Strings Structure Union File Handling

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Character Arrays and Strings ——_—_—_ ad Function streat() stremp() strepy() strlen() We shall discuss briefly how each of these functions can be used in the main() { char si(20], s2(20], s3[20]; int x, 11, 12, 133 printf("\n\nEnter two string constants printf ("2"); scanf("%s %s", sl, s2)5 /* comparing si and s2 */ x = stremp(si, s2)3 if (x = 0) { printf("\n\nStrings are not equal \n"); streat(sl, s2); /* joining sl and s2 */ } | else printf("\n\nStrings are equal \n"); /* copying si to 33 strepy(s3, 1); /*Finding length of strings */ eee Ae a 11 = strien(s1)s 12 = strien(s2)s 13 = strlen(s3)s /*output */ printf("\ns = %d characters\n", 1 = %s\t Tength ad characters\n", 52 %s\t length printf ("s2 = ‘ 1 7 printf ("s3 = %s\t Tength = *d characters\n", 3, ),)3 ‘ } 3 u Output f Enter two string constants i 2 New York Strings are not equal s1 = NewYork length s2 = York length s3 = NewYork length Enter two string constants 2 London London Strings are equal s1 = London length = 6 characters 2 = London length = 6 characters 3 = London length = 6 characters = 7 characters = 4 characters = 7 characters "Fig. 8.9). tlustraon of string handling functions Other String Functions ‘The header file contains many more string manipulati i c i on be useful in certain situations. ig manipulatigh Sinctions. Than fnepy In addition to the function strepy that copies one string to another, we have anotherli tion strnepy that copies only the left-most n charac i ‘ 3 OOF cters of the source string to the ta string variable. This is a three-parameter function and is invoked as follows: - strncpy(sl, s2, 5)3 Tuinstatemont copies iis fest 6 characters oe source string s2 into the tage s the firs not include the terminating null ch: itexplicitly in the 6th position of «2 as shown below: es 4 si[6] ="\0'; , the string s1 contains a proper string. ‘strncemp A variation of the function stremp ii : cm] i is i : store ae illustrated iu the Neniies cuir ee strnemp. This function has tr! strncmp (sl, s2, n); Lewd oe bev le Ababa combing Ay bark ror’, uA , numba, ip pages, art pends we, come DUG Ve AANACpINS AD Weld ils papovwedtot pas petlaned ¢ ee Sjauct bork bee Ce ttle £203; Chars, oust Lisl; dit pangs) fer pret; The Eider dnclanu a Absuctuns J add, poe otuteals sty good dota pals. 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