Class X History Section B Chapter 3

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Chapter-3: First Phase of theIndian Nationalist Movement (1885-1907)

(A) SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS : (ü) Profits of the British trading agencies.
1. The period from 1885-1907. (iü) Salaries payable to the members of the
Indian Council.
2. These were the early Congress leaders
who were in favour of British rule. (iv) For the maintenance of British troops
Petitions, prayers and pleas were the in India, payments to the war office.
methods used by them. 16. () He was one of the earliest Indian
3. Dadabhai Naoroji, S.N. Banerjee and leaders to hold the view that the
Gopal Krishna Gokhale. poverty of the Indian people was
4. The attitude of the Moderates was not the result of exploitation of India by
anti-British. They had unlimited faith in the British and the drain of India's
the British sense of justice. wealth to Britain.
5. () The Early Nationalists did not (üi) He started movements against
want freedom but wanted a self the Vernacular Press Act and
government within the empire. the atrocious treatment of the
They believed in constitutionalism, zamindars with the poor peasants.
gradualism and liberalisation. 17. Gopal Krishna Gokhale. In 1912, Gokhale
(i1) Their methods included prayers, went to South Africa where he helped
petitions, passing the resolutions Gandhiji in his fight against racial
and sending missions to the discrimination. The credit of persuading
government. Gandhiji to return to India and join
6. They were successful in arousing Indian public life also goes to Gokhale.
political awakening and national 18. Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
consciousness among the Indians. 19. () Gopal Krishna Gokhale believed
They were successful in unifying in the policy of moderation and
most of the Indians for the common constitutional means to achieve his
cause. aims.
7. Dadabhai Naoroji. (i) He believed in the methods of
8. Dadabhai Naoroji. democratic agitation and in uplifting
9. Dadabhai Naoroji. the poor as necessary condition for
arousing national awakening.
10. Dadabhai Naoroji.
20. The Partition of Bengal.
11. Dadabhai Naoroji.
21. Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
12. The session of 1906 was important
because four resolutions were passed by 22. () The Society assisted educational
the Congress under the presidentship of movements especially those which
Dadabhai Naoroji. They were: were for the education of women.
(1) Self-government (2) Boycott () It worked for the elevation of the
depressed classes.
(3) Swadeshi (4) National education.
13. Dadabhai Naoroji. 23. Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
14. Dadabhai Naoroji. 24. Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
15. It explained how India's wealth was being 25. Surendranath Banerjee.
taken away to England in the following 26. Surendranath Banerjee.
forms: 27. () Indian Association
() Pension to British officers. (i) East India Association
28. () The Society assisted educational persuaded to see the justness
movements especially those which of their demands and concede
were for the education of women. them.
(i) It worked for the elevation of the (6) To attain these demands
depressed classes. they passed resolutions and
29. Arms Act and Vernacular Press Act. prepared petitions which they
sent to the Government for
30. Surendranath Banerjee.
31. Take the Swadeshi vow and you
will have laid broad and deep the (c) Leaders like Dadabhai Naoroji
foundation of your industrial and political popularized the demand of the
emancipation. Be Swadeshi in all things, Congress even in England and
in your thoughts and actions, in your tried to get the support of the
ideals and aspirations. British public.
32. The English were just and freedom (ü) (a) The English were just and
loving people. They had an abiding freedom loving people. They
faith in the British sense of justice and had an abiding faith in the
fairplay and believed in loyalty to the British sense of justice and
British crown. fairplay and believed in loyalty
So they believed that simply by to the British crown.
presenting and pleading their case (6) So they believed that simply
before the British Parliament and by presenting and pleading
the British people, justice would be their case before the British
done and their grievances would be Parliament and the British
people, justice would be done
33. Dadabhai Naoroji. and their grievances would be
34. () Poverty and un-British rule in India. redressed.
(i) Magazine-Dharma Marg Darshak. (c) The Congress was proud of its
British connections and looked
(B) STRUCTURED QUESTIONS: to England for inspiration and
1, () (a) The period from 1885 to guidance.
1907 was called the Moderate (d) They recognised the benefits
phase because the movement of the English rule, especially
was confined to a handful of
the English language and
educated middle class who was
modern means of transport
inspired by western education and communication. They also
and liberal thinkers.
tried to purge the society of its
(6) Allofthe demands ofthe Congres evils like sati, child marriage,
were of moderate character. untouchability, etc.
(c) The methods of struggle during 2. (a) So they believed that simply by
that period were of moderate presenting and pleading their case
character. The leaders carried before the British Parliament and
their agitation through
the British people, justice would be
petitions and resolutions. done and their grievances would
(i) (a) The attitude of the Moderates be redressed. They believed in
was not anti-British. They national unity and liberalism,
believed that the British
Government could be
patience and reconciliation rather
than in violence and confrontration.
(6) () Foundation of Secular (a) Salaries payable to the
and Democratic National members of the Indian Council.
Movement : The early (b) Dispatch of savings to England
nationalist leaders started a by British personnel posted in
movement that incorporated India.
people of all religions, (c) Pensions to British officers.
castes, creeds, regions and (d) Payments to the war office for
colour. They were successful the maintenance of British
in promoting the spirit of troops in India.
cO mmon brotherhood
surpassing religious and (e) Profits of the British trading
regional diversities and also
made the Indians realise their (üi) (a) He was one of the foremost
potentialities. leaders of the Congress for
(ii) Political Education of the over 20 years. Thrice he
presided over the Sessions of
Indians : They were successful
to a great extent in arousing the Congress.
political awakening and (b) He was one of the earliest
national consciousness among Indian leaders to hold the
the Indians. They popularised view that the poverty of the
the ideas of democracy, civil Indian people was the result
liberties and representative of exploitation of India by the
institutions among the people British and the drain of India's
of India. wealth to Britain.
(c) The attitudes towards moderates (c) He started movements against
was not hostile in the Early state the Vernacular Press Act and
of the congress. They provided all the atrocious treatment of
the facilities to organise sessions of the zamindars with the poor
congress. peasants.
3. (a) The person in the picture is () The credit for demanding
Dadabhai Naoroji.Salaries payable Swaraj from the Congress
to the members of the Indian platform (1906) goes to
Council. Dadabhai Naoroji.
(b) () Dadabhai Naoroji sailed (e) He helped in making the
for England in 1855. During national movement more
his long stay in England, he vigorous because four
was looked upon as India's resolutions on self-government,
unofficial Ambassador, fighting boycott, Swadeshi and national
for the cause of his country. education were passed by
(i) Dadabhai Naoroji was a great the Congress under his
economic thinker. His views presidentship.
on Indian economy can be 4. (a) The person in the picture is Gopal
gathered from his classic work Krishna Gokhale.
Poverty and Un-British Rule (6) () Early Nationalist
in India. Through his famous (i) (a) He was deeply pained to see
'Drain Theory' he explained the increasing misery of the
how India's wealth was being peasantry. He pleaded for the
taken away to England in reduction of land revenue.
various forms like:
(6) He laid great stress on opinions. In these newspapers,
encouraging industry and on the articles or essays by
appointing Indians to high the moderate leaders of the
posts so that the money saved Indian National Congress
could be used for the welfare of were publish ed. Through
the people. these articles or essays, the
(c) Gokhale was in favour of state people of India came to know
protection to infant Indian about the policy of the British
industries. Government in India.
(ii) Goal of the Congress and means (c) By Deputation : The early
to achieve the goal : nationalists also adopted
Gokhale like other moderate leaders the method of sending
had immense faith in British rule. deputations for the fulflment
Gokhale urged that "the goal of the of its programme and to divert
Congress should be the attainment the attention of the British
of that form of government, similar Government in India towards
to that which existed in the self the special or particular
governing colonies of the British subjects. These deputations
empire," made the Government officers
and employees familiar with
He wanted to achieve the goal
by constitutional means. The the feelings of the people of
constitutional means included India.
petitions, appeals to justice and (d) By raising issues in the
passive resistance. Imperial Legislative
(iv) (a) By Resolution and Petitions : Council : Many Congress
Upto 1905 A.D., the Indian leaders like Gopal Krishna
National Congress (INC) was Gokhale also tried to raise the
influenced and dominated public issues in the Imperial
by the moderates. Therefore, Legislative Council.
the Indian National Congress 5. (a) () Dadabhai Naoroji and Gopal
wanted to adopt peaceful Krishna Gokhale.
means or methods for the (i) Through his famous book,
fulfilment of its demands. The "Poverty and Un-British
Congress used to pass the Rule in India", Dadabhai
resolutions during its annual propounded his Drain theory",
sessions. Certainly, the early explaining the drainage of
nationalists had criticised India's wealth to England, thus
the improper policies of the causing her poverty.
British Government in India, (b) Indian National Congress.
but at the same time, they also Objectives:
proved that they were loyal () To enable national workers
to the British Government in from all parts of India to
India. become personally known to
(b) By Newspapers : The each other.
early nationalists used the (ii) To end all racial, religious and
newspapers for preparing provincial prejudices and to
public opinion and for the promote a feeling of national
propagation of their views and unity among all lovers of the
country. To promote friendly Licence Act, Arms Act,
relations between the Hindus Vernacular Press Act and
and the Muslims. against lowering the age
from 21 to 19 years for ICS
(iii) To formulate popular opinion
on vital Indian problems and examination.
to present these before the (e) He was in favour of the
government. Hindu-Muslim unity and
(c) () The Moderates had full faith in the was of the opinion that the
British sense of justice whereas disunity between these
radicals disliked British and had would hamper the growth
no faith in their goodness. of national movement.
(i) The Moderates were convinced of () He opposed the Minto
the supremacy of European culture Morley Reforms of 1909
whereas radicals highlighted the which introduced separate
supremacy of Indian culture. electorates for the Hindus
(ii) The Moderates believed in and the Muslims. He also
opposed the division of
petitions, prayers and passive
resistance whereas, radicals Bengal.
believed in revolutionary methods. (iüi) (a) He belonged to the
(iv) The Moderates believed that Moderate group of the
people of India were not fit Congress. He pleaded
for self rule whereas, radicals for modernisation and
believed that Indians could rule constitutional means
themselves. for the attainment of
6. (a) The person in the picture is India's goal. He used to
Surendranath Banerjee. say "opposition where
(6) () Surendranath Banerjee is often necessary, co-operation
called "The Indian Burke". where possible".
(ü) (a) He took an active part in (6) He was not in favour of
the freedom movement violent activities.
of India. He was a great (c) He was in favour of 'Boycott
patriot, a speaker, a and Swadeshi' movements.
journalist, an educationist, 7. (a) ) He was one of the earliest
an organiser anda political Indian leaders to hold the
agitator. view that the poverty of the
(b) He founded Indian Indian people was the result
Association in 1876 which of exploitation of India by the
helped in educating the British and the drain of India's
people, to arouse political wealth to Britain.
consciousness and unity (i) He started mnovements against
among the people. the Vernacular Press Act and
(c) He was of the opinion that the atrocious treatment of
masses, i.e. general public, the zamindars with the poor
should be included in the peasants.
national movement. (6) Gokhale played an important role in
() He organised popular bringing the Minto-Morley Reforms
demonstrations and started of 1909 A.D. He also strongly
agitations against the stressed the need of separation of
the executive from the judiciary and from all over India. Later in 1885
criticised the huge expenditure on A.D., when A.O. Hume invited
the British army. As a member of them to the very first sesion of the
the Central Legislative Assembly, Congress, the letter of invitation
he moved a resolution for reduction also bore the name and signature of
in excise duty, relief to the bonded Surendranath Banerjee. Meanwhile,
labour in Natal (South Africa), the Indian National Conference was
revival of the Village Panchayat and merged with the Indian National
other local bodies as the effective Congress. Surendranath was elected
units of self-government at the as the Congress President twice,
grass-root level. i.e., in 1895 A.D. and 1902 A.D. He
(c) Surendranath took a leading part was called the Indian Gladstone for
in the formation of the Indian his oratory and the Indian Edmund
National Congress (INC). He called Burke for his combining oratory
a meeting of the Indian National with knowledge. Surendranath
Conference in l883 A.D., which believed in constitutional agitation
was the first meeting of leaders and supported Representative

Chapter-4(a):Second Phase of theIndian National Movement (1905-1916)

(A) SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS : 7. Surendranath Banerjee, Bipin Chandra
1, Lord Curzon. Pal.
2. On 19th July, 1905. 8. The song Amar Sonar Bangla (My Golden
3. The Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon Bengal).
sparked off the Swadeshi Movement in 9. October 16, 1905 was observed as the Day
1905. of Mourning.
4. Lord Curzon said that Partition of 10. To protest against the Partition of Bengal.
Bengal was "a mere readjustment of 11. It was a symbol of unity of Bengal.
administrative boundaries". In other
12. In 1911.
words, it would improve the administration
of the two provinces. 13. Swadeshi and Boycott Movements.
14. Swadeshi : Swadeshi means things
() The British Government wanted to grown or manufactured in one's own
weaken the nationalist movement country.
which was very strong in Bengal. Boycott : Boycott means giving up the
(ii) To sow the seeds of disunity between use of foreign goods.
the Hindus and the Muslims.
5. Lord Curzon said that Partition of
The Swadeshi and Boycott Movements
Bengal was "a mere readjustment of instilled courage among the people.
administrative boundaries". In other
words, it would improve the administration These provided an impetus to nationalist
of the two provinces. sentiments. It accelerated, strengthened,
and helped in spreading the National
6. Bengal was the never centre of Indian Movement and paved the way for future
nationalism. So, British hoped to stop the mass movements led by Gandhiji.
nationalism by Partition.

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