Analyst Role - Case Study

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This workbook is for use as a case study as part of Grex Consulting's application process.


Answer the below questions (1-6) using the data provided in tab "Extracts - 31 March 2021". Create tabs and
manipulate data as needed. Use formulas, Pivot Tables, etc. to help shape your presentation. We recommended
creating a duplicate of the data in case you need to start from scratch.
The end product of this exercise is a PowerPoint presentation, between 5 and 10 slides long. You will be presenting
this to us virtually, so please keep that in mind when creating the presentation. Be mindful of key messages, slide
overcrowding, what visuals to use (visuals should be easy to understand and should answer the question in the
simplest means possible). Slides should be succint, but should tell a clear and insightful story.
This is a test of analytical skill and ability, presentation creativity, and depth of insights.

Data Source
This data has been made publicly available by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, and can be
found at

There are many acronyms in the telecommunications industry, and this workbook is no exception. For a guide to
interpreting the data contained in tab "Extracts - 31 March 2021", please see
Any acronyms or terms not explained can be easily found with a Google search.

Question 1
What is Telstra's FTTP footprint in Australia on a State basis?

Question 2
Provide an overview of Regional Queensland Points of Interconnect (PoIs) for TC4 AVCs.

Question 3
Provide an overview of Services in Operation (SIOs) throughout Australia, split by Access Seeker Group and by
location (Metro, Outer Metro, Regional).

Question 4
What is Aussie Broadband's total TC4 AVC footprint in Australia? Split by technology type (FTTP, FTTN, HFC, etc.).

Question 5
Show the different proportions of Access Seeker Group for SIOs by data download transfer rate.

Question 6 - Bonus
What insights and other information can be inferred from the data?
This is an open-ended bonus question with no right answer. Creativity and critical thinking are being tested.
Extracts of reports prepared under the amended Disclosure Direction provided to nbn co limited on 28 September 2020 in relation to the NBN Services in
Operation Record Keeping and Reporting Rules

31 March 2021 Reporting Date

The data presented in the extracts relate to ‘Network Access Services’ supplied by nbn, and do not include any services that are supplied over other access networks.

The AVC and CVC data presented in the extracts do not separately identify access services that are used by access seekers to supply retail or wholesale services. Hence the data presented in the extracts are not intended to provide
a reliable view of the share of total nbn Network Access Services, or of total services, that a provider supplies in the retail market.

Capitalised terms have the same meaning as in the NBN Services in Operation Record Keeping and Reporting Rules (NBN SIO RKR).

Available for Public Disclosure

Table 1 - Count of AVCs by Network Access Service, and by AVC traffic class and data transfer rate tier, 31 March 2021

FTTP FTTB FTTN FTTC HFC Wireless Satellite

Class Tier (Mbps) SIO Tier (Mbps) SIO Tier (Mbps) SIO Tier (Mbps) SIO Tier (Mbps) SIO Tier (Mbps) SIO Tier (Mbps) SIO
0.15 1,058,733 0.15 149,806 0.15 2,230,501 0.15 788,081 0.15 1,583,455 0.15 204,522 0.15 30,226
0.3 14,125 0.3 5,078 0.3 38,253 0.3 8,062 0.3 9,481 0.3 58
0.5 4,148 0.5 1,038 0.5 9,452 0.5 967 0.5 1,234
1 1 1,187 1 553 1 1,857 1 886 1 1,000
2 111 2 52 82 42 6
5 61 5 15 14 5 95 3
Total 1,078,365 Total 156,481 Total 2,280,085 Total 798,009 Total 1,595,179 Total 204,580 Total 30,226
5 3,197 5 1,874 5 8,179 5 904 5 5
10 5,260 10 654 10 2,590 10 571 10 6
20 3,616 20 350 20 949 20 242
30 156
40 860
50 820
60 28
70 0
80 1
90 5
100 295
Total 14,238 Total 2,878 Total 11,718 Total 1,717 Total 11 240749
12/1 175,216 12/1 34,669 12/1 417,293 12/1 109,230 12/1 240,749 12/1 11,774 12/1 27,247
25/5 202,140 25/5 37,188 25/5 510,378 25/5 127,690 25/5 232,804 25/5 143,653 25/5 66,150
25/10 17,557 25/5-10 4,898 25/5-10 47,147 25/10 9,915 25/10 14,256
50/20 732,550 25-50/5-20 141,644 25-50/5-20 1,872,049 50/20 620,456 50/20 905,011
Home Fast 76,310 Home Fast 10,273 Home Fast 92,582 Home Fast 67,937 Home Fast 102,586
100/40 115,161 25-100/5-40 19,789 25-100/5-40 128,797 50-100/20-40 61,237 100/40 128,796 Wireless Plus 199,160
4 Home
Home Superfast 192,575 Superfast 295,490
250/100 3,024
500/200 522
Home Ultrafast 63,897 Home Ultrafast 19,021
1000/400 340
Total 1,579,292 Total 248,461 Total 3,068,246 Total 996,465 Total 1,938,713 Total 354,587 Total 93,397

Table 2 – Sum of contracted CVC capacity by State or Territory and by CVC traffic class, 31 March 2021

1 2 4
State Mbps Mbps Mbps
ACT 1,230 3,770 429,100
NSW 23,000 64,735 6,718,625
NT 700 3,500 148,200
QLD 15,645 37,005 4,580,550
SA 4,730 13,450 1,350,350
TAS 2,170 4,955 450,200
VIC 18,340 43,130 5,227,150
WA 7,050 24,730 2,141,700
Total 72,865 195,275 21,045,875

Available for Public Disclosure

Table 3 - Count of NBN Points of Interconnect (POIs) by count of NBN Access Seeker Groups present, 31 March 2021

Listed POIs
# Access
Seeker #
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 5
12 24
13 20
14 20
15 16
16 20
17 10
18 5
19 0
20 0
21 0
22 0
23 1
24+ 0

1. As defined in the Dislosure Direction (clause 3), 'Listed POI' means a POI that is set out in the document titled "Listed Points of Interconnection - NBN Corporation", published by the ACCC on 2 November 2012.
2. An NBN Access Seeker Group is counted as being present at a POI if it has contracted CVC capacity at that POI.

Available for Public Disclosure

Table 4 - Count of TC-4 AVCs by Network Access Service and by NBN Access Seeker Group, 31 March 2021

FTTP FTTC Wireless

Access Seeker Group SIO Access Seeker Group SIO Access Seeker Group SIO
Telstra Corporation Ltd 647,356 Telstra Corporation Ltd 393,488 Telstra Corporation Ltd 189,886
TPG Internet Pty Ltd 427,630 TPG Internet Pty Ltd 262,981 TPG Internet Pty Ltd 49,951
Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 253,375 Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 200,097 Vocus Communications 34,867
Vocus Communications 127,323 Vocus Communications 67,760 Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 29,795
Aussie Broadband Limited 67,721 Aussie Broadband Limited 56,548 Aussie Broadband Limited 27,594
Other Access Seekers 55,887 Other Access Seekers 15,591 Australian Private Networks Pty Ltd 8,446
Total 1,579,292 Total 996,465 SkyMesh Pty Ltd 5,501
Southern Phone Company Ltd 5,011
Other Access Seekers 3,536
Total 354,587
Access Seeker Group SIO Access Seeker Group SIO Satellite
Telstra Corporation Ltd 108,972 Telstra Corporation Ltd 781,461 Access Seeker Group SIO
TPG Internet Pty Ltd 68,399 TPG Internet Pty Ltd 535,789 Australian Private Networks Pty Ltd 33,715
Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 35,861 Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 400,900 SkyMesh Pty Ltd 30,179
Vocus Communications 18,455 Vocus Communications 102,976 TPG Internet Pty Ltd 12,992
Aussie Broadband Limited 10,453 Aussie Broadband Limited 84,950 Harbour ISP Pty Ltd 6,913
Other Access Seekers 6,321 Other Access Seekers 32,637 IPStar Australia Pty Ltd 4,181
Total 248,461 Total 1,938,713 Clear Networks Pty Ltd 1,961
Field Solutions Group Pty Ltd 1,814
Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 1,000
Other Access Seekers 642
FTTN Total 93,397
Access Seeker Group SIO
Telstra Corporation Ltd 1,611,957
TPG Internet Pty Ltd 657,903
Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 368,811
Vocus Communications 240,277
Aussie Broadband Limited 119,965
Other Access Seekers 69,333
Total 3,068,246

1. As defined in the Disclosure Direction, (clause 3) 'NBN Access Seeker Group' means two or more Access Seekers which are acquiring Network Access Services and that are related to each other at the end of the relevant
calendar quarter.
2. If the count of TC-4 AVCs acquired by any NBN Access Seeker Group is less than 1% of the total TC-4 AVCs for that Network Access Service as at the end of the calendar quarter, that count is aggregated in the 'Other Access
Seekers' line item.

Available for Public Disclosure

Table 5 - Count of TC-4 AVCs by download data transfer rate and by NBN Access Seeker Group, 31 March 2021

12 Mbps 25 Mbps 50 Mbps Wireless Plus 100 Mbps 250 Mbps 500 Mbps Home Ultrafast 1000 Mbps
Telstra Corporation Ltd 457,464 711,367 2,141,290 135,550 239,447 47,096 55 833 18
TPG Internet Pty Ltd 426,412 311,021 663,067 1,720 214,755 335,761 34 62869 6
Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 62,906 108,030 880,880 5,520 142,066 89,369 43 1018 7
Vocus Communications 19,357 131,072 356,649 22,517 60,840 1,207 16 - -
Aussie Broadband Limited 8,334 74,664 134,859 19,849 110,122 8,963 115 10110 215
Other Access Seekers 41,705 77,622 94,965 14,004 36,238 8,693 259 8088 94
Total 1,016,178 1,413,776 4,271,710 199,160 803,468 491,089 522 82,918 340

1. As defined in the Disclosure Direction, (clause 3) 'NBN Access Seeker Group' means two or more Access Seekers which are acquiring Network Access Services and that are related to each other at the end of the relevant
calendar quarter.
2. If the count of TC-4 AVCs acquired by any NBN Access Seeker Group is less than 1% of the total TC-4 AVCs as at the end of the calendar quarter, that count is aggregated in the 'Other Access Seekers' line item.
3. AVCs that are supplied with a data transfer rate tier that comprises a single specified download data transfer rate are aggregated with all other AVCs that are supplied with a data transfer rate tier with the same specified
download data transfer rate. A data transfer rate tier that comprises a range of download transfer rates is treated as though it comprised a single download data transfer rate that nbn offers on a data transfer rate tier, and this
is selected to be equal to the maximum of the range of download data transfer rates available on the relevant data transfer rate tier.
4. The 'Wireless Plus' TC-4 AVC relates to the Wireless bandwidth profile that aims to deliver the maximum potential wholesale download speed the Wireless network is capable of delivering to a particular premises at the time
of use. This bandwidth profile is not offered as a “range PIR” product, nor can it be characterised as a product with a uniform specified PIR, as the theoretical maximum speed will differ at each premises and may be no more
than 25/5 Mbps.
5. The Home Ultrafast AVC TC-4 bandwidth profile has a downstream PIR of '500 to ~1000 Mbps'. The range shows the maximum PIR which may be achieved at the nbn network boundary. The PIR can fall anywhere in the range
in respect of a particular AVC TC-4 used to serve a premises (they are not minimum-maximum PIR ranges). Inherent limitation of nbn Ethernet in relation to frame overhead means the effective Layer 2 PIR will be limited to,
depending on the Frame Size, up to a maximum of 990Mbps (at 2,000 Byte Frame Size). For the HFC Home Ultrafast bandwidth profile, the Layer 2 wholesale downstream service will be configured at the Layer 2 network
management to a Maximum Sustained Information Rate of 750Mbps with the potential to burst up to a maximum of 990Mbps (depending on but not limited to, the Frame Size and line speed capability) at potential burst
durations between 1 to 50 seconds at least once a day. Please see the WBA for all applicable terms and conditions.

Table 6 - Count of TC-4 AVCs by State or Territory and by NBN Access Seeker Group, 31 March 2021


Telstra Corporation Ltd 66,001 1,143,298 31,934 826,103 250,380 114,734 922,763 377,907
TPG Internet Pty Ltd 61,035 621,327 14,733 319,170 191,595 42,970 461,170 290,653
Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 19,960 474,209 4,971 246,205 66,293 11,745 377,451 88,005
Vocus Communications 10,909 173,053 5,302 118,537 42,198 17,098 168,061 56,500
Aussie Broadband Limited 7,891 94,030 2,180 64,305 21,789 4,276 125,278 47,482
Other Access Seekers 5,218 63,548 738 37,186 14,585 8,414 48,774 23,800
Total 171,014 2,569,465 59,858 1,611,506 586,840 199,237 2,103,497 884,347

1. Excludes AVCs supplied on a Satellite Access Service.
2. As defined in the Disclosure Direction, (clause 3) 'NBN Access Seeker Group' means two or more Access Seekers which are acquiring Network Access Services and that are related to each other at the end of the relevant calendar quarter.
3. If the count of TC-4 AVCs acquired by any NBN Access Seeker Group is less than 1% of the total TC-4 AVCs as at the end of the calendar quarter, that count is aggregated in the 'Other Access Seekers' line item.

Table 7 - Count of TC-4 AVCs by metropolitan/regional designation and by NBN Access Seeker Group, 31 March 2021

Available for Public Disclosure

Metro Outer Metro Regional
Access Seeker Group SIO SIO SIO
Telstra Corporation Ltd 1,633,160 325,656 1,774,304
TPG Internet Pty Ltd 1,231,375 177,132 607,138
Optus Fixed Infrastructure Pty Limited 808,113 97,406 384,320
Vocus Communications 268,344 55,519 267,795
Aussie Broadband Limited 200,913 32,432 133,886
Other Access Seekers 84,348 15,637 181,683
Total 4,226,253 703,782 3,349,126

1. As defined in the Disclosure Direction (clause 3), 'NBN Access Seeker Group' means two or more Access Seekers which are acquiring Network Access Services and that are related to each other at the end of the relevant calendar quarter.
2. With the exception of Satellite Access Services, AVCs are designated as 'Metro', 'Outer Metro' or 'Regional' based upon the designation that is given to the POI to which they are connected in the document titled "Listed Points of Interconnection - NBN Corporation",
published by the ACCC on 2 November 2012.
3. For the purposes of this table, an AVC that is supplied on a Satellite Access Service is designated as 'Regional'.
4. If the count of TC-4 AVCs acquired by any NBN Access Seeker Group is less than 1% of the total TC-4 AVCs as at the end of the calendar quarter, that count is aggregated in the 'Other Access Seekers' line item.

Available for Public Disclosure

Table 8 Count of AVCs, sum of contracted CVC capacity and count of NBN Access Seeker Groups by Listed POI, 31 March 2021

Access Seeker
TC1 AVCs TC2 AVCs TC4 AVCs Total CVC (Mbps) Groups
POI Name State POI Location Fixed Wireless Fixed Wireless Fixed Wireless TC1 TC2 TC4 CVC
Acacia Ridge Depot QLD Metro 64,762 - 198 - 82,035 - 640 1,370 231,600 16
Albury NSW Regional 57,416 7785 506 0 72755 13477 915 3,130 187,400 15
Applecross WA Metro 38,940 0 182 0 62664 0 555 1,220 139,050 13
Aspley QLD Metro 49,325 - 231 - 63,432 - 715 1,475 185,450 14
Aspley Depot QLD Metro 51,194 185 137 - 65,193 329 490 930 186,850 15
Asquith Depot NSW Metro 34,599 - 87 - 43,073 - 345 1,115 113,500 13
Ballarat VIC Regional 54,194 5,597 348 - 73,701 9,487 930 2,390 212,050 18
Bassendean WA Metro 47,196 - 308 - 71,295 - 450 1,950 157,950 14
Bendigo VIC Regional 63,118 7,500 353 - 84,089 12,955 905 1,720 235,650 17
Bentley Depot WA Outer Metro 30,771 2,660 259 - 45,315 4,360 400 2,280 127,150 13
Berkeley Vale NSW Regional 44,131 409 236 - 56,728 705 655 1,615 170,000 16
Blacktown NSW Metro 53,504 - 275 - 66,863 - 590 2,395 198,000 13
Bundaberg QLD Regional 68,125 11,033 480 - 82,461 17,713 970 2,155 256,950 16
Bundamba QLD Metro 47,380 - 203 - 61,791 - 530 1,465 179,000 13
Caboolture QLD Outer Metro 65,067 2,018 284 - 84,739 3,094 820 1,295 261,050 13
Cairns QLD Regional 52,031 2,347 554 - 67,787 3,849 740 2,885 171,550 15
Camp Hill QLD Metro 57,602 - 314 - 73,380 - 585 2,000 212,350 15
Campbelltown NSW Outer Metro 90,478 2,171 438 - 115,939 3,663 1,095 2,730 347,850 16
Campsie NSW Metro 42,632 - 76 - 53,146 - 345 800 133,450 14
Cannington WA Metro 31,608 108 226 - 46,578 210 310 1,250 109,750 11
Carramar NSW Metro 41,668 - 218 - 49,845 - 390 1,265 149,800 13
Castle Hill NSW Metro 47,203 359 183 - 60,842 621 590 1,425 189,200 16
Caulfield VIC Metro 55,539 - 74 - 69,558 - 575 990 167,500 12
Chatswood NSW Metro 35,979 - 72 - 44,333 - 345 800 112,650 12
Cheltenham VIC Metro 48,076 - 115 - 59,294 - 485 1,125 145,350 12
City South NSW Metro 17,262 - 206 - 27,296 - 250 1,115 62,050 14
Civic ACT Regional 68,704 - 370 - 105,589 - 745 2,060 262,450 17
Coffs Harbour NSW Regional 64,741 8,435 424 - 84,749 13,728 1,080 2,980 222,300 16
Cranbourne VIC Outer Metro 68,884 3,624 284 - 94,954 7,197 930 1,715 295,150 18
Dalley NSW Metro 16,485 - 302 - 24,318 - 260 1,545 51,550 16
Dandenong VIC Metro 52,717 - 154 - 64,482 - 515 1,125 169,650 12
Darwin NT Regional 38,673 1,856 557 - 56,847 3,011 700 3,500 148,200 12
Doubleview WA Metro 40,348 - 201 - 62,532 - 385 1,245 134,950 12
Dubbo NSW Regional 62,456 7,465 620 - 79,541 12,781 1,045 3,465 222,000 15
Eastern Creek Depot NSW Metro 61,626 128 117 - 74,911 229 600 1,160 255,450 15
Edgecliff NSW Metro 35,509 - 60 - 44,786 - 360 830 107,050 14
Edwardstown SA Metro 44,198 - 87 - 55,113 - 415 810 119,500 12
Eight Mile QLD Metro 40,234 - 86 - 49,711 - 440 575 148,650 15
Elizabeth SA Outer Metro 62,150 5,269 358 - 84,053 9,363 795 2,165 254,350 14
Exhibition VIC Metro 37,907 - 475 - 60,026 - 540 2,900 122,050 17
Footscray VIC Metro 50,862 - 292 - 69,187 - 480 1,610 169,950 16
Frenchs Forest NSW Metro 46,179 - 88 - 56,648 - 430 835 150,250 14
Geelong VIC Regional 72,363 3,461 346 - 96,322 5,968 925 2,345 222,800 15

Available for Public Disclosure

Table 8 Count of AVCs, sum of contracted CVC capacity and count of NBN Access Seeker Groups by Listed POI, 31 March 2021 (cont.)

Geraldton WA Regional 32,562 503 484 - 47,757 930 530 2,530 126,350 12
Glebe NSW Metro 29,571 - 88 - 38,891 - 300 815 92,250 16
Goodna QLD Metro 70,555 2,170 425 - 92,950 3,548 945 2,370 322,650 18
Gosford NSW Regional 53,580 - 262 - 69,511 - 795 1,825 175,100 17
Grafton NSW Regional 61,332 9,470 333 - 80,785 16,257 915 2,585 216,400 17
Greenfields Depot SA Metro 44,787 - 437 - 66,023 - 455 1,815 146,200 13
Hamilton NSW Regional 89,348 - 527 - 116,709 - 1,050 2,955 289,750 16
Hawthorn VIC Metro 45,402 - 101 - 60,844 - 460 1,265 136,000 15
Hilton WA Metro 31,725 - 239 - 51,884 - 365 1,505 107,750 12
Hobart TAS Regional 58,801 5,952 460 - 92,636 10,942 1,075 2,460 239,650 16
Horsham VIC Regional 30,452 7,010 272 - 40,930 14,387 705 1,710 113,700 14
Ipswich QLD Outer Metro 28,593 2,572 170 - 37,041 3,893 425 1,055 135,850 13
Karingal VIC Metro 50,090 416 183 - 64,489 703 630 1,190 170,950 12
Katanning WA Regional 41,480 4,741 532 - 60,007 9,657 680 3,120 150,950 13
Kelmscott WA Outer Metro 52,142 1,040 202 - 77,856 1,747 550 1,295 210,100 13
Kensington NSW Metro 49,986 - 143 - 64,330 - 430 1,240 156,300 12
Kew VIC Metro 46,598 - 71 - 62,032 - 460 800 141,850 13
Keysborough VIC Outer Metro 51,282 - 254 - 64,076 - 585 1,445 184,050 15
Kings Park VIC Metro 59,544 - 124 - 73,699 - 660 1,040 219,000 12
Lakemba NSW Metro 45,576 - 100 - 53,646 - 345 900 156,750 11
Launceston TAS Regional 59,648 7,798 493 - 82,304 13,355 1,095 2,495 210,550 16
Lidcombe NSW Metro 53,758 - 240 - 69,390 - 540 1,685 176,800 15
Lilydale VIC Metro 51,294 1,059 123 - 65,220 1,859 595 975 174,700 12
Liverpool NSW Metro 50,476 - 166 - 62,490 - 560 1,125 200,950 16
Lonsdale Depot SA Metro 31,822 - 174 - 50,044 - 370 820 125,550 11
Mackay QLD Regional 39,633 6,965 431 - 49,268 10,102 785 1,960 154,250 16
Maitland NSW Regional 58,725 3,592 329 - 74,337 5,694 880 2,730 241,900 16
Mayfield NSW Regional 38,852 1,508 209 - 48,740 2,515 520 1,415 121,750 16
Merrimac QLD Regional 45,021 - 157 - 61,340 - 570 1,150 161,550 13
Miranda NSW Metro 56,558 - 195 - 69,523 - 535 1,515 179,050 12
Modbury SA Metro 41,556 - 107 - 53,063 - 425 855 129,350 13
Mosman NSW Metro 47,389 - 118 - 59,060 - 460 1,155 144,350 12
Mount Eliza VIC Metro 46,334 419 174 - 58,601 667 590 940 124,650 11
Mullaloo WA Outer Metro 47,033 76 209 - 66,360 132 545 1,475 183,600 13
Nambour QLD Regional 79,279 3,704 559 - 106,338 6,027 1,090 2,405 270,350 18
Nerang QLD Regional 51,540 1,157 230 - 71,719 1,740 655 1,220 234,150 14
Newtown NSW Metro 40,452 - 69 - 54,043 - 340 775 132,350 14
North Balwyn VIC Metro 52,246 - 81 - 62,708 - 510 895 155,000 13
Nowra-Bomaderry NSW Regional 56,909 5,458 270 - 75,427 9,944 825 2,215 186,600 16
Nunawading Depot VIC Metro 55,465 - 77 - 68,837 - 520 980 167,450 14
Parramatta NSW Metro 29,765 - 58 - 38,400 - 265 875 103,950 14
Peakhurst NSW Metro 43,346 - 99 - 52,328 - 320 685 140,600 12
Pendle Hill NSW Metro 39,939 - 58 - 47,798 - 365 670 131,800 11
Penrith NSW Metro 42,538 678 223 - 55,832 1,023 515 1,565 146,250 14
Petrie QLD Metro 60,802 - 292 - 80,519 - 805 1,275 255,200 15
Pinjarra WA Regional 48,762 2,434 325 - 69,206 4,174 790 2,280 182,100 14
Port Augusta SA Regional 27,820 4,118 411 - 39,064 8,742 475 1,900 107,000 13

Available for Public Disclosure

Table 8 Count of AVCs, sum of contracted CVC capacity and count of NBN Access Seeker Groups by Listed POI, 31 March 2021 (cont.)

Port Melbourne Depot VIC Metro 31,399 - 162 - 48,085 - 360 1,290 102,600 15
Prospect SA Metro 44,673 - 234 - 61,477 - 455 1,630 125,450 13
Queanbeyan ACT Regional 45,253 1,116 267 - 63,257 2,168 485 1,710 166,650 16
Reservoir VIC Metro 52,951 - 95 - 65,105 - 460 905 159,600 12
Ringwood VIC Metro 58,629 - 56 - 72,333 - 580 715 179,550 14
Rockdale NSW Metro 46,188 - 159 - 57,545 - 355 1,135 152,300 14
Rockhampton QLD Regional 48,676 2,032 606 - 60,595 3,201 770 2,210 176,000 16
Ryde NSW Metro 51,743 - 174 - 66,245 - 390 1,125 161,750 12
Shepparton VIC Regional 48,650 11,935 432 - 62,232 20,434 895 2,455 183,200 15
Slacks Creek QLD Metro 54,401 - 238 - 70,132 - 655 1,515 246,900 16
South Coogee WA Regional 54,531 - 267 - 82,195 - 645 1,855 237,000 12
South Morang VIC Metro 58,348 1,006 179 - 74,737 1,657 675 1,380 215,450 17
Southport QLD Regional 46,156 - 174 - 61,459 - 555 1,265 171,350 14
St Kilda VIC Metro 35,711 - 37 - 45,649 - 355 585 113,350 12
St Leonards NSW Metro 29,910 - 183 - 41,035 - 320 930 93,350 14
St Marys SA Metro 48,220 - 187 - 66,815 - 490 1,195 141,300 12
Stirling SA Regional 53,094 6,816 458 - 79,693 13,390 850 2,260 201,650 13
Subiaco WA Metro 41,773 - 239 - 58,183 - 405 1,975 120,050 12
Tamworth NSW Regional 35,578 5,419 366 - 46,653 8,660 640 2,625 135,650 17
Thornbury VIC Metro 45,300 - 151 - 64,748 - 445 1,425 147,550 14
Toowoomba QLD Regional 62,869 9,743 571 - 80,947 15,329 1,025 2,595 252,150 18
Townsville QLD Regional 62,727 4,962 605 - 81,034 8,529 1,060 2,790 231,300 15
Traralgon VIC Regional 39,067 8,250 381 - 58,943 17,425 655 2,290 158,650 14
Tullamarine VIC Regional 71,098 - 336 - 88,141 - 755 2,050 241,650 15
Wagga Wagga NSW Regional 33,205 6,532 311 - 43,035 10,635 535 1,635 125,350 17
Wangara Depot WA Metro 45,904 - 116 - 61,305 - 440 750 154,950 12
Werribee VIC Metro 68,052 - 171 - 89,384 - 745 1,565 273,350 17
Wheelers Hill VIC Metro 39,639 - 104 - 48,352 - 415 1,310 124,700 13
Windsor NSW Metro 24,376 1,519 110 - 32,639 2,381 360 825 106,850 12
Wollongong NSW Regional 70,194 - 398 - 92,987 - 1,010 2,525 245,500 17
Woolloongabba QLD Metro 35,600 - 127 - 50,281 - 375 1,045 135,400 15

1. Excludes AVCs and CVC supplied on a Satellite Access Service.
2. An NBN Access Seeker Group with contracted CVC capacity on a Satellite Access Service only is not included in the count of NBN Access Seeker Groups with contracted CVC capacity at a Listed POI.
3. As defined in the Disclosure Direction, (clause 3) 'NBN Access Seeker Group' means two or more Access Seekers which are acquiring Network Access Services and that are related to each other at the end of the relevant calendar quarter.
4. An NBN Access Seeker Group is counted as being present at a POI if it has contracted CVC capacity at that POI.
5. A POI is designated as 'Metro', 'Outer Metro' or 'Regional' based upon the designation it is given in the document titled "Listed Points of Interconnection - NBN Corporation", published by the ACCC on 2 November 2012.
6. AVC counts under the subheading 'Fixed' include FTTP, FTTN, FTTB, FTTC and HFC access services.
7. A number of factors can influence the sum of contracted CVC capacity at a POI relative to the count of AVCs at that POI, such as POI location (i.e. Metro/Outer Metro/Regional), number of serviceable premises at the POI, and differences in demographics.

Available for Public Disclosure

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