Annual Safety Review 2019: Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019: Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019: Air Accidents Investigation Branch
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and Contents
action taken or planned in response to AAIB investigations
concluded in 2019. It may seem strange that we are
publishing this review in the midst of a pandemic that has
had such a profound effect on aviation in 2020. However,
last year’s events are no less significant because of what
has followed. As attention focuses on restart and recovery,
the key safety messages are as a relevant as ever.
The AAIB received 826 occurrence notifications in 2019
and opened 37 field investigations, eight of which were
into fatal accidents in the UK resulting in 10 deaths. A further 124 investigations were
opened by correspondence. In addition, the AAIB appointed an accredited representative
to 96 overseas investigations, including 45 involving UK registered aircraft.
The AAIB deployed on investigations to Belgium, USA, Ethiopia, Chile, UAE, Italy, Portugal,
Montserrat and Kazakhstan. Globally, the most prominent event was the loss of a second
Boeing 737 Max in Ethiopia which led to the grounding of the fleet and a fundamental review
of certification regimes and other systemic issues.
Closer to home, the loss of a Piper Malibu a few miles north of Guernsey, led to a complex
and high-profile investigation that drew attention to two significant safety issues – the risks
associated with unlicensed charter operations, and the need for carbon monoxide detectors
with an active warning. This was one of two AAIB investigations conducted in 2019 which
involved operations to locate and gather evidence from aircraft wreckage on the seabed.
An article on how we set about these operations is included in this Annual Safety Review.
In 2019 all the fatal accidents that we investigated in the UK involved general aviation aircraft
or gliders with the most common factor being loss of control in flight. The most common
factor in commercial air transport accidents and serious incidents was system/component
failure or malfunction. The AAIB published two Special Bulletins, 29 Field Investigation
Reports and made 12 Safety Recommendations. Details of them all are in the pages that
follow, together with updates on the status of responses received and the action being
taken. Also included are details of 153 significant safety actions taken by manufacturers,
operators and regulators to address safety issues identified during AAIB investigations.
I am pleased to report that some progress has been made by the industry and regulators
towards the introduction of takeoff acceleration monitoring systems following safety
recommendations of global concern raised by the AAIB and others in 2018. However, the
AAIB investigated five more takeoff performance serious incidents in 2019, showing why
these systems are urgently needed.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Within the Branch, major projects last year included the development of a sophisticated
case management system that exploits modern digital collaborative tools to manage
investigations from notification to closure. It will allow us to meet all legal requirements,
including evidence and wreckage management, and provide a rich source of safety data for
future exploitation.
Other changes included the introduction of a ‘record only’ option for some less serious
occurrences allowing us to focus AAIB expertise and investigation resources where the
safety benefit is greatest. And by publishing our field investigation reports on-line as soon
as they are ready, rather than wait for up to six weeks for the next monthly bulletin, we have
reduced overall timescales to publication.
Collaboration between the Air, Marine and Rail Accident Investigation Branches has
been further strengthened with the Accident Investigation Chiefs’ Council driving forward
workstreams to maximise the synergy between the three modal branches and form common
positions on areas of joint interest. Joint memoranda of understanding have been developed
between the branches and other authorities to facilitate cooperation while protecting the
AIB’s independence.
I am very grateful to all those who contributed to our Stakeholder Survey; we greatly valued
the feedback. In this Review there is an article to explain how we are using the insights
to develop our external communications to reach a wider audience and influence key
stakeholders with the important safety messages from our investigations.
In 2019 the AAIB established a global outreach framework. We engaged directly with
many safety investigation authorities around the world and participated actively in several
international forums. These connections enable us to share experiences and ideas,
develop specialist capabilities and train together. This is important as the investigation of
civil aviation accidents is an inherently international activity. A short article on our overseas
deployments and some of our engagement activities in 2019 is provided in this Review.
Future challenges
2020 is already proving to be an extraordinary year as the UK adjusts to life outside the
EU and the world sets about recovering from the impact of the Coronavirus. The AAIB
is investigating more and more unmanned air system accidents as the regulatory and
technological boundaries are being pushed to the limits. Soon the regulations will be in
place for commercial spaceflight from the UK and that may bring a whole new dimension
to our work.
In the meantime, I invite you to peruse this 2019 Annual Safety Review which I trust you will
find interesting and useful.
Crispin Orr
Chief Inspector of Air Accidents
© Crown copyright 2020 AAIB 24-hour Reporting - Telephone number
+44 (0)1252 512299 @aaibgovuk
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Foreword ...........................................................................................................................iii
AAIB stakeholder research...............................................................................................3
and Contents
AAIB underwater wreckage operations...........................................................................7
The AAIB worldwide........................................................................................................17
CICTT factors on investigations by the AAIB in 2019..................................................19
Field investigations.................................................................................................. 20
Correspondence investigations............................................................................... 21
Fatal investigations ................................................................................................. 22
Statistics for 2019............................................................................................................23
Category definition .................................................................................................. 24
Notifications 2019.................................................................................................... 25
Notifications 2018.................................................................................................... 26
Notifications 2017.................................................................................................... 27
Safety Recommendations in 2019 ................................................................................ 29
Safety Recommendations issued in 2019............................................................... 33
Safety Actions from investigations reported on in 2019 .............................................49
Field investigations.................................................................................................. 49
Correspondence investigations............................................................................... 63
Index of Safety Actions............................................................................................ 86
Appendix 1 - CICITT occurrence categories .................................................................88
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Avid followers of our work will know that air accident investigations
started in the UK more than 100 years ago. Bound by the need to
comply with regulations and international standards, one could be
forgiven for assuming that the AAIB would not be overly concerned
about people’s views on its work. However, while regulations give
us and our Inspectors the powers needed to secure valuable
evidence to conduct an investigation, our effectiveness in
improving aviation safety depends on our collaboration with
those we investigate and those with the means to effect changes
that we call for in our Safety Recommendations.
Stakeholder Research
ComRes to undertake research with a wide range of our
stakeholders. We had three objectives for the research:
● To understand overall stakeholder perceptions of the Branch and the
contribution it makes to improving aviation safety.
119 stakeholders were surveyed online and ten 30-minute telephone interviews were
conducted. The stakeholder types included Government/Regulators, Manufacturers,
Operators, Academia, Sporting Associations and Unions.
Overall perceptions
Stakeholders have a good understanding of the AAIB’s remit, and the organisation is seen
extremely positively. Four in five would speak highly of the AAIB, and the organisation is
seen as professional, knowledgeable, trustworthy and impartial. The AAIB’s work is seen as
highly valuable to the aviation industry worldwide.
The AAIB’s work is seen very positively. The AAIB is seen to be independent and expert,
and very capable at making safety recommendations and avoiding apportioning blame.
While ratings are lowest for being compassionate, this derives from a lack of knowledge.
Those who have relevant experience are very positive about the compassion of inspectors.
AAIB is seen as good at investigating incidents involving well established factors such
as technical and maintenance issues. While ratings are high for human and operational
factors, stakeholders would like to see an increased focus on these, and welcome the
© Crown copyright 2020 AAIB 24-hour Reporting - Telephone number
+44 (0)1252 512299 @aaibgovuk
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
AAIB’s appointment of its first Inspector of Air Accidents (Human Factors). Stakeholders
are uncertain about the AAIB’s ability to investigate incidents involving Unmanned Air
Systems, and think it is crucial the organisation is able to cope with the rise of new
Stakeholders access reports through a range of channels; primarily the website, but also hard
copies, the press and word of mouth. Around half have read guidance documents and the
same for the Annual Safety Review. Both are seen as useful by those who have read them,
while those who have not read the annual review usually were unaware of its publication.
Some stakeholders would like the AAIB to explore new methods of communication.
Stakeholder Research
This is a sample of some of the actions we are taking following the research.
Since the survey, we have published many correspondence investigations on unmanned air
systems (UAS) as part of our monthly bulletins. In January 2020 we published our first Field
Investigation involving a UAS, which was an accident to a DJI Matrice 210. In last year’s
Annual Safety Review we included an article on how we investigate UAS accidents and our
‘decision tree’ for initiating an investigation. We are now preparing a dedicated section for
our website so it will be easier to find out which UAS accidents we investigate and how, and
it will bring together those on which we have published a report.
Since the survey, we have been publishing Field Investigations individually. This means
that we can communicate the safety messages from our reports faster, removing the delay
that was sometimes caused if reports were finalised just after the monthly bulletin had
been produced. In October, we started a new format for less serious incidents. Introducing
this ‘record only’ category is freeing up Inspectors’ time to focus on those Field and
Correspondence Investigations which will provide the greatest safety benefit, and over the
year we expect this initiative to help further reduce the time it takes to publish some of our
We have also started to produce short videos for investigations where we feel there is a
public interest or a widely applicable safety message. One of these videos has had more
than 140,000 views, so communicating this way is reaching a much wider audience.
Stakeholder Research
Sporting associations
We have improved the frequency and consistency of our engagement with sporting aviation
clubs and associations making best use of our established single points of contacts. So the
sporting associations, such as the British Gliding Association and Light Aircraft Association,
have regular contact with the appointed individual Inspector.
We know there is more to do and over this year we look forward to more exciting
developments in the way we communicate and engage with our stakeholders.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Wreckage Operations
AAIB Underwater
Every aircraft accident brings its own challenges in finding and examining the wreckage.
However, when an aircraft accident occurs over water the challenges can become more
extreme and require the AAIB to make significant and difficult decisions.
In recent years the AAIB has conducted a number of investigations of accidents where
the aircraft wreckage has come to rest under water. The approach in conducting these
investigations has been developed over many years and is documented in internal processes
and agreements with partner organisations. We continue to develop these processes and
techniques through applying lessons learnt after each investigation.
This article will provide some insight into the factors we consider when investigating an
accident where the aircraft wreckage is in water.
Who investigates?
The AAIB is responsible for investigating all accidents within the UK, its Crown
Dependencies and its Overseas Territories, that occur on land and within their territorial
waters. We are also responsible for investigating accidents involving UK registered
aircraft (or those registered in UK’s Crown Dependencies or Overseas Territories) that
occur in international waters. Other States may also delegate their investigations to us.
A recent example is our investigation into the accident involving the US registered Piper
PA-46 (Malibu), N264DB, which occurred in international waters in the English Channel.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Wreckage Operations
Where the safety investigation is led by another accident investigation authority, the AAIB
may also participate in the search, survey and recovery operation as either an Accredited
Representative, Expert or Observer. An example was the accident to the Air France
Airbus A330, F-GZCP, in the Atlantic on 1 June 2009. The investigation was led by the
French accident investigation authority (BEA) who invited the AAIB to participate in the
underwater survey as an observer.
Recovery of wreckage
As with all investigations, our initial objective is to recover and preserve evidence that is
considered essential in establishing the cause of the accident. In doing so our priority is the
safety of individuals involved in the operation and ensuring that the AAIB’s resources are
used in the most effective manner possible.
In general terms, the decision to search and recover wreckage from water, either floating or
submerged, is made after considering the following questions:
1. Is it safe to do so?
If it is possible to establish the cause of the accident and make Safety Recommendations
without recovering the wreckage, then we may not recover it. However, we will always
consider the feasibility of recovering the wreckage against the three questions above so
that an informed decision can be made. The AAIB is not responsible for the recovery of
victims from aircraft accidents either on the land or in the water but will always work with and
Wreckage Operations
AAIB Underwater
support the relevant authorities.
As diving operations are heavily regulated, and the AAIB are not experts in chartering
and operating vessels, we normally work with the MoD Salvage and Maritime Operations
Project Team (SALMO) who act as the Government Competent Authority on the recovery
and surveying of aircraft wreckage in water. As such, SALMO are the Project Team in any
maritime or diving contracts and we act as their adviser. A Memorandum of Arrangement
between AAIB and SALMO defines the roles and responsibilities of each organisation.
SALMO are always available to advise the AAIB, identify options and manage risk for
finding and recovering wreckage in water. Subject to their available resources at the time,
we can ask SALMO to carry out the following tasks:
● Assist with the development and execution of the search, survey and
recovery plan.
● Carry out a full onsite risk assessment with regard to the safety of AAIB
personnel working in the maritime environment.
● When required, provide and operate their underwater location / survey and
recovery equipment.
● Provide guidance and advice on the training needs for AAIB personnel
undertaking maritime operations.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The AAIB will help to identify the likely location of the aircraft by analysing the radar
recordings, considering the aircraft performance and by using our equipment to detect the
underwater locator beacon. We will also identify the evidence to be recovered and take
action to preserve it once it has been recovered to the vessel.
We also have a key role in the safety of the divers, personnel on the recovery vessels and
the ROV by providing information on the aircraft and associated hazards. This requires
AAIB Inspectors to deploy on the vessels so they need to maintain their qualifications and
competencies for working at sea.
We categorise the type of water in which an aircraft has crashed to enable us to respond
appropriately. These categories are Inland, Coastal and Offshore. It should be noted that
Wreckage Operations
Inland water can take many forms, including rivers, lakes, lochs and canals. Inland water is
defined as ‘away from the coast and more than knee deep, or fast moving of any depth’. The
factors to consider are varied and may often bring unique challenges.
A shallow waterway or lake, with partially submerged wreckage may require specialist lifting
equipment that can reach the wreckage, whereas a deep open expanse of water will first
require suitable equipment to find the wreckage and then undertake a survey to determine
its condition. Only then can the feasibility of recovering the wreckage be considered. By
definition, inland water is away from the coast and can be difficult to access with specialist
lifting equipment, which may need to be floated close to the wreckage.
Wreckage Operations
AAIB Underwater
Coastal waters are defined as being ‘not inland and with the aircraft partially visible at some
stage of the tide’. The wreckage will therefore be in relatively shallow water and may be within
the tidal range on a beach, at the foot of a cliff or in an estuary. Consequently, the wreckage
may be submerged at high tide and above the waterline at low tide. Wave action and strong
tidal flows can cause the wreckage, which may have some buoyancy, to move or be buried by
sand, silt or mud.
Wreckage close to the coast can be difficult to recover and it might only be accessible at
certain stages of the tide. The wreckage may be further damaged if the recovery is delayed,
especially if the sea is rough and the wreckage is washed against the shore or cliffs.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The third type of operation, and normally the most complex and expensive, is finding and
recovering wreckage from offshore, which is defined by the AAIB as ‘not coastal and in water
deep enough to cover the aircraft if it sank’.
Following an aircraft accident at sea, a search and rescue operation, involving a number of
different organisations, would be initiated and carried out in accordance with international
protocols laid down in Annex 12 to the convention on international civil aviation Search
and Rescue and the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual
published by the IMO and ICAO. Although the AAIB would not actively participate in the
search and rescue phase, we would work with and provide support to the appropriate
authorities. At the same time, we would start preparation for the investigation phase, which
would commence once the search and rescue phase had been concluded.
Wreckage Operations
AAIB Underwater
An early priority is to find the wreckage. Although the last position of the aircraft in flight
might be known, being able to determine the location of wreckage on the seabed requires an
understanding of where the aircraft entered the water and the tidal conditions. This requires an
understanding of the aircraft dynamics including the direction, speed and distance travelled.
Once the area in which the aircraft entered the water has been identified, an estimation of the
tidal drift and sink rate is applied to determine the most likely location on the seabed. This
defines the search area. The next step is to conduct the search.
We often use side scan sonar (SSS) to carry out the initial underwater search. This is achieved
by “flying” a towed SSS transmitter/receiver close to the seabed that emits a series of sonar
pulses that are reflected off the seabed and any underwater objects. The reflected pulses are
captured and processed on the vessel to produce an image of the seabed and objects. The
SSS operator and the AAIB inspectors then assess the image to identify any potential targets.
SSS was used in the search of a Piper PA-28 (G-CDER) which ditched off the East Sussex
coast and came to rest upside down on the seabed. Other surveying techinques, such as
multibeam sonar, which use a surface based sonar transmitter/receiver are also used to
locate wreckage.
Commercial aircraft are normally equipped with cockpit voice and flight data recorders that
are fitted with an acoustic beacon which is activated when it is submerged in water. The AAIB
has its own handheld detectors that can be held over the side of a small boat and a more
capable ‘towed fish’ that can be deployed from a suitable vessel and can be used to detect
a beacon at depths of up to 1,000 m. The AAIB does not just use its equipment to locate
missing aircraft; we also deployed to the Red Sea to search for the El Salam Boccaccio 98, a
ferry which sank on 2 February 2006, 80 km (50 miles) from Duba, Saudi Arabia.
Wreckage Operations
AAIB Underwater
The towed fish being recovered from the water during sea trials
Once a potential target has been identified we need to visually determine if it is wreckage
from the aircraft. We do this by using an remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipped with
cameras and if conditions allow this is followed up by divers equipped with handheld
cameras. A full survey of the aircraft and wreckage field is always carried out to capture
evidence and to allow an assessment to be made as to what items should be recovered and
the best way in which to do so.
The survey will also enable us, by assessing the aircraft damage and whether the whole
aircraft is there, to establish:
● the attitude and speed of the aircraft when it struck the water,
● whether the aircraft is complete or there has been an inflight break up,
● if the engine(s) had been operating,
● evidence of fire.
Offshore activities require significant planning and early engagement with SALMO to
identify suitable vessels and weather windows. It is often necessary to plan the operation
over three phases sometimes using different vessels for each phase.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
When planning the search, the depth of water, seabed topography, tidal flows, sea state
and weather will all be factored in to determine the most appropriate vessel and survey
technique to be used. For shallow waters it may be easier to deploy surface-based divers
or a small ROV, which is a relatively cheap way of surveying the wreckage. As the water
Wreckage Operations
depth increases the complexity and costs also increase. Critically, as the depth increases
AAIB Underwater
it is necessary to change from surface-based divers to saturation divers which require the
use of vessels that can remain dynamically positioned and specialised diving equipment
with decompression facilities.
If the decision is made to recover all or part of the wreckage, then a plan must be made
to ensure the correct assets are in place to ensure the safety of all those involved in the
operation and to minimise injury to those undertaking the recovery or destroying evidence.
Wreckage may be recovered by attaching lifting straps to move it into cages or bags
positioned on the seabed by divers or an ROV, or by lifting it directly to the surface. Air bags
can also be attached which are then inflated and float the wreckage to the surface. It might
also be necessary to cut the wreckage into manageable pieces before it is moved. The
vessel must be large enough to secure the wreckage onboard and to allow AAIB Inspectors
to undertake anti-deterioration measures, which is essential to delay the onset of corrosion
when the aircraft is removed from saltwater.
Recovering the wreckage of helicopter G-BLUM onto the deck of the vessel
in the early hours of the morning. (Irish Sea)
© Crown copyright 2020 AAIB 24-hour Reporting - Telephone number
+44 (0)1252 512299 @aaibgovuk
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Following an aircraft accident where the wreckage enters the water, the AAIB is prepared
and has the necessary support on standby to enable an investigation tto be carried out
to determine the cause of the accident. The complexities and difficulties associated with
finding, surveying and recovering wreckage make the activity challenging. We will weigh
the benefits in surveying and recovering the wreckage against the risk to individuals, and
vessels, involved in the operation. Although the cost effectiveness of underwater activities
is a consideration, we will attempt to survey and recover wreckage when it is practical to do
so and is considered necessary to determine the cause of the accident.
Wreckage Operations
AAIB Underwater
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The AAIB is the UK’s designated Accident Investigation Authority for the purposes of
Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Air Accident and Incident
Investigation). The global nature of commercial and non-commercial aviation, and the
aerospace industries, means that we contribute to investigations and related activities
around the world.
We are proud that we continue to be held in high esteem by the international investigation
community. We are involved with many international aviation safety bodies and are invited
to lead or participate in many seminars, forums and training exercises. We have been
welcomed as participants in investigations where there is a UK interest and as observers
to those that provide training benefit to our Inspectors.
AAIB Worldwide
investigation authorities around the world.
The map on the next page shows some of the overseas activities conducted by the AAIB in
2019 and illustrates our global reach.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Colour key
Every occurrence in the UK is recorded on the European Central Repository (ECCAIRS) and
is coded using the occurrence taxonomy defined by the CAST/ICAO Common Taxonomy
Team (CICTT). This is a worldwide standard taxonomy to permit analysis of data in support
of safety initiatives. In the UK the coding of occurrences is carried out by the CAA. It should
be noted that they are recorded as multiple factors, for example turbulence (TURB) leading
to loss of control in flight (LOC-I). Similarly, other (OTHR) is also used and may include
aspects that do not have specific classifications.
C... 67
L... MAC
RE 23
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Field investigations
4 LOC-I 1
CICTT Factors on Investigations
by the AAIB in 2019
8 7 RE
2 1 1
In 2019 the AAIB published 29 field investigation reports, 12 of which were investigations
into fatal accidents and 17 were into non-fatal accidents or serious incidents.
The 17 investigation reports published during 2019 into non-fatal events were balanced
between commercial air transport (CAT) and general aviation (GA) aircraft and were
attributed to OTHR.
Correspondence investigations
UN.. FU..
AT.. 3 3
BIR.. 4
61 4
86 7
RE 10
GCOL 28 21
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Fatal investigations
CICTT Factors on Investigations
by the AAIB in 2019
CFIT 1 1
See Appendix 1 for
category descriptions
The predominant cause of fatal accidents in general aviation, in common with previous
years, was loss of control in flight (LOC-I) such as a stall near to the ground. However, other
factors identified during our investigations included physiological events.
An overview of what we were involved with during 2019 can be seen below:
of Safety
noted 2
173 Number 29
Number of
of Special Number of
Correspondence Number Bulletins Field Reports
Investigation of Formal published published
Reports published Reports
(incl UAS)
(incl UAS and published
UK Field
4.88 opened
n/a 11.97
Average months (incl UAS)
to publication for a Average months Average months
Correspondence to publication to publication
Investigation for a Formal for a Field
Investigation 8 Investigation
UK Fatal
23 Accidents
Number of UAS 124 12
Correspondence Total number of
Investigations Correspondence Number of
opened (AARF)
10 Safety
Investigations Number of Recommendations
opened Deaths
Number of UAS
48 826 115
Correspondence Record-only
Investigations Referred Total Number
published to Sporting of Notifications opened
Associations received by the 28
0 Investigations
Military published
13 (AAIB
392 Overseas assistance)
No further (no AAIB
AAIB action involvement)
(Civil) 0
51 45 1 Joint Military
Foreign UK Military & Civil
Registered Registered (no AAIB Aircraft
Overseas Overseas involvement)
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The following pages provide the statistics for 2019, 2018 and 2017 for accidents and
serious incidents notified to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch.
Category definition
Military with AAIB Where an MoD aircraft accident, serious incident Service
Notifications 2019
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
UK Registered
3 1 5 1 8 6 8 6 4 2 0 1 45
Foreign Reg Overseas 3 1 5 4 7 4 5 6 1 6 4 5 51
UK Field Investigations 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 37
Military (AAIB
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total no of
Correspondence 11 20 11 14 11 10 14 13 6 6 5 3 124
Investigations (AARF)
Investigations (AARF) 3 3 3 2 0 2 1 0 4 2 2 1 23*
involving UAS
Overseas (no AAIB
2 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 13
Referred to the
appropriate Aviation 3 1 3 5 6 5 8 7 6 1 2 1 48
Sporting Association
Record Only
1 1 1 7 11 15 22 16 14 7 6 14 115
Total no further AAIB
22 23 26 26 23 45 49 33 44 40 36 25 392
action (civil)
Total no further AAIB
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 7 11*
action (civil) inv UAS
Military (no AAIB
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 47 50 56 61 70 90 110 86 81 66 55 54 826
UK Fatal accidents 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 8
Number of deaths 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 10
* Included in the total
UK Registered Overseas numbers of AARF
No further AAIB action
(Military) 0.12% 5.45% and non-reportable
Foreign Reg Overseas
No further AAIB action 6.17%
(Civil) 47.46%
UK Field investigations
investigation (AARF)
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Notifications 2018
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
UK Registered
2 1 1 2 4 4 3 0 2 4 0 0 23
Foreign Reg Overseas 5 6 3 1 2 5 4 5 1 3 4 2 41
UK Field Investigations 2 4 0 3 2 3 4 2 0 5 1 0 26
Military (AAIB
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total no of
Correspondence 7 14 9 16 28 29 34 24 20 20 12 8 221
Investigations (AARF)
Investigations (AARF) 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 3 0 1 11*
involving UAS
Overseas (no AAIB
1 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 9
Referred to the
appropriate Aviation 1 4 0 3 8 7 6 6 0 3 0 2 40
Sporting Association
Total no further AAIB
15 22 29 22 28 44 37 50 28 33 23 10 341
action (civil)
Total no further AAIB
0 0 2 0 1 1 3 2 0 1 1 1 12*
action (civil) inv UAS
Military (no AAIB
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Total 33 53 44 47 74 93 90 87 53 68 42 22 706
UK Fatal accidents 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 9
Number of deaths 2 0 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 7 0 0 16
UK Field Investigation
Non-reportable (Civil)
Investigation (AARF)
* Included in the
Overseas (no AAIB total numbers
Referred to the appropriate involvement) of AARF and
Aviation Sporting Association 1% non-reportable
6% investigations.
Notifications 2017
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
UK Registered
5 4 3 4 5 4 6 2 5 4 2 0 44
Foreign Reg
3 3 4 9 6 7 8 4 5 2 3 7 61
UK Field
2 3 4 2 6 3 2 4 5 1 2 4 38
Military (AAIB
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
9 7 15 15 36 29 24 25 17 11 10 6 204
Investigations (AARF)
Overseas (no AAIB
2 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 9
Referred to the
appropriate Aviation 4 2 1 5 9 9 4 9 3 2 2 2 52
Sporting Association
No further AAIB
15 19 24 22 22 29 33 27 32 34 18 23 298
action (civil)
Military (no AAIB
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 40 40 51 58 84 82 78 72 69 55 37 43 708
UK Fatal accidents 1 0 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 0 1 2 16
Number of deaths 1 0 5 1 4 2 2 2 4 0 4 3 28
Non‐reportable (Military) UK Registered Overseas Foreign Reg Overseas
0% 6% 9%
UK Field Investigation
Non‐reportable (Civil) 6%
Military (AAIB assist)
Correspondence Investigation
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
140 146
120 128
109 109
95 95
82 82
76 76
68 69
60 66
58 58 57 57
40 47
38 40 39 39 37 39
32 32
28 29
20 26 26
17 19 20 17
13 15 12
9 10
Recommendation numbers made in previous years
From 1 January 2019 the AAIB took responsibility for monitoring not only the responses
but also the action taken by the addressees to Safety Recommendations. This is in
accordance with the amendment that was made to ICAO Annex 13 in November 2018.
The specific Paragraph 6.12 requires that; ‘A State that receives a safety recommendation
shall implement procedures to monitor the progress of the action taken in response to that
and Safety Action Overview
safety recommendation’.
Safety Recommednation
The AAIB carries out this function on behalf of the State Safety Board (SSB) for the UK,
its Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies.
It is important to note that the AAIB monitors the progress of actions taken in response to
a Safety Recommendation. The AAIB is not a regulator and cannot require action to be
taken. The AAIB reports the progress to the SSB which then considers whether further
regulatory intervention is required.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
This monitoring of actions is not only for Safety Recommendations issued by the AAIB
but also those that have been issued to addressees in the UK from other State Accident
Investigation Authorities.
● Adequate means that the response fully meets the intent of the Safety
Recommendation and the action is expected to address the safety issue.
● Not Adequate means that the response does not address the intent of the
Safety Recommendation nor does it address the safety issue concerned.
The AAIB will apply an open or closed status depending on the expectation
of whether the addressee will reassess their response.
○ Not Adequate - Open The status of ‘open’ implies that AAIB still has
concerns regarding the identified safety deficiency and that there is an
expectation that the addressee will provide further responses.
○ Not Adequate - Closed The status ‘closed’ implies that there is a low
likelihood that the addressee will act on the recommendation or provide
any further responses.
Actions taken on a Safety Recommendation are reported as meeting one of the following:
● Planned actions
Actions are still on-going and a new date for
ongoing update due Open
completion has been submitted
A Safety Recommendation issued after 1 January 2019 will therefore remain Open until
such time as the addressee has completed its activity in relation to that recommendation.
It is therefore possible for the response to a Safety Recommendation to be assessed as
Adequate but it will remain Open until the planned actions are completed.
● Four are Adequate, with planned actions completed, and are Closed.
● Two are Partially Adequate with not enough information on the planned
actions, and remain Open.
● Two are Not Adequate and are Closed.
● One is awaiting a response from the addressee.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Summary table
Number Action Status Status
2019-001 Partially Adequate Planned actions ongoing update due 28 February 2020 Open
2019-002 Not Adequate No planned actions Closed
2019-003 Adequate Planned actions ongoing update due 1 June 2020 Open
2019-004 Adequate Planned actions complete Closed
2019-005 Partially Adequate Not enough information Open
2019-006 Adequate Planned actions complete Closed
2019-007 Partially Adequate Not enough information Open
2019-008 Adequate Planned actions complete Closed
2019-009 Adequate Planned actions complete Closed
2019-010 Awaiting Response Open
2019-011 Not Adequate No planned actions Closed
2019-012 Partially Adequate Planned actions ongoing update due 31 July 2020 Open
The chart above shows the recommendation topics using the ENCASIA taxonomy.
Note - a recommendation can include several topics within the classification system.
The aircraft experienced a loss of DC electrical power during the cruise whilst operating a
cargo flight from East Midlands Airport to Stansted Airport, resulting in the loss of a significant
number of flight deck instruments and systems. The crew decided to return to East Midlands
Airport where they made a normal landing, following which DC electrical power was restored
without crew action. The loss of electrical power was consistent with a failure of the No 1
Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) or its contactor, followed by a subsequent failure of the DC
essential busbar couple function. Subsequent testing of the aircraft’s electrical system did
not identify the cause of either failure.
The investigation identified that the aircraft’s FDR was recording intermittently due to
corrosion caused by moisture ingress. Two Safety Recommendations are made, relating
to the prevention of moisture entering the FDR on BAe ATP aircraft with the Large Freight
Door (LFD) modification and for the replacement of flight recorders using magnetic tape.
The PV1584 FDR fitted to SE-MHF had an intermittent fault that caused nine hours of data
not to be overwritten and the loss of data during several other flights. Inspection of the
FDR found evidence of moisture within the electronics module. This most likely caused
the intermittent operation of the magnetic-tape recording function. The moisture may have
also prevented the correct operation of the BITE as no fault was noticed during the period
of incorrect operation.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
that rainwater can enter the cargo bay area during loading, which may then find its way
into the rear equipment bay and the FDR. There was also some evidence that rainwater
had dripped onto the FDR. Over time this will increase the probability of moisture entering
the FDR and cause it to fail as corrosive products develop. Although tested for resistance
to moisture ingress at certification, the PV1584 is not hermetically sealed and therefore
moisture and liquids can easily enter the unit. Unlike later generation solid-state recorders,
the unit was not required to be tested for its waterproofness or the potential effects of
dripping water.
Therefore, to minimise the effects of moisture ingress on the performance of the FDR fitted
to the ATP, the following Safety Recommendation is made:
Addressee response
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has contacted BAE SYSTEMS to
discuss the protection of the flight data recorder fitted to those ATP aircraft equipped with
large freight doors from the effects of rainwater and other liquids.
and CVR technology, EASA required the replacement of all magnetic-tape CVRs with a
Safety Recommendation
solid-state CVR by 1 January 2019. However, although EASA acknowledged that magnetic
tape is unreliable, obsolete and ‘have an insufficient recording quality’, they did not require
the replacement of magnetic tape FDRs.
In addition to the operator of SE-MHF, which has indicated that it intends operating their
BAe ATP fleet for several more years, there are also a small number of UK-operated aircraft
that are equipped with a magnetic-tape FDR. Discussions with UK based MROs indicate
that long-term support for this obsolete technology is declining. However, it may still be
several years before aircraft operating in Europe with magnetic-tape FDRs are finally retired
from service, or a lack of spares require an operator to install an alternative solid-state FDR.
© Crown copyright 2020 AAIB 24-hour Reporting - Telephone number
+44 (0)1252 512299 @aaibgovuk
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
It is important that FDR systems are reliable and ensure high quality data is available to
accident investigation authorities. Therefore, the following Safety Recommendation is
It is recommended that the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) set
an end date to prohibit the use of flight data recorders that use magnetic tape as
a recording medium, to ensure compliance with ICAO Annex 6 from that date.
Addressee response
Prohibiting the use of flight data recorders (FDRs) that use magnetic tape as a recording
medium was considered under European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) rulemaking
tasks RMT.0400 & RMT.0401 ‘Amendment of requirements for flight recorders and
underwater locating devices’.
The results of the related regulatory impact assessment (RIA) are contained in the associated
notice of proposed amendment NPA 2013- 26, which was published on 20 December 2013.
As described in the RIA, a conservative assumption was that, on 1 January 2013, 20% of
FDRs installed on aeroplanes operated for commercial air transport by EASA Member State
operators were using magnetic tape technology. The proportion of magnetic tape FDRs was
assumed to decrease at a rate corresponding to the renewal rate of the fleets of aeroplanes
of EASA Member State operators. Assuming an economic life cycle of 30 years for an
aeroplane, the proportion of magnetic tape FDRs on board aeroplanes was expected to
decrease by 10% every 3 years. With this assumption, by 1 January 2019 the proportion
of aeroplanes fitted with a magnetic tape FDR was estimated to be close to 0%. Therefore,
requiring the replacement of magnetic tape FDRs for a few residual inservice aeroplanes
was considered not to be justified.
Furthermore, prohibiting the use beyond 01 January 2019, of FDRs that use magnetic
tape as a recording medium would need to be considered through a new rulemaking task
which would be allocated a priority according to EASA’s established rulemaking planning
process. The FDR is not needed for safe flight and landing, it does not directly improve the
and Safety Action Overview
survivability of aircraft accidents, and the number of aeroplanes of EASA Member State
Safety Recommednation
operators potentially impacted by phasing out of magnetic tape FDRs is minimal, so that
such a rulemaking task would most probably be allocated a low priority.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
A vehicle carrying out a runway inspection was cleared onto the active runway ahead of
an aircraft decelerating after landing. The investigation identified shortcomings in runway
inspection procedures and the management of the internal review conducted after the
Runway inspections
The importance of effective runway inspection is borne out by the number of foreign objects
found over a relatively short period at Gatwick Airport and the potential safety risk these
pose to aircraft. Whilst this problem is not unique to Gatwick Airport, in its drive to maximise
the use of its single runway, the airport has created an intensity of operations that makes
the task of runway inspection more difficult to achieve.
It is apparent from the investigation that both ATC and the airside operations teams were
striving to carry out runway inspections under the prevailing working environment. There
was, however, evidence of a lack of understanding of how each discipline’s work impacted
on others operating at the airport and had potentially normalised procedures that would
otherwise have been considered undesirable, or at worst unacceptable. The ATC and
airport investigations were triggered by the pilot declaring his intention to file a safety report.
The ATC report, subsequently adopted by the airport operations department, saw nothing
wrong in what happened. This was reinforced by subsequent interviews with ATC staff
and was in direct contrast to the opinion of the airline operator involved and of other airline
operators, when asked.
These conclusions were inconsistent with the comments of the ATC manager who justified
the actions based on the aircraft having been re-cleared, after it touched down, to vacate at
RET Foxtrot Romeo: in effect an instruction during the landing to stop short of a particular
position on the runway. It is not clear that this is in accordance with any recognised ATC
The guidance available to the controllers both in SI 021 and MATS Part 2 lacks relevant
information published in the airport’s runway inspection SOP, such as communication
procedures and actions in the event of a vehicle breakdown on the runway. There was
also a lack of consistency between the existing guidance in MATS Part 2 and SI 021 on
the desirability of conducting the runway inspection in one run.
Addressee response
● The ANSP and the airport company have introduced a new regime for
runway inspections including the introduction of planned (rather than ad-
hoc) delivery of inspections and requirements to only accept inspections
in blocks meaning urgent on/off access (as in the incident being reported
upon) is no longer required and not used.
and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommednation
● The appendix to this letter contains the original text and the new text that
has been submitted to the CAA to address the recommendation. The
process to introduce this as an instruction included a review with the local
examiners and an assessment of the effect that this change may have
on workload and/or complexity. The instruction is now with the CAA for
review and approval. Upon receipt of the CAA approval this instruction will
be published.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The aircraft was operating a night flight to East Midlands Airport, with the left engine
generator disconnected, and had just commenced its descent when the crew faced an
unusual array of electrical failures on the flight deck. Despite the loss and degradation of a
number of systems, the aircraft landed safely at East Midlands.
The electrical failures were caused by the right engine Generator Control Unit (GCU)
which had been incorrectly secured in its mounting tray and had disconnected in flight. The
investigation also uncovered a number of contributory factors including: the management of
defects and Acceptable Deferred Defects (ADD), recording of maintenance, and a number
of weaknesses in the operator’s Safety Management System with regards to managing risk.
The operator did not appear to use the MEL in the spirit of EASA’s Acceptable Means of
Compliance or its own procedures. Rather than using the MEL to allow the aircraft to return
to its main operating base where the faults could be rectified, it appears to have been used
to enable the aircraft to meet operational commitments. Fault finding, and rectification was
frequently stopped before the root cause had been identified and on a number of occasions
the aircraft was dispatched from a location where the work could have been carried out.
The Rectification Interval Extensions (RIE) for the defect on Gen 1 should only have been
granted in exceptional circumstances. However, while resources were available to identify
and fix the fault within the specified time, the RIE was approved to enable the operator to
meet operational commitments.
There also seemed to be confusion with operations and engineering staff within the LMC
and the Part M organisation as to what constituted a main operating base. It was commonly
believed that a number of locations across their operating network that had Part 145
organisations could be considered as a main operating base and that it was acceptable for
aircraft to be dispatched from East Midlands with an ADD operating in accordance with the
limitations in the MEL. This was, however, contrary to the operator’s Operation Manual.
The confusion as to what constituted a main operating base and the routine deviation from
the operator’s procedures on the use of the MEL and RIE might have partly been due to the
operator’s policy and procedures not being suitable for its routine operations. Therefore,
the following Safety Recommendation is made:
Addressee response
Signatories for RIE have received additional training in RIE approval, including detailed
analysis of FSR to ensure application is within the regulatory requirements.
MEL Revision 14, May 2019 updated to include: Changes to section 9.3.8 defining
“maintenance bases” and “transit station” within a night program. Changes to section 9.5.3
giving the commander detail on the risk assessment of multiple defect within the context of
the operation they expect. This guidance is meant as the last action before aircraft operation
and supports the risk analysis process adopted by Part M within the LMC. The processes
have been developed in conjunction with each other.
All RIE’s have an accompanying SMS report filed which is investigated by Part M.
The defect control process started in May 2019 and was fully effective as from October 1, 2019.
The defect control team is part of the Line Maintenance Control process and reports to the
NPCA via the LMC Manager.
For this purpose, a Defect Control application was introduced called Chronic’X. In addition,
all aircraft defects are recorded in the FSR with actions taken, risk assessment and recovery
plan in place.
Daily meeting at 08:45, 7 days a week assess all open defects using the data in the FSR
and Chronic’X.
© Crown copyright 2020 AAIB 24-hour Reporting - Telephone number
+44 (0)1252 512299 @aaibgovuk
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Defect control team arrange parts, manpower and rectification plan to ensure rectification is
completed expeditiously or before the open defect (MEL) expiry date.
This system gives full control on approving and clearing of MEL entries. Weekly meeting the
NPCA is briefed to ensure MEL oversight.
The process is described in the LMC Company operating Procedure CoP 4.0 chapter 12- A
follow-on review of safety performance regarding runway inspections in light of this incident
and subsequent to the changes to the procedures implemented. The review revealed no
incidents or reported events and standards reporting showed the introduction has been
delivered safely.
The operator recognised that the management of defects and rectification across their fleet
was challenging due to the nature of their operations. The aircraft were rarely in the same
place on consecutive days and there were frequently changes to the flying programme, which
made the provision of spares, specialist engineers and equipment difficult. The operator’s
staff were also conscious of the tight turnaround times that their customers expected and
whilst there was no evidence of external pressure having been applied to any individuals,
there may have been an element of self pressure to ensure that aircraft were not delayed.
Fault finding was frequently stopped part way through and on three separate occasions
the GCU were swapped without the aircraft documentation having been completed in
accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, (continuing airworthiness).
The following Safety Recommendation is made:
It is recommended that West Atlantic UK ensures that all work undertaken on its
aircraft is documented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU)
and Safety Action Overview
Addressee response
The work undertaken on the aircraft are either covered by an SRP (Sector Record Page)
entry with action taken and action reference of via a dedicated Work Order (WO)
For Deferred Defects and or repetitive defects (MEL’s) dedicated Work Orders are raised
by LMC for defect trouble shooting as required to either give trouble shooting advise and or
have spare parts available.
© Crown copyright 2020 AAIB 24-hour Reporting - Telephone number
+44 (0)1252 512299 @aaibgovuk
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The procedure for issuing WO is laid down in CoP 4.0 chapter 12 in order to ensure work is
properly documented and traceable in case of repetition.
The FSR Fleet status listing log and Chronic’X and LMC shift handover application are
put in place to monitoring and control that the correct MEL references and Airworthiness
documentation is applied.
The management of defects was primarily carried out by staff in the LMC. These individuals
may be required to manage a number of issues on separate aircraft during their shift. Their
main aim is to ensure that the company meets its operational commitments during their
period of duty. The main oversight was undertaken during the 0600 hrs morning conference
which involved representatives from LMC and the Part M organisation using the updates
provided on the operator’s messaging system. Despite numerous entries on FSR highlighting
concerns with the electrical system on G-JMCR, and the difficulty in completing the fault
finding during the tight turnaround times, there was no evidence of a plan to ensure that
the aircraft was given sufficient downtime to rectify the faults and clear the ADD. Instead,
the issue drifted on with an RIE approval and a number of engineers at different locations
repeating similar fault-finding tasks until eventually the GCU was incorrectly secured and
disconnected in flight.
The operator has addressed the situation by establishing the post of Defect Controller who
reports through the Part M organisation. However, this individual is not available outside
normal office hours or during periods of holiday or sickness. Moreover, the morning
conference calls only take place during the normal working week which means that
frequently only the operations supervisor and the LMC staff are in a position to undertake
a dynamic risk assessment of the ongoing airworthiness of individual aircraft. While these
and Safety Action Overview
individuals have the authority to prevent an aircraft flying if they believe it is unsafe to do so,
Safety Recommednation
it might not be apparent to them that this dynamic oversight is a key part of their job. The
following Safety Recommendation is made:
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Addressee response
A new risk assessment application integrated into the FSR requires a risk assessment in the
event an aircraft develops multiple deferred defects.
The monitoring of deferred defect risk assessment is the responsibility of the LMC controller.
LMC controller will take appropriate actions to mitigate identified hazards.
The process is described in CoP 4.0 chapter 13 The process is described in CoP 4.0
chapter 1.
The electrical fault that occurred during the landing at Amsterdam was unusual. Lights
and screens that can only be on or off were flashing which indicated that there was an
intermittent fault within the No 2 electrical system that eventually caused the circuit breaker
for GCU 2 to trip. The Part 145 engineers did not have access to the operators FSR and
would not have known the history of the electrical problems on the aircraft, which LMC
described to the commander as serious. While the commander gave a detailed explanation
to LMC as to the problems he had experienced, this was not relayed to the engineer who
was tasked with rectifying the problem with Gen 2 and resetting the system so that the
aircraft could return to East Midlands. No written tasking document, recent history of the
aircraft or the concerns from LMC that there was a serious electrical problem on the aircraft
were provided to the engineer. The engineer reset the system as requested and reported
back to LMC who did not ask him to undertake any further work. The total time from the
engineer being tasked to travelling to the aircraft and completing the work was 35 minutes.
In completing the trouble shooting as laid out in the Maintenance Manual, the engineer
had satisfactorily completed the task he was given, which was to investigate why the two
and Safety Action Overview
serviceable generators were inoperative. But the circuit breaker that was found to have
Safety Recommendation
tripped could not have caused the intermittent electrical supply to the flight deck instruments.
Significantly, no one appeared to address the potential increase in risk to the safe operation
of the aircraft should the fault reoccur in flight while operating with one generator already
inoperative in accordance with MEL 21-1b.
The commander initially felt uneasy at the fault being cleared but was reassured when the
engineer discussed what he had done with LMC: the engineer felt that his conversation with
LMC was more to do with when the aircraft could be returned to service. In turn, the LMC
was reassured by the commander, who was new to the company, and the engineer that the
aircraft was now serviceable. However, the engineer in Amsterdam did not have knowledge
© Crown copyright 2020 AAIB 24-hour Reporting - Telephone number
+44 (0)1252 512299 @aaibgovuk
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
of the ongoing electrical problems on the aircraft and none of the three parties discussed
the impact of the fault on Gen Bus 2 reoccurring during the next flight. In summary, none
of the three individuals involved had the full picture on the condition of the aircraft and a
risk assessment was not carried out to determine if the aircraft was in a safe condition to
continue flying with one generator inoperative. The following Safety Recommendation is
It is recommended that West Atlantic UK revises its policy and procedures for the
tasking of maintenance activities by Line Maintenance Control and the sharing
of relevant aircraft technical history to ensure that maintenance organisations
undertaking work have access to all appropriate information.
Addressee response
The technical log records all maintenance defects actioned against each airframe and is
transferred into RAL, our approved maintenance management system.
The Chronic’X system access data in both RAL and the FSR to provide a comprehensive
source of information and feedback on defect control to support line maintenance with
trouble shooting.
The station engineers have access to the FSR for consultation if so required.
This investigation identified safety issues across a number of areas that had not been identified
or addressed by the Operator’s SMS. Therefore, the following Safety Recommendations
are made:
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Addressee response
c) Investigators Course.
It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority assess West Atlantic UK’s
Safety Management System to ensure it meets the requirements of the scale
and nature of their operation.
Addressee response
The Civil Aviation Authority accepts this recommendation. The CAA has conducted an initial
assessment of West Atlantic UK’s Safety Management System and continues to monitor
compliance and effectiveness of this element of the organisation’s approval.
Whilst climbing to FL190 en-route to Charles De Gaulle Airport, Paris the pilots received
an alt mismatch message and they elected to return to Exeter Airport. Following an
inspection after landing, a small white crystalline deposit was found covering three of
the four static pressure holes on the left primary pitot static probe. It is probable that
the use of a non-approved product, to improve the seal between a test adaptor and the
pitot static probe during maintenance immediately prior to this flight, may have resulted
in the blockage of the static holes and led to the alt mismatch message. Two Safety
Recommendations have been made; one to the air data accessory kit manufacturer and
one to the aircraft manufacturer to improve the instructions for the use of testing kits when
carrying out leak tests of the pitot/static system and to only use approved lubricants. The
maintenance organisation has taken Safety Action to introduce tighter controls on the test
kit equipment.
Therefore, to improve the information with the air data accessory kits, which are used on
several different aircraft types, the following Safety Recommendation is made:
and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommednation
It is recommended that Nav-Aids Ltd amend the manual supplied with air data
accessory kits to include more specific installation instructions, and to include
warnings against using non-approved materials to aid sealing.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Addressee response
Response Assessment Awaited
AMM instructions
To improve the information in the AMM for the De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Ltd
DHC-8-402 the following Safety Recommendation is made:
Addressee response
De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Ltd appreciates the chance to respond to your proposed
Safety Recommendation.
While safety is of upmost concern in our industry, it is our belief that, in this particular
situation, any qualified technical staff should review and utilize the manual for any of the
required pieces of test equipment that are external to the basic airframe. The information
necessary to utilize the test equipment is specific to the each type of test equipment and
different again, depending on each supplier of the various types of test equipment.
Furthermore, these types of instructions are already available, as well as being authored by
those who manufacture the equipment.
and Safety Action Overview
One of the manufacturers has an on-line video available to aid use of a preferred lubricant
Safety Recommendation
Shortly after reaching cruise at FL360 the commander’s attitude indicator malfunctioned
affecting numerous aircraft systems, and the aircraft climbed 600 ft. After a significant time
delay an irs caution was displayed. The Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) was followed
by the crew and the left Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU) was put into ATT mode.
The left Primary Flight Display (PFD) continued to display erroneous attitude information
to the pilot, and other systems were also affected. The aircraft was flown manually to
Edinburgh where it landed safely.
The left Inertial Reference System (IRS) suffered a transient fault in one of its accelerometers
which led to an erroneous calculation of position. False position information led to the
incorrect attitude information on the commander’s PFD, and the autopilot (AP) responded
by initiating a slow climb.
QRH guidance
There was a significant period between the first symptoms of faulty attitude information and
the appearance of the irs fault indication. Shortly after the attitude information failed, pitch
and roll comparator annunciations appeared on both PFDs. While these flags indicate a
failure, they do not decisively indicate where it lies. Pilots must use standby instruments
to determine where the failure is and, if necessary, recover to the correct attitude through
manual flight. Selecting a different source for the faulty PFD would remove the flags and
restore valid attitude information on both pilots’ PFDs, although it would lead to a reduction in
redundancy because all PFD attitude information would be from a single source. Information
is available in the FCOM to aid crew understanding, but because of the expressed philosophy
in the QRH discouraging troubleshooting, and the training discouraging the use of QRH
checklists except in response to relevant associated warnings, it is unlikely crews will act
unless specifically directed to do so by the QRH checklist.
Boeing decided to amend the QRH checklist for irs fault but this would not address the
situation where there was faulty attitude information but no IRS caution message.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Addressee response
Boeing has reviewed the Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) procedures for the 737
and compared the handbook to other Boeing models. The current PITCH and ROLL
comparator annunciations are classified as flags in our certification documentation. Adding
corresponding non-normal procedures to the QRH would require reclassifying the flags as
alerts for certification purposes. Boeing is currently reviewing our certification documentation
to understand all the potential effects of making the proposed changes.
We will update the AAIB on the QRH change status by July 31, 2020. Boeing will also
provide the AAIB with a copy of any changes upon their release.
Early in an investigation the AAIB will engage with authorities and organisations which are
directly involved and have the ability to act upon any identified safety issues. The intention is
to prevent recurrence, and to encourage proactive action whilst the investigation is ongoing,
and not for those involved to wait for the issue of official Safety Recommendations.
When safety action is taken, it may mean there is no need to raise a Safety Recommendation
as the safety issue is likely to have been addressed. The published report details the safety
issues and the safety action that has taken place.
In 2019 there were 153 Safety Actions recorded directly as a result of 18 field and 36
correspondence investigations. There were 88 commercial air transport (CAT), 48 general
aviation (GA) and 17 unmanned air systems (UAS) Safety Actions undertaken in 2019.
The pilot was undertaking his second flight on the recently-restored vintage ex-military
aircraft. Shortly after taking off from Spanhoe Airfield, the aircraft was observed to bank left
into a steep descent and strike the ground to the left of the runway. The pilot was fatally
injured, and the passenger sustained serious injuries. The investigation determined that the
aircraft stalled at a low height, from which it did not recover before striking the ground. The
investigation also identified several issues relating to the aircraft and engine performance,
maintenance documentation, the Permit to Fly application process, and guidance for pilots
preparing for their first flight on a new type. The Light Aircraft Association (LAA) has taken
a number of safety actions.
Safety actions:
● Clarified the wording of the stall requirement in the Flight Test Schedule which
relates to the speed at which stall warning will occur. The new wording emphasises
that this requirement relates only to aircraft with artificial stall warning devices and
reflects that some LAA aircraft may not be so equipped.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
when the reported characteristics deviate markedly from that expected or from
published data for the type.
● Produced guidance for pilots preparing for their first flight on a new type: it has
published two magazine articles on the topic and has also produced a Technical
Leaflet, TL 2.30 ‘Converting to a new type’, for use as a preparation tool, similar
to the one provided for testing pilots. Subjects addressed include: researching a
new aircraft type (eg by reviewing its operating manual, operating limitations and
handling peculiarities); the planning and content of a first flight on type to become
familiar with the aircraft alongside a suitably experienced pilot; the importance
of beneficial weather conditions (eg consideration of density altitude); choice
of appropriate flying clothing; and consideration of the desirability of carrying
passengers both in terms of aircraft weight, and pilot recency and experience on
● In October 2018, revised TL 2.21 ‘Rebuilding an aircraft under the LAA system’ to
include additional guidance on the completion of worksheets, the expected level of
detail to be recorded, and reiterated the respective responsibilities of owners and
inspectors for the quality and conformity of rebuild projects. Additional guidance
relating to the integrity of riveted joints in rebuilt aircraft was also included, as
was updated information to bring the LAA’s published guidance on minimum flight
testing hours into line with actual practice, and to describe the factors that LAA
Engineering considers when determining the initial flight test requirements for a
given aircraft.
Approximately 20 minutes after takeoff from a private airstrip in Cheshire the pilot
reported pitch control problems and stated his intention to divert to Caernarfon Airport.
Approximately 5 minutes later, the aircraft struck Runway 25 at Caernarfon Airport, with
landing gear and flaps retracted, at high speed, and with no noticeable flare manoeuvre.
The aircraft was destroyed. The elevator trim was found in a significantly nose-down
position, and whilst the reason for this could not be determined, it is likely it would have
caused the pilot considerable difficulty in maintaining control of the aircraft.
The extensive fire damage to the wreckage and the limited recorded information made it
difficult to determine the cause of this accident with a high level of confidence. A possible
scenario is a trim runaway, and both the CAA and the EASA are taking safety action to
promote awareness for trim runaways as a result of this accident.
Safety actions:
Both authorities have indicated that they intend to work together on the subject for a
coordinated approach and to ensure a broad reach.
The aircraft was carrying out the third sector of a four-sector day from Belfast City Airport
to Inverness Airport. After takeoff, the landing gear was selected up. Cockpit indications
indicated that the main landing gear (MLG) retracted normally but the nose landing
gear (NLG) did not. The crew carried out the actions in the relevant abnormal checklists
and were unable to lower the NLG. After burning off fuel, the aircraft was diverted to
Belfast International Airport where it landed with the NLG retracted. The crew initiated an
emergency evacuation.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The damage to the harness resulted from a cyclically-driven fatigue failure mechanism,
which occurred because the harness had been secured with a non-flexible cable tie which
restricted it from flexing during normal nose landing gear operation.
Safety actions:
● In October 2018, issued a Service Letter to inform operators of the Dash 8 Q400,
of the correct routing of the nose landing gear lock (NGLK) sensor harnesses.
● In November 2018, issued Service Bulletin 84-32-157 to inspect the NGLK sensors
for correct routing and signs of wear, abrasion or fretting.
● In January 2019, updated three AMM tasks in order to clarify the harness routing,
provide instructions for the location of the rubber lacing, to add cautions indicating
that harnesses should not be retained or restricted at locations other than the
specified p-clips and to correct a routing installation illustration.
● Throughout August and September 2018, the operator carried out an inspection of
the nose landing gear proximity sensor harness routing on its Dash 8 Q400 fleet
and undertook rectification of any anomalies noted.
surface the crew realised that the landing had been carried out with the Emergency/Parking
brake set. The aircraft may have remained on the runway surface but for the addition of
forward thrust during the landing roll.
Safety action:
The operator introduced a revision to the Landing Checklist in the Operations Manual
which requires the handling pilot to confirm the parking brake is off.
Decision height lower than 200 ft but not lower than 100 ft and RVR of not less than 350 m.
Safety action:
Shortly after the incident, the operator introduced a scenario-based training exercise
for all pilots that reproduced the incident during six-monthly recurrent training and
testing. The training was continued with an emphasis on unusual attitude recovery.
During a maintenance flight to adjust engine speed, main rotor rpm varied between
its maximum and minimum continuous limits. A mechanical stop within the adjusting
potentiometer had failed in such a way that main rotor speed could not be controlled
accurately, putting the helicopter at a significant risk. The pilot had not been specially
trained to carry out the flight test but his actions in flight prevented rotor speed exceeding
its limits and a more serious outcome. The manufacturer and operator have taken safety
action regarding the conduct of airborne engine speed adjustments. and Safety Action Overview
Safety actions:
Safety Recommednation
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Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
● Has undertaken to inform operators of all its helicopter types of the circumstances
of the occurrence to G-POLA, reminding them of the importance of the specific
pilot skills required by all AMM post maintenance flying tasks.
The operator:
● Has categorised its flight test activities according to which of its pilots should
perform them. It has restricted the N2 adjustment flight procedure to the remit of
specially trained type rating instructor and examiner pilots.
The purpose of the flight was to carry out aerial photography. During a manoeuvre at
low level the aircraft stalled and descended rapidly, passing through some trees, before
striking the ground. There was a post-crash fire and neither occupant survived.
Safety action:
Since the accident the flying club has issued instructions to their pilot members to
remind them of their responsibility to understand and comply with the privileges of their
licences and ratings. The club flying instructors have been reminded not to authorise
any rental flight where there may be any doubt as to its purpose. The club is also re-
drafting the flying order book and aircraft hire/rental agreements to make it clearer as
and Safety Action Overview
to what can and cannot be undertaken in a hired aircraft. Additionally, the club intends
Safety Recommendation
Safety action:
While conducting a Simulated Engine Failure from the Hover (SEFH) the helicopter yawed
rapidly to the left. Despite the actions of the pilots the helicopter continued to yaw rapidly,
and control was not recovered. The helicopter was seen to climb while spinning before
descending rapidly and contacting the ground, sustaining severe damage. Both occupants
suffered serious injuries.
Safety actions:
As a result of this, and other similar events, the manufacturer published in February 2019
two Service Letters to prevent reoccurrence. They are available on its customer support
and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommednation
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
This service letter proves advice on yaw control when operating with low rotor
speeds. It includes a list of scenarios where yaw control could be lost and
mitigating actions to prevent loss of control. One scenario is Simulated Engine
Failure from the Hover. When operating at low rotor speeds with full or almost full
right pedal applied it is recommended not to raise the collective but keep it as low
as possible and increase forward airspeed by cyclic input, and not to increase the
rotor speed by turning the twist grip.
Safety action:
The BGA publication on 11 July 2018 in response to this and previous field landing
accidents sets out the main hazards and precautions required in conducting field landing
Whilst the helicopter was performing an underslung load operation at Loch Scadavay the
boat it was carrying became unstable and flew upwards, causing the lifting line to strike the
and Safety Action Overview
helicopter’s tail rotor. The helicopter became uncontrollable and descended rapidly into the
Safety Recommendation
The physical characteristics of the boat and the method by which it was carried increased
the probability of it becoming unstable.
Safety actions:
As a result of this accident, the operator has taken a number of safety actions intended
to prevent similar accidents in the future.
● Added a section on UoUPL to its HESLO 1 pilot training syllabus. This contains
sections on low-density loads and aerodynamic shape, and refers to load
orientation. It states that ‘any change in the status of a load in flight calls for an
immediate reduction of speed below 40 KIAS’.
● Provided guidance in its Ground Handler’s Manual which explains that pilots and
Task Specialist Ground (TSG) should examine UoPULs together. Adequate time
must be allowed to assess and rig UoPULs, and to put adequate control measures
in place. Customer expectations should be managed accordingly.
● Added a section on flying techniques for UoPUL to its SPO Manual, which includes:
accelerate in 10 KIAS increments; continually observing the load in the mirror; if
the line goes slack, jettison the load; and states that ‘the company will support any
and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommednation
pilot who declines to carry [a UoPUL] on the grounds that he is not able to put in
place adequate control measures’.
● Undertaken to continue with its plan to extend its Crew Resource management
(CRM) training throughout the organisation and bring more of that training ‘in-
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The likely cause of the engine stopping was either carburettor icing or a vapour lock in the
aircraft fuel supply to the engine.
Safety action:
The LAA have advised that they will use this accident to publicise the risk from vapour
lock when operating piston engines on Mogas.
N66778 was taking off from Beef Island, in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), on the sixth
sector of a delivery trip from Florida to Argentina. After takeoff the aircraft was seen to fly
along the length of the runway at slow speed in a nose-high attitude. It then turned left
before entering a steep nose dive and hitting the sea.
The investigation concluded that the aircraft stalled during the left turn. No evidence of any
mechanical failure was found.
The aircraft was likely to have been operating slightly above the Maximum Takeoff Weight
and with the centre of gravity aft of the approved limit. Several items were not secured in
the cabin which could have shifted aft during the takeoff roll moving the centre of gravity
and Safety Action Overview
further aft. It is possible that this aft centre of gravity caused control difficulties resulting in
Safety Recommendation
the stall. Improvements in emergency communications on BVI have been made following
the accident.
Safety action:
As a result of this accident the BVI Airports Authority (BVIAA) has taken action to
ensure that Virgin Island Search and Rescue (VISAR) can now be contacted directly
by ATC if they cannot be alerted via the 911 operator.
The Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) has conducted a review of High Intensity
Runway Operations at Edinburgh and taken a number of safety actions to improve
procedures and on-the-job training for trainees.
Safety actions:
The ANSP at Edinburgh has taken the following safety actions in response to this
● Published procedures in the Edinburgh MATS Part 2 regarding what events must
be entered as Manditory Occurrence Reporting (MOR) on the TOKAI2 system.
● Has introduced additional higher OJTI chairs to provide OJTIs with a better view
of the trainee, the screens and the trainee interactions with the equipment.
and Safety Action Overview
● Has reminded OJTIs of the requirement in the Unit Training Plan which mandates
Safety Recommednation
the requirements for a pre-training briefing between the OJTI and the trainee
controller prior to every training session or at least every training day.
TOKAI - web-based application for air traffic management that enables users to report, investigate and take
corrective action following incidents and accidents.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Safety action:
Shortly after reaching cruise at FL360 the commander’s attitude indicator malfunctioned
affecting numerous aircraft systems, and the aircraft climbed 600 ft. After a significant time
delay an irs caution was displayed. The Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) was followed
by the crew and the left Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU) was put into ATT mode.
The left Primary Flight Display (PFD) continued to display erroneous attitude information
to the pilot, and other systems were also affected. The aircraft was flown manually to
Edinburgh where it landed safely.
The left Inertial Reference System (IRS) suffered a transient fault in one of its accelerometers
which led to an erroneous calculation of position. False position information led to the
incorrect attitude information on the commander’s PFD, and the autopilot (AP) responded
by initiating a slow climb.
Safety action:
Safety Recommendation
Following this incident, Boeing decided to amend the QRH checklist for irs fault. The
reference to ATT mode would be removed and the checklist would direct crews to use
the IRS Transfer Switch to supply relevant aircraft systems from the serviceable side.
The aircraft was operating a night flight to East Midlands Airport, with the left engine
generator disconnected, and had just commenced its descent when the crew faced an
unusual array of electrical failures on the flight deck. Despite the loss and degradation of a
number of systems, the aircraft landed safely at East Midlands.
Safety actions:
As a result of this serious incident, and the findings of the AAIB, the operator has stated
that they will take the following safety actions:
● Redefine the criteria of a maintenance base with each aircraft allocated to a specific
maintenance base dependent on the route flown.
● All ADDs will be monitored daily and best endeavours made to rectify them within
48 hours. Where this time limit is not achieved an occurrence report will be
raised to enable an investigation to be carried out to establish why this was not
● A Safety Report will be raised via the SMS for all RIE applications.
● Monitor in real-time the management of ADD and RIE applications using a number
of Performance Indicators over a 12-month rolling period.
● Line Maintenance Control (LMC) will be informed of all intended deferred defects
before actual deferral.
● Prior to deferral of a defect, a risk assessment based on the source of the fault
and Safety Action Overview
and subsequent impact on the aircraft systems and operational limitations will
Safety Recommednation
be carried out by an engineer in consultation with the crew. LMC will provide
historical defect information relevant to the unserviceable system in question and
knowledge of the aircraft’s historical airworthiness generally.
● An additional status header of ‘Risk Assessment’ has been added to the Flight
Safety Reporting (FSR). A summary of the risk assessment will be documented in
the FSR against the deferred defect highlighting significant risks that are associated
with the aircraft’s airworthiness status.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Whilst climbing to FL190 en-route to Charles De Gaulle Airport, Paris the pilots received
an alt mismatch message and they elected to return to Exeter Airport. Following an
inspection after landing, a small white crystalline deposit was found covering three of the
four static pressure holes on the left primary pitot static probe. It is probable that the use
of a non-approved product, to improve the seal between a test adaptor and the pitot static
probe during maintenance immediately prior to this flight, may have resulted in the blockage
of the static holes and led to the alt mismatch message. Two Safety Recommendations
have been made; one to the air data accessory kit manufacturer and one to the aircraft
manufacturer to improve the instructions for the use of testing kits when carrying out leak
tests of the pitot/static system and to only use approved lubricants. The maintenance
organisation has taken Safety Action to introduce tighter controls on the test kit equipment.
Safety action:
The maintenance organisation has purchased new air data accessory kits and
implemented tighter tool control of the kits to ensure all the components are always
After takeoff the unmanned aircraft (UA) experienced winds exceeding the manufacturer’s
stated limitations and was unable to hold its position position. A culmination of the
subsequent position warning and automatic attempt to return “home” and land triggered
a software error, commanding the UA to land while not over its home position. As the UA
descended there was a loss of link with the ground control unit and the UA collided with a
tree. The loss of signal was probably caused by the loss of radio line of sight between the
UA and ground control unit when it drifted in the high wind over a five-storey building.
Safety actions:
As a result of the accident, the operator carried out a comprehensive review of their
procedures as well as liaising with the manufacturer on the technical aspects of the
accident. As a result, the operator has introduced a number of safety actions. These
● Ensuring software checks and updates are integrated into the maintenance
● Ensuring at least one member of the operating team is experienced in operating the
system and introducing a mentoring scheme to provide opportunities to increase
experience levels with appropriate oversight.
● Introducing reduced wind limits on the operation of UAS to allow a safety factor,
mitigating the risk of exceeding the limits. These will also be varied to take account
of each pilot’s experience.
The pilot of the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) helicopter took off from a
car park in variable wind conditions. Once airborne the helicopter yawed to the left and the
pilot attempted to correct by applying opposite anti-torque pedal, but it continued to rotate.
He lowered the collective and as the helicopter landed, its fenestron contacted a low wall
on the perimeter of the car park. Most of the pilot’s experience had been on another type
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Safety actions:
The operator has also updated their Operations Department Communication (ODC) to
reflect the most recent EASA Acceptable Means of Compliance and refer to dimensions
of both the EC135 and the EC145.
Safety action:
The aircraft was on a test flight prior to being issued with a Permit to Fly. Shortly after
takeoff the engine failed. During the subsequent forced landing the aircraft landed firmly,
sustaining severe damage. One of the two pilots suffered serious injuries.
It is believed that the engine failure was caused by fuel vaporisation as a result of high
engine compartment temperatures.
Safety actions:
In consultation with the engine manufacturer, the owner stated he would have the
engine cowlings redesigned to increase the intake airflow and modify the engine
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Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
layout by relocating the fuel pumps and cooling fuel returning to the header tank.
These changes are intended to reduce the possibility of a fuel vapour lock recurring.
● LAA Technical Leaflet TL 2.263 highlights the procedures for using unleaded Mogas
in piston engines. Due to the greater risk of vapour lock the LAA has stated that
when using Mogas the temperature of fuel in the tank must not exceeding 20°C
and the aircraft must fly below 6,000 ft.
● The LAA plans further flight tests over a range of weights to gain more accurate
approach speed data for this aircraft type.
● The LAA has stated that it will review how it manages the testing of new engine
types and engine installations. One option being considered is the download of
the ECU’s data as part of the engine’s initial testing, so that all available measured
parameters can be checked against the manufacturer’s stated limitations.
During a short flight between the islands of Saint Eustatius Drive mechanism
and Saint Kitts, in the Caribbean, the pilot noticed that the
ailerons felt “sluggish” but the aircraft landed successfully at
Saint Kitts. It was found that a drive rod for the right aileron
had broken and a spherical bearing, fitted to one end of the
rod, had corroded heavily and was seized. Several safety
actions have been taken to reduce the maintenance interval
for control rods due to an increased risk of corrosion from
the environmental factors where the aircraft operated. This
investigation was delegated by the Dutch Safety Board
to the AAIB in accordance with paragraph 5.1 of ICAO
Aileron attachment
Annex 13.
Safety actions:
Maintenance organisation
● A reduction in the lubrication task interval from 1,000 hours to 100 hours for the
aileron drive rod bearings.
LAA leaflet TL 2.26 can be found here:
Unleaded%20Mogas.pdf [accessed April 2019]
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The aircraft was on approach to Runway 26L at London Gatwick Airport and was being
configured to land. After flaps 1 was selected, there was a progressive deterioration in
normal flight controls, landing gear lowering and nosewheel steering capabilities. The crew
performed a go-around and actioned the relevant checklists. The aircraft landed safely with
flaps 20 set but with the nosewheel steering inoperative.
The cause of the system degradation was a failure of the Nose Landing Gear Isolation
Valve (NLGIV). Following this event, the manufacturer changed its procedures in relation
to the manufacturing and testing of the NLGIV.
Safety actions:
● Introduced changes to the component Acceptance Test Procedure for the NLGIV
● Made amendments to the Fault Isolation Manual (FIM) and Aircraft Maintenance
Manual (AMM) to add operational tests of the NLGIV.
The helicopter was returning to Aberdeen after a routine passenger flight. During a normal
approach to land the landing gear appeared to deploy normally but at touchdown the nose
landing gear collapsed due to the failure of the A-frame pintle pin. Owing to a low fuel state
the passengers were disembarked whilst the helicopter was in a low hover. The aircraft
was then landed safely, using sandbags to support the fuselage.
Safety actions:
Following this incident to G-EMEA, the operator revised its procedures regarding work
time monitoring and reminded staff of their responsibilities to follow company fatigue
management procedures. The operator introduced a ‘complex task’ job card for the
H175 nose landing gear leg replacement task. Additionally, the operator reviewed the
engineering manpower, supervision and experience levels needed for base maintenance
On 13 July 2018, the helicopter manufacturer published Safety Information Notice (SIN)
No 3259-S-32 which notified other operators of this, and previous, nose landing gear
pintle pin failures. The SIN highlighted the need to remove and reinstall the pintle pin
bushing during A-frame replacement.
As a result of another operator identifying an incorrectly fitted pintle pin bushing, the
helicopter manufacturer published Emergency Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) 32A003 in
August 2018. This required a one-off inspection of the EC175 nose landing gear pintle
pin bushing. In addition, operators were required to review helicopter maintenance
records to identify any occasions where bushings had been misinstalled or found not
fitted. ASB 32A003 was subsequently mandated by the EASA with the publication of
Airworthiness Directive 2018-0190 on 31 August 2018.
Safety action:
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
During a check flight, a newly repaired Piper J5A Cub Cruiser overran the runway and
struck a gate at Felthorpe Airfield near Norwich. This was because the aircraft was
travelling too fast in the final stage of the landing. It floated a long distance and landed a
long way down the runway. The pilot had no time on type and the aircraft had heel brake
controls that he found difficult to use.
The LAA did not have the opportunity to assess the suitability of the check pilot, in part due
to a misunderstanding between the LAA and one of its Inspectors about what airworthiness
process to follow. In response to this accident, the importance of clear and unambiguous
communications with members has been reinforced at LAA HQ. The LAA has also
informed inspectors of the circumstances of this event and issued a decisionmaking flow
chart to help them determine what process should be followed.
Safety actions:
In response to this accident, the LAA has re-emphasised to its staff the importance of
clear and unambiguous conversations between LAA headquarters, aircraft owners and
LAA inspectors.
The LAA has also produced a communication for LAA inspectors that describes this
event and provides advice regarding inspector responsibilities in this type of case. It
has also produced a decision-making flow chart to assist inspectors to determine what
process should be followed.
As a safety action in response to the accident involving G-BXON, the LAA has published
Technical Leaflet 2.30 Converting to a new type4. This contains relevant guidance for
pilots transitioning between aircraft types.
LAA (2018). Technical Leaflet 2.30. Converting to a new type. Issue 1. 19 December 2018. http://www.
Converting%20to%20a%20New%20Type.pdf (accessed on 15/01/2019).
the cabin crew hearing a strange noise during the takeoff, the tailstrike checklist was
not actioned. The aircraft continued to its destination and, after landing, damage was
discovered on the underside of the aircraft.
Safety actions:
As a result of this event the operator issued Safety Information Bulletin No 7/2018 to its
pilots, highlighting the background to it and highlighted the following:
● ‘The flight crew members are advised to strictly follow the provisions of OMB 4.6
● When feeding the Flight Management Computor (FMC) with data that can affect
performance or carrying out a correction, a cross-check shall be initiated before
executing the task,
● To take into consideration the importance of the information provided by the cabin
crew and ATC,
● QRH shall be used any time a non-normal situation occurs (ie NNC Tail Strike).’
While returning to its home airstrip, the aircraft experienced a loss of engine thrust
coincident with an uncommanded increase in engine speed. The pilot made a forced
landing in a ploughed field during which the nosewheel collapsed, resulting in substantial
damage to the aircraft. Subsequent examination of the propeller hub revealed that the
threads on the lead screw within the propeller pitch-change mechanism had been stripped.
This had caused the propeller blades to move to a very fine pitch setting, leading to the
loss of thrust.
Safety actions:
Prior to this accident, the LAA had embarked on a long-term project to transfer aircraft,
engine and propeller information from SPARS5 to a web-based Type Acceptance Data
Sheets (TADS) system, in order to make this information, including Airworthiness
Information Leaflet (AIL), easily available to its
and Safety Action Overview
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The LAA also intends to reissue the AIL originally issued in 2008 for the Arplast PV50
propeller and is currently identifying all LAA aircraft to which this propeller is fitted.
Owners of projects still under construction who may have this propeller but who have not
yet identified the propeller type to the LAA, will be identified when an application for an
initial permit to fly or modification is made.
The LAA published a ‘Safety Spot’ article in the November 2018 issue its ‘Light Aircraft’
magazine, to alert owners to the issues arising from this accident.
When advised that the takeoff runway had changed the pilots recalculated the takeoff
performance from an intersection. This produced a different flap setting, which they did not
notice, despite them cross-checking the information. The aircraft subsequently took off with
an incorrect flap setting for the calculated takeoff performance data.
Safety actions:
● The operator has introduced the use of a takeoff and landing data card on their
Embraer 175 fleet. It believes the process of transferring data from the EFB to the
card could potentially act as an additional safety barrier.
● Changing the format, font or colour of the calculated takeoff speeds and flap setting
on the EFB to make the calculated data stand out differently from the rest of the
inputted data.
Safety actions:
● On 12 February 2019, the engine manufacturer issued Service Bulletin JSB 0143,
which aligned the maintenance requirement for ‘non-approved propellers’ to that
described in the Maintenance Manual.
By the LAA
● The LAA was proactive in highlighting the failures of flywheel attachment bolts after
first becoming aware of the problem.
The pilots were operating the S-92A helicopter on a multi-sector route between platforms
in the Brae field in the northern North Sea, approximately 150 nm north-east of Aberdeen.
On the third sector from the East Brae platform to the Brae Alpha platform, the pilots mis-
identified the Brae Bravo platform as the destination and made an approach to the hover
above the deck of the platform. The radio operator on the Brae Bravo platform told the
pilots that they had made an approach to the wrong deck; following clearance to depart,
the pilots continued the flight without further incident.
The operator stated that it would conduct additional training addressing the task management
requirements and complexity during shuttling6 to prevent a recurrence.
Safety actions:
● Highlight task management during the brief for a shuttling line training flight.
Shuttling is the act of flying between installation helidecks which are less than 10 nm apart.
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Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The AS 350 helicopter suffered tail rotor control problems in flight due to a rupture of the
tail rotor gearbox (TGB) actuating rod. The pilot carried out a successful run-on landing.
On 20 March 2019 the EASA issued Airworthiness Directive 2019-0060, mandating an
inspection of TGB actuation rods to check for
Safety action:
After about six minutes into the flight, a battery low voltage condition was detected by the
UAS causing it to enter an automatic landing mode. Shortly afterwards, while the aircraft
was 20 m above the ground, it powered down and the electric motors stopped, causing
it to fall to the ground. An investigation of this and similar accidents was conducted by
the manufacturer which found that the batteries’ State of Charge (SOC) was indicating
an erroneously high level of charge remaining. Safety actions were taken by the CAA to
introduce operational restrictions while a fix was being found, and by the manufacturer to
develop and ‘push out’ firmware changes to the battery and aircraft.
Safety actions:
A number of safety actions have been made by the aircraft manufacturer and UK
● The DJI Pilot app has been updated to provide a clear warning when the battery
firmware is out of date. The manufacturer is also planning improvements to the
DJI Go 4 app.
● A planned update to the Matrice 200 series user manual will specify that the
DJI Pilot app is recommended and will specify that the batteries contain firmware
that must be individually updated.
● The CAA issued four safety notices and Skywise Alert SW2019/067 to raise
awareness of the battery issues and firmware updates to DJI Matrice 200 series
users, as well as introducing operational limits depending on the version of
firmware installed. These limitations have now been removed with the publication
of Skywise Alert SW2019/116 which also reminded operators to have appropriate
mitigations in place if flying over persons or property.
The aircraft owner was collecting his aircraft after its annual inspection. The pre-flight
checks and takeoff roll were normal. However, just as the aircraft lifted off, the pilot became
aware of smoke in the cockpit. He landed immediately and despite shutting down all the
electrical equipment, the smoke persisted. With the assistance of an engineer, the source
of the smoke and a small fire was identified and extinguished. It was caused by a ‘circuit
track’ in a switch panel, which had been electrically overloaded because of an unidentified
problem with a diode in the standby battery wiring harness. The aircraft manufacturer
has taken several safety actions to ensure the significance of the diode is understood
and have included an additional circuit protection device. The aircraft manuals and circuit
diagrams have also been amended to clarify the circuit maintenance information.
The aircraft manufacturer has examined the switch panel circuit and reviewed this
sequence of events. The position and unremarkable look of the diode was understood
by the manufacturer. In addition, they have also identified that there is a slight risk of
Safety actions:
The following safety actions are being carried out by the manufacturer:
● An update to the parts catalogue, wiring manual and electric CAPS service bulletins
have been released.
engineering drawings for this are now released and will be used in new aircraft.
Safety Recommednation
Issuing new CAPS kits is planned but not released yet. Adding the fused harness
will require another round of revisions for the service bulletins. The fused harness
is field retrofittable and can be installed in existing aircraft and listed as the field
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Safety actions:
● This potentially serious risk to airworthiness was brought to the attention of the
manufacturer, the CAA, EASA and the FAA. The CAA took immediate steps to
inform owners and operators of similarly configured Piper Seneca V aircraft.
● The manufacturer has subsequently issued a mandatory Service Bulletin (No 1337)
which gives instructions to reroute a portion of the emergency power wiring to
improve the clearance from the rudder control cables.
Safety actions:
● In November 2018, the EASA published the European Plan for Aviation Safety
(EPAS) for 2019 – 20237. Rule Making Task 0726 is entitled ‘Rotorcraft occupant
safety in event of a bird strike’.
● In a presentation at the 12th rotorcraft symposium8, the FAA indicated that their
Rotorcraft Standards Branch (RSB) is reviewing the Bird Strike Working Group
report. Further FAA study and evaluation will influence potential rulemaking and
indications are that the RSB will pursue rulemaking in fiscal year 2020. This
will be a multi-year process to achieve a final rule and they will ‘coordinate and
harmonize to maximum extent with EASA’.
● The FAA indicated that they consider pilots and operators to be the first line of
defence. They will consider how to address appropriate rotorcraft flight manual
procedures. These are not considered to be flight limitations but ‘best practices’.
They will continue discussion and studies with industry. Guidance material such
as Advisory Circulars will be issued where appropriate. and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommednation
European Plan for Aviation Safety 2019 – 2023
european-plan-aviation-safety-2019-2023 [Accessed 28 February 2019]
Presentation number 28 Bird Strike Rotorcraft Protection
events/12th-rotorcraft-symposium#group-easa-downloads [Accessed 28 February 2019]
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Safety action:
● The Operations Manual for the Flight Deck Fixed Oxygen Checks has been
updated to include a one-second flow of oxygen to ensure that system pressure is
maintained during the first flight check.
Safety actions:
The UAS operator is updating its procedures to include the following checks:
● Before any new aircraft / payload combination is flown, its actual weight will be
established and recorded, by weighing, to ensure it is within specified limits.
● Before any new app or software is flown, confirmation, in writing, of its compatibility
with other equipment by either the airframe manufacturer or the app developer
is required.
Lidar is a surveying device that uses laser light to measure distances.
Coffee was spilled onto the commander’s audio control panel (ACP). This resulted in
failure of his ACP and later, the ACP on the co-pilot’s side. During the failures, the ACPs
became very hot and produced an electrical burning smell
and smoke. The commander decided to divert to Shannon,
Republic of Ireland. The failure of two ACPs caused
significant communication difficulty for the flight crew. The
operator has taken safety action to reduce the chance of
Safety action:
During a demonstration flight, the UAS dropped to the ground from a height of 50 m when
the electric motors stopped, despite the battery being fully charged. The UAS struck the
ground and was destroyed in the subsequent post-impact fire. The UAS manufacturer
determined that the loss of power was caused by the battery not being fully locked in
Safety action:
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Safety action:
Dundee Airport conducted an investigation into the event and plan to take two actions
resulting from their investigation. A taxi speed limit is to be inserted into the warnings
section of the textual data of the Aeronautical Infomation Publication (AIP) document
for Dundee Airport. The airport also plans to reduce the severity of the lip between the
grass and the main apron surface at the point where Taxiway E joins the main apron.
A louder than usual noise was observed from an avionics vent fan before flight. During
flight the noise increased and vibration became apparent. The crew then noticed a strong
burning smell so they donned their oxygen masks and diverted the flight. An Electronic
Centralised Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) message, associated with an avionics ventilation
system fault, was generated and the crew performed the associated actions.
A subsequent investigation revealed the cause of the event to be worn bearings in the
avionics extract fan. The fan manufacturer and the aircraft manufacturer both took safety
action to prevent similar incidents in future.
Safety actions:
and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommendation
Fan manufacturer
The aircraft’s takeoff clearance was cancelled because a maintenance vehicle that had
been manoeuvring on an adjacent taxiway entered the runway. The vehicle driver had
become disorientated.
Safety actions:
The airport operator has carried out the following safety actions;
● A runway safety guide has been produced by Heathrow Airport Limited for issue
to contractors holding A Class driving permits but driving airside on manoeuvring
areas and runways.
The right main undercarriage was not locked down and retracted under the weight of the
aircraft on landing.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
It is likely the undercarriage was serviceable and capable of operating correctly, but
excessive air load or incomplete selection of the undercarriage lever to the down position
meant that the hydraulic system returned to idle before the undercarriage was locked down.
The undercarriage warning horn operated as intended but the right undercarriage down
switch was stuck closed, providing an incorrect indication that the undercarriage was safe.
The pilot’s previous experience and incomplete knowledge of the systems fitted to G-CTIX
led him to believe that the green down indication alone confirmed that the undercarriage
was safe.
Safety actions:
As part of the repairs and return to service, the Operator has taken the following safety
action to standardise the operation and functionality of its Spitfires:
● Individual switches for the undercarriage down position and the warning horn have
been replaced with a single switch for both purposes.
● A switch has been added to the throttle quadrant so that the undercarriage warning
horn will sound if the throttle is closed, flaps are down and the undercarriage
position switch is not closed.
● Having reviewed the circumstances of the accident, the operator held a safety
briefing for its pilots aimed in part at improving their awareness of the various
undercarriage operating and indication systems fitted to its aircraft.
● Recognising the differences between different marks of the same basic design,
and the fact that aircraft have been fitted with a variety of systems that are not
necessarily original, the operator intends to provide its pilots with handling notes
for each aircraft that correctly describe the systems currently fitted to it.
The aircraft had landed at Southampton and was being taxied to its allocated stand.
The No 1 engine had been shut down in accordance with the operator’s SOPs. As it
approached the stand, at walking pace, the commander applied the brakes, which had no
effect and the aircraft hit signage and the rotating No 2 (right) propeller struck a nearby
ground power unit (GPU). The accident was caused by the aircraft standby (hydraulic)
and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommendation
power unit (SPU) not being selected to on. This selection was normally made during the
approach checks. However, on this occasion, the approach checks were not completed
prior to landing. This meant that the aircraft mainwheel brakes did not work with the No 1
engine shut down. During the collision the aircraft sustained damage to the nose fuselage
behind the radome, a nose landing gear door and right propeller tips.
The Operator considers several safety barriers failed in the lead up and during the
accident. The approach checks and after landing checklist should have captured the
incorrect aircraft configuration. The use of the emergency brakes may have prevented
the outcome.
Safety actions:
Because of this event, the Operator has carried out a safety study looking into previous
occurrences. This has produced several additional observations to be considered,
regarding the approach checklist design and the single engine taxi risk assessment.
In addition, a Notice to Air Crew (NOTAC) has been raised implementing a No 1 hydraulic
system check during taxi.
During taxi the pilot manoeuvred the aircraft to the left to avoid a Piper PA-28 parked on the
right side of the taxiway. Whilst he was looking to the right to ensure sufficient clearance from
the PA-28, he was also looking ahead to identify the centreline, which he found difficult due
to road markings on the apron. The road markings were white and faded with older markings
visible. As he was attempting to regain the centreline the aircraft’s left wing tip struck a large
metal generator which was positioned close to the left apron edge. The pilot stated that the
colour of the generator blended with the hangar behind and he had not noticed it.
The aircraft slewed to the left and came to rest after the nose struck an articulated lorry
parked next to the generator.
Safety actions:
An aerodrome inspector from the CAA visited Redhill after the accident and inspected
the apron. The following changes were agreed with the airport operator: and Safety Action Overview
● The existing edge of white road marking will remain in front of the hangars.
Safety Recommednation
● A red safety line (behind which aircraft will be parked) will be marked 6 m from the
other side of the yellow centreline.
● Instructions to aircraft operators will be issued to ensure that the main wheels of
parked aircraft are pushed back on to the edge of the grass.
● A warning will be added to the UK AIP10 to request that pilots unsure of wing tip
clearance request assistance.
Aeronautical Information Publication.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
The aircraft was being pushed back from its stand by a ‘towbarless’ tug when the pilots
detected a “major shake” from the aircraft nose landing gear. On inspection, damage was
found on the torque link pivot of the nose landing gear and the aircraft had to be taken
out of service. The damage had been the result of incorrect alignment of the tug lifting
paddles. This was caused by the tug laser alignment system being lined up on the nose
gear main forging whilst the nosewheels were 10° to 15° off centre. Correct alignment
with the nosewheels is vital. Lining up on the nose gear leg, rather than the nosewheels,
potentially leads to misalignments of up to 250 mm. This can result in significant damage
to the components on the lower articulated part of the nose landing gear on this and many
other aircraft types.
Safety actions:
The handling company have taken four safety actions to prevent recurrence.
● The towbarless tug training was reviewed to confirm the correct procedures are
being taught. There is now a specific emphasis made on the requirement to
ensure the tug is always aligned with the nosewheels.
● Pushback crews have been briefed to be more aware of the importance of the
nosewheel position and have been asked to make the aircraft crew aware that, if
possible, the nosewheels should be straight.
● The handling company are consulting with the tug manufacturer to identify and if
possible, trial a system, that warns the tug operator of wheel misalignment.
● The A320 has been identified as the most potentially susceptible aircraft type
to sustain nose landing gear damage whilst using the TLD 200MT tug. When
possible on the A320 series of aircraft, the handling company will use either the
conventional tow bar and tug or the TLD 100E towbarless tug.
The DJI Inspire 2 UAS was returning from a surveillance flight when it unexpectedly yawed
and uncontrollably descended, contacting the ground. An object was seen to be released
from the aircraft prior to the loss of control which was thought to be a part of a propeller
and Safety Action Overview
blade. The operator has implemented safety action as a result of this investigation.
Safety Recommendation
Safety actions:
During warm starts the operator has introduced physical checks, including an inspection
of the propellers, before the next flight.
The operator has also instructed its pilots not to overfly people.
Safety actions:
Following this incident, the handling agent acted to prevent a reoccurrence of the incident:
● A training awareness training module was developed covering the use of pushback
tugs and gear selection.
● Refresher training was instigated for headset procedures and action to be taken in
the event of a shear pin to bar head separation.
● A Safety App was developed that all managers and supervisory assessment staff
could use on pushback and/or headset evaluation.
Safety action:
The LAA has recommended that all UK-registered Colomban Luciole aircraft be
modified to the higher heat-resistant fuel pipe specification.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
EI-SEV was taxiing to park on Stand 22 (S22) at East Midlands Airport (EMA) and the
routing passed behind G-GDFB on Stand 24 (S24). As EI-SEV passed behind G-GDFB its
winglet struck the other aircraft’s right horizontal stabiliser.
Safety actions:
● The airport operator closed Stand 22 pending a safety review and conducted
a survey of parking stands across the airport to identify any similar aircraft taxi
separation hazards.
● The operators of both aircraft alerted their EMA-based flight crew to the hazard of
reduced separation when using Stands 20 to 25.
● The operator of EI-SEV issued a Company NOTAM to alert its pilots to the reduced
separation hazard on Stands 20 to 25 at EMA.
After an uneventful local flight the pilot was returning to Shotteswell Airfield at an altitude
of 2,100 ft when he noticed the engine speed suddenly increase. He observed that the
pusher propeller had detached from the aircraft and so he shut the engine down and
commenced a glide descent back to Shotteswell Airfield,
which was approximately 1 nm to the north. A successful
power-off landing was made.
and Safety Action Overview
Safety Recommendation
Safety action:
Following this event, the engine manufacturer issued a safety notice11 to all owners and
operators of the Mini 3 engine, requiring the eccentric bearing support to be replaced
before the next flight.
After an uneventful takeoff from London Heathrow the flight crew were informed that the
aircraft was 953 kg heavier than indicated on the load sheet. The flight crew corrected
the figures in the aircraft’s flight management computer and the flight continued without
The load sheet error occurred because a consignment of mail was initially recorded twice
in the operator’s computer load management system. A correction was applied by both
the dispatcher and by an electronic message from the cargo company, which resulted in
both entries being removed.
Safety actions:
The handling agent has taken safety action to remind all dispatchers of the importance
of checking that the load sheet reflects the actual loading of the aircraft. They have also
changed work patterns to ensure dispatchers will remain familiar with the IT systems
used by all the operators they service.
The operator has taken safety action by asking for all future occurrence for duplicate
cargo figure to be report to them so that they can determine the cause.
Simonini Racing SRL Security Campaign No. 1, 31 May 2019.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review 2019 Air Accidents Investigation Branch
aal above airfield level lb pound(s)
ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System LP low pressure
ACARS Automatic Communications And Reporting System LAA Light Aircraft Association
ADF Automatic Direction Finding equipment LDA Landing Distance Available
AFIS(O) Aerodrome Flight Information Service (Officer) LPC Licence Proficiency Check
agl above ground level m metre(s)
AIC Aeronautical Information Circular mb millibar(s)
amsl above mean sea level MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
AOM Aerodrome Operating Minima METAR a timed aerodrome meteorological report
APU Auxiliary Power Unit min minutes
ASI airspeed indicator mm millimetre(s)
ATC(C)(O) Air Traffic Control (Centre)( Officer) mph miles per hour
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service MTWA Maximum Total Weight Authorised
ATPL Airline Transport Pilot’s Licence N Newtons
BMAA British Microlight Aircraft Association NR Main rotor rotation speed (rotorcraft)
BGA British Gliding Association Ng Gas generator rotation speed (rotorcraft)
BBAC British Balloon and Airship Club N1 engine fan or LP compressor speed
BHPA British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association NDB Non-Directional radio Beacon
CAA Civil Aviation Authority nm nautical mile(s)
CAVOK Ceiling And Visibility OK (for VFR flight) NOTAM Notice to Airmen
CAS calibrated airspeed OAT Outside Air Temperature
cc cubic centimetres OPC Operator Proficiency Check
CG Centre of Gravity PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
cm centimetre(s) PF Pilot Flying
CPL Commercial Pilot’s Licence PIC Pilot in Command
°C,F,M,T Celsius, Fahrenheit, magnetic, true PM Pilot Monitoring
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder POH Pilot’s Operating Handbook
DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder PPL Private Pilot’s Licence
DME Distance Measuring Equipment psi pounds per square inch
EAS equivalent airspeed QFE altimeter pressure setting to indicate height
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency above aerodrome
ECAM Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring QNH altimeter pressure setting to indicate
EGPWS Enhanced GPWS elevation amsl
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature RA Resolution Advisory
EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System RFFS Rescue and Fire Fighting Service
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio rpm revolutions per minute
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival RTF radiotelephony
ETD Estimated Time of Departure RVR Runway Visual Range
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (USA) SAR Search and Rescue
FIR Flight Information Region SB Service Bulletin
FL Flight Level SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
ft feet TA Traffic Advisory
ft/min feet per minute TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
g acceleration due to Earth’s gravity TAS true airspeed
GPS Global Positioning System TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System
hrs hours (clock time as in 1200 hrs) TODA Takeoff Distance Available
HP high pressure UA Unmanned Aircraft
hPa hectopascal (equivalent unit to mb) UAS Unmanned Aircraft System
IAS indicated airspeed USG US gallons
IFR Instrument Flight Rules UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time (GMT)
ILS Instrument Landing System V Volt(s)
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions V1 Takeoff decision speed
IP Intermediate Pressure V2 Takeoff safety speed
IR Instrument Rating VR Rotation speed
ISA International Standard Atmosphere VREF Reference airspeed (approach)
kg kilogram(s) VNE Never Exceed airspeed
KCAS knots calibrated airspeed VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator
KIAS knots indicated airspeed VFR Visual Flight Rules
KTAS knots true airspeed VHF Very High Frequency
km kilometre(s) VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
kt knot(s) VOR VHF Omnidirectional radio Range
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Annual Safety Review