Telangana Prehistory
Telangana Prehistory
Telangana Prehistory
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Middle Paleolithic Age- Evolutionary Changes
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Pre - Historical Age
Human beings of this age used small hand axes, pole axes and scraping stones. There are
sources that single- faced, dual- faced, side-bordered, straight, slanted, concave, convex, concave-
ls convex tools, drills, awls-borers, single-faced corners, double-faced corners, tail-ended tools
VS made
ade of stone flakes were used by the human beings.
beings .
1n Important sites relating to this age are found atAppapur, Borapur, Chandraguptapattanam or
as Chakalisila, Saleswaram, Kadalivanam, Medimankal, Kyaturu, Somasila, Dasarapalle, in the Nallamalla
rs forests
·orests of Mahbubnagar district; Yeleswaram, Nagarjunakonda in Nalgonda district; Ganapavaram in
In :•:arangal
Varangal district; Asifabad, Pochera, Naspur, Marlavayi inAdilabad district; and Godavarikhani,
1Il 1edipalli, Buchayyapalem, Ramagundam, Malkapuram, etc., in Karimnagar district.
Upper Paleolithic Age- Changes in the Stone Tool Technology
Geographically and climatically, this period indicates ending phase of the Pleistocene (Ice
Age) and the beginning of Holocene phase ((warm
warm period). The people of this age used blade tools,
.. de-border blade tools and at some places bone tools. They learnt to draw pictures with colours in
ae stone caves during this age.
The sites and tools used by the people of this age in Telangana were noticed at the lower hilly
regions and in the low-lying regions of the ecological zones of the river valleys. Important sites that
belong to Upper Paleolithic age are found at Vankidi inAdilabad district; Cherla, Bomagudem,
Laknavaram, Lingavaram, Peravaram, Rayavaram, Viravaram, Yellavaram in the Godavari valley;
Eturunagaram and Pakala,
Pak.ala, in Warangal district; Yeleswaram, Nagarjunakonda, Chandrguptapattanam,
Kadalivanam, Medimankal and other regions in the Krishna valley.
Mesolithic (Middle)Stone Age-Another step in Progress
en Geographically and climatically, the Mesolithic age belongs to the first Holocene age. From
ls hat time onwards more favorable conditions for human progress have come within the reach. During
of his age, human beings used microlith tools and weapons. That is why, this agewas also called as
he ficrolithic age. This age is also the last among those who used only stone weapons. During Neolithic
eir ge which followed this, besides stone, bone
age bones and weapons and tools made of metals were also used.
In the excavations conducted at the memorial stone that is lying at the main entrance of the
_·niversity of Hyderabad, many microlithic tools made of chert stones were unearthed. Among them,
scraping stones, backed blades were important. Though this site is not located on the river side, the
discovery of various stone tools belonging to this age indicate that the people of this age lived in
»of several spacious lands besides the river tracks also.
ict. In the colour paintings that are there in the caves belonging to the Mesolithic age, more than
50 figures are seen. Among algebraic specimens of these deer, cat, hyna, dog, fox, and tortoise and
geometrical designs, veiled human figures and hand impressions in red colourare seen chiefly. These
paintings are mostly seen in the limestone or granite and sandstone hill caves .
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[elangaha llistor\y-Culture
elangata llistor\y[Culture al
·. paintings
The first generation ·. ·. ·. to thi sageare
tonging tsageare there in
in �1uiurisdicti•
·. the rockk caves o1o) fS anganonipallf
. -111.urisdicti«
in Mahbubnagar district. Important among these are of deers. They are of big size. It could be noticed sharpen• sharpern
that the painters brush began from deer's head to the rear parts of its body. This characteristic is als@Progre
seen in the paintings Duppad Gattu, Pothanpalli and Mannemkonda which are located near Sangnonipalli
Paintings of this age are also there in the rock caves at Kokapeta in Ranga Reddy district, Ramagundem,
in Karimnagar district, Hastalapur in Medak district, Pandavulaguttaand Narsapurin Warangal district 5tones, stones,1
Neolithic Age- Significant Characteristics [Chagat
The age in which human beings used chiselled and then opinion
smoothened by repeated rubbing stone tools is known as
Neolithic age. In this age, weapons and tools were also made
into Te
of bones. Might bein the later part of this age, they even
learnt to make tools with the metals such as copper and bronze.
With the help ofthese, they learnt to dig the soil, plant saplings,
ter l
there t
grow them and raise crops. The process of growing of crops
Age -- Stone Axe
New Stone Age--
has led to three important discoveries.
1. As the agriculturists have to stay near the crops until they are harvested they are made to build
houses and stay permanently there. This, in turn, led to the emergence of family, society and
2. For storing the crop yield, containers became necessary. This necessity led to the manufacturing
of pots and big containers. In the beginning, pots were made of clay, burnt and were made
solid. Later, potters' wheel was discovered and on it, it was learnt to prepare smooth pottery.
With the manufacturing of pottery the idea of storage has grown and with it, the idea of
'individual property' has taken birth, which in turn, has resulted in the obliteration of the idea
of equality and the development of rich and poor classes in the society.
3. For growing crops on a large scale, domestication of cattle was resorted to. For transporting
crop yields, wheeled carts came into use, which led to the birth of trade. In this way, human
beingsduring this age, have moved from food-gathering stage to food production stage, This
development has been regarded by Gordon Childe as 'New Stone Age Revolution'.
The first stage settlements of the Neolithic age used to be there either on granite hills, or on the
flat surfaces on the hills, or in the lower parts of the valleys. In the Godavari valley area and in the
coast of flowing Maneru river in Karirnnagar
Karimnagar district there were many settlements such as Togarai,
Kadambapur and Pedabankur. In the same area, on the coast of flowing Peddavagu, there are
settlements of this new stone age at places such as Budigepalli, Polakonda, Kolakonda and Devarapalli.
At Togarai settlements near the granite hills that looked rising straight, place or industry where tools
were manufactured, was seen. In Kadambapur and atAija in Mahbubnagar district stones on which
axes were sharpened are seen. Such sharpened stones are there on a hillock which is there in the
Pre - Historical Age
.sdiction of Pedda Revalla village in Mahbubnagar district. There is a village with the
rpener stone) in Vellaturmandal
sharpener Vellatunnandal of Karimnagar district.
Microlithie Stone Implements
In the Neolithic period, earthenware vessels were chiefly made with hand only. Ash colour or
ght brown colour vessels used to be there. These pots seem to have smeared with black or red
:,olish. These used to have black or red colour layer. Mostly red colour decoration used to be there.
Perforated earthen jars and pots were also in use during this age. Their surfaces used to be coarse.
These pots have close similarity with the pottery belonging to early Indus civilisation. In the same way,
hey also had resemblance with the pottery belonging to Baluchistan and early Harappan civilisation.
At some places, ash-colour pots and light yellowish-coloured vessels were made on the wheel. They
had resemblance with the pottery belonging to the Jorve Chalcolithic age, in Maharashtra. Jorvepottery
belonged to the period between 1400 and 1050 BCE.
[elangana History -Culture al
at several places areas ofNew Stone age got entered into Iron age. bodie:
type b
Megalithic Age: Changes witnessed in the Evolutionary Process They :
Between 1500 BCE and 300 BCE, the people ofTelangana used to keep the skeletons f the
in an earthenware box or stone nest and erect big stones in rounc shape around the stone nest.
At some places, stones used for constructing the nest were also in big size. Hence this age was called 2.
as Rakshasagullu age or big stone age.As iron objects were, for the first time, extensively used during
age, it is called as Iron age. Local people called these nests also as 'Pandavulagoollu' and
The burials of this age could be divided as first type burials and second type burials. If dead
ersons are buried as it is, such burials are called as first type burials. On the other hand, if the dead
bodies are burnt or cremated and after this, if the remnants (bones) are buried, these are called second
pe burials. Megalithic burials on the basis of their constructions could be divided into four types.
They are:
Pit burials are those in which a pit is dug, and the skeleton is put in an earthenware box, or in
it a rectangular stone slabs room, and after closing the pit, big stones are erected around it in a circular
form. If the rectangular stone slabs room is not closed completely, but one hand's height of it is