
5. Raja, Vinesh, Fernandes, Kiran J. , “Reverse Engineering An Industrial Perspective” ISBN
978-1-84628-856-2, Springer
B Procedure / Explanation 20
C Presentation 20
D Result 10
E Written Test 30
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Traditional energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas contribute significantly to
greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and environmental degradation. By transitioning to
green energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass, engineers can mitigate
these harmful effects while meeting the growing global demand for energy. The green energy
projects often have lower life cycle carbon footprints compared to conventional energy sources,
making them essential for achieving climate targets and promoting sustainable development. In
essence, incorporating green energy into engineering practices is not only necessary for
addressing environmental concerns but also essential for creating a resilient, equitable, and
prosperous future for all.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to prepare the student,
● To impart knowledge on solar energy collection and to demonstrate practical
applications and benefits of solar panels and energy storage systems.
● To understand the principles of wind energy and biomass energy.
● To impart knowledge about geothermal heat pumps, ocean thermal energy conversion
(OTEC), and their feasibility.
● To provide fundamental principles of energy-efficient appliances, building designs, and
smart systems.
● To acquire knowledge regarding sustainable manufacturing process and to explore on
eco-friendly production processes, materials, and waste reduction strategies.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to
On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to,
CO1 - Acquire the knowledge of the principles of solar energy conversion and their benefits.
CO2 - Enable for building a small range of wind energy conversion system.
CO3 - Gain knowledge on the various classification of energy sources and their environmental
CO4 - Analyze the limitless availability of green energy sources and understand the challenges
in renewable hybrid system.
CO5 - learn hydrogen production method, storage methods and waste reduction strategies.
Knowledge of basic energy sources.
CO/PO Mapping
CO1 3 3 2 1 1 - 1
CO2 3 3 2 2 1 - 1
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 - 1
CO4 3 1 - 1 1 1 1
CO5 3 1 - 1 1 1 2
Instructional Strategy:
● It is advised that teachers take steps to pique pupils' attention and boost their curiosity
to learn.
● Implement task-based learning activities where students work on specific tasks or
● Incorporate technology tools and resources, such as online platforms, interactive
multimedia and virtual communication tools, to enhance engagement and provide
additional practice opportunities.
● Incorporate formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and
provide targeted feedback.
Assessment Methodology:
Continuous Assessment (40 marks) End
CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Examination
(60 marks)
Practical Practical Written Test Practical Practical
Test Test Theory Test Examination
Cycle I Cycle II All Exercises
Portion All Portions All Exercises
Exercises Exercises Experiments
Duration 2 Periods 2 Periods 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 hours
CA1 and CA2: All the exercises/experiments should be completed as per the portions above
and kept for the practical test. The students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the
test. The practical test should be conducted as per the scheme of evaluation as below. The
marks awarded shall be converted to 10 Marks for each assessment test. Best of one will be
considered for the internal assessment of 10 Marks.
Practical documents should be maintained for every experiment immediately after completion
of the practice. The practical document should be submitted for the practical test. The same
should be evaluated for 10 Marks for each exercise/experiment. The total marks awarded
should be converted to 10 Marks for the practical test as per the scheme of evaluation as below.
The details of the documents to be prepared as per the instruction below.
Each exercise should be completed on the day of practice. The same shall be evaluated for 10
marks on the day or next day of practice before commencement of the next experiment.
This documentation can be carried out in a separate notebook or a printed manual or a file with
documents. The Procedure, Sketch and Result / Output should be written by the student
manually in the documents.
The detailed date of the practices and its evaluations should be maintained in the course
logbook. The log book and the practical documents should be submitted for the verification by
the Flying Squad and DoTE Official.
A Aim / Procedure 10
C Presentation / Report 20
CA 4: All the exercises/experiments should be completed and kept for the practical test. The
students shall be permitted to select any one by lot for the test. The practical test should be
conducted as per the scheme of evaluation below. After completion of all the exercises the
practical test should be conducted as per End Semester Examination question pattern scheme
of evaluation. The marks awarded should be converted to 15 Marks for the internal assessment.
Model Practical Examination and End Semester Examination - Practical Exam
A Aim / Procedure 10
C Presentation / Report 20
D Result / Output 10
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
Syllabus Contents
Overview of conventional & renewable energy sources, types of renewable energy
systems, Future of Energy Use, Present Indian and international energy scenario of
conventional and RE sources, Energy for sustainable development, Environmental
Aspects of Energy, Limitations of RE sources.
Theory of solar cells - Concept of Solar PV systems - Flat plate and concentrating
collectors, Solar PV Applications - solar heating/cooling technique, solar distillation
and solar drying, solar cookers. Energy from Wind - Horizontal axis Wind Turbine -
B Procedure / Explanation 20
C Presentation 20
D Result 10
F Viva Voce 10
Note: For the written test 30 MCQ shall be asked from the theory portions.
S.No Name of the Equipment
1 Solar PV Panel 1
3 PV analyser 1
5 Solar Cooker 1
7 Solar Dryer 1
8 Pyranometer 2
9 Axial Fan 1
10 Biodiesel 2 lt
Consumables and instruments
Internships in educational institutions are designed to provide students with practical
experience in their field of study and to bridge the gap between academic knowledge
and professional practice.
After completing Internship, Interns will be able to,
● Apply the theoretical knowledge and skill during performance of the tasks
assigned in internship.
● Demonstrate soft skills such as time management, positive attitude and
communication skills during performance of the tasks assigned in internship.
● Document the Use case on the assigned Task.
● Enable interns to apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to
real-world practical applications.
● Provide hands-on experience in the industrial practices.
● Develop essential skills such as communication, organization, teamwork, and
● Enhance specific skills related to the intern’s area of focus.
● Offer a realistic understanding of the daily operations and responsibilities.
● Provide opportunities to work under the guidance of experienced supervisors and
● Allow interns to explore different career paths.
● Help interns make informed decisions about their future career goals based on
first hand experience.
● Facilitate the establishment of professional relationships with supervisor,
administrators, and other professionals in the field.
● Provide access to a network of contacts that can be beneficial for future job
opportunities and professional growth.
● Foster personal growth by challenging interns to step out of their comfort zones
and take on new responsibilities.
● Build confidence and self-efficacy through successful completion of internship
tasks and projects.
● Give insight into the policies, regulations, and administrative practices.
● Allow interns to observe and understand the implementation of standards and
policies in practice.
● Provide opportunities for constructive feedback from supervisors and mentors,
aiding in the intern’s professional development.
● Enable self-assessment and reflection on strengths, areas for improvement, and
career aspirations.
● Encourage sensitivity to the needs and backgrounds of different groups,
promoting inclusive and equitable industrial practices.
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Demonstrate improved skills.
CO 2: Exhibit increased professional behavior.
CO 3: Apply theoretical knowledge and principles in real-world practices.
CO 4: Develop and utilize assessment tools to evaluate the learning and practices.
CO 5: Engage in reflective practice to continually improve their learning and professional
● The interns shall abide all the Rules and Regulations of internship provider
● Intern shall follow all the safety Regulations of internship provider.
● On completion of the internship, the intern shall report to the college and
submit the internship certificate mentioning duration of internship, evaluation of
interns by internship provider, Student’s Diary and Comprehensive Training
Attendance Certification
Every month students have to get their attendance certified by the industrial supervisor
in the prescribed form supplied to them. Students have also to put their signature on the
form and submit it to the institution supervisor. Regularity in attendance and
submission of report will be duly considered while awarding the Internal Assessment
Training Reports
The students have to prepare two types of reports: Weekly reports in the form of a diary
to be submitted to the concerned staff in-charge of the institution. This will be reviewed
while awarding Internal
Industrial Training Diary
Students are required to maintain the record of day-to-day work done. Such a record is
called Industrial training Diary. Students have to write this report regularly. All days for
the week should be accounted for clearly giving attendance particulars (Presence,
absence, Leave, Holidays etc.). The concern of the Industrial supervisor is to periodically
check these progress reports.
Comprehensive Training Report
In addition to the diary, students are required to submit a comprehensive report on
training with details of the organisation where the training was undergone after
attestation by the supervisors. The comprehensive report should incorporate study of
plant/product/process/construction along with intensive in-depth study on any one of
Scheme of Evaluation
Internal Assessment
Students should be assessed for 50 Marks by industry supervisor and polytechnic
faculty mentor during 8th Week and 15th Week. The total marks (50 + 50) scored shall
be converted to 40 marks for the Internal Assessment.
Total 50
Students should be assessed for 100 Marks both by the internal examiner and external
examiner appointed by the Chairman Board of Examinations after the completion of
internship period (Dec - May). The marks scored will be converted to 60 marks for the
End Semester Examination.
D Viva Voce 20
Total 100
The Fellowship in the Diploma in Engineering program is designed to provide aspiring engineers
with a comprehensive educational experience that combines theoretical knowledge with
practical skills. This fellowship aims to cultivate a new generation of proficient and innovative
engineers who are equipped to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving technological
Participants in this fellowship will benefit from a robust curriculum that covers core engineering
principles, advanced technical training, and hands-on projects. The program emphasizes
interdisciplinary learning, encouraging fellows to explore various branches of engineering, from
mechanical and civil to electrical, electronics & communication and computer engineering. This
approach ensures that graduates possess a versatile skill set, ready to adapt to diverse career
opportunities in the engineering sector.
In addition to academics, the fellowship offers numerous opportunities for professional
development. Fellows will engage with industry experts through seminars, workshops, and
internships, gaining valuable insights into real-world applications of their studies. Collaborative
projects and research initiatives foster a culture of innovation, critical thinking, and
problem-solving, essential attributes for any successful engineer.
By offering this fellowship, participants become part of a vibrant community of learners and
professionals dedicated to advancing the field of engineering. The program is committed to
supporting the growth and development of each fellow, providing them with the tools and
resources needed to excel both academically and professionally.
The Fellowship in the Diploma in Engineering is more than just an educational endeavor; it is a
transformative journey that equips aspiring engineers with the knowledge, skills, and
experiences necessary to make significant contributions to society and the engineering
After completing students will be able to,
● Provide fellows with a solid foundation in core engineering principles and advanced
technical knowledge across various engineering disciplines.
● Equip fellows with hands-on experience through laboratory work, projects, and
internships, ensuring they can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
● Promote interdisciplinary understanding by encouraging exploration and integration of
different engineering fields, fostering versatility and adaptability in fellows.
● Encourage innovation and creativity through research projects and collaborative
initiatives, enabling fellows to develop new solutions to engineering challenges.
● Facilitate professional growth through workshops, seminars, and interactions with
industry experts, preparing fellows for successful careers in engineering.
● Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for tackling complex
engineering problems and making informed decisions.
● Strengthen connections between academia and industry by providing opportunities for
internships, industry visits, and guest lectures from professionals.
● Foster leadership qualities and teamwork skills through group projects and collaborative
activities, preparing fellows for leadership roles in their future careers.
● Instill a sense of ethical responsibility and awareness of the social impact of engineering
practices, encouraging fellows to contribute positively to society.
● Promote a culture of lifelong learning, encouraging fellows to continually update their
knowledge and skills in response to technological advancements and industry trends.
● Prepare fellows to work in a global engineering environment by exposing them to
international best practices, standards, and cross-cultural experiences.
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Demonstrate a strong understanding of core engineering principles and possess the
technical skills necessary to design, analyze, and implement engineering solutions across
various disciplines.
CO 2: Apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, effectively solving engineering
problems through hands-on projects, laboratory work, and internships.
CO 3: Exhibit the ability to conduct research, develop innovative solutions, and contribute to
advancements in engineering through critical thinking and creative approaches to complex
CO 4:Understand and adhere to professional and ethical standards in engineering practice,
demonstrating responsibility, integrity, and a commitment to sustainable and socially
responsible engineering.
CO 5: Enhance strong communication skills, both written and verbal, and be capable of working
effectively in teams, demonstrating leadership and collaborative abilities in diverse and
multidisciplinary environments.
● Mentorship and Guidance: Select a project that offers strong mentorship and support
from experienced faculty members or industry professionals. Effective guidance is
crucial for navigating complex problems and achieving project objectives.
● Project Scope: Assess the scope of the project to ensure it is neither too broad nor too
narrow. A well-defined project scope helps in setting clear objectives and achievable
● Feasibility: Evaluate the feasibility of completing the project within the given timeframe
and with the available resources. Consider potential challenges and ensure you have a
realistic plan to address them.
● Technical Skills: Choose a project that allows you to develop and enhance important
technical skills relevant to your field of study. Practical experience in using specific tools,
technologies, or methodologies can be highly beneficial.
● Soft Skills: Consider projects that also offer opportunities to develop soft skills such as
teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and project management.
● Innovative Thinking: Select a project that encourages creativity and innovative
problem-solving. Projects that push the boundaries of traditional engineering
approaches can be particularly rewarding.
● Societal Impact: Consider the potential impact of your project on society or the
engineering community. Projects that address significant challenges or contribute to
social good can be highly fulfilling and make a meaningful difference.
● Offer career advice and support, helping fellows explore potential career paths, prepare
for job searches, and connect with industry professionals and opportunities.
● Provide personal mentorship, fostering a supportive relationship that encourages
growth, resilience, and a positive academic experience.
● Facilitate connections between fellows and industry professionals, alumni, and other
relevant networks to enhance their professional opportunities and industry exposure.
● Ensure fellows have access to necessary resources, including research materials, lab
equipment, software, and academic literature.
● Regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of fellows, providing constructive feedback
and guidance to help them stay on track and achieve their goals.
● Instill and uphold high ethical and professional standards, encouraging fellows to
practice integrity and responsibility in their work.
● Assist with administrative tasks related to the fellowship program, such as preparing
progress reports, writing recommendation letters, and facilitating grant applications.
● Organize and participate in workshops, seminars, and other educational events that
enhance the learning experience and professional development of fellows.
● Address any issues or conflicts that arise, providing mediation and support to ensure a
positive and productive academic environment.
Attendance Certification
Every month students have to get their attendance certified by the supervisor in the prescribed
form supplied to them. Students have also to put their signature on the form and submit it to the
faculty mentor. Regularity in attendance and submission of report will be duly considered while
awarding the Internal Assessment mark.
1 Alignment with Assess how well the project aligns with the stated objectives and
Objectives requirements.
Determine if the student has addressed the key aspects outlined in
the project guidelines.
3 Clarity of Check if the student has clearly defined and articulated the
Objectives: objectives of the project.
Ensure that the objectives are specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
8 Originality and Assess the level of originality and creativity demonstrated in the
Creativity: project.
Determine if the student has brought a unique perspective or
solution to the research problem.
Review 1 shall be conducted after 8th week and Review 2 shall be conducted after 14th week in
the semester. Average marks scored in the reviews shall be considered for the internal
assessment of 30 Marks.
Scheme of Evaluation
B Attendance 10
Total 40
Students should be assessed for 100 Marks both by the internal examiner and external
examiner appointed by the Chairman Board of Examinations after the completion of
fellowship. The marks scored will be converted to 60 marks for the End Semester
D Viva Voce 20
Total 100
Every student must do one major project in the Final year of their program. Students can do their
major project in Industry or R&D Lab or in-house or a combination of any two for the partial
fulfillment for the award of Diploma in Engineering.
For the project works, the Department will constitute a three-member faculty committee to
monitor the progress of the project and conduct reviews regularly.
If the projects are done in-house, the students must obtain the bonafide certificate for project
work from the Project supervisor and Head of the Department, at the end of the semester.
Students who have not obtained the bonafide certificate are not permitted to appear for the
Project Viva Voce examination.
For the projects carried out in Industry, the students must submit a separate certificate from
Industry apart from the regular bonafide certificate mentioned above. For Industry related
projects there must be one internal faculty advisor / Supervisor from Industry (External), this is
in addition to the regular faculty supervision.
The final examination for project work will be evaluated based on the final report submitted by
the project group of not exceeding four students, and the viva voce by an external examiner.
Academic project work plays a crucial role in the education of Diploma in Engineering students,
as it helps them apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations and prepares them for
real-world engineering challenges.
● Integration of Knowledge: Consolidate and integrate theoretical knowledge acquired in
coursework to solve practical engineering problems.
● Skill Development: Enhance technical skills related to the specific field of engineering
through hands-on experience and application.
● Problem-Solving Abilities: Develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by
addressing complex engineering issues within a defined scope.
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical concepts and principles learned in
coursework to solve practical engineering problems encountered during the project.
CO 2: Develop and enhance technical skills specific to the field of engineering relevant to
the project, such as design, analysis, simulation, construction, testing, and
CO 3: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to identify, analyze, and propose
solutions to engineering challenges encountered throughout the project lifecycle.
CO 4: Acquire project management skills by effectively planning, organizing, and
executing project tasks within defined timelines and resource constraints.
CO 5: Improve communication skills through the preparation and delivery of project
reports, presentations, and documentation that effectively convey technical information
to stakeholders.
● Ensure students have access to necessary resources, including research materials, lab
equipment, software, and academic literature.
● Regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of the in-house project, providing
constructive feedback and guidance to help them stay on track and achieve their goals.
● Instill and uphold high ethical and professional standards, encouraging students to
practice integrity and responsibility in their work.
● Assist in preparing progress reports, writing recommendation letters, and facilitating
grant applications.
● Organize and participate in workshops, seminars, and other educational events that
enhance the learning experience and professional development .
● Address any issues or conflicts that arise, providing mediation and support to ensure a
positive and productive academic environment.
● Seek internships, co-op programs, or part-time jobs related to your field of study.
Real-world experience is invaluable for understanding industry practices and enhancing
your employability.
● Uphold high ethical standards in all your academic and professional activities. Practice
integrity, honesty, and responsibility. Adhere to the ethical guidelines and standards set
by your institution and the engineering profession.
● Adopt a mindset of lifelong learning. Stay updated with the latest developments and
trends in engineering by reading industry journals, attending conferences, and taking
additional courses.
10 Quality of Work Overall quality and contribution of the project to the field.
Demonstrated effort to produce high-quality work.
The mark allocation for Internal and End Semester Viva Voce are as below.
The performance of each student in the project group would be evaluated in a viva voce
examination conducted by a committee consisting of an external examiner and the project
supervisor and an internal examiner.
The marks scored will be converted to 60 Marks.
The main objective of the sandwich Diploma course is to mould a well-rounded technician
acclimated with the industrial environment while being a student in the institution. The
Sandwich Diploma Course study is pursued by students, in 7 Semesters of 3 ½ years duration,
the subjects of 3 years-Full Time Diploma Course being regrouped for academic convenience.
While in the 4th semester students undergo Industrial Training for 6 months (December through
May). They also do course work in the institution for one day in a week, While in the 7th
semester they undergo another spell of 6 months (June through November) Industrial training.
The Apprenticeship (Amendment) Act 1973 is followed in regulating the Industrial training
procedure for Sandwich Course.
The main objective of industrial training for a diploma engineer is to provide practical, hands-on
experience in real-world industrial settings, bridging the gap between academic learning and
professional practice. This training aims to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and
competencies required to effectively perform and succeed in the mechanical engineering
Key aspects of this objective include:
● Enable students to apply the concepts and principles learned in the classroom to
real-world engineering problems and scenarios.
● Develop essential technical skills.
● Enhance soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time
● Provide exposure to industrial machinery, tools, and equipment, along with the
operational procedures and safety practices in a manufacturing or engineering
● Offer insights into the daily operations and responsibilities of technicians, preparing
students for the transition from academic settings to professional work environments.
● Educate students on industry standards, quality control measures, and best practices in
mechanical engineering and manufacturing processes.
● Help students explore various career paths within mechanical engineering, enabling
them to make informed decisions about their future professional goals.
● Provide opportunities for networking with industry professionals and potential
● Encourage creative thinking and innovation by challenging students to solve real-world
engineering problems and improve existing processes or products.
● Instill a sense of professionalism, work ethics, and responsibility required in the
engineering field.
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Demonstrate proficiency in using industrial machinery, tools, and software.
CO 2: Able to identify, analyze, and solve engineering problems using industry-standard methods
and practices.
CO 3: Gain a comprehensive understanding of industrial manufacturing processes, quality
control, and safety practices.
CO 4: Exhibit improved communication, teamwork, and professional behavior in an industrial
CO 5: Apply theoretical concepts learned in their coursework to practical engineering tasks and
Pre-Training Responsibilities:
1. Orientation and Preparation:
○ Conduct orientation sessions to familiarize students with the objectives,
expectations, and guidelines of the industrial training program.
○ Assist students in understanding the importance of industrial training in their
academic and professional development.
2. Placement Coordination:
○ Collaborate with the placement cell or industry liaison office to secure suitable
training placements for students that align with their academic specialization
and career interests.
○ Facilitate communication between the institution and host organizations to
ensure smooth coordination of training arrangements.
3. Training Plan Development:
○ Help students develop a detailed training plan outlining learning objectives, tasks,
and expected outcomes for the training period.
○ Guide students in setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,
Time-bound) goals for their training experience.
During Training Responsibilities:
4. Monitoring and Support:
○ Regularly monitor the progress of students during their industrial training.
Maintain communication with both students and industry supervisors to track
performance and address any issues that may arise.
○ Provide ongoing support and guidance to students, offering advice on technical
challenges, professional conduct, and workplace etiquette.
5. Technical Guidance:
○ Offer technical guidance and mentorship related to the specific engineering
discipline or specialization of the students. Help them apply theoretical
knowledge to practical situations encountered in the industry.
6. Problem-Solving Assistance:
○ Assist students in overcoming obstacles or challenges encountered during their
training. Encourage them to develop problem-solving skills and resilience in
real-world engineering scenarios.
7. Feedback and Evaluation:
○ Provide constructive feedback on students' performance based on reports,
assessments, and observations gathered from industry supervisors.
○ Evaluate students' achievements in relation to their training objectives and
competencies developed during the program.
Post-Training Responsibilities:
8. Reflection and Debriefing:
○ Conduct debriefing sessions with students to reflect on their training
experiences, discuss lessons learned, and identify areas for further improvement.
○ Help students articulate their learning outcomes and how these experiences
contribute to their professional growth.
9. Documentation and Reporting:
○ Ensure comprehensive documentation of students' training activities,
achievements, and feedback received from industry supervisors.
○ Prepare reports summarizing students' performance and submit these to
relevant departments or committees for review and assessment.
10. Career Counseling:
○ Provide career guidance and counseling to students based on their industrial
training experiences. Assist them in leveraging these experiences for future job
applications or further academic pursuits.
11. Continuous Improvement:
○ Collaborate with industry partners to continuously improve the quality and
relevance of the industrial training program.
Attendance Certification
Every month students have to get their attendance certified by the industrial supervisor in the
prescribed form supplied to them. Students have also to put their signature on the form and
submit it to the institution supervisor. Regularity in attendance and submission of report will be
duly considered while awarding the Internal Assessment mark.
Training Reports
The students have to prepare two types of reports: Weekly reports in the form of a diary to be
submitted to the concerned faculty mentor of the institution. This will be reviewed while
awarding Internal assessment. The details of the activity during the training will be monitored by
the Faculty mentor through the faculty advisor and student.
The feedback shall be given to the HOD / Principal for further necessary action.
Scheme of Evaluation
Internal Assessment
Students should be assessed for 40 Marks by industry supervisor and polytechnic faculty
mentor during 3rd Month and 5th Month. The total marks (40 + 40) scored shall be converted to
40 marks for the Internal Assessment.
Total 40
Students should be assessed for 100 Marks both by the internal examiner and external
examiner appointed by the Chairman Board of Examinations after the completion of internship
period of six months. The marks scored will be converted to 60 marks for the End Semester
D Viva Voce 20
Total 100