Microwave & Radar Engineering
Microwave & Radar Engineering
Microwave & Radar Engineering
Transmission Line
and Waveguide
Part-1 : Transmission Line Equations 1-2E to 1-4E
and Solutions
1-1E (EC-Sem-7)
1-2 E (EC-Sem-7) Transmission Line and Waveguide
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Fig. 1.1.1.
OT =-(G+joC) V ..(1.1.2)
4. Diferentiating eq. (1.1.1) with respect to xthen we get
=- (R+jaL) ..(1.1.3)
5. Substituting the value of dx
from eq. (1.1.2) in eq. (1.1.3),
Here, t= (R+joL) (G +joC)
Y= a+JB
where Y= Propagation constant
a = Attenuation constant
B = Phase constant
8 Eq. (1.1.4.) and eq. (1.1.7) are differential form of transmission line
9 The solution of eq.(1.1.4) and eq. (1.1.7)give the voltage and current at
any pointx and given by
V«) = V,e+V,e
I«) = I, e +I, e
Here V, = Sending voltage amplitude
I,= Sending current amplitude
V, = Reflected voltage amplitude
I,= Reflected voltage amplitude
14E (EC-Sem-7) Transmission Line and Waveguide
R+ joL
2. Input impedance, Z, =
G+ joC
6+j6280 x 2.2 x 103
0.05 x 10+j6280 x0.005 x 10
= 692.5 -jl1.52 ohm
3 Y= /(R + joL) (G + joC)
= J(6 +j6280 x2.2 x10 )(0.05 x 10 +j6280 x0.005 x109)
= 0.0045 +j0.0213 = a +jß
4. Therefore, a= 0.0045 Np/km and
B = 0.0213 rad/km
Reflection and Transmission Coefficient.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-5E (EC-Sem-7)
A. Reflection coefficient :
where V,e
where, T, = Load end voltage reflection coefficient
d= Distance measured from the load end.
B. Tran smission coefficient:
1 Transmission coefficient is defined as
Vr ...(1.4.3)
1-6 E (EC-Sem-7) Transmission Line and Waveguide
P, Pref
T 22 ...(1.4.4)
V, Z, + Z,
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Que 1.5. How standing wave can be formed? Also define standing
wave ratio.
1. In a mismatched terminated line, the incident and reflected signals
interfere toproduce a standing wave pattern allong the line.
2. The magnitude of the standing waves is measured in terms of 'Standing
Wave Ratio' (SWR) defined by
3 SWR = S = Maximum voltage or current
Minimum voltage or current
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-7E (EC-Sem-7)
Given :Z,= 60 ohm,f= 120 kHz, Z,= 100 ohm, P=100 mW,
To Find: T,,VSWR
Z, -2, 120- 60 1
Z, +Z, 120+ 60 3
b. VSWR = 1+IL 2
1-T, 1-1/3
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1 The line impedance of a transmission line is the complex ratio of the
voltage phasor at any point to the current phasor at that point. It is
defined as
1-8 E (EC-Sem-7) Transmission Line and Waveguide
Z= ...(1.7.1)
2. Fig. 1.7.1 shows a diagram for a transmission line.
Sending end Receiving end
s Lo
V- (2,
+Z,)e* +(Z, - Z,)e"] ...(1.7.8)
-(Z, +Z,Je-(Z, - Z,)e] ...(1.7.9)
7. Then the line impedance at any point z from the sending end in
Z, and Z is expressed as terms of
1. When a transmission line is brached, it is easier to solve the line equations
for the line voltage, current, and transmitted power in terms of
2 The characteristic admittance and the generalized admittance are defined
Y, = =G +jB, ...(1.8.1)
Y= -=Gt jB ...(1.8.2)
Y Z,1 =gt jb ...(1.8.3)
Y, 2
1. Strip lines are modifications of two wire lines and co-axial lines. These
are basically planar transmission lines that are used at frequencies from
100 MHz to 100 GHz.
Ground plane
Insulator Centre
Ground plane
Electric field lines
-- Magnetic field lines
Fig. 1.9.1.
7. The velocity of propagation for strip line is
U= m/s
and wavelength of EM signal
Microstrip Transmission Line (TL).
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
ground and the other face hasa thin conducting strip of certain width w
and thickness t.
2. Sometimes a cover plate is used for shielding purposes but it is kept
much farther away than the ground plane so as not to affect microstrip
3 Due to absence of a top ground plate and the dielectric substrate above
the strip, the electric field lines remain partially in the air and partially in
the lower dielectric substrate. This makes the mode of propagation not
pure TEM but it is called quasi-TEM.
4 Due to open structure and any presence of discontinuity, the microstrip
line radiates electromagnetic energy.
5. The radiation loss is proportional to the square of the frequency.
6. The use of thin and high dielectric materials reduces the radiation loss
of the open structure where the fields are mostly confined inside the
dielectric mode on microstrip lines are only quasi.
Conductor strip. Kw
Dielectric substrate
E-field H-ield
(a) (6)
Fig.1.10.2. Approximate electric and magnetic
field in a microstrip ine.
= 0.127 <1
4.8 +14.8-1+12/0.127)12
+ + 0.04 (10.127)]
2 2
= 2.9 + 1.9 [0.102+0.04 (0.762)] = 3.15
60 8h W 60 8 0.127
In In
W 4h V3.15 0.127 4
= 140.08 ohm
TX 10 x 10 x 4IX10-7
ii. Surface resistivity, R, = 5.8 x 10
= 2.6 x 10- ohm/m²
iii. Conductor attenuation constant,
8.686 R, 8.686 x 2.6 x 10-2
Z,W 140.08 x 0.0254 x 103
= 63.47 dB/m
iv. 1.69 cmn
Veff V3.15
tan &= tan
= tan
WTX10 x 10 x 4I x 10- x 5.8 x 10"
= 1.15 x 10-8
Dielectric attenuation constant, a,
Eelf-1) E, tan&
= 27.3
E,-1) Eef g
3.15 -1) 4.8 )|1.15 x108
= 27.3
4.8-1)\3.15 1.69 x 10-2)
= 1.606 x 10-5 dB/m
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
A Rectangular waveguide:
1. Arectangular waveguide is a hollow metallic tube with a rectangular
cross section.
2.The conducting walls of the guide confine the electromagnetic fields and
thereby guide the electromagnetic wave.
B. Solution of wave equations in rectangular co-ordinate system :
1. The equations obtained for electric and magnetic field intensities are
having the form of propagating wave, these equations are called as the
wave equations.
2 Let us consider the rectangular co-ordinate system as shown in
Fig. 1.13.1.
3. The solution can be obtained in time domain and in frequency domain.
In frequency domain, electric and magnetic wave equations can be written
y²H =H ...(1.13.2)
8'X aY
.. YZ +XZ = XYZ) ...(1.13.8)
Fig. 1.14.1 Co-ordinates of a rectangular guide.
2. Helmholtz equation is VH, =H
3. The TE modes in arectangular guide are characterized by E, =0. We
know the solution of Helmholtz equation,
y= (A sin (kr) +Bcos (k_x) [C sin (k_y)
+D cos (ky)) [E sin(k,z) +F cos (kz)] ...(1.14.1)
4 Now replacing k, =mrla and k, =nab according to boundary conditions
in eg. (1.14.1), we have
mX mTL
H =A, sin + B cos
+D, cos ...(1.14.2)
For a lossless dielectric, Maxwell's curl equations in frequency domain
VxE = -jo uH
VxH= joe E
6. In rectangular co-ordinates, their components are
E, E, ...(1.14.3)
=-jou H
aE, E, ...(1.14.4)
=-jou H,
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-17E (EC-Sem-7)
=-jop H, ...(1.14.5)
oH, ôH,
=joe E, ...(1.14.7)
=jwe E, ...(1.14.8)
jou oH,
E, = ...(1.14.16)
E, = 0 ..(1.14.17)
-B, oH,
H,= ...(1.14.18)
-JB, oH,
H, = ..(1.14.19)
mX mTX
H,- A, sin +B,, cos ...(1.14,20)
E, = 0
H =H, sin COS ...(1.14.24)
p-Jßgz ...(1.14.26)
H, = H, cos cOS
12. The field component of dominant mode (TE,) can be found by putting
m=1,n =0in eq. (1.14.22), eq. (1.14.23), eq. (1.14.24), eq. (1.14.25) and
eq. (1.14.26).
E, =0
TX elgz
E, =Eg, sin
E, = 0
H - H, sin
H, = 0
H, =H, cos
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-19 E (EC-Sem-7)
13. Fig. 1.14.2 shows the field pattern for TE,, mode.
Top view End view
sin 0,
Que 1.16. How are waveguides different from normal two wire
transmission line? Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities. Show
that for TE mode a frequency of 6 GHz will pass through the
waveguide of dimensions a = l.5 em, b = 1 em if a dielectric with
6, = 4 is inserted into the waveguide. AKTU2015-16, Marks 10
A. Difference:
S. No. WaveguideTransmission
1 The waveguide is a hollow The transmission line is a
metallic structure through conductor which is used to carry
which electric and magnetic electrical signal over a long range.
fields are transmitted.
B. To show :
1. o= 2a = 2x 1.5 =3 cm
3x 1010
= 10 GHz
2. The impressed frequency of 6 GHz is less than the cut-off frequency and
hence the signal will not pass through the guide. Alternatively, the
wavelength of the impressed signal is
A= =5 cm
6x 109
which is longer than the cut-off wavelength (3 cm) and hence no
propagation of the wave.
3. If the waveguide is loaded with dielectric of e, = 4, then
the wavelength
A=air 5cm
= 2.5 cm
4. Now the signal with 6 GHz frequency will pass through the dielectric
loaded waveguide.
Que 1.17. Derive all electrie and magnetic field components in
transverse magnetic mode of rectangular waveguides.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 7.5
1 The TM mn modes in a rectangular waveguide are characterized by
H, =0. The Helmholtz equation for electric field E in a rectangular
co-ordinate is given by
2. Solution for eg. (1.17.1) is in the form of
E, = A, sin +B cos
C,siny +D, cose-ge ..(1.17.2)
3. Applying boundary condition according to requirement such that for
E, =0 at x=0, a then B, =0, and for E, =0 at y=0, bthen D, =0. Thus
the solution becomes as
E, = Eg. sin sin nTy e-Bgz ...(1.17.3)
OE, = 0 ...(1.17.6)
B, H, = oe E, ...(1.17.7)
-B, H, = weE, .(1.17.8)
= joe E, ...(1.17.9)
1-22 E (EC-Sem-7)
Transmission Line and Waveguide
5. On solving eq.(1.17.4), eq. (1.17.5), eq. (1.17.6), eq. (1.17.7), eq. (1.17.8)
and eq. (1.17.9) for E,, E,, H,, and H, in terms of E,, we get field equations
as follows,
mTX nny
Cos sin e-ißge
mTC nTy
E, = E, in cos e-jßge
nny eJBer
E, = E, sin sin
H,= H, sin cos
nTy e-Bgz
H, = 0
Que 1.18. Show that TM, and TM,, modes in
waveguide do not exist. AKTU2016-17, Marks 7.5
Derive the field distribution of TE, mode in
and draw its field pattern. Show that rectangular waveguide
TM, and TM,, modes do not
exist in rectangular waveguide. AKTU2017-18, Marks 10
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-23 E (EC-Sem-7)
A. Derivation of field distribution :Refer Q. 1.14, Page 1-16E, Unit-1.
B. To show :
1. The TM,m, mode field equation in rectangular waveguides are:
E, = E: cos sin e
E, = E., sin COS
E, = E, sin sin
H, = Hoy cos
mX sin y
H, = 0
i. TM, mode : m = 0 and n = 1
Ifm =0and n=l are substituted in E,,E,, E,, H, and H,, so that all of
them vanishes and hence TMo, mode cannot exist.
ii. cannot
TM,, mode
: Again all field components vanish and hence TM,, mode
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
6. As the sum of three terms is aconstant, each of the three terms must be
a constant. The third term is set equal to constant Y:2.
1 aZ 2
Here y, is the propagation constant of wave.
7. The solution of eq. (1. 19.6) is
Z= Ae- + Bes ...(1.19.7)
8. Substituting eq. (1.19.6) in eq. (1.19.5), we get
1 OR +
1 '
rR ôr
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-25 E (EC-Sem-7)
1 0 OR 1 o' ...(1.19.8)
rR dr ôr.
--(y'-y) =0
9 To make the second term of eq. (1.19.9) in terms of ¢only, we multiply
both sides of this equation by r,
R ôr
--(y'-Y;) =0 ...(1.19.9)
10. Equating the second term of eg. (1.19.9) to a constant (-n²) yields
=-n ...(1.19.10)
we have k =y'
13. Thus eq. (1.19.11) becomes
-n'R+k Rr²=0
r ...(1.19.12)
ôr or
14. Eq. (1.19.12) is the Bessel's equation of n'h order. The solution of Bessel's
R= 0,J(ky) +D,N,kr)
Here J(kr) =nh order Bessel's function representing astanding wave
of cos (kr) for r <a.
N,(kr) =nth order Bessel's function representing a standing wave of
sin (k r) for r >a.
15. The total solution becomes
Y= (C:J(kr)+ D,N, (k_r)) A, sin (n¢) +B, cos (n¢)Je*jßg r
Atr= 0, kr =0, then the function N, approaches infinity, so D, =0.
Finally, V=V(kr)cos (n) e-ißgz
Que 1.20. Define the various field components present in TE mode
in circular waveguide.
1-26 E (EC-Sem-7) Transmission Line and Waveguide
1 The Helmholtz equation for H, is written as
yH, =H, ...(1.20.1)
2 Its solution is given as
H, =H, J, (k, r) cos (n¢) e
3 Consider dielectric to be lossless
Vx E =-jou H ..(1.20.2)
Vx H =joe E ...(1.20.3)
4 Solving eq. (1.20.2) and eg. (1.20.3) in cylindrical co-ordinate,
E, = Eo.J, (X sin (n¢) e-ilaz
cos (n¢) e M
E, = 0
H, =
En cos (n¢) e
5. Here,Z, =Wave impedance = E,
H, H,
n=0, 1, 2, 3, ...
p= 1,2, 3, 4, ....
6. Here n is the number of full cycles of field variation in one revolution
through 2r radians, p is the number of zeros of E,
Que 1.21. Derive the equations of TM modes in a circular
1. The TM, modes in a circular guide are characterized by H, = 0.
2. However, the z component of the electric field E, must exist in order to
have energy transmission in the guide.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-27 E (EC-Sem-7)
E, = Ej,sin(nd)e .(1.21.11)
np' cos (nd)e-jBg2
E, =Ejn ...(1.21.12)
H, Lg Xsin(n)e ...(1.21.13)
H, = cos(n¢)e -B ...(1.21.14)
1-28 E (EC-Sem-7)
Transmission Line and Waveguide
H, = 0 .(1.21.15)
where Z, =E,IH, =-EJH, =p/(wE), k, =X la n=0, 1, 2, 3,... and
p=1,2, 3, 4, .... ..
Que 1.22. A TE,u mode is propagating through a
waveguide. The guide is air filled and has a diameter of 12 cm.
(Given X,, =1.841)
Cut-off frequency.
ii. Guide wavelength for the
iii. Wave impedance at 2.5 GHzfrequency 2.5 GHZz.
AKTU2016-17, Marks 7.5
AKTU2018-19, Marks 07
A Advantages :
1. It has greater power handling capacity.
2 It has lower attenuation for a given cut-off wavelength.
3. The polarization of the transmitted wave can be altered due to the
minor irregularities of the wall surface of the circular wave guide.
B. Disadvantages :
1 It has limited dominant mode bandwidth.
2 Large size and weight.
C. Applications:
1. It isused in rotating joints in radars to connect the horn antenna feeding
a parabolic reflector.
2. Its TE, mode is suitable for long distance waveguide transmission above
10 GHz.
3 It is used in short and medium distance broadband communication.
D. Numerical :
1.841 x3x108 : For dominant mode
Tx5x10-2 Xhp =1.841
= 0.352 x 1010
f,=3.52 GHz
iü. Cut-off wavelength,
3x108 =0.852x 10-1
A, =
fe 3.52x 10
,= 8.52 cm
Wave Velocities.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1-30 E (EC-Sem-7) Transmission Line and Waveguide
Que 1.24. Derive the expression for phase velocity and group
velocity. And also give a relation between them.
A Expression for phase velocity, v, :
1. We know that v, =
= UB)= ...(1.24.1)
3. At f=f, o =0,, y= 0
2 2
+ ...(1.24.2)
4 Putting eq. (1.24.1) in eq. (1.24.2), we get
1 1
5. We also know that, f (any frequency) = ch, where , is free space
wavelength and f, (cut-off-frequency) =c, where ., is cut-off
J1-(a, /a,
B. Expression for group velocity, v,:
1. We know that, v, = do
2. But from eq. (1.24.3), B= Vue (o - o)
1-31 E (EC-Sem-7)
Microwave and Radar Engineering
PART- 10
Waveguide Cavities.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1 Waveguide cavity resonators are formed by shorting two ends of a
section of awaveguide as shown in Fig. 1.25.1.
1. The co-ordinate system of rectangular cavity is shown in Fig. 1.26.1. Let
fis the frequency in cavity. If the length d is made equal to the multiple
of half guide wavelength then the standing wave pattern is obtained.
Fig.1.26.1. Arectangular cavity.
2 In such condition xand ycomponents of electric field intensity are zero
atz =0 and thus the resultant is a rectangular cavity. The waveguide is
called as the short circuited waveguide.
i. Resonance condition :
1. We have, o' uE-B= k ...(1.26.1)
where o= 2rf= Angular frequency
H= Permeability
¬= Permittivity
2 If the medium is a lossless dielectric medium thenß = 0
Thus eg. (1.26.1) becomes k = o e
3. Iff. denotes the resonance frequency then o, = 2rf.
Then eq. (1.26.2) becomes = (2f) ue
Microwave and Radar Engineering 1-33 E (EC-Sem-7)
(2' e
(2r)' e
1 m
5 Eq. (1.26.4) gives the resonance frequency for TEmniand TMmnmodes
for the rectangular resonant cavity.
Que 1.27. Arectangular cavity resonator has dimension a =7.5 cm,
b=4 cm and d=16 cm. Calculate the resonant frequeney of dominant
mode, cut-off wave number and phase constant.
AKTU2016-17, Marks 05
A rectangular cavity resonator has dimension a = 7.5 cm, b =4 cm
and d = 16 cm. Calculate cut-off wave number and phase constant.
AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07
Given :a=7.5 cm, b = 4 cm, d =16 cm
To Find :f,ke Pg
1. For dominant mode (TEo), m = 1, n = 0,l=1
i. Resonant frequency,
10ª 0.075 0.16/
40) 25)
f,= l5x 108 =l.5 x10* ,J(13.33)° +(6.25)
f.= 1.5 x 10 /177.69 + 39.06 = 22.05 x 10 Hz = 2.2GHZ
ii. Cut-off wave number,
1-34 E (EC-Sem-7) Transmision Line and Waveguide
Microwave Junctions .2-2E to 2-7E
and Couplers
Part-2 : Scattering Matrix 2-8E to 2-10E
2-1 E (EC-Sem-7)
2-2 E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
C. Directional coupler :
1. The directional coupler is a four port device. It is used to sample the part
of energy passing through the main waveguide.
2. They are also used tocheck whether the signal passing through two
arms is in phase as well as in amplitude.
3. There are no reflections at the junction of these four parts. Directional
coupler having such property is shown in Fig. 2.1.1.
Port 4 Port 3
Coupling device
Port 1 Port 2
D = 10log,o P(Forward)
where, P(Forward) = Power coupled in auxiliary arm in forward
PReverse) = Power coupled in auxiliary arm in reverse
The S-matrix for directional coupler is given as :
24E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
0 S
S 0
S= Sa
Ss 0 S4
S,, 0 Sg
iii. Coupling factor :
1. It is defined as the ratio of incident power to the power output from
auxiliary arm. Coupling factor is always given in decibels. It is denoted
by C.
C= 10 log,, (P/P)
2. Ifcoupling power is small, it indicates that the value of coupling factor is
3. The coupling factor also gives the amount of attenuation taking place in
the output power.
4. The total input power into the coupler is sum of output power from
coupler and the output power from auxiliary arm.
iv. Comparison :
S. No. Single hole Double hole
directional coupler directional coupler
These are forward couplers. These are reverse couplers.
2 The degree of directivity is The degree of directivity is low.
A. Directional coupler: Refer Q. 2.1, Page 2-2E, Unit-2.
B. Types of directional coupler :
i. Single hole directional coupler
ii. Two hole directional coupler : The two holes which are quarter
wavelength apart are made between main arm and the auxiliary arm.
1. Atwo-hole directional coupler is designed to meet the ideal requirement
of directional coupler, which is to avoid back power. Some of the power
while travelling between Port 1and Port 2escapes through the holes 1
and 2.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 2-5E (EC-Sem-7)
2. The magnitude of the power depends upon the dimensions of the holes.
This leakage power at both the holes are in phase at hole 2, adding up
the power contributing to the forward power P. However, it is out of
phase at hole 1, cancelling each other and preventing the back power to
S-matrix :
1. We use the properties of the directional coupler to arrive at (S] matrix.
Main WG
Port 1 P P, Port 2
Port 3 Port 4
Fig. 2.3.1.
Se S S,.
(S] = S1 Sa SA
3 Inadirectional coupler allfour ports are perfectly matched to thejunction.
Hence the diagonal elements are zero.
i.e., S,,= S, =S, =S, =0
4 From symmetry property, S, = S
S,,= S, S=S,j; S, =S
S,,= S S, =S,,
Ideally back power is zero (P, =0) i.e., there is no coupling between port
(1) and port (3),
S,= S, =0
5. Also there is no coupling between port (2) and port (4)
S,, =S=0
6 The values of scattering parameters are
2-6E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
0 S 0 S.1
S 0 S
[S] =
0 S. 0 Ss4
S, 0 S4 0
7. Since [S] [S*]=I, we get
S; 0 S; 0 S;, 1 0 0 0]
S,3 0 010 0
0 S 00 1 0
Si S
|S,. 0 S;, 0 S 0 0 0 1|
R,C,: |S,p l2+ |S,,1' =1 ...(2.3.1)
i.e., S,, must be imaginary.
11. Let Sg=j =S4
Therefore, S= Sy =p
and Sg= S =jq (Also p² +q²= 1)
Substituting these values in (S] matrix ofa directional coupler, it is
reduced to
0 p 0 jg
0 jg 0
[S] = 0 Jq 0
Ljq 0 p 0
Microwave and Radar Engineering 2-7 E (EC-Sem-7)
A Two hole directionalcoupler : Refer Q. 2.3, Page 2-4E, Unit-2.
B. Numerical :
Given : C= 20dB, D =35 dB, P, = 90 W
To Find:Output power.
1 C= 20 = 10 log P
-102= 100
Pf= [: P,= 90 W]
P,= 0.9 W
Seattering Matrix.
1 Consider a microwave junction having n ports as shown in Fig. 2.5.1.
2 Three cases arise for transmission coefficient:
Case 1: When i=r, i.e., amplitude of both the incident and reflected
wave is equal and it is called as reflection coefficient.
b. Case 2: When i <j then it is called reverse transmission coefficient.
ag b
Zo1 Zo3
bË ba
Fig. 2.5.1.
Case 3:
1 When i >j,reflection of wave from junction is very small and is called as
forward transmission coefficient.
2. Novw both the incident and reflected waves are related as
b,= )s, 4
. In general form this can also written as
Microwave and Radar Engineering 2-9 E (EC-Sem-7)
b, = S, a, +S a, t ........
b, =S, nn n
where, [al = Column matrix =
[b] = Column matrix = b,
A S-parameter :
1. At low frequencies, circuits can be described by two port networks and
their parameters like Z2, Y, H, ABCD etc.
2. In the similar way at microwave frequencies, we are considering traveling
waves with associated powers in place of voltages and currents and
microwave circuits can be described by parameters called S-parameters.
B. Importance of S-parameters :
1 Equipment is not readily available to measure total voltage and current
at the ports of the network.
2. Short and open circuits are difficult to achieve over broadband
3. Active devices, such as power transistors and tunnel diodes, frequently
will not have stability for a short or open circuit.
4 Above difficulties can be resolved with the help of S-parameter.
S-parameters can be expressed as
2-10 E EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
b, = S a,+Sgag ...(2.6.2)
5. Fig. 2.6.1 shows two port network for S-parameters.
S11 S12
b S1 S92 b,
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1. Microwave passive devices and components are designed using sections
of co-axial line, waveguides, strip lines and microstrip lines for use in
both, laboratory and in microwave communication and radar systems.
2. These components can be considered as one-port or multiport networks
characterized by the basic parameters, like the VSWR, reflection
coefficient, and various losses under output matched conditions.
3. Microwave passive devices are:
i. E-plane tee
ii. H-plane tee
ii. Magic tee
Que 2.8. Prove that it is impossible for a general three-port
junction (for example E-plane tee) of arbitrary symmetry to present
matched impedance at all three arms.
Discuss E-plane tee in brief.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 2-11 E (EC-Sem-7)
1. An E-plane tee is a waveguide tee in which the axis oft its side arm is
parallel to the E-field of the main guide, if the collinear arms are
symmetricabout the side arm.
2. If the E-plane tee is perfectly matched with the aid of screw tuners or
inductive or capacitive windows at the junction, the diagonal components
of thescattering matrix, S,, Sop,and Sg are zero because there will be
no reflection.
3 When the waves are fed into the side arm (port 3), the waves appearing
at port l and port 2 of the collinear arm will be in opposite phase and in
the same magnitude.
Therefore Sg=-Sg ...(2.8.1)
4 From eq. (2.8.1) it does not mean that, S,g is always positive and Sg is
always negative.
6 The negative sign merely means that Sg and S,, have opposite signs.
For a matched junction, the S-matrix is given by
S2 S0
S=S,, 0 Sa ...(2.8.2)
S,, S, 0
7. From the symmetry property ofS-matrix,
Sg= S
Port 3
Port 2
Side arm
Port 1 E
Fig. 2.8.1. E-plane tee.
|Port 3
Port 1A Port 2
Port 3
Port 1 Port 2
Out Out
Main arm
Out Out
Auxiliary arm
Fig. 2.9.2. Electric field distribution in H-plane tee.
C. Comparison :
S. No. E-plane tee H-plane tee
1 In an E-plane tee, the axis of In an H-plane tee, the axis of its
its side arm is parallel to the side arm is parallel to the
electric field of the main magnetic field or shunting the
waveguide. electric field of the main
2 The E-plane tee is also called An H-plane tee is also called a
a series tee. parallel or shunt tee.
3. When the power is fed at port When the power is fed at port
(3), that is, at the side arm, (3), that is, at the side arm,the
the resulting power is equally resulting power is equally divided
divided between port (1) and between port (1) and port (2)
(2), but a phase shift of 180 within phase.
is introduced between the
two outputs.
4 When the equal input power When the equal input power is
is fed to both ports (1) and fed to both ports (1) and (2), the
(2), no output is obtained at maximum power (i.e., addition of
port (3). two inputs) is obtained at port (3).
2-14 E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
Port 1
Port 2
Port 3 E-arm
Port 4
Port 1
Collinear arms
Port 1 E
Fig. 2.11.1.
|AKTU2016-17, Marks 7.5
The scattering matrix of an E-plane tee can be used to describe its
properties. Since it is a three port junction the scattering matrix can be
derived as follows.
IS] is a 3 x 3 matrix since there are 3 ports.
S11 S12 S13
[S]= S1 S2 S23
|Sg1 Sg2 Sg3
2 The scattering coefficient
Sg=-S9 ...(2.11.1)
Passive Microwave devices
2-16E (EC-Sem-7)
with an input at
Since outputs at ports 1 and 2 are out of phase by l180°
port 3.
3 If port 3 is perfectly matched to the junction. ...(2.11.2)
Sgg =0
4. From symmetric property, S, =S;
S= S1
Sig= Sg1 ..(2.11.3)
Sg= Sg
With these properties [S] becomes,
Si1 S12 S13 ..(2.11.4)
[S] = S12 S2 - Sh3
S13 -S13
5. From unitary property, [S][S]* = (1
S12 S18 |Si Si2 S13 [1 0 0]
[S1 01 0
S12 S2 - S13|S12 S2 -S18
0 |0 0 1|
|S13 -S13
R,C;: |S,,12+|S,12+ |S,,12 =1 ...(2.11.6)
R, Cq: |S,l+|8g1+ |S,g12 =1
|Sl+ |S;1 =1 ..(2.11.7)
Sg S,, -S,g Si2 =0 ...2.11.8)
6. Equating eq. (2.11.5) and eq. (2.11.6) we get
S= S
1 ...(2.11.10)
7. From eq. (2.11.7), S,8= /2
From eq. (2.11.8), S, (Si-S;2) =0 or S, =S= S
Putting values of S,,and S,, in eq. (2.11.5)
|S +|S+=1
1 1
i. b, = power at port 1=41 tg a22+
x 20 = 5 mW
1 1 1
x 20= 5 mW
b,=1t42 J2 2
1 1 1
iiüi. b, = ay +0= x 20 = 10 mW
2. It is seen that. b, =b, + b,
Que 2.12. A magic-T is terminated at collinear ports 1 and 2 and
difference at port 4. Impedance of reflection coefficient is 0.5, 0.6 and
0.8 respectively. If the 1 W is fed at the sum port 3 calculate the
power reflected at the port 3 and power transmitted to the other
three ports. AKTU2015-16, Marks 7.5
1. S-matrix for a matched magic-T with collinear ports 1 and 2 and sum
and difference ports 3 and 4 respectively, is given by
[0 0 1 1
00 1 -1
IS] =1/ V2
1 1 0 0
1 -1 0 0
2. Ifa,, a,, a, and a, be the normalised input voltages and b,, b, b, and b,
are the corresponding output voltage at ports 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively,
a, =I,by ay=Ib, a, =input appliedvoltage
2-18 E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
0 0.6 1-0.6x0.8
b, = =V2
V2 0 -0.8 2-0.8(0.5+0.6)
V2 0.8
-0.5 -0.6 V2
-0.5 0.6 0 V2
=l-0.48 = 0.6566 V
1-0.5x 0.8
5. Similarly, =0.7576V
2-0.8(0.5 +0.6)
0.5+0.6-2x0.5 x 0.6 x 0.8
b, = = 0.5536 V
2-0.8(0.5 +0.6)
b, = V2 -0.0893 V
6. Therefore,
Power transmitted at port 1= |b, |'=0.4309 W
ii. Power transmitted at port 2 = |b,|'=0.5738W
iii. Power transmitted at port 4 = |b,|'=0.00797 W
iv. Power reflected at port 3= |b,|2=0.3065W
V. Power absorbed at port i= V2 (|b,|2- |a, |), i=1, 2, 4.
vi. Total power absorbed by the system = 12(|a,|2-|b,|2).
Microwave and Radar Engineering 2-19 E (EC-Sem-7)
Port 1
Port 4
J4 J4
Port 3 Port 2
Fig. 2.13.1. Hybrid ring.
5. S-matrix for hybrid ring can be written as:
Sp 0 S,.
S= Sg
0 S32 0 S4
S,, S3
Que 2.14. Write a short note on waveguide corner and bends. With
support of figures explain the waveguide corners and bends.
Explain wave guide discontinuity.
1 Waveguide corners and bends are used to remove the reflection arising
from discontinuities during matching of various hybrid
2. Such waveguide componentsare generally used to divert the direction
of processing of guide through an appropriate angle.
3. In order to minimize reflection from the
length L between any two possible nearby discontinuities, the mean
junction of corner is kept
equal toan odd number of quarter wavelengths
2-20 E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
i.e., L= (2n+1) /4
where, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
,= wavelength of guide
4 For waveguide bends, the minimum radius of curvature for reflection is
given by Southworth as,
R = 1.5 b for E-bend
=1.5 a for H-bend
where a and b are the dimensions of the waveguide.
5 The waveguide corners and bends are shown in Fig. 2.14.1.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
A. Attenuator :
1 Attenuator is a passive device that reduces the power of a signal without
distorting its waveform.
2 An attenuator is effectively the opposite of an amplifier, though the
twowork by different methods. While an amplifier provides gain, an
attenuator provides loss, or gain less than 1.
B. Types of waveguide attenuator :
i. Flap attenuator :
1 The arrangement of variable flap attenuators is such that, a slot is made
in the waveguide.
2 The formation of slot is at the maximum electric field in the waveguide
andthen the resistive vane is inserted into this slot.
3. Such insertion will result in attenuation. The disadvantage of variable
flap attenuator is that it needs to be calibrated against a standard as it is
not a precision attenuator.
Flap Slot
A Rotatory-vane Attenuator : Refer Q. 2.16, Page 2-22E, Unit-2.
B. To Show:
1. The S-matrix of a rotary-vane attenuator isgiven by
0 A ...2.17.1)
[S] =
A 0
where Ais the attenuation factor (in linear units). S,, and S.,, are Osince
they are perfectly matched.
2. In rotary-vane attenuator, S.,, and S,, are equal to each other and are
equal to the attenuation factor.
3. To caleulate the attenuation factor, consider the expression for the TE
mode electric field.
Phase Shifters.
Long Ans we. Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
i. Phase shifter:
1. Atwo port device that produces a variable change in phase of wave
transmitted through it is known as phase shifter.
2-26 E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Mierowave devices
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Explain the construetion, working and application of mierowave
isolators. AKTU 2018-19, Marka 07
|AKTU 2016-17, Marks 06
Explain the operation of a Faraday rotation isolator with the help
of nent sketch. List the application of ferrite isolator.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10
A Faradayrotation in ferriteN :
1 Aplane circularly polarised wave propagating in #, direction willhave
two different propagation constants given by
2 (Anticlockwise)
Direction Output
Resistive of rotation waveguide
Input Reflected Ferrite rod
waveguide wave vector
4. An input TE,, dominant mode is incident to the left end of the isolator.
As the TE mode wave is perpendicular to the input resistive card, so
the wave passes through the ferrite rod without attenuation.
5. The wave in the ferrite rod section is rotated clockwise by 45° and is
normal to the output resistive card.
6 As a result of rotation, the wave arrives at the output end without
7 On the contrary, a reflected wave from the output end is similarly
rotated clockwise 45° by the ferrite rod.
8. However, the reflected wave is parallel to the input resistive card. So
the wave is thereby absorbed by the input card.
9. The typical performance of these isolators is about 1dB insertion loss in
forward transmission and about 20 to 30 dB isolation in reverse
ii. Applications:
1. Used to improve the frequency stability of wave generator such as
klystrons and magnetrons.
2. Used to isolate one component from reflections of other components in
the transmission line.
fo 0 0 11
1 00 0
[S]= i
0 0
|0 0 1 0|
AKTU2017-18, Marks 10
What is circulator ? Discuss its theory of operation and suggest its
applications. AKTU2018-19, Marks 07
A S-parameter:Refer Q. 2.6, Page 2-9E, Unit-2.
B. Importance S-parameters: Refer Q. 2.6, Page 2-9E, Unit-2.
C. Circulator :
1 A
microwave circulator is a multiport junction in which the wave can
flow only from the nh port to the (n + 1h port in one direction only.
2. There is norestriction on number of ports. It is a non-reciprocal device.
Wave incident in port l is coupled into port 2 only, a wave incident in
port 2 is coupled into port 3 only and so on.
3 Generally circulator is a four port device. The schematic of four ports
circulator is as shown in Fig. 2.20.1.
In such cases each port is connected to the next port in a clockwise
direction i.e., port l is connected only to the port 2 and not to the port
3 and port 4.
5. Circulators are generally used to provide the isolation between input
and output terminals in case oftwo terminal amplifier devices.
Port 2
Port 1 Port 3
Port 4
Fig. 2.20.1. Schematic of four port circulator.
i. Scattering matrix of circulator :
1 Acirculator shown in Fig. 2.20.2 is made up of using two magic tees and
phase shifter. The phase shifter produces a phase shift of 180°.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 2-31 E (EC-Sem-7)
Magic tee
Phase shifter
Fig.2.20.2. Afour port circulator.
|0 S, S,3 S4
S, 0 S3 S
S Ssa 0 S4
S S S3 0
3. From the symmetry property of S-matrix
[o 0 0 1]
|1 0 0 0
0 10 0
|0 0 1 0
2-32 E (EC-Sem-7) Passive Microwave devices
C. Applications :
1 Isolation of transmitters and receivers connected to same antenna e.g.,
in radar system.
Isolation of input and output in two terminal amplifying devices e.g.,
Collinear arms
Port 1 E
Fig. 1.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.11.
Microwave Tubes
Part-1 : Microwaves Tubes: Limitation of .........-2E to 3-3E
Conventional Active Devices at
Microwave Frequency
3-1 E (EC-Sem-7)
3-2 E (EC-Sem-7) Microwave Tubes
Microwave Tubes : Limitation of Conventional Active Devices at
Microwave Frequency.
i. Inter-electrode capacitance:
1. Vacuum has a dielectric constant of 1. As the elements of the triodes are
made of metal and are separated by a dielectric, capacitance exists
between them. This capacitance is inter-electrode capacitance.
Fig. 3.1.1.
2. The capacitance between the plate and grid is C The grid to cathode
capacitance is C. The total capacitance across the tube is C,
3 Now, we know that the capacitive reactance is given by
X = V2rfC
4. So as the input frequency increases, the effective grid to cathode
impedance decreases due to decrease in reactance of inter-electrode
Microwave and Radar Engineering 33E (EC-Sem-7)
5. At higher frequencies (greater than 100 MHz) it becomes so small that
signal is short circuited with the tube. Also, gain of the device reduces
6 This effect can be minimized by taking smaller (reducing the area)
electrodes and by increasing distance between them, therefore by
increasing reactance.
ii. Lead inductance:
Lead inductances are effectively in parallel within the device with the
inter-electrode capacitance. Inductive reactance is given by:
X, = 2rfL
Fig. 3.1.2.
2. As the frequency increases, the effective reactance of the circuit also
increases. This effect raises the frequency limit to the device.
3 The inductance of cathode lead is commnon to both grid and plate circuits.
This provides a path for degenerative feedback which reduces the overall
efficiency of the circuit.
iüi. Transit time:
1 Transit time is the time required for electrons to travel from the cathode
tothe plate. At low frequency, the transit time is very negligible.
2 But, however at higher frequencies, transit time becomes an appreciable
portion of asignal which results in decrease in efficiency of device.
iv. Gain bandwidth product :
1 Gain bandwidth product is independent of frequency. So for a given
tube higher gain can be only obtained at the expense of narrower
V. Dielectricloss:
1 Dielectricmaterial is generally different silicon plastic encapsulation
materials used in microwave devices. At higher frequencies the losses
due tothese materials are also prominent.
Microwave Tubes
34E (EC-Sem-7)
Type Questions
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer
0 d L+d L+ 2d
Distance scale
Time scale
to t, t, t,
Fig. 3.2.1. Two-cavity klystron amplifier.
2. The distance between two cavities is called as the drift space. Cathode is
used to emit electron beam. Higher potential is given to the collector as
compared to the cathode.
3. Electron beam is collected by collector. The RF signal to be amplified is
applied to first cavity. Input signal is allowed to reach to output cavity. At
output cavity an amplifed signal is obtained.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 35E (EC-Sem-7)
Fig. 3.2.2.
Que 3.3. With the help of functional diagram, explain the working
principle of two-cavity klystron amplifier. Calculate optimum
length of drift space, maximum efficiency, and voltage gain.
AKTU2016-17, Marks 10
AKTU2018-19, Marks 07
A Two-cavity klystron amplifier: Refer Q. 3.2, Page 3-4E, Unit-3.
B. Expression for the efficiency of two-cavity klystron amplifier :
3-6E(EC-Sem-7) Microwave Tubes
1 From the basic principles, we can say that the klystron is generally
tuned to fundamental AC component of current given by,
i,(t,) =21,J, ) cos (ot,-8,-0,) ..(3.3.1)
where, t= Time when the bunched electrons are at the
cateher grid after travelling through the field
free drift space L.
6, =Transit angle =ot, =olt,-t).
t, =Time when electron beam enters the buncher.
t, = Timewhen electron beam out.
L,= DC beam current in the buncher.
2. Here J(X) is a function of V, because
n NB, V,
B,=Beam coupling coefficient of buncher cavity.
V= Input RFsignal amplitude.
Vo= Anode potential with respect to cathode potential.
N= Number of RF cycles elapsed during transit time
of reference electron with velocity (u,).
3. We have, = NT
N= Lf L(2rf) Lo
2 u, 2r uo
For maximum optimum drift space length,
X= 1841
4. Putting the values of N and X in eq. (3.3.2)
1.841 = rLoß,V,
3.682 u,V,
where L, = Maximum optimum drift space length.
5 The fundamental component of RF beam current passing through the
output cavity gap induces a current in catcher cavity,
i,=i,ba ..(3.3.3)
Microwave and Radar Engineering 3-7E (EC-Sem-7)
Pac_B V,J, (X) cos
Ppc 1,V,
11. The efficiency becomes maximum when
cos = 1, ¢=0°
X= 1.841
0.582 B,V,
12. If coupling is perfect, B, = 1.
0.582 V,
when, V,=Vo
may = 58.2%
Voltage gain : The voltage gain of a klystron amplifier is defined as :
A, = R,
Que 3.4. A two cavity klystron amplifier has the following
specifications : Beam voltage = 900 V, Beam current = 30 mA,
frequency =8 GHZ, gap spacing in either cavity = lmm, spacing
3-8E (EC-Sem-7) Microwave Tubes
Given : V =900V, =30 mA,f=8 GHz,d= l mm, L=4 cm, R., =49 k2
ToFind : Electron velocity, DC transit time of electron, Input voltage
for maximum output voltage, Voltage gain in dB.
i. Electron velocity,
V, = (0.593 x 109) /V,.
= (0.593 x 109) J900
= 17.79x 10° m/s
ii. DC transit time of electron,
L 4x 10-2
17.79 x 10
= 0,22484 x 10B sec
1. Gaptransit angle,
od 10
-2r (8 x10)x
17.79 x 10
0, = 2.825 rad
2 Beam coupling coefficient,
=D, = sin (0,/2)
sin (80.93)
3. DC transit angle,
0, = 0, = 2nx 8 x 10" x (0.22484 x 10 )
0, =11.30 x 10 =113 rad
4. For maximum output voltage, J, (r) =0.582 at X=l.841.
Thus, Imax
2V,x 2x 900x 1.841
= 41.95V
BO, 0.699 x 1l13
3-9E (EC-Sem-7)
Microwave and Radar Engineering
5. Voltage gain, 49 x 10°
(0.699 x113 x 0.582 x
R, x1.841
A, = R, X
= 40 k2
Let us assume that, R
(0.699)x113 x 0.582 x 49 x 10 = 21.38
A, = 40 x10x1.841
log,, A., = 20 log,, (21.38)
iv. Voltage gain in dB = 20= 26.6 dB
Reflex Klystron.
A Reflex klystron : surrounded by
klystron consists of an electron gun, a filament
Reflex shown in
and a focusing electrode at cathode potential as
cathode cavity.
Fig. 3.5.1. It consists of one Due tosingle
The operating frequency for klystron is less than 16 GHz.
cavity the producedoscillation gives less amount of power.
-10 E (EC-Sem-7) Microwave Tubes
RF output
Grids anode
Cavity gap
RF field
e! Dri
3/4 cycle
9. Oscillator output energy is then taken from the cavity. The electrons
are finally collected by the walls of the cavity or other grounded metal
partsof the tube.
B. Numerical :
Anode cavities
Space for
Anode poles
Fig. 3.6.1. Cross-section of cavity magnetron.
7. The radial electric field is applied while the DC magnetic field is
perpendicular to structure. So the device is also called as a cross-coupled
8 The output is taken from one of the cavities. The basic geometry and the
static field are shown in Fig. 3.6.2.
B (axial)
Cathode a E (radial)
Fig. 3.6.2. Magnetic and electric balanced fields.
9 The cathode emitsa number ofelectrons. Now the magnetic field exerts
a magnetic force on the electron. This force is given by,
F= Bev
where, B= Magnetic field strength.
e= Charge of electron.
U= Velocity of electron.
10. The magnetic field is axial and is perpendicular to both electricfield
and motion of electron.So electron follows the curved path.
11, The radius of curvature of the trajectory decreases as the magnetic
field is incre ased.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 3-13 E (EC-Sem-7)
12. Above a certain value of magnetic field called the cut-off feld electrons
are returned to the cathode and the anode collects no current.
13. Amagnetron is operated with magnetic field higher than the cut-off
B. Performance characteristics :
Its duty cycleis 0.1%.
iü. Its efficiency is 40 %to 70 %.
ii. It works at frequency 500 MHz to 124 GHz.
iv. Power output is 250 kW (pulsed mode), 10 mW (UHF band), 2 mW
(X band), and 8 kW (at 95 GHz).
A Hull cut-off voltage equation :
1. The hull cut-off magnetic equation is given by,
B, = b(1-a' /b²)
where, B, = Magnetic flux density.
V, = DCvoltage applied between anode and cathode.
m, = Mass of electron.
q= Charge of electron.
a= Radius of cathode.
b= Radius measured from centre toedge of anode
2. When magnetic flux density is greater than the cut-off value of magnetic
flux density ie., B, >B,, then the electrons will not reach to the anode.
3 The cut-off voltage is obtained from eq. (3.7.1),
4. At cut-off condition
V, = V
Microwave Tubes
3-14 E (EC-Sem-7)
5. Eq. (3.7.2) is called as Hull cut-off voltage equation.
B. Frequency pulling and pushing effect :
1 Similar to reflex klystron, it is possible to change the resonant frequency
anode voltage
of magnetron by changing the anode voltage. Change in
in a change in orbitalvelocity of electrons. anode
2. This alters the rate at which the energy is transferred to
resonators and results in change of oscillation of frequency.
3. Magnetron is also susceptible to frequency variation due tochangesload
regardless of whether these
load impedance. This take place
variations are purely resistive or reactive variations.
4. However, magnetron frequency variations are more severe for
The frequency variations are known as frequency pulling caused by
load impedance variations selected into cavity resonators. To prevent
frequency pushing a stablised power supply is employed.
6. Frequency pushing is prevented by using a circulator which does not
allow backward flow of electromagnetic energy. It is placed before the
wave guide connection at the output of the magnetron.
Que 3.8. Why is magnetron called cross field device ? What is
meant by r-mode operation in magnetron containing eight cavity
resonators ? Describe how strapping separates the t-mode from
other possible modes. AKTU2016-17, Marks 7.5
AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07
1. In magnetron, the DC magnetic field and the DC electric filed are
perpendicular to each other that is why it is called as cross field device.
2 The separation of r-mode frequency from other modes commonly done
by the strapping method as shown in Fig. 3.8.1.
Travelling Wave Tube.
Que 3.9. What are slow wave structures ? Explain how a helical
B. Construction of TWT:
1 The physical construction of a typical TWT along with the schematic
electrode arrangement is shown in Fig. 3.9.1.
2. It has an electron gun as used in klystrons, which is used to produce a
narrow constant velocity electron beam.
3. This electron beam is in turn passed through the centre of a long axial
4. Amagnetic focusing field is provided to prevent the beam from spreading
and to guide it through the center of the helix.
5. Helix is a loosely wound thin conducting helical wire, which acts as a
slow wave structure.
6 The signal to be amplified is applied to the end ofthe helix adjacent to
the electron gun.
7. The amplified signal appears at the output or other end of the helix
under appropriate operating conditions.
Gun Helix Output
Attenuator Collector
Input Output
Electron gun
Cathode Anode Collector
RF signal RF termination
output Slow-wave
Accelerator structure
Electron beam BO
Vso Sole
Cathode +
Vo Vco
Fig. 3.11.1.Linear model of an M-carcinotron oscillator.
Fig. 3.11.2. Beam electrons and electric field lines in an
8. Electrons at position A near the beginning of the circuit are moving
toward the circuit, whereas electrons at positionB are moving toward
the sole.
9 Farther down the circuit, electrons at position C are closer to the circuit,
and electrons at position D are closer to the sole.
greater distance from
10. However, electrons at position Chave departed a
the unperturbed path than have electrons at position D.
energy, this
11. Thus, the electrons have lost a net amount of potential
energy having been transferred to the RF field.
the electrons moving toward
12. The reason for the greater displacement ofstronger RF fields, since they
the circuit is that these electrons are in
are closer to the circuit.
unperturbed position
13. Electrons at position G have moved so far fromthethecircuit.
that some of them are being intercepted on
a half cycle of the
14. The length from position Athrough position G is
electron motion.
efficiency is very
15. Since the M-carcinotron is a crossed-field device, its
high, ranging from 30 to 60 %.
range up to about
16. The power output is 250 kW (pulsed) atarefrequency
used in instruments and
40 GHz. Backward wave oscillators
Que 3.12. Explain the principle of operation of
circular reentrant
1 The M-carcinotrons are generally constructed in the
form as shown in Fig. 3.12.1.
3-20 E (EC-Sem-7) Microwave Tubes
RF attenuator OGrid
RF output
Electron beam
RF wave
Part-1 : Measurement of Insertion Loss..... 4-2E to 44E
4-1E (EC-Sem-7)
4-2 E (EC-Sem-7) Microwave Measurement
Measurement of Insertion Loss.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Salient features of microwave measurements :
1. At low frequency, it is convenient to measure voltage and current and
use them to calculate power.
However at microwave frequencies, they are difficult to measure and
value in
since they vary with position in atransmission line, are of little
determining power. Therefore at microwave frequencies, it is more
desirable and simpler to measure power directly.
which can be identified
At low frequency, circuits use lumped elementselements
and measured. At microwave frequencies circuit are distributed
makes up
and as such it is usually not important to know what element
a line.
of a circuit
4 It is possible and also satisfactory to measure the impedance
without regard to the individual distributed elements making up that
5. Unlike low frequency measurements, many quantities measured
microwave frequencies are relative and it is not necessary to know their
absolute values.
to know the
6. Further for power measurement, it is usually sufficient
ratio of two powers (or their difference in dBs) rather than exact
or output powers.
7. The following parameters can be conveniently measured at
frequencies :
i. Frequency
ii. Attenuation
iv. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
Microwave and Radar Engineering 4-3E (EC-Sem-7)
V. Phase
vi. Impedance
vi. Insertion loss
viü. Dielectric constant
ix. Noise factor
Since P (P -P) P
10 log
10 log P-P) + 10log P
P P P-P.
2. Insertion loss = Reflection loss + Attenuation loss
VSWR meter
Detector Detector
1kHz square
wave modulated Wavemeter
microWave source
Fig. 4.2.1. Insertion loss and attenuation measurements.
2. Connecting matched load Z, to port Aand Cand VSWR meter to port B
without disturbing any other setup. The VSWR meter reading gives
the ratio P. /P, the return loss. The reflection loss 1 - (P, / P) is
3. Now input attenuator is adjusted to give attenuation equal to the dB
coupling of bi-directional coupler.
4. Connecting matched load to port A and B and VSWR meter to port C
without disturbing any other setup. The VSWR meter gives the ratio
P, IP, the insertion loss.
5. Attenuation of the network can be determined by subtracting the dB
reflection loss from the dB insertion loss.
Measurement of Frequency.
Adjustable attenuator
Shorting plunger
b Waveguide Coupling
Circular cavity
Fig. 4.4.1. Wavemeter meth od of frequency measurement.
Measurement of Cavity Q.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1. A difficult measurement at microwave fre quencies is the accurate
measurement of Q of a high Q cavity. This is due to the fact that the
3dB bandwidth of the cavity response curve is a very small fraction of
the resonance frequency.
2. Moreover, the cavity has to be loaded during such measurement andQ
becomes lower.
3 There are three definitions of Q'sconnected to the associated circuit.
i. Unloaded Q0:
Energy stored in the cavity
Energy lost per cycle in the cavity
1. Qo is selectivity factor of the cavity, dependent on the geometrical
portion of the cavity.
48E (EC-Sem-7) Microwave Measurement
ii. Loaded @:
, =2 Energy stored in the cavity
Energy lost per Energy lost per cycle
cycle in the cavity in the external system
1. , is the Qof the entire system, including all sources of energy loss.
2. Q, can be determined by the formula,
=fo lAf
where fo= Resonance frequency
Af= 3 dB bandwidth
iii. External Q, :
Qg is the Qof the external system.
Energy stored in the cavity
Energy lost per cycle in the external system
From above definition, /Q, =1/Q,+ l/Qp andthus Q<Qo
4 For an aperture coupled transmission type cavity, the input and output
coupling factors B, and B, are a measure of the extent to which the
power is coupled to the cavity and from the cavity, respectively , where
B,= 4S, -(S, + 1 Tð)
= 1(Critical coupling)
<1(Under coupling)
> 1(Over coupling)
B,=B, S,-1
5. Here S, = VSWR at the resonance frequency fo:
Tð) =PoutPin
Tð) =Transmission loss at the resonance frequency fo
6. Measurement of both the transmission loss Tð) and VSWR S, at
resonance gives the data needed for calculating ß, and B, and determined
Measurement of Dielectric Constant.
Zo Po Z, Be
B A'
6. Therefore,
Zi+j tan Bo= 0 ...(4.6.5)
Measurement of Scattering Parameters.
S-parameters of anagie-tee :
The S-parameters ofa matched magic-tee can be determined using the
Deachamyp'a nnethod by measuring the reflection coefficients at different
porta under specific termination ofother ports.
Measurement of S,,:'The diagonal elements are determined from the
nlotted line measurement of the VSWR S, at the corresponding port
with all other ports matched terminated.
IS,l - (S,-1M8, +1)
b. Measurement of S,,(i j):To measure S,g, ports 3and 4are match
terminated and port 2is terminated in a short circuit plunger when the
input is fed at port 1.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1. Noise factor is defined as the ratio ofthe actual output noise power of
the deviceto the noise power that would be available if thedevice were
perfect (without contributing any noise).
2. Noise factor is expressed in decibels.
(Input signal to noise ratio) ...(4.8.1)
F= 10 lo810 (Output signal to noise ratio)
3 Noise-figure meters can be used to measure the noise factor (or noise
figure). The set-up for noise factor measurement is shown in
Fig. 4.8. 1I.
Measurement of Return Loss.
The return loss and VSWR of a load can be determined by measuring
the magnitude of the reflection coefficient with a reflectometer.
2 Let us assume that directional couplers have infinite directivity, a voltage
coupling coefficient C, main line VSWRland the detectors have constant
impedance to the line.
3. When unit input amplitude is fed to port 1, voltages at port 4 and 2 are
b, = C
b, =(1-C)2
4 Incident voltage at port 2 is reflected by the load under test.
5. IfT, is the reflection coefficient, the reflected wave amplitude at port 2
,= (1- C)C|r,|
Microwave and Radar Bngincering 4-10E EC-Mem 7)
6. This willbe coupled to port 3to produce avoltage of
-0 b, -0
www ww.
Input Lond
Fig. 4.9.1. Retleetometer.
7 Ifcoupling is extremely Nmall, Le., C<< 1, K~ 1,
Therefore, lb,1b,1- |
8. Thus knowing the voltage ratio between port 3and 4, reflection
coeflicient and hence vsWR and return loun cn be deternined from
the following relations.
Meanurement of Impedance.
AT, +B ...(4.10.1)
Cr, +D
where, A, B, C, D, are functions of the S-parameters of the four ports
formed by the reflectometer.
3 Fig. 4.10.1 consists of two tuners T, and Tp, a mnovable short, and a
sliding load of lowVSWR(< 1.02) is used to match above ideal conditions.
4. Tuner T, is adjusted to make |b,/b,| constant while the phase ofT, is
varied by changing the position of sliding load at port 4. This makes
5. The tuner T, is adjusted to make |b/b,|constant as the phase of T is
varied by changing the position of a sliding short at port 4, then
C=0, therefore from eq. (4.10.1),
Movable To VSWR
short meter
DC, short
Modulating Tuner Tuner
Source DC, T DC
Fig. 4.10.1. Reflectometer with tuners for amplitude
and phase measurements.
and 1-I,
Que 4.11. DiscusS method to measure impedance of load. Indicate
the use of smith chart in this measurement.
|AKTU2018-19, Marks 07
IfVSWR and voltage minimum position is given, then the smith chart
in Fig. 4.11.1 gives a very simplified method of solution for load
impedance in the following manner :
1. Draw a VSWR circle S with centre at O(1 +j).
2 When the line is shorted, the first voltage minimum occurs at the place
of the load. This minimum shifts towards the generator by an amount
dnia when the line is loaded. The impedance at voltage minimum is
pure resistance of magnitude /S.This corresponds to a point Eon the
left half of the real axis.
3 Move above distance dmni from the minimum point Ealong the periphery
toward the load and locate this position on the periphery as F.
4 Join O and F and find the intersection point G between the line OF and
the VSWR circle.
5 Point G represents the normalised load impedance.
generator 0.5
ardTTos low ad
l0.0E 0.5
o1.0 0.5
VSWR Meter and Measurement.
A. Salient features of microwave measurements : Refer Q. 4.1,
Page 4-2E,Unit-4.
B. VSWR meter:
1. It is sensitive, high gain, high Q, low noise voltage amplifier
normally at a fixed frequency of 1 kHz at which the microwave signal is
2. The input of the VSWR meter is the detected signal output of the
microwave detector and the output of the amplifier is measured with a
square law wave calibrated voltmeter.
This voltmeter directly gives the VSWR readingVmVnifor an input
of Vmin after the meter is adjusted to unity VSWRto
for an input
adjust the reading
corresponding toV Again control can be used
to desired value.
4. There are mainly three scales on VSWR meter.
The normal SWR scale can be used when VSWR is between land 4.
The bottom of normal SWR scale can be used when the VSWR is between
3and 10.
ii. The expanded SWR scale can be used when the VSWR is less than 1.3.
Que 4.13. Explain the method of measuring VSWR < 10.
AKTU2016-17, Marks 05
1. Values of VSWR not exceeding 10 are very easily measured with the set
up shown in Fig. 4.13.1 and can be read off directly on the VSWR meter.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 4-17 E (EC-Sem-7)
Crystal DC milli
detector voltmeter
w Slotted
Pad Load
Fig. 4.13.1.
2. The measurement basically consists of simply adjusting the attenuator
to give an adequate reading on the meter, which is aDC milli voltmeter.
3 The probe on the slotted waveguide is moved toget maximum reading
on the meter (corresponding to Vmax
4 The attenuation is now adjusted to get full scale reading. This full scale
reading is noted down.
5. Next the probe on the slotted line is adjusted to get minimum reading
on the meter (corresponding to V, ). The ratio of first reading to the
second (i.e., VJV.igives the VSWR.
Que 4.14. Explain Double Minima Method' for VSWR
1 Double minimum method is used for measurement of VSWR> 20 (High
VSWR). Double minimum method as shown in Fig. 4.14.1 is used where
measurements are carried out at two positions around a voltage minimum
point. Voltage
Twice minimum power points
V, =\2Vmin
d, d
Distance (cms)
Fig. 4.14.1.
2 In this method, the probe is inserted to a depth where the
be read without difficulty. The probe is then moved to a minimum can
point where the
power is twice the minimum.
3 Let this position is denoted by d,. The probe is then moved to twice the
power point on the other side of minimum, this position is denoted by d,.
4-18 E (EC-Sem-7) Microwave Measurement
P min V
1 min
or, V = 2 V2
or, V,= V2 Vin
4. Further for TE, mode,
,= 2a
,= c/f
5 Then VSWR can be calculated using the empirical relation,
nld, - d,)
PART- 10
High Power Measurement : Power Meters.
power point Pump
Glass tube for
water flow Water in
4.187 mC, T watts
where, m = Mass of thermometric medium in grams
T= Temperature risein °C
t= Time in seconds
C, = Specific heat in cal/gms
b. Circulating Calorimeters :
1 In this, the calorimeter fluid is constantly flowing through a water load.
The heat introduced into the fluid makes exit temperature higher than
the input temperature.
2. Here average power,
P=4.187 vdC,T watts
where, v= Rate of flow of calorimeter fluid in cc/second
d= Specific gravity of thefluid in gm/cc
Microwave Measurement
4-20 E (EC-Sem-7)
1. Bolometer is a temperature sensitive device. When microwave
falls on it, the temperature of bolometer gets changed.
in resistance
2. This will change the corresponding resistance. This change
is proportional to the input mierowave power.
3. They are of two types :
i Barretter
used. This is shown in
Por such purpose the balanced bridge circuit isarm of the bridge circuit.
Fig. 4.16. 1. Here bolometer is connected in one
The optimum resistance of bolometer is 120
resistors of bridge
5. When the microwave power is not present then the means the bridge
are selected in such a way that the output is zero,
is balanced. So the meter M, shows zeroreading.
absorbed by bolometer,
6 Now, when microwave power is present, it will be is unbalanced.
soits resistance gets changed because now the
It gives the direct
7 The meter M,is connected at the output arm of bridge.
indication of microwave power.
Fig. 4.16.1.
Lead Lead
Fig.4.17.1. Thermistor mount.
Microwave Amplifiers.
Part-1 : Radar Block Diagram .5-2E to 5-3E
5-1 E (EC-Sem-7)
5-2 E (EC-Sem-7) Introduction to Radar Systems
Power Waveform
Duplexer amplifier generator
Fig. 5.1.1. Block diagram of a radar.
5 3E(EC-Sem-7)
Microwave and Radar Engineering
and off by a pulse
2. When a power oscillator is used, it is also turned on
modulator to generate a pulse waveform.
a waveguide
3. The output of the transmitter is delivered to the antenna by
or transmission line.
B. Radar transceiver system :
i. Duplexer:
1. It allowsa single antenna to be used for both transmitting and receiving.
2. It is generally a gaseous device that produces a short circuit at the
to the receiver when the transmitter is operating, so that high power
flows to the antenna and not to the receiver.
3. On reception, the duplexer directs the echo signal to the receiver and
not to the transmitter.
ii. Receiver:
1. It is always superheterodyne. The input or RF stage can be a low noise
transistor amplifier.
The mixer or local oscillator (LO)convert the RF signal to an intermediate
frequency (IF) where it is amplified by the IF amplifier.
3. The IF amplifier is designed as a matched filter, which maximizes the
output peak signal to mean noise ratio.
4. Thus, the matched filter maximizes the detectability of weak echo signals
and attenuated unwanted signals.
iii. 2D detector or demodulator :
1 Its purpose is to assist in extracting the signal modulation from the
2 The combination of IF amplifier, second detector and video amplifier
acts as an envelope detector to pass the pulse modulation and reject the
carrier frequency.
3. At the output of the receiver a decision is made whether a target is
present or not.
4. The decision is based on the magnitude of the receiver output.
5. If the output is larger than the threshold level then target is present. If
it does not cross the threshold, noise is present.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1 If the transmitter power P, is radiated by an isotropic antenna, the
power density is given as :
Power density at range R from an isotropicantenna = 4rR2
2 The gain of an antenna is a measure of the increased power density
radiated in some direction as compared to the power density that would
appear in that direction from an isotropic antenna.
3 The maximum gain is defined as :
G= Maximum power density radiated by a directive antenna/power
density radiated by a lossless isotropic antenna with the same power
4 The power density at the target from a directive antenna with a
transmitting gain Gis then given by :
Power density = 4nR2
5 The radar cross-section of the target determines the power density
returned to the radar for a particular power density incident on the
target. It is denoted by o.
Rmax PGA,G
This is the fundamental form of radar range equation.
9 If in case we use the same antenna for both transmitting and receiving,
then the relation between the transmit gain Gand the receive effective
area A,is given as:
4rA, 4Tp,A
(4n) Smin
Rmax PA;G
4n 1Smin
Que 5.3.A radar is operating at 10 GHz with the peak power of
500 kW. The power gain of antenna is 5000 and minimum power of
the receiver is 10-14, Calculate the maximum range of radar. The
effective area of antenna is 10 m² and radar cross-section is 4 m².
R_max =
41 Smin
(500 x 10 x 5000 x 10 x 4))
Rmax =
(4n' x 1014)
((10 x 10 × 104))
R =
R = (0.06339 >x 1024)V4 = 282167.93 m
= 282.167 km
Probability of Detection of False Alarm.
5-6 E (EC-Sem-7) Introduction to Radar Systems
P(V,<R< o) =
R -R²
exp| Zyo. JR =exp -v
Vo 2/o
4 This is the probability of false-alarm since it represents the probability
that noise will cross the threshold and be called a target when only noise
is present. Thus,
7. The false alarm probability is the ratio of the time the envelope is above
the threshold to the total time.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 5-7E (EC-Sem-7)
P.= K =1
4=<i >au TB
8. The average of T, is the false-alarm time, T.fu
9. When the number of cognitive radios increases, the miss probability
becomes smaller for any given false-alarm probability.
10. This implies that the false-alarm probability cannot be sufficiently small
due to the bound. The false-alarm wallresults from the reporting error
probability (P), which characterizes the error probability whun the
sensing result is transmitted from one cognitive radio to the common
receiver over an imperfect result.
Integration of Radar Pulses.
1 The radar cross-section o is the property of a scattering object, or target
torepresent the magnitude of the echo signalreturned to the radar by
hitting to the target.
2. The reradiated power density back at the radar = 4rR' X
3 It measures the target's reflection of signals in the direction of the
receiving antenna.
4 Adefinition of radar cross-section on electromagnetic scattering is given
Microwave and Radar Engineering 5-9E (EC-Sem-7)
MTI Radar.
Que 5.7. Explain MTI radar with suitable block diagram. Also
give its applications.
A MTI radar:
1 The block diagram of MTIradar is shown in Fig. 5.7.1. Here the MTI
radar is employing a power amplifier as the transmitter.
Introduction to Radar Systems
5-10 E (EC-Sem-7)
Pulse modulator
f, +f, Power
Duplexer amplifier
IF amplifier Coho Iç
Phase detector Reference signal
delay line canceler
Fig. 5.7.1. Block diagram of an MTI radar.
receiver is
2. In this, the local oscillator of MTIradar's superheterodyne
more stable than the local oscillator.
the local oscillator of an MTI
3. To recognize the need for high stability oscillator. The IF
receiver is called the stalo, which stands for stable local
amplifier is designed as a matched filter.
which is
4 Instead of an amplitude detector, there is a phase detector
the received
following the IF stage. It is a mixer like device that combines
produce the
signal (at IF) and the reference signal from the echo to
difference between the received signal and the reference signal
frequencies. This is the Doppler frequency.
it is a
5. The name coho stands for coherent oscillator to signify that
reference signal that has the phase of the transmitter signal.
The sum of the stalo and coho signals as the input signal to the power
amplifier gives the coherency.
7 The transmitter frequency is the sum of the stalo frequency f, and coho
frequency ).
The combination of the stalo and coho is called the receiver exciter
portion of the MTI radar.
9 The power amplifier is a good transmitter for MTI radar since it has high
stability and is capable ofhigh power.
10. The pulse modulator turns the amplifier on and off to generate radar
B. Applications of MTI Radar :
1 It is used for both land-based and airborne MTI applications.
5-11 E EC-Sem-7)
Microwave and Radar Engineering
It has been used to detect moving ground vehicles with a
airborne radar.
CW Radar.
Que 5.8. Draw the block diagram and explain the operation of
CW radar using zero intermediate frequency in the receiver.
A CW radar:
1. ACW radar simply works on the principle of the Doppler frequency shift
todetect the moving targets.
2. The weak CW echo sugal would not be detected in presence of
stronger signal without the Doppler shift.
3. ACW radar transmits while it receives. Filtering is done to separate
weak echo signal from the strong transmitter signal.
signal leakage
| Detector (mixer) Doppler flterf
Fig.5.8.1. (a) Simple CW radar block diagram and
(b) Filter characteristic.
5-12 E (EC-Sem-7) Introduction to Radar Systems
i. Transmitter :
which is
1. It generates a continuous sinusoidal oscillation at frequency f.
then radiated by the antenna. The transmitted signal is shifted by Doppler
effect i.e., +fr
2. The plus sign indicates when the distance between radar and target is
decreasing, which implies that the echo signal has a larger frequency
than that was transmitted.
3 The minus sign indicates when the distance is increasing. From the
Doppler frequency shift the received echo signal has afrequency different
from that was transmitted.
i. Detector: The detector or mixer multiplies the echo signal at a frequency
f,+f, with the transmitter leakage signal f,
B. Doppler filter:
1. It allows the difference frequency from the detector to pass and rejects
the higher frequencies.
Tx antenna
Transmitter Oscillator
Rx antenna
IF Detector