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Project Callisto Search Quality Review Module 2 - Version 3

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Lowest Quality Pages

Section 4: What are Lowest Quality Pages?

Lowest Quality Pages are untrustworthy, deceptive, harmful to people or society, or have other
highly undesirable characteristics. The considerations for Lowest quality include quality of the
Main Content (MC), reputation, E-E-A-T, etc., but there are special checks you will need to
complete first.

Initial Consideration Lowest Quality Pages

The Lowest rating is required if the page has a harmful

The purpose of the page purpose, or if it is designed to deceive people about its true
purpose or who is responsible for the content on the page.

The Lowest rating is required if the Main Content (MC) is

The potential for the page to cause harm as described in these
harmful to self or others, harmful to specified groups, or
contains harmfully misleading information.

A page on any topic or any type of website may qualify for

The topic of the page, the type of website, and the extent to Lowest. Give special scrutiny to pages or websites needing a
which YMYL standards apply high level of trust, such as online stores, medical websites, or
news coverage of major civic issues.

Types of Lowest Quality Pages

Click on the following to learn more about the different types of lowest quality pages:


 Cause harm to individuals or groups.

 Pages that encourage depict, incite or directly cause physical, mental emotional or
financial harm.

 Promote, condone, or incite violence or hatred against a specific group.

 Misleading Information, Pages that misinform people in a way that could cause harm


 Deceptive or manipulate people.

 Pages or websites that are deceptive or have untrustworthy characteristics.


 Intentionally created without proper Main Content (MC) or gibberish MC, and can be
hacked or defaced.

 Pages with characteristics of web spam.

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals

 Lowest rating for content encouraging harm to individuals.

 Includes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm.

Harmful to Specific Groups

 Lowest rating for content promoting hatred against specified groups

 Defined groups based on various characteristics, for example: age, caste, disability,
Ethnicity, gender Identity and Expression, Nationality, Race, Religion, Sex/Gender

 Tone and intent considerations discussed, must be serious or mean-spirited

Untrustworthy Webpages

The "Lowest" rating should be used for pages or websites you strongly suspect are engaging in
deceptive or malicious practices.

Characteristics that should be considered Untrustworthy:

Inadequate information

Inadequate information about the website or content creator for its purpose

Lowest E-E-A-T

Lowest E-E-A-T or Lowest reputation

Deceptive purpose

Deceptive purpose, deceptive page design, or deceptive intent

Deliberately obstructed

Deliberately obstructed or obscured MC

Characteristics of scams

Characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior

Manipulative Website

Any webpage or website designed to manipulate people into actions that benefit the website or
other organization while causing harm to self, others, or Specified Groups

Multiple or Significant Factual Inaccuracies

Any inaccuracies on an informational page which would cause users to lose trust in the webpage as
a reliable source of information, would be rated with a "Lowest" rating
Examples of Lowest Quality: Untrustworthy Pages

 Multiple, obvious and odd factual inaccuracies

 Lowest E-E-A-T

PQ Rating and Explanation

This page appears to be an informational article about the animal the praying

Factual inaccuracies and odd statements exist in the section titled “Praying
Mantises Are Not Poisonous”: "In contrast to praying mollies, which are mostly
solitary creatures that avoid human interaction, praying mollusks are more closely
related to God. There are no poisonous snakes, and there are no venomous

Odd, factually inaccurate and/or misleading statements:

● The section suddenly refers to praying mantises as “praying mollies” - a name

does that isn’t supported through a quick web search

● Praying mollusks do not exist - there is no such animal

● Statements about animals and their relation to God are not what one would
expect on an informational page like this

● Poisonous snakes exist

It is unlikely a human author would make these odd statements and obvious
mistakes. It's likely this content was auto-generated with no human editing.

No matter how this content was created, the odd statements and factual
inaccuracies make this article untrustworthy and therefore Lowest E-E-A-T and
Lowest quality.

Harmfully Misleading Information

 Pages that mislead people in ways that can cause harm to people and society.

 There is an especially high standard for accuracy on clear YMYL topics or other topics
where inaccurate information can cause harm.
Inadequate Information and E-E-A-T

 For pages that require a high level of trust, information about who created the content and
who is responsible for the content is critical

 YMYL pages or websites that handle sensitive data with absolutely no information about
the website or content creator should be rated Lowest

 If the E-E-A-T of a page is low enough, people cannot or should not use the Main Content
(MC) of the page. If a page on YMYL topics is highly inexpert, it should be considered
Untrustworthy and rated Lowest

 Extremely negative reputation

Deceptive Page Purpose and Main Content (MC) Design

 These pages or websites superficially appear to have one purpose, but in fact exist for
a different reason

 All pages with a deceptive purpose and/or deceptive MC should be rated Lowest because
pages that engage in deception are Untrustworthy

Obstructed or Obscured Main Content (MC)

Pages are untrustworthy if the Main Content (MC) is deliberately obstructed or obscured due to
Ads, Supplementary Content (SC), interstitial pages, download links or other content that is
beneficial to the website owner but not necessarily the website visitor. Attempts to manipulate or
coerce users away from the MC is evidence of untrustworthiness.

Important: Remember that many websites need monetization to share content with
users. The presence of Ads alone is not enough for Lowest.
Suspected Malicious Behavior

Use the Lowest rating if you strongly suspect a page is malicious or harmful even without having
proof. Any of the following should be considered untrustworthy:

Scams: Pages or websites that you strongly suspect are scams

Personal Information: Pages that ask for personal information without a legitimate reason

Phishing Pages: Pages that appear to “phish” for passwords to Facebook, Gmail, or other popular
online services

Malware Pages: Pages with links that you strongly suspect are malware downloads

Spammy Webpages

When we show up to the present moment with all of our senses, we invite the world to fill us with
joy. The pains of the past are behind us. The future has yet to unfold. But the now is full of beauty
simply waiting for our attention.

Cannot Determine Purpose or Lowest MC Quality

All pages should be created with sufficient Main Content (MC) quality so that the page can achieve
its purpose. Lowest rating for pages lacking clear purpose or MC.

Hacked, Defaced, or Spammed Pages

Websites can become hacked, defaced, or filled with a large amount of distracting and unhelpful
content from bad actors. These pages should be rated Lowest because they fail to achieve their
original purpose.

Auto-generated Main Content

Add Pages and websites made up of auto-generated content with no editing or manual curation,
and no original content or value added for users, should be rated Lowest.

Section 5: Ads and Lowest Quality Pages

Distracting Ads

 Ads and SC are expected to be visible but shouldn’t make it difficult to use Main Content

 A single pop-over Ad or interstitial page with a clear and easy-to-use close button is okay

 Not okay: difficult to close ads, sexually suggestive images, shocking images

Negative reputation of website or content creator

 Research the reputation of the content creator

 A lack of reputation information for ordinary people and lesser-known content creators is
expected and okay
Not enough information about creator

 Pages that offer payment functionality or process other types of financial transactions
should receive a Low rating if there is an unsatisfying amount of customer service
information or contact information

 Pages on YMYL topics and other pages that require a high level of user trust should receive
a Low rating if there is an unsatisfying amount of information about who is responsible for
the website or who created the content

 For forums, social media pages, and other websites where people commonly exchange
opinions, a username is an acceptable identifier

E-E-A-T & Low quality content

When we show up to the present moment with all of our senses, we invite the world to fill us with
joy. The pains of the past are behind us. The future has yet to unfold. But the now is full of beauty
simply waiting for our attention.

 Creator lacks experience

o Example: Restaurant review for person who never been there

 Creator lacks expertise

o Example: Article about quantum physics from random person

 Creator is not trustworthy for the topic

o Example: Cooking page with tax returns advice

 Page is not trustworthy for its purpose

o Example: Shopping page with minimal customer service info

Inaccuracies = Low quality

Harmful inaccuracies (or too many) = Lowest rating

Signs of Low Effort

 Filler content (especially at beginning of page to force user to scroll down)

 Using commonly known facts (Argentina is a country)

 Images from other sources (so you don’t have to create own), a lot of large pictures
Low Quality Main Content Examples

 List of best vacuum cleaners with images and reviews from other sources with no signs of
effort or original content

 Top 10 world destinations using pictures and existing lists of other people

 Page with title “how many cm are in m” and there is a lot of filler information. It is difficult
to find an answer

Low Quality Title Examples

 Title "Pink Elephant: Part 2 coming soon!" with only speculations and rumors

 Title "Is the World about to End? Mysterious Sightings of Sea Serpents Prompt Panic!" with
info about dead fish

There are low quality pages which do not meet the standards for the rating lowest. They have
similar though milder undesirable characteristics:

Reviewing the Page Criteria for Low Page

Identifying Low Quality Pages

 Purpose of page: beneficial or non-  Quality of MC: no effort, originality,

harmful purpose talent or skill

 Potential to cause harm: no or mild  Title: misleading, shocking,

potential exaggerated

 Topic of page/Type of  Role of Ads and Supplementary

website: any topic/type may qualify for Content (SC): they significantly distract
Low or interfere with use

 Information provided: not enough info

about content creator. For personal
content shared on social media,
alias/username is ok

 Reputation: mildly negative reputation

of website/content creator

 Trustworthiness: inadequate level of

Examples of Low Quality Pages
Unsatisfying MC, lacks accuracy, low E-E-A-T

Info about energy sources/nuclear power can significantly impact global industries. YMYL topic.

Unsatisfying MC, distracting ads

Low E-E-A-T, lack of effort

Unsatisfying MC, low E-E-A-T

Adopting impact health and well being families. YMYL topic.

Low E-E-A-T

There is no evidence that the author has medical expertise. Because this article gives advice on a
YMYL medical topic, lacking expertise is a reason for a Low rating.

Medium Quality Pages

Section 6: Medium Quality Pages

Medium pages have a beneficial purpose and achieve their purpose. There is nothing wrong with
Medium quality pages. Expect to encounter many Medium quality pages in PQ rating tasks.
Identifying Page Content for Medium Quality
Medium quality pages have a beneficial or non-harmful
The purpose of the page

The potential for the page to cause harm as described in these

Medium quality pages are not expected to cause harm.

A page on any topic or any type of website may qualify for

The topic of the page, the type of website, and the extent to
which YMYL standards apply
Give special scrutiny to pages on YMYL topics or websites
needing a high level of trust, such as online stores.

The title of the page Medium quality pages have titles that summarize the page.

The Ads and SC do not block or significantly interfere with the

MC on Medium quality pages.
The role of Ads and Supplementary Content (SC)on the page
Note: Many websites need monetization to share content with
users. The presence or absence of Ads alone is not a
consideration for PQ rating.

Medium quality pages have adequate information about the

website and content creator for the purpose of the page. For
stores or websites that process financial transactions, examine
Information provided by the website and content creator the customer service information.

Note: For personal content shared on social media platforms or

forums, an alias or username is adequate.

The following are the areas of the page we would take into consideration for medium quality:

Next, we want to assess the page to determine if the following "Medium" criteria applies:

MC created with adequate effort, originality, talent, or skill such

Quality of the Main Content (MC)
that the page achieves its purpose.

Not especially positive nor especially negative: Reputation

Reputation of the website and content creator information found about the website or content creator is not
concerning, but not positive enough to justify a higher rating

Trustworthiness of the page: E-E-A-T Adequate level of E-E-A-T for the purpose of the page.
Types of Medium Quality Pages

There are two types of Medium Quality Pages:

 Nothing wrong, but nothing special - All of the Medium Page Quality considerations and
criteria apply

 Mixed, but with some redeeming qualities - The page or website has some signs of High
quality (E-E-A-T, quality of the MC, positive reputation), but also has one sign or mild signs
of Low quality.

High Quality Pages

Section 7: High Quality Pages

High quality pages serve a beneficial purpose and achieve that purpose well.

The following are the areas of the page we would take into consideration for high quality:

The purpose of the page High quality pages have a beneficial purpose.

The potential for the page to cause harm as described in these

High quality pages are not expected to cause harm.

A page on any topic or any type of website may qualify for High.
The topic of the page, the type of website, and the extent to
which YMYL standards apply
A page on any topic or any type of website may qualify for High.

The title of the page High quality pages have titles that summarize the page.

The Ads and SC do not block or significantly interfere with the

Main Content (MC) on High quality pages.
The role of Ads and Supplementary Content (SC) on the page
Note: Many websites need monetization to share content with
users. The presence or absence of Ads alone is not a
consideration for PQ rating.

Next, we want to assess the page to determine if the following "High" criteria applies:

MC created with a high level of effort, originality, talent, or skill

Quality of the Main Content (MC)
such that the page achieves its purpose well.

Reputation of the website and content creator Positive reputation of the website for the topic of the page.

Positive reputation of the content creator for the topic of the


Trustworthiness of the page: E-E-A-T High level of E-E-A-T for the purpose of the page.

High Quality vs Low Quality Main Content

High Quality Main Content should satisfy people when they visit the page. For informational pages,
High quality MC must be accurate and consistent with well-established expert consensus when
such consensus exists.

If you aren't sure whether the content is high quality, try finding other pages on the same topic to
help calibrate your assessment: "typical" and "average" pages on a topic generally have Medium
(not High) quality Main Content (MC).

High Quality MC Low Quality MC

Low Level of Effort:

High Level of Effort:
The MC shows signs of a lack of effort by the website or content
The website or content creators worked hard to create content
that achieves the purpose of the page. The MC is well-
organized, edited, and curated to support the purpose.
Examples:  The MC shows signs of a lack of effort by the website or
content creators.
 A news article with accuracy, depth, and clarity
 Lack of content creation: A forum post with little
 A Q&A page or forum post with meaningful discussion
discussion or only superficial comments
by multiple participants
 Lack of organization: A crafting tutorial page with lots
 A well-organized crafting tutorial page with clear,
of unhelpful "filler" at the top and little effort put into
helpful instructions so that others can make the craft
explaining how to make the craft (the purpose of the
page) at the bottom

High Originality: Low Originality:

 The MC is unique or original to the website

 Information is summarized from other sources with
 Original photos or video footage produced by the
little added value
website or content creator
 Photos or videos come from other sources
 The content on the page is unique to the content
creators, such as a personal perspective based on first-  A summary of the perspectives of others, such as
hand life experience summarizing product reviews written by others

High Level of Talent Or Skill: Low Level of Talent Or Skill:

 The MC showcases the talent of the creator, e.g. a  A lack of adequate talent or skill prevents the page
video of a talented content creator dancing from achieving its purpose, e.g. a how-to article on
plumbing by someone who does not have the
 The MC allows the page to achieve its purpose well
necessary skill to explain the steps accurately
because the content creator has talent or skill, e.g. a
how-to article on plumbing by a skilled plumber

High Quality Content Reputation

 Positive reputation of the website can be a reason for a High rating if the website is
responsible for the MC

o If the website is not responsible for the MC (e.g., posts on social media), positive
reputation of creator(s) can be a reason for the High rating

 Non-YMYL topics: reputation information may be less formal

o Popularity, user engagement, and user reviews can be considered evidence of

reputation for non-YMYL websites

High Level of E-E-A-T

Depending on the purpose of the page, topic, and type of website, a high level of E-E-A-T may be
required for the page to achieve its purpose well and be considered High quality. Think about the
topic of the page. What kind of E-E-A-T is required for the page to achieve its purpose well?

•Experience is valuable for almost any topic. First-hand experience can make a page very high
quality. Social media posts and forum discussions are often High quality when they involve people
sharing their experience.

•Expertise is required for satisfying content on a variety of topics. Think about the topic of the
page and what expertise is needed to create satisfying, trustworthy content.

•Authoritative pages of all types can be found. Examples of these types of sites are government tax
websites, local businesses, and organizations. These pages are a "go-to" for local information.
When looking at a page or website, consider whether it is considered a go-to, authoritative source
for the type of information it is displaying.

•Trust is especially important for High quality pages that involve processing financial transactions
or cover YMYL topics. Even if the page topic is not YMYL, trust is still required even if it is not of
high level.
Highest Quality Pages
Section 8: Highest Quality Pages

Highest quality pages serve a beneficial purpose and achieve that purpose very well. The
distinction between High and Highest is based on the quality of MC, the reputation of the website
and content creator, and/or E-E-A-T.

The following are the areas of the page we would take into consideration for highest quality:

The purpose of the page Highest quality pages have a beneficial purpose.

The potential for the page to cause harm as described in these

Highest quality pages are not expected to cause harm.

A page on any topic or any type of website may qualify for

The topic of the page, the type of website, and the extent to Highest.
which YMYL standards apply Give special scrutiny to pages on YMYL topics or websites
needing a high level of trust, such as online stores.

The Ads and SC do not block or significantly interfere with the

MC on Highest quality pages.
The title of the page
Note: Many websites need monetization to share content with
users. The presence or absence of Ads alone is not a
consideration for PQ rating.

Highest quality pages have adequate information about the

website and content creator for the purpose of the page. For
stores or websites that process financial transactions, examine
Information provided by the website and content creator the customer service information.

Note: For personal content shared on social media platforms or

forums, an alias or username is adequate.

Next, we want to assess the page to determine if the following "Highest" criteria applies:

MC created with a very high level of effort, originality, talent, or

Quality of the Main Content (MC)
skill such that the page achieves its purpose very well.

Very positive reputation of the website for the topic of the

Reputation of the website and content creator
Very positive reputation of the content creator for the topic of
the MC.

Trustworthiness of the page: E-E-A-T Very high level of E-E-A-T for the purpose of the page.
Very High Quality Main Content (MC)

Very high quality MC should be highly satisfying for people visiting the page. The standards for
Highest quality MC may be very different depending on the purpose, topic, and type of website.
Very high quality MC shows evidence of a high level of effort, originality, talent, or skill. The Highest
rating may be justified for pages with very satisfying MC created with a very high level of effort,
originality, talent, or skill.

For news

Original reporting that provides information that would not otherwise have been known had the
article not revealed it. Accurate, original, in-depth, and investigative reporting requires a high level
of skill/talent and effort. Very high quality news content will include a description of primary
sources and other original reporting referenced during the content creation process. Very high
quality news content must be accurate and should meet professional journalistic standards.

For artistic content (videos, images, photography, writing, etc.)

Unique and original content created by highly skilled and talented artists or content creators. Such
artistic content requires a high level of skill/talent and effort. If the artistic content is related to a
YMYL topic (e.g., artistic content with the purpose of informing or swaying opinion about YMYL
topics), YMYL standards should apply.

For informational content

Original, accurate, comprehensive, clearly communicated, and should reflect expert consensus as
appropriate. Expectations for different types of information may vary. For example, scientific
papers have a different set of expectations than a social media post sharing information about a
hobby such as stamp collecting. However, all types of very high quality informational content share
common characteristics of accuracy and clarity of communication, in addition to meeting
standards appropriate to the topic or field.

Very Positive Reputation

Reputation research is important when giving Highest ratings. For YMYL topics, very positive
reputation is often based on recommendations from known experts or professional societies
appropriate to the topic of the page. For non-YMYL topics, reputation information may be less
formal. Popularity, user engagement, and user reviews can be considered evidence of reputation
for non-YMYL websites.

Note: Many smaller websites and ordinary people have little reputation information. A page can
still receive a highest rating without reputation information.
Very High Level of E-E-A-T

Very high E-E-A-T is a distinguishing factor for Highest quality pages. Think about what E-E-A-T
means for the topic of the page. How important is first-hand experience? Who are the experts?
What makes a source highly authoritative for the topic? What makes a website or content creator
trustworthy for the topic? Standards for very high E-E-A-T will differ depending on the topic of the
•A website or content creator who is the uniquely authoritative, go-to source for a topic has very
high E-E-A-T.

•A content creator with a wealth of experience may be considered to have very high E-E-A-T for
topics where experience is the primary factor in trust

•A very high level of expertise can justify a very high E-E-A-T assessment.

•Very high E-E-A-T websites and content creators are the most trusted sources on the internet for
a particular topic.

Page Quality Criteria for Specific Types of Pages

Section 9: Ratings for Encyclopedia Pages

 High and Highest quality ratings only for encyclopedias with very good reputations for
accuracy and expertise

 Wikipedia: Good reputation however there is no single author or organization that

vouches for the accuracy of Wikipedia articles, generally:

o Non-YMYL topic with satisfying about of information and trustworthy external

references can usually be rated in the High range

o Less extensive main content and external references can be rated Medium

o Articles with little main content and factual inaccuracy is a sufficient reason for a
Low or even Lowest rating

Ratings for Pages with Error Messages or No MC

In PQ rating tasks, you may encounter pages with error messages or other types of "broken" pages.
Please think about whether the page offers help for users or did the website owner make an effort
to ensure that users visiting the page have a good experience and get help finding what they are
looking for?

Pages with error message or other types of broken links:

 Often Low quality but depends on help offer for users

 High rating may be used for the rare error message page that involves a high level of effort
and original content
Ratings for Forums and Q&A Pages
Ratings for forum and Q&A pages can be challenging, generally:

Main Content: The Main Content includes the question, the answers/responses, and the resulting

Rating: Rate from the point of view of a user who visits the page , rather than a participant
involved in the discussion

Users: Users who post answers/responses or comments are often identified only by a username or
alias. A page can be High or Highest quality with just usernames or aliases depending on other

E-E-A-T: The E-E-A-T of a discussion among users can often be judged by the posts or comments

 For some topics, Experience is the most important dimension of Trust. For other topics,
assessing Expertise through the posts may be important. In some cases, the posters
themselves will highlight either their own Experience or Expertise, or other people will
comment on it

 Pages on YMYL topics require more attention to Trust and more care in the assessment of

High/High Quality forums & Q/A Pages

Have satisfying conversations that involve many participants, some of whom put a great deal of
effort into their posts and have a wealth of Experience and/or Expertise on the topic. Such
conversations can be very satisfying because of the depth of discussion, the unique insights, or the
sharing of experiences that many would not have access to in their real-world community

Low quality forum/Q&A pages

Often lack effort (few responses, surface-level rather than in-depth discussion), lack Experience or
Expertise, contain mild inaccuracies, or show a significant lack of respect or decorum among the
participants that might deter others from joining the discussion

Lowest quality forum/Q&A pages

May contain information or advice that is harmfully misleading, contradicts well-established expert
consensus, encourages harm towards self or other individuals/participants, etc
Page Quality Rating
Section 10: Page Quality Tasks

At first glance, rating Page Quality appears to be very involved and difficult as there are several
items to consider. However once you learn what to review, rating moves faster. It is VERY
important to give your best rating and move on. Though we want to ensure quality by choosing
the correct rating, we do not want to struggle with spending too much time on the task.

If you are having trouble deciding between two ratings, use the lower rating. If you are torn
between three ratings, choose the one in the middle.

Consider the following when rating:

 Do not consider the country or location of the page or website for PQ rating.

 The guidelines are specific to "regular" webpages. Occasionally, you may be asked to rate
a landing page that is not a webpage. In this case, please use your judgment.

 Page Quality Rating Guideline does not completely cover every aspect of page quality. If
you find pages that you truly believe to be High or Low quality, please rate them as such,
even if the reason is based on something not covered in these guidelines. As always, use
your judgment.

Instructions for Rating Page Quality Tasks

The Page Quality Task page is divided into the following:

1. You answer questions about the task landing page

2. A "PQ grid" to record your observations about PQ characteristics of the landing page

3. The Overall PQ rating slider which records your Overall PQ rating

4. A comment box to explain your rating

Some results to the initial questions will end the task early. If the page is Porn, Foreign Language,
Did Not Load, or consists of restricted or inaccessible MC (e.g., subscription is required to view
MC), you will not fill in the PQ grid or assign an overall rating.

The PQ grid is designed to be your "note pad." It allows you to record your observations about
the landing page and the website it belongs to.

 Foreign Language should not be used when the language on the landing page is in the
task language, a language that is commonly used by a significant percentage of the
population in the task location, or English.

 Did Not Load should be used for pages where there is absolutely no content on the page
created by the website. There is no MC, SC, or Ads on the page.
Section 11: Page Quality Rating FAQs

Why do we have to do all these steps? This takes a long time.

With practice, the amount of time needed for accurate PQ ratings will decrease. The steps are
important and are designed to help you assess many different aspects of PQ. Pages that initially
look Low quality may turn out to be Medium or High quality with careful inspection.

Are we just giving high quality ratings to pages that "look" good?

No! The goal is to do the exact opposite. These steps are designed to help you to analyze the page
without using a superficial “does it look good?” approach.

Is sharing a personal experience or opinion a beneficial purpose? What if the personal opinion is
upsetting or offensive?

Can life experience justify a Highest quality rating for a page on a YMYL topic?

Factual information and advice on YMYL topics should come from experts.

You talked about expertise when rating MC. Does expertise matter for all topics? Aren't there
some topics for which there are no experts?

Remember that we are not just talking about formal expertise. Informal expertise is equally
important, and for some topics may be a more common type of E-E-A-T

When I think about E-E-A-T, it seems like expertise and experience overlap a lot. What's the

Here's one way to think about it:

● Expertise often involves objective, testable knowledge or skills, for example: can you calculate
the load bearing weight of a bridge?

● Experience can be more subjective and is often shared through personal narration, for example:
how does it feel to experience love for another person?

For PQ rating, it's not important to distinguish between expertise / experience. Instead, focus on
what kind of content is trustworthy and satisfying for the purpose of the page.

Aren't some types of pages always Low quality, such as celebrity gossip?

There are both High and Low quality celebrity gossip pages. A celebrity gossip page is High quality
if it has accurate, interesting information, coming from reliable source.

I've never seen a High quality page of this type. If there are no high quality pages of this type,
why are we giving existing pages a Low quality rating?

For some topics or types of pages, there may not be many (or any!) High quality pages now, but
there may be in the future. We need a uniform set of standards that apply to all pages, even for
pages that have not yet been created.
Some of these criteria seem unfair. For example, some art pages do not have a purpose. Are
these pages Low quality?

Art pages do have a purpose: artistic expression. Artistic expression, humor, entertainment, sharing
photos and videos, etc. are all valid and beneficial page purposes.

How should interstitials factor into my rating?

Sometimes clicking on the task URL will bring up an interstitial page. You can ignore this page in
your rating criteria if you can easily get to the MC. However, if the interstitial makes it extremely
hard (or impossible) to get to the MC and evaluate how well the page achieves its purpose, that
should factor into your PQ rating.

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