Pronoun Video
Pronoun Video
Pronoun Video
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Task Language: Hindi (IN)
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Porn in MC
Foreign Language
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- The page or website is untrustworthy or deceptive
- The page or website has characteristics of webspam
Reputation of the parties Negative reputation Mildly negative reputation Neither high nor low Positive reputation Very positive reputation
responsible for the main
content Evidence of scams, Mixed reputation for YMYL No safety concern according
malicious behavior, financially content to scam detection or internet
Responsible parties may include fraudulent behavior, website safety sites
the website, an organization or spreads hate
business, an online community,
or individual content creator(s).
No reputation information
found. 1/3
11/01/2025, 12:14 07:57 Rater Hub Task
Comment on Reputation Please include URL( that provide reputation information, if possible. Note: URL will not be needed if the checkbox below is checked.
Already researched or well-known person(s), business, community, or website
Page Content: Title Page title is extremely Page title is slightly Page title summarizes the
misleading, shocking, or misleading, shocking, or page
exaggerated exaggerated
Page Content: MC Deceptive page design Misleading page design Page design makes it clear
identification what is MC, SC, and Ads
Page has characteristics of
scams, malicious downloads, or
other harmful behavior
Page Content: MC focus Ads/SC/other features Ads/SC/other features MC is the focus of the page:
deliberately obscure the MC significantly distract from the MC Ads/SC/other features do not
significantly distract from the MC
Information provided by the Little or no website Unsatisfying amount of Adequate (or better)
website information when the page is a information about the website for information about the website for
clear YMYL topic, or the website the purpose of the page the purpose of the page
Link to get started needs a high level of trust (e.g.,
a shopping website)
Main Content Quality Very unsatisfying MC: fails to Unsatisfying MC for the purpose Adequate MC: achieves the Satisfying MC: achieves the Very satisfying MC: achieves the
achieve the purpose or achieves of the page: does not achieve purpose of the page purpose of the page well purpose of the page very well
Based on the MC of the landing the purpose very poorly the purpose well
page Nothing wrong, nothing High level of effort or depth Very high level of effort or
No MC, gibberish MC, Superficial content: lacks special of meaningful content depth of meaningful content
hacked spammed or defaced effort, originality, talent or skill
MC A new discussion or post by Meaningful participation in a In-depth, meaningful
Few helpful comments or a person without much discussion participation in a discussion
MC is copied, auto- many unhelpful comments in a participation yet
generated, or otherwise created discussion High level of originality, Very high level of originality,
without adequate effort. talent or skill talent or skill
Page has "filler", commonly
Little to no effort, talent, skill, known facts, or other low-value
originality, manual curation, or MC
added value for users
Mild inaccuracies, mildly
MC is harmful to self or harmful or mildly misleading MC
others, to specified groups, or is
harmfully misleading
Experience, Expertise, Highly untrustworthy Not very trustworthy Adequate level of E-E-A-T Trustworthy Very trustworthy
Authoritativeness, and Trust for the purpose of the page
Highly unreliable Not very reliable A reliable and go-to source Uniquely authoritative, go-to
Trust is extremely important for for the purpose of the page source for the purpose of the
Critical lack of personal Lack of personal experience page
YMYL topics. Trust may be less
experience by the creator(s) of by the creator(s) of the MC Satisfying level of personal
important for some types of
the MC experience by the creator(s) of Very satisfying level of
pages. Lack of expertise of the the MC personal experience by the
Critical lack of expertise of creator(s) of the MC creator(s) of the MC
the creator(s) of the MC Satisfying level of expertise
of the creator(s) of the MC Very satisfying level of
expertise of the creator(s) of the
MC 2/3
11/01/2025, 12:14 07:57 Rater Hub Task
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Comment (required):
MC is youtube video is about pronoun definition and types, there is no information about the channel
and the content creator. 3/3