Exam 2 BUS 310 (Empty)-2
Exam 2 BUS 310 (Empty)-2
Exam 2 BUS 310 (Empty)-2
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Please download the exam Excel file from ExPrep. This file contains all the data required to
complete the assignment. Note that, in general, cells shaded green require inputs, calculations, or
text answers. Make sure all output worksheets are ordered to the right of each problem. Save
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Each problem answer is required to contain the “4 Parts of a Hypothesis Test”. Place your
answers in the text box on the problem worksheet. You are required to use XLSTAT to answer
the problems. A XLSTAT output worksheet is required for each problem.
Problem 1:
Hotels typically have high employee turnover, especially during COVID-19. The director of
human resources of a large hotel chain has compiled data on randomly selected employees and
recorded their employment tenure. He believes that the employees are staying on the job longer
than 2 years. The hotel chain has a long-term average of 2 years of employment tenure.
Problem 2:
Using the Fillet O Fish drive through service data provided, determine if the chain can claim that
their average service time is less than 150 seconds.
Problem 3:
Using the Car Service Repair Time random sample, determine if a competitor shop can claim
that the average repair time is actually more than 15 days.
Problem 4:
The Sales Data provides information on a sample of customers. An industry trade publication
Problem 3:
Using the Car Service Repair Time random sample, determine if a competitor shop can claim
that the average repair time is actually more than 15 days.
Problem 4:
The Sales Data provides information on a sample of customers. An industry trade publication
claimed that the mean profit per customer for this industry is, surprisingly, more than $4,500.
Does the current data set support the trade publication’s claim?
Problem 5:
An employer is considering negotiating its pricing structure for health insurance with its provider
if there is sufficient evidence that employees would be willing to pay lower premiums for a
higher deductible. Specifically, the employer wants more than 30% of their employees to be
willing to make the change. Using this random sample, determine what decision the employer
should make.
Problem 6:
Determine if there is enough evidence to conclude that the mean number of vacations taken by
Undergraduate Students is less than the number taken by Working Individuals. These
observations are random samples.
Problem 7:
Use the random sample data to test the hypothesis that the number of months employed is less
for applicants with low credit risk than those applicants with high credit risk.
Problem 8:
Using the sample data of Graduate MBA students taking Business Analytics at GMU SBUS, can
you conclude that the class mean Final Exam grade is the different than the mean Midterm
Problem 9:
Using the random sample of Graduate MBA students from GMU SBUS, is there evidence to
support the claim that the GPAs of male students is lower than the female students?
Problem 10:
Using the random sample of family discretionary budgets from the Fairfax, VA. area, is there
enough evidence to conclude that the males spend less than females?
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