Mahindrarise: Narayan Shankar
Mahindrarise: Narayan Shankar
Mahindrarise: Narayan Shankar
Mahindra Towers,
mahindraRise Dr. G. M. Bhosale Marg,
Worli, Mumbai 400 018 India
Sub: Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - CRISIL
Ratings Limited reaffirms its ratings on the bank facilities and debt instruments of the Company
CRISIL Ratings Limited reaffirms its 'CRISIL AAA/Stable/CRISIL A1+' ratings on the bank facilities and debt instruments of the
Company as under:-
Please find enclosed a Press Release issued by CRISIL Ratings Limited in this regard which was received by the Company on 21st
June, 2024 at 6.41 p.m.
Further, as per Regulation 55 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with SEBI
Master Circular bearing reference No. SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-PoD-1/P/CIR/2024/48 dated 21st May, 2024, please find below
details in respect of Credit Rating obtained for Non-Convertible Debentures (“NCD”) issued by the Company from CRISIL Ratings
Sr. ISIN Name of Credit Rating Outlook Rating Specify Date of Verification Date of
No. the Credit Assigned (Stable/ other Credit status of Verification
Rating Positive/ Upgrade/ rating rating Credit
Agency Negative/ Downgrade/ action Rating
No Re-Affirm/ Agencies
1 INE101A08070 CRISIL CRISIL Stable Re-Affirm - 21-06-2024 Verified 21-06-2024
(Rs.500 Crore Ratings AAA/Stable
NCD) Ltd.
2 INE101A08088 CRISIL CRISIL Stable Re-Affirm - 21-06-2024 Verified 21-06-2024
(Rs.475 Crore Ratings AAA/Stable
NCD) Ltd.
Encl: as above
Regd. Office: Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, Mumbai 400 001, India | Tel: +91 22 68975500 | Fax:
+91 22 22875485 | Email: | |
CIN No. L65990MH1945PLC004558
Rating Rationale
June 21, 2024 | Mumbai
Rating Action
Total Bank Loan Facilities Rated Rs.787.5 Crore
Short Term Rating CRISIL A1+ (Reaffirmed)
The ratings continue to reflect the leadership position of M&M in the tractor industry in India, its strong presence in the light
commercial vehicles (LCVs) segment and the benefits of a diversified business portfolio. The ratings also factor in the strong
financial risk profile, supported by a robust balance sheet with low leverage and high financial flexibility.
These strengths are partially offset by challenges involved in maintaining the market share in the highly competitive utility
vehicles (UVs) subsegment, exposure to cyclicality inherent in the farm equipment (tractor) and automotive (auto) segments
and risks pertaining to acquisitions and investments in subsidiaries/joint ventures (JVs).
In fiscal 2024, the company’s standalone operating income rose by 16% year-on-year to Rs 98,763 crore with strong growth
in the UV segment. The earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (Ebitda) grew to Rs 12,919 crore in
fiscal 2024 from Rs 10,442 crore in fiscal 2023. Overall earnings before interest and taxes (Ebit) margin improved to 13.8%
in fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2023: 9.9%). Given the continued price hikes, structured cost reduction programs and better operating
leverage, Ebit margin for the auto segment improved to ~8.4% in fiscal 2024 from ~6% in fiscal 2023. Meanwhile, for the
tractor segment, the Ebit margin remained stable at ~16.2% over fiscals 2023 and 2024.
M&M’s tractor volumes de-grew by ~7% year-on-year in fiscal 2024 (compared to volume de-growth of ~9% in the overall
tractor industry) due to uneven monsoon and high base of fiscal 2023. However, the company continued to be the market
leader in tractors with 41.6% market share. In LCV subsegments that M&M is present in, its market share progressively
improved to 46% in fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2023: 43%, fiscal 2022: 38%), as M&M regained its market share from competitors.
Domestic UV volumes grew by around 29% in fiscal 2024, on the back of new models/enhancements. The market share of
M&M in the UV segment improved to 17.2% in fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2022: 14%, fiscal 2019: 22%).
The auto segment should continue to report healthy volume, given the strong order book of the launched models, including
Scorpio-N, Thar, XUV3XO (launched in April 2024) and XUV700. Furthermore, M&M is expected to add 23 new models,
including three midcycle vehicle enhancements by 2030. Tractor volume growth is expected to recover in fiscal 2025, aided
by normal monsoon prediction, introduction of new line of OJA tractors and revival in demand from US, Europe, and Asia.
The operating margin should be supported by structured cost reduction measures and multiple price hikes taken by the
The financial risk profile remained robust, marked by its strong debt protection metrics and capital expenditure (capex)
being funded through cash accrual. During fiscal 2024, M&M along with its EV units - Mahindra Electric Automobile Limited
(MEAL) & Last Mile Mobility (LMM) - incurred capex of around Rs 7,930 crore. This was majorly funded through cash
accrual, and around Rs 1,600 crore coming from external investors for EVs. Further, the company downsized its standalone
debt to Rs 1,585 crore in fiscal 2024 from Rs 4,644 crore in fiscal 2023, repaid from cash accrual. With reduced debt and
improved margin in fiscal 2024, adjusted net gearing and interest service coverage ratio, further improved to 0.13 time and
93 times, respectively, in fiscal 2024 (from 0.16 time and 38 times in the previous period).
Going ahead, the company has capex of around Rs 31,000 crore planned during fiscals 2025-2027 for its core businesses
(including EV). Along with cash accrual, M&M has access to funds from strategic external investors. Given the company’s
strong cash generating ability, low long-term debt and modest investments, capex requirement in the near term is largely
expected to be funded through cash accrual and equity. The extent of debt that will be raised to fund the aforementioned
capex will be a key monitorable.
Analytical Approach
CRISIL Ratings has combined the business and financial risk profiles of M&M and its ventures in the UV, CV, and tractor
segments, which are considered its core businesses. The company also has investments in group entities in the agriculture,
financial services, hospitality, aerospace, consulting services, defence, information technology, energy, industrial equipment,
logistics, real estate, components, and steel industries. These group entities should receive support from M&M depending
on their strategic importance to the latter and the extent of its shareholding and investments in them.
CRISIL Ratings has made financial adjustments to factor in this support. For the financing business undertaken by Mahindra
and Mahindra Financial Services Ltd (‘CRISIL AAA/Stable/CRISIL A1+’), CRISIL Ratings has adjusted its assets and
liabilities as per its capital allocation approach.
Please refer Annexure - List of entities consolidated, which captures the list of entities considered and their analytical treatment of consolidation.
Key Rating Drivers & Detailed Description
• Leadership position in the tractor industry in India, healthy market position of LCVs and improving volumes in
The company enjoys a leadership position in the domestic tractor industry in all major regions and has maintained a
market share of over 40% over the last decade, aided by its superior channel reach and strong understanding of market
M&M also has a strong presence in LCVs. The market share in goods LCV (lower than 7.5 metric tonne [MT] gross
vehicle weight division [GVW] division) improved to 46% in fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2023: 43%, fiscal 2022: 38%), as M&M
regained its market share from competitors. M&M continued to be the largest player in pickup sub-segment (2 to 3.5 MT
GVW) of LCV with around 60% market share over last 2 fiscals, and the second largest player in <1 MT GVW with
market share of 25% in fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2023: 21%). Established presence in these segments has ensured healthy
cash flow and resilient profitability over the years.
M&M’s performance in the UV segment has also progressively improved with market share increasing to 17.2% in fiscal
2024 (fiscal 2023: 16.7%, fiscal 2022: 14%, fiscal 2021: 13%) given the strong order book from successful launches.
Good product development capabilities, proficient channel management and sufficient production capacity should help
the company maintain its strong market position over the medium term. This, along with product and geographic
diversity, should ensure a stable business risk profile despite the impact of increasing competition and inherent
• Robust financial risk profile, supported by a conservative capital structure and significant market value of
The financial risk profile is robust, as reflected in sizeable networth, conservative gearing and surplus liquidity. The
company has articulated a capex and investment plan of Rs 37,000 crore over the next three years (fiscals 2025 to
2027), with majority of the outlays being earmarked for its UV business (including EVs). Healthy free cash flow should
support the financial risk profile, especially given the prudent capex plans, moderate debt obligation and investments in
the near term. Moreover, financial flexibility is significant because of investments in listed subsidiaries and associates,
which are currently valued much higher than their book value. The strong financial risk profile provides cushion to
counter the impact of cyclicality and competitive intensity in the domestic auto and tractor segments.
• High competition in the UV segment
With its new launches in fiscal 2022, M&M’s market share in the UV segment has shown recovery with 17.2% and 16.7%
market share in fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2023 respectively (fiscal 2022: 14%, fiscal 2019: 22%). The company’s recent
launches have garnered strong response from the market, as reflected by outstanding bookings of over 2.2 lakh units
(including 50,000 units of XUV 3XO launched in April 2024) as of May 2024. Nevertheless, entry of new players and
number of launches in the UV segment will continue to exert competitive pressure.
In line with its capital allocation strategy, M&M has successfully exited/turned around most of its loss-making investee
companies. Going forward, the nature and quantum of company’s investment in subsidiaries/JVs will be monitorable.
Liquidity: Superior
Annual cash accrual of Rs 10,000-12,000 crore expected over fiscals 2025-2027, along with large cash and liquid surplus of
about Rs 15,710 crore as on March 31, 2024 (standalone), supports liquidity. This should be sufficient to fund incremental
capex/investment plans, working capital and long-term and short-term debt obligations for fiscals 2025 and 2026. Financial
flexibility is further enhanced by access to capital markets and significant investments in listed subsidiaries/associates,
which can be liquidated, if required.
There is growing importance of ESG among investors and lenders. M&M’s commitment to ESG principles will play a key
role in enhancing stakeholder confidence, given majority of the outstanding debt is through market borrowings and the
group has easy access to both domestic and foreign capital markets.
Outlook: Stable
The strong financial risk profile should help M&M absorb the impact of cyclicality and competitive intensity in its core auto
and tractor business and moderate performance of some of its investments.
Rating Sensitivity factors
Downward factors
• Any large, debt-funded investment (including acquisitions), support to subsidiaries or lower-than-expected cash flow
weakening the financial risk profile
• Significant and sustained decline in the market share of the core business, leading to sustained negative free cash flow
About the Company
M&M, incorporated in 1945, is among the top tractor manufacturers in the world and is a leading manufacturer of g LCVs
and UVs in India. It also manufactures medium and heavy CVs, three-wheelers, and passenger cars. The company has
manufacturing facilities in Mumbai, Nashik, Igatpuri, Nagpur and Chakan, all in Maharashtra; Zaheerabad, Telangana;
Rudrapur and Haridwar, Uttarakhand; and Jaipur, Rajasthan.
About the Group
Besides its core operations, the Mahindra group, through its subsidiaries and group companies, operates across varied
sectors, such as information technology, financial services, and vacation ownership. In addition, it has presence in the
agribusiness, aerospace components, defence, renewable energy, industrial equipment, logistics, real estate, steel, and
two-wheeler industries, among others.
Key Financial Indicators
Particulars for period ended March 31 Unit 2024 2023
Revenue Rs crore 98,763 84,960
Profit after tax (PAT) Rs crore 10,718 6,549
PAT margin % 10.9 7.7
Adjusted net debt/adjusted networth Times 0.13 0.16
Interest coverage Times 93 38
*Standalone CRISIL Ratings-adjusted numbers
CRISIL Ratings will disclose complexity level for all securities - including those that are yet to be placed - based on
available information. The complexity level for instruments may be updated, where required, in the rating rationale
published subsequent to the issuance of the instrument when details on such features are available.
For more details on the CRISIL Ratings` complexity levels please visit Users may also call the
Customer Service Helpdesk with queries on specific instruments.
Annexure - Details of Instrument(s)
Name of Date of Coupon Maturity size Complexity
ISIN assigned with
instrument allotment rate (%) date (Rs level
Non-convertible 04-Jul- 04-Jul- CRISIL
INE101A08070 9.55% 500.00 Simple
debentures 2013 2063 AAA/Stable
Non-convertible 27-Sep- 25-Sep- CRISIL
INE101A08088 7.57% 475.00 Simple
debentures 2016 2026 AAA/Stable
NA NA NA 7-365 days 500.00 Simple CRISIL A1+
*Interchangeable with non-fund-based facilities
Instrument Type
Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating
Date Rating
Fund Based CRISIL CRISIL A1+ / A1+ / A1+ /
ST 787.5 -- 23-06-23 12-01-22 30-12-21
AAA/Stable AAA/Stable AAA/Stable
-- -- 12-01-23 CRISIL -- -- AAA/Stable
ST -- -- -- -- -- CRISIL
Paper ST 500.0
A1+ -- 23-06-23
A1+ 30-12-21
-- -- 12-01-23 A1+ -- -- --
Convertible LT 975.0 CRISIL -- 23-06-23 CRISIL 12-01-22 CRISIL 30-12-21 CRISIL CRISIL
Debentures AAA/Stable AAA/Stable AAA/Stable AAA/Stable AAA/Stable
-- -- 12-01-23 -- -- --
All amounts are in Rs.Cr.
CRISIL Ratings pioneered the concept of credit rating in India in 1987. With a tradition of independence, analytical rigour and
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CRISIL Ratings Limited ('CRISIL Ratings') is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CRISIL Limited ('CRISIL'). CRISIL Ratings Limited is
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